A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 278 Return to the Floating City (10,000-word chapter please subscribe)

The gray sky, the air full of decay, and the cold negative energy in the environment...

When Zuo Si passed through the portal and reappeared in the tower of Plantia Floating City, he immediately felt a strong physical and psychological discomfort.

Obviously, this place has become a complete country of the undead, and is excluding him, the only living person.

Through the window, you can vaguely see that the streets outside are no longer as chaotic as when you escaped. The streets are full of low-level zombies and skeletons wandering aimlessly.

Just the opposite!

As the corpses of those powerful casters were eroded by negative energy and transformed into higher-level undead creatures, the entire floating city has been divided into large and small "territories", each territory is ruled by an undead lord.

Possessing extremely high intelligence, they not only occupy those very valuable mage towers, but also use their magical power to transform the place into a place more and more suitable for the dead.

The fog that hangs overhead and can completely block the sun is the best proof.

What's even more frightening is that the mutated viruses and bacteria that were accidentally spread did not disappear. Instead, they formed an incredible long-term symbiotic relationship with these undead creatures.

Some large undead creatures formed by numerous corpses gathered together even grew putrid cysts filled with stench.

If anyone accidentally punctures these things, they may be infected by the black and light yellow mucus inside and die quickly.

Looking at the apocalyptic scene in front of her, Vanessa, a lich, couldn't help but take a breath and asked in a slightly trembling voice: "Your Excellency, this floating city was destroyed by you with the plague. of?"

"Strictly speaking, this is just a serious consequence of an accident. And not only the Floating City of Plantia, but also several other floating cities and the cities and villages on the continent below were almost completely destroyed by the raging plague. Destruction." Zuo Si explained helplessly.

"It's really unimaginable terrifying destructive power." Jeffrey couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, he finally realized why the Imasca Empire, which had such powerful magic skills, would eventually be on the verge of collapse due to the outbreak of the plague. He could only open an interdimensional portal to plunder slaves from another world to replenish its own population. insufficient.

Without God's help, ordinary people are basically helpless in dealing with this kind of crisis.

When the lower class people die in large numbers due to the raging plague, it will have an unimaginable impact on the entire country and social structure.

What's more, no matter what kind of magical civilization it is, it must have a huge bottom population as economic support.

Otherwise, the entire society will stop functioning, and a series of serious problems such as extreme shortage of materials will occur.

In the end, even if those high-level mages were lucky enough to survive, they would not be able to complete the reconstruction of civilization.

Because the foundation of civilization is first of all people.

If there are no people left, how can we talk about civilization or study the mysteries of magic?

In fact, when Zuo Si escaped, there were still some survivors in the floating city of Plantia.

But now, they should be almost completely dead.

Except for the central tower protected by the most powerful magical power, the other ordinary mage towers were successively captured by the undead and turned into lairs occupied by the lords.

Looking into the distance, you can clearly see that most of the knights who used to patrol the streets on horseback to maintain order have now become skeleton knights, or higher-level death knights.

The magic weapons in their hands have been covered with a layer of gray color under the erosion of negative energy, obviously with a curse effect.

"Approximately how many people did this floating city have before it was destroyed?" Vanessa asked the question she was most concerned about.

Zuo Si immediately replied: "About 15,000 mages, and more than 100,000 servants, slaves and family members. Especially slaves and various creatures captured for experiments. There is no way to estimate how many there are. The first thing we need to do is clear out the mage tower, then seize control of it and use it as an advance base."

"No problem. Leave this matter to me."

"And I."

The other two lichs immediately took over the task.

For them, exploring this mage tower in another world and figuring out the differences in its internal structure and design concepts is undoubtedly a very attractive thing.

Soon, the two lichs brought six steel golems and more than fifty large undead creatures made from corpses, and began to clean up the tower from top to bottom.

Since the gate had been breached, every area in the tower was filled with the undead creatures that had originally poured in.

Some of them have developed self-awareness and intelligence, and are trying to transform and control this place as their own territory.

In particular, an undead spellcaster transformed from a high-level mage even had a fierce spell confrontation with two lichs.

