A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 247: The attitude of Waterdeep City (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)


Accompanied by the sound of metal weapons colliding, in the training room on the lower floor of the mage tower, the dwarf berserker Korgan was sparring with the tabby cat hunter Abala.

Since both parties have quite high professional levels.

Therefore, whether it is strength, speed, or skills and experience, they are all displayed vividly in the battle.

Sometimes the two of them swing their weapons too fast, even creating visual afterimages in the air.

The former's fighting style is obviously very wild, and he often abandons defense in pursuit of injuries in exchange for lives. As a result, many opponents will be frightened by his desperate posture. As a result, the more timid and hesitant he is, the faster he will die.

According to the description of the half-orc Rhett, Korgan's highest record was that he rushed into the goblin community desperately and violently, killing more than thirty hobgoblins and hundreds of ordinary goblins by himself.

By the time the battle was over, the whole person seemed to be bathed in blood, and the armor was covered with plasma, minced meat, internal organs and intestines.

Many poor guys were chopped alive by sharp magic axes and turned into corpses of different sizes.

Abala's fighting style is just the opposite. He likes to look for loopholes in his opponent's defense. If he doesn't take action, he will kill him with one blow.

So it is a calm hunter, with two sharp eyes always watching every move of its opponent, just like a big cat chasing its prey.

In addition, the weapons are metal arm guards and gloves with adamantine added, so the speed of swinging the arms is obviously faster than that of Corgan, so he does not suffer in a head-on confrontation.

Especially the sharp metal claws at the front can even tear open most non-magical metal armor as easily as opening a can.

Once approached, he is definitely one of the most dangerous enemies.

The little werewolves watching nearby were obviously seeing this kind of high-level warrior competition for the first time, so they all widened their eyes and wanted to learn from it to increase their own fighting abilities.

Among them, the fighting style of the spotted cat man Abala is basically the same as if they maintained their half-human, half-beast form. They are simply the most ideal learning object.

As the leader of the clan, the werewolf girl Fangus would make secret gestures to herself from time to time, her pupils shining with excitement.

"Where did you find him? I have never heard of such a race on the continent of Faerûn." Half-orc Rhett asked in a low voice.

Zuo Si touched his chin and replied: "Because Abala is not a native race of Faerun. But it does surprise me that his martial arts skills have reached this level. How about it? What is your evaluation of it?"

"A very good warrior. If I guessed correctly, it should be very good at using throwing weapons, right?" Rhett quickly gave his own evaluation.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Well, yes. Abala is a hunter, so he is also very good at throwing javelins or spears. I created a magic weapon for it that can automatically return to the holder. Javelin, so you can take care of both long-range and melee combat.”

"Sounds really good. It reminds me of Korgan's throwing axe. There was once an unlucky goblin shaman who was hit in the head by his throwing ax and died on the spot." Rhett sighed with a smile.

While the two were talking, the competition between the dwarf and the spotted cat man finally came to an end.

Korgan's ax was seen on Abala's neck, and Abala's claws were pressed against the dwarf's defenseless throat.

Just a second later, the former was the first to take back the ax and couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hahahaha! It's so enjoyable! Old Cogan likes you, big cat."


The tabby cat man responded in a slightly stiff Common Tongue.

You don't need to ask to know that it is blessed with the art of glib at the moment, otherwise it would not be able to understand what the other party is saying.

"How do you feel? Are the arm guards and gloves comfortable to use?" Zuo Si asked with interest.

"It's great. It fits perfectly on my palm. It not only increases protection, but also makes the claws sharper. In the tribe I live in, just such a weapon can get the best hunters Loyalty." Abala praised without hesitation.

Hearing the tabby cat man's words, Zuo Si immediately showed a satisfied expression: "As long as you like it. I'm going to go to the Northland next. Do any of you want to sign up?"

"Me! Master, I am already a warrior and ranger with a professional level. I will definitely be able to help you during your journey." Fangus was the first to jump out.

Zuo Si did not give an answer immediately, but turned his attention to the half-orc Rhett, the dwarf Korgan and the half-human and half-scorpion Mural who usually provided combat training to these young werewolves.

In the end, it was Mural who spoke first: "Master, Fangus is indeed a qualified warrior and ranger. Coupled with the physical bonus after the werewolf transformation, most adventurers with low professional levels can really She is no match for you. If your trip is not particularly dangerous, bringing her with you to gain some experience will definitely be much better than staying in the tower all day."

