A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 233 Never underestimate the power of technology (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Except for the two parties involved, no one knows what exactly happened in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

But when Rita Skeeter walked out of it, she no longer had the arrogant and aggressive attitude before. Instead, she was as docile as a dog tamed by its owner.

Both his attitude and tone of speech had undergone a 180-degree turn.

Not only that, she also praised Zuo Si as much as she could, and said that she would write a special report after returning home to let wizards around the world know that there is such a genius in Hogwarts who is destined to lead a new era.

Obviously, this sudden change made other colleagues very uncomfortable.

Especially the reporter from "Wizard Weekly", who knows his colleague's style and way of doing things better than anyone else, and has no idea whether the other person's brain was damaged by the door, or whether there is something behind Zuo Si that he can't afford to offend. force or family, so they behave completely differently from usual.

But before the middle-aged man had time to test her, Rita Skeeter left Hogwarts in a hurry and fled for her life.

Because every time she saw Zuo Si's black eyes, she would immediately recall the severe pain caused by the Cruciatus Curse on her body.

Even though it was just an illusion, it felt extremely real.

You don't need to ask to know that Rita Skeeter has inevitably suffered from persistent phantom pain after being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse for half an hour.

She just doesn't know whether this situation is a temporary stress reaction or a nightmare that will accompany her throughout her life.

However, Zuo Si will not have any mercy or mercy for this kind of troublemaker who spreads rumors, slanders, and fabricates fake news to mislead the public all day long.

If it weren't for the inconvenience at Hogwarts, he would even use Rita Skeeter to test the three unforgivable curses he had just learned, instead of just the Cruciatus Curse.

In fact, learning the three unforgivable curses and black magic is not as difficult as imagined.

Except for the books on how to make Horcruxes, which were later taken away and hidden by Dumbledore, the rest of the spells and information can be found in the restricted book area of ​​the Hogwarts library. Even many senior students can master one or two. indivual.

It’s just that most of the time it’s not easy to use.

"What did you do to Rita Skeeter?" Dumbledore asked meaningfully.

"It's nothing, I just gave her a little warning." Zuo Si answered lightly.

Dumbledore obviously did not expect that this "little warning" was actually torturing a person with the Cruciatus Curse for half an hour. He thought it was just a threat or intimidation, so he immediately shook his head with a smile. Sighed: "You are really young and energetic. But promise me, don't do this next time. You know, it may be okay if you use this method once or twice, but if you use it too much, there will always be problems. Once it is marked It’s very difficult to take off the label of a dark wizard.”

But Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I don't care. Compared to these trivial matters, when do you plan to deal with the possessed Professor Quirrell? You must know that he is currently using black magic. Defense class is a disaster and a waste of all students’ time.”

"Oh? How did you know that Professor Quirrell was possessed?" Dumbledore looked surprised.

He thought that this secret was well hidden, at least not among the students except for a few professors.

"I can smell the smell of rot, curse, weakness and pain coming from the soul even from dozens of meters away." Zuo Si gave a straightforward answer.

With divine power and the energy transformed from it, identifying Voldemort's tortured soul was as easy as eating and drinking.

Since he had torn his own soul apart more than once to create Horcruxes, this guy's soul was worse than a newborn baby or a remnant soul torn apart by necromantic magic.

Perhaps it is because of this that Voldemort desires immortality no matter what.

Because once he dies, given the state of his soul, he may not even be able to cross the boundary between the world of the living and the dead.

"Have you read that book about the soul?"

Dumbledore seemed to realize something, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"That's right!"

Zuo Si nodded unabashedly.

"In my opinion, there is nothing more foolish than creating Horcruxes to achieve immortality.

For a person, the soul is the most special and important thing, even life cannot compare with it.

But a certain second-rate wizard tore his soul into pieces for a so-called eternal life, which was like losing watermelon and picking up sesame seeds. "

"Then what would you do if it were you?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and asked.

“There are many ways.

For example, through magic, you can fundamentally transform yourself into an immortal race;

Or you can delve deeply into the unique form of ghosts, and then abandon your body to live forever as a pure soul;

No matter how bad the situation is, you can also use alchemical items such as magic stones to forcibly slow down the rate of physical decay.

