A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 280 The Ambition of the Goddess (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Strange... why do they do this? You must know that allowing a dark elf to come and go freely will bear considerable political risks. And this kind of risk even Ms. Alustriel of Silvermoon City dare not try easily."

Bruno touched the beard on his chin and fell into thought.

If it had been before, he might have been happy and happy for his friend.

Because he knew that what Drizzt had been pursuing all his life was to have a place that was willing to accept him, where he could live like an ordinary person, instead of walking on the street and being stared at by all kinds of hostile eyes.

But since becoming the king of Mithril Hall, the old dwarf quickly understood one thing amidst the intrigues, that is, politics is far from being as simple as it seems to outsiders.

Especially when a city gives privileges to a person, it often means that the person may be required to do some extremely dangerous things.

Drizzt shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "I don't know. Maybe the new ruler of Luskan is more enlightened.

As long as you abide by the rules and laws here, except for monsters such as orcs, goblins, gnolls, ogres and trolls, any other intelligent creature and race can do business.

As I entered, I saw a tribe of barbarians being allowed through the gate with their furs and herbs.

All in all, I like Luskan as it is now.

For the first time, it gave me a sense of freedom from having to hide my identity so carefully. "

But Bruno shook his head with a serious expression: "No, no, it's definitely not that simple. I think they must want to get something from you..."

Before the dwarf could finish his words, he suddenly noticed that there was an extra person beside the table.


To be precise, it cannot be considered a human being at all, but a shadow whose whole body is composed of some kind of black negative energy.

After discovering this, he and Drizzt pressed their hands on the handle of the weapon at their waist almost at the same time.

"Relax, don't be so nervous, I'm not your enemy." Yelnia said with a hint of playfulness in her tone.

Since the entire Shadow Legion was released not long ago to participate in the massacre of the entire Northland orcs, she has been officially promoted to the "King of Shadows" in the continuous crazy killings, and is no longer a mere incorporeal or ordinary person. Virtual body, but can freely switch between virtual body and entity.

Not only that!

The Shadow King can also change the surrounding environment to a certain extent.

As long as Yelniya is willing, she can integrate the area within a dozen kilometers into the shadow plane at any time, leaving it in a state of darkness all year round, and she cannot see the sun and blue sky above her head.

Likewise, she can gain protection from the Shadow Plane, forming a shield of negative energy around her body.

The most important thing is that any shadow creature that is not as high in level as the Shadow King will be dominated by a powerful force that cannot be resisted, even the shadow dragon is no exception.

You don't need to ask to know that Yelnia's appearance here was entirely at Zuo Si's instruction.

"What is your purpose?" Drizzt probed cautiously.

Since he grew up in the extremely evil and chaotic dark elf city of Menzoberranzan, he witnessed many bloodthirsty, cruel and twisted and sick behaviors of his compatriots. Therefore, although he himself is of the good camp, he can't deal with demons, devils and The tolerance for undead is quite high.

At least you can avoid direct conflicts as much as possible without the other party taking the initiative to provoke you or killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Yelniya responded meaningfully: "My master is very interested in the Dark Territory and your hometown, and wants a map to get there. I believe this shouldn't be a big problem for you, right? ?”

"Who is your master? Do I know him?" Drizzt continued to ask cautiously.

He really couldn't figure out who could become the master of such a dangerous monster in front of him.

"Haha, my master is Soth, and he is also the real ruler behind Luskan and the Nelanthel Islands. The reason why you can enter this city through the main gate in an honest manner is thanks to his order."

Yelnia did not hide anything and showed her identity openly.

Because this is no longer a secret, and the senior officials of various towns in the North know more or less.

"Thos? The chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease!"

Drizzt's expression immediately became solemn after hearing the name.

As a ranger who often travels through forests and inaccessible mountains, he has witnessed with his own eyes the tragic death of many orc tribes, regardless of age or sex, due to the plague, and has a very clear understanding of Zuo Si's terrifying power.

"Also the chosen one of the goddess of magic." Yelnia added with a smile. "In return, you will not only be able to move around Luskan and the Nelanthal Islands without concealing your identity, but you will also be able to settle here, buy real estate, and engage in various activities without restrictions. How about this, this condition is not bad. Bar?"

