A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 260: Battle against the Demon Lord (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Follow up! Keep up, everyone! Move quickly!"

"Mage! Stop collecting the corpses of rats and monsters! That is simply not a power that mortals can control! If you dare to bring it back to the surface, I guarantee that the six-person council will take the most extreme measures."

"Thieves! Thieves from the Shadow Thieves Guild! Come and see what kind of trap this is?"

"Be careful! There is an ambush! Everyone is ready to fight!"

"Priest! Divine blessing!"

"The paladins and warriors are at the front with me!"

Accompanied by shouts and warnings, an elite coalition of a hundred people composed of various forces in Askatra quickly demonstrated its powerful strength.

These warriors, thieves, assassins, mages, warlocks, priests, paladins and barbarians with the lowest level of LV14 were attacked by several six-armed snake demons, dozens of mad warrior demons, enchanted demons and large quasai demons. During the ambush, a battle formation was immediately organized in less than a few seconds.

Among them, the paladins, warriors and barbarians automatically carried their shields and stood at the front and flanks of the team to ensure that the demons could not harm or affect the casters behind.

Thieves and assassins immediately drank the invisibility potion and entered a stealth state, waiting for opportunities to find angles for sneak attacks and backstabbing.

The priest immediately raised the holy emblem in his hand and blessed everyone with [Protection from Evil], the most practical and fastest-released magic.

Because when dealing with demons or devils, the effect this spell can play may be even more amazing than many fourth-ring or even fifth-ring divine spells.

At the same time, the mages blessed themselves with protective magic such as stone skin, mage armor, and shield.

In less than seven or eight seconds, everyone had completed preparations for the battle.

When the Quasai Demon cannon fodder at the front was about to come into contact with the warriors at the front of the team, the mages took the lead in unleashing their power, attacking the demons with energy such as magic missiles, hail, fireballs, acid, and sound waves all over the sky. pouring out.

In addition to lightning, which the demons are completely immune to, there are almost no other forms of energy attacks.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Quasai demons suffered heavy casualties under the overwhelming magical attack, and were forced to return to their homes in the abyss.

However, the six-armed snake demon who was responsible for commanding the ambush obviously didn't care about this, and still let more Quasai demons continue to rush forward.

As the saying goes, "You have the mace, and I have the Tianling Gai."

The comparison is whether you have more spells or I have more cannon fodder.

In the eyes of high-level demons, the role of these low-level demons is to consume the enemy's spells and physical strength.

So as long as this goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter even if everyone dies.

When the enemy's spells and physical strength are almost exhausted, high-level demons will enter the scene to seal the victory.

The demons relied on such simple and crude tactics to win wars one after another, and also conquered and destroyed material worlds one after another.

After all, the number of demons in the abyss is endless, and even demons that are equally powerful and numerous can be defeated.

"Damn! Those cunning high-level demons are deliberately consuming us!"

Since this was not the first time he had fought against evil creatures from the lower planes, Sir Kaidong understood the opponent's tricks at a glance and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

"Don't worry, paladin. For senior members of the Masked Mage Guild, this level of spell bombing is just an appetizer." Shane VII said meaningfully.

As a legendary mage with a spellcasting level of thirty-six, he didn't take these demons seriously at all.

For him, there is always only one target that is truly threatening, and that is the secondary abyss lord - Mona Hill.

"Madam, I suggest you be more cautious. Because the insidiousness and cunning of high-level demons are beyond the imagination of ordinary people." Kaidong reminded kindly.

But Shane VII shook his head indifferently: "No, Sir, you don't understand what I want to express at all. Just watch, the really interesting stuff will come soon."

The words have not yet been spoken!

The masked mages who were still casting spells stopped all their spell-casting actions and stood in a circle around a gray-robed member at an extremely fast speed.

The latter took the lead in holding up his staff and loudly chanting a hard-to-understand spell, while the others followed and chanted their own parts at the same time.

Anyone who knows anything about magic will immediately realize that this is a special ritual that combines spellcasting.

The level of the caster, the number of participants, and the number of spell slots contributed determine the power of the magic released.

If the person responsible for presiding over the ceremony donates a nine-level spell slot, and the number of participants exceeds ten, and each person donates at least a seventh- or even eighth-level spell slot, then the spell effect produced after the magic ceremony ends It will most likely be a legendary spell.

