A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 286 The thief from the future (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Do you really want to go to the Abyss to get involved in this kind of thing?"

As soon as the people of the Goddess of Wealth Church stepped forward, the diary started to raise strong doubts.

Because in its opinion, the risk of this journey is too great, no matter what kind of promises and gifts the other party gives, it is not worth it.

Zuo Si smiled and asked, "Why not?

I bet that not only Sarangda Olium and the Waking Church were involved in this matter, but more than one god was most likely involved behind it.

Don't forget, Graz'zt imprisoned a goddess for a long time and slapped all the gods in Faerûn in the face.

Therefore, I believe that the rescue of the Goddess of Wealth is most likely a joint action of several good or neutral gods, including the goddess of magic Midnight herself.

The participation of Storm Queen Xinbu as a voter is the best proof.

Just look at it, this rescue team going to the bottomless abyss is basically either a chosen one or a legendary professional, and behind every one of them there is at least one god. "

The diary instantly understood something and said in a very shocked tone: "You mean... Grazite's behavior of imprisoning the goddess of wealth angered many gods?"

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. Look, under the planning of the gods, it won't be long before the Lord of Darkness will pay a very, very heavy price for his capriciousness and failure to abide by the contract. So although this operation may seem dangerous, the success rate will be very high because of the intervention of the gods.”

"That's it! That's why you deliberately chose to delay. You just wanted to see the final composition of the entire team, and then confirm which gods were involved."

The diary instantly understood its owner's thoughts.

Because in the continent of Faerun, almost none of the mortals who can reach such a powerful level can remain unknown.

With a little research, you will know whose believers or voters the other party is.

Once you understand their identities, you will naturally know which gods are involved.

"If more than three powerful gods join this operation, then I will choose to join. If not, even if it is recommended by Storm Queen Xinbu, I will refuse without hesitation."

Zuo Si expressed his attitude clearly.

Although he is already one of the many voters of the Goddess of Magic, and is willing to help other voters when they are in danger, this does not include situations involving outsiders.

In Zuo Si's view, the goddess of wealth Wojin and her church are out-and-out outsiders. They have no responsibility and no obligation to take huge risks for each other.

Only if he can get generous rewards and ensure his own safety will he consider joining this exciting adventure.

Of course, there is another consideration, which is to take the opportunity to visit the bottomless abyss, the ultimate plane filled with chaotic evil.

In particular, Graz'zt's famous triple realm is said to have collected the most handsome men and beauties in the Abyss and even the multiverse (because Graz'zt is a two-way plug), and has also established a huge harem.

Shendilavil, established with the succubus queen Malkanthet, has become one of the two most worthy places for mortals to visit in the abyss.

However, considering that it would take a while just to find the right candidate for this rescue operation, Zuo Si did not stupidly stay in the mage tower and wait, but quickly started and passed through the interdimensional portal to the British Inside the shelter.

Before the start of school at Hogwarts, there is one very important thing to do, and that is to transfer the scroll that seals the divine evil, Atropal, to the floating city.

But when he entered the "Doomsday Bunker" with heavy magical protection, he found that the shelf where the scrolls were originally placed was empty, not even a hair on it.


Zuo Si didn't hesitate and shouted the name of one of the house elves.


The latter hurriedly ran in from the only open space, put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply: "Dear Master, do you have any instructions?"

"Where are the scrolls I stored here?" Zuo Si asked bluntly.

"Uh... wasn't it taken away by you?"

The house elf named North asked back with wide innocent eyes.

"I took it away? When?"

Zuo Si frowned subconsciously and immediately realized that the situation seemed a little bad.

North explained carefully: "Within a few seconds after you put the scroll in and left, you came and took it away again. Calvi (another house elf) was also present at the time."

"I then took away the scroll? I only had a few seconds for my front and back legs?" Zuo Si keenly grasped the two key words.

Because it takes some time to open and close the magic protection of the "Doomsday Bunker".

The only entrance opens briefly whenever he needs to enter or exit, and quickly closes when he leaves.