The former took a lot of effort to get it right.

The aftermath of the battle completely destroyed everything in the room, even the precious instruments and research notes on the table.

After getting rid of this guy who is suspected of being a "lord", the remaining low-level undead creatures will naturally not be able to make any waves.

Soon they were either destroyed or turned into slaves under the control of the Scroll of the Undead.

When all potential threats disappeared, Zuo Si activated the defense mechanism of the mage tower through the core controller.


The entrance that was open one second was re-closed under the influence of magical power the next second.

At the same time, the top of the tower once again shone with a faint light.

Several dormant cleaning constructs woke up one after another and began to perform their duties. They threw all the broken limbs and limbs scattered in various rooms, corridors and stairs into the basement designated for garbage cleaning, and then tried to clean up the garbage. Repair damaged areas.

Since they are not designed for combat, they have no reaction to outside intruders.

The other lichs immediately took over the library and packed up all the books and notes inside, leaving not even a piece of paper behind.

After finishing all this, Zuo Si used illusion magic to create a three-dimensional diagram of the floating city out of thin air, and introduced to all his subordinates: "Plantia Floating City is the pinnacle creation of this world's magical civilization. It is the same as the Netheril era. Unlike the floating city, its power source is not the ubiquitous magic network or primitive magic energy, but the planet itself under our feet."

"The planet itself?" Tyrantir's eyes shone slightly.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, it's the planet itself.

There once was a very powerful mage who was good at earth element magic. When he was exploring the depths of the earth, he accidentally discovered a crystal with a unique structure like obsidian.

Some of them are only about the size of a fist, while others are as big as a house.

These gems seem to have a very close relationship with the magical energy flowing in the earth's veins, so they are called [Heart of the Earth's Veins].

After a long period of research, the mage discovered that these stones seemed to be able to continuously extract energy from the earth's veins, and also gave the holder the ability to control gravity, so they were also called "Energy Stones" or "Gravity Stones" 】.

Since the early batches of [Leyline Hearts] mined were generally not large in size, at the beginning, mages only used them to make some aircraft, mage towers and magic fortresses that could float in the sky.

It wasn't until one day that a super [Leyline Heart] with a diameter of more than twenty meters was discovered, and the crazy idea of ​​building a floating city was proposed by another high-level mage.

Therefore, the core of every floating city in this world is the giant [Heart of Earth Lines] buried underground in the central tower.

It is not only the source of energy for the entire city, but also a powerful weapon.

Whoever masters it is equivalent to mastering gravity, and can easily lift huge rocks of tens or hundreds of tons to a height of thousands of meters, and then throw them to the designated location.

In the face of this kind of power, all resistance seems so feeble.

With the establishment of the first floating city, the Mage Council quickly conquered the entire continent and slaughtered all those who resisted through brutal suppression.

Under the order they established, only spellcasters were the most advanced beings, and the rest were basically either servants or slaves.

Because the power of the floating city was so amazing, in the next few hundred years, the Council of Mages frantically searched for those [Earth Hearts] that were large enough, and built several other floating cities.

Therefore, if we want to seize the floating city of Plantia, the first goal is to seize the central tower and ensure that the [Heart of Earth Lines] is under our control. "

"Can I use flight or teleportation magic?" Jeffrey asked in an uncertain tone while staring at the three-dimensional diagram of the floating city.

Obviously, since the mage tower they were currently on was located on a floating island on the edge of the city, it would obviously be a very time-consuming and labor-intensive task to fight all the way there.

So it would be best if we could avoid those undead creatures.

But Zuo Si gave a negative answer without hesitation: "It's impossible. Teleportation magic has been completely banned when the blockade took effect. Even if I can forcefully tear a hole, I can't ensure the accuracy and stability of the transmission. Same thing. The truth is, whether it is flying by magic or other methods, as long as your feet are not on the ground, they will be immediately captured and pulled down by the strong gravity."

"Damn it! That's going to be troublesome now." Jeffrey couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

For mages, being unable to fly and teleport means that they will lose a huge advantage and will be forced to go head-to-head with the unknown number of undead creatures outside.

