A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 237 Black Lightning (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The cabin at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest is the residence of Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts.

At this moment, this mixed-race giant, who was over three and a half meters tall, was clumsily making tea with the three little ones who suddenly visited him, and also took out his only special snack "rock skin cake".

However, considering how hard this thing was, it was even scarier than the legendary "hardware mooncake", so Hermione, who had dentist parents, just squeezed it lightly and immediately put it back on the plate calmly.

Maybe it was because the Quidditch match had just ended, so both Harry and Ron were in a very high state of mind.

Especially the latter, who was talking endlessly about what he saw.

"It was Snape who did it! Hermione and I both saw it! He was staring at the broom, mumbling, and must have been chanting a spell."

"Nonsense! Why would Snape do that?" Hagrid immediately retorted.

As a close confidant of Dumbledore, he knew very well how much the principal trusted and favored Snape, and he also knew a little about the grudges between Snape and Harry's parents.

So if there is anyone in this school who least wants to see something happen to Harry, Snape is definitely one of them.

But unfortunately, children always only believe what they see.

Moreover, coupled with Snape's usual bad attitude towards Gryffindor House students and his gloomy personality, he did not look like a "good person" in any way.

So after exchanging glances with Hermione and Ron, Harry finally couldn't help but explain: "Because I discovered some of his secrets. On Halloween, Snape wanted to pass the big dog with three heads. , but was bitten hard. We think he wanted to steal something under the trap door."

"Damn it! How do you know Lu Wei with three heads?"

Hagrid was obviously so surprised that he spilled some of the tea in his hand and quickly picked up a rag to wipe it.

"Luwei with three heads? That dog still has a name!"

Ron was stunned, and at the same time he began to realize that something seemed wrong.

Hagrid stammered in response: "Uh... yes. I bought it from a Greek I met in the bar last year, and later lent it to Dumbledore to guard..."

"Guarding what?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Okay, don't ask anymore, that's a secret, understand?"

Hagrid interrupted the curiosity of these little guys in a very rude way.

Although he is not smart, he also knows that things like the Philosopher's Stone are definitely not something that a first-year student should know.

But Harry obviously had no intention of giving up, and immediately argued: "But Snape wants to steal that thing!"

Hagrid shook his head vigorously: "Impossible. Snape is a professor at Hogwarts. He would never do such a thing."

"Then why did Snape cast a spell on Harry? I saw this with my own eyes. When I used the fire spell to light his robes, the uncontrollable broom immediately disappeared. I read it in the book , if a wizard wants to cast a curse on someone or something, then he must keep his eyes fixed on the target. Snape happened to be staring at Harry at the time, and he didn't even blink."

Hermione frowned and gave the evidence she observed.

From the girl's point of view, this can almost be regarded as "taking the stolen goods together."

According to the laws of the Muggle world, they can be directly arrested and sentenced for attempted murder.

Unfortunately, Hagrid didn't believe the words of a child, especially a child from a Muggle family, and interrupted with an impatient look: "I'll say it again, you are all wrong.

There must be some misunderstanding.

Although I don't know why Harry's broom behaved abnormally, there is absolutely no way that Snape would want to kill a student.

Now, the three of you immediately forget about the big dog and everything related to this matter.

Because this is very dangerous and involves Professor Dumbledore and Nico Flamel..."

"Nicholas Flamel?" Hermione was stunned for a moment, but then her eyes shone slightly. "I think I heard Soth mention this name not long ago!"

"Who is he?" Harry asked quickly.

"I don't remember clearly. But we can ask him."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now."

In the blink of an eye, the three little guys dropped the teacups in their hands and ran out of the hunting lodge towards the castle.

Hagrid, on the other hand, sat there sulking at himself for accidentally revealing his secret.

But he obviously didn't know that all this was expected by Dumbledore, and it was even the most important part of the plan.

After about half an hour, Hermione finally rushed into the room on the third floor with Harry and Ron.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, she immediately asked at a very fast speed: "Soss, have you ever mentioned a person named Nico Flamel before?"

"Um, yes. Any questions?"

