A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 255 The Six-Armed Snake Demon Lord (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The steam in the gorgeous bathroom, coupled with the slightly dim lighting, makes everything around you look hazy.

Zuo Si was lying in a huge pool at the moment, feeling the hot springs gushing out from the underground of the Silver Moon City Palace. Every muscle and cell in his body seemed to relax.

Undoubtedly, there is nothing more enjoyable than soaking in warm water at a moderate temperature after traveling and fighting in the wild.

Especially the bathroom in the Silvermoon City palace was specially built to be very luxurious in order to cater to Alustriel's special hobby of taking baths and inviting friends and lovers to take baths together.

Whether it's the magic lamps hanging on the walls, several separate large bathtubs, or the lounge chairs placed in the water, they all prove how much this Ms. Hope likes bathing.

There will even be maids bringing alcoholic drinks and food in for bathers to replenish their energy.

Of course, why you need to replenish your physical strength when taking a bath, you can't go into too much detail. You can understand everything.

Anyway, Zuo Si doesn't need to replenish his physical strength for the time being.

To be precise, he was not even in the same pool as Alustriel, but at least seven or eight meters away.

Through the hazy white water vapor, you can vaguely see the other party's graceful figure looming in the mist, full of temptation that cannot be described in words.

Coupled with her sincerity, gentleness, tolerance, maturity and wisdom, this chosen one of the magical goddess simply satisfies all the beautiful fantasies that men have about the opposite sex.

It's no wonder that so many people are crazy about Alustriel. Even Sammaster, the founder of the Dragon Cult, once fell under her skirt.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si knew very well that this female "Sea King" would never give up the entire forest for a tree.

Her own overly "philanthropic" character is the biggest problem.

According to legend, Alustriel once collected a magical portrait of Drizzt Do'Urden, the famous dark elf ranger in the North.

As for what exactly she did with this portrait, only she knows.

So in Zuo Si's view, Alustriel may be a good friend and lover, but he is definitely not suitable for living together for a long time.

Of course, there are exceptions for those who have cuckold plots and like to seek excitement from them.

In this regard, Drizzt's choice was definitely the wisest.

Although he also had a very fond impression of the Queen of Silvermoon City, he always knew very well that with his sensitive status, it was impossible to be able to compete with her.

While Zuo Si was silently thinking about what Northland would look like in the future, Alustriel on the other side suddenly asked: "Soth, do you have any plans for the future? Or do you have any goals you want to achieve? "

"Plan? If you are referring to the operations in the Nelanthal Islands, Baldur's Gate and Luskan, the original idea was actually just to earn wealth in order to purchase those exaggeratedly expensive precious magic materials. To put it simply It’s just to make money. Other than that, I don’t have any political intentions or ambitions.”

Zuo Si obviously understood what the Queen of Silver Moon City wanted to know, and decisively gave a clear answer.

In fact, with the opening up of the new world, he was no longer as enthusiastic about Vanessa's original idea of ​​controlling maritime trade on the west coast of Faerûn.

Because if you just buy some sugar, salt, luxury goods, condiments, spices, silk, cloth, special steel and other things from the earth in the industrial age, you can easily make a lot of money.

And when buying things there, Zuo Si always "borrowed" them directly from drug lords, warlords, and gangsters as much as he needed, without any cost at all.

It's just that now that the entire organization and sphere of influence have been established, the lich and their apprentices and subordinates are all benefiting from it, so it's not easy to stop it directly.

Otherwise, Zuo Si wouldn't even bother to fight this battlefield with the Arcane Brotherhood and Luskan.

"Don't you want to build an ideal country according to the ideas in your mind? With your intelligence and ability, it should be easy for the people under your rule to live a prosperous and comfortable life, right?" Ai Luszhuo asked with interest while lying next to the bathtub.

"Wealthy and comfortable? Hahahaha!"

Zuo Si couldn't help laughing loudly, and responded while laughing: "It may not be difficult to be rich, but comfort will never be achieved.

Because human desires have no limits.

When a person feels unbearably hungry, maybe a piece of bread, a piece of grilled fish, or even a bowl of sour leftovers will feel extremely satisfied and happy after eating it.

