A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 253 Never underestimate the planeswalker’s revenge (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Be careful! This guy not only has a high level of arcane and divine spellcasting, but he is also a chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease. If he uses the chosen ability, he will not be able to save even with our physical fitness."

The priest stared at Zuo Si and reminded the soldiers around him in a very low voice.

"I know."

The orc warrior rubbed his sore shoulders, leaned down and assumed a charging posture again.

Through the brief confrontation just now, he had realized that the young human in front of him was not as easy to kill as the spell casters he had encountered before.

Therefore, the next battle will no longer have any opportunities for sneak attacks, but will involve head-on confrontation.

As we all know, a high-level mage is already quite difficult to deal with.

If coupled with a high priest level, it will be very, very difficult to kill it.

After all, a spellcaster is only as powerful as the breadth and depth of his spell list.

The reason why the mage is recognized as the most powerful spellcasting profession that a mortal can have is due to the wide variety of spell types that cover all aspects.

The number of thousands of magics determines that no matter what kind of emergencies and dangerous situations you encounter, there is always a spell that can solve the problem at hand.

If not, then invent your own.

In comparison, divine magic is slightly inferior.

Usually, the hobbies and exclusive domains of the gods determine what kind of divine spells a priest can obtain, and usually there are not many options to choose from.

But the advantage is that most commonly used magical spells have been tested by time, and each one is very practical. Unlike arcane magic, which often has some weird spells.

If you master both arcane and divine arts and can use them flexibly in battle, you will definitely be the most dangerous, terrifying, and difficult enemy.

This is why few clergymen of the Magic Goddess' Church dare to take the initiative to provoke them.

Because in addition to being priests, they may also be mages and warlocks of high levels.

Of course, Elminster, Kelben and other legendary caster elects are also one of the reasons why those hostile forces dare not act rashly.

It is not difficult to see from the reactions of the two orc voters that they have learned a lot of information about Zuo Si through certain channels, so they are completely prepared.

But unfortunately, they did not expect that there would be a terrifying magic shooter Lantis in the team.

Through the attack just now, the sun elf had realized that the enemy in front of him was not the kind of target that could be easily killed, so he decisively pulled out a top-level enchanted arrow engraved with exquisite symbols and magic lines from another quiver. arrow.

Although no one knows how powerful this enchanted arrow is and what effect it will have after it hits the target without magic appraisal.

But one thing is certain, that is, it is absolutely impossible for the orc warriors to be completely blocked by the plasma-like divine protection bathed in them.

This is also the reason why they have not dared to launch an attack.

Whenever he takes a step forward, Lantis will immediately lock him with his sight and assume a bow-drawing posture.

Even if the priest on the side has blessed him with the third-ring magic [Wind Wall Technique], it can greatly deflect arrows and various throwing weapons.

As for the priest on the side, Zuo Si was staring at him, and he did not dare to release the advanced magic that took too long to prepare.

The two sides were in a stalemate like this for about two or three minutes, until Old Corgan on the other side took the lead in breaking the balance.

I saw this bloodthirsty dwarf berserker using his strong dragon scale armor to withstand a heavy blow from the opponent. He cut off the head of a high-level orc warrior with his backhand, and then blocked another one with his backhand. An enemy attacked, and then he picked up the ax and made a downward smashing motion.

Everyone only heard a click, and the latter fell to his knees and howled in pain.

You don't need to ask to know that this blow shattered his knees, making it impossible for him to stand up.

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Die! Die for me! Dirty green-skinned bastards!"

Corgan laughed wildly and hit the opponent's nose hard with his helmeted head, knocking him to the ground on the spot, and chopped him into pieces alive with two axes.



Have no fear!

There is nothing more despairing than encountering such a desperate and highly skilled berserker in battle.

Encouraged by Old Cogan, the half-orc Rhett also became ruthless. He used the twice-strengthened ax in his hand to cut off the opponent's magic sword with a bang, and his whole body was split into pieces from the middle. Two halves.

Compared with these two simple and rough warriors, the spotted cat people adopted hunting tactics and used a very concealed method to pull up wires in the grass one after another that were almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Once the setup was complete, he lured one of the orcs closer to the wire by provoking him.