"I don't understand. What does your master want to do with the map of the Underdark and Menzoberranzan?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Drizzt's eyes, but he did not rush to agree or refuse.

Although he did not have any good feelings towards his hometown and compatriots, he did not want Menzoberranzan to be destroyed by a terrible plague, and all the dark elves and their slaves died in pain and despair.

"Master is simply interested in the dark elves, and has no intention of releasing a plague in Menzoberranzan, at least not yet." Yelnia clearly saw through what the ranger in front of her was worried about.

Drizzt lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and finally nodded reluctantly: "Okay, I can draw a map leading to Menzoberranzan and the Underdark. But the condition is that you must meet your master. Go ahead and get his personal promise.”

Yelnia replied without thinking: "No problem. But the master is not in Faerûn right now, so you may have to wait for a while."

"It doesn't matter, the thing I don't lack most is time." Drizzt shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

As a dark elf, he has a lifespan of at least eight hundred years, and now he has only completed an insignificant part of his long journey.

"I will convey your request to the master. In fact, he is also looking forward to meeting you."

After saying this, Yelnia stood up and turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the empty seats next to him, Bruno couldn't help but curse in a low voice: "Damn it! I knew this matter wasn't that simple. Are you sure you really want to meet that dangerous guy?"

"Why not? I am quite interested in this elector. I passed by Silvermoon City when I came here, and I heard Ms. Alustriel comment that Soth may be the only person who can bring prosperity and wealth to the entire Northland. . And the changes in Luskan just illustrate this point."

As he spoke, Drizzt picked up a small piece of fried fish with sauce on the plate in front of him, put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly, savoring the unique delicacy of sea fish.

"But he is also an extremely dangerous person. Whether it is the terrifying monster just now, the plague that is raging among the orc tribes in the North, or the great purge in Luskan, it all shows how ruthless he is when dealing with his enemies. .Although I have to admit, killing the orcs is quite satisfying."

Bruno felt inexplicably better when he thought that Mithral Hall would not have to worry about the harassment of greenskins for a long time.

There is no way, why are the dwarves and the orcs also feuding?

To be precise, no one in the entire North would like these saboteurs who are multiplying like locusts.

Just when Drizzt was about to say something, he suddenly saw a very beautiful woman walking in from outside the tavern with an orc child.

Beautiful women, at any time and in any place, will quickly attract the attention of other men around them, not to mention those guys who have lost their ability to restrain themselves due to alcohol stimulation.

In less than ten seconds, a drunk guy stood up, grinned and teased in obscene words: "Hey! Beauty! Are you interested in following me to the guest room upstairs to have a good time?" I guarantee you will fall in love with it after tasting this big treasure under your crotch.”

"Hahahaha! Come on! The last time you spent a gold coin to fool around with the maid, you surrendered before you could hold on for ten minutes." Another drunkard next to him immediately laughed unscrupulously.

"Shut up! It was an accident that time! I drank too much and my mind was not clear at all." The strong man roared with a red face and a fierce voice.

After all, in this regard, no matter what world they are in since ancient times, men will never give up easily.

"Yes, then prove it to us!"

"Yes, yes! Prove it to us!"

"Don't you dare?"

Suddenly, many guys who were watching the excitement and were not afraid of causing trouble began to boo.

Probably due to the dual effects of incitement and alcohol, the strong man's breathing quickly became rapid, and he tried to pull off the woman's clothes with his hands, hoping to prove his "virility" in public.

When Drizzt and Bruno saw this, they immediately stood up subconsciously and wanted to help.

They would not just watch this kind of bullying happen in front of their eyes.

Unfortunately, just when the strong man was about to catch the woman, the latter suddenly raised her head and shot out a red light from her charming eyes.

The next second, the former fell to the ground with a thud as if he was drunk and let out a deafening snore.

Because the whole process was so fast, most ordinary people couldn't even notice it. They thought the guy had drunk too much, and immediately burst into countless ridicules and abuses.

There are also some scumbags who regret not having a shirtless fight in a tavern hall.