Zuo Simitou stopped the experiment he was doing and raised his head to look at the three silly children who were easily induced by Dumbledore like marionettes.

"Who is he? What does he have to do with our headmaster Dumbledore?" Harry couldn't help but interjected.

Because he was really curious about what kind of important things the big dog with three heads, Lu Wei, was guarding, so much so that a professor like Snape wanted to get it.

"Nicolas Flamel, one of the most famous alchemists born in the fourteenth century, is also the longest-lived wizard currently known.

He is about six hundred years old this year. He graduated from Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which also has a long history. He is a good friend of our principal.

One of the most famous achievements is the creation of the only sorcerer's stone.

This top-notch alchemical creation can not only turn other metals into gold, but also refine the elixir of life.

His deeds are generally recorded in various historical books.

Even the chocolate frog wizard cards that you often eat as snacks have many records in this regard.

If I remember correctly, one of the chocolate frogs you ate on the train featured Dumbledore and included some of his and Nico Flamel's exploits. "

Zuo Si gave all the information about the alchemist straightforwardly.

In other words, this was originally a clue that Dumbledore deliberately left for the "savior" Harry to pursue.

But he didn't quite understand why the old man was so obsessed with letting a child take on the task of destroying Voldemort, even at the cost of his own death.

Isn't it just a Horcrux?

Wouldn't it be nice to resurrect each one and kill each one, and then destroy each one you find?

Why go to all the trouble.

Anyway, with the help of the Philosopher's Stone, Dumbledore could live for hundreds or even thousands of years like Nicolas Flamel, slowly consuming Voldemort to see who could consume whom in the end.

You must know that the more you do things like tearing your soul apart, the more serious the consequences and costs will be.

No living soul can be divided indefinitely.

So when Voldemort tore his soul apart to an unsustainable level by creating Horcruxes, his own soul would collapse instantly and disappear from this world forever.

In the end, Zuo Si could only classify Dumbledore's behavior as not having a high enough vision and not fully understanding the nature of life and soul.

After all, the wizards in this world still don't even understand what death is, let alone come back from the dead in the true sense.

Therefore, it is understandable to have instinctive awe and fear for things like Horcruxes.

But in Zuo Si's view, the so-called Horcrux is just an inferior version of the Lich's Life Box, and may not be as good as the Lich's Life Box.

Because the phylactery at least retains the lich's soul completely, while the horcrux only retains a small fragment of the soul.

Perhaps the Shattered Phylactery technique invented by Ovo, the great arcanist who became the Fat Mansion Lich, may have adopted a similar idea.

However, as he is so proficient in necromancy magic, he should not do such an extremely stupid thing as tearing his own soul apart. Instead, he would make each phylactery a container that can preserve the soul.

When one of them is destroyed, the soul will be immediately transferred to the other phylactery, thereby achieving the goal of never dying even if only one phylactery is not destroyed.

"Alchemist? Philosopher's stone? Able to transform metals into gold and prepare elixirs of life?" Harry had a look of realization on his face. "Damn it! I think I understand why Snape wanted it."

Ron, who always looked silly, nodded and agreed: "That's right! Who wouldn't want to get such a powerful treasure?"

"Sorry to bother you, do you really doubt that Professor Snape would steal the Philosopher's Stone for money and the elixir of life? Or, do you really understand Severus Snape's reputation in the wizarding world?"

Zuo Si was instantly amused by their stupidity and self-righteousness.

"What's the meaning?"

Ron suddenly felt Zuo Si looking at him, as if he were looking at an idiot and fool, and immediately felt his pride was offended.

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently and explained: "Our Professor Snape is a famous potion master even in the world.

Every day, wizards from all over the world were willing to spend a lot of money to invite him to help refine some special potions.

If he needs money, he doesn't need anything like the Philosopher's Stone. He can earn a lot of gold galleons like me just by taking a few more orders.

As for extending lifespan, do you think it is really necessary at Professor Snape's age?

What's more, there are several potions in the potion that can extend life.

As a master of potions, he could prepare it whenever he wanted.