When the latter accidentally kicked him up, a large piece of flesh and blood would be scraped off immediately, and the tendons might even be torn, causing him to lose the ability to move.

At this time, Abala only needs to use the javelin in his hand that can automatically return to the holder's hand and throw it repeatedly to easily harvest a head.

As for the pyromancer Alena's various fireballs, flame arrows and scorching balls, they are one after another.

Since all the warriors present were wearing red dragon armor, their fire resistance was higher than the last, so even if they were affected, they would only be slightly injured at best.

But the orcs as opponents were not so lucky.

Often after being bombed or burned once, the skin on the surface of the body will show large charred marks.

Some of the more unlucky ones were directly hit in the face by the fireball. As a result, even the last remaining eye was blinded. They could only rely on the blind combat training they received on weekdays to identify the enemy's position through sound. The results can be imagined. .

Seeing that the number of elite warriors from various tribes he brought was getting smaller and smaller, and even several priests had died, the two orcs who were suspected of being the chosen ones finally couldn't sit still.

Soon, one of the warriors was the first to roar, then took steps to charge.

Almost at the same time, Lantis shot an arrow that exuded a dazzling arcane aura.

Due to the speed, people around could only see a stream of light flashing in the air.

Just a second later, the arrow pierced the orc warrior's shoulder.

Obviously, he originally aimed at the heart, but the warrior relied on his strong physical fitness and perception and prediction of danger to successfully avoid being pierced by the vital point by making dodge movements at the last tenth of a second.

But even so, this powerful enchanted arrow still pierced the legendary warrior's steel-like shoulder blade.

As for the layer of dark red energy protection covering the body, which looked like blood plasma, it was torn open. There was not even a piece of flesh and blood near the hit point, and everything was torn apart by the wind blade released from the arrow.

But the orc warrior didn't pay attention to this at all. He directly pulled out the arrow and threw it on the ground. In just three to five seconds, he recovered with his powerful regeneration ability.

"Don't waste your efforts. These two guys are voters and cannot be killed by ordinary methods." Zuo Si reminded softly.

You don't need to ask to know that the powerful regeneration ability of the orc warrior is basically not given by the [Miracle Technique] just now, but it is one of his chosen abilities.

After all, for warriors, in addition to basic attributes and martial arts, regeneration ability and spell resistance are very important indicators.

Some powerful warriors will even increase their body's magic resistance through almost cruel exercises.

When it reaches forty to fifty percent, they are qualified to kill a powerful spellcaster.

But it’s just a qualification.

If you really want to do this, you need a lot of high-end magic equipment and items to support it.

"Don't worry, elf. After I deal with him, I will soon chop off your head and make it into a wine glass." The orc warrior grinned with an ugly and cruel smile.

Since the elves and the orcs are feuding, every orc who believes in Gruumsh will do his best to kill all the elves he encounters.

Especially those special individuals with very high professional levels, or those with noble or even royal blood flowing through their bodies.

"Just because you are a stupid, ignorant and dirty beast?" Lantis mocked contemptuously.

At this moment, the Sun Elf Demon Archer, who usually had a humble and gentle image, finally showed his inner arrogance and arrogance.

Yes, in the eyes of the elves, the orcs who only know how to destroy, plunder and kill are not worthy of being called intelligent creatures at all, but should be classified as monsters.

Because "they" neither know how to appreciate beautiful things, nor have any creativity, art, or music appreciation.

"Hmph! I hope your mouth can still be so hard after I cut off your head."

After that, the orc warrior gestured to the priest behind him with very subtle movements, and then started to run and jumped deep and high, still more than ten meters away from Zuo Si.

The priest took advantage of the conversation just now to complete the eight-ring magic [Serial Dispelling], and pointed lightly at Zuo Si, who had been blessed with a lot of protective magic.

You don't need to ask to know that these two guys want to cooperate.

The priest will dispel the protective magic on the target, and the warrior will be responsible for the close-range kill.

Judging from the level of proficiency, it is obviously not the first time they have collaborated like this.

When [Serial Dispersal] began to take effect and stripped off the protective magic effect blessed by Zuo Si, the orc warrior used all his strength to throw the spear in his hand as he fell, and roared at the top of his lungs: "Go to hell! Humans! This This is what you deserve for irritating the orcs!"

