A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 249 Powerful Psychic Power (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

"Oh my God! This thing is more disgusting and uncomfortable than the maggots in the manure pit." Orc Rhett commented with a twitching corner of his mouth.

He has seen a lot of monsters, including scavengers and scavengers, filthy creatures that feed on the decaying corpses and excrement of other creatures.

But compared with the giant heart-stealing insect in front of him, it pales into insignificance.

Because the giant mind-stealing insects bring not only physical disgust, but also mental discomfort that cannot be described in words.

Especially the spiritual energy that fills the surrounding environment, like extremely sharp needles.

When someone comes close, you will immediately feel as if your brain is being stabbed hard by thousands of needles.

The intense sting was even more unbearable than any kind of physical torture.

Even the unconscious release of psychic powers can cause such a result. One can imagine how terrifying it would be if the giant mind-stealing insect used this power to launch an attack.

Ordinary people can't even feel pain, and will lose consciousness and thinking in an instant and become an idiot.

In addition, the mucus covering the surface of the giant insect's skin also emits a pungent stench.

Although it is not poisonous, if it is rubbed on the face or body, it will cause vomiting.

“It seems that the Githyanki attack created a strong sense of crisis for these mind flayers, and they were forced to use this forbidden method to fight back.

If nothing else, they cultivated the polymindflayers just to throw them up to the upper level to cause chaos, minimize the number of Githyanki, and make it impossible for them to raise and train their offspring with peace of mind.

In a confined and narrow space, the damage caused by a giant mind-stealing insect is far more terrifying than that of a giant dragon.

Be careful, once the battle begins, the psychic attacks released by the giant insects may alert other mind flayers on this level at any time. "

Zuo Si reminded everyone in the team with a serious tone.

Although so far, he himself has not met a powerful psychic user, and he is not clear about the difference between developing psychic powers to the extreme and magic and divine arts.

But what is certain is that the leader of this group of mind flayers, Eth Amidon, is definitely a master of the mind.

It might even be the kind of top mind-destroying demon that can transform itself into a mastermind.

Facing such an enemy, no amount of caution can be too much.

"Could it be that even if we wear a psychic protection necklace, we can't resist the psychic attack of this big bug?" Abala, the spotted cat man, asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "Sorry, no. The main function of the psychic protection necklace is to protect your thinking and consciousness from psychic invasion. It is not completely immune to psychic attacks such as psychic piercing and psychic crushing.

In fact, whether it is magic or divine magic, there is no very good and specific protective spell against psychic attacks.

If any of you are attacked by Mind Piercing or Psychic Crush later, be sure to retreat and drink the healing potion immediately.

That is the only way to avoid death.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you die accidentally, I will resurrect you after the battle anyway. "

"Hahahaha! This sounds really reassuring." Corgan couldn't help but grin.

Because this allowed him to fight without fear of death, his bloodlust was at an all-time high.

As for Alena, who is the follower of the planeswalker, she has no fear at all and is ready to pour out her amazingly powerful fire magic crazily.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Zuo Si gave the undead lieutenant beside him an offensive gesture without saying a word.

Following the latter's order, the vast number of goblin werewolf zombies first raised their crossbows and javelins, aiming at the giant heart-stealing insect not far away and launched a round of long-range attacks.


Countless arrows and javelins covered the location where the giant insect was like raindrops.

Although most of them were unable to cause any effective damage due to the mucus covering the body surface and the tough skin.

However, a small part was still successfully inserted into the muscle, and blood spurted out along the bleeding groove.

Since undead creatures are completely immune to all telepathy, the multi-minded giant worm without eyes has no idea who is attacking it.

The severe pain caused him to fall into rage and madness on the spot, and when he raised his head, he released a ball of psychic energy.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by the invisible power that cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye, the undead within a radius of tens of meters with the giant insect as the center suddenly flew up in an instant, and then were torn to pieces in mid-air.

Obviously, in front of a creature of this level, quantity has long lost any meaning.

But the unintelligent low-level undead did not understand fear at all, and they still rushed forward like a tide under the command of the undead lieutenant, waving the weapons in their hands to cut the skin, or using sharp claws and teeth to bite.

After a while, the body of the multi-minded giant worm was densely crawling.

Although compared with giant insects, they are like tiny ants eating elephants. At best, they can only cause a little bit of insignificant skin trauma.

