A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 282 This world is ours (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The central tower of the Floating City of Plantia is undoubtedly the tallest and majestic building in the entire city.

It is more appropriately described as a building than a tower.

However, the overall shape is based on the traditional cylindrical spire structure, with a height of an astonishing 500 meters. The entire body looks like it is carved from a huge stone, and both the outer and inner walls are blessed with a large amount of protective magic.

As for the interior, it stores almost all the magical knowledge, technology and history from the establishment of the floating city to the present.

In particular, the secret library located on the upper level contains backup copies of spells created and invented by the great mages of the past dynasties.

According to the provisions of the "Supreme Code", all spells invented by mages enjoy a so-called "patent protection period."

Within this period, the inventor has exclusive access to all the secrets of the spell, and anyone else has no choice but to rob it by any means, otherwise they will pay a heavy price according to the penalty mechanism of the contract.

This time is usually based on the life span of the inventor.

When this person dies due to aging or accident, the backup copy of the scroll he prepared in advance will be automatically transferred to the library and stored for all other mages to study and research.

This not only protects the rights and interests of the inventor, but also prevents the spells created from being lost easily.

When Zuo Si was still an apprentice, he came once with his mentor Asta.

But unfortunately, his level in the Council of Mages was too low at the time, so he could only stand at the door and watch with envy as he rummaged through the bookshelves and scroll boxes for various precious spells and information.

But now, with the mage council of Plantia Floating City completely wiped out, Zuo Si, as the only survivor, has naturally obtained the highest authority and is qualified to enter this place under heavy protection.

But when he openly passed through the construct golem guards and pushed open the door, he did not touch any book, note or scroll. Instead, he walked straight to the huge statue in the middle, put one hand on his chest and bowed. Bowing, he stated in a very ancient language: "In the name of the Council of Mages, I now need the Supreme Code to attract new members."


The statue's ruby ​​eyes suddenly flashed with light, and then it came to life, bent down and said in a low voice: "The Supreme Code responds to your call. Please wait a moment, I am testing the authority you have. .”

After saying that, the statue raised the huge book in its hand and released a detection magic that was enough to cover the entire floating city.

After about a few minutes, a sad expression quickly appeared on its face.

"The test results confirm that there are 15,468 people registered in the Mages Council of Plantia Floating City, and one person is currently alive. Congratulations, you have obtained the right to hold the "Supreme Code"."

As the last word blurted out, the statue slowly placed the huge book in its hands gently on the ground.

The next second...

The book began to glow with golden light, and then began to become smaller and smaller until humans could pick it up.

You don't need to ask to know that this book is the "Supreme Code" that maintains the normal operation of the entire Floating City of Plantia. It is also a powerful binding magic contract.

It is precisely because of its existence that the battles between the archmages have always been maintained within a safe range and have not fallen into serious internal strife like the red-robed mages or the Arcane Brotherhood.

It is said that the "Supreme Code" was jointly produced by several great mages who originally built the floating city. Its source of magic power is tied to the heart of the earth, so it cannot be resisted by any spellcaster.

Other floating cities that were later built successively adopted similar methods.

In other words, each floating city has its own "Supreme Code", but the provisions recorded in it are very different.

Picking up this slightly heavy book, Zuo Si quickly returned to the corridor and said to the lichs waiting outside: "Come on, write your name on the last page of this code.

In this way, you are considered members of the Mages Council.

Then go to the conference room to initiate a vote, and I can gain the highest control of the central tower.

When I get control, I can promote you to become an archmage, and you can freely use all the facilities in this mage tower, including several secret libraries and laboratories. "

No hesitation!

Vanessa took the lead and was the first to write her name on the last page.


He felt a force behind the city that closely connected him with this floating city.

At the same time, the previous sense of being watched everywhere disappeared.

After the last lich finished signing, the "Supreme Code" suddenly burst out with a blue light, followed by the illusory influence of an old man appearing out of thin air.

In a tone that could make people sleep, he explained in detail the basic rules, taboos and precautions that need to be followed to join the Mage Council.

Although most of these contents have lost their meaning with the destruction of the Mages Council.

