A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 362: Only those with

In the deep and dark cave, a huge red dragon lay on top of mountains of gold and silver treasures, motionless as if it had fallen into a long sleep.

However, if you look closely, you will find that his two eyes are actually open, but for some reason, they are not like a normal red dragon, which will show an orange-red light like the flow of lava. Instead, they show a dim and There is no state of focus.

In front of the huge dragon head, you can vaguely see a 30 cm long, four-sided prismatic pulsating crystal placed vertically.

You don't need to ask to know that this red dragon is Hephaestus who was severely tricked by the cunning and cunning Jarlaxle.

His dull eyes were the result of accidentally spraying the broken magic crystal with his breath of high-temperature flames, which resulted in the release of terrifying energy within it, resulting in a catastrophic result.

As for the crystal in front of me, it is naturally the famous evil artifact - "Clinshinibon".

But at this moment, the broken magic crystal is no longer able to unscrupulously carry out large-scale hints to various nearby evil creatures as before, so that they can serve their own evil purposes and ambitions.

Even the original luster has been lost, just like an ordinary crystal pillar.

Because although Hephaestus' dragon breath did not completely destroy it, it caused great trauma to the consciousness inside the artifact, so that it began to become incomplete and could no longer carry out rational logical thinking.

But at the same time, this attack unexpectedly revealed the secret hidden in the deepest part of Clinshinibon, about how it was born.

Through the transparent crystal pillar, you can vaguely see seven shadows that appear and disappear inside.

Obviously, they were the seven lichs who originally created this evil artifact, and they were also the source of the original magical power of the Magic Crystal.

To be precise, after the magic ceremony, the seven creator lichs, together with their bodies and phylacteries, were all sucked into and sealed inside the artifact.

Before, their spirits and wills had been suppressed by Clinshinibon's consciousness, and they didn't even have a chance to come forward.

But now, with Clinshinibon's will shattered, the lich finally found a chance to come out for some air.

Unfortunately, the phylactery has been completely absorbed by the crystal pillar, and its life and soul are permanently bound to the broken magic crystal, so they have no chance to escape.

As for the red dragon Hephaestus, he has been in a trance since he became blind, often falling into a strange state of stillness.

Moreover, this state of neither thinking nor sleeping gradually became more and more frequent and lasted longer as time went by. This time it lasted for a whole month.

If it had been any other creature, it would have probably starved to death.

But for a giant dragon that can survive by eating dirt, this is obviously nothing at all. It will take at least another hundred years of continuous starvation to cause death.

Just when Hephaestus finally recovered from the weird state that could not be described in words and was about to stretch his body a little, his keen sense of smell and blindness suddenly noticed that there was an extra person in the lair, and he immediately He stood up alertly and shouted loudly: "Who? Who is there?"

"it's me."

With an emotionless response, Zuo Si, who had been observing in the dark for a while, slowly walked out of the shadows.

To be honest, he couldn't believe it at first. A red dragon in its prime had serious mental and soul problems just because of a burst of energy from a broken magic crystal.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, I discovered that the actual situation was more complicated and unimaginable than expected.

Because when Clinshinibon exploded, part of its original will was absorbed by Hephaestus along with the energy spurt, and after years of fusion and assimilation, it eventually became part of his soul and consciousness.

No wonder the consciousness of the broken magic crystal was awakened when the spell plague broke out in the future and formed a large-scale chaotic magic storm. It was immediately able to merge with the red dragon, transforming the body into a special dracolich state, and even Calls himself the "King of the Netherworld".

In addition, there is something vaguely like a seed created by spiritual energy inside the broken magic crystal.

If nothing else, this is the mind flayer who was sprayed to death by the dragon's breath - Ihalas Creek. At the last moment before his death, he retained a mixture of memories and soul fragments through special means.

There is no doubt that the huge energy released by Hephaestus when he sprayed Clinshinibon with his breath of flames inevitably caused such amazing and confusing magical effects that even several parties involved could not figure out what happened. What.

This is why the Crazy Mage is recognized as one of the most dangerous spellcasters.

Under the influence of out-of-control frenzied fluctuations, a low-level zero-level spell may cause the astonishing destructive power of a five-, six-, or seven-level spell.

Except for the goddess of magic herself and the chosen people she gave the silver fire, no one else has the ability to calm down the crazy magic fluctuations that have occurred.