"Is that magic?" Bruno asked in an uncertain tone.

Drizzt nodded slightly: "Well, it should be some kind of hypnosis or charm spell. It seems that this lady's identity is not simple."

Just as the two sat down again and were about to continue the conversation, they suddenly saw the woman pull out a dagger from somewhere and stab the bartender in the eye at lightning speed.


With blood splattering everywhere, the latter fell to the ground and didn't even have time to scream.

Following the corpse, in less than a few seconds, it changed from a slightly fat human male to a purgatory-blooded Tiefling with horns on his head, a tail on his back, and red skin.

The sudden change stunned everyone present!

Even those guys whose vision had begun to blur and whose consciousness was in a hazy state suddenly woke up a lot.

No one knew what was going on, and they couldn't understand how a beautiful and frail woman could tell that there was something wrong with the bartender's identity.

At this moment, the entire tavern was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Especially the guy who just said such dirty words was so frightened that his pants got wet.

However, the woman had obviously been accustomed to such scenes. She bent down and pulled the dagger out of the corpse's eye socket in a very elegant manner. She shook off the blood stains on it, pursed her lips and asked with a half-smile: "Is it possible? Aren't you planning to show up yet? Or do you think your identity has not been revealed yet and you can continue to hide it? Don't be naive! The smell of fireworks and sulfur from Baator Hell can be detected even from a few hundred meters away You can smell it.”

As these words blurted out, several guys who were sitting near the bar drinking one second removed their disguises and revealed their true colors the next.

Some of them are simply devils pretending to be devils, while others have very obvious characteristics of purgatory bloodline like the dead bartender.

Although in many big cities, such hybrids with alien blood are not too rare, but if they gather in a tavern at the same time, anyone who is not a fool will realize that there is a problem.

In order to protect themselves from danger, almost everyone who could still move in the tavern rushed to the door as fast as possible.

Even the drunkard, who was unable to walk normally under the influence of alcohol, stumbled and rolled onto the street outside.

Only Drizzt and Bruno did not move, still sitting in an inconspicuous corner, wanting to see what all this was about.

"Who are you? Why are you going against us?" A mixed-blood devil who was suspected to be the leader of the team asked with narrowed eyes.

The woman gently stroked the hair of the half-orc girl next to her, pursed her lips and revealed a sarcastic and mocking smile: "You are here to collect information about the goddess's chosen people, secretly plotting a conspiracy against him, and you actually have the nerve to ask me why I want to follow you. Against?"

"You are from the Church of the Goddess of Poison and Disease!" The hybrid demon's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Church? No, no, no, I am the messenger sent by the goddess herself, and I am also the one who rings the death knell for you. Now, come and feel the anger of Talona!"

With the last word blurted out, the woman finally shed her disguise and revealed her succubus form.

She is none other than Ulrika, who came to the material world from the goddess kingdom not long ago.

The half-orc girl next to her is Corinna, who lost her mother and has just returned to the civilized world with the escape team.

"Poison Witch?!"

The expression of the leader of the mixed-blood demon suddenly changed.

Obviously, as one of the few demons who abandoned their chaotic nature and became a fanatical believer of the goddess of poison and disease, Ulrika has long been on the attention list of major forces, including hell.

In particular, her superb poison-using skills have solved a lot of troubles for Talona.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

Ulrika raised her hand and waved her finger gently in the air, and all the devils and half-devils present began to see black blood uncontrollably from their eyes, noses and mouths, and then one after another One fell to the ground and lost the ability to resist.

Those pure-bred devils are okay, they can return to hell and be reborn even if they die, but mixed-blood tieflings have no second life once they die.

So they struggled desperately to take out the antidote potion from their bodies and drink it.

But the moment the potion was taken out, the succubus immediately waved the whip in his hand and smashed the precious potions one by one. He admired the mixture of anger and despair on the other person's face and stepped towards the head of one of the purebred devils. In front of him, he whispered in the other person's ear: "In the name of Talona, ​​tell Archduke Dispater for me not to stretch his hand so long, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

"You will regret it! Devil!" The devil threatened with two pale yellow eyes.

