A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 328 On the tolerance of dark elf women

"The Baery family ranked first, the Barisan'ango family ranked second, the Obroza family ranked third, the Horba family ranked twelfth...

At least thirteen families have already sent very clear invitations to us, or to be precise, you.

It seems that after the battle in the tavern, the matrons of Menzoberranzan have recognized your value. "

Vinal had an expression of excitement and excitement on her face, and she was obviously very satisfied with the current situation.

Because she knows that the current situation is very beneficial to her side.

Since many ambitious matrons hope to recruit Zuo Si, a powerful warrior, into their ranks, a series of overt and covert battles will begin between them.

In this way, as long as Zuo Si does not express his position clearly for a day, he will not be targeted by any of the parties, and may even gain some implicit privileges.

"What are you going to do? You must know that the patience of the mistresses is limited. If you keep delaying, they will regard it as rude and offensive, and join forces to get rid of you." Drizzt I couldn't help but chime in.

Looking at the anxious eyes of the dark elf ranger, Zuo Si smiled and asked: "Haha, what, are you worried that I will join one of the families and then get involved in the power struggle and killings within Menzoberranzan? "

"Shouldn't I be worried? Your behavior has scared me since entering Menzoberranzan. I can't believe that you can integrate into the dark elf society so perfectly, both in your behavior and in your behavior. Thoughts, not even the slightest bit of discomfort or fear.”

There was a hint of helplessness in Drizzt's tone.

At this moment, he was finally 100% sure that the young human in front of him, whose intentions and thoughts were unclear, was definitely an out-and-out evil camp.

Maybe the level of evil is far greater than that of his bloodthirsty and cruel compatriots.

Because the evil shown by Zuo Si is not the kind of simple killing, destruction and plunder, but something closer to the deep and complex things from spirit, thought to values ​​and ideology.

The most important thing is that Drizzt did not feel even the slightest disgust at Zuo Si's many evil behaviors.

Instead, I feel an indescribable attraction from the other person, which makes people want to follow and work for them.

This strange feeling sometimes makes the ranger feel that he is crazy, or that returning to Menzoberranzan has inspired the dark side hidden in his soul.

Zuo Si obviously noticed Drizzt's reaction, and immediately said in a slightly playful tone: "There is a saying in my hometown, which is called do as the Romans do when you are in the country. The simple explanation is that when you enter a strange land, it is best to temporarily Put aside your arrogance and prejudice and respect the living habits and customs of the local people, even if these habits and customs are contrary to your own values ​​and morals."

"You mean...the reason why you do this is actually to respect the evil, twisted, and sick rules of dark elf society?" Drizzt raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, of course not, I just respect the spider goddess Rose's absolute control over the entire dark elf race and the code of conduct she has set for the entire race.

Remember, Drizzt Do'Urden, the dark elves are never evil solely because of their gods or themselves.

It also includes the harsh living environment in the Underdark, as well as the Crown War that ended the world dominated by elves 10,000 years ago, which are historical reasons.

Believe me, even if Queen Rose suddenly cuts off contact with all the priestesses, the dark elf society that has lived in the underground world for thousands or even tens of thousands of years will not change much and will still continue as before. lifestyle.

Because their thoughts and cognition have been completely distorted, and they are full of hatred for other races in the entire surface world.

This kind of hatred and hostility has been accumulated for thousands of years and has become rooted in the souls of most dark elves, and is their only link to maintain internal unity.

Anyone who tries to overthrow it means breaking the biggest cornerstone of maintaining the stability of Dark Elf society.

Just ask if thousands of dark elves find out that they have been deceived. In fact, the living environment in the surface world is many times better than that in the underdark. How will they react?

I can tell you that the answer must be unrest, infighting and division.

The dark elves in the Underdark will experience an unprecedented brutal civil war, and may even decline or even die as a result.

Therefore, in my opinion, the social form of the dark elves cannot be changed in a short period of time through external interference.

Since it cannot be changed, there are only two options left.

One is to go on a killing spree and kill all the dark elves in Menzoberranzan at the risk of offending God Queen Lolth. The other is to adapt and blend in.

Tell me, which one do you want me to choose? "


Drizzt fell silent.

Because through these remarks, he clearly realized for the first time the real problem of his race being mired in evil.