Usually, the only thing you can do at this time is to stop using all spells, scrolls, items, and potions, and then turn around and run wildly while praying to Tymora, the goddess of luck.

Obviously, the current broken magic crystal is no longer the pulsating crystal column, but must be added with the red dragon to be a complete whole.

"A human?!"

There was a trace of surprise in Hephaestus' tone.

Due to his complete blindness, he has not left the nest for a long time, and he has no idea what has happened outside in recent years.

But he knew that under normal circumstances, no human would dare to break into his lair easily.

"Haha, I came all the way from Calimport in the south just to get the legendary artifact, the broken magic crystal - Clinshinibon. If you don't mind, can you give it to me directly? This will be good for both of us. Especially you, maybe you can save your own life."

Zuo Si politely expressed his intention.

Of course, no matter how polite you are, you can't hide the fact that this is a naked robbery.

As the saying goes, artifacts can only be found by those with "virtue".

What kind of virtue is this "virtue"?

Of course it is "martial ethics"!

At least Zuo Si has always understood it this way.

Hephaestus was stunned on the spot and could not recover for a long time.

Because he has only robbed others in his life. When did someone else rob him?

But soon, the red dragon instantly entered a state of rage. Without saying a word, it opened its mouth and sprayed out hot dragon breath in the direction of Zuo Si.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

A bright and dazzling blue-red cone-shaped flame directly swept through the originally not very spacious passage in the cave.

But unfortunately, this kind of single, changeless and very easy to predict attack is of no use to Zuo Si now.

He himself had long drank the flame protection potion. The moment the hot dragon's breath approached, it was firmly blocked by an invisible energy field, just like the rushing river water was separated by a hard rock. .

"Alas - you really don't have a long memory!"

Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly, and instantly transformed into the form of a giant dragon. He opened his big mouth full of fangs and without saying a word, sprayed out an extremely effective lightning breath that shone with silver light in response.


The result was just one second later...

The thick electric beam hit Hephaestus' chest on the spot.

The terrifying energy released in just an instant caused his whole body to tilt back uncontrollably, and even his breath of flames was forcibly interrupted. At the same time, his muscles twitched violently uncontrollably, and he finally rolled and crawled from the treasure. He rolled down the pile, his face full of shock and fear.

Especially in the area where it was hit, there were obvious signs of large areas of burnt black carbonization.

He simply couldn't believe that with his size and powerful vitality, he couldn't even withstand a lightning breath, and lost almost half of his life in an instant.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Hephaestus being blind.

After all, if he could see it, he would find that Zuo Si, who had transformed into a giant dragon, was more than twice as long as him, and his height and weight gave him an overwhelming advantage.

Against the backdrop of the huge blue dragon's body, the red dragon on the side is as "petite and cute" as a child who has not grown up.

What's more, after Zuo Si absorbed the power of Ivicola Sagram's "sharp teeth", the power of his lightning breath in the form of a dragon has already surpassed the latter.

Coupled with the breath and spell effectiveness capabilities given by the [Supreme Talisman], one bite is enough to surpass most legendary magics that are not very lethal.

To be precise, even the most powerful and durable red dragon in its prime among the five-color dragons may be killed on the spot by this blow.

Fortunately, Hephaestus's age was not too low, and he was obviously equipped with equipment that increased spell resistance, so it was just a serious injury.

Zuo Si walked forward unceremoniously, raised one front paw and pressed the opponent's head directly into the soil. The other front paw picked up the broken magic crystal that fell on the ground, feeling what was inside. With the power, he said in a slightly playful tone: "You know what? What I hate most are brainless idiots, and idiots who refuse to eat and drink as a penalty! Unfortunately, you have taken both of them now."

"Damn! If you want Clinshinibon, take it! Let me go! I didn't know you were a powerful ancient blue dragon!"

Hephaestus roared unwillingly, angry and annoyed.

Even though he was blind and couldn't see anything, he could still judge from the lightning breath just now and the size and strength of the claws pressing on his head that this uninvited guest was a human being. He was clearly a creature many times more powerful than himself. Ancient blue dragon.

If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have been stupid enough to initiate an attack.

"Sorry, it's too late. Now, whether it's you, the broken magic crystal, or the treasure in the lair, they all belong to me."

Zuo Si finally took off his disguise and revealed the true purpose of his trip.

