A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 378: Activating the Floating City (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Go back! Living person! This is not the place you should be!"

Just as Zuo Si approached the entrance to one of the tunnels leading deep underground, a tomb knight wrapped in pitch-black armor made a low and creepy sound.

Through the gap in the fully enclosed helmet, one could vaguely see the pale face hidden behind it, as well as two eyes shining with evil light.

It is easy to tell from the armor style and the exquisite enchanted giant sword she holds in her hand that she was a female high-level [Magic Knight] during her lifetime, and had a professional level of at least LV15.

Of course, this [Magic Knight] is very different from the [Arcane Knight] in Faerûn.

The prerequisites for the latter are mastering three-ring magic and certain warrior professional training, which is an out-and-out advanced profession.

And after the advancement is successful, each level up is equivalent to simultaneously increasing its arcane spellcasting level and warrior level, which is a typical dual cultivation of arcane magic.

When the career level reaches LV10, you can also gain an ability called [Spell Strike], which can cause heavy damage to the enemy in melee combat or destroy the body's balance, and release a spell with extremely fast movements.

In other words, [Arcane Knight] is actually equivalent to a warrior and a mage. The characteristics of the two professions are still separate, rather than completely integrated.

But [Magic Knight] is different.

This is the ultimate magic warrior finally created after countless cruel transformation experiments and the sacrifice of countless human lives. It is also a unique specialty of Mutahar Floating City.

This is not so much a profession as it is a race.

Only the offspring of those who accepted the transformation and survived can be trained to become [Magic Knights], and they are basic professions from the beginning.

Their biggest feature is that they directly transform the magic knowledge that originally took a lot of time to learn into spell-like abilities, without having to worry about the chance of spell casting failure caused by wearing heavy armor.

Daily training also focuses more on fighting and improving physical fitness.

Whenever the physical strength reaches the corresponding standard, [Magic Knight] will participate in a magic ritual called "Glorious Evolution".

Through this ritual, the hidden power of transformation blood in the body is activated, and if successful, more and stronger spell-like abilities can be obtained.

But if it fails, then the body will explode from the inside because it cannot withstand the violent energy, turning into a blood mist all over the sky.

As for the probability of success...

It is said that it is about 50%, with half success and half failure.

But according to Zuo Si's observation, this thing is definitely a lie, and it is estimated that it cannot even reach one-third.

Therefore, even for Mutahar Floating City, every living high-level [Magic Knight] is a very precious asset.

Not only will they be provided with the best weapons and equipment, but a large number of handsome men and beautiful slaves will also be prepared for them to vent their desires.

Even the tadpoles of male knights were used for artificial insemination to ensure sufficient follow-up reserves.

In addition, for a long time, low-level [Magic Knights] were slaves, and they were the key products of the trade between Mutahar Floating City and other floating cities.

The Necromancer Asta has purchased and conducted vivisection research more than once.

Zuo Si was very "honored" to become the chief surgeon, and was deeply impressed by the [Magic Knight]'s unusual physiological structure.

These guys are no longer human beings in the strict sense. Not only do they have two hearts, four lungs, and two sets of blood circulation systems, they also have two digestive systems.

Asta speculated that the original origin of the [Magic Knight] should be that a creature with natural spellcasting ability and a human warrior were forcibly fused together through some unknown powerful transformation magic ritual or transformation.

The two hearts, digestive system and blood circulation system in the body are responsible for spellcasting and fighting respectively.

Therefore, they can be completely independent, and can still release various spell-like abilities without interference even during intense hand-to-hand combat.

But it is a pity that since the [Magic Knights] group has reproduced for many generations, and the proportion of human blood is getting higher and higher, it is impossible to trace what kind of creature the Mutahar Floating City was fused with back then.

But now, these things that were once regarded as top secrets have finally opened the door to Zuo Si.

He ignored the other party's warning and directly released the power of the spark, forcibly turning the woman who was eroded by negative energy and transformed into a grave knight into a card.

As expected, the opponent not only retained the [Magic Knight] career level, spell-like abilities, and equipment as high as LV15 during his lifetime, but also gained immunity and enhancement of undead creatures, and had the ability to summon ghost mounts, control undead creatures, release and Channels various abilities such as strong acid energy called "Destruction".