In short, there are many ways for people to escape death, but making a Horcrux is undoubtedly the one with the most serious consequences.

What's more, every split Horcrux is equivalent to an independent personality. How can you ensure that it will be you when it wakes up? "

Zuo Si put forward a paradox in a contemptuous tone.

As we all know, a person's "personality" is composed of countless memories, genes, hormones, and a series of extremely complex things.

Therefore, if a person "backs up" his or her current state, and then "loads" it after a sudden death, he or she will inevitably lose the part of the memory that has not been "archived".

So when the "backup" is resurrected, will this person still be the same person?

At least in Zuo Si's view, the previous person was dead, and what was left was just a clone or replica that inherited most of that person's memories.

Unless one can create a body without a soul like [Static Clone Technique], and then after the body is destroyed, the soul can be reborn directly on the backup body with all the memories, then this can be regarded as resurrection and immortality in the true sense.

"You mean... every time that person dies, there will inevitably be slight changes in his original personality?"

Dumbledore's eyes shone slightly, obviously amazed by this novel theory.

If this inference is correct, then Tom Riddle's Horcrux is not as scary as he imagined.

the reason is simple!

Because the fragmented soul fragments have not experienced failure firsthand, they will never learn the lesson and will still retain the character flaw of arrogance.

Zuo Si shook his head gently: "I don't know. I have never met Voldemort himself, and I don't know his current state and thoughts.

But one thing is certain, that is, except for his attainments in spells and magic, he has nothing worthy of praise.

Both the structure and the vision are horribly narrow, just like a paranoid lunatic armed with dangerous weapons, with no sense at all in his head. "

According to the Faerun camp, Voldemort is undoubtedly an out-and-out chaotic evil.

He may be really smart and good at planning and calculation, but his arbitrary character determines that he will never be able to strictly implement the plans he has made.

Maybe something will happen when your temper gets angry.

"How do you think I should deal with Professor Quirrell and the residual soul attached to him?" Dumbledore took off his glasses and rubbed his dry eyes and asked.

"Don't you already have a plan?

For example, it cultivates the wisdom, courage and courage of the savior and his companions, and also sets up adventure mini-games one after another for this purpose.

To be honest, before I entered Hogwarts, I had never heard of a school where teachers could be so biased.

Both you and Professor Snape have turned the so-called Academy Cup full of honors into a huge joke and black humor. "

Zuo Si expressed his views simply and neatly, and made no secret of his disdain for this behavior.

Dumbledore smiled bitterly and sighed, not wanting to explain at all. He just responded in a slightly low tone: "We have no choice but to do this. You have to understand that Harry is responsible for an incomparable task." An important mission, and a mission that only he can complete, so he must accept more tests than other students."

"So the most important fairness of a magic school is sacrificed for the greater good?

If you, as the rule maker and enforcer, don't follow it.

So how long do you think these rules can last?

Dear Principal, don’t think that you are the only smart person in the world, and don’t think that all the students in the school are idiots.

Believe me, anyone who tries to play with the rules will eventually be struck back by the rules.

Finally, thank you for recommending my note to the International Confederation of Wizards and the Wizengamot. "

After saying this, Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly, then turned around and left without looking back.

After his figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, Dumbledore raised his head and asked Nico Flamel, who was standing aside without saying a word: "How is it, my old friend, what do you think of him?"

"As a wizard, Soth's performance is perfect, and it can even be said that he has all the qualities necessary to become a great wizard.

For example, his intelligence is beyond ordinary people, the most powerful magical talent I have seen so far, his unique way of thinking, and his independent will that will never agree with others.

If he really has the blood of the Dumbledore family, then his future will be limitless. "

Nico Flamel excitedly gave a very high evaluation.

To be exact, he couldn't remember the last time he was so excited, and thought that this calm state of mind would last until the end of his life.

"What about his character? Don't you think he is too cold most of the time? He doesn't even make many friends in school." Dumbledore prompted.

But Nico Flamel smiled and shook his head: “No, I don’t think so at all.

