A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 273 Fairkrag (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

In the dark sewers of Askatra, a dozen people wearing black robes, with their entire faces hidden in wide hoods, quietly gathered near an open space that was obviously cleared with magic. They looked very suspicious. .

Because a demonic invasion had just broken out not long ago, Zuo Si spread a large number of deadly plagues in this area, so members of the Shadow Thieves Guild and local residents knew how dangerous it was.

At least until the church of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, announces that the cleanup is complete, you must not risk your own life.

Therefore, if you dare to enter the sewer at this time, you are basically either confident or hiding some ulterior secrets.

The leading man slowly took off his hood, revealing a face that had the characteristics of a native of Karatu from the East.

He was naked from the waist up, without any weapons on his body, and he didn't even have a pair of shoes on his feet. He looked completely bare-handed.

But the unusually developed muscles all over his body, as well as the thick arcs on the back of his hands like those of a boxer, all prove that he is a monk, or he can also be called a warrior monk or an ascetic.

This is a special profession that infuses magical energy into the body and completely weaponizes the limbs.

The best monks can even make their fists comparable to magical weapons, instantly breaking through things with astonishing protective power like dragon scales.

In the continent of Faerûn, wherever there is a monastery, there must be a group of warrior monks.

Although their number is not large, because it is not easy to maintain almost strict discipline, their faith and piety are even comparable to those priests who rely on the gods to make a living.

The monk first looked around everyone present, and then said in a slightly low and hoarse voice: "I believe you all already know what it means for me to appear here today."

"Please give the order, Master. We are all the most loyal believers of the goddess and are willing to sacrifice our lives for her at any time."

A man took the initiative to step forward, bend down and bow deeply.

Hearing this, the monk nodded with great satisfaction: "Very good! I think the goddess will be moved by such devout faith.

Your task is simple, but also very difficult.

The first one is to investigate where the double elector Soth went during the period of his disappearance.

The second is to find a vampire named Badi and confirm her current condition.

There is no distinction between these two tasks, you can do them simultaneously. "

"Investigating Soth?!"

The man who looked as if he was ready to die one second was completely stunned the next second, and there was a trace of unnoticeable panic in his eyes.

He has actually collected quite a lot of information about this elector who has risen rapidly in Amn and even the entire west coast and has shown amazing strength.

Especially the recent spell duel that took place in Luskan in the North, and the news that the Zhentarim leader Manzon and the chief red robed mages were defeated head-on, have already spread around with the return of the merchant ship.

So it's very clear how dangerous this young man is.

If an in-depth investigation is carried out on him, the risks he faces are simply not high.

"That's right. Our goddess wants to find out what secrets he hides and why he always appears and disappears suddenly.

According to the gossip from the Shadow Thieves, Soss obtained information about a red dragon called Felkrag from them.

If nothing else, some action should be taken.

You can use this opportunity to blend in and test the waters a bit.

Remember, our great goddess hates failure, and even more hates waste who fails to achieve anything but fails.

So if any of you disappoint her, I will be more than happy to execute them myself. "

After saying that, the monk suddenly raised his fist and slammed it against the wall next to him.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

With a loud noise, the entire hard rock wall collapsed instantly, and a large amount of gravel and soil spurted out from the breach, blocking almost half of the pipe.

Just from such amazing fists, it is easy to tell that his monk level is definitely very high, even if he is not a legendary monk, he is almost the same.

If this punch hits a person, the entire body's bones may be shattered on the spot, and the internal organs will be ejected from the mouth as if they were minced.

In addition, the biggest feature of monks is that their immunity and magic resistance are amazing.

They are one of the very few who can, when their level is high enough, rush forward with various spell bombardments and kill high-level spellcasters at lightning speed.

Obviously, this hand directly shocked all the men in black present and caused the surrounding environment to become dead silent.

But the monk ignored these believers, and instead turned around and disappeared into the darkness like a thief.

It can be vaguely seen from the back that a black disc with a lavender ring is tattooed on the middle of his two shoulder blades, which is the mark of Shar, the goddess of the night.

It is easy to tell from this mark that this is a powerful dark moon monk.