And these few seconds are all it takes to turn it off again.

As for the other self mentioned by the house elf, most likely it is a disguise using polyjuice potion or some kind of transformation magic.

In other words, there was a person who very accurately captured the short time difference between the opening and closing of the "Doomsday Bunker", and disguised himself as stealing the scroll that sealed the divine evil.

But who can do this?

If you want to seize this loophole, you must first have a good understanding of the "Doomsday Bunker".

But Zuo Si has never disclosed the details of this shelter to anyone so far, let alone the extremely sensitive information of opening and closing the entrance.

Just when he was puzzled, something suddenly appeared in his mind that had been ignored for a long time but existed like a bug - a time turner.

You must know that the wizards in this world have developed magic that can travel through time-the time reversal spell.

Although due to the great unknown and danger, further research was strictly prohibited and there were only a few time turners strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic. However, time travel is completely feasible in theory.

In particular, Professor Crocker of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic has spent his life studying magic related to time.

Moreover, wizard newspapers in the past have reported many stories, such as a certain person who secretly studied time magic for a witch and accidentally trapped himself at home for five days.

By the time he was rescued, his body had aged so much that it seemed like five centuries had passed.

You don't need to ask to know that she must have consumed too much of her lifespan during time travel.

So it all seems to make sense.

Obviously, the thief does not come from the present continuous tense, but from a certain point in time in the future.

As for why the other party knew so much about the structure of the "Doomsday Bunker" and could even take advantage of the short opening and closing time of the entrance to steal the scroll that sealed the divine evil, it is most likely that Zuo Si himself revealed some information to someone close to him in the future. information.

The most likely possibility of this person is Hermione, who was trained as an assistant in this world.

If Hermione is captured by someone else and controlled by the Imperius Curse, the other party can figure out the situation in the "Doomsday Bunker" and use time magic or a time turner to go back in time and steal it.

"Damn it! I actually forgot that this world uses magic and props that can travel through time and go back to the past." Zuo Si couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

There is no doubt that the loss of the scroll that sealed the divine evil, Atropal, made him very nervous.

Because this is a divine creature, once its powerful magical power is released, it will be absolutely devastating to the entire world.

And this god considers Shar, the goddess of the night, as his mother.

If it escapes and begins to develop followers among humans, then it is very likely that Shar will be summoned to this world and successfully create an incarnation.

"Master...Master, weren't you the one who took away the scroll?" North's eyes showed a trace of fear and despair.

"That's right! A despicable thief stole it." Zuo Si responded with a gloomy face.

The next second...

North started banging his head against the ground like crazy, screaming hysterically: "It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It was North who was too stupid to let the thief steal the master's most important thing! Master, please Punish me severely, cut off my head and hang it on the wall as a decoration!"

"Quiet! I don't mean to blame you." Zuo Si glared at the house elf angrily.

According to the relationship established between planeswalkers and summoned creatures, normally the latter should be able to distinguish thieves disguised through transformation magic.

But the innate servility of house elves makes them ignore this, and once they see their master, they will immediately show unparalleled obedience.

Through this incident, Zuo Si finally understood that house elves might be good servants, but they could never do a job like guarding.

He needs to equip more and stronger guards in the doomsday bunker.

There is no doubt that the loss of the scroll made North very remorseful and depressed. His two big eyes kept crying, and he wished he could die immediately.

As for another house elf, after learning about this incident, he secretly punished himself by burning his skin with flames while preparing food and refreshments.

It has to be said that the success of the wizards in transforming and enslaving this species has reached a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

They even regard being enslaved by their masters as an honor and freedom as a shame.

Of course, Zuo Si didn't pay too much attention to the reactions of the two house elves.

After the initial panic, he quickly calmed down and began to analyze what the other party's purpose was.

Obviously, it can be seen from the fact that the other party entered the doomsday bunker and only stole the scroll without touching other things. This person knew very well that the value of the scroll was much higher than other items.

But whether the thief really knows what is sealed in this scroll is a big question mark.

Because the wizards in this world have no understanding of God.