But if a person is full, he will not be able to eat too much even if delicacies are placed in front of him.

On the contrary, when the most basic survival needs and safety needs are met, people will further desire spiritual satisfaction, such as various entertainments.

When all the above needs are satisfied, they will further want social status and political power.

I heard that you are the first person in the history of Silvermoon City to be successfully elected as the Supreme Mage through a popular vote.

Then I believe you should know best how terrible and ridiculous it is to allow civilians who lack sufficient foresight, knowledge and wisdom to decide who is the supreme leader through voting.

And these people are also very susceptible to incitement.

Often just a tiny spark can immediately trigger large-scale riots.

In other words, they often don’t know what they are doing. They will quickly and blindly follow the trend just after hearing some rumors, and they seriously lack independent judgment.

Not to mention using similar methods to decide important policies of a city-state or even a country.

That's why I said that governance is a very troublesome and time-consuming thing.

The most ideal situation is to have centralized rule by a small group of elites who can understand the sufferings of the people, and to keep the people as far away from the political realm as possible that they do not understand at all, in order to ensure the stability of the entire city-state and even the country.

Only by maintaining stability can society develop steadily, and at the same time, the poor at the bottom can obtain enough income to support their families.

In this regard, you have done very well.

Silvermoon City's stable situation for a century and a half has allowed most of the citizens here to accumulate a considerable amount of wealth.

When civilians have money, they will generate purchasing power, and the purchasing power will form a prosperous and stable market, attracting businessmen from other places.

Over time, there was a steady stream of trade and taxation.

To be honest, Silvermoon City is the city with the least internal conflicts that I have seen in Faerûn so far.

Everything here looks so perfect except that there are too many high-level mages that are difficult to manage. "

"Thank you for the compliment. But compared to these words of praise, I would rather hear you point out the shortcomings and areas that can be improved. From the rapid rise of Nelanthel Islands, I found that you seem to have very unique insights in this regard. "

There is no doubt that unlike voters such as Kelburn and Elminster who do not like to get involved in politics, Alustriel is a person with clear political ambitions.

Perhaps when she was young, she witnessed the fall of the famous elf city Myth Drannor (also known as Cormanthor), so she wanted to build such a city or even a country throughout her life.

Among them, the huge and complex barrier inside Silver Moon City, which is like an elven magic lock, is the best proof.

For Alustriel, magic and the power of voters are just tools to realize his political ambitions, and the latter is the most important.

Compared to magical knowledge, she prefers to hear some advanced ideas and systems about governing the country.

As long as she can make Silvermoon City more prosperous and prosperous, and strengthen the connections between the towns in the Silvermoon Alliance, she will be very happy to listen to them and give them generous rewards.

In this way, the two of them chatted "candidly" in the bathroom for more than three hours before they walked out of the bathroom still unfinished.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zuo Si always felt that the maid guarding outside the door looked at him in a weird and not quite right way.

After he left Silvermoon City with his team, rumors immediately spread among the maids that Thos, the double chosen one of the goddess of poison and disease and the goddess of magic, could satisfy Her Majesty the Queen in the bathroom for more than three hours.

You know, most of the other people came out looking exhausted within half an hour or so of entering.

Without the use of magic, anyone who can persist for an hour is considered "gifted".

And Zuo Si still looks so young, with a bright future ahead of him.

Of course, Zuo Si would definitely not hear these rumors.

Because when he was about to return after completing his journey to the North, he was blocked by Erinikas on a country road outside Silvermoon City.

You don't need to ask to know that Irenekas first went to Neverwinter City but failed to find anyone, and then chased him all the way from Neverwinter City to Silvermoon City.

Looking at the elf archmage standing in front of him, Zuo Si immediately asked with a little curiosity: "You are not studying the saints of Amauna Tower in the underground temple. What's the matter with coming all the way to see me?"

"I want to study that artifact scepter."

Irenekas stated his intention without any nonsense.

"The artifact scepter? I'm sorry, we have an agreement a long time ago. The artifact belongs to me, and the saint belongs to you. So I will not give the scepter to you. Let's give up this intention as soon as possible." Zuo Si said straightforwardly refused.

What a joke!

That artifact is now in a fully charged state, and its terrifying power is enough to even threaten the fighting incarnation of the god.