So your assumption about motivation was wrong from the beginning. "

"But I clearly saw him casting a curse on Harry's broom on the Quidditch field today." Hermione questioned with great confusion.

"For many things, what you see with your own eyes is not necessarily the truth, and may also be a misunderstanding. How do you know that Professor Snape is casting a curse instead of helping to break the curse?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

Hearing these words, a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Hermione's eyes, and she asked impatiently: "You mean... Professor Snape was protecting Harry at that time? And there were other people who wanted to harm him. people?"

"Instead of being so suspicious, why not go directly to Professor Snape himself, or go to Principal Dumbledore? Do you need me to take you there?"

Zuo Si obviously had no interest in playing this ridiculous game with the other party, so he straightforwardly offered a solution.

After all, this matter was not complicated from the beginning. On the one hand, it was Dumbledore's deliberate induction, and on the other hand, it was the misunderstanding caused by Snape's gloomy character and behavior.

As long as we get together and explain things clearly, there won't be so much nonsense.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si obviously overestimated the proportion of rationality in children's thinking.

Both Ron and Harry had a considerable degree of prejudice against Snape, so they refused the offer without hesitation and returned to the Gryffindor common room.

In contrast, Hermione became smarter under Zuo Si's training, and seemed to have noticed something. After the two of them were completely far away, she lowered her voice and cautiously asked: "Do you already know the truth? "

"Oh? How did you see that?" Zuo Si had a playful smile on his face.

"Because you ruled out Professor Snape's suspicion too quickly, which is illogical. And when you mentioned confronting Snape and Professor Dumbledore, you didn't have the slightest worry. Except that you already knew the truth. , I really can't think of any other reasons." Hermione analyzed with a serious look.

Seeing that the girl still maintained her sanity and was not being manipulated like a pawn like the other two silly boys, Zuo Si immediately showed a satisfied smile: "Good judgment. You guessed it, I do know some truths, but But I can’t tell you. Because all of this is the principal’s training and test of our great savior, Harry Potter.”

"Cultivate and test?"

Hermione instantly caught two key words.

Because she was born into a Muggle family, her attitude towards Harry Potter was not like that of other classmates from wizarding families, who were somewhat admiring.

He knew very well that the famous "Savior" in the magical world was actually a peer of his own age, and there was nothing special about him.

"Yes. Guess, why is Harry Potter called the savior? Is it just because he was the first person to successfully survive the death curse? Or do you really believe in him as a baby? Defeated the Dark Lord, who even Dumbledore was very afraid of?" Zuo Si asked several key questions in one breath.

Hermione lowered her head and pondered for a long time, and finally shook her head blankly: "I...I don't know."

"Then did you notice the lightning-shaped scar on Harry's forehead?" Zuo Si gave a small hint.

"I noticed it. Is there anything wrong with that scar?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"I can only tell you that it is not an ordinary scar.

Because of this, Harry is so special and qualified to be called the savior of the wizarding world, at least the British wizarding community.

The term refers not to the past and present, but to the near future.

And it has something to do with a prophecy.

Including Principal Dumbledore and Professor Snape, they were all insiders of this matter.

So you were worried that Professor Snape would steal the Philosopher's Stone. You were wrong from the beginning, and very wrong. "

Zuo Si quickly revealed part of the mystery.

He didn't want the smart girl in front of him to follow her original life path and become a nanny for two silly boys, Harry and Ron. That would be a waste of talent.

Instead, he plans to train him to be a good helper for him in this world.

There is no doubt that no matter which one of these breaking news, Hermione's young heart was greatly shocked, and her whole person fell into silence.

After several minutes, she slowly came back to her senses and asked in a slightly trembling voice: "You...how do you know this?"

"It's simple. When you have enough knowledge and power, you will naturally know secrets that many people have never heard of.

So promise me not to get involved in this matter again.

If Harry really encounters any danger, whether it is Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, or Snape, who usually seems to be targeting you, they will immediately choose to take action.

Hogwarts is safe, much safer than you think. "

After saying these words, Zuo Si ignored the girl's extremely shocked facial expression, picked up the swelling potion and poured it into an experimental mouse.

The next second...