Whether it is Albus Dumbledore, known as the greatest wizard of our time, or Voldemort, who frightened the British wizarding world, or Grindelwald, who once tried to start a revolution to change everything, they are far from reaching the level. Able to reach the level of God.

So Zuo Si is more inclined to believe that the thief just knew that the scroll itself was an incredible treasure, or that he heard from hearsay that it contained some kind of magical creature that could grant wishes or achieve immortality, or that it was a powerful wizard left over from ancient times.

In order to find out the truth, Zuo Si tried to cast several prophecy magics to locate the scroll.

But unfortunately, the holder of the scroll has obviously left the sphere of influence of the British Isles, so the prophecy magic ultimately failed without exception.

However, considering that this incident happened in the future, and according to the time rules of this world, everything that has happened cannot be changed, so there is no need to be too impatient. Instead, we can slowly make plans to catch this thief from the future. live.

What's more, the magic used to seal the divine evil cannot be broken by just anyone.

Not to mention the huge differences in the magic systems of the two worlds, even if the other party obtained all the knowledge of a legendary mage from Faerûn, it would still take years or even decades to research and decipher it.

So the scroll should be safe and non-hazardous for the time being.

Moreover, with the character of the godly Atropal, once he is released, he will definitely massacre the living people in the surrounding area crazily.

By then, as long as you pay a little attention to the news reports of disasters that have caused a large number of deaths around the world, you will be able to roughly know the location of this guy.

After clearing his mind, Zuo Si quickly set his sights on the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

This is the only known location where a complete time-reversal spell is stored, and it is also where the Time-Turner is stored.

Especially Professor Crocker, who specializes in studying time magic, even if he is not the thief himself, he must have a very close relationship with the thief.

However, considering that the Department of Mysteries has always been a protected target, Zuo Si did not rush to take action. Instead, he first revealed some of his "latest" research results during the holiday to the current Minister of Magic Fudge through an owl, as well as several A spell created by invention.

Obviously, this time the beating was not intended to be "hard", but was planned to wait for the Ministry of Magic to invite him over.

You must know that Fudge, who loves vanity, attaches great importance to things like "political achievements".

Anything that would enhance his resume, he would be more than happy to support.

As expected, Zuo Si received a reply just a dozen hours later.

As for the content, it is nothing more than disgusting compliments and compliments, and even uses the word "genius" no less than a dozen times.

At the end of the letter, Fudge stated that he would go to Hogwarts again to verify these research results and spells at the beginning of the next semester, and then personally award them with honors and a large bonus.

In fact, as "A Step-by-Step Guide to Storing Spells - Volume One" began to spread in the wizarding world, Fudge had gained considerable political capital and prestige from it.

Coupled with the crazy praise of a group of losers headed by Umbridge, many people really believed that this old bureaucrat would be an excellent leader who could lead the British wizarding world to create glory and prosperity again.

"This feeling is really as simple as manipulating a puppet with strings. People who are corrupted by money, power and desire are indeed the easiest to manipulate."

Zuo Si sneered and sighed, then lit the letter and threw it into the trash can to burn it.

"How do you plan to find the lost scroll?" Diary suddenly asked.

Zuo Si replied casually: "It's very simple! When approaching Professor Crocker, focus on the new friends who appear around Hermione. If nothing else, the person who stole the scroll should be one of them."

"Could it be the work of Voldemort and his men? This guy seems to have always been full of indescribable obsession with death and immortality. He even made a large number of zombie-like inferi that are similar to low-level undead creatures." Diary Ben reminded me proactively.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. It seems that we need to visit the well-informed Rita Skeeter and let her be responsible for collecting some useful news and intelligence in the magical world."

After saying that, Zuo Si stood up and waved his wand gently, instantly apparating and disappearing.

Just a second later, he appeared in a house out of thin air.

Rita Skeeter, who was sleeping in bed, seemed to sense something. She suddenly woke up and grabbed the wand placed beside the pillow to defend herself.