"To get to the central tower from here, you have to pass through almost sixty mage towers. In order to ensure safety, each one must be controlled by us. It seems that this will be a very difficult and long battle." Vane Sa touched his chin and gave his own judgment.

Tyrantir nodded with deep understanding: "Yes. When teleportation and flight magic are completely banned, it is the most basic military common sense to ensure that the rear roads are clear. But the constructs and undead creatures we brought Is it enough to sustain such high-intensity combat consumption?”

"If there are really more than 100,000 undead in the floating city, and there are at least a thousand spellcasters with self-awareness and wisdom among them, I am afraid that they will be exhausted after advancing to about two-thirds. But since this is a floating city, There must be a considerable amount of supplies stored. We can use these supplies to continuously create more cheap constructs to make up for it."

When saying these words, Vanessa raised her head and cast her eyes on Zuo Si.

Because only he knows which buildings contain a large amount of materials that can be used to make steel golems, stone golems and clay golems.

However, Zuo Si did not rush to mark the locations of various spellcasting material warehouses on the projected map. Instead, he lowered his head and pondered for a few minutes, and quickly created another port on the ground far away from the floating city. city, and then said: "I think it is too dangerous to rush to the central tower without understanding the current specific situation of the city, especially whether there is a superior-subordinate relationship between the undead lords. In contrast, I think it is better to capture Hull first as a logistics supply point."

"Is this city of any value?" Jeffrey asked with a puzzled look.

"Before the outbreak of the plague, everything shipped to the Floating City of Plantia had to pass through this place. It can be said to be one of the most important transportation hubs on the ground. And the central tower later closed off contact with the outside world, so Hull is definitely There is a lot of supplies accumulated, and it is much easier to obtain than the floating city. The most important thing is, I want to confirm whether there are any survivors in this world." Zuo Si explained patiently.

Hel is the place he has been to most times in the world besides the Floating City.

Especially the gorgeous and tall stone buildings, as well as the numerous fountains, gardens and vines climbing the walls, all make people feel like they are in a fairy tale world.

And we have also established good relationships with some local people.

If it hadn't been for the sudden outbreak of the plague later, Zuo Si had considered buying a house in this city as his own home, and staying there for a few weeks every year to relax.

When he couldn't protect himself before, he naturally couldn't think about these things, but this time when he came back, of course he wanted to see what was going on over there.

Are everyone you know dead?

Or did they get away with it?

"But the floating city has been closed. According to you, if your feet are not on the ground, they will be captured by gravity immediately. Then how can we descend to the ground?" Tyrantir questioned.

"Haha, it's very simple. Just send a low-level undead to jump down with this device. It only needs to throw it upward the moment it lands, which will ensure that the thing that records the coordinate points will not be damaged. Then I can Tear a small rift in space."

With that said, Zuo Si took out a metal disc studded with emeralds from his satchel.

It was obvious that he had made considerable preparations in advance and had already thought of how to bypass the obstruction of the seal and reach the ground.

Due to the strong gravity capture, magic like climbing down a rope or levitation will have only one final result, which is to fall hard and turn into a puddle of flesh.

As for those who transform into weightless spirits and solid structures, they will also be hit by anti-magic rays the moment they jump, and then return to their original state instantly.

So after thinking about it, Zuo Si still believed that using the power of the planeswalker's spark to tear apart the space was the safest and most secure way.

And sending a device with coordinate points down is obviously very easy to do.

Soon, under the control of Vanessa, a sane orc zombie took on this crucial task.

It didn't hesitate for even a second, and jumped directly from the edge of the floating island where the mage tower was located. At the moment when its legs were about to touch the ground, it threw the metal disc in its arms upwards. out.

The next second...


With a muffled sound, the zombie instantly collided with the ground and fell to pieces. Under the action of several times the normal gravity acceleration, a large amount of flesh and blood turned into a mess of flesh and blood on the spot.

Three to five seconds later, the disk also fell from the sky and landed right in the middle of the mixture, gaining a certain amount of cushioning.