"Okay, then I'll take you with me. But as I said before, you have to stay alone in Waterdeep City for a few days. I have some things that require me to go to the depths of the Lost City." Zuo Si said, staring into the eyes of the werewolf girl.

"No problem! I promise to obey your orders 100%."

Fangers clenched his fists tightly and almost jumped with joy.

After all, as a werewolf, her nature prefers to run in open forests and fields to chase prey.

Although it was safe to stay in the Mage Tower and the city, and food and accommodation were guaranteed, the blood of adventure was always rushing through the girl's veins, as if there was a voice calling in her head.

"Go and prepare. Bring all the weapons and equipment. We will set off in ten minutes."

Zuo Si smiled and flicked the werewolf girl on the forehead.

"As you command!"

Fangus' body expanded rapidly, thick hair grew from the surface of his skin, and he soon turned into a half-human, half-wolf shape. He raised his head and let out a piercing howl, then took steps towards his room as quickly as possible. Rush away.

You don't need to ask to know that her transformation this time was entirely due to her excessive mental state.

"What...what's going on?"

The spotted cat man's eyes widened with an expression of extreme shock.

It was obviously the first time he had seen a werewolf, or someone infected with lycanthropy, so he had no idea why a human would suddenly transform into a wolf.

"Relax, big cat. Those little guys are all werewolves, a special group of people who can freely switch between wolf, half-human, half-wolf and human forms. They are different from you. They are still humans in essence, but they have been cursed. , of course it can also be said to be a blessing." Old Corgan explained in a low voice.

Although he himself is a chaotic evil camp, both bloodthirsty and cruel, he is still quite friendly and respectful to those powerful warriors.

In particular, most tabby cat people are in the neutral camp and do not have any obvious concepts of good and evil. They are not as prone to violent conflicts of ideas as the good camp.


Abara repeated the word "side", an interested expression on the furry cat's face.

As a very curious race, once he becomes interested in something, he can't help but want to find out what is going on.

But Zuo Si didn't care about Abala's reaction, and continued to ask other subordinates: "What about you? Does anyone else want to come with me?"

"Me me me!"

Alena, the pyromancer, eagerly shouted to sign up.

Seeing how active this troublemaker was, Zuo Si couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly, and questioned with a serious expression: "Are you sure? You must know that you must abstain from drinking when traveling with me."

"No problem. I swear I will never touch an alcoholic drink before I get to a safe place." Alaina assured her.

Of course, as a person from the Chaos camp, the credibility of her words is a big question mark.

Because maybe the statement you make now may come from the heart, but you will definitely regret it before long.

"Count me in."

The half-orc Rhett hesitated for a moment before choosing to join.

After all, Wenrou Township is the graveyard of warriors. He still wanted to improve his combat skills and professional level as much as possible while he was young and his body had not started to decline.

Warriors are not like mages. As long as they stay in the tower and do research, they can improve their perception of the magic network, gain a higher spellcasting level and master more spells.

The only way for them to improve their strength is to keep fighting and fight against powerful enemies or monsters.

Seeing that the two drinking buddies and adventure partners had joined, the dwarf berserker said without hesitation: "Take me with you too. Old Cogan's ax will help you chop up any enemies that dare to block our way forward." "

"In this case, the team has been decided. You should go back and prepare quickly, and then we will teleport directly to Deepwater City."

After saying that, Zuo Si walked straight towards the teleportation room.

Abala, who didn't need to prepare anything at all, followed behind, looking around at the strange creatures, constructs and magic devices around him.

Since it lived entirely in the primitive tropical rainforest, magic is quite strange and unbelievable to it.

Occasionally, I will be startled by the magic bat that suddenly appears next to me.

However, the spotted cat man soon discovered that these little dots had no ill intentions and were just playing pranks to make themselves happy, and he couldn't help but laugh along with them.

About ten minutes later, when everyone arrived at the teleportation room, Zuo Si immediately activated the teleportation door and sent everyone to the basement of his house in Waterdeep City.

After briefly greeting the butler and leaving some money for daily expenses, he immediately went to Blackstaff Tower alone to visit Kelben.

About half an hour later, the two of them were sitting in the living room, drinking tea and chatting.