Because Soth's indifference stems from his extraordinary intelligence and reason.

After all, you can't force a genius who has the same abilities as an adult, or even surpasses most adult wizards, to behave like an ordinary eleven-year-old child.

If that's the case, you should be extra careful. "

"I understand what you mean. This was how Tom Riddle successfully deceived most of the professors in the school. By the way, did Soos ask you about the Sorcerer's Stone?" Dumbledore asked straightforwardly. asked.

"No, we just exchanged some experiences about alchemy. In fact, he has guessed the truth that I can create the magic stone. If he is willing, he should be able to create his own magic in a few more years. stone."

When he said these words, Nico Flamel's eyes shone with a strange light.

As one of the top alchemist masters in the world, he naturally hopes that the art of making magic stones can continue to be passed down after his death.

But unfortunately, the talents of several disciples taught by Nico Flamel were a bit unsatisfactory in this area, and they were not enough to understand the complex and exquisite mysteries of the Philosopher's Stone.

But the appearance of Zuo Si made him realize that this was the only person who could truly pass on the magic stone manufacturing technology.

"You gave him your alchemy notes?!" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Nico Flamel replied very simply: "Yes, I gave my alchemy notes to Soth as a gift. Because I believe that he will one day surpass you and me and become the proud man who leads the next era. "

"Aren't you worried that he will become the next Dark Lord?"

"No, it won't. Don't forget the recognition he showed when talking about the rapid development of the Muggle world in the past two or three hundred years. I don't think such a person will eventually be like Tom and Gellert. Full of hostility. So give up your unnecessary worries." Nico Flamel advised earnestly.

He was so aware of the psychological shadow that Voldemort's incident had caused on his friend that whenever he saw a smart and talented little wizard, he could not help but be on guard.

"Well, I hope you're right."

Dumbledore didn't argue too much on this topic, but he also wouldn't give up his guard easily.

In the eyes of the greatest wizard of our time, Zuo Si is still a "dangerous person" who needs more attention.

But fortunately for him, Zuo Si at least had a close relationship with Hermione Granger, and unlike Voldemort, he didn't completely regard the people around him as his subordinates and tools.

Two days later, when the latest issues of "Daily Prophet" and "Wizard Weekly" were delivered to Hogwarts via owl.

The students in the whole school were in shock and admiration, and turned their attention to Zuo Si, who was always sitting alone in the corner fiddling with something.

Because on the front pages of these two influential media in the magical world, there is a photo of his activities, as well as a large number of praises from authoritative institutions and well-known wizards.

In particular, Rita Skeeter's article continued her usual exaggerated style, almost touting Zuo Si as a rising star in the magical world, destined to leave a mark in the history of wizards.

Some of the disgusting words are simply disgusting to read.

Of course, for those little wizards who think about how to stand out among their classmates all day long, such compliments are just the right thing to stir up turmoil in their hearts.

If Zuo Si hadn't always acted like he wouldn't let strangers in, he would have been surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

"The Order of Merlin, Second Class! A bonus of 10,000 gold galleons provided by the International Federation of Wizards, a bonus of 10,000 gold galleons provided by the Wizengamot, and a bonus of 5,000 gold galleons provided by the British Ministry of Magic. Merlin's beard! This is ...This is too exaggerated.”

Ron exclaimed in an extremely envious tone while holding the Daily Prophet in his hand.

Whether it was a medal or a bonus totaling twenty-five thousand gold galleons, they were all things he longed for because of his extremely low self-esteem.

Not to mention the fame and honor that comes with it.

"Don't forget the share you can get after the book is published. The newspaper said that so far, the Ministry of Magic and magic schools in many countries have stated that they will regard the scroll manufacturing technology invented by Soth as a required course. Just This income will be quite considerable." Harry reminded in a low voice.

"Oh, it would be great if I could get such a sum of money. It doesn't have to be much, just a few hundred gold galleons." Ron muttered softly.

Hermione, who was sitting next to her reviewing her homework, rolled her eyes angrily after hearing this: "Stop daydreaming. As long as you can spend some time playing around, you won't have to copy other people's homework."