It is not that dark elves are inherently evil, but the influence of beliefs, history, and society have resulted in only evil dark elves being able to survive in a cruel environment.

It's as if everyone around them follows evil rules, so kind people are equivalent to aliens in society, and will 100% become the targets of suppression and exclusion.

In this regard, the Dark Elf Ranger has personal experience.

After thinking about this, Drizzt raised his head and asked in an uncertain tone: "Then what are you going to do next?"

Zuo Si responded without thinking: "It's very simple! My goal has been very clear from the beginning. The reason why I entered Menzoberranzan was just to inquire about information and collect information about the Fungus Forest and the name Angel Poison Core." Druid's clue. Once we get what I want, we will leave Menzoberranzan directly."

"But those mistresses won't let you go easily." Drizzt reminded in a serious tone.

"It doesn't matter, just let them send a team to hunt me down. Once we leave the confines of Menzoberranzan, I no longer need to respect Queen Lolth's right to rule the dark elves, and I can kill without restraint."

When he said these words, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a chilling light.

Although he has gained an equal status with the gods of Faerûn through the Eldrazi trump card, it does not mean that he can act recklessly and trample the rules of the game between the gods.

Just the opposite!

He had to follow some rules and try to avoid making too many enemies.

Especially the main god of the dark elves, Rose, who has no actual conflict of interest with him.

Zuo Si remembered very clearly that this goddess was a good master of plotting conspiracies.

In the future "War of the Spider Queen", she successfully eliminated all gods who could threaten her status, including her own son and daughter. At the same time, she was promoted from a medium divine power to a member of the powerful divine power.

You must know that in the history of Faerun, it may not be too uncommon to be promoted from a weak divine power to a medium divine power.

But there are absolutely only a handful of examples of people who have been promoted from moderate divine power to powerful divine power.

Zuo Si didn't want to become enemies with Rose unless necessary.

Because he understands that his current strength is far from enough to confront those powerful divine powers head-on.

The reason why the other party does not dare to touch him for the time being is partly because of the threat from the Eldrazi, and partly because of the approval of the god Io.

If either of these two things is missing, gods like Cyric and Shar will immediately take action.

"Regarding the information about the Fungus Forest, I think we should start from the Mage Tower. Because it is usually impossible for ordinary dark elves to know too much. Only the mages and warlocks in the Mage Tower and the high-level priestesses of the Spider Academy can. Qualified to know and record some important information." Vinal carefully stated her point of view.

"I have asked Lirael to inquire about the Mage Tower, and there should be news soon. As for the Spider Academy, I can only hope to get some information from the matrons and high-level priestesses. Oh. Oh, I almost forgot, has the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group done anything recently?" Zuo Si asked with interest.

Vinal shook his head slightly: "So far, there has been no action. It is said that Jarlaxle is not in Menzoberranzan right now, so I don't think he will be a threat to us."

"Let your people continue to keep an eye on it. If there are any rumors that Jarlaxle is found in Menzoberranzan, let me know immediately." Zuo Si ordered calmly.


After Vinal responded, he immediately jumped down from a high place, turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, far away on the top floor of the mage tower in Menzoberranzan, the archmage Gonfu Baenre was sitting in his room, staring at the spy kneeling in front of him. It took a full minute before he asked. : "How about it, have you brought the information I want?"

"Of course! Dayet Independent Mercenary Group never disappoints its employer!"

As he spoke, the dark elf man, whose whole body was hidden under a black cloak, took out a slightly worn scroll from his arms.

Archmage Gonfu directly used a mage's hand to bring the scroll closer. He first cast several detection spells to confirm that there were no problems before opening it.

It has to be said that the fact that he became the strongest mage in Menzoberranzan and survived for more than seven hundred years was definitely not based on something illusory like luck, but rather on keeping vigilant at all times.

Even a mere parchment scroll must first undergo toxin detection and magic detection to confirm that there are no harmful substances or curses on it.

After reading the content on the scroll, the expression on Gonfu's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he asked in a slightly puzzled tone: "Why does this intelligence say that no such person has been found?"

"It's as it sounds. In Eredlin City, there is no dark elf named Soth, and no noble family has suddenly disappeared recently." The secret agent gave an affirmative reply in a tone without any emotion.