But when she saw who it was, sweat soaked through the woman's silk pajamas in just a few seconds. At the same time, she gasped violently while covering the looming magic mark on her chest, and her whole body trembled slightly uncontrollably. .

She would never forget the horrific torture she endured in the headmaster's room at Hogwarts.

That feeling became a lingering nightmare like a nightmare, and even now, when I think about it occasionally, I still have twitches and convulsions, and at the same time feel strong phantom pain.

"Good evening, Miss Rita Skeeter, it seems that you have recovered well during this period." Zuo Si greeted with a smile.

Rita Skeeter swallowed subconsciously and asked in a stammering tone: "You...what do you want to do again?"

"As a master, I think I have the right to visit my servants and request services at any time, don't I?"

With that said, Zuo Si gently waved his wand to light the fireplace nearby.

Since the weather temperature in the UK in August is not very high, especially at night, it is usually only a little over ten degrees Celsius. In addition, the humid and cold environment will be very difficult without heating equipment.

As the firelight dispelled the darkness, Rita Skeeter finally saw clearly the young man in front of her who frightened her.

Zuo Si, who was still a little immature when we met a few months ago, now looks completely like a young man.

Especially the black pupils, which were illuminated by the flames, revealed a strange and profound light, making her feel like she was facing a Dark Lord who was a hundred times more terrifying than Voldemort.



A strong chill rose from under my feet and spread quickly throughout my body.

Rita Skeeter didn't even bother to put on a piece of clothing. She got up from the bed in translucent silk underwear and knelt on the ground in a very humble posture.

"Great Master, your servants are always at your beck and call."

Zuo Si nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! This is the attitude a servant should have. And I guarantee that if you perform well enough when performing tasks, you will receive unimaginable rewards, such as this and this……"

"This is?!"

Rita Skeeter looked up and saw a special-shaped wand, a notebook and several bottles of potions of different colors.

Zuo Si introduced straightforwardly: "This wand was made by me myself, and it can greatly enhance the power of the spell.

The most important thing is that it is not registered by the Ministry of Magic and can be used to do some unknown secret things without worrying about being discovered.

As for the notes, I recorded some unique spells I invented that can be used to protect myself when encountering danger.

Finally, there are these potions, some of which are near-universal antidotes, and some of which are healing and potions with magical effects such as invisibility and thought detection.

There is an English label on the bottle, you can use it as needed.

Remember, I am very generous when it comes to those who are able and faithful servants.

But similarly, he will be particularly ruthless when dealing with betrayers and those who want to fish in troubled waters. "

"What do you need me to do?" Rita Skeeter asked cautiously.

As a journalist who rose to her position by concocting fake news, she is no fool and understands the consequences of serving such a powerful and dangerous master.

The more things the other party provides, the more it shows that the task is not simple.

"It's very simple. Aren't you very well-informed? Then go find out the information for me, especially the content related to the time reversal spell, the time turner and Professor Crocker. In addition, pay more attention to the magical world and the Muggle world. There have been a large number of human deaths due to unknown reasons." Zuo Si made the request unceremoniously.

As soon as she heard that she was just inquiring about information, Rita Skeeter was instantly relieved and hurriedly promised: "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter. Later, I will go there as a reporter for the Daily Prophet Interview Professor Crocker and collect all the information on him and his family and give it to you.”

"If you find any useful information, go to this address in person immediately and tell the news to the house elf in the house. Be sure to do it in person! Never use an owl to send messages, it is very unsafe and easy to be intercepted." Zuo Si said in a stern tone. warned.


Rita Skeeter didn't dare to be negligent and nodded quickly to show that she understood.

In fact, she is quite talented when it comes to finding out other people's secrets.

Especially in the field of transformation magic, the level has reached a very high level, otherwise it would not be possible to become an extremely rare "Animagus".

You must know that turning a human body into a small bug is much more difficult than turning into a mammal such as a wolf, elk, dog, or cat.

In other words, making oneself extremely large or extremely small requires extremely advanced attainments in the field of transformation magic.

After reactivating Rita Skeeter as a tool, Zuo Si immediately came to the Malfoy family manor without stopping.