The most important thing is that this tomb knight has a strength attribute of thirty-two points, agility and charm of eighteen points, intelligence of fifteen points, and perception of twelve points.

Except for the irreparable weakness of the undead being born with no physical attributes, they are almost as powerful as high-level demons, devils and celestial beings.

"Interesting... is such a high basic attribute enhanced by becoming an undead, or is it a physical quality that exceeds the limits of human beings? I am now more and more interested in the technology of making [Magic Knight]."

Looking at the detailed description on the card, Zuo Si's eyes immediately revealed his naked and unabashed curiosity and desire to get something.

Obviously, this was one of the "fascinating things" he just mentioned to Vanessa about the Mutahar Floating City.

In fact, after so many years of research and development, each floating city has its own unique secrets and technologies.

Among them, Plantia's floating city is most representative of its various spells, especially super spells that are analogous to legendary magic.

There is also the construction technology of constructs and golems.

In addition to the specialty product of [Magic Knight], Mutahar Floating City is also far ahead of other floating cities in research on biological transformation, body transformation, and changing material properties.

Those artificial undead creatures with unique structures and shapes are probably influenced by the above knowledge and technology.

As the Tomb Knight, who possesses wisdom and can control low-level undead, was made into a card, a large number of low-level undead creatures in the tunnel instantly lost control and began to be affected by the instinctive hatred of living creatures, immediately swarming up like a tide.

But just a second later, they receded like the tide.

The reason is also very simple!

The holy sword exuding dazzling light and terrifying positive energy was unsheathed.

In front of it, not to mention these low-level undead, even the legendary lich would immediately choose to use teleportation magic to escape.

Because after being strengthened again and again, this two-handed giant sword has been completely exhausted in terms of its ability to restrain the undead and evil creatures.

Every time it is swung, it is equivalent to releasing the five-ring magic [Weapon of Destruction]. Undead creatures that are not high enough level will be wiped out on the spot even if they touch the side, not to mention being chopped or stabbed.

Moreover, the sword body will constantly release purifying light, forming an effect similar to the five-ring magic [Holy Residence], filling the surrounding environment with amazing positive energy, which can greatly weaken the undead, demons and demons. and the power of evil creatures.

In addition, the ability to dispel magic originated from Casomire has been further improved and turned into advanced dispel magic.

The Innistrad world "Moonsilver" that was added later seems to also contain the attributes of "breaking demons" and "sealing".

Anyone who is touched by this thing, regardless of whether it causes effective damage, has a high chance of blocking the flow of magic energy, causing the target's spellcasting concentration to be interrupted.

Of course, everything has a good side and a bad side.

The biggest disadvantage of the Holy Sword is that when the opponent is a creature of the good camp, then this thing is not even as effective as a sharp steel sword.

Not only are all abilities ineffective, but the positive energy released will also heal the opponent...

But now, it is the most powerful and powerful weapon against thousands of undead creatures in front of us.

When the light of the holy sword illuminated the entire dark passage, all the undead creatures instantly shrank back into the darkness.

Only the skeletons and zombies without any sense continued to rush forward stupidly, and eventually turned into a pile of bones or rotten meat under the irradiation of positive energy.

As for the undead like ghouls who have begun to have thoughts and wisdom, they carefully stretched out a finger and quickly retreated after feeling the burning of positive energy.

After all the low-level zombies and skeletons are dead, an interesting scene appears.

As long as Zuo Si, holding the holy sword, takes a step forward, the group of undead will take a step back.

The area covered by positive energy is like an invisible barrier, and no undead creature dares to step beyond it.

The higher the level and intelligence attributes of undead creatures, the stronger the fear and fear reactions.

Even if they could manage to move within the area enveloped by positive energy, they had no intention of rushing forward.

Among them, the Face Snatchers, Soul Captors, Tomb Knights, etc., who are in dominant and leadership positions, have long been hiding far away from the back.

The two sides advanced and retreated like this, heading deeper along the maze-like intricate passages under the Mutahar Floating City. After a while, they arrived at the rotunda at the bottom.