The mouse began to expand rapidly, from the size of a palm to the size of a cat in the blink of an eye.

It's just that because the muscles, blood vessels, and skin are stretched to the extreme, the appearance looks extremely ferocious and terrifying.

The body looks round as if it is filled with air.

What's even more incredible is that in this state, the strength actually increased several times, and it made a harsh squeaking sound.

But after a while, the rat's expanded body exceeded the limit it could bear, and then exploded with a bang.

Blood, scraps of flesh, bones and entrails were scattered everywhere.

Fortunately, Zuo Si was prepared and threw it into a sealed transparent container in advance, so it did not cause too much pollution to the room.

With a wave of the wand, the cleaning spell instantly cleaned the bloody container.

Through this experiment, he can basically confirm that the swelling potion is the same as the swelling spell. It can increase the target's size by almost six times and increase its strength by almost three times.

If it is taken by a summoned creature in battle, its ability to fight in close combat will be greatly improved.

The only uncertainty now is what the upper dose limit is and whether it will be weakened or enhanced by the magic resistance of the creature taking it.

The more Zuo Si learned about those interesting spells and potions, the more Zuo Si felt that there were many things with great potential to be explored in this world.

However, due to being in a peaceful environment for a long time, the wizards did not focus on developing killing, destroying and destructive spells.

Many of the spells and potions can easily kill people immediately with just a few modifications.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden explosion of the mouse obviously aroused Hermione's curiosity, causing her to temporarily forget the subversive information just now.

Zuo Si responded without raising his head: "It's nothing, just testing the effect of the swelling medicine. Oh, by the way, considering that the Christmas holiday will be here soon, all work will be stopped starting tomorrow, and I won't be able to do it during this period." We will take any more orders. You can relax and get ready to go home to your parents."

"What about you? Will you stay at school during the Christmas vacation or go home?" Hermione asked cautiously.

"Of course I'm going home. I have a lot of ideas and plans, and I plan to get them all done during this holiday. In addition, there are still some things that need to be purchased." Zuo Si casually stated his arrangements.

To be honest, the Christmas vacation given by Hogwarts is not very long, only about two weeks.

Considering that we have to return to Faerun to deal with some things, the actual available time is estimated to be only about five or six days.

"Well, it looks like you're going to have a busy holiday. If you need help with anything, send me an owl. Of course, you can also call me."

Hearing Zuo Si's arrangements, Hermione swallowed back the idea of ​​inviting him to her home for Christmas, and quickly ran back to the Gryffindor common room as if she had done something wrong.

However, Zuo Si, who was in a state of concentration, did not notice this, and in the next few days began to make the flying broomsticks promised to the Weasley twin brothers.

As an expert in the manufacture of magic items, the knowledge, technology and conveniences brought by his profession as a creator are simply not comparable to those of the wizards of the Flying Broomstick Manufacturing Company.

After purchasing suitable wood through special channels, it took less than half an hour to shape it into the required shape.

Different from the traditional broom shape, Zuo Si's design adopts a streamlined frame full of technology, and the ends that look like a bunch of dead branches are tied together with a huge metal four-hole jet accelerator. replaced.

This thing uses the principle of wind creation. It can accelerate in four gears through four spray holes. At the fastest time, it can even exceed the speed of sound in a short time. It can also achieve a sharp turn of 90 degrees by adjusting the position of the spray holes.

In order to offset the damage that may be caused by the ultra-high speed, he also added a series of constant absorption and protective magic to ensure that the person riding on it would not be injured or even killed when the sound barrier was broken.

Finally, when it was nearly completed, a shield technique was added that could be automatically triggered when encountering danger to ensure that it could provide some protection when it needed to collide with an opponent.

In short, because Zuo Si personally designed and produced these two black brooms, they will completely crush the existing flying brooms in the world, even the "Firebolt" which will be known as the highest craftsmanship of flying brooms in the future.

And when the four jet accelerators at the tail are in effect, they will also produce visual flames ranging from red, orange, to blue and white depending on the speed, to satisfy the twin brothers' desire to be eye-catching at any time.