After all, what he wanted was the complete artifact, not just the thirty-centimeter-long crystal column.

Before Hephaestus had time to make any resistance, his head was grabbed by a huge force and then slammed against the wall made of solid rock next to him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With every impact, the red dragon's mouth, nose and eye sockets would seep out a large amount of plasma, and its consciousness gradually began to blur. After three or five hits, it completely fainted.

Without saying a word, Zuo Si directly used the power of sparks to make the Broken Magic Crystal and Hephaestus into two cards respectively, and then combined the two cards into one.

In this way, you get [Creature Card: Lord of the Netherworld].

To put it simply, it is a dracolich with a special template that combines the artifact and the red dragon into one.

This guy can not only use the power of the broken magic crystal at will, but also has powerful undead characteristics. He can summon the seven spiritual lichs sealed within Clinshinibon as needed, as well as the similarly spiritual mind flayers. ——Iharas Creek for its service.

Not only that!

As the King of the Netherworld, he also has the powerful power to transform and control undead creatures at will, and there is no upper limit on the number. He can transform as many as he wants and control as many as he wants.

But Zuo Si put so much thought into it, obviously not just to get a summoned creature with the ability of an artifact, but he had a greater ambition.

I saw him directly taking out the diary awakened by the [Creator] ability, and asked with interest: "Are you interested in becoming the consciousness of Clinshinibon?"

"Why me?" Diary asked in confusion.

"It's very simple! I hope to use this card to fuse a floating city with powerful magic protection and attack power, and also make some bold attempts.

To put it simply, it is unmanned, weaponized, and fortified. All its transformations are for the purpose of war and killing, and at the same time, it conducts some dangerous research.

No one else can do it except you, who has the same memory and a similar way of thinking as I do. "

Zuo Si bluntly stated his thoughts and plans.

After all, in addition to the occupied floating city of Plantia, there are still seven floating cities whose whereabouts are unknown.

The most important thing is that these floating cities have no way to obtain the highest authority through the corresponding code procedures like the Plantia floating city. Even if they are successfully captured, they can only be used as a large multi-functional platform.

In this regard, Zuo Si had two countermeasures. One was to find a way to find Horatis Floating City, obtain the incomplete parts of the [Creator] profession, and eventually be promoted to [Legendary Creator], directly awakening an independent Consciousness is used to control the floating city and activate it to a certain extent.

As for the other one, naturally it is to use the powerful ability of the planeswalker to directly make a floating city into a card, and then use another biological card like the Netherworld King to fuse it.

In this way, the latter can not only become the supreme master of the floating city, but also give the floating city a lot of additional power.

Take the broken magic crystal as an example. Not only can it continuously extract energy from sunlight, but the magic crystal tower formed can also effectively resist all magic, mental and physical attacks.

If these abilities are inherited or partially inherited by the entire floating city during the fusion process, then the floating city will become a truly powerful magical fortress.

Of course, these are all Zuo Si's conjectures and expectations. What will happen after the real integration is still a mystery for the time being.

It is precisely because you don’t understand that you have to try.

Although failure may result in the loss of an artifact or even a diary containing one's past thoughts and memories.

But if he had stopped moving forward just because he was afraid of losing, he would never have gotten to where he is today.

Through the spiritual connection, the diary instantly understood the owner's meaning and replied without thinking: "No problem! I am very happy to have a body.

Unfortunately, this red dragon has been transformed into an undead form.

Otherwise, I can open a big harem in my own floating city and live a happy life without shame all day long.

Dragon girls, elf girls, human beauties, beast-eared girls, mermaid girls, tree spirits, water fairies, succubi, pleasure demons, female angels, and lust demons will all be arranged.

If there is a chance to directly enter the 570th floor of the abyss, and then kidnap the succubus Queen Mecanshut back as a maid, then life will be perfect. "

Hearing these naked and unabashed words, Zuo Si couldn't help but hold his forehead and twitch the corners of his mouth crazily. He couldn't help but whisper: "Your sexual interests are still wide enough!

Moreover, he is not picky about food at all.

I strongly suspect that something went wrong when I woke you up, otherwise why would your mind be filled with these forbidden things.

At least I don't remember being as horny as you before. "

But the diary immediately sneered and retorted: "Ha! That's just because the morals and laws of modern society, and your meager income are not enough to support these strong desires, so they are suppressed subconsciously.