This is why each spellcaster organization is the most powerful force in Faerûn.

That is a third-rate organization like the Arcane Brotherhood, which has a low average level and does not have a strong backing, but it can thrive in the North.

The fundamental reason is that once the number of gathered mages exceeds a certain critical point and the skill of joint spell casting is learned at the same time, the power of several or even dozens of mages can be concentrated and used to deal a devastating blow to the enemy.

Under such an unreasonable large-scale magic attack, it is impossible for ordinary human armies to withstand it.

Therefore, most city-states and even countries will not maintain an overly large army. This has no meaning or effect, and will instead drag down the entire country's finances.

Just the opposite!

They prefer elite armies that are few in number but possess professional ranks.

Most cities' armies only range from a few hundred to a thousand. City-states that are richer or tend to expand may increase their numbers to around two or three thousand, but that's about it.

On the contrary, the orcs, gnolls, goblins and other creatures that live in the forests, mountains and wilderness and all the people are soldiers can easily pull out tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of terrifying numbers.

But the actual combat effectiveness...

Basically a ragtag group of people.

Many times just kill their leader and the rest will disperse.

Along with the sound of the mage chanting spells, the magic network in the surrounding environment began to fluctuate violently, and a terrifying energy began to gather above the heads of several mages, forming a huge and dazzling red flame light group.

However, what is surprising is that after absorbing enough energy, this fireball not only did not grow larger, but shrank sharply, and finally formed a light point that was hundreds or even thousands of times brighter than the sun.

"Close your eyes!"

Xia En VII reminded loudly.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This light point flew straight towards the place deep in the sewer where the demons gathered, and then suddenly exploded and released unimaginable heat and white light.

When everyone opened their eyes again, they found that the densely packed quasai demons that had come over like a tidal wave had all disappeared.

Even the six-armed snake demons, crazy fighting demons and enchanted demons were seriously injured, and their eyes were even completely blinded by the strong light.

There is no doubt that this amazingly powerful magic ritual directly played a role in clearing the place.

"Charge forward! Kill these filthy evil creatures!"

Witherland, the grand leader, raised his sword with golden light in his hand and was the first to charge forward.

With the blessing of powerful positive energy, his weapon was like a knife cutting through butter, and he cut off an arm of the six-armed snake demon effortlessly.

The positive energy even left large, severe burns on the demon's wounds, causing the latter to scream in pain.

Other paladins, warriors, and barbarians also launched a countercharge against the demon closest to them.

With the help of the priest's magic, they were like wolves and tigers, and they killed these high-level demons who were almost invincible in the eyes of ordinary people in just one encounter.

Many enchanted demons didn't even have time to use their spell-like abilities before they were torn apart by the swarming human blades.

The Church of the Lord of the Morning, which has always been extremely disgusted and hated towards demons and lower-level creatures like devils, even used the unique positive energy magic given by the gods to smear the faces of demons one after another.

And this kind of positive energy is simply the most deadly poison for chaotic evil demons.

However, just when this elite team of 100 people thought that they had a chance to win and could easily defeat and eliminate the demons that ambushed them, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Immediately after, a giant sea snake with a body as thick as a house emerged from the depths of the sewer with a head and a small body.

Its whole body is covered with thick red scales that can withstand the attack of magic weapons. Its eyes are light yellow like many demons, and its big mouth is full of countless sharp fangs that can swallow all living creatures.

Especially the two at the front, there are gaps in the middle, which are obviously used to inject poison into prey.

"No! This is the 531st level of the abyss - the death sea snake in the boundless sea of ​​​​blood in Wudra. Back away! Back away quickly!"

A masked mage backed away like crazy and issued a stern warning.

But unfortunately it was too late.

The giant snake opened its mouth and spurted out a large amount of red liquid that looked like blood from its throat.

The first few soldiers who had no time to dodge were sprayed on the spot, and then the skin and muscles all over their bodies rotted, disintegrated, and collapsed under the wash of blood, and finally turned into a bloody skeleton.

There is no doubt that these bright red liquids come from the 531st level of the bottomless abyss - the blood sea water of Wudra.