After another ten minutes or so, the gems on the surface of the disc began to shine with a dazzling bright light.

After a while, an unstable portal was opened, and several lichs, including Zuo Si, quickly walked out from the other side.

They ignored the zombies that were trampled under their feet. They just recovered the coordinate disk, then blessed themselves with flying magic and headed straight towards the port city of Hull.

Because he didn't know the situation over there, Zuo Si didn't use teleportation magic rashly.

After flying for almost a day, the towering city wall finally slowly rose from the horizon.

As expected, there were no signs of any living people on the city walls, only some resurrected corpses wandering aimlessly.

They still wear the armor they had when they were alive, but it has become rusty due to the corrosion of rain and humid air, and from time to time they will make a creepy roar.

"Sure enough, it's still fallen... I really shouldn't have any hope in such a densely populated place."

Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly and flew directly over the city wall into the city.

Similar to the situation in the Floating City of Plantia, the streets and alleys here are almost all occupied by all kinds of resurrected undead.

However, since the number of mages is relatively small and the level is not as high as that of the floating city, the overall threat is not great.

Several death knights brought hundreds of low-level undead creatures to kill these enemies who invaded their territory, but they were overwhelmed by fireballs, lightning and other large-scale attack spells falling from the sky.

Vanessa, who specializes in the necromancy system, also captured one of them and planned to take it back to find time to study it carefully.

After the battle was over, they opened the closed door of one of the warehouses.


Stacks of iron ingots, gold bars, various rare magic metals, as well as a large amount of blood, bones, furs, gems, etc. that can be used as materials for making magic items and casting spells, immediately appeared within sight.

In some cages, you can even see the corpses of dead slaves and various exotic animals that were resurrected as undead.

Since the floating city of Plantia governs a very large area, with a population of 10 to 20 million, and it continuously sucks blood from its subordinate city-states and villages, its material consumption and reserves are far from those in Faerûn which only have a few people. A small country with a population of 100,000 or even 1 or 2 million cannot compare.

"It's unbelievable! How prosperous was this world before it was destroyed by the plague?"

Jeffrey bent down and picked up several types of gemstones that he had never seen before, with undisguised shock on his face.

Zuo Si responded casually: "Because there is no relationship with any gods, this world does not have as severely divided and opposing beliefs as Faerun.

There are no messy and meaningless battles between good and evil.

The mage is the absolute master who is above all living beings.

Although they are very cold and cruel, they continue to improve various technologies with rational thinking and apply magic to all aspects of production.

What's more, the supplies you see are the result of tens of millions of people supporting fifteen thousand mages in a floating city. "

"I see. A mage living in such an environment is really happy." There was strong envy in Jeffrey's tone.

There is no way not to be envious!

You must know that most mages in Faerun will be troubled by materials and funds, even the most powerful legendary mages.

But the mage of the Floating City of Plantia, who controls a large area of ​​land and a population of 10 to 20 million, has no such trouble.

Because no matter what they want, as long as it exists in this world, countless people will rush to get it for them with an order.

"Happiness? Maybe."

Zuo Si smiled noncommittally, then changed the subject and said, "But it was precisely because no gods were born that their civilization eventually perished in a sudden outbreak of plague.

In my opinion, God is a double-edged sword for mortals.

On the one hand, they will continue to spread their own ideas, leading to serious cognitive opposition among the people and causing various social problems.

On the other hand, they can step forward to preserve the fire when civilization encounters a crisis.

As far as I know, at the end of the Netheril era, when Karsus caused the magic network to get out of control and countless floating cities fell from the sky, the second-generation magic goddess once took action to save the last three floating cities that had not yet fallen to the ground.

If there were gods in this world, it wouldn't be like this now. "

The words have not yet been spoken!

A black shadow suddenly flashed behind the warehouse and then disappeared.

Although the black shadow was very fast and its movements were very stealthy, it was still keenly captured by Zuo Si's eyes blessed with many permanent magical visions.

Out of curiosity, he immediately walked through the piles of iron ingots, gold bars and other supplies to the back where grains, cured meats and dried meats were stored.