"So, there is a problem with the identity and origin of this guy named Soth?"

Gonfu narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and a suffocating sense of oppression emanated from his whole body.

The secret agent obviously understood what kind of terrifying power the archmage in front of him possessed. Sweat broke out from his forehead in an instant, and he answered cautiously: "Yes. According to the results of our investigation, the dark elves under him are all from Ari." Delin City. Especially the woman named Vinal who led it, had participated in a rebellion before, and was forced to flee with her men after the failure. "

"ok, I get it."

Gonfu waved his hand gently, indicating that the other party could retreat.

However, for some reason, the secret agent did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he licked his dry lips and continued to test: "Your Excellency Archmage, this guy named Soss deliberately approached your daughter. He must have bad intentions. I think you might We should join forces with our Dayet Independent Mercenary Group to eradicate this potential threat."

"Oh? Did Jarlaxle ask you to say that?" Gonfu pursed his lips with undisguised contempt.

The spy quickly shook his head: "No, of course not. This is just my own initiative and I want to help you solve this little trouble."

After hearing this, Gonfu immediately lost interest in talking to him, waved his hand and said: "Go away! Don't do such smart things in the future. This unknown Soth is not a small trouble, he is comparable to It’s much more dangerous than you think.”

The secret agent was obviously startled by the Archmage's wave. He didn't dare to stay for even a second. He quickly put on his hood and turned around and disappeared at the end of the stairs leading to the lower level.

Not long after he left, Lirael ran in from another passage holding a book and asked excitedly: "Father, is this description of the origin of the fungal forest true? Is it really written by Was it created out of thin air by the fungus lady Zugmoy in ancient times?”

"Why are you suddenly interested in the origin of the fungus forest?" Gonfu's eyes flashed with tenderness.

Although due to the twisted matriarchal society of the dark elves, most fathers do not know how to handle the relationship between themselves and their children, but his love for this daughter is genuine.

In order for Lirael to be given the name "Bare", he even had to make a series of unknown transactions with the matron of the family.

After all, according to the tradition of the dark elves, bloodline only recognizes the maternal line and not the father's line.

In other words, only the remaining children of noble women in the family can be given the family name.

Normally, Lirael should take her mother's surname and join her mother's family.

But the power and intimidation of the most powerful mage in Menzoberranzan has obviously reached a level that makes most of the dark elves ignore this point, and just let the girl be given the Baenre family name.

"It's nothing, I just felt a little curious suddenly." Lirael lowered her head with a guilty conscience.

Gonfu touched his chin and watched his daughter's strange reaction, and soon said with a smile: "You should be helping the guy named Soth to look through the records in the Mage Tower in this regard, right?"

"Ah? You...how did you know?" The girl couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Of course I know! And I can also tell you that this Soth is not as simple as you think. Yesterday, I used prophecy magic to conduct a series of detections on it. As a result, all the information was vague and full of ambiguities. .Do you know what this means?" The expression on Gonfu's face suddenly became serious.

"What does it mean?"

Lirael blinked in confusion.

Although she has been exposed to arcane magic since she was six years old, which is about the age of a human baby, due to the Archmage's pampering and indulgence, her learning progress is not fast, and she is even a bit arbitrary.

A lot of complicated and boring theoretical knowledge can be skipped directly.

"This means that the other party either has a spellcasting level that is almost as high as mine, has shielded the detection of prophecy magic through some other spells, or has the protection from the power of the gods. No matter which one it is, it shows that Soth is an out-and-out A dangerous person, you'd better stay away from him."

Gonfu did not hide anything and stated his conclusion straightforwardly.

He was not interested in Zuo Si who suddenly appeared out of thin air at first.

It wasn't until an apprentice quietly told the Archmage that his beloved daughter had been hanging around a certain man recently that he started to investigate.

The result is that you won’t know until you check, but once you check, you find that it is actually a “big fish”.

If it were other dark elves, even if they didn't obey the warning from their elders, they would at least be more vigilant.

But the problem is, Lirael has been spoiled since she was a child, and she is currently in the rebellious stage. She immediately rolled her eyes at her father and retorted: "Don't be alarmist, South is not a dangerous person, he is He is my friend and has taught me many interesting spells and spell-casting techniques."

