A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 288: Resurrection from the dead (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"You bought a cat?"

Hermione stared in surprise at the cage that suddenly appeared in Zuo Si's hand, and the very weird and ugly Crookshanks in the cage.

"Hmm. I suddenly thought it would be nice to have a cat. You know, I bought a house during the holidays and just needed a capable cat to catch mice."

After that, Zuo Si handed the cat cage to the house elf who was always following behind him and remaining invisible.

North hurriedly appeared and walked closer in three steps and two steps to take the cage and hold it in his hands.

"This is... a house elf?" Hermione's eyes showed a hint of curiosity.

Because although she had read about this interesting magical creature in books, she had never seen it with her own eyes.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. There happened to be two house elves in the house I bought. After some persuasion, they agreed to stay in the house and work for me. This one's name is North. There’s one named Calvi.”

"Hello, North."

Hermione tried to say hello to the thin humanoid creature with big bat-like ears in front of her.

"Hello, Miss Granger. If you need anything, just ask me. I will be happy to help you."

North, who was wearing a black dress, bowed gracefully.

After all, Zuo Si would not allow his servant to wear only a dirty and worn pillowcase like Dobby of the Malfoy family. Instead, he ordered a series of house-elf-specific clothes, shoes, socks, and hats.

Because of their attire, the two house elves under him were occasionally mistaken for goblins from Gringotts by people with bad eyesight when they went out to do errands.

"Uh...thank you, I don't need it at the moment." Hermione politely declined.

"Well, I hope I can serve you next time."

North seemed a little disappointed that he didn't get a job or assignment, but he quickly picked up the cat carrier and disappeared with a snap of his fingers.


Looking at the house elf that suddenly disappeared from her eyes, Hermione immediately asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "Yes and no. The magical ability of house elves is innate, and the way of casting spells is also very different from that of wizards.

According to historical records, in ancient times, house elves once had a fierce war with wizards.

As a result, they were defeated and the entire tribe was almost wiped out, with only a handful of obedient slaves remaining.

After thousands of years of enslavement, transformation, and artificial intervention, these descendants eventually became house elves in modern times.

These magical creatures have been slowly and completely domesticated over the long years. They are proud of the family work they serve and are ashamed of their freedom and laziness. "

"So they are slaves? Slaves living in modern society!"

Hermione's voice suddenly rose a lot, and her eyes revealed shock and disbelief.

"That's right. Even the kind of slave who is willing to castrate himself mentally.

Also, do you think there are no slaves in modern human society?

If you look at Africa, South America, and the poor and unstable countries and regions in Southeast Asia, you will find that slavery is still a common phenomenon.

A large part of this poverty, backwardness and instability are caused by the hundreds of years of colonization, enslavement and plunder of the local areas by Europeans.

As an empire on which the sun never sets, Britain once had the most colonies in the world, and the crimes committed by Britain are even more numerous.

The stolen and looted precious cultural relics and treasures in the British Museum are the best proof.

But what is interesting is that most British people do not regard it as a shame, but as an honor. They still enjoy the dividends brought by colonial plunder with peace of mind and miss the prosperity of the empire on which the sun never sets. with splendor.

In comparison, this little bit of house elves in the wizarding world is nothing.

So the world is far from as beautiful as you imagined. It's just that Mr. and Mrs. Granger protected you before and didn't let you see these dark sides. "

Zuo Si looked into the girl's eyes and revealed some cruel truths.


Hermione, who was still angry about the house elf's treatment just a second ago, suddenly fell into silence as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her.

If it were someone else, they might have rebutted by substituting concepts, making quibbles, etc.

But she is not an ordinary student who only received an education that downplays colonial history, but a genius who loves reading and likes to get to the bottom of everything.

When she was in elementary school, Hermione secretly read some real historical works and understood how cruel and bloody the so-called "Era of Geographic Discovery" mentioned in the textbook was.

We also know how in the early days of the modern industrial revolution, child laborers and orphans in London were treated as consumables and worked day and night in factories until they were exhausted to death.

Compared with the Muggle world, wizards' oppression and enslavement of house elves is obviously much gentler.