But the accumulation of so many skin injuries also made the giant mind-stealing insect become more and more violent.

I saw it twisting its body crazily, using its incredible terrifying power to crush or throw out the undead hanging on its body one by one.

Often dozens of goblin and werewolf zombies can be killed with one big cleave.

It took less than five minutes for the summoned undead army to lose more than half of its size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Si immediately realized that he could not wait any longer, otherwise these cannon fodder would be cleared away by the giant mind-stealing insects in a short time.

So he decisively began to enter a state of concentration and chant the spell in a low voice.

After a while, a big hand made of a force field appeared out of thin air, grabbed the giant insect's head, pressed it to the ground and squeezed it.

No matter how hard the giant insect struggled and swung its body, it couldn't break free.

Obviously, this is the most powerful control among the nine-ring arcana [Bigbye Shattering Palm].

It can not only provide cover for the caster, but also push or squeeze the caster's enemies. It is the kind of magic that integrates offense and defense.

Even if it is a giant or a giant dragon, once it is captured by [Bigby's Shattering Palm], there is absolutely no possibility of breaking free.

After all, the essence of this spell is a force field, and the friction will not be reduced by the smooth mucus on the body of the giant mind-stealing insect.

In other words, the force field and the object are not affected by friction at all.

"Now! Get in! Kill it!"

Zuo Si gave the attack order without hesitation.

Alena, the pyromancer who could no longer hold back, raised her hand and created a wall of fire, bringing most of the giant insect's body into the barbecue range.

For large creatures, large-area killing spells such as Wall of Fire can often cause shocking damage.

Immediately afterwards, she cast the six-ring energy-shaping magic [Flame Spider], instantly creating a large number of small fire elements that rushed towards the giant insect.

Obviously, compared with the painless skin trauma of the previous goblin werewolf zombies, the pain caused by this high-temperature flame is definitely more than ten times as much as the former.

Therefore, the giant heart-stealing insect immediately locked onto the caster and suddenly released a psychic piercing.

Before anyone else could react to what happened, Alena screamed and fell to the ground on her back, clutching her hair with both hands, and her eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

A large amount of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, which looked very scary.

"Quick! Drink this!"

The half-orc Rhett quickly took out a bottle of powerful healing potion, opened his mouth and poured it into the pyromancer, barely saving his life.

However, it is not difficult to see from her sluggish reaction that she has completely lost her fighting ability.

At least for a few hours or even a few days, it would be impossible to enter a state of concentration on spellcasting.

"Damn it! The psychic attacks of this thing are too terrifying."

Korgan, who was just about to rush forward with an ax and fight hand-to-hand, saw the fate of Alena, and an expression of lingering fear suddenly appeared on his face.

Because psychic attacks are too hidden, there is no bright and dazzling light like magic, nor can they be defended by parrying and blocking like swords.

By the time a person realizes he or she has been attacked by a psychic, it is often too late.

Fortunately, everyone in the team is wearing targeted protective necklaces, otherwise they might all become slaves controlled by the giant mind-stealing insect, or be its next meal.

Zuo Si didn't pay too much attention to the soldiers' hesitation.

He understood that it would be a bit difficult for Corgan, Rhett and Abala to deal with a behemoth that was thirty or forty meters long and could easily knock a person flying into the air when rolling.

Not to mention the mind-stealing worm's elusive psychic piercing and psychic crushing.

So after the effect of [Bigbye Shattering Palm] ended, Zuo Si decisively added an eight-ring [Burning Cloud Technique].

As the red high-temperature flames enveloped the giant insect's huge body like a storm, the smell of meat mixed with the stench soon spread in the air.

"His !!!"

Since the giant mind-stealing worm has no organs, no matter how painful it is, it can only make a slight sound through the friction of its teeth and hands.

When it realized who was the biggest threat to itself, it immediately locked Zuo Si's location through its psychic abilities.

The next second...

Zuo Si felt a powerful force impacting his brain and thinking, as if it wanted to erase all his memory and personality.

There is no doubt that this is another special ability of the giant insect - [Psychic Crush].

If the crushed target's willpower is not strong enough, it will turn into a vegetative state in minutes and then fall to the ground unconscious.

Except for the wish spell, no other magic or divine spell can restore such a terrible and strange injury.