The group's primary goal is to serve the Lady of Night, and to track down and assassinate Selun or high-ranking members of the Church of the Goddess of Magic.

Almost every Darkmoon Monk is an elite and professional assassin.

Due to the special abilities granted by Shar, the power they unleash when they launch a sneak attack on a target is even more amazing than that of assassins and thieves.

It is said that the reason why the Salem Church cannot develop and grow is entirely due to the Dark Moon Monks constantly sending people to hunt down their church members.

It can even be said that among the many gods in Faerun, becoming a priest of Selun is one of the most dangerous choices.

That meant facing the extremely stealthy and efficient assassinations of Shar and her followers.

With the departure of the monks, these believers who always kept a low profile, hidden and gathered in small groups, quickly left the sewers without a trace and used their roles in society to start trying to investigate everything about Zuo Si.

Especially where he went when he disappeared twice for half a year.

Of course, it's not easy.

Because there are not many people who know the truth, and those who know the truth are either summoned creatures or loyal lichs within the organization.

In addition, there is a mage tower as a cover. Most outsiders simply think that Zuo Si disappeared just like an ordinary mage, staying in his own territory to engage in some interesting magic research.

Let alone disappearing for half a year, it is nothing new for some mages to suddenly disappear for decades or even centuries.

When he reappeared, those who thought he was dead were surprised to find that the mage had transformed himself into an immortal lich.

Of course, Zuo Si still knew nothing about what was happening in the hidden corners of Ascatla.

At this moment, he had left the city with a makeshift adventure team of six people and followed a small caravan towards Cuimi Town, intending to make simple repairs there and then reach the destination through rugged mountain roads - —Hill of Windspear.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of Felkrag, the cunning red dragon, except for Isadora, Fangus and Fede, the remaining two teammates were temporarily recruited at the Copper Crown Inn.

They are all male human warriors, and their professional level is around LV5. They are the kind of typical cannon fodder who are guaranteed to be the first to die when encountering any danger.

Of course, these two guys are not good people.

According to the information Isadora obtained through reading thoughts through her psychic powers, the other party obviously saw that there were more female members in the team, and they were all young and beautiful girls, so they wanted to sneak the drug to a deserted place. Confuse everyone, do some indescribable things, and then throw his body into the wilderness and loot all valuable things.

It is normal for things like this to happen in a temporarily formed adventure team.

This is also the reason why most adventurers who can live to middle age have a fixed team without exception.

The risks involved in teaming up with strangers were simply too great.

After all, more than 70% to 80% of Faerûn are inaccessible forests, wilderness, and swamps. The chance of being discovered for murder here is almost zero, and the costs and risks of engaging in criminal activities have been reduced to an outrageous level.

But it's a pity that these two guys with human faces and animal hearts hit the wall this time.

It is not easy to keep secrets in front of a psion.

Their sinister plan was revealed from the start.

If it weren't for the fact that there were two more cannon fodders in the team to cover up, they would have been dealt with immediately after leaving the city.

Especially Feide, who was sent by the Shadow Thief to lead the way, his eyes often flashed with extremely cold murderous intent.

Obviously, the other party's despicable and cruel behavior caused her some unpleasant memories or experiences.

Because Zuo Si noticed that there was a very vague mark on the arm of the demon elf assassin. Although it was easily ignored after processing, it could be concluded that she must have been a Calimshan slave before.

As an exotic and very rare demon elf, especially a beautiful woman, anyone who is not a fool can guess what will happen.

Whenever the two of them began to court the female members of the team, she would subconsciously put her hands on the daggers and daggers at her waist, and she almost couldn't help but take action several times.

But at the last moment, reason prevailed over impulsive emotions.

In this way, the group of people arrived safely in Cuimi Town in a strange and murderous atmosphere.

Apart from encountering some wolves, bears and a few goblins along the way, everything seemed so peaceful.

As a thank you, the leader of the caravan presented a small bag of almost seventy gold coins as a reward for escorting.


You heard it right!

There are only seventy gold coins!

This is the truest portrayal of the income of low-level adventurers.

This price is based on the fact that there is a mage and a priest in the team.