"I heard that you used some spiked iron balls that could automatically rotate and track near the forest in the Northland not far from Silvermoon City half a year ago, which caused a lot of casualties to the orcs' army, which directly caused them not to be able to survive. We had time to launch an attack but were forced to disband on the spot?”

Kelben mentioned this matter with great interest.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Well, that's right. I was testing a new magic weapon at the time, and happened to encounter an army of orcs planning to attack Silvermoon City, so I made use of it."

"Can you let me see those iron balls blessed with magic?" Kelben was obviously very curious about this.

Because there has never been anything like this or magic in Faerûn.

"No problem, please wait."

Zuo Si quickly put his hand into his satchel, took out one from the box specially used to hold iron balls, and let it float quietly in mid-air.

As a chosen one of the goddess of magic, Kyle could easily see the arcane light flashing on the iron ball through his own eyes. After a short observation, he immediately exclaimed: "It's incredible. This is what you brought from another world." The magic that came back? It only took so little magic power to make such a heavy iron ball float in the air or even fly at high speed."

“Funny, right?

Best of all, once cast, the spell lasts a long time and is very, very cheap.

Maybe it won't be of much use in a battle between high-level mages, and a wall of force can easily intercept it.

But it's perfect for dealing with ordinary armies and warriors who don't understand magic.

Even a legendary warrior cannot survive a head-on attack without getting hurt. "

Zuo Si introduced the advantages of these "holy balls of physics" without any reservation.

Because this thing was not originally used to deal with spell casters, it doesn't matter even if the other party knows about it.

If someone tries to control these iron balls through magic or magic, he will immediately release a confusion spell to make the iron balls fall into a frantic and uncontrollable state, and collide indiscriminately without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Kelben nodded in agreement and commented: "This kind of magic weapon is indeed very suitable for dealing with a large number of enemies and monsters that do not understand magic. And I also noticed that you gave them constant shrinkage and With repair spells, no matter how much deformation these iron balls produce after the violent impact, they can be quickly restored to their original state in a short period of time."

"Yes. The shrinking spell can make the iron ball more convenient to carry, and it can also enlarge and shrink instantly to make it difficult for the enemy to defend. As for the repair spell, it is to prevent those spikes and blades from deforming and breaking when they hit hard rocks. .With such weapons, those savage, cruel, and bloodthirsty orcs will no longer be able to threaten the civilized world."

When saying these words, Zuo Si did not hide his disgust for the orc race.

Because these green-skinned monsters, who only know how to destroy and plunder, but never produce or create, have no meaning or value in his eyes.

Kelben was keenly aware of this and immediately reminded: "I agree with your view on the orcs, but if you want to massacre the orcs, it is better to be a little more cautious.

Because the orc gods are not weak.

In fact, this wanton massacre of the orc army has made the leaders of many large orc tribes in the North extremely angry.

Not only did they send their most powerful warriors and hunters to kill you, but they also teamed up to offer a huge bounty.

Now there are many bounty hunters and speculators who are eyeing you, ready to exchange your head for a bounty. "

"Oh? It sounds very interesting. Can you tell me which orc tribes are offering bounties for me? It would be better if there is a specific scope of their activities."

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a chilling smile.

For those enemies who want his own life, he always has only one way of responding, and that is to kill them all without mercy.

"Concerning this, I think those bounty hunters, orc warriors, and hunters will come to you soon with answers." Kelben said with a hint of joking in his tone.

After all, it is no secret among the voters of the Magic Goddess that Zuo Si has a strong desire for revenge.

What's more, weakening the number of orcs in the North is completely in line with the interests of a series of important towns in the North, including Waterdeep City, Silvermoon City, Neverwinter City, Chang'an Town, etc.

Every once in a while, the Alliance of Lords will come forward to hire adventurers or form a coalition to wipe out the surging number of orcs around them. Even the churches of many gods will join in.

This is also the reason why the orcs clearly have a very powerful divine system behind them, but they are always marginalized and unpopular on the continent of Faerûn.

Because in this world, the most powerful human gods suppress the gods that the orcs believe in, so the orcs can only survive in forests and wilderness with harsh environments.

If any orc god dares to descend incarnation to try to change the existing situation, then what awaits him will be a group fight from medium to powerful gods.