As a plane ruled by a six-armed snake demon, the biggest feature there is the scorching heat environment and the boundless sea of ​​blood.

In addition, everything here contains poison.

It is said that the water of the Styx will also flow through here, and eventually merge into the Sea of ​​Blood and become part of it.

Obviously, the poison contained in the sea of ​​​​blood water sprayed by the giant snake is extremely corrosive, even enough to dissolve a high-level warrior with a considerable degree of magic resistance.

In addition, the relatively narrow environment in the sewer means that there is no room to move and dodge at all.

So the appearance of such a giant snake is definitely a nightmare within a nightmare.

"Don't back away! We have to kill it! Otherwise everyone will die!"

Grand Commander Witherland stepped forward at the critical moment to stop those who were panicking and wanted to retreat.

With rich combat experience, he knew very well that there was no way he could outrun an abyssal snake in the sewer.

But the problem is that the power of the sea of ​​​​blood spitted out by this giant snake is so amazing that if it rushes to the front, it will almost certainly be corroded until only a skeleton is left.

Therefore, many warriors, barbarians and priests showed hesitation.

After all, fear of death is the instinct of all living things.

At this critical moment, all the paladins of the Knights of the Burning Heart stood up in unison.

Fearless of death and sacrifice, their eyes held a perseverance that looked back upon death, and seemed to be shrouded in a layer of golden light under the blessing of divine grace.

No hesitation!

There can be no hesitation!

Under the leadership of Grand Captain Witheran, they bravely rushed forward.

Just when the giant snake slowly opened its mouth and was about to spit out the bright red water of the sea of ​​blood, these paladins seemed to have seen the end of their lives.

But just a second later, a huge figure rushed out from the other side and pounced on the giant snake, knocking it to the ground, then pounced on it and bit it crazily, and sprayed piercing eyes into its mouth. Bright cone of flame.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying flames instantly swept through everything within a dozen meters of the sewer in front.

The giant sea snake didn't even have a chance or time to react before it was roasted alive by the flames.

Through the light produced by the burning flames, the entire team could clearly see that it was a strong and extremely cruel red dragon.

Although they don't quite understand why there is a red dragon in the sewers of Askatra, and it is helping them deal with the demon.

But it is undeniable that the appearance of this red dragon successfully resolved the crisis and severely damaged the abyss snake that threatened the most.

Not only that!

In the next few seconds, several powerful warriors, spellcasters and a large number of golems emerged from behind the red dragon.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si finally came over with his men after sweeping out Irenekas' secret base.

Considering that paladins and many divine churches are extremely repulsive to undead creatures, he sent all the undead army back to the huge maze underground in the mage tower, bringing only the red dragon Wilmes, Korgan, Rhett, spotted cat people, Elf magic archer, and a small number of his own summoned creatures and golems.

With the advantage of attacking from both sides, these ambush demons were quickly killed. The sea snake was naturally made into a creature card and became part of his many collections.

"Your Majesty Soth, thank you for showing up in time, otherwise we would have suffered heavy losses."

After the battle, Grand Commander Witheran rushed over to express his gratitude immediately.

You must know that he was mentally prepared to die heroically just now.

But who knew that at the last moment he would actually escape death and survive.

People who have not experienced it will never understand that feeling.

Moreover, Zuo Si's speech in court during the last trial of the Golden Mercenary Group was very consistent with the Knights of the Burning Heart's pursuit of justice and axioms, leading Wetherland to believe that this elector of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, was someone he could win over. With the partner.

At least both sides have the same goal in protecting civilians and preventing the brutal plundering of the Maztec continent.

"You're welcome. This is part of the original agreement between me and the Six-member Council of Amn, and it is also one of my obligations." Zuo Si responded with a smile.

"Were you summoning this red dragon and those monsters through magic?"

Kaidong stared at Wilmes with very strange eyes, as well as the beholders, stone giants, hill giants, dark elves summoned through creature cards, as well as orcs, half-orcs, hobgoblins, etc. infected with lycanthropy. Gnoll.

These monsters are the enemies that the Knights of the Burning Heart face on a daily basis.

But now, he can actually fight alongside him.

That feeling is as awkward as it gets.

Especially the evil and cruel red dragon, who is naturally in serious opposition to the paladin.

"Well - that's right."