If it were replaced by an adventure team composed purely of warriors, the reward might be even lower.

After getting the money, Zuo Si immediately pretended to be very happy and poured out all the gold coins. Then he smiled and said to the team members: "Seventy gold coins, each person will take ten according to the pre-arranged distribution method, and the remaining The ten coins I placed will be used as the team’s reserves to purchase various tools and supplies. Do you have any objections?”

"Of course! Send the money quickly, I can't help but want to go to the town's tavern for a drink." A male warrior in his thirties urged impatiently.

Another slightly younger soldier also echoed: "That's right. Anyway, with such a small amount of money, it can only be used for toothpaste at best."

"Since there is no objection, then the money will be distributed."

With that said, Zuo Si quickly handed out ten gold coins to each person.

As the daughter of a wealthy merchant family, Isadora had no idea about money.

Ten gold coins may not even be one-tenth of the value of a pair of shoes, a beautiful dress or jewelry on her feet, so she threw them into her pocket very casually.

In contrast, the werewolf girl Fangus, who had experienced hardship, discrimination, and even nearly starved to death, knew the value of ten gold coins very well, and quickly put them in a close-fitting purse and put them away for emergencies.

As for Feide, she put the money on her finger and played with it. The gold coins seemed to be affected by magic, rolling and jumping under her control, repeatedly performing a wonderful dance.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the ten gold coins are getting fewer and fewer as they continue to jump, and finally only the last one is left in the middle of the palm.

As for where the others were hidden, no one except Zuo Si could see clearly.

Many thieves will use this method of making gold coins dance to exercise the flexibility of their fingers, so that they can be more skillful when stealing, dismantling and installing traps.

But what is certain is that there are absolutely not many thieves who can juggle ten coins with both hands at the same time.

"Skillful hands?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

You must know that even in the continent of Faerûn, which is full of magical power, there are definitely not many people with this kind of talent.

It is said that Drizzt, the famous dark elf ranger, was trained as a warrior because he showed his talent with dexterous hands when he was young.

Because when dual-wielding weapons to fight, you don't just click on the talent and then equip it directly like in the game.

Instead, it requires strong physical coordination and long hours of training.

Anyone who has played cold weapons knows that without this talent, dual-wielding weapons will not only fail to gain an advantage in battle, but will also lead to an embarrassing situation of being in a hurry due to coordination problems. It is far better to switch to two-handed weapons or give up. It's better to replace a weapon with a shield.

This is why most warriors choose swords and shields or two-handed weapons, and most thieves only have a dagger or short sword.

So far, Zuo Si has seen only one person with dual-wielding talent and actual combat ability, the dwarf berserker Korgan.

"No, of course not, I'm just a little more flexible than ordinary people's fingers." Feide winked in a playful manner. "By the way, what are your plans next?"

"Well - let's go visit the local market first. Trimi Town is a town founded by the goddess of wealth, Wojin. It is said that she received some kind of blessing, so she often sells some rare things." Zuo Si touched his chin. Speak your mind.

If you look at the map, you will know that Trimi Town is located almost in the heart of the entire Amn, and is a trade hub that almost all trade routes must pass through.

Therefore, although the market size is not as large as Ascatra, it still has its own characteristics.

"I'll accompany you."

"Me too!"

Isadora and Fangus quickly held Zuo Si's arms from left to right.

The actions of the two girls instantly aroused the jealousy of the two male warriors who were planning to go to the only Viatelli bar in town to have a drink.

Because along the way, they had been forced to eat a lot of similar "dog food", and they had long hated Zuo Si, the "little pretty boy" in their hearts.

However, the two of them did not show it. Instead, they hid their hatred in their hearts and left the scene as quickly as possible.

After reaching a deserted alley, the leading soldier couldn't help gritting his teeth and cursing: "Why is that damn bastard so popular? Is it because he is younger and more handsome? Or is it because he is a priest and we Just a warrior?"

"Give up, Thors. You should have known a long time ago that with our appearance and background, it is impossible to attract the favor of women who think highly of themselves. In other words, except for prostitutes, no woman will really like us. Us. Of course, even prostitutes only love our money." Another soldier sighed helplessly.