What's more, the house elves have long been completely domesticated and have no sense of freedom and resistance. Instead, they enjoy it.

Thinking of this, Hermione suddenly found that she was not as angry as before. She raised her head and said in a slightly helpless tone: "Okay, maybe you are right, I am too sensitive."

"No, this is not sensitivity, but a lack of experience and insight. But it doesn't matter. As time goes by and we grow older, we will slowly abandon our innocence and become more and more mature. Wait five to ten years before looking back. Looking at yourself as a child, you might have felt ridiculous for what you thought at the time, just like you just heard Mrs. Granger describe her reaction when she was three or four years old."

As Zuo Si spoke, he reached out his hand to smooth the girl's hair that was messed up by the wind.

"Damn it! Just don't mention this, okay?"

Hermione's face turned slightly red, and she didn't know whether it was because she was still embarrassed about those fun childhood stories, or because she was a little shy due to the too close movements between the two.

She didn't realize at all that her consciousness, cognition and thoughts had been unknowingly changed during her interactions and conversations with Zuo Si.

In particular, the speed of mental maturity is much faster than that of peers.

And this kind of maturity will cause her to think that when she looks at other students, they are very naive and have no common language at all. She will eventually become more cherished and dependent on her relationship with Zuo Si, and then be more influenced by the latter, even in Ideologically assimilated to a certain extent.

There is no doubt that this is a practical application of modern psychology to interpersonal relationships.

Perhaps it won't have much effect on adults whose three views are almost fixed, but it is decisive for boys and girls aged twelve to fifteen who are in adolescence.

Because during this period called adolescence, hormones are secreted in large quantities, brain nerves are undergoing final pruning and remodeling, and the personality becomes rebellious, impulsive and unpredictable.

Many parents will be very worried about how to guide and educate during this period, and some parents may even have the illusion that their children have learned badly.

As everyone knows, all of this is a process that the human species must go through physiologically.

Likewise, this is the best time to exert influence over a person and reshape his or her character.

A responsible teacher or parent can help them shape a correct outlook on life and values, and eventually become a "good person" or a "person useful to society" in the ordinary sense.

But if you meet someone with evil intentions, you might start committing a crime.

Of course, Zuo Si didn't want to completely darken Hermione, he just wanted to shape her values ​​closer to his own.

In this way, in the chatting, the girl quickly forgot about the house elves.

When the two of them arrived at the entrance of Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, they happened to see a huge banner that read in English:

Gilderoy Lockhart

Signed autobiography for sale

"Magical Me"

Today 12:30-4:30 pm

"Gilderoy Lockhart? He seems to be our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this semester. I have read about him in Wizard Weekly. He should be a very powerful wizard, and I will buy a lot of books about him this semester. Books." Hermione said, taking out the book list sent by the Hogwarts owl.

However, it was different from the obvious admiration in the original work. Because she had already seen Zuo Si's almost abnormal memory and the speed of learning and mastering magic spells in the first grade, she only showed a little surprise.

After all, anyone who is not a fool knows that Gilderoy Lockhart's adventure stories are nothing compared to achievements such as inventing magic scrolls and creating the world's second magic stone.

"It seems that our Professor Lockhart is very popular with middle-aged and elderly women." Zuo Si raised the corner of his mouth and teased in a slightly playful tone.

Because at this moment, there was already a long queue in front of the bookstore, and most of them were witches of Mrs. Weasley's age.

A frazzled clerk struggled to maintain order, but with little success.

no way!

Upon hearing that Gilderoy Lockhart himself was signing books and selling books, these witches were as excited as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Obviously, through some marketing methods and self-packaging, Gilderoy Lockhart has successfully established himself as a public lover. His essence is no different from that of an idol star packaged by capital.

Especially those housewives who stay at home all day long with nothing to do but crave excitement. They probably fantasize in their hearts about having a romantic encounter with this handsome wizard.

"You seem disapproving of this new professor?"

The two of them had been together for almost a year, so Hermione immediately recognized the sarcasm in Zuo Si's tone.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "Believe me, when you truly understand Gilderoy Lockhart, you will understand how unbearable the reality hidden under that huge reputation is. Let's go quickly. Buy the necessary textbooks on the book list and leave this place of right and wrong. Oh, by the way, remember that you don’t need to buy any books about Gilderoy Lockhart, because they won’t be used at all.”