"Damn it! Can't you not destroy my expectations for a better future?" Ron knocked the table with his fist angrily.

"What you have is not called expectations for the future, but called unrealistic delusions. Because from beginning to end, you have not put in even the slightest effort, how can you possibly reap rewards? Forget it, talking to you about this is simply It’s a waste of time.”

With that said, Hermione cast a disappointed look at this silly boy, then picked up her books and textbooks and walked towards the library.

Watching her retreating back, Ron felt very unhappy and immediately complained through gritted teeth: "Granger is such a nasty guy. I really don't understand how Soos can stand her. You know she is here Gryffindor doesn't even have a decent friend."

"Thos doesn't have many friends in Slytherin. I think smart people like them may have higher requirements for friends." Harry spread his hands with a tired look on his face.

It can be seen that the last two nights of Quidditch training have really taxed him.

Especially flight training is very physically demanding.

You even need to eat more snacks and snacks before going to bed to satisfy your always hungry appetite.

"Forget it, let's not talk about them. How was your recent training?"

Ron became extremely excited when it came to Quidditch.

After all, the fact that his best friend was promoted to Seeker in the first grade gave him a lot of capital to show off to his students.

Harry smiled and replied: "Wood said I am very talented, and our names will be engraved on the Quidditch trophy this year."

"Awesome! I can't wait to see Gryffindor House compete this year."

"Hehe, I'm actually looking forward to the day when I can play."

"I bet Malfoy would be jealous as hell about this."

"In fact, he is going crazy now. This guy must have guessed how I won the last midnight duel."

"Hahaha! But the problem is that he has no evidence to prove it, right?"

"That's right! I just like seeing Malfoy with a stinky face all day long."

Just as Harry and Ron were whispering together, a man and a woman had already walked through the crowd and came directly to Zuo Si under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

"Hello, my name is Penelo Crevat, and I am a prefect of Ravenclaw."

"My name is Percy, and I'm a Gryffindor prefect."

The two made a simple self-introduction almost at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Zuo Si asked expressionlessly.

"That's right. We read about the magic scroll manufacturing technology you invented in the Daily Prophet, so we would like to ask you to take the time to guide some senior students who are interested in this aspect in your spare time."

Percy straightforwardly stated the idea he had been thinking about for two days.

In his opinion, the other party would not refuse such an invitation that could establish prestige and gain power in the school.

But Zuo Si didn't even move his eyelids and refused bluntly: "I'm sorry, my time is precious and I don't have time to waste it on such a meaningless and boring thing.

What's more, you want to get knowledge from me without paying any price...

Should I praise you for being too smart or too stupid?

Or maybe you have ulterior motives and plan to use this as an excuse to get closer? "


Percy, who was confident one second, turned red in the next second, with anger and annoyance in his eyes.

He never dreamed that Zuo Si would be so disrespectful.

Especially those black pupils, as if they could see through him.

"Don't you want to be popular in school?"

Penelo Crevat had a very confused and puzzled expression on his face.

The Ravenclaw prefect originally thought that Zuo Si, who suffered isolation and exclusion in Slytherin, would be more eager to have a small group that could accept him.

"No need and no interest. Just like those idiots in Slytherin, no matter their contempt, isolation, rejection, or fear, it has no impact on me. So please put away those little thoughts and stay away, and don't bother me again in the future. Me. Do you understand?"

When he said these words, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a sharp cold light, and his body that did not look strong revealed an indescribable sense of oppression, which immediately made the smart-aleck Penelo Crevat and Percy fall into despair. escape.

These two teenage boys and girls simply didn't understand that from the beginning, he only used Hogwarts as a springboard to enter the wizarding world, and he had no intention of recruiting subordinates in the school like Voldemort did.

Therefore, this kind of mutual association between students did not appeal to him in the slightest.

"You should not use those insulting words to describe your fellow students in your college."

Bloody Barro suddenly appeared from under the table, with strong reproach in his tone.

If it were any other students, they would probably be frightened by his face and tone.

But Zuo Si responded very contemptuously: "Why, has it stimulated your poor self-esteem and sense of belonging to Slytherin House again?