However, Zuo Si had divine power and spark protection, so [Psychic Crush] only made him feel intense nausea, and he couldn't help but vomit out all the remaining food in his stomach along with the bile.


Although he had long expected that the psychic powers of the giant mind-stealing insect would be very difficult to control, he never expected that even he would not be able to exempt himself from it.

You know, he has divine power in his body!

The most typical feature of divine power is that it can provide the owner with a series of immunity characteristics and powerful spell resistance.

But even so, they will still be tricked by the giant insect's powerful psychic ability.

It's no wonder that the mind flayers have considerable power even across the multiverse.

Compared with magic and divine arts, the extremely idealistic power of psychic powers is really a bit weird, and mental damage is completely different from energy damage, physical damage and soul damage.

Just as Zuo Si was vomiting, the giant mind-stealing insect quickly cut its way through the undead army and rushed over from a distance at an extremely fast speed, obviously intending to feel the enemy that posed the greatest threat to him first.

Seeing this, Rhett didn't even hesitate for a second. He immediately started to violently wave his heavy and sharp two-handed ax, rushed forward, jumped high and deep, and aimed at the giant insect's head and struck it hard.

Unfortunately, before he could start falling, an astonishing spiritual shock hit him directly in the chest.


The half-orc barbarian warrior couldn't even get close, so he flew out sideways and hit the wall behind.

However, at the moment when the giant insect attacked Rhett, Korgan and Abara took advantage of this gap to get closer.

The latter first threw a sharp enchanted javelin and inserted it deeply into the giant insect near its head. Then, like a ferocious big cat, he jumped up and grabbed the javelin and stirred it with all his strength, trying to use this method to destroy the insect as much as possible. The enlarged wound caused severe bleeding.

It is not difficult to judge from this hand alone that the spotted cat man has definitely hunted beasts or monsters much larger than himself more than once before. He knew that such a huge creature could not be killed with one blow, so he decisively chose the bloodletting tactic. .

In contrast, Old Corgan was as simple and crude as ever, wielding two one-handed axes to activate his violent ability. His whole body was like a meat grinder, tearing open the tough outer skin of the giant insect in just a few seconds, revealing There was a large area of ​​dark purple flesh inside.

If it were an ordinary monster, under the joint attack of these two elite warriors, even if it didn't die, it would still be severely damaged.

But unfortunately, the giant heart-stealing worm is not an ordinary monster.

It is essentially a mind flayer tadpole that has exceeded its own physiological limits. Its body structure is very primitive and simple, just like an earthworm.

Even if it is cut in two in the middle, it will not die. Instead, it may split into two giant insects.


Seeing that the giant insect's body had been hacked to pieces by himself and still had no intention of dying, Old Corgan went completely crazy. His eyes were instantly bloodshot, and his short and strong arms were swung like windmills.

But just a second later, a psychic piercing hit him instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the old dwarf screamed and fell to the ground. He even threw away the ax in his hand and frantically banged his head on the ground to vent his pain.

Fortunately, the helmet blocked most of the damage, otherwise his head would have been violently smashed.

Realizing the danger, Abala, the spotted cat man, immediately let go of the javelin in his hand, jumped deep into the rocks nearby and hid.

Since the [Thor Stone Movement] on its body has not expired, it can still move freely among the rocks.

However, the giant heart-stealing insect obviously didn't care about a mere warrior. Instead, it focused all its attention on Zuo Si and pounced on him with its bloody mouth open.

But soon, the behemoth realized what a mistake he had made.

When the big mouth full of stench came closer, dazzling silver fire suddenly appeared in Zuo Si's body.

There is no doubt that this is the silver fire given to her chosen ones by the goddess of magic. It is not only the embodiment of her divine power, but also the most essential and root energy deep in the magic network.

As for the flame, it is just an external manifestation.

Although the giant heart-stealing insect had no eyes, it undoubtedly sensed the dangerous aura through telepathy. It immediately stopped and tried to use the tentacles near its mouth to explore what was going on in front of it.

The moment when the tentacles collide with the silver fire!

The terrifying energy exploded instantly, burning all the tentacles into burnt black, while also making a crackling sound like lightning.

You must know that the tentacles of mind flayers and mind flayer tadpoles are the most important organs they use to sense the outside world.