If you hand it over at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving the other party a trump card that can threaten your life?

What's more, the magical knowledge and the unique skills of elves in Irenikas's mind have long been emptied out, and there is no value in trading at all.

"Make a condition."

Erenikas obviously has not realized the seriousness of the problem and is still trying to achieve his own goals through transactions.

But Zuo Si shook his head firmly: "I said, it's impossible. No matter what the conditions are, it's impossible for me to hand over the artifact to you for research. Unless... you plan to go to war with me!"

As the last word came out of his mouth, his eyes suddenly became very dangerous and aggressive.

"Why? It's just an artifact that has exhausted its energy. In addition, I don't want to take it for myself. It's just a reference for studying the nature of the god's power." Irenekas questioned with a puzzled look on his face.

"I don't want to explain this, and I have no need or obligation to explain it to you. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. There is no room for negotiation."

When saying these words, Zuo Si had an unquestionable tone in his tone.

His attitude immediately made Irenekas feel incomprehensible, and he immediately squinted his eyes to find the answer from the subtle changes in his expression and attitude.

But in the end nothing was found.

Even if he broke his head, Irenekas couldn't imagine that Zuo Si could go to another world to collect the power of faith, and then charge the artifact scepter.

The two looked at each other in silence for half a minute. The former took a deep breath to force himself to calm down and asked in a low voice: "Besides the saint of Amaunata and that artifact, do you know anything else related to gods that is worthy of study? Something?"

"Of course! But the question is, can you still afford the price now?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

"what do you want?"

Erinikas obviously learned the lesson this time and was not in a hurry to make conditions.

"It's very simple. Help me catch five efreets that can grant three wish-making spells to mortals. Remember, each efreet must have the ability to grant three wish-making spells. One less will not work."

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth turned up slightly and he offered a price that could definitely be considered "crazy".

You must know that fire djinn are not good men and women. They are very aggressive and aggressive, and they are very good at escaping.

Even for a legendary mage like Irenikas, it is very difficult to catch one, let alone five.

Moreover, five fire giants can grant a total of fifteen wish-making spells.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si plans to use this method to improve his two most important basic attributes, intelligence and perception.

According to his current understanding of wishing, this almost omnipotent magic can maximize a certain basic attribute by five points, and it must be completed at one time.

This also means that if you want to increase it to the theoretical maximum, you must consume five nine-level spell slots in one breath, as well as a large amount of expensive casting materials and mana.

But the wish-making technique granted by the fire djinn is different, and does not require the wish-maker to consume anything.

But the disadvantage is that the efreet's wishing spell cannot be used by itself, and can only be given to other mortals.

Each efreet gives a mortal up to three opportunities to make a wish.

Therefore, in theory, as long as there are five efreets summoned together to make a wish every day, one of the basic attributes can reach the highest bonus.

Hearing such outrageous conditions, Irenicas immediately clenched his fists in anger, gritted his teeth and questioned: "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I just made my own conditions. The choice of whether to agree or not is up to you. Anyway, when are you going to give me five sealed magic bottles containing efreets? How can I tell you what other things are okay in this world? Conduct research into the nature of gods.”

After that, Zuo Si ignored the other party's reaction and directly opened a portal and took the team through it and returned to the mage tower in Askatra.

Watching the portal gradually shrink and finally disappear, the anger in Irenicas's heart finally burst out. He suddenly raised his hand and shot a dissociation ray, disintegrating a hard stone not far away into powder, whispering Roaring: "Asshole! Just wait for me! When I become a god, I will definitely come back to you to settle this account."

However, the curses were curses and the roars were roars. In the end, he used teleportation to another world and went to the fire elemental plane to look for traces of the efreeti.

There is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

The most important thing is that Irenicas is not sure whether he can defeat Zuo Si as a voter if he really takes action.

So after careful consideration, he finally chose to endure the bad breath for the time being.

But what Irenekas didn't know was that while he was busy exploring the fire elemental plane with extremely harsh environment, his lair had already caught fire.

In the underground temple that originally belonged to Amauna Tower, a group of devil worshipers wearing black robes, hoods and bone masks were gathering here to prepare for a sacrificial ceremony to summon devils.