According to the original preparation, Zuo Si wanted to give away the two brooms as gifts on Christmas Eve.

But who knows plans never change quickly.

On the eve of the second Gryffindor Quidditch match, George and Fred happened to pass by again and spotted the black broomstick on the shelf, and immediately let out an excited exclamation.

"Merlin's beard! This is the broomstick you made? Unbelievable! It's so beautiful!"

"Yeah! This thing is like a work of art!"

"Soth, how fast is it flying?"

Seeing that both of them were drooling, Zuo Si smiled and replied: "It is more than four times as powerful as the Nimbus 2000, the best flying broomstick currently on the market."

"What? Are you sure this is not a joke!" George opened his mouth in shock.

The speed of Nimbus 2000 is three hundred kilometers per hour, four times that is one thousand two hundred kilometers per hour.

He can guarantee that there is no aircraft in the entire magical world that can reach such an appalling speed.

"Of course not. When Christmas comes, you will be able to ride on it and experience it for yourself. Remember not to activate all four accelerators when you are at low altitude. Otherwise, you may directly hit the objects around the stadium because of the speed. Stand." Zuo Si reminded kindly.

"Why wait until Christmas? We want to ride it now and race it for a while."

Fred immediately threw away the sweeping five-star in his hand, held the black heart broom in his arms and caressed it affectionately, as if it was the love of his life.

Of course, George was not much better, and he made the same choice just a second or two later.

Men's nature of loving the new and hating the old is clearly reflected in them.

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily and said, "If you take away the broom now, there will be no gifts for Christmas. I won't spend any more time preparing a second Christmas surprise for you two."

"No problem! Because these two broomsticks are enough of a surprise!"

Fred agreed immediately without even hesitating.

In his opinion, this was a matter of course.

George also nodded quickly and agreed: "That's right, brother. This is the best Christmas gift I have ever received in my life. By the way, Soth, do these two broomsticks have names?"

Zuo Si shook his head gently: "No, I'm not very interested in naming things. As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter what name you give the broom."

"Hahahaha! You are so considerate!" Fred danced excitedly, then turned around and asked his twin brother. "What do you think about calling them Black Lightning? After all, this is a super broom that is four times faster than Nimbus 2000."

"Black Lightning is a good name, I completely agree. Come on, let's go show it to Harry and Wood now."

"I can't wait to see their stunned expressions."

Following the exciting discussion, the twin brothers quickly walked shoulder to shoulder in the direction of the stadium.

Since the game is about to start in half an hour, the players from both teams have already come to their respective lounges to make final preparations.

When the two men walked in carrying unique brooms, Captain Oliver Wood immediately stood up and asked in a very puzzled tone: "What are you holding in your hands? A broom?"

"Of course! This is the new broom that Soth promised to make for us as we told you some time ago. How about it, isn't it cool?" George showed off with a grin.

"According to Soth, the maximum flying speed of this broom is four times that of Harry's Nimbus 2000." Fred added immediately.

"What? How is this possible!" Angelina Johnson was obviously shocked by this data.

Not to mention her, everyone else on the team had the same reaction, that is, they couldn't believe it.

In contrast, Wood was more worried about the safety of this privately made broom, and continued to ask with a frown on his face: "Are you sure it won't fall off if you ride this untested broom?"

"We believe in Soth!"

"Yes! He is a genius who knows everything."

When the twin brothers said this, there was no hesitation or hesitation at all.

"Well, I hope your brooms don't have any problems during the competition."

Wood didn't say much about the choices of George and Fred.

As a senior student, it was naturally impossible for him not to know Zuo Si's current fame in Hogwarts and even the entire magical world, as well as the spell storage technology he invented.

Therefore, I am full of expectations for these two unique black brooms.

After a short period of repair, the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw players soon appeared on the field.

As expected, Black Lightning instantly attracted the attention of countless viewers.

Lee Jordan, who was in charge of the on-site commentary, saw this scene and immediately stood up and shouted excitedly: "Look! The Gryffindor team's batters George and Fred replaced the sweeping five-stars they used in the previous game! It’s incredible! I’ve never seen a flying broom like this on the market.”