This time Ulrika didn't say any nonsense, but raised her foot and stepped on it hard.


After a muffled sound, the devil's head, which was poisoned, was stepped on and smashed to pieces.

The other demons and half-devils also died quickly under the rapid power of the poison, and not even one escaped by chance.

Such efficient, brutal and bloody killing undoubtedly frightened the ordinary people outside the tavern.

Amid their screams and shouts, the guards responsible for maintaining order in the city quickly arrived and surrounded the scene.

After seeing the deceased and the assailant clearly, the captain of the guard gasped instantly. He did not dare to enter the tavern at all. Instead, he stood at the door and shouted in a nervous tone: "Devil! You committed the murder in public and offended Luz. Kan's law, it's best to put down your weapons immediately and surrender, and perhaps accept a fair trial by the law. Otherwise, when the support from the Mage Tower arrives, you will be handed over to them for disposal."

"I am the messenger of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease. Are you sure you want to arrest me?"

Ulrika smiled and lifted her cloak to reveal the holy symbol worn on her armor.


The guard captain was stunned and opened his mouth several times to say something, but in the end he swallowed it all.

He is not a fool. He understands that Eric is only a nominal supreme leader. In fact, he does not have much jurisdiction over either the army or the administrative agencies. And who is the elector of the goddess of poison and disease, Thos? The supreme master of the city.

Looking at the Talona Church that suddenly popped up in Luskan and the huge temple under construction, it is not difficult to judge that it will become a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the future.

Therefore, no one wants to offend these church forces that may be closely related to Soth. Even the public preaching behavior of pastors and priests is given a green light.

Also receiving special treatment and seeing a huge increase in followers is the Church of the Goddess of Magic.

What's more, those who died were not civilians or ordinary people, but devils and half-devils who could tell at a glance that they had a conspiracy.

In the end, the guard captain did not dare to embarrass the succubus and allowed it to change back to its human appearance and walk out from the main entrance, then disappeared at the end of the dark alley in the distance.

As soon as Ulrika left with the little orc girl, several mages came through the energy provided by the mage tower.

When they saw the black blood and corpses on the ground, they immediately asked the guards: "What happened here?"

"It was a succubus disguised as a human being who suddenly killed these devils and half-devils disguised as humans. She claimed to be the messenger of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and also showed us the holy symbol." Captain. He quickly told what he knew about the situation.

"Talona's messenger?" The mage showed a shocked expression.

Another mage seemed to have remembered something and hurriedly reminded: "Three days ago, a similar case seemed to have occurred in Howling Wolf Town. According to the description of the locals, there was also a man with the charm of a half-orc girl. The demon walked into a local farmer's house and killed him in full view. After death, the body transformed into a blood-refined tiefling within seconds."

"You mean... is it really possible that this succubus is a messenger of the goddess and is hunting the devil's spies on our territory?"

"It's hard to say. I think the possibility is not low. Anyway, let's report it first."

"Ugh - I hate dealing with these dangerous poison-infected corpses."

Soon, after several mages discussed it, they unanimously decided to take the body back and report the matter.

Since most of them are wandering mages who have recently been attracted by various salaries and benefits, their loyalty to the organization is not high, and their mentality is that more is worse than less.

It is best for Luskan to be quiet and not cause any trouble related to magic, curses, or invasion of alien creatures, so that he can stay in the mage tower safely and engage in study and research.

Just as the mage and the guards were working together to deal with the murder scene, Ulrika had already arrived several streets away.

At this moment, she looked like a traveler, without any excitement or nervousness due to the killing just now.

He even bought a lot of kebabs on the roadside and stuffed them into the half-orc girl Corinna who was following him.

"Here, eat it while it's hot. After eating, we'll go to the next place and clean up all these rats."

"Thank...thank you!"

Due to the influence of her human mother, Corinna is obviously not as rude and unreasonable as other orcs, but instead gives people a shy feeling.

She was obviously a little afraid of the murderous demon in front of her, but she didn't know what she could do after leaving him, whether she could survive in this cruel world and fulfill her mother's instructions before she died.

At least now, she can get enough and delicious food from the other party without having to worry about being kidnapped and sold by those with ill intentions.