As luck would have it, this visit coincided with a surprise inspection by the Ministry of Magic.

The leader was none other than Arthur, the father of the Weasley twins.

Since he himself had always been quite at odds with Lucius, the atmosphere between the two was tense.

The former even wished he could turn over the entire manor and find all the dark magic items left over from the Voldemort era. It would be best if he could send the other party to Azkaban.

Similarly, Lucius is also using his own connections to constantly put pressure on the people who are searching, forcing them to not dare to enter the real treasure trove of the Malfoy family.

Because if something was really lost inside, with their little salary, they couldn't afford to pay for it even if they didn't eat or drink for decades.

Not only that, Lucius also secretly mocked Arthur for being a poor man who could barely support his family.

To be honest, watching two middle-aged people in their forties tit-for-tat like children is really a bit dumbfounding.

In the end, no contraband was found in this raid, and Arthur Weasley could only leave angrily with the people, and uttered harsh words that sooner or later he would catch the Malfoy family's crimes.

Of course, he himself knew that this was just to regain some face.

The reason why the surprise inspection he applied for failed this time was because someone within the Ministry of Magic must have secretly tipped Lucius off.

Watching the people from the Ministry of Magic disappear completely, Zuo Si finally lifted his invisibility and walked out from an inconspicuous corner. He smiled and joked: "Why, has the Malfoy family fallen to this level? To be treated in such a way? .”

"When did you come?" Lucius was instantly surprised.

Because he was completely unaware of Zuo Si's arrival, nor was he aware that magic such as apparation was taking effect within the confines of his family manor.

"Not long after I arrived, I happened to see such a scene. To be honest, I think your previous description of the influence of the ancient pure-blood family was a bit exaggerated. At least so far, you can't even change some of the decisions of the Ministry of Magic. This It really makes me very disappointed." Zuo Si said meaningfully.

There is no doubt that these words instantly made Lucius's originally pale face turn red, and he defended through gritted teeth: "It's all because of Arthur Weasley, the shameful traitor! Although he himself is a complete idiot and fool! The Weasley family is quite influential in the wizarding world. This guy has won over a large number of people with the help of his family's glory and his status as a supporter of Dumbledore."

"Look, this is the stupidest part of your pure-blood theory, which puts a large number of mixed-blood and Muggle-born wizards against you.

The basic principle of politics is to win over as many allies as possible while reducing the number of enemies.

But you are doing the opposite and trying to go against the laws of historical development, and you are destined to fail.

Forget it, that’s not what I came here to talk about. "

Zuo Si shook his head slightly, then waved his wand and quickly created a projection of a seal scroll in the air, and said bluntly: "Someone stole something from the treasure house where I bought the house not long ago, an extremely precious and A dangerous scroll. I hope you can use all the connections at your disposal to help me investigate its whereabouts."

"Scroll?" Lucius narrowed his eyes and showed a hint of curiosity.

"Yes, a scroll. If you can help me find it, I can grant you a wish, no matter what it is." Zuo Si promised calmly.

"No problem, leave it to me."

Lucius agreed without hesitation, without even knowing what was recorded in the questionnaire.

Because in his opinion, no matter how precious this scroll is, it is far more valuable than the promise given by the young man in front of him.

After Zuo Si left, the master of the Malfoy family carefully entered the treasure house and took out a lot of things left over from the Voldemort era from a very secret place, including a notebook that was one of the Horcruxes.

After this surprise inspection, Lucius has realized that his home is not as safe as he thought, so these things must be disposed of as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he was really found out, he would be sent to Azkaban and imprisoned for a few years, which would be a light sentence.

Of course, dealing with so many dark magic items is not an easy task.

Maybe the black market over at Knockturn Alley can eat up part of it, but no dark wizard would dare to accept some of the most dangerous items even if they were given away for free.

And the diary from Voldemort's student days is obviously one of them.

Since he didn't know the secret of the Horcrux at all, Lucius simply believed that the diary was blessed with some kind of black magic that could absorb life force. He didn't know that it contained a fragment of a soul.