"You won't use it? But it's clearly written on the book list. Hogwarts should not let students buy useless books." The girl stared at the book list and became entangled.

"Don't imagine that magic schools are the same as schools with a complete education system in the Muggle world.

In fact, the textbooks we use in school are all designated by the professors, and there is no unified standard.

The teaching materials used in different magic schools in Europe are often very different.

So I guess the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is taking advantage of his position to get Hogwarts students to buy his books, thereby making more money and fame. "

Zuo Si did not hide anything and directly exposed Gilderoy Lockhart's little thoughts.

"What? He...how could he do this! I mean, how could Dumbledore find such a morally corrupt guy to be a professor?"

Hermione was obviously shocked, and even her words were a little incoherent.

But Zuo Si responded indifferently: "Otherwise? I told you before that the Defense Against Dark Arts class is cursed, and any professor who takes this class will inevitably encounter misfortune. So for our principal He said, as long as there are still people willing to apply for this position, they are already very lucky, how can you ask for more."

After saying this, he pulled the girl to avoid the long queue, detoured to the side and said to a store clerk: "Give us a copy of all the books on this list except Gilderoy Lockhart." .”

"You don't want Gilderoy Lockhart's book?" The young clerk was obviously stunned.

Because through the book list, he had already seen that this was the textbook that Hogwarts students were required to purchase in the new semester.

Generally speaking, this kind of books cannot be selective, but must be fully prepared.

"That's right. Although the stories in these books are exciting and valuable, I hate that this idiot added a lot of disgusting bragging in them." Zuo Si expressed his attitude very clearly.

"Well, I don't really like Gilderoy Lockhart who always steals the spotlight wherever he goes. But I hope you won't regret it when you get to school."

The clerk muttered something under his breath, then turned around and picked through the bookshelf, quickly gathering together the two sets of teaching materials on the list.

The girl quickly took out a small beaded bag and wanted to pay her share of the money, but found that Zuo Si had already paid for both of them neatly.

Just when she didn't know whether she should silently accept the kindness or insist on paying back the money for the book, a noisy sound suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

I saw a man in gorgeous clothes and an eight-tooth smile slowly walking out of the crowd.


The middle-aged and elderly witches present instantly burst into cheers and screams.

Reporters from the Daily Prophet followed closely behind, trying to use magic cameras to record all these scenes and pictures, and then write them in tomorrow's newspaper.

You don't need to ask to know that this guy is Gilderoy Lockhart, a liar who uses the Oblivion Curse to perfection.

"Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for your enthusiastic cheers. Please rest assured that I will make sure that everyone here today can get a copy of my signature."

Gilderoy Lockhart undoubtedly enjoyed the attention and kept waving to the enthusiastic fans.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si does not like such an occasion at all.

Because this kind of irrational worship just reflects the most ignorant, foolish and easily influenced side of human beings by public opinion and environmental factors.

Just as he was about to take the girl away, he suddenly found an adult woman exuding amazing charm in the crowd, waving to him with very subtle movements.

Hermione caught this in an instant and immediately asked in an unhappy tone: "Who is that? Is it someone you know?"

"Well, a friend I met over the holidays. Sorry, I may have to excuse myself for a little while."

After that, Zuo Si handed the things he bought to the girl, turned around and walked around the noisy bookstore and walked towards the girl's location.

After a while, the two parties met in a deserted alley.

In less than a second, the beautiful woman who was originally dressed as an English noblewoman instantly transformed into a succubus with huge bat wings behind her, horns on her forehead, and her feet were shaped like sheep's hooves.

She knelt down and held up a slightly shabby-looking notebook with her hands: "Master, according to your instructions, I have successfully turned the young wizard into my prisoner. Here are the time reversal spells you want, and the time to The progress of his relevant research so far in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic."

"Oh? So fast! You didn't attract anyone's attention, did you?"

Zuo Si took it and flipped through it quickly, recording the contents into the thinking library in his mind as quickly as possible, and then returned the notes.