Zuo Si lowered his head and glanced at the Abyss Sea Serpent card information that he had just successfully sealed.

Contrary to expectations, this sea snake actually has no powerful spell-like abilities except for its huge size and tenacious vitality.

The only characteristic is that it can spit poisonous blood sea water from its mouth, causing both acid damage and toxin damage to the enemy.

Moreover, the water of the Blood Sea is not infinite, but can be spit out as much as it is stored in the body.

To put it simply, it is a complete tool snake.

When the water of the Blood Sea spits out light, it will not be of much use.

Obviously, the demons arranged it here to give the armies sent by humans a head-on attack and eliminate the enemy's vitality to the maximum extent.

It has to be said that although demons do whatever they want like crazy people, that doesn't mean they are stupid.

Quite the opposite!

High-level demons are basically smarter than the last, and are very good at playing tricks.

It's just that their fickle character causes them to change their plans from time to time. Many operations seem inconsistent and ultimately fail.

But if you underestimate the devils' strategies because of this, you will suffer a big loss.

As an old rival, the devil knows this very well.

Since they had just experienced a fierce battle and several soldiers had died, the team decided to make short-term repairs on the spot after discussion.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xia En VII approached Zuo Si privately and asked in a slightly playful tone: "How much do you know about this demonic invasion?"


Zuo Si gave the answer straightforwardly.

"All? Including the name of the secondary abyss lord?" Xia En VII's eyes shone slightly.

He suddenly realized that the role played by the young man in front of him in this crisis might be very unusual.

"That's right." Zuo Si nodded slightly. "Mona Hill, this is the name of the secondary abyss lord. According to the limited information I have reviewed, I can basically confirm that she is the capable general of the six-armed snake demon queen Shatali. She once participated in bloody battles and commanded a legion to The devil took a huge toll.”

"Then how was she summoned to this world? I don't think those stupid devil worshipers would find a secondary abyss lord from the names of thousands of devils." Shane VII was very interested. tentatively.

Zuo Si responded casually: "I can only tell you that this incident was just planned by someone to cover up the mistakes he made. But as the demon lord was summoned, the situation quickly exceeded her control. range."

"So you're cleaning up other people's messes?"

With his super high intelligence attributes and keen insight as an emperor, Xia En VII guessed the truth at once.

Although he still doesn't know who this person is.

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with saying that. Anyway, there are a lot of demons underground in Askatra. Neither you nor I can just sit back and watch them destroy this city. So the cause is not important now, what is important is how to solve it."

Zuo Si deliberately avoided the important issue and changed the topic.

After all, as he caught Badi's handle, he had successfully turned the vampire queen into a pawn under his control.

In the future, he will continue to steal the other party's research progress and results from Erinikas.

This kind of taboo research on the nature of gods is something Zuo Si, who has received the attention of several gods, cannot do at all.

But now, he can leave it all to Irenicas to study, and he only needs to wait patiently for success.

Xia En VII obviously didn't know what Zuo Si was thinking. He just smiled and sighed: "Yes, you are right. Now that something has happened, solving it is the most important thing. As for the cause, maybe for those A single-minded paladin will never give up if he doesn't investigate clearly, but for pragmatists like you and me, it doesn't matter at all. Because we only value the results and never care about the process."

"After all, if the result is failure, all the previous efforts, time and experience spent will be in vain."

After saying these meaningful words, Zuo Si ended his short conversation with Xia En VII.

After resting for about ten minutes, the two teams set off again along the sewers of the temple area and headed deeper into the temple.

Since there were always ambushes and harassment by demons along the way, the progress was very slow.

Whenever there is a fork in the road, the mages will inevitably summon magic eyes or low-level creatures to explore the road ahead to prevent the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

As for the thieves sent by the Shadow Thieves Guild, they simply did not dare to approach the enchanted demons and six-armed snake demons that had the permanent [True Seeing] effect.

The stealth and assassination skills they were most proud of were a complete joke to the latter.

As for deadly poisons smeared on concealed weapons or daggers and daggers, demons are basically 100% immune.

After all, the environment where demons live is filled with deadly toxins that can kill most outsiders, so they have long evolved the ability to be invulnerable to all poisons.