If it were normal times, when the commentator seriously deviated from the game, Professor McGonagall sitting aside would definitely remind him immediately.

But this time, she was also attracted by the broomsticks held by the twins.

After all, back then, this transfiguration professor who always seemed to have a serious face was also an avid Quidditch enthusiast and player.

Otherwise, he would not have recommended Harry to Captain Wood immediately after seeing his flying talent.

Since Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are not as full of tension all day long as they are with Slytherin, the relationship between the players on both sides is relatively harmonious.

While shaking hands, one chaser couldn't help but ask: "Hey! George, Fred, what's going on with your broomsticks?"

"Hey! You'll know in a minute."

The twin brothers responded with a smile in unison.

A few minutes later, with the whistle of the referee Mrs. Huo Qi, the game finally officially started.

Just as Harry was climbing up to find the Golden Snitch as soon as possible, he suddenly saw George's unique flying broom shooting out a dazzling red fire from the aperture of one of the accelerators at the back.

Before he could react to what was happening, the opponent passed by him at lightning speed, bringing with him a strong air current.

In less than three to five seconds, he caught up with the Bludger in front, then took turns with his stick and beat it hard.


The Bludger changed direction in response, turning around from chasing the Gryffindor players to flying towards the Ravenclaw players.

The latter was so frightened that he quickly adjusted his direction to dodge, thereby missing the best opportunity to attack.

Just when he was about to pass the Quaffle to his teammate, Fred caught up with another Bludger in the same way and waved the stick again to force it to change direction.

In a panic, the Ravenclaw chaser accidentally dropped the Quaffle, which happened to be caught by the Gryffindor players and quickly launched a counterattack, successfully getting a good start.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

The commentator Lee Jordan stood up excitedly and said three unbelievable words in one breath.

"What did I see?

Those two black broomsticks caught up with the Bludger effortlessly!

This is simply amazing!

You must know that even Nimbus 2000 cannot do this in such a short period of time.

And when accelerating, dazzling flames will be ejected from behind the broom.

Merlin! I would trade having no Christmas gifts for the rest of my life for a broom like this. "

There is no doubt that Lee Jordan expressed the inner wishes of many little wizards present.

Ron, who was sitting in the stands, was even more shocked. He murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Is this the new broom that George and Fred mentioned? Damn it! Why is Sos so treating them both?" good……"

Unfortunately, no one could answer his question.

Because Hermione didn't come at all today.

In this way, under the strong suppression of the Weasley's twins' new broomsticks, the Quidditch match completely turned into a dodgeball competition. A Ravenclaw player might die on the spot if he was not careful, so there was no time to care. The Quaffle and the Snitch.

As for the result of the game, there were one of the few zero points in the history of Hogwarts.


Crazy George and Fred directly gave the Ravenclaw team a zero.

Gryffindor's goalkeeper and captain Wood was so bored that he almost caught a cold. He had nothing to do throughout the whole process and watched them perform wonderful performances like a bystander.

Especially the last few times when the four accelerators were activated at the same time, the terrifying speeds that instantly passed over the stadium and the sonic booms and shock waves caused by exceeding the speed of sound drove this group of wizards who had never seen the world into madness.

The cruel reality once again proves that there is no fairness in the sport of Quidditch.

Apart from anything else, the fact that even the flying broomsticks are not unified means that they can make a big fuss about this aspect. In essence, it is not much different from the high-tech swimsuits, running shoes and undetectable doping in the Olympic Games.

This is one of the important reasons why Zuo Si has never been interested in sports competitions.

In his view, cheating is the instinct of all intelligent creatures. As long as there is enough benefit, contestants will try their best to use various means to increase their chances of winning.

After the game ended, the Ravenclaw players, who had been abused for the whole game, immediately approached Principal Dumbledore and Mrs. Hooch and demanded that this cheating broom be banned.

Because if it is not banned, all Quidditch games before the two graduates will not have any suspense.

Moreover, the act of constantly hitting Bludgers at players like this is too dangerous, and a life may be lost if you are not careful.