He always has an unrealistic fantasy with his companions, and likes to court the young and beautiful female members of the team, and hopes that one day he will get a different response.

He is a very realistic person and has long seen through this hypocritical world.

Especially full of contempt for Suna, the goddess of love and beauty, and the things she most touted.

No matter how beautiful or ugly everyone is, they can find their true love!

What love is part of nobility!

It's all a fucking lie!

The cruel real world is that ugly people do not deserve love!

If you add poverty and having nothing as a prefix, it will be even more miserable.

That's why he finally embarked on such a path of no return, venting his twisted desires and resentment against the world on those female adventurers who were defenseless, thereby gaining some psychological satisfaction.

Then they sell the looted equipment and property for a lot of money, and go to pubs, brothels and other places to live happily.

Just drink today and get drunk today.

Anyway, my life has become as bad as it is now. What if the doomsday judgment comes tomorrow?

Even if he is killed one day, his life will be worth it.

The warrior known as Thors nodded vigorously, and said fiercely with a fierce look on his face: "That's right, man. When I leave Trimi Town and go to the inaccessible forests and mountains, I will definitely face that damn pretty boy. He pushed the three girls to the ground and brutally tortured them, making them wail in the most painful and desperate way."

"According to the old rules, each person chooses one, and the last one tosses a coin to decide who comes to enjoy it first."

"I choose the ranger with the winter wolf. She looks like she has a wild aura, and the resistance will be very fierce. I like this feeling. The more fierce she resists, the more excited I am."

"Then I'll choose the girl who looks like a rich lady. I bet the skin under her robe will be as white and smooth as milk."

"But we have to be careful about the demon elf assassin and the ranger's animal companion, the winter wolf."

"Do you need to tell me that? I have already spent a lot of money to buy the best poison from the Shadow Thieves Guild. Just this small bottle costs 500 gold coins. I guarantee that I can knock it all down in one go."

Just when the two guys with ill intentions began to discuss how to start, Zuo Si and his party had already arrived at the busy market.

Since there is a fairly large lake next to Cuimi Town, although it is inland, there are many fish vendors.

Many fresh fish just caught in the morning were piled on the stalls, allowing civilians passing by to select and buy them.

Of course, any place that sells fresh food will definitely not taste very good.

Especially now that it was midsummer, some of the wooden barrels used to process the offal emitted bursts of pungent stench under the strong sunlight, which immediately made Fangers, whose sense of smell was as sensitive as that of a canine, couldn't help but cover his mouth and nose.

Isadora did not hesitate to bless herself with a spell to block all the smells that would cause physical discomfort.

As a member of the Shadow Thieves Guild, Fede has been active in the Ascatra Pier and the Bridge area for a long time, so he has long been accustomed to the smell of fish. He even pointed at the oversized pike being slaughtered at a stall next to him and said: "You Are you sure you don’t want to buy one? You must know that this kind of fish tastes great, whether it is grilled, stewed, pan-fried or deep-fried, it tastes very good and is perfect for dinner.”

"Forget it. I don't think there will be any fish-related dishes in today's dinner." Zuo Si refused without hesitation.

He obviously noticed the reactions of the two girls around him, so he immediately realized that the demon elf assassin was definitely doing it on purpose.

"That's really a pity. You know I like to eat fish the most." Fede shrugged his shoulders pretending to be regretful.

Just as she turned around and walked to the next stall, Zuo Si suddenly asked from behind: "You've had a hard time enduring these days, haven't you?"

"What's the meaning?"

The demon elf suddenly stopped. He raised his head to reveal a pair of strange eyes that made many people around him uneasy.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. Even Fangus can't hide the murderous intention you revealed, so how can you hide it from me." Zuo Si bluntly exposed the other party's disguise.

He was curious about how the assassin lady learned that there was something wrong with the two recruited warriors without the ability to detect thoughts.

"You also know that those two guys have a problem?" Feide's expression suddenly became very strange.

"Don't you know that there are many magics that can read a person's mind? To be precise, I have known what they are thinking in their minds from the beginning, but I am just too lazy to expose it." Zuo Si explained casually.