In line with the principle of recycling waste, he planned to use this thing to create some chaos and give some color to Arthur Weasley, who had embarrassed himself during this search operation.

Soon, an insidious plan was hatched.

But Lucius didn't notice that there was a pair of disproportionately large eyes in the darkness that could see everything clearly.

He was none other than Dobby, the house elf of the Malfoy family.

At the same time, Zuo Si, who returned to his residence on the other side, finally found the time to sort out the letters he had accumulated during his absence, which totaled hundreds of letters.

Most of them are polite greetings from well-known wizards around the world, as well as some of the difficulties and problems encountered in making magic scrolls and spell storage items.

All in all, it is an exchange of knowledge and technology.

Zuo Si, without exception, answered these letters from a very professional perspective and sent replies.

Especially the reply to the master alchemist Nicolas Flamel, which filled several pages of parchment, so much so that the owl responsible for delivering the letter could not help but make a cooing sound of protest after seeing it.

The last thing left were the letters between the twin brothers and Hermione.

Especially the former, who was so mad that he would send a letter every other day urging Zuo Si to go to the Weasley family's house "The Burrow", otherwise all their hard-earned money would be completely confiscated.

As for Hermione's letters, most of them were introductions to her holiday life, with a hint of longing revealed between the lines, as well as a small complaint about never getting a reply.

The diary was even more naked and unabashedly encouraging: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and reply! You must know that among the many women you know, Miss Granger is one of the few who is sane and very rational. .Although you may be a little young, you can slowly cultivate your relationship first."

"Shut up. No one will think you are mute if you don't speak."

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily, and quickly picked up a pen and wrote two replies.

One of them was to Hermione, explaining her failure to reply in time.

The other letter was to the twins, telling them that he would be visiting in person in a few days.

After finishing all the letters, Zuo Si calmed down and prepared to complete a difficult alchemy project in the last few days before the start of school, that is, to create a magic stone of his own.

But unlike the one made by Nico Flamel, he planned to add some craftsmanship from the Alchemy Stone, a secondary artifact from the Faerûn continent.

Of course, it's not easy.

Because although secondary artifacts do not require the participation of gods and divine power, their requirements for spellcasting levels are very high.

Combined with the different spellcasting methods and magic operation rules in the world, it is very difficult for Zuo Sisi, who has a high creator level, to successfully create it.

Among the many tedious steps, filling the inside of the magic stone or alchemy stone with magic mercury is undoubtedly the most difficult one.

After all, this highly concentrated and liquefied substance not only contains amazing power that can change the nature of matter, but can also enhance the effect of the healing potion, turning it into a resurrection potion that can resurrect the dead.

What's more, according to Zuo Si's design, this work, which combines the highest alchemy skills of the two worlds, should have the ability to continuously create magic mercury.

The only good news is that he now has many of the best gems on hand that can be used as raw materials and carriers for making magic stones.

As for energy, there are still some remnants of the floating city's seal that were absorbed last time and have been preserved, which should be more than enough to make magic stones.

First, Zuo Si needs to select those with the best magic tolerance from a large number of the finest gems, and then break them into powder in a non-violent way.

Then it is condensed back together through alchemy, and abundant life energy is injected into it, turning it from a dead object into a semi-crystalline body exuding the bright light of life.

You don't need to ask to know that most of this life energy comes from the goblins raised underground in the mage tower, and part of it is the contribution of the large number of orcs who died under the raging plague.

When all this energy was poured into it, the crystal began to show a dark green light that was enough to affect the mind.

After anyone sees it, he can't help but feel a strong desire for possession in his heart.

This is the instinctive attraction of powerful life energy to living things.

But if it only achieves this step, it is at best a relatively precious life gem that can bring extra life and health to the wearer.

The work to be done next is the key to turning it into a magic stone or an alchemy stone.

"Use gems as the shell, life force as the root, and huge magical energy as the catalyst. Now, let me see what I can create."