If you think about how much rich and powerful people spend money on fun, you should understand that my current performance is just releasing the suppressed part.

What's more, what's wrong with a man being a little perverted? "

"What about now? I don't have these constraints now, but I don't have the unscrupulous desire to vent my desires like you." Zuo Si questioned unceremoniously.

"You are not like me because you have found other things to satisfy your desires and desires, so you are not dominated by your own instincts.

But I don't agree. I am just a carrier of memories and thoughts, and I will follow your thinking and behavior patterns before you gained power.

And this is exactly the reason why you woke me up in the first place. "

The diary quickly gave an explanation.

"That's it! I think I understand..."

After Zuo Si nodded slightly, he immediately made the diary into a card, and then merged it with the [Creature Card: Lord of the Netherworld].

The result was as he expected. The former directly replaced the latter and became the main consciousness after the fusion of the red dragon and the broken magic crystal. The other characteristics and abilities did not change at all.

Of course, the name of the card was changed to [Your Half Body].

Looking at the detailed description of this card, Zuo Si touched his chin and murmured to himself: "Now that I have got the key, the next step is to upgrade the planeswalker level to LV12 to LV13.

With so much energy, it is estimated that the only way to collect it is to go to the bottomless abyss to kill demons.

I don’t know how prepared the Goddess of Wealth Church is.

If he could save Watkin and go to Six Fingers' territory to cause a stir, he would definitely be able to make a fortune.

Forget it, don’t think about these things for now, let’s deal with the messy things. "

With the last word blurted out, Zuo Si started the magic teleportation again and returned directly to Askatra's mage tower.

As soon as he appeared, he saw several giant werewolves that were more than two stories tall and six or seven meters tall standing in the open space of the dragon's nest, raising their heads and letting out a loud howl.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why the werewolves became so huge is entirely because of the blood of the wolves brought back from Innistrad's time and space.

Even in Innistrad, no one knows why these oversized dire werewolves have mutated so much.

You must know that in human form, they are only a little over two meters tall and have not exceeded the limits of their own species.

But when night falls, its size will expand rapidly, and one person can often easily climb over the walls of the town, and then kill in residential areas, venting the violence, bloodthirsty and wildness in his heart.

Of course, it was impossible for Zuo Si not to be interested in something like this that could greatly increase the power of summoned creatures.

But the problem is that in the first few experiments, all the goblins or orcs infected with the curse of the wolf lost control and ran away when they transformed for the first time.

Later, because he was too busy, he had to temporarily leave the entire research project to Habaser Delin.

But who would have thought that in just a few days, the other party would actually come up with something.

Especially this group of terrifying wolves, although their eyes flashed with wildness, bloodthirsty and cruelty, they did not lose their minds and attacked all surrounding creatures indiscriminately.

Just the opposite!

After the howl ended, they all sat motionless and waited for orders.

Habaser Delin obviously noticed Zuo Si who had just teleported back, and immediately came over excitedly to report: "Ah! Your Excellency, you are finally back. Look, I have just successfully created the first batch of dire wolves that can maintain their sanity. , coupled with the [Crazy Wolf Potion] you invented, you can successfully transform even during the day."

"How did you do it?" Zuo Si asked curiously.

Habaser Delin grinned and replied excitedly: "Haha, it's actually nothing, I just discovered this special evolved curse, which actually has very high requirements on physical fitness.

If the physical attributes of the creature injected with the curse of the Dire Wolf fail to meet the standards, its sanity will be destroyed in an instant during the transformation process, and it will eventually turn into a beast that only knows destruction and killing.

But if the physical attribute is high enough, you can withstand that terrible pain and gain strength that is far more than twice that of an ordinary werewolf.

Based on my several tests, I have estimated that the critical point of physical attributes should be between 16 and 18, which varies from person to person.

Moreover, the higher the physical attribute, the larger the body shape will be after transformation.

This means that you only need to drink a bottle of magic potion that can temporarily increase physical attributes before transforming to successfully complete the process.

Generally speaking, if a goblin is first infected with the ordinary werewolf curse and then the dire wolf curse, its strength attribute can be instantly increased by at least sixteen points.

Adding the original eight to ten points, it can reach an astonishing twenty-four to twenty-six points, which is equivalent to the level of a mountain giant.

However, the physical, agility and intelligence attributes of the Dire Wolf Goblins are obviously much higher than those of the Hill Men.