The words have not yet been spoken!

The spear pierced the air and instantly erupted with a deafening sound. At the same time, a white shock wave appeared at the tip of the spear and flew down at a speed that ordinary people could not react at all.

Just when the two orcs felt that this was a sure thing, a big hand made of a force field appeared next to Zuo Si again, easily blocking the spear only one centimeter away from his tribe, and grabbing it tightly. .

"That's it? It seems that your god is very stingy and has not even given you any decent elect ability. In that case, let me demonstrate what a true elect is."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si's body suddenly released a large amount of energy as black as ink.

Those ordinary orc warriors and priests who were still fighting were swallowed up by these things almost instantly, died and decayed at an incredible speed, and eventually turned into black energy groups that were absorbed into the body and turned into temporary health points.

Because it erupted suddenly, the two voters could not escape, and their bodies began to experience various discomforts in just a few seconds.

It's just that they were given very little divine power by the orc gods, so they had quite strong resistance and did not die as quickly as ordinary orcs in a short period of time.

Before these two guys could react to what was happening, the silver fire given by the goddess of magic ignited in Zuo Si's body.

When the two flames began to alternate in his palms and erupted with creepy sounds from time to time, the sky above his head suddenly became dark with clouds, and deafening thunder erupted, seeming to issue some kind of warning.

But Zuo Si ignored this warning and first turned two balls of energy flames into arrows and threw them out, then directly activated all the magic cards held in the other hand.

Extremely effective spell + powerful three-ring fireball spell x4!

Extremely effective spell + powerful three-ring lightning spell X4!

The most effective spell + the three-ring flame arrow with powerful spell X4!

Four-ring ice storm with extremely effective spells + powerful spells x4!

Extremely effective spells + powerful spells, four-ring chain explosions X4!

The most effective six-ring chain lightning x4!

The most effective six-ring ice and fire storm x4!

The powerful seven-ring delayed burst fireball x4!

Eighth Ring Burning Cloud Technique x4!

Eight Rings' Extreme Cold Ray X4!

Eighth Ring Withering Technique x4!

The Great Disintegration of Nine Rings X2!

Nine Rings Meteor Explosion X4!

Nine-ring force field whip x4!

Finally, there is the amazingly powerful trump card [Spell Disaster]!

When all these cards were activated, the terrifying magic storm instantly completely submerged the two orcs.

They didn't even know what was happening, they were shocked by the spectacular sight in front of them.

Although the priest wants to cast [Sanctuary Spell] to escape the overwhelming fire, frost, lightning and negative energy.

But the moment he opened his mouth to recite the triggering spell, the Great Disintegration stripped away all the magical protection on his body in less than a tenth of a second. Even many magic items were temporarily blocked. Suppression loses its original effect.

The other two pieces were shattered into a pile of worthless junk in the city on the spot.

And as different energies converge in this area and produce chain reactions, the magic network begins to be twisted and a chaotic energy storm is released from within.

Coupled with the fact that Zuo Si used the power of silver fire to guide, and a large number of magic cards in the cemetery to participate in the [Spell Disaster], the lethality of these magic cards does not add to each other but multiplies each other.

Everything within the scope of the storm's influence, whether it was humans or animals, or plants, soil, and rocks on the ground, were all reduced into tiny particles that were indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Neither magic nor divine magic can be released normally in this area, not even magic items.

No words can describe the spectacular scene at this moment.

The roar that came from time to time stunned several people in the team.

Without him, it’s all so amazing.

Zuo Si threw out so many magic cards in one breath that even the planeswalker's mana pool was empty, and he had to draw and replenish it from the energy supply device he carried with him.

By the time the terrible storm subsided and dissipated, the legendary priest had already turned into ashes, and not even a single complete bone fragment could be found.

In contrast, the orc warriors survived with the help of the plasma-like viscous substance given by the Miracle Spell and their own amazing magic resistance and regeneration abilities.

Although there was no intact skin on his body, and large areas of muscles, bones, and incomplete internal organs were exposed, he was still alive after all and did not breathe his last breath.

Moreover, the regeneration ability that he is proud of seems to have been weakened to some extent, and the speed has become very, very slow.

You don't need to ask to know that this guy suffered too much damage in the energy storm just now, and he continued to regenerate at a high speed in the process, almost draining all his potential alive.