With the murmur, Zuo Si instantly released all the energy stored in his body, wrapped the life gems placed on the test bench and continuously pressurized them.

When the pressure formed by the energy reaches a certain critical point, the energy in the outer wall of the gem finally begins to liquefy and slowly flows inside the crystal.

The whole process lasted a full twenty hours.

When Zuo Si felt that his energy was about to run out, the texture of the gem itself finally changed.

It no longer glowed as before, but turned into an inconspicuous black stone.

But through the turbid and blurry translucent areas on the surface, you can vaguely see the liquid magic mercury flowing inside.

Not only that!

The black patterns and spots on the gem itself, which look like dirt, are actually a very powerful magic circle.

If the magic mercury inside is used up, the holder can activate these magic circles, replenish energy by killing other creatures, and continuously produce new magic mercury.

But for Zuo Si, it obviously doesn't need to be so troublesome.

He only needs to activate the chosen ability given to him by Talona to massacre the enemy indiscriminately, and then inject the "temporary life" formed by inhaling his body into it.

In addition to generating unlimited magic mercury, this magic stone can also protect the holder from all instant-death magic effects.

As for making life-extending potions and turning other metals into gold-like weight and luster, they are not worth mentioning at all.

Because the resurrection ability combined with magic mercury and healing potions is enough to drive everyone in this world crazy.

According to the description in the notebook provided by Ogma, the God of Knowledge, this mixed potion can produce an effect similar to the Nine Rings Divine Art - Complete Resurrection.

Although it is not like the complete resurrection technique, which can resurrect a person out of thin air without any corpse, it still requires at least a small piece of remains, but it is enough to make up for the biggest shortcoming in some people's hearts.

For example, Snape who fell into endless regret because of the death of his beloved, or the Dumbledore brothers who fell into guilt because of the death of their sister, or the savior who is extremely eager to see his parents in person - Harry. Porter.

Zuo Si really wanted to see how these people would change when those tragedies that were destined to become a fait accompli suddenly had room for change.

Likewise, with this magic stone that can bring people back to life, he will soon surpass all well-known wizards and become the most influential person in the entire magical world.

In the past, if Zuo Si created such a treasure, he would definitely try his best to hide it.

But now, not only will he not hide it, but he will also choose a special moment to announce it to the public, and use it as bait to find the guy who stole the scroll.

Just like this, another two days passed. When Zuo Si completely recovered from the fatigue of completing the Philosopher's Stone, he immediately appeared near the Weasley's fireplace with the help of floo powder at the agreed time.

Although according to his own habits, he prefers to use apparation.

But considering that this kind of behavior is illegal, and I don't have a license to apparate, I'd better just use floo powder and be a good baby.


"Merlin's beard! You're finally here!"

George and Fred rushed down the stairs immediately, with surprise on their faces.

Because they knew that Zuo Si's arrival meant that their hard-earned pocket money could finally be unfrozen.

"Long time no see. It seems you had a good holiday."

Seeing these two living treasures again after such a long time, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile slightly.

Especially George's face was covered with a lot of feather-like things, which kept falling down when he spoke. He was so happy.

"Not bad? You really know how to joke! Did you know? A series of inventions and creations we originally planned to make this holiday were declared bankrupt because the funds were frozen." Fred complained excitedly.

George quickly plucked the bird feathers off his face with his hands, and nodded in agreement: "That's right. Mom couldn't help but confiscate our bag full of gold galleons, and didn't believe our explanation at all. Even if there was Luo Eun and Hermione wrote letters to testify. But now it's better, with you here, mother will definitely return the money."

Just when Fred was about to say something, two short figures suddenly ran down from the third floor.

One of them was clearly Ron, and the other girl with long reddish-brown hair knew without asking that she must be Ginny, the youngest daughter of the Weasley family.

Almost at the same time, the hostess Molly, who was wearing an apron, poked her head out of the kitchen to see what was going on in the living room.

Facing these familiar or unfamiliar faces, Zuo Si immediately bowed slightly politely, greeted each one with a smile, and presented a custom-made super large cake as a gift.

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