In order to summon the most powerful demon in the bottomless abyss, they not only obtained a name written in the abyssal language, but also kidnapped a large number of living people as sacrifices.

Right now, this originally sacred temple has been completely defiled by blood and death.

Six young girls, symbolizing purity, were brutally beheaded and placed in six corners.

Their headless and naked corpses were turned sideways to form a strange pattern.

In the center of the pattern, blood pools into a small pool.

In addition, there are at least thirty more humans, halflings and half-elves locked in cages at the back.

Several of the humans were wearing clothes bearing the holy symbols and symbols of the gods, and they were obviously clergy from major temples in the city.

In order to fulfill their twisted desires, these devil worshipers even planned to sacrifice priests of their gods to please the devil.

When the leading man in black saw that everything was ready, he immediately shouted to his men: "Let's start! Bring all the sacrifices!"

"No! No! No! Let me go! Let me go! I can give you money! No matter how much the ransom is, I am willing to pay it!"

A middle-aged man who looked like a businessman or a noble struggled desperately, with a look of pleading on his face.

After seeing the other party's cruelty with his own eyes, his psychological defense collapsed instantly and he was willing to pay any price to survive.

But unfortunately, devil worshipers are generally not in their right mind.

They obviously prefer power to money.

So after struggling for a while, the middle-aged man was forcibly pressed next to the blood pool in the middle.

Before he could shout out how much his family property was, his neck was chopped off with an axe, and blood spurted out from the aorta in an instant, splattering everywhere.

"Tyr, the great god of justice, please save us."

"Lord of the Morning! Your humble followers need help now!"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! I don't want to die!"

For a moment, all the prisoners who were still conscious were stunned by the extremely bloody and cruel scene in front of them.

Some began to pray crazily to the gods, while others yelled hysterically.

Because they realize that these cruel and tyrannical devil worshipers want to kill everyone.

However, the leader of the devil worshipers obviously did not care about the reactions of these prisoners. He still ordered his men in an orderly manner, forcibly bringing the people up one by one and beheading them.

Whenever the blood of a living person flows into the blood pool, the magic circles drawn with the blood and corpses of pure girls on the ground will become brighter.

When the last prisoner was forcibly sacrificed, the entire temple of Amauna Tower was shrouded in an aura of extreme chaos and evil.

The filthy breath from the bottomless abyss is released from the middle without concealment, corroding the spirit, thoughts, consciousness, and even souls of these devil worshipers.

Although technically speaking, both the Abyss and Hell are the most evil of the lower planes.

But compared to hell, which has order and rules, the abyss is undoubtedly the most terrifying existence.

Especially the demons born from the abyss, each one is extremely bloodthirsty, cruel, manic, and does whatever they want.

Even they themselves often don't know what they will do next second.

Seeing that the passage connecting to the bottomless abyss had been established, the leader of the devil worshipers immediately took the lead and knelt down, raised his hands and chanted loudly: "Monahil! The most loyal and powerful six-armed snake loyal to the great queen Shatari Demon Lord! Please taste these sacrifices of your life and soul! Then respond to our call and come to the material world! There are countless mortal souls here waiting for you to launch a war for harvest!"

"You are a legend of bloody battles! A general who makes countless devils fear you!"

"Please bless us! Let this world fall into war and destruction!"

"May your weapons be always sharp! May your enemies crawl under your feet and tremble!"

Along with the praises and calls of the admirers, the huge blood pool in the center of the circle finally began to react.

It quickly boiled over in less than a few seconds.

When it boils to the extreme, all the blood begins to evaporate into a hazy red mist, and eventually slowly forms in the air a demonic figure with a snake-like lower body and an upper body similar to a human woman, but with six arms.

Her skin looks very fair, and her facial features are indescribably beautiful. When she stands, she is over six meters tall, almost reaching the ceiling of the temple.

The six arms hold six different weapons, some are long swords, some are scimitars, some are flails, some are warhammers, and some are spears and two-handed giant swords.

Almost all of these weapons exude a dazzling arcane aura, and you don't need to ask to know that the enchantment level is definitely above +3.

Especially from the astonishing destructive power emanating from this snake demon's body, it is not difficult to see that she has long since broken away from the level of ordinary snake demons and is an out-and-out secondary abyss lord.