Because just by seeing the number on the home page and the mark symbolizing top secret information from the Ministry of Magic, you know that this thing was definitely smuggled out from the Department of Mysteries.

If the relevant personnel discovered that such an item was missing, the Aurors would quickly move in and track the magical mark until the missing item was known and the thief was apprehended.

The succubus shook her head proudly: "No. The internal management of the British Ministry of Magic is more loose and chaotic than you think. In addition, this human named Kerwin also has corresponding authority, so it won't happen for a while. Has anyone discovered it?"

"Well done. Remember, keep a low profile and lurk. It's best for me to investigate all the time-related things and secrets in the entire Department of Mysteries." Zuo Si quickly gave further instructions.


Charming quickly returned to her previous disguise and disappeared into the crowd with graceful steps.

Although she is far less good at being a spy than a shapeshifter, she has an inherent advantage in seducing men into corruption.

Especially in a world where there is no understanding of this kind of demon, it is very easy for men to become captives of its beauty and sweet words.

As for Zuo Si himself, he stood where he was and went through what he just saw from beginning to end in his mind.

After about ten minutes, he realized why there was no record or information about the "time reversal spell" even in the restricted book section of the Hogwarts library.

Because unlike other spells that will produce specific results once cast, the effects of the "time reversal spell" are unknown and unstable.

In other words, it cannot be understood by wizards at all.

Even the Department of Mysteries, which is at the forefront of research, can barely control the length of the spell's retroactive time, nothing more.

The so-called time turner is the final result of a series of complex and dangerous research.

According to Professor Crocker, if you want to avoid causing serious harm to the time traveler and the timeline itself, it is best to keep it within five hours.

If this limit is exceeded, even the smallest change is likely to have unforeseen serious consequences under the influence of the aftermath effect.

For example, the witch who came back from being trapped for five days seemed to have aged for five centuries, causing at least twenty-five people to disappear in reality because they had never been born.

If these contents were not recorded and mentioned in detail in the witch's diary, others might not even notice it.

This is why, starting in 1899, the Ministry of Magic in various countries has successively banned individual research and experiments on "time reversal spells".

There are even hundreds of laws written specifically for this purpose to ensure there are no loopholes to exploit.

All the books on time magic in Hogwarts and other historic magic schools have been collected and stored in special institutions such as the Department of Mysteries.

"Interesting, it seems that the study of time in this world may not be much worse than that of Faerun." Zuo Si touched his chin and muttered to himself.

As far as he knew, there was a legendary magic called "The Great Time Stop" in Faerun.

Unlike the nine-ring arcane magic - Time Stop, which pulls the caster into a super-fast time stream, this spell actually stops time.

In addition, there is a very rare, rare and powerful time dragon in the multiverse. Its challenge level has reached legend since it was a young dragon, and it can travel between the past and the future at will.

Of course, as one of the very few existences comparable to true gods, time dragons rarely appear in front of mortals.

In short, the "Time Reversal Spell" successfully aroused Zuo Si's interest in time magic and abilities.

Although he is very clear that with the knowledge and power he currently possesses, he is still far away from understanding and controlling the complexity.

But that doesn't mean it's impossible to transform a "time reversal spell" and a "time turner" into a power that you can use to your advantage in combat.

After all, even just stagnant time, or peeking into a short period of the future and going back to the past for a few seconds, can establish an unparalleled advantage in the fight against the enemy.

For a moment, Zuo Si even forgot about the huge harm that sealing the scroll of divine evil could bring. He was somewhat grateful to the thief from the future for making him aware of the most valuable magic in the world.

If you master the power of time, what will happen if a newly born evil is released?

He can go back to the point in time when the other party was released at any time, and then seal it again.

Because in this world, no wizard can pose a real threat to him.

Just when I had completed the change in my mentality and was about to turn around and go back, I suddenly saw a violent commotion breaking out at the entrance of Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore.

At first, it was difficult to see clearly due to the large number of people, but as the melon-eating crowd quickly dispersed to both sides, two middle-aged men were soon revealed, who were wrestling with each other.