Therefore, it is densely covered with sensitive nerves.

Therefore, the pain caused by this moment immediately caused the giant insect to twist its body wildly and uncontrollably, releasing a violent psychic piercing.

With his strong physical attributes, Zuo Si withstood the blow.

Then he shaped the silver fire into the shape of a spear, aimed at the giant insect's big mouth, and stabbed it at lightning speed.

I saw a dazzling silver-white fire flashing in the darkness, and then the entire giant heart-stealing insect centered on itself and sent out violent psychic shocks all around, crushing all the last remaining undead.

The manic silver fire completely cooked this behemoth in less than a second.

"Phew—it's finally done."

Looking at the corpse of the insect close at hand, Zuo Siqi cleared the blood near his mouth and nose, and quickly released two magical healing spells on himself.

Although the giant mind-stealing insect was far from threatening his life in a strict sense, it was still somewhat dangerous.

After all, with such a large size and the spiritual energy accumulated from feeding the brains of intelligent creatures for a long time, it is a quite difficult monster to deal with.

"You...you actually killed a giant heart-stealing insect?!!"

Asasla, who had not participated in the battle throughout the whole process and was hiding in an inconspicuous corner, finally came out and exclaimed with a slightly trembling voice.

She simply couldn't believe that someone in this world could actually kill such a terrifying monster that only existed in legends.

Don't say it's done!

Even those who have seen the giant mind-stealing worm and survived the adventure are rare. They can brag about this experience in taverns and inns in various ways and regard it as an honor.

"Yeah, I spent a lot of effort."

Zuo Si put away the silver fire and walked closer, raised his wand and cut open the corpse of the giant insect, observing the internal structure with great interest, especially the brain that can produce psychic energy.

Contrary to what most people think, this thing's brain is not very huge. Instead, it looks just like an ordinary mind flayer.

The only difference is that its density is very high, showing undulating spiral hills.

Unfortunately, most of the cells have been cooked by the silver fire, so they have completely lost their activity and have no research value.

Watching Zuo Si deftly dissect the corpse of a giant insect and remove one key organ after another, Asasla felt his scalp numb.

She felt that she must have been petrified for too long, so she began to be a little unable to keep up with the changes in the world.

After roughly understanding the physiological structure of the giant heart-stealing worm, Zuo Si immediately pulled up several of his subordinates and teammates who had fallen on the ground one by one, and used divine magic to treat the injured.

However, judging from the reactions of Alena, Cogan and Rhett, it was impossible for them to regain consciousness for a while.

After all, psychic attacks are more dangerous than charm control spells, and they cause more serious damage to the brain and nerves, requiring you to lie down for hours or even days at least.

Just as Zuo Si was considering whether to return to the star port first, and then open the portal to send the three of them back to the mage tower to rest, several portals suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Not long after, a dozen mind flayers walked out from the other side, as well as a mind flayer who was taller and stronger than the former.

You don't need to ask to know that they all felt the spiritual power released by the giant mind-stealing insect in the battle just now, so they rushed over to see what happened.

After all, the mind flayers are a secret weapon specially developed to deal with the Githyanki.

When the leader of the Mind Destroyer saw the giant insect that had been cut into pieces and turned into "parts", he suddenly became furious and roared through the spiritual connection: "You are dead! Human! I will dig out your brain and use it to kill you." Taste it."

"If you can do it, then give it a try."

Zuo Si pursed his lips and revealed a chilling smile.

There was no nonsense and no need for communication between the two sides. From the moment they were confirmed to be enemies, they had already decided to fight to the death.

As the mind flayers took the lead in throwing mind blasts collectively, another fierce battle began.

But compared to giant insects, mind flayers are obviously not that difficult to deal with.

At least in Zuo Si's eyes, there is no essential difference between killing an ordinary mind flayer and crushing an ant.

Often a death spell or a compound spell invented by oneself can kill these extremely uncomfortable octopus heads.

If some guys have blessed themselves with protective spells or have higher magic resistance and are not dead for a while, then use another shot.

Since there is no need to chant spells and cast spells, Zuo Si has successfully killed six ordinary mind flayers when the leading mind flayer had just begun to distort reality through psychic abilities.

The spotted cat people who had been hiding in the rock wall suddenly jumped out and attacked from behind, successfully killing two of them.