The moment they approached this place, countless undead creatures immediately acted as if they had encountered natural enemies. They did not even dare to get close and got into other passages nearby.

Zuo Si obviously didn't have time to play a hide-and-seek game with these guys, so he kicked open the entrance that was sealed with wooden boards. He saw fourteen powerful undead spellcasters confronting each other, and he couldn't help laughing and joking. : "I thought the reason why you haven't come out to surrender is because you haven't made up your mind yet. Who would have thought that it was actually an internal strife."

"Who are you?"

The spellcaster holding the bone staff suddenly raised his head and asked.

While they were speaking, the two cold gleams in the eyes of several other casters were still staring at the holy sword, clearly feeling the terrible threat posed by this weapon.

"My name is Soth. I am the current owner of the floating city of Plantia above my head, and I will also be the owner of this place soon."

Zuo Si unceremoniously announced his ownership of everything in Mutahar Floating City.

Just like artifacts can only be inhabited by those with "virtue", the same is true for the floating city.

As long as he has sufficient martial virtue, he can claim ownership of anything he likes.

If you are not convinced, then beat them until you are convinced, or simply crush the opponent from body to soul.

"What? You are actually the owner of Plantia Floating City!"

The leading undead creature caster was obviously taken aback.

Because Zuo Si is too young, even if he has the appearance of a teenager after the first wave of rapid growth in adolescence, he can usually only be regarded as a novice and apprentice in the circle of mages.

He is not at all like the person who could release the destructive magic [Starfall] a year ago.

Zuo Si asked meaningfully: "Why, is it hard to believe? I happen to be in a good mood today, so let me tell you another secret. In fact, the source of this magical plague that swept the entire continent and caused the destruction of civilization was me. Woolen cloth."

As these words blurted out, the fourteen undead spellcasters transformed from the Archmage fell into a terrible silence.

Although the skin and muscles on their faces have festered and fallen off, leaving only dry skeletons unable to express any expression, the crazily flashing light in their eye sockets reveals the violent emotional fluctuations in the owner's heart.

For a moment, the silence in the vaulted hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

But Zuo Si ignored the other party's reaction and continued: "Although the disaster was entirely caused by accident, I have never had the idea of ​​​​exterminating all humans on this land.

But I feel no compunction at all about killing and destroying the Council of Mages and you archmages, as well as the rule established with the Floating City as its core.

Finally, I will give you a piece of advice, that is, I am very disgusted with your arrogant image during my lifetime, so it is best not to be smart and try to test my patience and bottom line.

Otherwise the consequences may be very serious.

Now, tell me who is willing to honestly give up resistance and surrender, and who is willing to fight to the end to taste the taste of this holy sword? "

The words have not yet been spoken!

Zuo Si then injected the white energy from the planeswalker system into the holy sword.

In the blink of an eye, the already bright and dazzling sword released an energy storm comparable to the sun, sweeping across the entire hall in an instant.

The bones of many high-level undead casters had severe burn marks on their surfaces, and the rich negative energy in their bodies was suppressed to the point where it could not even escape.



The instinctive resistance to complete death from body to soul!

They simply couldn't believe that there was such an artifact in this world that could target and restrain them.

Even the most powerful undead caster cannot guarantee that he will still be alive after being struck by this holy sword.

In less than a few seconds, the original confrontation between the two sides came to an end.

Instead, fourteen undead creature casters knelt on the ground one after another, expressing their submission to the new master of Mutahar Floating City in the most humble manner.

Although they were all great mages when they were alive, with self-esteem and pride far beyond ordinary people, and would never bow to anyone easily, but now they are just a group of evil undead with no bottom line.

"What a pity! I thought there would be one or two unbelievers who would stand up and let me try the sword."

Zuo Si deliberately pretended to look regretful and sighed slightly.

Although this sentence sounded a bit harsh, the undead spellcasters kneeling on the ground did not react at all, as if it was filtered out by themselves.

They are not stupid, nor do they have the hot-blooded impulses of normal people. They will think and handle everything in the most rational and calm way.