The most important thing is that Zuo Si has no intention of attracting too many people, but wants to monopolize the entire floating city.

Except for the lichs and a few summoned creatures under their control, the rest of them didn't want their names to appear on the last page of the "Supreme Code".

After an hour and a half of tossing, the entire process was finally completed.

After obtaining the highest authority, Zuo Si did not hesitate for a second, and immediately initiated the wartime agreement and forcibly took over all the mage towers in the entire floating city, as well as the structures and other magical creations that had not been destroyed in the mage towers. Order them to throw all the undead corpses down the streets and every corner.

Meteorite fragments from the collision of two comets sparked widespread fires below.

So we can take this opportunity to deal with the garbage that exudes stench and may carry a large number of mutated viruses and bacteria.

As for the remaining undead, they were all stuffed into boxes under Vanessa's collection and control. What awaits them will be working day and night in the mine.

In short, Zuo Si was not in a hurry to lift the magic blockade, but first cleaned and disinfected the entire city.

With the elect ability bestowed by Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, it took him three full days to completely eliminate the plague raging in the floating city of Plantia.

Finally, he used the amazing magic power provided by the heart of the earth to create a heavy rain, extinguishing the forest fires that stretched for dozens or even hundreds of kilometers below.

At this point, all the tasks of this trip were finally completed without missing a beat.

Looking at the charred ground and mountain peaks in the distance that had been extinguished by heavy rain and emitted a large amount of white smoke and water vapor, Jeffrey sighed with a high-spirited smile: "Now, this world is ours."

Vanessa nodded with deep understanding: "You are right. There are no gods here, and there are no dangerous lower plane creatures such as demons and devils. Moreover, it has countless resources we need. It is simply the natural choice of the organization. Land. What we have to do is find those survivors, give them shelter, and then rekindle the fire of civilization."

"This is not difficult. As far as I know, in addition to the continent under my feet, there are three other continents on this planet.

Although one of the continents was pushed back to the barbaric era by the impact of powerful magical power, the other two continents have quite a few countries and city-states, as well as sufficient human resources.

What we have to do is to restore the prosperity of the port city of Hel, and then dump goods to those countries and city-states through trade, while absorbing outstanding immigrants and training qualified young people to become mages.

It won't be long before a powerful magical civilization will rise in our hands.

Of course, before that, we still need to clean up the undead creatures entrenched in other cities and villages, as well as the plagues they carry. "

When he said these words, Jeffrey's eyes flashed with naked excitement and anticipation.

As a mage, especially a Faerun mage who had heard of the era of Netheril, he simply could not refuse such a temptation.

What's more, by studying the magic system of this world, you can get rid of your dependence on the magic network, directly contact the most primitive and manic magic energy, and try to conquer and control them.

These are privileges that only elven high mages and legendary mages can obtain in Faerûn.

"It's too early to talk about this now. Don't forget, this world is not just a floating city, we also have some potential competitors to deal with."

Vanessa, who has a gloomy personality, is obviously not as optimistic as Jeffrey, but begins to secretly plan to launch a war, a war between the floating city and the floating city.

"Don't worry, didn't Lord Soth already get the last location information from the floating cities and send out gargoyles to investigate?

I believe it won’t be long before other floating cities will be included one by one.

What's more, what happens even if those floating cities are controlled by others?

Being able to use two magic systems at the same time, we have an overwhelming advantage in combat casting.

When necessary, you can also use Starfall to directly destroy the opponent's floating city. "

Jeffrey obviously has a strong confidence in Zuo Si, the leader of the organization.

He had no idea that the previous Starfall magic was copied from the planeswalker's card and was not really mastered by Zuo Si.

Just when Vanessa was about to say something, she suddenly saw Tyrantir walking over from behind with a pile of scrolls in his arms.

Driven by curiosity, he couldn't help but ask: "What is that in your hand?"

"They are some spell scrolls that have been encrypted by special means. In order to prevent others from easily learning the spells they invented, these damn bastards deliberately used many messy magic symbols to confuse the audience." Tyrantir complained through gritted teeth.

You must know that learning a new magic system from scratch is not an easy task.