And a demon of this level can be considered the number one figure even in the bottomless abyss where there are so many lords.

What's more, the difference between the six-armed snake demons and other demons is that they are more fanatical about war and killing.

Among them, Shatali, the six-armed snake demon queen and lord of the 531st floor of the abyss, once led her army of six-armed snake demons and caused heavy losses to the devil.

It also made the level of bloodshed and violence in the bloody battle rise to a level that even many demon lords and devil dukes could not bear.

So in the end, some enemies in the sand tower and the devil signed a secret agreement and imprisoned them in a prison called the "Well of Darkness" through some conspiracy.

However, there are rumors that the six-armed snake demon queen has escaped from the famous prison where countless abyss lords have been trapped, and has quietly returned to the level of her own rule to regain her strength, intending to reintegrate her subordinates who have fallen into chaos and internal strife. , and then take revenge on the enemy who plotted against him.

Of course, messages like these from the Abyss are difficult to access for most people in the material world.

This also resulted in many people who tried to summon demons, even though they had the correct name, but failed again and again.

The reason is very simple. These summoned demons are basically either dead or imprisoned by a more powerful force and unable to respond at all.

Fortunately, the six-armed snake demon sub-lord in front of him has not yet become the defeated party in the tragic civil war, so he responded to the call and came to these fanatical devil worshipers.

After a full minute, when the blood-colored mist completely condensed into a solid substance, she began to observe the surrounding environment and the simple and crude magic circle under her feet without any protection.

Finally, Mona Hill confirmed that these tiny mortals kneeling in front of her actually dared to summon her without any protection. A playful smile suddenly appeared on her beautiful face, and she used the ancient abyss to Yu said: "You have done a good job, believers. Now tell me, what kind of reward do you want?"

"Power! Please give us the power of the great abyss!"

The leader of the devil worshipers suddenly raised his head, with an ecstatic expression on his face.

In other words, almost all devil worshipers, without exception, want to join and become one of the devils.

In this way, they have endless lifespan and great power.

"Here, drink from it, and you will receive the blessings of the Great Abyss."

While speaking, Mona Hill fished out a pool of black blood that had been penetrated by the power of the abyss from the almost dry blood pool at her feet, and handed it directly to the other party.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense knows that anything contaminated by the breath of the abyss will contain terrible poison without exception.

Moreover, its astonishing power of chaos can lead a person to depravity and madness without even realizing it.

But the leader of the devil worshipers obviously did not have professional knowledge in this area, so he didn't even hesitate and immediately opened his mouth and took a big gulp of the foul-smelling blood.

The next second...

He felt as if his body was being bitten by thousands of insects, and he knelt on the ground with a plop and screamed in pain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!"

Immediately afterwards, the blood vessels located in every corner of the body began to burst one after another.

The whole person became a bloody mess in less than a few seconds, and finally fell to the ground on his back and took his last breath.

You don't need to ask to know that he simply cannot withstand the extremely evil, filthy and chaotic power of the abyss.

In other words, in the eyes of the abyss, this guy is far from evil enough, chaotic enough, and crazy enough.

The death of the leader undoubtedly made other devil worshipers feel fear.

They couldn't believe in their dreams that they had finally summoned a powerful six-armed snake demon, but they got such a result, and their eyes showed fear.

But Mona Hill obviously didn't intend to give these guys a chance to regret, so she handed the bloody water to everyone and made them drink it in a semi-forced manner.

In the end, of the thirty demon worshipers, only two succeeded in being recognized by the abyss and transformed from mortals into half-human and half-demon forms.

Although the appearance still maintains the appearance of a human being, the yellow vertical pupils like a beast show the characteristics of a creature from the lower planes.

The rest either died miserably or refused to drink, and were crushed to death by the six-armed snake demon lord as easily as bugs.

Staring at the two successfully transformed half-demons in front of her, Mona Hill ordered unceremoniously: "Go, go to the city on the surface to collect the materials on this list. I want to build a teleportation Orb, teleport the army in the abyss, and then you can launch a war to plunder enough souls."

"As you wish, great lord."

The two devil worshipers hurriedly knelt down and bowed to the ground.