Unless it was the poison used by Zuo Si that was blessed with Talona's divine power, the demons could even eat it as snacks and stimulants.

Just like this, he stopped and stopped all the way, and finally, after paying a certain price, he successfully arrived near the temple on the lowest level.

A priest of Lathander, Lord of the Morning, undoubtedly recognized the surrounding holy symbols that had become very blurred under the erosion of time, and exclaimed: "This...how is this possible! Why did the ancient sun god Amaunata... To build a temple underground where there is no sunlight all day long?”

"This place is at least a thousand or two thousand years old. At that time, the country of Amn and the city of Askatra did not exist. So it is possible that he sank from the surface into the ground." Another priest guessed.

"Impossible! If it sank from the surface into the ground, its main building would never be so well preserved." A masked mage also joined the discussion.

Just when everyone was trying to explain why there was such an ancient Amauna Tower temple, they suddenly discovered a huge black shadow appeared in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, a secondary abyss lord who was countless times larger than an ordinary six-armed snake demon slowly walked out of the darkness.

Behind her are hundreds of high-level demons, and an interdimensional portal connecting to the bottomless abyss.

Through the dim light, one could vaguely see that on the other side of the door, a dense army of demons was waiting, ready to rush over at any time and launch a fierce attack like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"Ah! You are finally here, mortals." The corners of Mona Hill's mouth slightly raised, revealing a cruel smile.

Obviously, she deliberately created the illusion that all the troops she had on hand were exhausted by the plague, just to attract all the high-end combat power of Ascatella and then kill them all in one fell swoop.

You must know that a demon lord, even a secondary demon lord, controls the number of demon armies far beyond what mortals can imagine.

Especially for low-level demons, the base price is at least several hundred thousand.

It's just that these low-level demons spend most of their time in the abyss protecting their basic territory, and those who invade the material world are always only a few among the few.

In the eyes of the demon lord, only one other demon lord is the most threatening enemy.

"Devil! Go back to your home in the abyss! This is not the place you should be!" Grand Leader Witheran roared angrily.

"Hahahaha! A paladin who serves the God of Justice? Don't worry, I will take your soul away later to see how long you can persist under the erosion of the bottomless abyss. When you are completely corrupted and depraved , I will have a new capable subordinate." Mona Hill let out a mocking laugh.

Because she has participated in bloody battles, she has seen many paladins who joined the devil's camp to fight with her for various reasons, and she has also captured the souls of some paladins.

Understand what a precious resource these holy warrior souls are blessed by the goodness and order of the multiverse.

The souls of some powerful paladins can even bring unimaginable benefits to the demons who caused their fall at the moment of their fall.

Therefore, in the eyes of many abyss lords, the soul of a paladin is more valuable than the souls of a hundred or a thousand mortals.

Just when Grand Leader Witheran wanted to refute, Zuo Si suddenly patted the opponent's shoulder from behind, stopped this meaningless talk with his eyes, and directly controlled the "physics saints" floating around. "The ball" flew from all directions towards the opposite demon.

In the blink of an eye, these amazingly powerful guys caused astonishing casualties to the demons.

Although high-level demons have the unlimited ability to cast advanced teleportation spells, they are almost immune to being hit by iron balls.

But the low-level demons on the other side of the portal are different.

They had no magic-like ability to stop the iron ball from moving forward, so they were crushed into pieces in a very short period of time, turning into pieces of broken limbs and flesh and blood flying all over the sky.

And since the opposite side is the bottomless abyss, once the demon is killed, it is truly dead and has no chance of rebirth.

It was obvious that Zuo Si was using this method to crazily harvest life energy and mana as reserves for dealing with the secondary abyss lords.

"Are you the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, who ruined my plan?"

Mona Hill narrowed her eyes and stared at the human who was very small compared to herself. She was indifferent to the men who were being slaughtered on the other side of the portal behind her.

The reason is very simple!

Even if the "Holy Ball of Physics" were allowed to wildly kill the coward demons and quasai demons for an hour or two, it would be able to kill less than one-tenth of her army of cannon fodder, so there was no need to make a fuss.

"it's me."

Zuo Si bowed very gracefully, not despising or neglecting the other party just because he was a devil.