But now, those dead archmages have raised the difficulty a lot out of thin air.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, my friend. Anyway, we have infinite lifespan, and we don't need sleep and rest. As long as we spend a little time, we can always decipher the mystery." Jeffrey comforted with a smile.

But Tyrantir obviously didn't appreciate it, and rolled his eyes angrily: "Don't make sarcastic remarks there. If you have time to hang out here, why not come with me to sort out and decipher these spell scrolls, and then transform them into magic scrolls?" The way the net is cast.”

"Sorry, although I want to help, Lord Soth gave me a task, which is to go to Hel to collect the survivors and build a shelter for them to survive and thrive safely."

Vanessa shrugged her shoulders and looked helpless.

Jeffrey also immediately shied away: "Don't look at me. I have to return to Faerun to maintain the internal operations of the organization and ensure the safety of the large sea area from Luskandu to the Lanser Islands. I can't help much either."

Seeing that both of them had their own things to do, Tyrantir sighed unwillingly: "Oh - I think we should expand the number of core members. Otherwise, as the stall grows more and more As we grow bigger, there will definitely be a shortage of manpower.”

"Don't Lord Soth control the Emerald Society that operates secretly in the Amn area? Maybe we can let them join in on a limited basis?" Vanessa suggested in an uncertain tone.

"Emerald Society? Are you sure they are reliable? As far as I know, these guys are frequently operating in several towns on the border of Tethyr. They want to get rid of the suppression of the Masked Mage Guild. Maybe it will cause a series of serious problems. Consequences." Jeffrey was obviously worried.

“I think it’s better to forget it.

The members of the Emerald Society generally have low spellcasting levels, and their strength is even lower than that of the Masked Mage Guild.

Rather than counting on them, it is better to develop a few more core members.

After all, we possess the complete lich transformation ritual, which is fatally attractive to high-level mages whose lifespan is about to run out.

Coupled with a vast and rich reserve of knowledge and spells, few spellcasting organizations are more competitive than ours. "

Tyrantir expressed his views straightforwardly.

After all, the Gaoli Castle where he lives is quite close to the town of Naxikai in the northernmost part of Amn, so he is no stranger to the Emerald Society.

The two parties will even trade some materials and magic items.

In Tyrantir's eyes, the Emerald Society is not so much a strict organization as it is a group of rebels who are unwilling to let the Masked Mage Guild monopolize the entire Amn magic resources, and finally gather together to keep warm.

Except for the relatively stable relationship between the mentor and the apprentice, there is no clear superior-subordinate relationship between the other members, and so-called "small circles" are often formed in different cities.

If it weren't for the Masked Mages Guild, a formidable enemy, I would probably have done it first because of the issue of profit distribution.

Of course, this situation improved slightly after Rayne and the Dracolich Barisriat took control of the Emerald Order.

At least the area around Kezula City, where the headquarters is located, has been completely brought under control, and is actively penetrating into other cities.

Coupled with the help of the big boss Xia En VII within the Masked Mage Guild, everything has been going quite smoothly so far.

I believe that within a few years, the Emerald Society will become the second largest spellcasting organization in the Amn region.

While several lichs were discussing which of the people they knew could develop into core members, at the top of the central tower, Zuo Si was conducting a dangerous experiment involving the brain and soul.

The subject of the experiment is none other than Varena, a direct descendant of the Necromancer Asta.

The woman had regained consciousness at this moment, and was staring at the harmless-looking young man in front of her with eyes full of fear, and let out a desperate whine from her mouth.

Because a hollow wooden ball was stuffed in her mouth to prevent her from accidentally biting her tongue in panic, she couldn't speak at all, let alone beg for mercy or curse.

"Relax, ma'am. I promise, as long as you cooperate honestly and let me figure out what the instructor has done to your mind, everything will be fine. And you don't want to keep a huge and complex thing in your mind. Unknown hidden dangers, isn’t it?”

While Zuo Si comforted the other party with words, he signaled to the Mind Flayer assistant next to him to start taking action.

The latter suddenly opened four octopus-like tentacles and lightly scratched Varena's face.