This situation is obviously unbeatable. Anyone who dares to show his face will be 100% purified by the holy sword on the spot.

Soon, with the cooperation of these guys, all the undead that had been hiding in the underground tunnels crawled out again and were scattered on the streets that had been bombed into ruins.

Zuo Si directly cast a time reversal magic to restore the originally destroyed building and the things stored inside to the original state.

After finishing all this, he suddenly activated the power of sparks in an attempt to cover the entire Mutahar Floating City, as well as all the undead creatures inside.

But unfortunately, with the current spark level of LV11, it is obviously impossible to seal such a huge magical creation and a large number of high-level undead in one card.

But Zuo Si obviously already had a backup plan, which was the [Spark Connection] ability gained after Spark awakened.

Although in description, this ability is equivalent to a one-time enhancement and cannot be replaced once the connection is successful, the actual operation is much more complicated than the description.

In particular, completely connecting two sparks does not happen overnight, but requires maintaining resonance for a long time.

During this period, the main spark power that one possesses will be greatly strengthened, and may even be temporarily raised to LV12 or even LV13.

Once this resonance state ceases, the linking process between the two sparks will quickly terminate.

Of course, the price of failed connection is that the other spark will inevitably be reduced by half to a level.

Since the spark captured by the previous hunt for "Wolf Mother" Yalin was originally intended to be given to Xia En VII, there was no need to keep it at a high level, and it could just be used as a consumable at this time.

No hesitation!

Zuo Si directly resonated his own spark with Yalin's spark, instantly creating a huge light curtain that completely covered the entire Mutahar Floating City.

Before the senior management of Plantia Floating City and the players who were watching the fun figured out what was going on, he had a card shining with golden light in his hand.

But compared to the card, what really shocked and disbelieved everyone was the fact that his whole body was exuding colorful light at this moment, like a god descending.

The two sparks at the critical point are entangled in a situation that even the planeswalkers can't understand. They are constantly rotating around the body. From time to time, they will collide together and release an astonishing energy impact.

But Zuo Si obviously had no time to pay attention to this. He immediately took out the previous [Your Half Body] card, continuously drew energy from the floating city of Plantia behind, and finally fused the two cards together.

[Mixed Card (Treasure + Creature): Demonic Crystalized Ghost Floating City—Mutahar]

[LV13 multi-color card (can be upgraded)]

[Card quality: unique]

[Effect: Summon an activated floating city controlled by the will of the evil artifact Shattered Demon Crystal - Clinshinibon to serve you until it is completely destroyed.

One of the biggest features of the floating city is that the central tower and other mage towers are covered with a layer of extremely beautiful translucent crystals. It has a "magic crystal tower"-like ability that can continuously absorb energy from the sun and preserve it. , and converted into spells and released when needed.

In addition, it can absorb any creature, corpse and soul, and then consume energy to transform into any undead form.

As long as you are willing to consume enough energy, or the body and soul are strong enough during life, it will be no problem whether you transform into a lich, dracolich, vampire, or other high-level undead.

At the same time, high-level undead spellcasters can also transform some low-level undead, making them more difficult to deal with on the original basis.

The power of all undead creatures within the influence of Mutahar Floating City will be greatly strengthened, and the damage they have suffered will slowly recover.

In addition, as long as the ghost dracolich, the carrier of the will of the broken magic crystal, is not killed, all undead creatures in the floating city will be reborn within a certain period of time even after death (which also requires energy consumption).

The creatures in Mutahar's floating city are immune to all ordinary magic, psychic powers and physical attacks from the outside world, and can even reflect spells back intact.

Only legendary spells that transcend the nine rings or similar magical effects can cause real damage to it.

Finally, when this floating city appears in a certain world, it will automatically form a magic network casting system similar to that of Faerûn. Its current coverage exceeds a radius of 5,000 kilometers and will expand as the card level increases.