Even Salazar Slytherin wouldn't take back my opinion.

The era of pure blood is gone, and no one can stop the trend of history.

In other words, the theory of pure blood has never formed a so-called mainstream in the magic world from the beginning.

Because mixed-race wizards are always the largest group of people.

I can guarantee that all the so-called pure-blood families in the European wizarding world can trace their ancestors back to Muggles. "

"But you can't deny the excellence of pure blood. Because the talent and power of wizards are inherited through blood, this is a fact that no one can change." Bloody Barro argued.

It is easy to tell from the tone and attitude of the conversation that this is not the first time the two of them have communicated.

"So you think the power of blood cannot be replaced?"

Zuo Si looked at this ghost as if he were looking at a frog at the bottom of a well.

"Isn't it?" Bloody Barrow asked.

"Of course not. Have you ever heard of genes?

Have you ever heard of in vitro fertilization in the Muggle world?

Ever heard of cloning technology?

In the research on the field of life, Muggles have already surpassed the magical world.

Under the premise of abandoning ethics and morality, as long as they provide some male or female genetic material, they can even create children with the potential to become wizards in batches.

Even within a few hundred years, the planet beneath our feet can be transformed into a world where everyone is a wizard.

So don’t underestimate the power of technology.

Muggles are no longer as controlled by wizards as they were hundreds of years ago. Instead, they are becoming more and more powerful. Maybe sooner or later they will become aware of the existence of wizards and the magical world.

By that time, it's not something that can be done with just a Muggle banishing spell. "

Zuo Si bluntly told a cruel fact that was enough to make the magic world feel fear and despair.

Because in the eyes of many wizards, the Secrecy Act and the Muggle Protection Act limit the power of wizards, thereby protecting the Muggle world from dark wizards and various magical items.

But in reality?

In fact, they are protecting themselves!

With major breakthroughs in genetic research in the 1970s and 1980s, various cloned animals emerged one after another, and the Muggle world has gained an overwhelming advantage in the field of biotechnology.

Once they discover the secrets of the magic world and wizards, they will definitely catch one or two and put them in a small dark room to study them.

With the madness of the two superpowers in the field of scientific research during the Cold War, not to mention the offspring of humans, even humans and beasts could probably be arranged for you.

When they realized that these wizards had the ability to control and clean other people's thoughts and memories, and could easily break into the most heavily defended places to steal intelligence, and even assassinate leaders of various countries and trigger a nuclear war that could destroy civilization, the upper echelons of the two superpowers How will policymakers react?

I'm afraid I'll be scared to death!

Under the control of strong fear, they will inevitably take many radical behaviors.

For example, through artificial insemination, children with the potential to become wizards are produced in large quantities, and then these children are centrally managed and brainwashed.

Then through various methods, a group of them were sent to the magic world as spies to receive education.

After he returns from school, he will teach what he learned in school to other children who have the talent to become wizards.

When more than ten years pass and the two superpowers control more wizards than the entire magical world, they will not hesitate to choose to go to war to completely eradicate this uncontrollable force.

In Zuo Si's view, the only chance for wizards to control the Muggle world was actually the revolution started by Gellert Grindelwald during World War I and World War II.

Unfortunately, it was eventually destroyed by Dumbledore.

"What? Muggles have the ability to produce wizards in large quantities? How is this possible!"

Bloody Barro instantly felt that his three views had been completely subverted.

“Nothing is impossible.

The world is always moving forward, and it is inherently arrogant to always look at the technology mastered by Muggles from the perspective of hundreds of years ago.

What is even more sad is that the entire magical world is now filled with such a prejudice.

In the same way, the rules set by the four founders of Hogwarts are no longer suitable today.

Looking at the relationship between Gryffindor House and Slytherin House, it has long since evolved from a simple competition between students to a kind of antagonism, hostility and hatred, and has also extended from the school to the social level.

Almost 90% of the students who graduated from Gryffindor House did not like the students who graduated from Slytherin House.

Let’s not mention the conflicts that broke out in the school.

But even when they enter the workforce after graduation, they will still make things difficult for each other.