It turned out that there were indeed a few unclear looking footprints on the dusty ground.

The shelves next to them were also missing several bags filled with wheat, as well as food necessary for daily survival such as salt, spices, cured meats and dried meat.

For a moment, even Vanessa and the other lichs showed surprised expressions.

As we all know, the undead do not need to eat, only the living need to eat.

There is no doubt that the black shadow just now was not some kind of mutated undead, but a living person.

This also means that not all the residents of this city died, and a small number of them escaped by hiding.

Just when Jeffrey wanted to cast a detection spell to find out where the person who came to get the food came from, Zuo Si had already discovered the secret passage hidden behind the shelf through the [True Seeing Technique], and directly opened a mouthful to use it. A jar for the sauce.

As a result, when the lid of the jar was lifted, a narrow tunnel that could only accommodate a thin man was exposed.

Judging from the pitted surface and the height that only allows people to crawl on the ground, it can be basically judged that it was excavated bit by bit by pure hand.

Not to mention the swollen and enlarged undead creature, with Zuo Si's current height and size, it would be very difficult for him to climb over, and he might get stuck in the narrowest places.

"It's a very smart approach. Even if those undead creatures are discovered, they can't get in and find the hiding place of the survivors." Vanessa commented in a low voice with interest.

"What do you plan to do with these survivors? Give them shelter, or let them become residents of the floating city in the future?" Jeffrey asked Zuo Si straightforwardly.

"Well - anyway, let's find them first and check the situation. If there are still living people left in this world, it would be best to gather them and protect them, and then slowly multiply and expand around a city."

After that, Zuo Si quickly performed a simple transformation technique, changing from the appearance of a young man into a flexible house cat, jumped into the entrance, and walked quickly along the narrow passage.

As for the accompanying Lich, they released an army of undead and constructs, and began to clean up and capture nearby undead creatures centered on the warehouse, especially those lords who gave birth to wisdom and self-awareness.

Their purpose is very simple, that is, to establish a stable rear area and prepare sufficient soldiers and cannon fodder for the resistance and fierce battles that may be encountered in recovering the Floating City of Plantia.

As for Zuo Si, who got into the underground passage, he ran along this narrow passage for almost twenty minutes before he discovered that the width and height of the tunnel ahead began to increase, and the entrance and exit were enough for an adult male to walk upright.

Four heavily armed guards, wearing armor and holding shields and axes, seemed to be talking to a boy who looked to be only about ten years old and was carrying a heavy sack.

"Lepp! How are you? Have you got the food?" A man with a beard swallowed his saliva and asked impatiently.

Through the dim light, you can vaguely see that this strong man, who is nearly two meters tall, has deep sunken eye sockets and bulging cheekbones. His broad frame has almost no muscles, and he is almost skinny and bones.

Not only him, but several other adult guards were also similar. They were obviously suffering from malnutrition caused by not having enough to eat for a long time.

"I brought back a bag of wheat, as well as a few kilograms of salt, cured meat and dried meat. It should be enough for everyone to eat for two meals."

The boy opened the pocket on his back to show off his harvest, and he also kept swallowing saliva.

Seeing the food, the four guards' eyes suddenly glowed green, as if they would turn into beasts and rush to snatch it in the next second.

You must know that human beings in a state of extreme hunger have no sense at all.

The strong desire to survive and the desire for food will overcome everything. The morality that usually restrains one's behavior is nothing in the face of instinct.

Just when Zuo Si thought that a drama about the dark side of human nature would be staged, the leading man with a beard suddenly put down his shield, raised his hand and slapped himself hard on the face without warning.


Accompanied by the crisp sound and the swollen cheeks, the green light in his eyes quickly receded, replaced by a mixture of sobriety and guilt. He stretched out his bony hand and touched the boy's head: "Sorry, kid, I just said I scared you. Take this food back to the camp area quickly, add some more mushrooms and moss to make porridge, and give it to those who are about to starve to death first."


The boy nodded heavily, picked up the heavy sack and continued walking deeper.