From the moment they turned into demons, their mentality had undergone very subtle changes. They could only worship the snake demon in front of them from the bottom of their hearts, and could no longer muster the slightest will to resist.

After the two of them left completely, Mona Hill immediately licked her seductive red lips and murmured to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "I am really lucky to be summoned to a place where mortals are everywhere. The world. As long as I harvest enough souls here, I can get a steady supply of soldiers and eventually win the war with Kaliva."

There is no doubt that for any demon, the material world is equivalent to a wheat field.

Mortals and their souls are equivalent to wheat growing in the fields waiting to be harvested.

Only with enough sources of souls can the demon lord transform them into soldiers in different forms such as larvae, cowards, imps, etc.

Of course, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with calling it "cannon fodder."

In one never-ending war after another, the best of these low-level demons will slowly discover and strengthen their connection with the abyss, and then evolve into higher-level demons.

Due to the chaotic nature of the Abyss, the evolution of demons is not as stable as that of devils.

In fact, demons evolve completely randomly.

Even if you search the entire abyss, you will never find two identical demons.

Even demons classified into the same category are very different from each other.

Sometimes the difference is physical, and sometimes it's natural abilities and spell-like abilities gained during evolution.

Not to mention those random mutations that even the most senior demonologists don't know what to call.

Some people who have a deep understanding of the abyss and demons often know very well that classifying countless demons is actually a meaningless and time-consuming task.

When low-level demons evolve into high-level demons, their status will change from cannon fodder to commanders, generals and lords' right-hand men.

But this relationship is not secure.

Because the devil obeys the law of the jungle where the weak prey on the strong.

Unless the lord can remain far more powerful than his men, betrayal can happen at any moment without even the slightest warning.

Compared to other demons in the abyss, the six-armed snake demon is actually the more "loyal" type.

Otherwise they would not become the favored advisors, consorts, lovers, and commanders of armies to many demon lords.

But this loyalty is only relative to other demons.

Soon, Mona Hill used her secondary demon lord ability to summon several subordinates from the abyss and began to transform the temple hidden underground.

You must know that summoning an army of demons in Faerûn is not an easy task.

Due to the presence of the gods, all preparations must be done with great care.

Otherwise, once exposed, what awaits this six-armed snake demon will be a steady stream of "adventurers" who are enough to scare the entire multiverse.

Not to mention a mere secondary abyss lord, even the so-called most powerful demon prince Demogorgon would be killed.

At the same time, located underground in the Ashcatla Mage Tower.

Zuo Si, who had just finished his trip to the North, was carefully handling the bodies of the two deceased people.

One of them was a human warrior who was killed during the raid on Shangla, Lord of Symbols, and the other was a legendary orc warrior and elect who was killed recently.

I saw him using very skillful movements to cut off the relatively well-preserved organs and limbs from the two corpses, and then reassemble and sew them up.

With his proficiency in necromancy magic, Zuo Si completed the work at hand in less than an hour. Finally, he put the heart belonging to Baal, the God of Murder, into his chest, and then immediately rushed to several summoned people. The lichs said: "Let's begin!"

"As you wish!"

The six lichs immediately raised their hands and began chanting magic spells loudly, injecting amazing negative energy into the transformed corpse.

As for Zuo Si himself, he stood in the middle of the magic circle and guided this energy.

Exactly ten hours later, when the heart belonging to God began to beat, the stitched corpse finally slowly opened its eyes, exuding a chilling aura of killing and death.

Not only that!

Under the influence of Barr's heart, its body began to expand rapidly, its skin grew a thick grey-blue cuticle at an incredible speed, and a large number of black sharp bone spurs grew from its body, and its hands and feet also turned into The claws look like a devil, and the head looks more like a devil than a devil. Acid-rich saliva flows out from between the fangs in the mouth, dripping on the ground and making a chirping sound. There is a thick and long stick trailing behind the butt. Long tail.

"Is this... a killer?"

A lich obviously recognized the meaning of this form, and his mouth opened in surprise.

"No, not exactly. If I use a more appropriate word to describe it, it should be called a death killer. It seems that this heart that belongs to God did not disappoint. Even after losing all its divine power, it is still a rare heart Treasure. If you kill a few Sons of Baal and take the murderous divinity from their bodies, then this undead creature will become extremely powerful."