And this kind of grievances will become more and more serious as time goes on, and eventually it will inevitably affect the children.

For example, the Weasley family has always been at odds with the Malfoy family. Even the children, including Ron, thought from the beginning that Slytherin was a bad place that specialized in training dark wizards.

In turn, Draco, under the influence of his father, believed that the Weasley family were a bunch of poor people and traitors to the pure-blood family.

I wonder if a magic school has become a place that breeds hatred and social contradictions. Isn’t this enough to illustrate the seriousness of the problem?

What is also incredible is that after so many years, no headmaster has ever tried to change this situation, not even our great Headmaster Dumbledore. "

After saying these words, Zuo Si ignored the silent Bloody Barrow, stood up and walked towards Professor Snape's office.

Not long after he walked away, another ghost floated down from the ceiling and asked in a slightly curious tone: "What other shocking remarks did he make to you?"

"This time can indeed be called shocking. This is the first time I have seen such a student since I became a ghost. Compared with him, Tom Riddle when he first entered school was nothing at all." Human Barro responded in a low voice.

As one of the first students since the establishment of Hogwarts and someone who has seen the Big Four in person, he has almost witnessed the thousand-year history of this magic school and has seen countless talented little wizards.

But there has never been anyone who can break out of the limitations of thinking like Zuo Si and look down on everything from a higher position.

This layout and vision alone have surpassed all wizards.

If coupled with that terrifying talent, Bloody Barro doesn't even know what amazing achievements he can achieve in the future.

Half an hour later, in Snape's office, Zuo Si was trying to prepare a very difficult truth serum under the guidance of his dean.

Since this place is very close to the Slytherin common room, you can often hear footsteps coming from the corridor outside.

However, this small disturbance did not have even the slightest impact on him.

In just a few minutes, green and purple smoke came out of the pot, and it exuded a magical power that was invisible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Snape, who was still stern at first, finally raised the corners of his mouth slightly and commented: "Well done. Very few students at Hogwarts can successfully prepare perfect spit on the first try. Real potion.

I didn’t expect that your talent in potions is not inferior to that of magic spells and alchemy.

With a little time and effort in this area, you should be able to become a true Potions Master. "

"Thank you for the compliment. Aren't you curious as to why I prepared the truth serum?" Zuo Si asked with interest.

"Although it is illegal to use Veritaserum on someone casually, it will not cause any substantial harm unless he does something shady." Snape responded meaningfully.

"But there are some secrets hidden in everyone's heart. Even if you don't do anything shady, if you reveal too many thoughts that originally only existed in your mind, you will probably die socially on the spot. From a certain To a certain extent, the destructive power of this magic potion is not inferior to the three unforgivable curses."

While talking, Zuo Si poured the hot potion into a vessel to cool, and then sprinkled some fragrant powder from India on it.

After the temperature dropped to the critical point, he put the semi-finished potion into the roaster for baking.

In about twenty to thirty minutes, when the color of the potion changes from green to purple to a white milky substance, the powerful truth serum is completed.

Taking advantage of the baking time, Zuo Si took out a silver hoop from his pocket and handed it to Snape.

The latter took it in his hand and inspected the material for a while, then asked in an uncertain tone: "What is this?"

"An extension of magic scroll making technology.

It can store a spell, which can then be attached to the wand and released when needed.

Since there is no need to recite a spell, it only requires a thought to activate it, so it can be released simultaneously when using another spell.

In this way, you can give your opponent two completely different blows in an instant.

Unfortunately, after testing, I found that a wand can only be equipped with at most one such magical device.

Otherwise, if you set a few more at once, you should be able to take advantage of it in battle.

In addition, this device is not a one-time consumable item like the reel, but can be used repeatedly. "

With a smile on his face, Zuo Si introduced to Snape the new magic storage equipment he had recently developed.

Like the castrated version of scroll transcription technology, this metal hoop can only work when put on a wand.

But for wizards in this world, it is an out-and-out disruptive invention.

Just looking at the slightly trembling hand, you can tell how excited Snape was at this moment.

You must know that he was once a member of the Death Eaters and had experienced many battles.