The desolate, barren and cold Northland has never been a paradise on earth.

Just the opposite!

This is a breeding ground for crime and conspiracy, and a paradise for all kinds of monsters, bandits, slave traders, and unscrupulous businessmen.

Although she had only returned to civilized society for a few days, the half-orc girl had already deeply felt that the living environment was more dangerous and harsh than that in the mountains of the Spine of the World.

When she thought of this, she immediately raised the skewer and bit off a piece of slightly blanched venison from the wooden skewer, chewing it hard so that her stomach could digest and absorb it better.

Only in this way can we grow and develop quickly and gain enough strength to protect ourselves.

Just as Corinna was walking and devouring her food, Ulrika suddenly stopped without warning and cast her gaze to the corner behind her: "Come out, stop hiding, I know you have been following me."

The words have not yet been spoken!

Drizzt and Bruno walked out of the corner one after another.

Obviously, they had been following the succubus since he left the tavern, trying to figure out what was going on.

Especially the dark elves, who know very well about demons and other lower-level creatures, are extremely vigilant about the appearance of any demons.

After a brief silence, Drizzt took the lead and put one hand on his chest, bowed and explained: "Dear lady, please don't get me wrong, we are not here to cause trouble."

"Of course I know you are not here to cause trouble, otherwise you would have already started doing it when we were in the tavern. Tell me, you can just follow me. What do you want to know?"

You don't need to ask to know that Ulrika recognized these two mortals who had gradually begun to enter the sight of the gods from the moment she walked into the tavern.

Among them, the Dark Elf Ranger has received the attention of several gods including the Forest Goddess Mlikei, the Dark Maiden Eilistraee and the Spider Goddess Rose, and is very likely to become voters in the future.

"I want to know what's going on between you and those devils and half-devils hiding among the crowd?" Drizzt directly asked the question he was most concerned about.

Ulrika responded with a sneer: "You asked a stupid question, elf.

The grudges between demons and demons have long since evolved into a strong hatred for each other as the bloody battle continued.

Therefore, demons do not need any reason to kill demons, just because they are demons is enough.

What's more, this matter involves a battle between gods and hell lords.

Are you and your friends sure you want to get involved? "


Drizzt seemed to understand something and silently bowed again, then turned around and left with the dwarf beside him.

Having lived on the surface world for many years, he knew very well how fierce the battles between human gods, devils, and demons were. It was not at all like the society of the Dark Elves, which was almost completely controlled by Lolth.

If you don't want to cause trouble for yourself, the best way is to stay away.

But just when he turned around and took a few steps away, he suddenly heard the voice of a succubus coming from behind.

"Wait! If you don't mind, could you please help me take care of this little guy?"


The dark elf ranger stopped, turned around with a stunned expression, and glanced at the orc girl who was concentrating on eating kebabs.

“Her name is Corinna, and her mother is a poor woman who was kidnapped and raped by orcs.

With the plague brought down by Thos, the chosen one of the goddess, the orc tribes throughout the North began to die on a large scale, and the mother and daughter regained their freedom.

Unfortunately, that woman has exhausted her life after years of torture, so I can only take her to the civilized world.

However, I am still on a mission right now and may have to face some dangers, so I cannot distract myself from taking care of her. "

Ulrika briefly introduced the situation.

Such a tragic life experience instantly aroused Drizzt's kind nature and compassion, and he nodded without thinking: "Of course, no problem, I can take care of her for a while, provided that she does not reject me as a dark elf. ."

"You don't want me anymore?"

Corinna immediately stopped eating and raised her head to stare into the succubus's eyes.

Ulrika responded with a smile: "No, child, I am just temporarily looking for someone to raise you for a while. After I deal with those little mice from hell, I will naturally bring you back. After all, you were personally chosen by the goddess. These people will shoulder very important missions in the future.”

"Mission?" Corinna's eyes revealed infinite confusion about the future.

She didn't understand and couldn't understand how such a weak self had the qualifications to be favored by Talona.

But Ulrika didn't explain anything, she just pushed the orc girl.

With some uneasiness and nervousness, Corinna finally slowly walked up to the dark elf and looked at him with those innocent and clear eyes.