Obviously, this regenerative capacity is not unlimited.

Maybe it has something to do with physical strength, maybe it has something to do with the amount of divine power given to the chosen ones by the orc god.

In short, this orc warrior is already a fish on the chopping block and can be dealt with as he pleases.

Seeing the miserable state of his opponent, Zuo Si didn't show any emotion at all. He walked straight up to him and asked in an emotionless tone: "Tell me, who gave you my route of action and specific information?"

"Bah! I won't tell you. Don't be complacent, human. Although we failed, sooner or later Gruumsh will come in person and chop off your head."

The orc warrior spat ferociously with bloody saliva, his eyes flashing with hatred.

"Really, that's really a pity. You know, I originally wanted to give you a good time, but now I have changed my mind."

Zuo Si slowly took out his wand, aimed it at the other person's head and read four words.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!"

In less than a second, the bruised orc warrior howled like a slaughtering pig.

That kind of heartbreaking pain is simply not something that most intelligent beings can endure.

Even the orcs, who claim to be able to endure the most extreme climates and environments, are no exception.

It didn't take long for the orc warrior to completely fall into madness in extreme pain, until Zuo Si Lun picked up the scepter he carried and smashed his head.

During this period of time, in the sky above our heads, the incarnations of several gods were tensely confronting each other.

Among them, the first one to arrive was undoubtedly the mastermind of this operation, the undisputed main god among the orc gods—Gruush.

At this moment, he was wearing a black, heavy and ugly armor, with a single eye above his nose, and in his hand was a spear filled with chaotic divine power.

As one of the few powerful gods in the entire Faerûn continent, there is no doubt about this guy's fighting incarnation strength.

Most gods don't even have the courage to fight with them.

But the problem is that today, in addition to Ogma, the god of knowledge, and Midnight, the goddess of magic, who came with Gruush today, there are also Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and Irma, the god of suffering. Special is also here.

In addition, there are also the elves' main god Corellon and the dwarf's main god Moradin who have great conflicts and hatred with the orcs.

Obviously, as Zuo Si expected, the orc gods are almost all enemies in the entire Faerun continent.

Seeing so many enemies, Gruumsh's face suddenly became very ugly, and he asked in an almost roaring tone: "Are you going to declare war on me?"

"No, we just want to prevent you from attacking the young man below without permission. Do you still remember what His Majesty Io said at the end of the Year of Turbulence? What God should do is to guide mortals, rather than directly interfere Mortal things. You have crossed the line, Sleepless One." Ogma was the first to respond.

Although he is like a gentle scholar at this moment, no one dares to underestimate this old man who was transformed from a mortal to a god almost at the beginning of the world.

Midnight echoed: "That's right! You crossed the line first this time."

Seeing the two powerful gods accusing him, the orc god instantly fell into rage.

But before he could refute, Talona on the side immediately let out a sinister and harsh laugh and threatened: "If you hurt my chosen people, I promise to use poison and plague to destroy all the people in this world at all costs." The orcs are completely wiped out."

"You dare to threaten me?" Gruush's one eye instantly released a terrifying killing intent.

He may not have any good methods to deal with the powerful and medium divine powers present, but it is not easy to deal with a weak divine power.

Unfortunately, before he could take action, the orc god was firmly locked by the elf god Corellon on the side.

The latter said in a slightly playful tone: "Sorry, dirty beast. I really want to see what the world is like without orcs, so you can't touch her, at least not today."

"What nonsense are you talking to this guy about? Just destroy his fighting incarnation. There are so many of us anyway."

The main dwarf god, Moradin, waved the hammer in his hand with an eager expression.

Like the elves, the dwarves also have a feud with the orcs.

At his reminder, Corellon's arrows began to shine with dazzling divine light, and the goddess of magic blocked Gruumsh's right to touch the magic network in an instant, and gathered astonishing magical energy.

The God of Knowledge took out an ancient copper book made with divine power.

The moment the first page was turned, an indescribable feeling of terror instantly enveloped Gruumsh.

The latter felt as if everything about him was being spied on by the other party in an instant, and there was no secret at all.

There is no doubt that continuing to fight when being beaten by a group is not called bravery at all, but stupidity.