After he was completely gone, another guard couldn't help but asked: "Captain, why don't you keep some of the food? Even if it's just a piece of dried meat or a handful of wheat! We haven't eaten for three days. I had no decent food, just a bowl of mushroom and moss soup with a little salt every day."

"Shut up! Do you think I don't want to? But the question is if we make this bad start, what will the people in the gathering place think? The world is so difficult now, and those of us who survived the Doomsday Judgment must unite to Get through it. Don't forget, there are many people in the camp who have less to eat than us," the bearded man snapped.

"Damn it! If this continues, we will all starve to death without the help of those undead creatures."

Another soldier threw his weapon and shield aside, then bent down to grab a handful of dirt from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth, then chewed and swallowed crazily, trying to get a little bit of satiety from it.

People who have never been hungry can never imagine how uncomfortable it feels to have severe burning in the stomach and not being able to exert any strength in the whole body.

Not to mention eating dirt, he would even eat his own hands and feet when he was so hungry.

Just when the bearded man was about to imitate his companions and grab a handful of soil to satisfy his hunger, he suddenly saw a plump and beautiful cat coming out of the depths of the cave.

You don't need to ask to know that this cat is exactly what Zuo Si changed.

No hesitation!

This man, who was preparing to eat dirt one second, dropped the black mud he was holding in his hand the next second, with an idiotic smile on his face. While drooling, he approached cautiously, with a mouthful of He muttered: "Kitten! Cute kitten! Don't be afraid! Come into my arms! I promise to kill you in the fastest and painless way, and then put you into the pot and stew it with the mushrooms to make soup." "

After the other three guards discovered it, they also joined the siege from other directions.

Due to the extreme lack of food, almost everything edible around the camp was swept away.

Whether it was rats that were once seen as a source of filth and disease, cockroaches that made women scream, or white maggots born from rotten things, they have now become the ultimate delicacy.

If anyone can catch a fat mouse, he will immediately get the adoring eyes of others.

Even those aristocratic ladies and ladies who were originally unattainable would lift their skirts and spread their thighs just to drink a bowl of rat soup.

Even though Zuo Si had seen many big scenes, he was still inevitably startled by the looks in the eyes of these four refugees. He immediately accelerated, turned sharply, drifted, and got out from among the four people with extremely agile movements.

The man with the beard was instantly furious and immediately ran away to chase him. He shouted at his companions at the top of his lungs: "Spread out! Spread out and block all the exits! Don't let this cat escape under any circumstances!" "

"Don't worry! Even if we chase it to the ends of the earth today, I will catch it and throw it into the pot." Another guard responded fiercely.

In this way, chased by several refugees, Zuo Si quickly used the cover of darkness to sneak into the deepest camp.

As expected, this is not a natural cave, but a tomb underground in the cemetery used to bury the dead.

However, when the plague broke out, some people took shelter with their families, and over time this gathering place was formed.

Later, when the undead began to appear in large numbers, they put down the stone gate and completely sealed off contact with the outside world, so they managed to persist until now.

As for those tunnels extending in all directions, most of them were dug by thieves in the past to facilitate theft of funerary objects. Later, they were simply transformed and expanded to connect the interiors of several warehouses in the city.

In order to prevent undead creatures from coming along these passages and killing everyone, they specially made the first half of the passage very narrow, so that only children under ten years old could pass.

In this way, the refugees can let these children steal some food from time to time to survive.

As for drinking water, there is a small fountain in the center of the tomb that is connected to the elemental plane of water.

This magical device was originally used for decoration by wealthy people to make their tombs look more luxurious.

But now, it has become the life source of the entire gathering place.

Refugees use the water to grow moss and mushrooms in any available space.

As for why they were not infected with the plague, the most likely reason is that they were isolated relatively early, and it does not rule out that they have developed some kind of antibodies or immunity.

In short, these two hundred survivors may not be special, and there may be other survivors in other large tombs around.

no doubt!

The food the boy managed to bring back instantly sparked cheers among the refugees.

The hungry people filled several large pots with water as if it were a festival, then poured a small amount of wheat into them in an extremely pious gesture, and then boiled them on the ever-extinguishing magic flame next to the coffin.