Whether it is God of Justice, Tyr, Goddess of Magic, Mystra, God of Suffering, Ilmat, God of Loyalty and Courage, Thom, Lord of the Dawn, Lathander, or gods like Ogma, the God of Knowledge, Neutral gods such as the God of Guards, Heim, and the God of War, Tempus, would send down their fighting avatars every minute to smash the heads of the orc gods.

Because what the orcs do seriously conflicts with the teachings and ideas of these gods.

Especially the orc pantheon also has its own god of war.

If they rise and threaten human dominance, Tempus' influence will inevitably diminish.

Therefore, every time there is a large-scale invasion by orcs, Tempus, his church, and believers will definitely actively participate.

Not to mention that the elven gods also have deep grudges with the orc gods.

Among them, the eyes of the orc god Gruumsh were blinded by the elf god Corellon during the battle.

When elves and orcs meet in the wild, there is a 90% chance that they will fight to the death without even saying a word of nonsense.

It is precisely because the orcs and the pantheon behind them have so many enemies that Zuo Si dares to massacre them so unscrupulously without much fear of retaliation.

As long as the incarnation of the god does not come, even if the chosen one of the orc god Gruumsh comes, he is absolutely confident that he can kill the opponent.

In this way, Zuo Si briefly chatted with Kelben about the situation in the North and those evil monsters that could not be killed no matter how hard they tried. Then he suddenly changed the subject and asked in a slightly playful tone: "As a man from Waterdeep City, One of the Lords, what do you think of Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood?"

"Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood?"

Kelben was stunned for a moment, but soon realized something. He touched the beard on his chin and asked, "You don't want to attack them, do you?"

"If, please note that I said if, there is a force that defeats the pirates of Luskan in a naval battle, and then attacks the city and captures it, will Waterdeep intervene?"

Zuo Si chose the bright card without any disguise.

Among the many city-states in the North, Waterdeep City is undoubtedly the most powerful.

Therefore, he needs to understand Waterdeep City's attitude towards this matter first, and then he can decide how far the war will go.

As a chosen one of the Goddess of Magic who is only slightly younger than Elminster, Kelben cooperates very closely with the Harper Alliance and knows that the recently emerged Nelanthel Islands are the handiwork of this young man in front of him.

At the beginning, some Harper executives were still worried that the pirates would become more serious after being integrated and become a nightmare for all merchant ships on the entire west coast.

But later it was discovered that under the control of Zuo Si, instead of continuing to plunder merchant ships, the pirates of the Nelanser Islands quickly established a stable governance structure.

And in the originally chaotic sea where the weak and the strong preyed on each other, an unprecedented order was established.

As long as they pay a certain share of protection fees, merchants can do business with peace of mind without worrying about being robbed.

Even the pirates from Luskan and Whalebone Islands in the north who wanted to come here to make a fortune were beaten back without mercy.

All pirates who surrendered and were captured, the captains and backbones were often executed in public, while ordinary pirates were thrown into quarries, mines and other places to perform hard labor.

Gradually, most of the Harpers dropped their initial vigilance towards this new force and only established a base to collect intelligence in major port cities.

Although the large-scale use of undead as labor has caused some heated debates, overall Kelben is quite satisfied with Zuosi's actions.

Because he thinks order is more important than justice and kindness.

Only by maintaining the most basic order can life and property be protected, and ordinary people can work as they please and support themselves and their families.

What's more, the civilians on the Nelanser Islands are not living a bad life, and they have not suffered too serious exploitation and oppression.

After all, the most dangerous and arduous tasks are taken care of by the undead and hard laborers who have committed serious crimes.

As for those churches that are extremely averse to the undead...

Since they have no good way to deal with the red-robed wizards in Ser, they naturally can't do anything against the Nelanser Islands.

Sensing that Zuo Si might take action against Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood, Kelben's first thought was that Luskan's army had captured Lotham Island not long ago.

However, due to the pressure from the Northern Lords Alliance, they finally had to spit out the meat on their lips.

There is no other way. Maybe using the power of Luskan and the Arcane Brotherhood to bully Lotham Island and Neverwinter is not a big problem.

But when facing city-states like Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City that have a large number of high-level mages and even legendary mages, as well as voters, they basically have no choice but to bow their heads and give in.

Therefore, Waterdeep is far from being like Neverwinter, and I hope someone will quickly eradicate Luskan, this evil neighbor.