The Weasley twins were watching the fun and were not afraid of causing trouble. They even stood aside and shouted loudly and encouraged: "Come on! Beat him hard! Dad!"

"Yes! Hit his eyes! Hit his nose! It hurts to hit him there!"

The young Ginny opened her mouth wide in surprise. She couldn't believe that her father, who usually looked like a good-natured man with a smile, could actually move his hands so fiercely and violently, like an angry bear.

As his wife, Molly screamed: "Stop! Stop! Don't do this Arthur!"

It must be said that the rough fight between Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy directly broke the stereotype of many Muggle students present about pure-blood wizards being as arrogant as nobles.

They suddenly discovered that wizards did not just wave their wands politely and cast various spells, but were no different from their parents. When they were angry, they would beat each other hard with their fists.

In the end, thanks to the half-giant Hagrid, he forced himself forward and separated the two of them with brute strength.

In this short amateur wrestling and boxing match, Arthur's lip was broken, and Lucius's eye swelled up on the spot as if it was hit by the corner of a book. It was barely a draw.

You don't need to ask to know that the overt and covert fighting between Gryffindor and Slytherin students when they were in school gave them a lot of experience in fighting, and they still haven't forgotten it even in middle age.

"Here! Take your book, little girl, this is the best thing your father can give you."

Lucius used the dilapidated Transfiguration class as a cover, slipped Voldemort's diary into the girl's hand, and then immediately broke away from Hagrid's restraints, took his son by the hand, and turned around and walked away.

It was clear that throwing this dangerous Horcrux to Ginny would serve many purposes for him.

One of them is to cause chaos within Hogwarts and then find a way to remove Dumbledore from power.

Another point is that he can take the opportunity to take revenge on Arthur, the "pure-blood family scum" who has been causing trouble for him all day long, and let him taste the pain and despair.

After the Malfoys and his son were completely gone, Zuo Si showed up unhurriedly, deliberately pretending to be confused and asked: "What happened just now? I think I heard someone mention a fight."

"Ha! Soth! You came just in time! Dad's performance today was amazing! He pushed Malfoy's father Lucius to the ground and beat him violently. If Hagrid hadn't stopped him, he would have beaten him. The face blossoms."

George started to introduce the specific process of the fight just now.

According to his exaggerated description, Lucius should have at least a dozen broken ribs, massive internal bleeding, brain burst, and be sent for emergency treatment while lying on a stretcher.

Mrs. Weasley was shaking with anger, suppressing her anger and whispered: "You are really a good leader for the children! Fight in public! What will Gilderoy Lockhart think?"

"Don't worry, Mom. He was so happy. When we came out, I heard him asking the reporter from the Daily Prophet if he could include the fight in the news. It would definitely cause a sensation." Fred He curled his lips disdainfully.

You don't need to ask to know that the clever twins have begun to realize Gilderoy Lockhart's true nature.

"You shouldn't pay attention to him, Arthur. Everyone knows what the Malfoys are. Come on, let's go back to the Leaky Cauldron and have a drink, and then forget about this matter completely." Hagrid comforted him in a low voice.

"I just can't get angry, why can a bastard like that still get away with it, and even get the protection of many bureaucrats in the Ministry of Magic?" Arthur complained angrily.

While everyone else was paying attention to the impact of the fight, Zuo Si had quietly come to Ginny's side, took out the Transfiguration textbook he used last semester and asked with a smile: "Do you mind exchanging it?"

"Exchange? Why?" The girl showed doubts.

"It's nothing, it's just a hobby. I prefer collecting old books and the like." Zuo Si made an excuse casually.

Obviously, no child would say no to replacing a worn-out book with a new one that looked almost untouched, and Ginny was no exception.

She didn't even realize that in this exchange, she got rid of a huge danger and trouble.

After getting what he wanted, Zuo Si's mood immediately became very good, and he even took the initiative to say hello to the savior: "Long time no see, I heard you had a bad holiday?"

"Yeah, it's terrible. Fortunately, Ron and the twins rescued me, otherwise I would have been locked in the bedroom and starved." Harry complained with a wry smile.

If possible, he really never wants to return to that so-called "home".