After the pot is boiled, a large amount of shredded mushrooms, green moss, and a little marinated meat and dried meat will be added.

After it is thoroughly boiled into a thick paste, salt is sprinkled on it and distributed to everyone.

Among them, children around ten years old received the most, with two spoons.

Because they are the only ones with the ability to obtain food from the outside world, they will naturally receive preferential treatment.

Although the scene looked a little chaotic, things like robbing the old, weak, sick and disabled to get more food did not happen after all.

The person responsible for distribution and maintaining order is a woman in her forties. She has obviously received a good education, and her actions have won the respect and conviction of everyone.

But for some reason, Zuo Si always felt that the other person's eyes looked familiar, but he could rely on his photographic memory to confirm that he had never seen them before.

In order to figure this out, after he finished eating, he secretly followed the other person into a very small independent compartment located on the west side of the main tomb chamber near the entrance.

Generally speaking, places like this are often the places where the tomb owner's favorite servants, slaves and concubines were buried.

Of course, these poor people were not buried there voluntarily, or even died naturally at all, but were buried alive and sacrificed.

I saw this familiar-looking woman slowly taking off her black veil and turban, revealing a face that was very similar to the Archmage of the Necromancer Asta.


The name suddenly popped into Zuo Si's mind.

Although he is an old monster who has lived for more than three hundred years, Asta has left countless descendants.

But Varena is undoubtedly the most special one and the one that worries the Necromancer the most.

He even takes a few days every year to go to Hull to live with his descendant to maintain his relationship.

As for the specific reason, no one knows.

However, Zuo Si felt that there were only two possibilities.

One is that Varena may look very similar to Asta's long-dead wife or first love, so it is an emotional transfer.

The other is that he did some unknown magic experiment on his descendant, so he needs to observe and draw conclusions every once in a while.

Just when Zuo Si was about to get closer, knock the woman unconscious, and then do a simple check, the other party suddenly turned around alertly and asked sharply: "Who? Who is hiding there!"

"Your perception is surprisingly sharp, Ms. Varena."

Zuo Simai walked out of the shadows with an elegant and authentic "cat walk".

"The cat that always talks! Do you know me?" Varena's eyes widened in shock.

"Of course I know you. You are the most beloved descendant of the necromancer Archmage Asta, and you are also the person he cares about the most." Zuo Si said pretending to be mysterious.

In order to get some secrets out of the other party's mouth, he did not rush to return to human form, but kept the appearance of a cat.

Because the shape of this furry little animal can lower other people's vigilance to a certain extent.

When she heard the name "Asta", Varena stood up suddenly and asked with joy on her face: "Are you sent by my great-grandfather to save me? How is he now? Can our world be saved?"

Zuo Si pretended to be sad and lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I have to inform you of the sad news. Master Asta is dead, and like other mages in the floating city, he did not escape. But in Before he died, he entrusted me to come to you and said that you had kept something very important for him."

"What? Great-great-grandfather is dead! How is this possible! Absolutely impossible!"

Such bad news immediately caused Varena to collapse and started shouting hysterically.

You must know that the reason why she has been able to hold on until now and not fall down is because she hopes that the omnipotent "ancestor" will one day descend from the sky and save her.

"Nothing is impossible. What's more, Master Asta's age is already close to the limit of human beings, and his death is foreseeable."

Zuo Si took advantage of this opportunity and quietly came closer, releasing a ball of colorless and odorless gas at lightning speed.

After Varena smelled it, she immediately rolled her eyes and lost consciousness.

Apparently, the cat's petite size successfully lowered her guard.

After he succeeded, Zuo Si returned to his human form, picked him up and placed him on a simple wooden bed made of a coffin lid next to him, and began to inspect him from beginning to end.

As a result, he soon found an area sealed with necromancy magic in this woman's brain.

Judging from the techniques and techniques, it was 100% Asta's doing.

As for what is sealed in this area, it is still unclear for a while.

Because the brain is so complicated that even Zuo Si doesn't dare to try it easily.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, no one will know the secret sealed inside.

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