One of them had his throat cut by sharp claws, and the other had his head pierced by a sharp javelin and died on the spot.

As for Asasra, who was a dragonborn, he was mind-controlled by the other party after just one encounter, and joined the ranks of attacking Zuo Si.

no way!

When fighting creatures with charm spells and psychic abilities, it is completely normal for similar situations to occur.

The only good thing is that Asasla's original equipment was looted by Korgan, so she only had an ordinary long sword on her body, which could not cause any effective damage at all.

Zuo Si only used [Big Flying Palm] to pin him to the wall beside him, unable to move.

Warriors who lose powerful magical weapons and equipment are so pitiful, unable to pose even the slightest threat to high-level spellcasters.

Zuo Si didn't even bother to help the dragonborn come into contact with his controlled state, and directly joined forces with the spotted cat people to clean out the ordinary mind flayers as quickly as possible.

Since he is completely immune to mind invasion and charm control, most low-level mind flayers who only rely on their natural abilities to make a living have no good way to deal with him.

It took about a few minutes for him to die completely.

But the leader of the Heart Destroyer is obviously not that easy to deal with.

This guy is obviously a very high-level psychic, and can even achieve a surprise sneak attack by speeding up his own time flow.

In addition, he also tried more than once to occupy Zuo Si's body and replace it.

This is a very advanced psychic ability that only the most powerful psions can achieve.

By constantly replacing younger bodies, psions can even achieve immortality and immortality.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si has divine protection in his body, so this attempt is destined to be impossible to succeed.

The Heart Destroyer soon discovered this, quickly changed his tactics, and began to use some force fields, energy, or damaging spells to attack, otherwise he just wanted to bring Zuo Si's consciousness closer to him and lock him up in the illusion he created.

With his powerful psychic powers, he finally seized an opportunity and instantly dragged his consciousness into a virtual world completely maintained by the spirit.

Zuo Si himself didn't even notice anything at all. He just felt dazed for a while, and then found that his eyes went dark and he lost his perception of the outside world.

But at the last moment, he still managed to release the silver fire to wrap his body.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours...

In short, when I regained consciousness again, I found that the surrounding environment had changed from the seventeenth floor of Leyline City to the Yawning Gate Tavern in Waterdeep City.

"Ah! You finally woke up!" Du Nan, the tavern owner, walked over from a distance and said hello with a smile. "You are really a lucky man. It is the first time in my life that you can come back alive after being so seriously injured."


Zuo Si frowned subconsciously and immediately felt that something was wrong.

Because his memory is different from ordinary people, he can remember every moment and detail he has experienced, and he is very clear that at the last moment he was fighting a powerful leader of the Heart Destroyer.

"Yes! Not only you, but also your teammates. I hired a priest for you."

With that said, Dunan turned his attention to the bar hall.

I saw the dwarf Korgan sitting on the bar, drinking the most expensive liquor and bragging about his adventurous career to other adventurers.

Sitting next to him was the half-orc Rhett, who was biting into the golden leg of lamb very boldly.

Alaina was as addicted to alcohol as ever, and from time to time she would use magic tricks to create bright and dazzling fireworks that made a group of halflings and dwarfs laugh.

Abala, the spotted cat man, sat alone in an inconspicuous corner, enjoying his favorite fresh meat and fish.

It seems that everything looks so warm and beautiful.

But Zuo Si keenly discovered that what he saw was very unreal.

The most glaring vulnerability is Alena.

As a summoned creature and follower of the planeswalker, although she herself is an out-and-out "funny" and "fun person".

But like other summoned creatures, they are loyal and will never just enjoy themselves when their master loses consciousness. Instead, they will wait until the planeswalker wakes up.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si quietly got up from the bed and walked out.

Dunan didn't stop him. Instead, he returned to the bar and poured a glass of wine in front of him. He said with a smile: "I'll take this drink. To the heroes who have returned from the Lost City of Earth Lines."


Staring at the amber alcoholic drink in front of him, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with an unnoticeable sneer, and he was instantly sure that the Du Nan in front of him was definitely a fake.

Because the real owner of the Yawning Gate Tavern knows that he will never drink any alcohol, and will only provide clean water or a cup of boiled hot milk.

However, Zuo Si was not in a hurry to expose the other party. Instead, he started wandering around the tavern and communicating with different people.