If sufficient nutrition and exercise are provided during the growth process, some outstanding individuals can reach a strength attribute of more than 27 points, which is comparable to the stone giant.

These are just ordinary goblins!

What if it were those hobgoblins, orcs, bugbears, and gnolls, as well as the many half-dragon humanoids you cultivated...

I dare to swear on my own phylactery that I can definitely create a powerful legion in a short period of time with individual combat power comparable to frost giants, fire giants, and even cloud giants and storm giants.

The most important thing is that the dire wolf curse is not as easy to be exploited by the enemy as the ordinary werewolf curse.

Just the opposite!

Even if there are soldiers who are lucky enough to survive on the battlefield and escape back to the city, they will quickly transform into irrational beasts after dark and go on a killing spree.

In other words, before they understand the connection between the curse of the wolf and the physical attributes, even if they try to use the blood of the wolf to infect their own soldiers, they will only accelerate their own demise.

In addition, if a Dire Wolf soldier dies on the battlefield, its body can be pulled up through necromancy magic and turned into a zombie to continue participating in the subsequent attack.

Therefore, I suggest that you start building an army of dire wolves immediately. This is truly the perfect cannon fodder that is powerful, cheap, and can be replenished very quickly.

At the same time, the Curse of the Dire Wolf should be listed as the organization's top secret, and core members should be prohibited from revealing it to the outside world in any form. "

"Sounds like a good idea."

Zuo Si narrowed his eyes and was obviously heartbroken.

Because as Habatha Delin described, it is too cheap to cultivate an army infected with both the werewolf and the dire wolf curse, and with a little training, the combat effectiveness is definitely enough to crush the professional armies of most countries on Faerûn. .

Not just Faerûn, but other worlds as well.

After all, with his huge size and strength of six to seven meters tall and the protective power brought by his thick hair, rushing into the crowd is equivalent to a human bulldozer.

Not to mention the amazing destructive power it can cause if it is equipped with strong armor and high-quality weapons.

In addition, the werewolf itself has a very powerful self-healing ability. As long as he does not die on the spot, even if he is seriously injured, he will recover quickly in a short time.

If coupled with goblins, a species that can spawn a large number of explosive troops in a short period of time, it is simply an excellent combination.

Using the genetically modified wolf goblins with super obedience as the bottom soldiers, and using the hobgoblins or half-dragon creatures who are also infected with the wolf curse as officers, a powerful and numerous legion can be built in minutes.

Of course, during the growth process of ordinary goblins, they also need to undergo a series of military training, which can range from a few months to half a year at most.

The only drawback is that this legion's consumption of meat food will be staggering.

In the Innistrad plane, a dire wolf must eat at least as much meat as its own body weight in human form every day, which is about two hundred kilograms.


The meat does not have to come from land. Fish, shrimps, crabs and various shellfish in the water can be used.

Zuo Si only needs to go to the earth to buy a few large fishing boats, and then go crazy fishing in the endless sea of ​​the floating city world.

Anyway, to maintain a 10,000-strong Dire Wolf Army, the meat needed to be consumed every year is less than 80,000 tons.

In the vast sea where there are no boats fishing at all, this amount is not even a drop in the bucket.

You must know that the magic plague only ravaged a continent. Not even other continents and islands were affected, let alone the vast ocean.

In addition, you can also create some more group summoning cards that are directly made into planeswalkers.

With the current spark level of LV11, it shouldn't be a problem to fit three thousand to five thousand Dire Wolf Goblins into one card.

After thinking about this, Zuo Si immediately ordered: "Just do as you say.

The strongest males and females are selected from the most obedient goblin managers for mating, and the offspring will be handed over to the hobgoblin officers for strict training, and they will be given sufficient food and nutrition.

In half a year, I want to see a powerful, elite wolf army that obeys orders 100%.

Not just ordinary goblins, try to capture as many orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, jackals and ogres from outside as possible.

We now have a mind flayer mastermind capable of extensive tampering with its memories.

If I remember correctly, there should be many gnoll and hobgoblin tribes to the north of Cloud Mountain near Candlekeep. "

"Understood! Leave it to me."

Habaser Delin's eyes were shining with one hand on his chest and he bowed slightly.

He could already imagine how powerful the organization would be when the Wolf Legion was formed.