So after a brief moment of hesitation, the orc god immediately withdrew his fighting incarnation and returned to the orc land in the outer plane.

As soon as he left, Moradin and Corellon followed him back to their own country.

After Ilmat glanced meaningfully at Talona, ​​he quickly returned to the Temple of the Three Saints near Heaven Mountain.

In the end, only Midnight, Ogma and Talona were left who did not leave quickly.

Talona, ​​in particular, was staring at the Goddess of Magic and the God of Knowledge with eyes filled with resentment and jealousy.

You don't need to ask to know that she is quite dissatisfied with these two gods poaching her.

Especially at midnight, Zuo Si was given silver fire and the identity of the elect.

This made Zuo Si directly change from something that belonged to her alone to something that she wanted to share with another god.

It felt as if I had been cheated, and my heart was full of anger and unwillingness.

If it weren't for the difference in strength, Talona would not be able to help but rush forward and fight the goddess of magic.

Unfortunately, her power is still on the rise, and she is still a long way from becoming a medium-level divine power.

After weighing the pros and cons, the goddess of poison and disease still swallowed the bad breath and instantly opened a portal and disappeared without a trace.

"It seems we are being resented." Ogma closed the book in his hand and said with a smile.

Midnight responded with an indifferent expression: "So what if I hold a grudge. Talona was only attracted by the plague in Soth's body. She didn't understand the true power and importance of the planeswalkers at all. By the way, about the orcs What do you think of Lord God Gruumsh’s unusual and extreme reaction?”

"I think Gruumsh was aware of the huge threat that Soth posed to the entire orc tribe in advance, so he wanted to eliminate it. Don't forget, he has never had the slightest favorable impression of orcs, goblins, and gnolls. It can even be said that It is full of disgust. After this incident, if nothing else happens, the orcs in the vast forests, wastelands and frozen soil of the North will probably experience a terrible mass extinction."

When he said these words, there was a hint of playfulness in Ogma's tone.

He could even imagine how swift and violent Zuo Si's revenge would be.

"You mean... Soth will release some kind of plague against the orcs?" Midnight had an expression of disbelief on his face.

You must know that it is not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people, but a population of millions.

Ogma nodded slightly: "Yes. Never underestimate the revenge of a planeswalker. This is the most basic common sense in the multiverse. Because you never know what they will learn during the long journey. , and what powerful and terrifying power it possesses. Sometimes you don’t even need to take action yourself, as long as the most dangerous and terrifying monsters are attracted to you, you can easily destroy a world."

"Damn! That sounds really scary."

Several ancient evil objects suddenly appeared in Midnight's mind, and he couldn't help but shiver.

Make no mistake, God is not invincible.

Many powerful evil beings have the ability to kill gods.

The goddess of wealth, Wojin, is currently imprisoned in the palace of Graz'zt, Lord of Darkness, one of the three giants of the Abyss, and is being wantonly humiliated and violated by the other party.

Of course, Zuo Si himself did not know what was happening above the clouds above his head, but he probably guessed that it might be related to God, so he had secretly prepared to use the divine impact scepter and activate the spark immediately after the blow. Power escapes to other worlds.

Unfortunately, these preparations did not come in handy.

The dense dark clouds in the sky above our heads lasted for a while, but soon completely dissipated and the sky was clear again.

Seeing that the crisis was over, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to old Korgan, who was rummaging through the orc corpses for loot: "Don't waste your efforts. Under the influence of that chaotic energy storm, no magic items can hold up at all. "

"Who said that! What do you think this is?"

The dwarf shouted, raising what looked like a spearhead.


Zuo Si was keenly aware that this thing was the weapon used by the legendary orc warrior before.

However, the spear body has long since disappeared, and only the spear head, which contains the powerful curse power, has been preserved intact.



Not only is it preserved, but it also seems to have absorbed part of the energy of the chaotic magic storm, emitting a lavender light.

Driven by curiosity, Zuo Si hurriedly took it and examined it carefully, and found that the tip of the spear actually had the mysterious power to pull the magic network.

When you wave it gently, the surrounding magic net will distort and fluctuate to a certain extent.

If you are fighting a spell caster, this kind of fluctuation is likely to cause unexpected situations in spell casting.