"So... in your eyes, they are just pawns to be used and manipulated?"

Feide suddenly understood, and finally understood why he had never received a response to his constant hints these days.


Zuo Si smiled and shook his head.

"No, I have very high requirements for chess pieces, and they don't have the qualifications yet.

However, the greed and stupidity of these two guys can be a very good cover-up.

You have to understand that Felkrag is not your average red dragon who is reckless and impulsive.

He not only has monsters such as orcs, hobgoblins and trolls, but also a group of human followers, and even formed an intelligence network scattered in surrounding towns and strongholds.

Any adventurers who approach Windspear Hills will be closely watched.

If we don't want to reveal our identity, we have to appear to reassure the red dragon and entertain the idea of ​​playing a game with us.

Only in this way can we approach his lair without alerting him. "

"Then what are you going to do with those two disgusting scum?" The demon elf came closer and asked in a low voice.

Zuo Si answered straightforwardly: "You can dispose of them as you wish after they lose their use value. It doesn't matter whether you use the terrible tortures of the Shadow Thieves Guild to torture them to death, or break their limbs and let them be eaten by wild beasts in the wilderness. In this regard, I'm not morally obscene or stupid enough to think they should be brought to justice rather than lynched."

"I understand. Now that you say that, I won't be polite."

After saying that, Fede cracked his knuckles, and his whole body exuded a chilling, dark aura.

After all, as the most respected subordinate of Ellen Linville, the apparent supreme leader of the Shadow Thieves Guild, she naturally cannot be a good person. She has killed many people just by being responsible for cleaning up traitors over the years.

You must know that when the Shadow Thieves Guild is purging traitors, it targets not just one person, but also the traitor's direct family members and descendants. It emphasizes eradicating the roots and never causing further trouble.

In this way, the two reached an agreement on how to deal with the two male warriors in the team.

The latter didn't know that he was in danger. He was sitting in the tavern with gold coins and drinking strong drinks, thinking about what new tricks he would play after he used poison to confuse the entire team.

Little did they know, the demon elf assassin was already gearing up, recalling the various tortures he had learned during training.

Especially those that cause great pain but are not immediately fatal.

Zuo Si even saw that she bought a box of shiny silver needles, some threads and hemostatic medicine in the market, and the expression on her face was scary.

The team repaired in Cuimi Town for one day and two nights, and officially set off early in the morning on the third day to continue moving towards the Wind Spear Hills in the east.

In order to deceive others, Zuo Si took a job hunting monsters in the town.

For every orc, hobgoblin, and gnoll killed and their nose cut off, you can get fifteen gold coins as reward, while ordinary goblins get one gold coin each.

This method of paying adventurers to continuously reduce the number of monsters around towns over a long period of time is a strategy adopted by many local governments throughout Faerûn, so it does not arouse too many people's suspicions.

As for the two warriors in the team, they have long been impatient to enter the inaccessible forests and hills to start. They don't care about the mission or not, they just want to get it quickly.

But unfortunately, the two of them were obviously still useful, so Zuo Si didn't give them any chance to make a move on the way from Trimi Town to Wind Spear Hill.

Whenever one of them wants to poison their food, Fed or Winter Wolf will appear around by chance, scaring them so much that they dare not make any small move.

But after successfully arriving at Wind Spear Hill, all these "coincidences" disappeared.

At the beginning, the warrior named Thors did not dare to take action easily because he was almost hit several times before.

But as the other four people in the team became more and more relaxed, they finally couldn't help but discuss it with their accomplices in the dead of night and decided to take action tonight.

In order to successfully poison their meals, they took the initiative to hunt and fish. They killed a deer from the surrounding forest and speared several plump grass carps.

After being briefly skinned, gutted and cleaned, the venison is stewed with wild mushrooms in a large pot while the fish is roasted over the fire.

After a while, the smell of meat came out from around the campfire.

Since he had rich experience in poisoning, Thors did not rush to put the poison in. Instead, he pretended to add some salt and other condiments, and then took a piece of it with a spoon and put it in his mouth to taste.

His purpose in doing this was to lower the vigilance of Zuo Si and others, and also to show that the food was not poisonous.