Not to mention anything else, just playing the Duizi game can bring the enemy to life until it collapses and disintegrates.

Are the Harpers and the Zhentarim powerful enough?

But how many agents and spies do they have together?

Probably not even two or three thousand!

How many of these members can kill the Wolf Goblin in a one-on-one battle?

The answer is absolutely no more than two hundred people.

If a conflict breaks out at that time, all you need to do is send out the Dire Wolf Goblins to pursue them indiscriminately.

Under the premise that the opponent's high-level forces are restrained by the core members of the organization and do not dare to mobilize easily, it will not be long before the enemy's entire organization will eventually collapse or even perish due to massive attrition.

After all, if a Dire Wolf Goblin dies on your side, you can replenish it anytime and anywhere. It only takes two short months for a little Goblin to grow up from birth...


After a series of genetic screening, hormone ratio optimization and magical ripening technology iterations, the growth cycle of these goblins has been shortened a lot, but their life span has not been reduced. On the contrary, it has been improved due to "scientific breeding".

Although it is not as good as a goblin in a natural state who can theoretically live for more than eighty years, it has increased from the original fifteen years to about forty years.

Although most of them rarely survive more than three to five years, they will die from various accidents or in vivo experiments...

In addition, in line with the principle of waste utilization, Zuo Si not long ago forced the goblins to believe in the Phoenix God he created, so that when the time is right, he can summon Bennu's incarnation as another trump card for him.

In fact, the plan went much smoother than originally expected.

Due to being imprisoned in the huge underground maze for a long time, the goblins have always been very hungry for faith.

Because all the priests, priests and elders who could guide them to believe in the goblin gods had long been killed in the first wave of great purges, and now they couldn't even name a single god.

This situation is just like that in the city of dark elves, most dark elves only know the name of the spider goddess Rose, but not the names of other gods.

To put it bluntly, it is to establish a relatively closed society to prohibit the penetration of other gods, thereby forming a monopoly of belief.

Especially those goblins who are leased to docks, warehouses, mines and other places to do dangerous work, the mortality rate has always been very high, and once they leave the mage tower, there is basically no chance of returning to the underground labyrinth.

Even if an employment contract ends, it will be immediately sent to the next employer.

Just when Habaser Delin was excitedly about to turn around and leave, wanting to take people to the north of the Yunwu Mountains to capture the jackals, Zuo Si suddenly called him from behind.

"Wait! I almost forgot to ask, did you encounter any trouble when you took over the red robe wizard's stronghold and concession on the west coast?"

Habathur quickly stopped, shook his head and responded: "Of course not! During the battle in Luskan, the red-robed wizard had already realized how powerful you were, so the handover process was extremely smooth.

Sazastan even sent envoys, hoping to make peace with us and make some deals.

However, according to our investigation, the reason why he took this stance was actually because he and Aznar Sruel quickly recruited a new chief with lightning speed after returning to Sel. Let the balance of power between the two factions be restored to balance again.

Although Szazastan attempted to remove Aznar Sruel from his title of chief in the Senate, the vote failed.

Under such circumstances, as long as he is not crazy, he will never choose to cause trouble for us. "

"It sounds like good news. What about the operating conditions of these concessions and strongholds?" Zuo Si continued to ask.

"Overall, it is not bad.

Although at the beginning, many local forces were skeptical about whether we could provide stable scrolls, potions, and magic items like the red robe wizards.

But after getting along for a few months, I still won their trust.

The most important thing is that we are not as notorious as the red-robed wizards. We always like to mix up some intrigues in secret, so we are very popular with the locals.

So far, these places have made a cumulative profit of more than 600,000 gold coins, and have also acquired many useful materials, books and treasures from ancient times. "

When saying these words, Habaser had a proud smile on his face.

Because he originally chose to join the organization because his interests in Baldur's Gate were violated by the red-robed wizard, so he decided to become a lich in anger to find a backer for him to fight back.

But who would have thought that Habaser originally thought that the tug-of-war would last for several years or even more than ten years, but it didn't take long for the winner to be decided.

Especially the operation of directly blowing up the stronghold established by the red-robed wizard at Baldur's Gate gave him an unprecedented sense of relief who was used to following the rules.

Later, after taking over these strongholds and concessions, this archmage who was proficient in making various magic items and equipment secretly vowed to make some achievements for others to see.