"He's teaching you magic?"

Gonfu was stunned when he heard the news.

You must know that in the inherent concept of dark elf mages, spells are not something that can be easily taught to anyone. Spell-casting skills will never be easily taught to anyone.

Because it involves a lot of habits and tactical thinking.

If too many people know about it, enemies may use the information to plan targeted assassinations.

"Yes! I have learned several very interesting spells that can be used to deal with creatures that live in dark environments for a long time."

As she spoke, Lirael created a dazzling bright flash in her palm in an almost show-off manner.

Fortunately, Gonfu reacted quickly enough and immediately closed his eyes to avoid the strong light.

As a dark elf mage who has lived for more than seven hundred years, he is not like those ordinary dark elves who may have never seen bright light in his life. He knows that there are many cunning guys who will use similar methods to deal with enemies.

Among them, Drizzt's father, Zaknavan, the first warrior of Menzoberranzan, is a leader in this field.

There are rumors that the reason why the Do'Urden family can easily kill the high-ranking priestesses of the enemy families every time is because Zaknavan throws out magic props that can release dazzling lights during battles.

Then, taking advantage of the target's blindness and stinging eyes, he killed all the high-level priestesses at lightning speed.

When the bright light in front of him disappeared, Gromph opened his eyes again and said to his daughter in a slightly complicated tone: "Lirael, never go to public places in Menzoberranzan in the future, especially not in Cui." Cast such a spell in front of your mistress and other high-ranking female priests."

"Why? Didn't you teach me that when using magic to fight, you should adapt to circumstances and not be bound to any form or restriction?" The girl asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Yes, I did say that. But that refers to a life-and-death battle. Such acts of creating strong light through magic will arouse strong resentment among the high-ranking priestesses. So promise me, unless you are determined to kill Otherwise, don't use this kind of magic casually. In the society of dark elves, it is a taboo that cannot be easily displayed." Gonfu explained very patiently.

Lirael nodded thoughtfully: "I see. Okay, I think I understand. But how long will it take to go to the Spider Academy to attend classes? Mother Trill tells Rose every time she attends class When the Queen of Gods teaches, I can’t help but yawn and want to sleep.”

"Sorry, dear, I really can't help with this matter. Because according to the tradition of the Baenre family, all women must go to the Spider Academy to receive priestly education until they grow into a qualified high-level priestess. Until then." Gonfu spread his hands in a helpless manner.

"But it was you who led me to the path of arcane magic! The knowledge you taught me has made it impossible for me to become a priest now. If this continues, I feel that sooner or later I will be exposed." Li Rui Er roared a little madly.

"Relax, my child, the situation is not as bad as you think. You were born to be a mage, I knew this from the moment I saw you. But Mother Trill is the head of the family after all, even I must also respect her authority. Maybe in a few years, I will find an opportunity to tell her that you are not suitable to be a priest, and then you can return to the path of magic." Gonfu stretched out his hand gently He gently stroked his daughter's hair and comforted her.

It's a pity that the young and energetic Lirael couldn't listen at all. She only thought that her father was perfunctory, so she immediately turned around and left angrily.

After she was completely gone, a dark elf mage slowly walked out of the shadows and bowed respectfully to the archmage sitting on the chair: "Teacher, I have followed your instructions. Six magical eyes for surveillance were placed near the tavern where Soth and his mercenaries lived."

An expression of satisfaction appeared on Gonfu's face: "You did a good job! Keep an eye on this person for me in the past few days. I want to see who he is and what tricks he wants to play."

On the other side, in an inconspicuous private house near the market platform in Menzoberranzan City.

The spy who was responsible for delivering the message to the Archmage just now was standing in front of a dark elf male with a unique look.

The reason why I say unique is because this guy wears a wide-brimmed hat with a huge feather on it as a decoration. He has a shimmering and coquettish cloak on his back. He only has a sleeveless and A tank top that intentionally exposes your sexy abdominal muscles.

In addition, he also wears countless rings, necklaces, bracelets and anklets, which will make jingling sounds even if he stands motionless.

This outfit, if placed in a Cowherd shop in District 11, might not seem very out of place.

But in dark elf society, where men's status is generally relatively underground, this is definitely too much ostentation.