The wet and slimy feeling instantly scared the woman to the point of collapse, and her tears couldn't stop flowing out.

After all, not many people can remain calm after seeing a mind flayer for the first time, especially when their body is fixed on a rack and unable to move, allowing others to slaughter it.

But unfortunately, the mind flayer ignored Varena, who was in a mental breakdown, and immediately activated her psychic powers to scratch the top of the opponent's skull.


The originally hard skin and bones were easily cut open.

When the entire Tianling Cover was lifted, the red brain matter and white brain were completely exposed to the air.

Since there was not even a trace of anesthesia during the entire process, Varena immediately felt the excruciating pain. At the same time, blood flowed all over her face along the incision, making her look extremely hideous and terrifying.

She could not believe in her dreams that one day she would become a test subject for the mages to study like those slaves.

"Examine the area."

Zuo Si pointed directly at the area of ​​the left hemisphere near the lower thalamus.

The Mind Flayer resisted the urge to eat the "delicious food" in front of him, and controlled one of its tentacles to insert it with very gentle movements.

After about a few seconds, he immediately said through telepathy: "This is a place that has been transformed by magic."

"What was modified?" Zuo Si touched his chin and asked with interest.

"It's memory! Someone has sealed a lot of memories here." The mind flayer gave the answer without thinking.

As perhaps the race with the deepest research on the brain and mind in the entire multiverse, the mind flayers can immediately sense whether an intelligent creature's brain has been tampered with with just a touch.


A strange expression suddenly appeared on Zuo Si's face.

He really couldn't figure out why Asta sealed the memory in his descendants.

The Mind Flayer slowly withdrew his tentacles and explained in an emotionless tone: "I think it was some crazy guy who wanted to forcibly instill and change the memory and thinking of this human woman after death. Continue your existence.”

"What's the meaning?"

Zuo Si had obviously realized something, but wanted the mind flayer to be more straightforward.

As a summoned creature, the Mind Flayer obviously would not disobey its master's will, and quickly replied: "As we all know, both the spirit and the personality require a large amount of memory and experience to support it.

If an intelligent creature does not have these things, then it may maintain its survival instinct, but it will never have independent consciousness and thinking ability.

In this regard, we once conducted an experiment where we placed a newborn baby in a completely isolated environment, giving him only food and the most basic living security without any communication with him, let alone seeing or It is to perceive our presence.

Guess what it will be like for a child growing up in this environment?

The answer is very simple!

Like the lowest animal, he only subconsciously absorbs nutrients and maintains his own survival. He is not aware of who he is and why he is alive.

As for thinking and communicating, it is even more impossible.

Therefore, if a person's memory is greatly tampered with, his subjective consciousness, personality, character, and a series of other things will change accordingly, and he may even become a completely different person.

This also means that as long as his own memory can completely replace another person's memory, he is equivalent to being resurrected in another person's body.

Although this resurrection is not really a resurrection, especially since the soul cannot be replaced at all.

But I suspect that these sealed memories are not directed at the woman, but at the child in her belly.

Because a newborn baby has no defense or resistance.

The moment the baby is delivered is when these sealed memories are released. "

After hearing these words, Zuo Si finally realized what a crazy and cruel thing the Necromancer had done to his descendants.

No wonder this guy lives with Varena for a few days every year.

That's not contacting some bullshit relationship, but instilling your own memories into the latter's mind as a backup means of "resurrection".

Maybe Varena has never gotten married and had children all these years, because Asta used magic to interfere and control her.

These disturbances will not disappear until he himself is completely dead.

After realizing this, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and murmured to himself: "My dear mentor, I didn't expect you to hide such an unknown method. Using offspring to give birth to yourself with all the memories? It's really yours!" "

"Master, do you need me to destroy or separate these memories?" the mind flayer asked cautiously.

"No, there is no need. I want to see if he can really complete some kind of resurrection in this way. In addition, I am also looking forward to meeting my mentor again. Oh, yes Now, remember to clear this lady’s memory so that she can completely forget this nightmare.”

After saying that, Zuo Si lost interest in this matter.