Especially after learning the cause of death of his biological parents and the reason why he must live in that "home".

"You can try to use some legal means next time." Zuo Si suggested meaningfully.

"Legal means?"

Harry blinked in confusion.

"Yes, legal means.

According to the British Minor Protection Act, whether it is a long period of imprisonment or being denied meals, it is a very serious violation.

Not to mention the verbal abuse, physical attacks, and emotional abuse that can also be involved.

So if you encounter a similar situation again, you can take up legal weapons and directly choose to call the police as a threat.

And tell your aunt and uncle that if convicted, they face years in prison and a hefty fine.

In addition to this, intimidation can also be done by calling the media for help.

Because once such things are exposed, your two relatives and their children will face strong condemnation from the entire society.

By then, their home will be surrounded by protesters, your uncle will lose his job, and even the entire family will fall into a double dilemma of finance and public opinion.

So you have no reason to be afraid of them. Instead, you should be afraid of them. "

Zuo Si showed Harry in a clear and logical manner how to treat guests as guests.

Perhaps for ordinary children, it may be very difficult to resist adults, especially adults with custody.

But for Harry Potter, who is already a wizard, it is not easy to deal with the Dursleys.

Anyway, the protective magic his mother left on him only required him to live with blood relatives.

As for feelings, it doesn't matter at all.


After hearing these remarks, both Ron and Harry swallowed subconsciously.

For the first time, they realized that Zuo Si's terror was not limited to his almost abnormal memory and magical talent, but also his understanding and application of existing laws and rules.

Harry Potter hesitated for a few seconds before responding: "If they dare to do this to me next time, I will try your method. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Let me give you a piece of advice. When faced with those who like to bully others and avoid being forced to do so, the more you retreat and the less you resist, the more the other party will take advantage of. But if you start acting tough, then the other party will feel scared. Retreating may even directly lead to a reversal of the status of both parties.”

After saying that, Zuo Si immediately pulled Hermione out of the bookstore and disappeared into the crowd.

Looking at the two people leaving, Harry couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Sos is really awesome, isn't he?"

"Yes! He is like an omniscient monster, not like our peers at all. Sometimes I even wonder, was Dumbledore and the mysterious man like this when they were in school?" Ron's eyes There was a hint of envy and jealousy that was not easily noticed.

Especially when he saw Hermione holding Zuo Si's arm in a very intimate manner, for some reason he always felt as if he had suddenly lost something important.

After finishing his shopping before the start of school, Zuo Si treated the Grangers to a sumptuous meal in Diagon Alley, then separated from the reluctant girl and went straight to the Pig's Head Bar in Hogsmeade Village.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the boss Aberforth, the Hogwarts professor sitting here drinking, the Minister of Magic Fudge and some officials, as well as the greatest alchemist of our time, Nicolas Flamel.

Especially Fudge, who immediately smiled and waved his hand: "Ah! The genius of the British wizarding world is finally here, come and sit down. We were just discussing the spells and inventions you made during the holidays."

"You're honored. How about all my spells?"

Zuo Si stepped to the bar and raised his hand to stop Aberforth from pouring butterbeer for him.

Fudge nodded slightly: "Almost, most of them have passed the test. However, the current resistance is that some of the magic is too destructive. Although they are not black magic, they are also quite dangerous. It is estimated that it will take some more time to discuss the matter before any results are reached.”

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​the air hammer technique? It's so useful! I bet that even if it was blessed with the Iron Armor Curse, it would be gone if it took a hit." Professor Flitwick of the Charms class said with interest. asked excitedly.

It is not difficult to see from this attitude that he has learned this spell in advance and tested it in actual combat.

“It’s very simple, it’s inspired by science.

In this regard, the Muggle world has already had practical applications.

They invented a device called an air booster, or air cannon, which compresses air and releases it at a speed of Mach 1.

In this way, those blocked pipes can be unclogged instantly.

All I did was replace the technology part with magic and improve it a little bit. "

Zuo Si gave the answer half-truthfully.

"That's it. I found that in some places, the air hammer is more suitable than the crushing spell. It will definitely become a spell that every wizard needs to master in the future, and don't use it extensively in life."