In about ten minutes, he discovered that although the smell, atmosphere, and feel were exactly the same as the real Yawning Gate Tavern in Waterdeep City, there were still many hidden loopholes.

For example, some of the often overlooked decorations and furnishings on the doors and windows are different from the real Yawning Door Tavern;

Another example is those guys dressed as adventurers. Almost one-third of them were in a very similar situation to me. They also lost consciousness inexplicably during the battle with the Mind Flayer, and when they woke up, they found themselves back in the tavern.

Finally, and the most fatal point, those books placed on the bookshelves for guests' entertainment, except for the covers, you will find that when you open the inside, they are all blank, without even a single word or symbol.

And every time Zuo Si approached the gate and wanted to go out, he would either be interrupted by other adventurers who suddenly walked over, or the weather outside would become very bad.

It would be understandable if it happens once or twice, but if it happens like this seven or eight times in a row, you can almost conclude that there is definitely something wrong here.

In addition, Zuo Si also discovered that he was not the only one who encountered a similar situation, but the tavern owner Dunan gave different explanations in private. Sometimes he said it was because the city was under lockdown, and other times he said it was to celebrate someone. a holiday.

If someone wanted to go underground into the shaft to continue exploring the maze above, he would claim that the mad mage Halaster Blackrobe had sealed the dungeon with magic.

Anyway, there is only one motive behind all these lies, and that is to keep everyone under control inside the tavern.

"A virtual world created through powerful psychic power? Interesting..."

A meaningful expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

He had seen a book in the library of Candlekeep before, which recorded that the mind flayer's mastermind could create a virtual world composed of spirits and pull the consciousness of all slaves into it.

Although in the real world, they have to work exhaustingly every day, and might even become the food of a mind flayer.

But in the virtual world, enslaved creatures often live the lives they dream of. They can even meet beautiful people of the opposite sex in different ways every day and have some indescribable things happen.

There is no doubt that the mind flayers used this method to break down the resistance of slaves.

But what Zuo Si didn't expect was that the leader of the Heart-Destroying Demon could actually do this on his own.

And this just proves that he must be the kind of psychic master who has the ability to transform himself into a mastermind.

The establishment of every Mind Flayer community or city means that a Mind Flayer who stands at the pinnacle of the evolution of the race gives up his body and donates his brain.

Then after a series of complex psychic rituals and technological transformations, this brain will become the original core of the mastermind.

Following closely, more than twenty mind flayers will give up their lives and donate their brains, eventually forming an extremely powerful mastermind.

After figuring out the truth, Zuo Si didn't even pause for a second, and directly began to constantly question the authenticity of the surrounding environment through his firm will.

In just a few minutes, he successfully got rid of the constraints of the environment and returned his consciousness to his body.

When he opened his eyes again, he was still standing on the dark and damp seventeenth floor of Leyline Labyrinth - the deep sea. Not far away was the giant heart-stealing worm that had been killed and dissected.

But the leader of the Heart-Destroying Demon was nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, the moment Zuo Si broke free from control, he chose to escape without hesitation.

Not only that, when this guy left, he didn't forget to take away the prisoners such as Korgan, Alena, Rhett, Assasla, and Abala.

In addition, the heads of the dead mind flayers were all pried open and the brains inside were removed without exception.

"Let me see what kind of secrets you octopus heads hide in this layer."

After muttering something under his breath, Zuo Si quickly blessed himself with a small amount of protective spells, and then quickly headed deeper.

He understood that the mind flayers took captives for two purposes. One was to parasitize adult tadpoles, thus transforming into more mind flayers, and the other was to serve as hostages.

Along the increasingly narrow passage, Zuo Si soon came to the location of the psychic turbine generator.

As expected, the Mind Flayer used slaves and psychic powers to build a dam where the water level was relatively high, and used the power of the water flow to drive psychic machinery to generate the energy necessary to maintain the entire community.

If you continue walking forward, you can see many spiritual energy warehouses standing vertically.

Out of curiosity, he carefully opened a few of them, and found that the people lying inside were mostly either captured Githyanki or adventurers who had traveled deep into Leymaze.

Some of them have obviously been parasitized by tadpoles, and their bodies are changing rapidly, making them look creepy.