I know very well what role such a small thing can play at critical moments.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as turning the tide of the battle in an instant.

Snape can guarantee that those Aurors who know that there is such a thing that can enhance their combat effectiveness will definitely ask the Ministry of Magic to equip everyone with one, no matter how expensive it is.

After a full minute, he took a deep breath to force himself to calm down, then raised his head and asked: "Is this thing difficult to make?"

“Hmm—it should be fine.

If I were to make them, I should be able to make several in one day.

But the problem is, considering that each wizard has different levels of magic, I need to figure out the power of the spell cast by this wizard before production.

For example, a powerful wizard like Principal Dumbledore requires some expensive special materials to increase the maximum capacity.

But for Hogwarts students, too much capacity would be wasteful.

To put it simply, one-to-one customization is required. "

Zuo Si gave the answer calmly.

As we all know, the magic in this world has no restrictions and has auxiliary equipment such as wands, so it is very easy to use at will.

But equally, it is precisely because it is too free and arbitrary that there is no clear standard for magical power.

Take Avadava's Kedavra as an example. When Voldemort casts it, he can be invincible and kill people instantly with a flash of green light.

But if it were used by other wizards, it might only cause the target to be slightly injured and have some nosebleeds at best.

In addition, there are many variations of various spells.

For example, the fierce fire released by ordinary wizards may be difficult to extinguish, but in the hands of Voldemort, it can transform into a huge fire snake.

The power of the same spell in the hands of different wizards can even give people the illusion that they are two magic spells.

Therefore, this chaotic situation has made it more difficult to create magic storage items, and only one-to-one customization can be done.


Zuo Si had seen Snape cast spells more than once, so he could make equipment that matched the opponent's magic level.

“Great gift, I love it.

With this skill, I think you will soon become one of the most popular people in the entire magical world.

Because no wizard would not want to add some additional means to ensure his own safety.

And as long as one person chooses to use it, the other wizards must follow.

Otherwise, it is easy to suffer big losses in the spell duel. "

Snape saw the future of this little silver ring with almost no effort.

After all, even flying broomsticks, a form of transportation, were not favored at the beginning and are now popular in the entire magic world, not to mention things that can directly enhance the wizard's own strength.

Maybe in a few years, this thing will become as necessary as a magic wand for almost everyone.

"So what do you think is the appropriate charge for this kind of customized service?" Zuo Si asked humbly.

Snape replied without thinking: "After deducting the cost, each one will cost at least two thousand gold galleons. If you are a member of a rich pure-blood family, you can consider multiplying the price by three or five. Anyway, as long as you are above Carve the crest of the corresponding family and they will be more than happy to pay a little more.”

"Got it. Thank you very much for your advice. I think I know what to do."

A signature smile appeared on Zuo Si's face when he was slaughtering a fat sheep.

Although he didn't like the appearance of families like Malfoy who advocated pure blood theory at all, he didn't hate the gold Galleons in their hands.

In addition, successfully establishing a stable shelter in this world requires a lot of financial support.

This includes both Muggle currency and gold galleons cast by goblins.

“Just remember not to overdo it and at least make the finished product look worthwhile.”

Snape was obviously a little uneasy about Zuo Si's character, and finally couldn't help but give a reminder.

Zuo Si nodded meaningfully: "Don't worry, professor. When dealing with customers who are willing to pay a big price, I will be very happy to provide the best service to ensure that they are willing to shell out the last gold galleons in their pockets."

"Your current tone and expression remind me of those mercenary goblins in Gringotts." The corner of Snape's mouth twitched slightly.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "But you have to admit, those goblins are indeed better than many wizards in doing business, right?

In particular, they provide currency exchange and financial services, which are indispensable to the entire magical world.

Otherwise, many Muggle-born wizards like me would not be able to go to Hogwarts.

So no matter what conflicts and rebellions the goblins had with wizards in the past, they are now an integral part of the magical world.

Moreover, money itself has a magical power that can make many people lose their minds and go crazy. It also represents the control of resources and can even affect power to some extent.

You may despise those who are rich, but you should never underestimate the power of wealth..."

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