Drizzt felt as if the softest part of his heart had been stabbed hard by something. He bent down and forced out a smile to comfort him: "Don't be afraid, although I am not rich, I will definitely take good care of you." good."

"Can I learn from you how to wear armor and use weapons?" the girl asked in an uncertain tone.

She noticed the two scimitars hanging on the ranger's waist, and her eyes began to sparkle with desire.

Due to the extremely underground status of women in the orc tribe, Corinna, as a girl, had no chance to come into contact with these things. Those were privileges that only men deserved. She could only look at the boy with envy as he became an adult warrior. They struggled with each other while waving wooden spears, sticks and other weapons while yelling at each other.

With her mother's death, the feeling of being dependent on others made her more desperate than ever to gain power.

Because only by gaining strength can you fulfill your mother's last wish before she died, truly control your own destiny, and serve the goddess you believe in - Talona.

"Of course, as long as you like it. But warrior training is not an easy job. You must be prepared to endure hardships." Drizzt couldn't help but reveal a faint smile.

Since the Dark Elf is a matriarchal society, he has not developed the bad habit of discriminating against women in the patriarchal society on the surface, believing that women are not as powerful as men and therefore cannot become good warriors.

"I'm not afraid of hardship! And I'm not afraid of getting hurt!" Corinna vowed.

In this way, Drizzt and his friend Bruno quickly turned away with the orc girl.

If nothing else happens, they will return to the relative safety of Mithril Hall and live there for a while.

When the backs of the three disappeared at the corner of the street, the Shadow King Yelnia emerged from the shadows and said sarcastically in a slightly playful tone: "Using the dark elf Drizzt to help train a powerful warrior who believes in Talona? You are really good at calculating."

"Don't be so mean. Corina is the right-hand woman specially marked by the goddess for her chosen one. In the future, she will be given powerful abilities to protect the children of the plague at all times. As a servant, you should be happy for your master. ” Ulrika had a teasing smile on her face.

It is not difficult to see from the conversation between the two that they have known each other for a long time, and they also know each other's identity.

"Protection? Hahahahaha! Are you making me laugh? The master doesn't need any protection, but his enemies need it more. Also, your method of cleaning up those devil spies is too rough and will cause unnecessary panic." Yelnia sneered disdainfully.

"There is nothing we can do about it. The current situation in the North is too complicated. The struggle within the Zhentarim is becoming increasingly fierce. The church power of Cyric and Bane is also ready to move. I must cut through the mess quickly to complete what the goddess has given me. mission." The succubus defended herself.

"The master has formed an alliance with the Church of Benn, and plans to join forces with Fuzor Chamberry to kill Manson. By then, the entire Zhentarim will also become allies. So you'd better not mess around, otherwise I will take action myself. Slit your throat."

After saying these threatening words, Yelnia disappeared into the shadows again.

Ulrika, who stayed where she was, rubbed her chin and murmured to herself: "Allying with Bane's church? Does the Son of Plague intend to help the God of Tyranny resurrect to weaken the power of the Dark Sun? Or does he have a bigger one? Plan? Damn it! I have to tell the goddess these things quickly."

After that, the succubus quickly found a hotel to stay in, and took out the holy symbol in the room to pray secretly.

After a while, Talona, ​​who was in the outer plane kingdom, learned the entire content.

She was sitting on a huge throne at the moment, her eyes looking far ahead. It took a full minute before she asked: "Do you think Soth really wants to help Bane, the god of tyranny, resurrect?"

"It's hard to say. But this is not a bad thing for us, but a good thing. At least Bane's resurrection can tear off several priests and a large number of believers from Cyric, and it can also attract Cyric to the maximum extent. Rick's attention, thus buying us more time." Torture Goddess Lovita analyzed seriously.

The two have formed a good working relationship in a very short time since signing the alliance.

Talona, ​​in particular, was very generous in allowing believers to build a shrine belonging to the goddess of torture, Lovita, in their own temple.

As a result, with its rapidly expanding influence, the latter has gradually enjoyed some benefits.