You must know that most dark elf men generally only wear low-key and practical clothes, and reduce decoration as much as possible to ensure that they do not make even the slightest noise at any time.

Because only in this way can they prevent the high-level priestesses from finding any excuse to inflict painful whipping on themselves.

"Jarlaxle, I tried as you ordered, but Gonfu obviously wasn't fooled." The secret agent reported straightforwardly.

"Did he say something?"

The gorgeously dressed dark elf male named Jarlaxle frowned subconsciously.

You don't need to ask to know that he is the leader of Dayet's independent mercenary group, a dark elf male who is as legendary as Drizzt.

The secret agent replied without thinking: "He said that Soth is not a small trouble, and is very, very dangerous. I think if it doesn't work, just give up the original plan, otherwise if we provoke a powerful enemy, it will be very dangerous for all of us." None of it is a good thing.”

"What, are you scared?" Jarlaxle pursed his lips and asked meaningfully.

The secret agent quickly denied: "Afraid? Of course not! I just don't want to cause trouble. You should know how powerful this guy named Soth is. Not only does he have a very high warrior level, but he also has a lot of arcane skills. Spellcasting level. Almost everyone who has seen his fighting posture with his own eyes praises him as an almost perfect dark elf male without exception."

"But he shouldn't have killed our people, and he also took away the property of the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group in Menzoberranzan." Jarlaxle's eyes flashed with a terrifying cold light.

"Maybe... we can try to negotiate with him to solve the problem." The secret agent suggested in a low voice.

"Hmph! If you think this plan is feasible, then go ahead and try it boldly. But please remember, if you die, I will not avenge you."

After saying that, Jarlaxle ignored this subordinate and turned around and disappeared into the darkness with a few masked men.

Obviously, the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group is not as united as it seems to outsiders, and there are also various factions and power struggles within it.

After all, trying to keep a group of insidious and cunning dark elves loyal was originally a very luxurious and ridiculous thing.

The reason why Zuo Si dared to use Vinal was not because of trust, but because he was confident enough to kill them all when the other party chose to betray him.

After leaving the house, Jarlaxle did not choose to walk on the street and walk through the streets. Instead, he walked through an alley at an extremely fast speed and finally came to another inconspicuous building.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard an extremely unpleasant voice coming from his ears.

"you are late!"


A figure that was at least a bit stronger than an ordinary dark elf male came out of the darkness.

From the strong arms and thighs, it is easy to tell that this is a very rare mixed-race dark elf woman with a height of over 1.9 meters.

At least one of her father or mother is an ogre!


You read that right!

Just a hybrid of an ogre and a dark elf!

In fact, although dark elves are generally similar to humans, their physical endurance far exceeds the imagination of many experts and scholars, and they can even do things that only appear in some forbidden games. .

To give the simplest example, during the graduation ceremony of the Spider Academy, the chief student will mate with a demon, usually a succubus, and then the descendants of the demon drow will be left, and they will be regarded as the descendants of the spider goddess Lolth. Bless.

As we all know, the Mesmer is over five and a half meters tall and weighs nearly three tons.

And what about dark elf women?

Although slightly taller and stronger than men, they are usually only between 1.7 and 1.8 meters tall.

Just imagine, a five-meter-five-meter terrifying monster weighing nearly three tons and a dark elf woman who is one-meter-seven to one-meter-eight meters tall. What an exaggerated and terrifying sight would that look like?

Zuo Si has seen the Enchanted Demon, and he also knows the Enchanted Demon.

I dare not say anything else. Anyway, if it were a human being, it would definitely not be able to bear it.

But the dark elf women not only endured it!

And it can also ensure that you will not be harmed, or even succeed.

It is estimated that only the dark elves in the entire Faerûn continent can do such an outrageous thing.

Of course, not all dark elf women are priestesses and are qualified to summon powerful creatures like demons to follow them.

In order to give birth to stronger offspring for them to drive, civilian women often choose creatures like ogres, trolls, and giants.

However, these mixed-blood descendants are bound to be discriminated against and excluded in dark elf society, and their status is only slightly higher than that of slaves.

But the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group was originally composed of a group of refugees and down-and-out nobles who had lost their family's protection.

So it’s not surprising that some outliers will be attracted.

"Sorry, I went to deal with some things, so I was delayed for a while."