Isadora, who had already received the instructions, cast a poison detection on the cauldron, and then said to everyone: "These foods are not poisonous, you can have dinner."

"That's great! After a long day of traveling, I'm going to be hungry." The werewolf girl immediately rushed to the campfire and was about to get the grilled fish.

But this action was immediately stopped by Thors, and he took out some tampered salt from the bottle he carried with him, and while sprinkling it back, he scolded angrily: "Don't be so hasty! These fish and the stew in the pot are still good." There’s no salt.”

"I can't wait any longer! Bring it!"

Fangers snatched the grilled fish that had just been sprinkled with salt from the opponent's hand, put it in his mouth and took a bite.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Thors' mouth turned up slightly, revealing a sinister smile that was difficult to detect.

In his opinion, the girl's fate was sealed from the moment she bit it.

In the next few minutes, Thors repeated his old trick, handing out the poisoned food to everyone one by one, and then watching each other eat it.

In the name of preventing sneak attacks by wild beasts or monsters, I and my accomplices ran to a place about dozens of meters away from the camp with the food, secretly dumped it all into the pit and buried it.

After waiting for about half an hour, when the effects of the medicine should have started to take effect, they returned to the campfire together.

It turned out that all four people, including Zuo Si, were lying on the ground and fell into a deep coma.

In order to prevent accidents, Thors also called each one one by one to confirm that he was really unconscious, and then quickly changed his face and revealed his true face.

I saw him grinning and showing his big yellow teeth, kicked the winter wolf away and spat fiercely: "Bah! You damn beast! How many times have you ruined my good deeds? If it weren't for you, I would have already done it. Got it."

"Okay, don't be angry with a wolf. After we enjoy it later, we will just take off its leash and sell it. You know, the fur of a winter wolf is worth a lot of money." Another accomplice walked towards Yi with a lewd smile. Sadora.

"makes sense."

Thors quickly took off his armor as quickly as possible, and jumped towards Fangus with his upper body naked.

Just when he was impatient to tear off the girl's clothes, he suddenly found that the body of this girl who gave off a wild beauty suddenly began to swell inexplicably. In the blink of an eye, she became much taller than him, and her originally smooth skin Large patches of thick hair sprouted from the surface, and the human head and beautiful face were replaced by a huge wolf head full of fangs.

Especially the beast-like light released from his eyes instantly made the man's excitement disappear, replaced by fear from his heart.


Having been engaged in adventure for a long time, this word suddenly popped into his mind, and he subconsciously wanted to grab the armor and weapons he had just taken off.

But unfortunately it was too late.

Fangers didn't give the man who wanted to violate him any chance at all. He got up and struck hard with a powerful blow.

The latter's poor strength and agility attributes didn't even have time to react. In an instant, he flew back several meters away, hit his head against a big tree with a bang, and lost consciousness.

As for the man who walked towards Isadora, it was even worse. Before he even had time to take off his clothes, he was directly invaded by psychic power and turned into a controlled puppet.

Seeing that these two idiots were taken care of in an instant, Feide, who originally wanted to show off his skills, couldn't help but complain: "How dare you poison in front of the electors of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease? I really don't know if I should admire their courage. It’s amazing, but I still laugh at them for being so stupid. Didn’t they realize that there were problems with all the unusual coincidences before?”

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "Seventy percent of adventurers have not received any education, forty percent of adventurers are illiterate, and ten percent of adventurers cannot communicate in common language. For such a It is a mistake to have too high expectations for a group. What's more, these two people have used the same method more than once successfully, and they will naturally form dependence. Well, according to the agreement, they are now at your disposal."

"Thank you!"

The demon elf quickly took out the sewing kit he had purchased in Cuimi Town from the tool bag, then hummed a tune and dragged the two of them into the woods nearby.

After a while, heart-wrenching screams, wails and begging for mercy came from over there, frightening the birds resting on the treetops and flying away.

Fangers couldn't help but ask: "Master, what did Feide do to those two people?"

"Well...it's better that you don't know about this."

Zuo Si, who felt a phantom pain in his lower body, interrupted the werewolf girl's curiosity with an awkward but polite answer.