Obviously, in the eyes of these two goddesses, Cyric, who became a powerful god after the end of the Year of Turmoil, is an out-and-out "upstart" and madman, and is not worthy of becoming a qualified god.

In comparison, they are more inclined to Baal, Melkor and Bane, the three gods of death.

This is why Cyric has clearly obtained all the priesthoods of the three gods of death, but neither Talona nor Lavita has the slightest intention to get closer to him.

Before Zuo Si arrived, the two evil goddesses chose to flirt with Shar, the goddess of the night, who had planned countless conspiracies.

"You are right. If Ben is resurrected, it will be good for us all." Talona nodded with deep understanding. "But the question is, if Bane is successfully resurrected, can Baal and Melkor also be resurrected? If all three gods of death are resurrected, how will our plan be implemented?"

"On this point, I think you should find an opportunity to have a good talk with that elector. Only if he is willing to support and help you, can you have the opportunity to obtain the death priesthood you dream of, even if it is only a small part, and thus get Become the last piece of the puzzle with powerful divine power." Lauvita said meaningfully.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Talona immediately became very angry and said through gritted teeth: "Do you think I don't want to? It's all my fault, that bastard Ilmat! He actually gave the remaining divine power in Baal's heart to Soth, causing I couldn't take the initiative to enter his spiritual world at all. Later, that shameless bitch at Midnight gave me silver fire, which made my influence on him become weaker and weaker."

"But at least he didn't explicitly reject you. This is actually an opportunity, let's see if you can seize it. What's more, isn't it just to avoid those surveillances that you sent the succubus to the material plane?"

When she said these words, the corners of Lovita's mouth slightly raised, as if she had guessed something.

"Thos is not in Faerun right now, but has gone to other planes that I don't know. When he comes back, I will contact him as soon as possible. No matter what the goddess of magic and the god of knowledge give him, I can do it Give more." Talona's eyes flashed with naked and undisguised possessiveness.

Upon seeing this, Lovita immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, you must have such an awareness. Because your chosen one has endless potential and is worth paying any price for it. In addition... the conversation between you should not be Do you mind if I listen?"

"Don't even think about it!" Talona refused without hesitation. "Thos is mine, and you can never get a piece of it."

"Haha, that's not necessarily the case. In my opinion, he has considerable potential in torturing his enemies. Especially the sentence that death is not your enemy but eternity is, which simply elevates abuse to an unprecedented level. Only eternity The pain is the real pain, and only eternal regret is the best way to torture a person crazy while alive."

Lovita's tone was a little excited.

Because no one among her followers has ever been able to speak such "sounding" and "beautiful" insights.

If possible, she even wanted to ask Zuo Si to teach those idiots under her a lesson, so that they would understand what real torture, pain, abuse and torture were.

Especially when she sees the conflicted and struggling soul of Yelnia, the King of Shadows, the goddess will tremble with excitement.

The feeling is like waves rushing to the shore layer by layer, bringing you indescribable enjoyment.

Compared with this extreme mental torture, physical torture is too low-level and tasteless at all.

"Hmph! Stop dreaming, Soth is not interested in your ridiculous and stupid teachings."

Talona smiled contemptuously, and then ignored this ally who was not very normal.

If it were in the past, she would naturally not be qualified to say this, because her own teachings were not much better.

But with the birth of the Protestant sect, and the camp began to shift towards neutrality, the twisted, crazy and reckless thoughts in the mind were gradually suppressed, and at the same time, another new idea began to take root in the heart.

Because of this, the goddess of poison and disease is extremely eager to obtain a part of the death priesthood.

In this way, she can connect all the priesthoods together to form a perfect logical chain and cycle from life to death.

By then, the influence will definitely expand rapidly, and it will only be a matter of time before it becomes a powerful god.

Thinking of this, Talona immediately stretched out her hand and gently touched the bust of Zuo Si on the armrest of the throne, her eyes showing infinite doting.

In her eyes, no matter what her Plague Child did, it could be forgiven.

Even if Zuo Si accepted the silver fire given by the goddess of magic, it must be the bitch at midnight who seduced his electorate, not his electorate's fault.

The same logic can also be applied to Ogma, the god of knowledge...

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