As a replica of Clinshinibon, the Magic Crystal Tower can also produce the same effect within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Currently, the floating city can maintain up to twenty magic crystal towers at the same time and ensure error-free transmission between each other]

[Using this card requires paying one thousand black mana points, two hundred blue mana points and three hundred white mana points, or one thousand five hundred general magic points]

[When the summoned floating city is destroyed, or the ghost dracolich as the carrier of the will of the broken magic crystal is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth for two hundred days]

Looking at this super card created by overdrafting the power of sparks, Zuo Si didn't have time to think too much. He once again extracted energy from the floating city of Plantia behind him, activated it directly and released it.

The next second...

A huge floating city shrouded in thick black fog and shadow from top to bottom appeared out of thin air, floating in the sky side by side with another floating city.

Although the thick black fog and shadows make it difficult to see what's going on inside, the huge dragon-shaped shadow standing on the central tower and the large red light flashing in the darkness are all unbearable. Feeling fear.

"Lying grass! Awesome!"

"What just happened?"

"Why did such a big floating city disappear all of a sudden? What happened to this dark floating city?"

"Gan! Our young city lord seems a bit fierce! The one who repaired the large damaged buildings just now must be time magic, right?"

"Be confident! Get rid of all the uncertain adjectives like, a little bit! This magical ability is simply ridiculously strong!"

"Yes! Those undead armies that drove us around in the first place are as obedient and obedient as puppies under his control."

"The shelling just now was so exciting! Did you notice the huge shells falling from the sky like skyscrapers, and the mushroom cloud that was set off at the moment of the explosion? Just looking at the effect, I believe it is a tactical nuclear bomb!"

"Alas - I died too early, unlike you who persisted until the end and didn't get to see that spectacular scene."

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, we have all turned on the recording function. We will send the video file to you when we go offline, so you can experience it from the first-person perspective."

"Thanks, man."

"You're welcome. After all, we are comrades who have lived and died together. We may even cooperate more in the future."

"That's right! Reward! Who knows where to get the reward?"

"Don't worry. The Central Tower has just responded, saying that they will start distributing rewards after this matter is over."

"Ahhh! Why can't we catch up on this kind of thing? It's such a big loss!"

"Hey, who told you not to train well in the academy before and waste your time elsewhere. Remember, in this game, strength always comes first. After this mission, I finally understand , some of the most exciting and dangerous missions, if you don’t have enough levels, I’m afraid you won’t even be qualified to participate.”

"Damn it! I can't do it anymore! I'm going to get pink eye!"

"Here, eat a radish."

"Get out! I'm not a rabbit!"

For a moment, the players who witnessed the whole process were immediately divided into two groups.

You don't need to know that one of the factions is the more than 140 elites who participated in this mission. They are happily looking forward to receiving their share of rewards, and telling other players about their experience of this mission, causing the latter to exclaim and envy. .

The other group was composed of most ordinary players who wanted to participate but failed to do so. They stamped their feet and beat their chests with remorse, shouting that it was unfair, and vowed to find Vanessa, who was in charge of daily affairs, to argue with them.

Of course, there is a high probability that the final result will be that the construct will be thrown directly from the second floor.

Vanessa has adopted a zero-tolerance strategy for players' bizarre behaviors and unreasonable demands, and will not give them even the slightest chance to take advantage of them.

Otherwise, once these guys get a taste of the sweetness, they will definitely get worse in the future.

However, Zuo Si obviously no longer cared about the player's reaction. He quickly released the spark resonance state and plunged into the magic crystal shadow empty city - Mutahar. He half-knelt on the ground and gasped for air, and his whole body was in a state of shock. Completely drenched in sweat.

You don't need to ask to know that the state of "overclocking" sparks like the one just now will definitely put an unimaginable huge burden on the body and mind.

If it hadn't been for the "sharp teeth" that devoured Ivicola Sagram to possess a physique and vitality that surpassed that of the ancient blue dragon, it would have lost consciousness, fainted, or simply died if it had persisted for a few seconds at most.

"Oh! My dear master, you are really in such a mess."

A giant dragon exuding an evil and cold aura descended from the sky, with a hint of frivolity and ridicule in his tone.

You don't need to ask to know that he replaced the diary of the consciousness of the "King of the Netherworld" after the fusion of the broken magic crystal and the red dragon Hephaestus, which is equivalent to another Zuo Si himself.