Zuo Si touched his chin and commented with interest.

Because he did not use magic to grant him intelligence and independent thinking, no matter how powerful the Death Slayer became, he was ultimately just a servant and puppet under his control.

If it didn't need to be strengthened in the future, it would be made into a biological card in minutes.

"What a masterpiece. It's a pity that it's impossible to get a second one of the top necromancy magic materials like the heart of a dead god."

Vanessa walked closer, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the cold and hard cuticles on the Death Slayer's body, revealing deep regret in her tone.

As a necromancer, he was originally very keen on creating all kinds of powerful necromantic creatures.

Recently, the corpses of several dead dragons were transformed into mindless zombie dragons or skeleton dragons. In my heart, I was extremely eager to obtain such a treasure and personally create a top-notch undead of my own.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "Don't be so absolute. Who can say clearly about the future. After all, Baal is not the only dead god in this magical land. By the way, what about the war over there? How are you preparing?"

"The fleet has been assembled and is ready to attack the pirates of Luskan at any time. In addition, I also used the box you gave me to pack an army of undead, which can be airborne to the Arcane Brotherhood through teleportation. Launch a general attack in front of the tower. I guarantee you that as soon as the war begins, this group of ridiculous enemies will fall apart in just one day."

When saying these words, Vanessa's tone was full of strong confidence.

Because he learned a lot of knowledge about Netherese scrolls from the notes provided by Zuo Si, his spellcasting level has been improved in more than a year, and he is very close to crossing the threshold and becoming a legendary mage.

Similarly, the spellcasting abilities of other lichs in the organization are also improving by leaps and bounds, and the number of core members who master nine-ring magic has reached an astonishing ten.

Even the two most powerful mages in the Baldur's Gate area, Habathur Delin and Tyrantir, both agreed to join the organization and transform themselves into lichs under the temptation of knowledge.

Therefore, in Vanessa's view, if there were still problems in dealing with a third-rate spellcasting organization like the Arcane Brotherhood, then she could just die. There was no need to continue living in this world to be embarrassed.

"Very good! In this case, let's find the right time to take action. I have already said hello to Waterdeep City, Neverwinter City and Silvermoon City. Among them, Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City will choose to ignore it, while Neverwinter City will As allies, we can unite with surrounding towns to contain some of Luskan's forces. Although I don't think this makes sense, it will make our actions less politically isolated."

Zuo Si simply delegated power to this lich who was keen on expanding the organization's sphere of influence.

As the saying goes, leave professional things to professionals.

In addition, he himself had no experience in ruling and commanding the army, and had little interest in it, so delegating power became the best choice.

Vanessa had obviously been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and she quickly put her hand on her chest and bowed: "Understood, I will pay attention to giving some sweetness to these allies. In addition, after this war is over, we will be the continent of Faerûn." It is the second largest maritime force on the west coast after Amn. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Mintan Island seems to have become a little restless recently. I suspect that they may have secretly formed an alliance with the pirates of Luskan."

"Mingtan Island? Didn't they just have a naval battle with the pirates of Luskan some time ago?" A puzzled expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

Like all the islands close to the mainland in the Sword Coast, Mingtan Island is also a gathering place for pirates.

But unlike other pirates' chaotic situations, a man named Tarnhir Embuyilhan used violent means to forcibly integrate various regions on the island and established a relatively stable regime.

Anyone who tried to resist was executed without mercy.

Therefore, in the rumors from the outside world, he has always appeared as a tyrant.

But it is undeniable that since the arrival of this tyrant, the local residents of Mingtan Island have no longer made a living by robbery, but have turned to mercenaries and trade.

However, the traditions preserved in the past have given them a high degree of tolerance for the pirate profession.

Even many notorious pirate gangs can dock here, supply supplies, and sell some looted goods and ships.

Zuo Si has always felt that this small island is not enough to threaten the rapidly rising Nelanser Islands in terms of population size and strength, so he basically doesn't care about it that much.

But who would have thought that if he didn't go to the other party to cause trouble, the other party would dare to take the initiative to cause trouble for him.

I am simply impatient to live...

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