In the end, under the joint protest of the other three colleges, Dumbledore finally made a compromise and said that the school would pay for the twin brothers to buy two Nimbus 2000 in exchange for them giving up using Black Lightning in the competition.

It has to be said that although this result seems to be a big loss for Gryffindor House, it is definitely a huge profit for George and Fred, who have prostituted two broomsticks for nothing.

So instead of frowning, they laughed happily.

Of course, in order to share the happiness with their teammates and friends, the two generously gave up the black lightning, allowing everyone to ride up to the sky and experience the lightning-like speed.

"Harry, how are you feeling?" Ron asked, suppressing the sour water in his heart.

"Awesome! If you compare an ordinary broom to a car, then the Nimbus 2000 is like a propeller plane, and the Black Lightning is a supersonic jet. Especially the moment you start the four accelerators, it seems like the world around you has become blurry. Yes. I like this feeling."

Harry was an honest kid and didn't hide his thoughts at all, and he was full of praise for Black Lightning.

Likewise, he understood Dumbledore's final decision to ban its use in school competitions.

Otherwise, future games will lose their suspense and become a show for the twin brothers.

Although Harry hoped that his Gryffindor house could keep winning, he did not want to win in this way.

"Do you think...if we go to Soth and make a request, will he make one for us?" Ron asked weakly.

Harry smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't dream. I heard that the reason Zuo Si was willing to make brooms for George and Fred was to reward them for knocking out the captain of Slytherin House, Ma Cus Flint was knocked off his broom.

I believe you also saw how bloody and brutal the scene was.

So unless we can do the same thing, it's impossible for Isos' character to say yes.

And according to Wood's speculation, if a broom like this was sold on the market, it would fetch at least several thousand or even tens of thousands of gold galleons.

Countless professional Quidditch players and teams would break their heads trying to get it. "

"How many thousands? So George and Fred will make a lot of money this time!"

Ron subconsciously cast his gaze at Marcus Flint, who had just recovered and been discharged from the hospital not far away, with a malicious light in his eyes.

But after comparing the size difference between the other party and his own, he sighed helplessly: "Oh - it would be great if we could also make our own flying brooms."

"It would be easier to beat Marcus Flint into the school hospital. After all, to make a flying broom, you need to use at least thirty advanced spells, and the wood must be special wood that can be used to make a wand. At the level of Hogwarts students, not many can do it even after graduating from seventh grade. If you don't believe it, you can ask Percy."

Harry interrupted his friend's unrealistic delusions.

Compared to Ron, who was born in a wizarding family, he who grew up in a Muggle family is obviously more likely to accept a peer who is better than himself.

As for envy and jealousy, it cannot be said that there is no such thing, but considering that Zuo Si can live alone in Slytherin House, where everyone is surrounded by hostility, and can make the other party afraid, Harry feels very impressed.

Because he was bullied and isolated by his classmates more than once when he was in elementary school, and he understands how difficult it is to reverse such a situation.

"Okay, you're right. Maybe I can borrow it from George or Fred during the Christmas holidays."

After saying that, Ron reluctantly removed his eyes from the black broom held by his twin brother and returned to the castle side by side with Harry.

But the other Gryffindor students stayed on the court, queuing up to experience the incredible speed of Black Lightning.

It wasn't until the sky darkened and the professors began to drive people away that the carnival finally came to an end.

Even after returning to the castle, they were still talking about the two flying broomsticks made by Zuo Si with undiminished interest.

And as the description becomes more and more exaggerated and outrageous, it seems to be vaguely about to become a campus legend.

The intensity of the horror continued until the Christmas holidays, when it abated slightly.

All the students, including Hermione, who were returning home to spend Christmas, had packed their suitcases and boarded the Hogwarts Express again, heading to Platform 9 and Three Quarters at King's Cross Station.

However, compared with the grand occasion at the beginning of school, the number of people on the bus was obviously much smaller this time.

Because many students don't want that much trouble, they just choose to stay in school and spend time with their friends.

Just when Zuo Si and Hermione were sitting in a carriage reading quietly, Malfoy and his two followers suddenly appeared at the door of the carriage.

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