The Mind Flayer faithfully performed its duties, first clasping the skull and using healing potions to restore it to its original state, and then using psionic powers to begin erasing the memory of Weaverna.

About ten minutes later, the woman walked into the bathroom with a confused look on her face and cleaned the blood on her face and body. Then she put on clean clothes and was sent back to the group of survivors.

As for Zuo Si himself, he carried a large number of spell scrolls and took several lichs across the portal and returned to the continent of Faerûn.

But this time, he did not return to the mage tower in Askatra. Instead, he went directly to the mage tower in Luskan that originally belonged to the Arcane Brotherhood, and immediately summoned the eunuchs including the nominal supreme leader. Rick, as well as a large number of management personnel transferred from the Nelanser Islands.

Since it was the first time he had appeared in a semi-public capacity and he had never had any direct contact with him before, both Eric and the bureaucrats looked very nervous.

After all, Vanessa's methods had already frightened them, not to mention the ability to make many powerful lichs obey her, and even defeat the red-robed mage and Zhentarim Zuo Si head-on.




There is no doubt that based on the scene at this moment, it is not difficult to see why many people in the outside world believe that Zuo Si has the potential to become a tyrant.

Because no matter how the living standards of the people under his rule improve, their essence is the set of might as justice preached and promoted by the church of Bane, the god of tyranny.

What's more, a tyrant who can govern a country to great strength is far more threatening than a tyrant who makes the country miserable for the people.

The latter is at least a negative example, and will be hated and spurned by most civilians.

However, the former can make people involuntarily have a worship mentality, and sincerely believe that a better life can only be achieved under the rule of power, thus inducing more people to identify with and practice the ideas of the Bann Church.

"Do you know the purpose of my sudden summons to you?" Zuo Si asked slowly, scanning everyone in the conference room.

"Please give me your orders! No matter what it is, we will do our best to handle it."

Eric knelt down on one knee and expressed his attitude in the most respectful tone.

Although he himself did not participate in the battle that broke out in Luskan not long ago, he heard the sailors under his command talking about the scene at that time, and understood that the young man in front of him, who seemed to be as old as his youngest brother, was in control of What power and strength.

Just being the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic and the Goddess of Poison and Disease is enough to frighten the forces hiding in the dark corners around Luskan.

Moreover, when Eric was the captain under Hallett, he once passed Zuo Si in Calimport.

Although they have not met each other, they know something about the decisive character of this young man who is afraid of even murderous pirates.

So his response is to obey! obey! There is no reason or bottom line obedience!

As long as you can do this, you will be able to get rich rewards.

Looking at this "old man" who had been working under him for a while, Zuo Si immediately showed a faint smile: "Don't be so nervous. What I am going to announce next is not bad news, but something that is true." Good news about buckles.

With the situation in Luskan stabilizing, I think the time is ripe to integrate the Neransir Islands, Mintan Islands, Korin Islands, Whalebone Islands and Luskan to form a true nation.

Of course, in return for your hard work, all will receive formally appointed positions.

As for those who have made great achievements, they will also receive corresponding noble titles. "

"What! Really?"

Upon hearing the news, Eric suddenly raised his head with an expression of ecstasy.

Not only him, many high-ranking bureaucrats present also had the same reaction.

As the saying goes, if the name is not justified, the words are not correct.

Although the power of Nelanthel Islands has expanded to the entire west coast of Faerun, especially after receiving Amn's fleet, it can even be said to be the overlord of the sea.

But a formal external name has never been established.

They aspire to establish a country and then become the country's ruling class, that is, the nobility, so that the entire family and future generations can become true masters.

Not to mention the continent of Faerûn where the feudal system prevails, even most people in modern society on Earth have similar thoughts, and there is no fundamental change.

From those longing eyes, Zuo Si saw something called ambition, and nodded calmly: "Yes. You can have a meeting later to discuss what the name of the country should be. Then just report it to me. As for you, Eric, I have decided to fulfill my promise and make you the first king of this country."


An indescribable excitement swept through every cell in the pirate leader's body.

He didn't even hesitate. He bowed directly to the ground, hit his head hard on the ground with a bang, and then shouted in a solemn tone: "Thank you for your trust! I swear to be loyal to you forever." To you, obey any orders you give me.”