He now finally understood why many people, when identified as traitors by the Shadow Thieves Guild and hunted down, would rather kill themselves than be captured alive.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this superb "craft" was learned by the demon elves from their parents when they were young.

Just as screams like slaughtering pigs echoed over the woods of Windspear Hills, deep in the ruins of the ancient catacombs, a huge red dragon was taking a nap on his pile of treasures.

He looked so powerful and imposing, and every time he breathed, he would emit an amazing wave of heat from near his mouth and nose, so much so that even some gold and silver coins couldn't bear it and began to melt.

You don't need to ask to know that he is the real ruler of this land, a terrifying giant beast that has reached the age of an ancient dragon - Felkrag, and is also the target of Zuo Si's hunting.

In front of this guy, Galen, the legal lord of Windspear Hills who was recognized by Amn, seemed transparent. He had no power and no people to rule, only a dilapidated log cabin built on the cliff.

In fact, Fairclage could have ended the lives of this man and his young daughter at any time if he had wanted to.

If it were any other red dragon with a bad temper, he might have already done this.

But Fairclage was different. He preferred to play some games with these little mice that rebelled against him, and enjoyed watching their frustrated and desperate looks after failure.

I have to say, this is really quite a bad taste.

But considering he's lived so long, it's not surprising that he would develop some weird interests.

Because this is a common problem common to all long-lived lives.

For example, there is a quite famous blue dragon who loves music and likes to collect various musical instruments and music scores, rather than the treasures that other evil dragons like.

If a bard can play a beautiful melody or offer a musical instrument that has never been seen before, the blue dragon will choose one of his treasures as a gift in return.

Not to mention the dragon that lived for several years, even Elminster, who lived for more than a thousand years, and other voters of the goddess of magic with the same longevity, all have their own interests and hobbies to kill boredom and... A long life.

Just as Felkrag was dreaming about becoming the tyrant who ruled Amn, a mage wearing a blue cloak and hood suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air, placed one hand on his chest and bowed deeply.

"Master, according to the news from the scouts, an adventurous team is approaching your lair."

"Huh? Adventure team!"

The red dragon who was sleeping one second suddenly opened his eyes the next second and slowly stood up from the pile of treasures.

"Yes. It was a team of six people, three men and three women. There was a priest, a mage, a ranger, a thief or assassin, and two warriors. But for some reason, when they arrived in Feng Internal strife broke out behind Spear Hill, and two warriors were being tortured and abused extremely cruelly..."

When saying these words, the mage visibly shuddered and subconsciously clamped his legs.

He couldn't imagine what kind of resentment could actually make the demon elf do such a crazy thing.


Fairkrag dragged his chin with his front paws with a playful expression.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately ordered: "Let the orcs and goblins lead this adventuring team over. I happen to be a little bored recently, so let these little bugs please me."

"As you wish."

The mage bowed again, then cast a teleportation spell and disappeared without a trace.

After he left, the red dragon fiddled with the most valuable two-handed sword in the collection - Casomir, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "I hope you can bring it to me. A little surprise and a precious enough gift. Otherwise...then all die."

After saying that, he suddenly spread his wings and stirred up a strong wind that could blow people away.

Obviously, Fairkrag regarded adventurers as couriers delivering treasures to him, and the most precious treasures in his lair were delivered by adventurers who knocked on the door.

So over time, he developed the habit of leading adventurers into his lair and then looting it.

It's much easier to wait for prey to come to you than to fly out all day to find the target.

However, Faircrag didn't know that the prey this time did carry quite a few precious magic items, which were even more valuable than all the treasures in the lair combined.

But similarly, the person holding these treasures was not an ordinary person, but Zuo Si, who was more dangerous than any enemy he had ever encountered.

Soon, under the coordination of the mage, a group of goblin cannon fodder carrying a simple map of the entrance to the lair was sent out.

Their purpose is not to eliminate the adventurers, but to kill them all, and then "accidentally" discover this map when cleaning up the loot.

Similar things have been done many times, so the mage knows very well that with the adventurous nature of adventurers, he will definitely come to see what is going on.

In this way, your master's game can officially begin.

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