After landing, this guy immediately used transformation magic to transform himself into exactly the same person as Zuo Si, and each of his arms held a female death knight with a beautiful face and figure.

The latter's originally strong and leak-proof magic armor was now transformed into a three-point style of sexy underwear. It only barely covered a few important parts, and his two salty hands were constantly touching the sensitive area. Groping up and down, he looked like an old pervert.

"They are all undead creatures. Do you still have this desire?"

Zuo Si raised his head and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

He suddenly began to regret releasing the diary and giving him a floating city that he could use and control at will.

Because every time I see the other person, it’s like watching the dark history of my past flashing before my eyes. The indescribable shame makes me explode on the spot.

“Although the physical desires are gone, I can enjoy spiritual pleasure.

You have to understand that a person's pursuit of physical desires cannot be considered a perversion at all. Only a person who can obtain similar enjoyment and satisfaction from the spiritual level is truly perverted.

In addition, if it is convenient, it is best to get more beautiful women to come in, race, age, etc. do not matter.

It would be better if there is a combination of sisters, mother and daughter. "

While talking, this guy even shamelessly performed a large-scale tongue kiss with one of the female knights of the tomb.

You must know that they are undead!

Although these grave knights have not been dead for a long time, their bodies are not completely decayed and broken. On the surface, they look like pale-skinned vampires.

But the problem is, their bodies are constantly exuding a disgusting rotten smell.

In the end, Zuo Si couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and held his forehead and shouted: "That's enough! You are sincerely here to disgust me, right?"

"Haha! Have you discovered this? If you can't stand it, then get more beautiful women over and I can transform them into vampires or half-ghost creatures. Then you won't have to watch such heavy scenes. ." The diary grinned with a wicked smile that showed success.

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily: "Okay! I'm afraid of you! When the next world opens, I will give the players tasks and ask them to help you get rid of slave owners or defeated nobles when they attack cities and territories. Pick some suitable ones.”

“Long live understanding!”

Diary raised his hands and cheered.

It has to be said that his current state does not look like an undead creature at all, no matter in terms of words, deeds, or spirit.

"Now, take me to the central tower. I can't wait to see Mutahar's top secrets." Zuo Si ordered with a look of disgust.

"No problem! Please follow me."

The diary casually drove away the two female knights of the tomb, and then took the lead towards the location of the central tower.

Since it was originally night, and Mutahar was shrouded in black mist and shadows with magical power from top to bottom, the visibility was frighteningly low. Basically, you could not see anything clearly beyond half a meter, even dark vision. Lost its effect.

If there is no one to lead the way, you may suddenly fall from the edge of the floating city and die while walking.

After passing through the longest and most spacious main road, the two finally walked in from the only entrance of the central tower.

Skipping the general books, knowledge, information, history and backups of common spells stored on the lower floors, they quickly arrived at the library on the upper floor where top secrets and the Archmage's exclusive magic were stored.

Because the entire floating city has now been completely activated and controlled by the artifact - the broken magic crystal, the diary knows every corner. Pointing to the purple-covered books in the bottom row of the third bookshelf on the right hand side, he said: "Here, then That’s how you want to make the [Magic Knight].”

Without saying anything, Zuo Si immediately walked over, picked it up, and started reading.

In less than ten minutes, he scanned the contents from beginning to end, and at the same time realized why Mutahar regarded it as his top secret.

Otherwise, the whole process was too cruel and bloody, and could even be said to be seriously anti-human, and violated some matters expressly prohibited by the Master Council.

The few archmages who founded this research project at the beginning directly used conjuration magic to summon creatures with powerful magical power from other planes or other worlds, as well as some strange monsters that made people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

Then use a series of methods to break the reproductive isolation, and then let them repeatedly rape hundreds of young female apprentices with at least LV1 mage level, and make them pregnant and give birth to mixed-race offspring.

As for these descendants...

Basically, they are all twisted monsters that don't even have a humanoid form.

After the monsters grow up, if they are male, they will continue to mate with their mothers. If they are female, they will inject human male tadpoles, thus obtaining the third generation of hybrids that roughly have human appearance.