As he spoke, Eric took out an amulet with the Holy Emblem of Talona from his neck and continued to express his loyalty: "You see, my family and I have chosen to believe in Talona. If one day my If future generations dare to act disobediently and betray you, let the goddess punish them by letting them rot and die under the torment of poison and disease."

I have to say that Eric is definitely a ruthless person.

Whether it was the betrayal of Hallet in the first place, or the current situation of the whole family abandoning their past beliefs and switching to Talona, ​​it all reflects his desperate determination.

Once you make a choice, you won't leave even the slightest way out for yourself.

"Very good, I have felt your loyalty. Get up now." Zuo Si waved his hand very calmly.

It was obvious that he didn't care at all about whether Eric or the descendants of his family would remain loyal.

Because the country established in the future is destined to be a "virtual king", the royal family will not have much power at all. It will only serve as the nominal supreme head of state and engage in some diplomatic and propaganda work.

Moreover, the economic lifeline of the entire country is always in the hands of the core members of the organization-the lichs.

Want to seize power?

Sorry, maybe I just had this idea today, maybe I will get "sick" and die the next day.

While everyone present was in a state of extreme excitement, Zuo Si announced the second thing calmly.

"After the establishment of the country, we will no longer simply use gold coins minted by Amn or other forces, but will begin to mint our own gold coins."


A male bureaucrat who looked about fifty years old was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but remind him in a low voice: "Your Excellency, the most important reason why we can maintain a harmonious relationship with Amn is that within the scope of our rule Amn's coinage is allowed to circulate freely.

If you mint your own coins, you may arouse strong dissatisfaction from the six-person council.

Most importantly, the output of the gold and silver mines within our control is insufficient to support the cash flow of the current huge trade. "

"Don't worry, I'll go back and settle things with the six-member council. As for the gold and silver mines, don't worry. I've prepared enough gold and coin minting equipment. All you have to do is to get these gold coins recognized by the market and circulate quickly. Get up. There are some samples here, you can take them and take a look at them first."

Zuo Si took out a small box directly from his pocket and it was still on the table.

On this matter, he had no intention of discussing it at all, but planned to enforce it by force.

Because others may not know the little tricks Amn played on the coins, but he knew it very well.

When I lacked strength in the past, it was fine if the other party used financial means to cut off the leeks.

But now, after acquiring a large amount of gold reserves and more than a dozen large gold mines from another world, if Amn continues to lie on his body and suck blood, then there is something wrong with his brain.

What's more, the reason why Amn's gold coins can be circulated throughout the entire Faerûn continent is because of their superb coining methods and their ability to provide a large number of goods.

Now Zuo Si can do the same.

Stamping machines from the Earth's industrial age can produce more exquisite and wear-resistant metal currencies, and can even further reduce the content of precious metals through complex processes, thus reducing costs and collecting higher seigniorage.

As for commodities, whether they are large amounts of sugar, spices, cloth, grain, steel, condiments, etc. that cost almost nothing, they are all hard currencies in this world and are in short supply.

So Zuo Si had enough leverage to negotiate with the six-member council and get the other party to accept the conditions he offered.

After all, Amn is essentially a conglomerate of merchants. As long as there are enough interests, there is nothing they cannot sell.

When the man gently opened the box and poured out the several metal currencies contained inside, everyone present involuntarily widened their eyes.

Because they have never seen such a beautiful coin, whether it is the printing, text and numerical value on it, it is clearly visible, and it feels full of texture.

The tiny gear marks on the side edge of the coin also prevent the risk of being trimmed by profiteers.

You must know that in Faerûn, after many profiteers get gold and silver currency, they often use scissors to secretly cut some metal scraps from the edge of the currency, and then accumulate them into large handfuls and secretly melt the scraps to make gold or silver bars. .

This also shows that the more times gold and silver currencies in many areas are handled during transactions, their weight and size will also decrease.

This kind of technology of adding gear marks on the side can only be achieved by forces such as Amn and Waterdeep that have advanced coinage technology.

But even the gold coins of Waterdeep City and Amn can't compare with what you see in front of you.