And when the spear pierces an object, the tip of the spear will also be accompanied by five different attributes of energy damage: fire, acid, sound waves, cold and lightning.

And these energies are all released from the magic network.

In addition, there is a curse attached to the spearhead, which can tear apart the opponent's soul the moment it hits the target.

If the soul is strong enough, it will just tear off a small piece.

But if it is not strong enough, all the souls will be taken away instantly.

And these souls and soul fragments will be converted into energy in a short period of time, which is used to strengthen and improve the physical quality of the holder, and add additional soul damage to the spear, while continuously increasing its enchantment level.

"Interesting! It seems I can use it to make a weapon." Zuo Si touched his chin with an expression of interest.

In fact, he had wanted to build himself a powerful weapon like the Archmage's Staff a long time ago, but he had never found the right materials.

But now, with this spearhead, we can finally take action.

Of course, there is one thing to do before that, and that is to respond to this orc attack.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si closed his eyes and began to search for what he needed in his body, and used the divine power given to him by Talona to allow certain viruses and bacteria to continue to evolve.

About ten minutes later, when he opened his eyes again, a small ball of light brown viscous liquid that made his scalp numb appeared in the palm of his hand.

The half-orc Rhett, who had witnessed the horror of poison and plague, immediately felt a chill running from his feet to his forehead. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "What the hell is this thing?"

"A deadly plague that can wipe out the orcs in the North. And it will only infect the orcs." Zuo Si gave the answer with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.


Everyone present could not help but start swallowing their saliva.

Even the bloodthirsty dwarf Korgan, who killed without batting an eye in the battle, shivered subconsciously, with a hint of fear in his small eyes.

However, Zuo Si ignored the reactions of other members of the team and directly summoned several falcons with high-speed flying capabilities, asking them to drink the viscous liquid and then use it as a carrier to find the gathering place of the orc tribe.

Within a few days or even a week at most, more than half of the orc tribes in the North would be shrouded in pain, torture, and death.

Except for a handful of high-level leaders such as chiefs and priests who could barely survive with magical treatment, 99% of ordinary orcs would die.

You don't need to ask to know that this is Zuo Si's revenge for this attack on him.

He sensed from the beginning that there must be shadows of the orc gods behind this matter.

But it doesn’t matter!

Since the other party dares to provoke you, you must be mentally prepared to suffer retaliation.

If those stupid and arrogant orc gods haven't learned their lesson, Zuo Si wouldn't mind going to Zendikar to lead the Eldrazi Titans to the country where the orc gods live, so that they can understand that in the face of truly indescribable powerful existences, The so-called gods are just bugs that can be crushed easily.

There is no doubt that this poison dispersal operation did not hide the eyes of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease.

When she saw those deadly bacteria and viruses being transported to one orc tribe camp after another, a look of relief appeared on her face, and she laughed unbridled.

"Hahahaha! Well done! This is my good boy! Go! Take revenge on those dirty and ugly beasts! Use pain, despair and death to let everyone and God in this world understand that you are the son of the plague, the... The ultimate weapon capable of destroying the world."

"Great goddess. Will your chosen ones really not anger the orc gods by doing this?" A succubus believer knelt on one knee and asked cautiously.

Although in many descriptions, demons are a group of out-and-out lunatics and lunatics, and regard the gods as their enemies.

But as with all things there are exceptions, there are demons who become fervent believers in certain gods.

And the female succubus in front of her is obviously one of them.

Talona waved her hand indifferently: "Don't worry, Ulrika. My child is smart enough. He has found many powerful powers for himself as a background, so Gruumsh does not dare to act rashly. In addition, if he dares If you come to attack my country, then the elven gods and dwarf gods will definitely not stand idly by. Compared to the orc gods, I am more worried about the conspiracies and machinations from the nine hells."

"You mean those spies from Dis, the second level of Baator Hell?"

When she mentioned her mortal enemy, the devil, the succubus named Ulrika immediately revealed her naked and undisguised disgust.

"That's right. Some of them have already started to try to get close to Soth. I need you to help him block these nasty flies. Here, take this with you and kill all the spies sent by the devil."

After saying that, Talona handed a whip full of spikes to the succubus.

You don't need to ask to know that those spikes must contain countless bacteria and viruses.