However, Zuo Si, who did not know much about psychic energy, did not rashly wake up these poor guys, nor did he touch the pipelines connected around the psychic energy warehouse.

Because he knew that the Mind Flayer's psychic technology was very mature.

If the prisoner is roughly pulled out of the cabin and awakened "physically", the most likely possibility is that the prisoner will go completely crazy or become an unconscious vegetative state.

For the same reason, directly removing the tube will have the same result.

In this way, Zuo Si moved forward without encountering any enemies or resistance. He reached the center of the seventeenth floor without any effort, and then saw a shell ship suspended in mid-air.

It’s just that this shell ship looks like it’s obviously been through a big battle, and it’s covered in dense cuts, smashes, and scorches, most likely caused by the battle with the Githyanki magic ship.

Below the ship, two brass dragons that were obviously controlled and enslaved were roaring deafeningly at the intruder.

Just when Zuo Si was about to take care of the two brass dragons first, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Human! Stop it. I admit that you are very powerful, much more powerful than any adventurer I have encountered before. So why don't we sit down and talk?"

You don't need to ask to know that the owner of this voice is the leader of the Heart Destroyer you just met.

"Ha! You kidnapped all my subordinates and companions, and now you want to talk?" Zuo Si said with naked and undisguised mockery in his tone.

But the Heart Destroyer was not angry, but said calmly: "I assure you, they are safe now and have not been harmed in any way. As long as you can reach an agreement with me, I can return them to you at any time. .”

"In that case, tell me your conditions."

Zuo Si was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but wanted to see what this guy was planning to do.

After all, Leyline Labyrinth City has been banned from all teleportation by the mad mage Hylaster Blackrobe, so even if the opponent has a shell ship, don't expect to be able to escape.

Moreover, such a huge target would be nothing more than a large target in his eyes if he could not activate the astral teleportation.

"My conditions are simple. First, we need to reach a reconciliation and no longer have any hostilities between us. Second, you and your companions must help us destroy the Githyanki in the sixteenth floor of the crystal labyrinth, and their planet. The incubation base in Hong Kong. In return, I can provide you with a lot of gold, gems and magic items in return."

The Heart Destroyer took his time and laid out his conditions.

Without the giant mind-stealing worm he finally cultivated, he has lost his secret weapon against his mortal enemies, the Githyanki, so he must rely on outside power.

As for the two enslaved brass dragons, they must serve as guards of the shell ship.

Otherwise, once this place is attacked by surprise, all ambitions and plans will be meaningless.

"Help you deal with the Githyanki? You are so whimsical!" Zuo Si deliberately pretended to be disdainful and sarcastically said. "Those Githyanki are not only well-equipped, but they also made a large number of golems to serve as guards, and they also have the help of red dragon allies. Why should I offend another, more powerful enemy for the sake of one enemy?"


The Heartbreaker fell into silence.

If possible, he now particularly wants to sense the other person's thinking through psychic invasion, find out what the human being in front of him is thinking, and how to make him agree to cooperate with him.

But unfortunately, the barrier formed by divine power blocks all thought detection spells.

Just when the leader of the Heart-Destroying Demon was thinking about how to persuade Zuo Si, the Furu cub he had taken in before quietly flew down from the shell ship.

Due to its small size, it did not attract the attention of the Heart Destroyer. It secretly hid behind Zuo Si and transmitted and shared everything it saw and heard through telepathy.

After a while, Zuo Si figured out the situation inside the shell ship.

Especially the huge brain pool that had been built at the core of the ship made him fully understand the plan of the Heart Destroyer.

There is no doubt that this guy is actively planning to transform himself into a mastermind.

It’s just that the Githyanki on the sixteenth floor are constantly attacking, making it impossible for him to put this plan into action with peace of mind.

After all, transformation takes time, and during this period he will be in a very weak state, unable to lead other mind flayers to resist attacks from their mortal enemies.

If there is another violent attack like the one not long ago, everything that has been built up with great difficulty will be wiped out, and maybe you will die.

No Githyanki would ever give up on the merit and honor that comes from destroying an eldermind.

They can even return to the Star Realm with such merits and receive medals from Her Majesty the Queen herself in their lair.

Similarly, Zuo Si also figured out the internal structure of the shell ship and the location of the command room. There was no need to follow Xu Yu, the leader of the Heart Destroyer, anymore...

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