Kelben lowered his head and thought for a few minutes before saying, "I personally wouldn't mind Luskan changing to another ruler.

But the problem is, not all the lords in Waterdeep City agree with me.

So I can't give you any guarantee, I can only say that the chance of Waterdeep intervening is not very high.

What you should be more worried about than this is the Zhentarim, who work closely with the Arcane Brotherhood. "

"Do the Zhentarim cooperate with the Arcane Brotherhood?"

This news made Zuo Si frown subconsciously.

Although this huge dark intelligence network is currently in a state of fragmentation, with Cyric's followers and Bane's followers busy fighting for dominance, its strength still cannot be underestimated.

In particular, the mage leader Manzon and the church leader and elector Fuzoul Chamberry were both difficult to deal with.

"Yes. As far as I know, they have shared information with each other for a long time. In addition, they also have some business dealings with the red-robed wizard."

Kelben told everything he knew about Luskan in one breath.

After all, both of them are now chosen by the Goddess of Magic, and the target of their attack is evil. It is only natural to provide some intelligence help.

"I didn't expect that the water of the Arcane Brotherhood is quite deep. But it doesn't matter. Whether it is the Zhentarim or the red wizards, if they dare to interfere, I will make them regret their rashness."

Obviously, Zuo Si didn't take these two famous evil organizations in Faerun to heart.

Because the North has never been the traditional sphere of influence of red-robed wizards, their influence here is very small, and they have no courage to cause trouble under the noses of the several voters of the Magic Goddess.

As for the Zhentarim, as long as you find a time to ask Mansong or Ximanmeng to come out to talk and reach some unknown secret deals, the other party will probably choose to sit back and watch.

You must know that for these believers of Bane, the most important thing at this stage has always been to fight against the erosion of Cyric Church and prevent the Zhentarim and Zhentil Keep from falling into the hands of the latter.

The tense atmosphere between the two sides can even be felt by many outsiders.

"Now that you have your own plan, I won't say anything more. Remember, you are the chosen one of the goddess now. You don't have to rely on yourself like before. You can come to me at any time if you are in danger. Me and I My wife Laila will be very happy to help." Kelben warned earnestly.

Due to Zuo Si's criminal record, he was very worried that the young man in front of him would do some crazy things when he encountered danger, such as releasing the terrible poisons and plagues in his body without reservation.

"Thank you very much. I will do it if necessary. Besides, is there anything else that needs attention?" Zuo Si asked humbly.

"Actually, I think the most important thing you should strive for is the support of Neverwinter. After all, they are at the forefront of the fight against Luskan and are suffering from pirate harassment." Kelben gave advice without thinking.

"Understood. I will go to Neverwinter later to have a discussion with Lord Nasir. I hope he will be as wise as the rumors and can understand the consequences of annihilating the Arcane Brotherhood and transforming Luskan. the benefits of."

After saying that, Zuo Si stood up and said goodbye and left the Black Stick Tower.

Standing at the top of the tower and watching his retreating figure, Kelben suddenly asked without looking back: "What do you think Soth wants to do? He first integrated the pirates of the Nelanthel Islands, followed closely It expanded north to the Corin Islands, then indirectly took control of Baldur's Gate through a naval battle, and now has its sights set on Luskan."

"Hmm... I think he wants to monopolize maritime trade to make a lot of money. According to the reports from Harper's spy, he has been buying all kinds of magic materials at high prices like crazy recently. It is conservatively estimated that the value is at least Millions of gold coins." Laila slowly stepped out of the shadows and guessed in an uncertain tone.

"Acquisition of magic materials for millions of gold coins? Is Soth going to start preparing to study legendary spells?" Kelben was obviously surprised.

"You ask me? How could I possibly know."

Laila smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“This young man is very wary of everything around him and will not easily reveal his thoughts to anyone.

However, his arcane spellcasting level is indeed quite high, and he is only one step away from becoming a legendary mage.

It seems to make sense if it is to prepare for the study of legendary magic.

Don't forget, the goddess gave him ten Netherese scrolls. "

“I would have forgotten if I didn’t mention this.

If he reads all ten scrolls, he will have an astonishing improvement in magic principles, especially spell recognition.