Professor Flitwick made no secret of his love for this new spell and gave the Air Hammer Spell a very high rating.

"Well, when you have time in the future, you can discuss the topic of magic with Soth alone. We are not gathered here to talk about this."

With a gloomy expression, Snape interrupted Professor Flitwick's intention to continue saying something, and turned to look at Zuo Si. "Did you bring that thing?"

"Of course, Professor."

Zuo Si slowly took out the magic stone made by himself from his pocket and gently placed it on the table in front of countless pairs of eyes.


With the crisp sound of the wooden tabletop, everyone present, including the two Dumbledores, could not help but breathe quickly.

Obviously, they already knew the power of this second magic stone through the letter sent by Zuo Si.

Among them, Nico Flamel, an expert, immediately took out his homemade magic magnifying glass and attached it to the magic stone to carefully observe the extremely complex magic symbols and lines on its surface, as well as the magic mercury flowing inside the stone.

After more than ten minutes, he put down the magnifying glass and announced in a slightly trembling voice: "This is a real magic stone, and it is more advanced and powerful than the one I made."

"Does it really have the ability to resurrect the dead?" Snape narrowed his eyes and asked.

At this moment, the love saint's hands hidden in the long robe had been drilled into fists, and because of the excessive force, the nails dug into the flesh without feeling at all.

"Sorry, this is not my field of expertise, so I can't give any answer. But I think we can do an experiment on the spot." Nico Flamel suggested with bright eyes.

"What do you think, Albus?"

Minister of Magic Fudge was obviously a little unsure about paying attention.

Although he is a little greedy, a little overjoyed, and a little greedy for power, he also understands what it means to be resurrected from the dead.

"I don't have any objections," the principal responded expressionlessly.

However, Aberforth, the bar owner on the side, knew very well that whenever his brother tried to block out all emotions and think with absolute rationality, it was often when his inner emotions fluctuated the most.

Seeing that Albus Dumbledore had no objection, Snape, who had already lost his patience, immediately waved his wand and caught a mouse hiding in a dark corner eating something.

Before the little thing could figure out what happened, a "Avada chews a big melon" sound and a dazzling green light ended its life.

Snape threw the mouse corpse directly on the table and said to Zuo Si: "Start your performance!"

"As you wish, Professor."

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Zuo Si took out a small bottle of green healing potion from his pocket, then gently tapped the side of the magic stone, took out a few drops of magic mercury that exuded silver light and poured it in.

After simple mixing and stirring, the liquid in the potion bottle emits a dazzling light.

The surging life energy immediately shocked everyone present.

When the liquid was poured onto the body, it took less than ten seconds for the mice to become active again.

"It's... unbelievable! This... this is simply a miracle!"

One Ministry official began to babble incoherently with excitement.

Because what killed the rat just now was the famous Death Curse.

So far, apart from Harry Potter, there is no record of a second person killed by this spell surviving.

Not to mention the unheard of possibility of being resurrected after death.

Albus Dumbledore asked with a solemn face: "Thos, do you know what this means?"

"Of course. This means that it will become something that countless people desire and will do whatever it takes to get it." Zuo Si replied casually.

"No! It's not as simple as you think. Old friend, tell him what you went through when you created the first Philosopher's Stone." Albus Dumbledore made a gesture to Nico Flamel wink.

The latter smiled bitterly and said: "I have been hunted for almost half a century. Whether it is dark wizards or Muggle dignitaries who long for wealth and immortality, they are all frantically looking for me and the Philosopher's Stone I hold. Among them was the then King of France."

"Did you hear that? A magic stone that can only make people immortal and refine gold-like metals is like this, let alone yours, which can bring the dead back to life. I admit, you have created a piece that can be A rare treasure with the prefix of greatness, but if not handled properly it will inevitably lead to catastrophic consequences."

When he said these words, Albus Dumbledore's tone was unprecedentedly serious, and at the same time he did not forget to observe Snape's reaction with the corner of his eye.

He knows better than anyone else that the potion master he chose to cooperate with now may no longer be able to trust him.

Unfortunately, the power went out twice in a row starting at noon, so it's a bit late today, sorry for that.

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