After several minutes, the man reluctantly put the coin back into the box, licked his slightly dry lips and praised: "It's really exquisite, like a work of art. If all the currency issued were like these samples... … No, as long as there is one-half or even one-quarter, I guarantee that the people and businessmen will be very happy to accept it.”

"In this case, I will provide an amount worth almost five million gold coins, and you can try to pay those workers as wages first. It takes time for the market to accept a new currency, so don't use coercion for the time being."

While saying this, Zuo Si winked at the lich standing behind him.

The latter understood it and directly opened the box in his hand.


Dazzling golden and silver light was released from inside.

Through the open lid of the box, you can see that there are mountains of gold, silver and copper coins piled up on the huge and empty field inside.


Many bureaucrats who had never seen so much money couldn't help but swallowed subconsciously.

For the first time, they realized why the financial problems that plagued most countries and city-states never appeared in the forces they served.

Why did Eric dare to sign a trade contract with a total amount of millions of gold coins with Bruno, the dwarf king of Mithril Hall?

With such abundant financial support, what else can't be accomplished?

Suddenly, everyone present was full of confidence in the new country that was about to be established and its own future.

After briefly making some adjustments to the basic framework, Zuo Si quickly handed over the rest of the work to Jeffrey, while he took some time to listen to Yelnia's report.

When he learned that the famous "Master Cui" had come to his territory not long ago, he immediately couldn't help asking: "Why did Drizzt suddenly come to Luskan? Did he come with Bruno Warhammer?" ?"

Yelnia shook her head slightly: "No, Master. I think Drizzt's visit to Luskan was probably instigated by Alustriel. During this period, spies from the Harper Alliance were very active. And continue to collect all kinds of intelligence. If you hadn't told me not to touch them for the time being, I would have driven away these nasty rats without hesitation."

"So... Drizzt is here to observe the changes in Luskan under my rule?

interesting! It seems that Alustriel still doesn't trust the promise I made at the beginning.

But it doesn't matter, time will tell in the end.

Her idea of ​​harmonious multiracial coexistence, although it sounds wonderful, will never be achievable.

Just watch, the Silver Moon Alliance will eventually end up like Myss Drannor, and it will inevitably fall apart. "

Zuo Si touched his chin and expressed his judgment without thinking.

In fact, it is this innocence and idealist sentiment that makes Alustriel full of strong personal charm, making people involuntarily like him.

But unfortunately, reality is not a beautiful fairy tale. Material and interests are the basis that determines everything.

What's more, there are so many gods in Faerun who exert influence on the people through various means.

The complex and changing relationships between its nationalities and races would be a terrible disaster for any ruler.

In contrast, the area ruled by Zuo Si has always insisted on being dominated by humans. Although other races will be accepted, their combined total will never exceed about ten percent of the total population.

But what about Silver Moon City?

The highest proportion of humans is only about 40%, elves are about 30%, half-elves are 12%, dwarves are 10%, halflings are 5%, and 2% dwarf.

Under Alustriel's rule, the entire city can naturally maintain prosperity and stability, and the interests and demands of all races can be satisfied.

But what will happen if one day she is gone, or if she is replaced by an incompetent ruler and the demands of various races cannot be met?

At that time, this harmonious and peaceful scene will be broken in an instant, and more and more serious conflicts will be triggered between various races to compete for interests.

"Master, in addition to Drizzt, there is another dangerous person currently operating in the area around Luskan. She is a succubus named Ulrika, who claims to be the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease. This This guy killed a lot of spies planted nearby by the devil, and his methods were extremely cruel." Yelnia continued to report.

"Ulrika? A succubus?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although he had also heard of special cases like the "Succubus Paladin" Elotesia, there was still a strong sense of unreality when a succubus who truly believed in the gods appeared.

"Yes, I sent several high-level shadows to follow her to monitor her. She is currently in a tavern near the Luskan city gate."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go meet this interesting succubus lady. It just so happens that I also have something I want to talk to Talona about."

Zuo Si walked out of the mage tower without saying a word, while Yelnia turned into a shadow and followed closely behind...

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