If coupled with a large amount of magical knowledge from other worlds, he is already a quite formidable opponent as an enemy. "

Kelben analyzed it seriously.

Laila smiled and agreed: "That's right. Soth is already a very powerful and dangerous top spellcaster.

In particular, he has a variety of methods, many of which have never appeared in Faerûn.

This can often have unexpected effects in spell duels.

Even if Manson or Sazastan came, they might not get any benefits. "

"It's such a terrifying growth rate. It's exactly the same as Karsus, the genius great arcanist who led to the demise of Netheril civilization." Kelben sighed slightly. "By the way, aren't you going to go to Halua, the country of wizards at the southernmost tip of the continent, on behalf of the goddess recently? How are you preparing?"

"That's almost it. I have recently learned and transcribed all the new spells given to me by the goddess. Then I just need to hand them over to the local church and meet with the elders, and I should be able to complete the mission easily."

Speaking of this, Laila paused deliberately, raised the unique staff in her hand and waved it gently in front of her husband.

"This is……"

Kelben instantly noticed the difference in this staff.

"This is the use of magic skills that Soth brought back from another world. This staff can not only reduce the magic power consumption when casting spells, but also allow me to create several more spell slots out of thin air. It can also shorten the time required by about one-third. Casting speed. How about it, doesn’t it sound amazing?”

With that said, Laila handed over the staff in her hand.

Kelben quickly took it and inspected it carefully, and found that the wood used to make this staff was very special, and there were also some materials containing powerful magical power such as dragon tendons mixed in.

When the holder starts to cast a spell, the entire staff will strengthen the connection with the magic network in a unique way, thereby saving mana and speeding up spell casting.

After figuring this out, he immediately couldn't help but ask: "Are these technologies brought back by Soth from another world?"

Laila nodded without hesitation: "Yes. Not only are there new technologies for making staffs, but there are also a large number of new magics that have been transformed, many of which are low-level spells that can provide convenience for daily life. "

To give her husband a clear idea, over the next few minutes Leila performed a number of spells including cooking, cleaning and repairing.

As a result, this kind of magic that was close to life and completely non-lethal immediately aroused Kelben's strong curiosity.

The couple spent the next few days studying these interesting life magics and began to imagine how peaceful and comfortable a world that could invent such magic would be.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Zuo Si.

After leaving the Black Staff Tower, he immediately led the team to the most notorious Skull Harbor in Waterdeep City.

It is said to be notorious because it is clearly under the nose of Waterdeep City, but it is completely ruled by a group of evil humans and monsters.

Not only do they not abide by the laws of Waterdeep City, but they also buy and sell slaves unscrupulously. Conflicts and murders are commonplace.

In Skullport, order is non-existent.

The only thing that can allow a visitor to save his own life is the ability to make other people or monsters feel afraid.

As for the dark elves, mind flayers, beholder demons, gray dwarves, etc. that are very rare on the surface, they are almost overrun here.

Some evil mages living in Waterdeep City will even visit here from time to time to buy some special raw materials, such as the corpses of various creatures or slaves, and bring them back for use in necromancy magic experiments.

"Damn! This place gives me the chills."

Looking at a beholder and the slave it controlled that just passed by him, the half-orc Rhett couldn't help but shiver.

You know, the moment the other party looked over, he almost picked up the ax and struck at him.

no way!

As a barbarian warrior who is very sensitive to malice, it is inevitable to be mentally nervous in such a hostile place.

In contrast, Old Cogan was completely indifferent to this. He curled his lips and mocked: "Relax, man. It's not us who should really be nervous, but them. I can guarantee that if a conflict and conflict really break out, Fight, and this hidden port will be a river of blood in just a few minutes."

"Yes! I will use fire magic to burn everything down."

Alena, who was afraid that the world would be in chaos, suddenly released a red flame from her palm, which immediately put many people around her on guard.

"That's enough! You all should be honest with me. We are not here to cause trouble, but to reach the depths of Leyline Maze City as soon as possible."

Zuo Si glared at the pyromancer angrily.

Because he knew that a large part of the reason why Skull Port has existed for such a long time was the tacit approval of Halaster Blackrobe.

Otherwise, the mad mage can completely cut off the passage from the ground floor by changing the structure and terrain of the Earthline Maze City at any time.

As for the lords of Waterdeep City, they simply did not want to provoke Halaster Blackrobe, so they did not take action.