"I remembered! Your name is Soth. Not long ago, you were the one who caused a big loss to Archduke Disbat, the lord of Dis in the second level of Baator Hell. Interesting! This is so interesting! "

Mona Hill became extremely excited and excited. She even ignored the vigilant paladins, warriors, priests and mages. She came straight to Zuo Si, lowered her head and sniffed the latter's body, and then Letting out moans of immense pleasure.

"Ah! What incredible depth and darkness! The fragrance of this evil mixed with a little bit of residual goodness makes me want to swallow it in one gulp. No wonder the devil wants you. soul!"

"Is this some kind of compliment?" Zuo Si asked with a weird look on his face.

He really couldn't figure out why, whether it was a devil or a devil, he always mentioned repeatedly that his soul exuded some kind of extreme temptation.

Maybe it's the effect of the planeswalker's spark power?

Or is it possible that as a time traveler, your way of thinking and ideas are completely different from those of people in this world?

In any case, Zuo Si himself didn't find anything special about his soul, let alone the so-called "fragrance".

Mona Hill licked her lips and smiled, and immediately replied: "Of course! This is the highest level of praise.

Your soul is like a beautiful piece of art and treasure, worthy of any demon lord or devil duke paying any price to get it.

Speaking of which, I am really lucky to be able to get you before all my competitors.

Come, join us, and I promise to transform you into your unique demonic form.

When we join forces, we will be able to conquer the entire Abyss and replace Demogorgon as the new demon prince. "

"Sorry, I have no interest in becoming a demon, and I don't want my soul to fall into the hands of a demon."

Zuo Si rejected the other party's proposal without even thinking about it.

What a joke!

The abyss, a place of extreme chaos, where nothing but fighting and betrayal all day long, would be liked only by psychopaths with abnormal brains.

Maybe he wouldn't mind traveling to expand his horizons at an appropriate time and collect some demons with rare abilities and appearances, but forget about becoming one of them.

Although the environment at some levels of the abyss is said to be pretty good, and some "Devil's Shame" were even pushed back by the army of the material world when they invaded the material world, and established territories ruled by mortals in the abyss, after all, it was only extremely A few exceptions.

"Haha, it's not up to you."

Mona Hill suddenly waved her arms to grab Zuo Si.

Unfortunately, the latter has obviously been prepared for a long time.

The moment the opponent's huge arm was about to touch him, his entire body turned into a spirit body.

As expected, the opponent's big hand passed through the spirit body without any fixed form and grabbed nothing.

There is no doubt that Mona Hill's direct attack instantly became a signal for war.

Wilmes, who didn't like to use his brain very much, was the first to rush forward, opened his mouth and sprayed hot flames at the secondary demon lord.

But unlike those ordinary snake demons, Mona Hill was not seriously injured by the dragon flames. Instead, most of it was absorbed by some invisible force field. It looked like only the lower body of the snake skin. The scales are just a little bit black.

Such terrifying resistance and defense instantly made many people present feel their scalps go numb.

You must know that the power of Wilmes's dragon breath is already quite astonishing. If another demon or one of his own members in the team is hit by it, he will be in a critical state even if he does not die suddenly on the spot.

But even this kind of attack is just to tickle the six-armed snake demon lord, not to mention the attacks from others.

The blessed weapons in the hands of the paladins could only leave a very shallow gash on the huge snake-shaped body.

These wounds will usually be restored to their original state within a few seconds due to the powerful regeneration ability.

As for the magic weapons below +2 used by warriors and barbarians, they cannot even break through defense.

As for spells, those below the third level have no effect at all.

Only spells above the fifth level can have some impact.

In desperation, the mages could only take out the scrolls they had prepared, and first increase the enchantment level of the warriors' weapons.

But the moment these spells took effect, Mona Hill suddenly raised six arms holding different weapons, and then the huge snake-shaped body rotated at an unimaginable speed.

Among them, the four closest warriors and paladins didn't even have a chance to react. They were instantly cut into pieces of corpses flying in the sky by the rotating sharp blades.

The strong full-body armor on their bodies was unable to provide even the slightest protective effect and turned directly into a pile of scrap metal.

"Sir Moss! Sir Appiah!"

Seeing the tragic death of his two friends, Kaidong instantly fell into sadness and rage.