Finally, these hybrid creatures with a very close blood relationship were allowed to mate repeatedly. After decades of manual screening, intervention, and elimination, the only qualified male was finally obtained.

And he is the ancestor and source of all [Magic Knights].

"No wonder [Magic Knight] gains such a wide variety of spell-like abilities after each successful promotion, ranging from arcane magic to divine magic.

It turns out that there are not just one or two bloodlines in their bodies, but hundreds or even thousands.

If such a crazy experiment were leaked, it would 100% be ordered to stop by the parliament, and the relevant personnel would be held accountable.

After all, consuming hundreds of female apprentices with LV1 levels at once has touched the bottom line of the concept of mage supremacy. "

Zuo Si narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

With so many bloodlines mixed together for repeated crossbreeding and iteration, let alone a mere Asta, even if all the archmages from the Floating City of Plantia were gathered together to attack, it would be impossible to trace the source.

"Are you interested in meeting this ancestor?" Diary suddenly came over and asked with a half-smile.

"He's still alive?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

The diary nodded without thinking: "Of course! In order to prevent the [Magic Knight]'s spell-like abilities from getting weaker due to too much mixing with human blood, the archmages sealed this poor guy in an isolated place. Independent space.

Every once in a while, he is let out to be a stallion.

There, time stands still and he neither ages nor dies.

Just the perfect way to do it, isn't it? "

Zuo Si sighed slightly: "Yes! It's a perfect way to preserve living things. The complete stasis of time means there is no thinking activity. Even if it is closed for ten thousand or one hundred thousand years, the spirit will not collapse. But after being a person for so long Stallion, there must be something wrong with this guy’s brain, right?”

"Well, you guessed it.

His brain and endocrine system were severely disrupted, and he was unable to think rationally.

When he wakes up, he will mate like an animal in heat and cannot stop.

If you want to make a [Magic Knight], I suggest that it is best to use his genes to create clones, let players try it, and slowly find a relatively controllable method. "

The diary quickly gave its own advice.

After all, the profession of [Magic Knight] is too unstable. Every time you level up through "Glorious Evolution", it is like going through hell. Failure means death, and there is no way out.

But players are different!

They can be resurrected and tried infinitely, and then the mastermind Isadora collects and summarizes the information. Slowly, they can always find a safe and stable way to upgrade.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si immediately stood up and followed the diary to take a look at the "big stallion", and then went to the core area to confirm that there was no problem with the "Heart of Earth Lines", and then brought a bunch of magic information and research The result is returned to Plantia Floating City.

Also taken away were countless low-level magic items, equipment, potions and scrolls.

The low-level undead simply don't have enough intelligence to use these things, and the high-level undead disdain them, so they might as well use them to improve the strength of poor players.

When Zuo Si came back, a large number of people had gathered at the entrance of the central tower.

Only a small part of them are elites who come to receive rewards, and the vast majority are ordinary players watching the excitement.

As for what fun they were watching...

Of course it’s to watch the prize scratching on the spot!

In addition to the direct gold coin rewards, each elite participating in the action will receive at least five and up to twenty "scratch-off" lottery tickets.

The prizes were piled on the table next to them.

Just scrape it out and you can take it away immediately. Just looking at it makes people feel stimulating and excited.

Especially those weapons and equipment that exude dazzling effects. The ownership of each piece affects the hearts of countless people.

The most eye-catching thing among them is the firearm that is engraved with countless exquisite patterns and inlaid with more than twenty emeralds the size of a thumb cap.

There is no doubt that this is a magical alchemical creation, not a long-handled musket in the ordinary sense.

But unlike other alchemical muskets on the continent of Faerûn, which are usually muskets with smooth inner walls, it has a rifled rifle that can greatly increase the range and accuracy.

Not only that, you can also use alchemy bullets and ordinary gunpowder bullets at the same time.

So from the moment this weapon was put up, more than 140 elite players went completely crazy.

Some people even risked their lives to get the gun, using the winnings they just received to buy lottery tickets that others had not yet played.

Of course, the result is that gambling dogs will not die well.

Ordinary players gathered here to see the miserable situation of these guys spending all their money and getting nothing, in order to regain some psychological balance...

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