In short, the existence of Skull Harbor is the product of a series of delicate balances and compromises.

But Zuo Si didn't care who the real owner of Skull Harbor was, nor was he interested in the residents of the underground world and the thieves' guild.

After paying a fee of three hundred gold coins, he got a small wooden boat that could float in the underground river, and a map that was so simple that it only had a few lines.

It marks how to jump directly over the first few floors of Leyline Maze City through the waterway.

Soon, under the leadership of Zuo Si, a group of people boarded the boat and slowly headed deeper along the underground river.

This time, instead of taking the same route as last time, we went in a big circle and directly chose to go ashore on the fifth floor.

Because the path they had taken before was still firmly remembered in his mind, the team under his leadership reached the crystal maze on the sixteenth floor with almost no effort.

The monsters and enemies encountered along the way were basically either torn into pieces by a few powerful warriors, or were stripped of life by the green light shot by waving the wand and turned into pale corpses.

It was obvious that Zuo Si was deliberately using these monsters to practice and become familiar with the Death Spell, and to test the magic resistance that might weaken it.

When he arrived at the entrance to the sixteenth floor, Elon, who had already been notified, immediately appeared, put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply: "Master, I have arranged everything according to your instructions. Now, as long as With your order, I can immediately use the alchemical potion to put all the Githyanki in the entire starport to sleep, even the red dragons."

"How many people are in the Star Port right now?" Zuo Si asked casually.

"Not counting the hatching eggs and the underage cubs, there are only about thirty people. Four of them are mages, two are psychics, and the rest are basically either warriors or psychic warriors." Erlon Report of 1510.

"What about the magic ship?" Zuo Si continued to ask.

"There is only one, and it is currently docked at the berth of the port. However, the captain is a bit difficult to deal with, and it is not easy to deal with him."

When saying these words, Elon showed a troubled expression.

Because in Githyanki society, the captain of a magical ship has a higher status than the commander of an outpost on the material plane, he cannot give orders to the other party.

"In that case, let's do it. Remember to use a larger dose of the drug. I don't want any fighting to break out and expose the entire plan. As for the captain, I will take care of him myself."

Following Zuo Si's order, Erron immediately took advantage of his authority as the supreme commander of the star port and began to poison everyone "fairly and openly".

In less than an hour, the entire hollowed-out asteroid was filled with sleeping Githyanki and their red dragon allies.

As for Zuo Si, he led people directly into the magic ship docked in the star port, knocked out everyone including the captain and made them into summoning creature cards.

When it was all over, all the Githyanki, except for the underage children, became part of the inner workings and were assigned to Erron's command at their disposal.

At this point, the entire star port has completely fallen into Zuo Si's hands.

After taking control of the star port, the first thing he did was to dismantle the magic ship into parts and figure out the magic knowledge and principles contained in it.

You must know that if ordinary material plane creatures want to enter the astral realm, the magic they usually use is astral projection.

Simply put, it means leaving the physical body in the material world and allowing the conscious spiritual body and soul to enter the astral world to explore and travel.

But the Githyanki are different.

They use magic ships to directly connect their minds, bodies and souls to travel between the material plane and the astral world.

This also means that the magic ship must have some special power to ensure that even warriors who do not understand magic can do this.

In addition, the power system of the magic ship is also very interesting and can be used in many other places.

After figuring out all this and initially mastering the complete set of manufacturing techniques for the magic ship, Zuo Sicai reluctantly reassembled the entire ship with his own hands and handed it back to the captain who had become his own.

"Master, what do you need us to do next?" Erron asked cautiously.

"It's very simple. Instill free thoughts into those children and let them understand how evil and abominable their own ethnic group is. I have a pamphlet here. You can follow the above method to turn all the children who grew up in this base into Be the spark that overthrows the existing system."

With that said, Zuo Si handed over a thin notebook he had prepared in advance.

"As you wish."

Erron rolled his eyes after taking it, and immediately agreed without thinking.

Although he is a Githyanki himself, he has little loyalty to his own kind.

Otherwise, we would not have tried to collude with foreign enemies to seize power.

As for the others, their memories were greatly modified after becoming summoned creatures, completely forgetting the training and brainwashing they received when they were children.

There is only one purpose in living, and that is to serve Zuo Si as a planeswalker.

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