He was like an angry lion, rushing forward fearlessly and trying to stab the demon lord's most vulnerable eye with his family sword.

But unfortunately, the six-armed snake demon is the most adept at close combat in the entire bottomless abyss.

Even the most powerful Balor Fire Demon dared not easily fight hand-to-hand with the six-armed snake demon.

So Mona Hill turned the warhammer with one hand and smashed it back. Kaidong flew backwards, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth and nose in mid-air.

And as the battle began, the high-level demons following the lord also joined the battle group.

Because there are already a lot of them, and they also have a lot of spell-like abilities.

In just a few minutes, the human side was defeated steadily.

Many warriors, priests and paladins fell in a pool of blood, either completely dying or unable to survive serious injuries.

Only the masked mage placed at the end of the team is in relatively good condition.

As for the legendary assassin of the Shadow Thieves Guild, Arkanis, he had been snatched out of the shadows by a Bewitched Demon a few minutes ago, his heart was dug out alive, and he died suddenly on the spot without even a chance to take action.

Facts have proved that in such high-level battles, thieves and assassins are always the most useless and wasteful professions.

Of course, due to the rapid death, people can't help but suspect that this Arkanis is probably a stand-in or a fake.

Seeing that the expeditionary force formed by the six-member council suffered heavy casualties, Zuo Si did not care about retaining his strength and immediately asked his summoned creatures and golem army to join the battle group, while he continued to confront the six-armed snake demon lord.

After dodging the opponent's first round of attacks, he quickly used the transformation magic he learned in another world, turning the surrounding giant stone pillars as support structures into stone giants, and rushed towards Mona Hill, intending to Use this to contain and limit the other party's actions.

But the six-armed snake demon lord obviously didn't give it in vain. His six arms were waving like big windmills, pounding and beating the approaching stone giants.

Suddenly the broken stones scattered in all directions.

After about a few minutes, six or seven stone giants were knocked into a pile of stones of different sizes scattered around.

There is no doubt that Mona Hill is one of the enemies with the most exaggerated melee abilities that Zuo Si has encountered so far.

Especially the speed of arm swings can even reach six to ten times that of the dwarf berserker Korgan.

You know, this is the speed of a single arm swing!

If you take into account that she has six arms, the damage that one attack can cause is absolutely terrifying.

Even a giant dragon like Wilmes would be hacked to death in a very short time.


Those stone giants bought enough time for Zuo Si and quickly blessed themselves with a lot of protective spells.

When Mona Hill turned around to attack him, all physical attacks seemed to hit an invisible wall, unable to hurt him at all.

However, the six-armed snake demon lord obviously also has very rich experience in dealing with spellcasters.

After realizing that these force field protection spells would block his own attacks, he immediately used disarming spell-like abilities in an attempt to strip away the opponent's protection.

But it is a pity that Zuo Si is never alone when fighting.

Davian, the dragonborn knight, rushed forward immediately, interrupted the opponent's spellcasting, and quickly transformed into a red dragon and pressed on him while fighting hand-to-hand.

"Rhett! Help me!"

Seeing Mona Hill being jumped by the dragon, Korgan's eyes suddenly burst into bloodthirsty light.

You don't need to ask to know that he wants to be the first to win the honor of killing a secondary abyss lord before everyone else.


Rhett kicked away the berserk demon that was entangled with him. Without saying a word, he grabbed Korgan's belt and used all his strength to throw it to the six-armed snake demon lord not far away.

"Ahhhhh!!! Damn it! Damn green-skinned half-beast! I asked you to help, but I didn't ask you to throw me out! Wait! I'll settle the score with you later!"

With crazy screams and curses, Korgan flew directly over the heads of several demons, and then sat down on the face of the six-armed snake demon lord with his butt down. He even let go with a pop because of his excessive tension. A long, loud fart.


Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, and the silence in the air was even more terrifying.

Just a second later, Mona Hill, who felt that she had been greatly insulted, immediately roared crazily: "Damn stinky dwarf! I will tear you into pieces! Torture your soul for a thousand years!"

"Pfft hahaha!"

Zuo Si couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He really didn't expect that old Corgan could be in such a ridiculous situation at such a tense time.

Alena, the fun-loving person, was so out of breath from laughing that she couldn't keep her concentration on casting spells.

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