"As you wish, great goddess. It is my greatest honor to serve you and the Plaguespawn."

Ulrika knelt down on her knees and kissed the goddess's instep deeply.

"Remember, don't overdo your service, let alone try to seduce Soth. If I find out that you have done something you shouldn't have done, the consequences will be very serious." Talona warned in a threatening tone. road.

As a goddess, she understands the nature of this devil believer very well.

In fact, succubi naturally like to seduce and rely on strong people, even Queen Mecanshut, who stands at the apex of all succubi, is no exception.

"Understood! I swear that my heart and soul will always belong to you, great goddess."

Ulrika raised her head, her smart eyes revealing infinite admiration.

At the same time, far away in the cemetery area of ​​Askatra, the capital of Amn.

Vampire Queen Badi was lying lazily on the sofa, lowering her head and looking at her increasingly protruding belly, and she was in a state of doubting life.

Because just now, she was suddenly surprised to find that she, who had long been transformed into an undead creature, was pregnant.

Not to mention Badi couldn't believe it, even the vampire descendants under her showed shocked expressions.

Although in Faerûn, undead creatures can combine with mortals under the intervention of magical power, giving birth to offspring between the living and the dead, and allowing the blood of undead creatures to circulate in the family.

But those are often low-level undead creatures.

However, compared to the vampire descendant who knew nothing about it, Badi knew very well that this must be related to her previous act of blaspheming Saint Amaunata.

But the problem is that she doesn't know about Erinikas's research, nor does she know much about the life form of God.

So I can't figure out what's happening to me.

In particular, this life is so strong that whenever Badi wants to forcibly remove it from her body, the pregnant fetus will immediately release amazing positive energy and burn her body from the inside. The result is only Can't let it go.

The Vampire Queen is not sure at all how powerful this little thing that has not yet developed independent consciousness is, and whether it can purify itself instantly, so she dare not act rashly for the time being.

But just because she couldn't move didn't mean those vampire descendants couldn't move.

In order to cover up the serious consequences of his stupid behavior, Badi decided to attract a group of devil worshipers hiding in the sewers, and then messed up the temple with evil sacrificial rituals.

In this way, when Erinikas comes back, he will think that these guys have lost or killed the saints of Amaunata, and then they will kill them all to pieces.

When the time comes and there is no evidence to prove it, no one will know that it was the mistake they made.

"Mistress, I have given those devil worshipers a simple map according to your instructions." The dark elf who had been transformed into a vampire reported softly.

I don’t know if it’s because of becoming a vampire, but her originally dark skin has turned a lot lighter, showing a strange elegant gray color that matches her long white hair.

Coupled with the slightly plump body shape, the first look is enough to produce a strong physiological impulse.

After all, the dark elves' long-term "eugenics and eugenics" policy and "artificial screening and elimination" have resulted in basically no ugly people in their entire group.

Men, in particular, must always be prepared to please the higher-status women in the family.

Therefore, if you are ugly, you will most likely be sacrificed directly to the Spider Goddess for any reason.

Of course, women are not bad either.

After all, their fathers are all the most handsome and "competent" servants in the family. After generations of genetic improvement, they are all quite beautiful according to human aesthetic standards.

Seeing the descendant in front of him who brought him a lot of stimulation and pleasure, Badi immediately stuck out his tongue and licked his lips and praised: "Well done. But you have to speed up the progress and ensure that they find the child within two days." Build a temple and start sacrificing people to summon demons. Remember, let them make it as bloody as possible to ensure that there will be no traces except demons."

"Don't worry, I have arranged everything. Those stupid guys have no idea that the demon they are about to summon is a secondary six-armed snake demon abyss lord, and even they themselves are one of the sacrifices .When this terrifying secondary abyss lord arrives, he will inevitably launch an attack on the human cities on the surface to harvest souls. The brutal war will then erase some possible traces."

There is no doubt that no mortal race can rival the dark elves in their intrigue and intrigue.

According to rumors, even the demon lords of the Abyss can learn a thing or two from these cunning, cunning and extremely vicious elves.

"You have indeed not disappointed me. Come on, come forward. Now I am going to give you a reward, an extremely pleasant reward."

Badi smiled and waved to the dark elf, and then a strange sound came from the tomb...

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