Now, facing the leader of the organization, he could finally hand in an answer that at least he was quite satisfied with.

"Well done! Keep up the good work, and I will let the floating city provide you with some additional and interesting gadgets in a few days." Zuo Si praised without hesitation.

"Hahahaha! Then I'll have to look forward to it."

Habaser let out a hearty laugh and then disappeared at the end of the tunnel leading deeper underground.

After he was completely gone, Wilmes, who had been eavesdropping for a long time, came over and stared at the wolf goblins as test subjects with slightly curious eyes and asked: "Are you really planning to form an army?" An army composed entirely of such monsters?”

"Ah! That's right! Because not only are they quite powerful, they are also cheap enough and can be replenished quickly. Why should I not use them?"

As Zuo Si spoke, he found all the werewolf cards infected with the beast-transformation curse from his card library, preparing for a wave of all upgrades.

After all, with a two-story-tall dire wolf, who would look after ordinary werewolves who were only a little over two meters tall?

Anyway, just pay a little attention and give each creature card with a physical attribute of no more than 16 points and an additional bottle of potion that temporarily increases the physical attribute.

"Damn! It sounds so enviable. It would be great if I also had such an army. I could conquer a country directly and easily."

Wilmes stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, his eyes inadvertently revealing strong ambition and desire.

You don't need to ask to know that this guy must be imagining the spectacular scene of an army of tens of thousands of terrifying wolves destroying everything on the field, as well as himself falling from the sky and breathing out flames, and finally achieving the title of "Dragon King" and "Tyrant".

Zuo Si raised his head and glanced at the red dragon who was close at hand, chuckled and joked: "With your current level of strength, you can't expect to be the Dragon King.

The real Dragon King is not a dabbler like you. He can reach a very high level in both physical combat, breath and magic.

The most important thing is that almost all Dragon Kings will be equipped with a large number of life-protecting gems to prevent themselves from being fatally injured, but you have none. "

"How do you know this?"

Wilmes frowned as if he sensed something was wrong.

"It's very simple! Because not long ago I teamed up with Shane VII to kill the "Sharp Tooth" of Ivicola Sagrain.

There were hundreds of life-protecting gems destroyed in the battle alone.

In addition, there are a large number of super breath potions, magic scrolls and dragon-specific equipment.

See this necklace around my neck?

It is a secondary artifact [Supreme Talisman], which can give the dragon extremely effective breath and extremely effective spell abilities. "

With that said, Zuo Si pointed to the gem-encrusted necklace he had just put on his neck.

As a red dragon, Vilmes has an innate ability to value magical items, gems, art, and artifacts of all kinds.

So she just glanced at it, and her breathing immediately became serious, as if she had asthma, she was constantly inhaling and exhaling, with unabashed greed and desire on her face.

Because no dragon can refuse the temptation of the [Supreme Talisman]!

This is the best magical equipment most dragons can imagine, and even one of them can be omitted.

But just when Wilmes couldn't help but was about to grab it, the strange object in her brain helped her perform a "big memory recovery technique", directly cutting off the nerve connection between the brain and the spine, and unceremoniously taking over Body control.


She regained consciousness, and the greed in her eyes faded away in less than two or three seconds. At the same time, she realized that she was still the same fish lying on the chopping board, no different from when she escaped from the Mage Tower in the Floating City.

Seeing that Wilmes had regained his composure, the strange object returned control of its body under the command of its master.

"It's a big problem that your red dragon's innate greedy nature will affect your sanity. It seems that if you want to overcome it, you have to spend more time training. Just as it happens, I have also gained some extra strength and need to exercise. I will take the time today. Let’s play with you.”

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si suddenly transformed into the form of a giant dragon.

In the blink of an eye, a blue dragon that was much larger than Wilmes appeared out of thin air, startling the former and backing away with a wary face.

But when she came back to her senses, she immediately screamed: "This...how is this possible! Could it be that you used that evil magic ritual to swallow Ivicola Sagram whole?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it right. Now I will use the pure power and spells of the dragon to compete with you to let you understand the gap between yourself and the real dragon king. Be careful, don't die. After all, resurrecting you is so difficult. Creatures of that size are a very troublesome thing.”

The words have not yet been spoken!

Zuo Si then pounced forward, and with the advantage of his huge size, he instantly suppressed the red dragon under him. The sharp mouth full of fangs flashed with dazzling silvery white light...

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