Jarlaxle was obviously very familiar with this drow woman who was half ogre blood. He walked directly to the sofa in the middle of the room, sat down on it, and put his feet on the table.

"Is it related to that tavern?" the woman asked in a low voice.

Jarlaxle nodded slightly: "Yes, it has something to do with the tavern. That guy named Soth may be a bit difficult to deal with. I need to recruit more people."

"Am I not enough?"

The woman instantly tensed up all the muscles in her body, and when she touched her fist, she made a big hole in the wall.

You don't need to ask to know that she is a monk with a very high professional level.

Only a monk can make the power of his fist reach such an exaggerated level.

"I have never had any doubts about your strength. But to be on the safe side, I hope to recruit some old friends." Jarlaxle touched his chin and said meaningfully.

"Old friend? Do you mean..."

Another subordinate next to him seemed to realize something and raised his head with a surprised expression.

Jarlaxle immediately put a finger on his lips to silence him: "Shh! Don't say his name. I still want to give him a big surprise."

"Understood! I will immediately send someone to use teleportation magic to pick him up."

The men understood instantly, stood up and left the house through the back door.

Seeing the smile on Jarlaxle's face, the woman couldn't help but ask, "Are you planning to do something big in Menzoberranzan this time?"

"Of course! Why not? You have also seen that the current city of Menzoberranzan is like a huge powder keg. With the decline of House Baenre, many families are eyeing the throne of No. 1. Believe me , at this time, every family will offer an exciting price in order to enhance their own strength."

As he spoke, Jarlaxle took a dusty wine bottle from the cabinet next to him, pulled out the cork, raised his head and took two sips.

"What about this guy named Soth? How do you plan to deal with him?" The woman continued to ask with interest.

"It's very simple! I want to use this guy's head to let the matrons understand that the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group is the strongest and most trustworthy mercenary in the entire Northern Dark Region."

When he said these words, Jarlaxle's eyes flashed with a hint of darkness and depth that was difficult to detect.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si's arrival is like a stone, causing ripples in the puddle called Menzoberranzan.

Although he himself doesn't really want to get involved in the dark elves' messy things.

But unfortunately, many times it’s not that you don’t want to cause trouble, the trouble will not come to you on its own.

At this moment, Zuo Si was holding the book about the origin of the fungus forest and was lost in thought.

Because according to this book, the fungus forest that occupies the largest area of ​​​​the northern dark region was actually created by the fungus lady Zugmoi unintentionally during a battle with an unknown terrifying monster.

If what the book says is true, then the fungus forest should have evil and filthy power from the bottomless abyss.

But the problem is that Zuo Si did not find such a situation outside the fungus forest.

In addition, the fungus forest does not exist on a map dating back more than 6,000 years ago.

This means that the possibility that it was created artificially is very high.

If he hadn't been afraid of alerting others, Zuo Si would have wanted to go to the fungus forest to talk to the myconids to see if they knew some secrets about this land and the whereabouts of the druid.

After all, myconids are the kindest and friendliest creatures known in the entire continent of Faerûn.

As long as they don't show too much hostility, they will almost never attack any living thing.

Even when they want to eat meat, they simply follow people or animals and wait patiently for the other person to be injured, old and dead before walking over to pick up the body and eating it as food.


The Myconids' hunting method is to use their nearly infinite lifespan to consume you alive, and then pick up and eat your body.

Zuo Si felt that Angel Poison Core's druid level must have successfully controlled the fungus forest, so he had better not act rashly before he collected enough information.

Otherwise, it would be a lot of fun if the opponent runs away or uses the power of the abyss lord to plot against him.

You must know that these days, it is not easy to find an archdruid or even a legendary druid without the blessing of the God of Nature.

The most important and critical first step in the entire god-making plan is to capture a living archdruid. The higher the professional level, the better.

"Menzoberranzan should be the underground city closest to the Fungus Forest. Since there is an ancient book about its origins in the Mage Tower, there must be other scattered records. But who owns these records? Where is my hand? Maybe I should try prophecy magic, maybe I can find some useful clues."

Thinking of this, Zuo Si stood up and started using the ancient book in his hand as a clue to cast various prophetic spells.

After a while, a very unique diamond-shaped mark appeared in front of his eyes...

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