A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 228 Showing “Talent” (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The first lesson in the morning for Gryffindor House was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration, while the first lesson for Slytherin House was Professor Sprout's Herbology.

So after a brief chat, Zuo Si followed the new students in his college and went to the greenhouse with the Hufflepuff Headmaster to observe and identify magical plants.

Although this kind of course was a waste of time for him, in order to play the role of a genius student, he still showed his terrifying photographic memory to the fullest.

Whenever the professor asks any question, the answer will be given quickly within one second.

The speed and accuracy of the answers made Professor Sprout, who is proficient in plants and herbal medicines, shine.

Because she had been teaching at Hogwarts for so many years, this was the first time she had seen such a smart student, so she unknowingly shared a lot of her unique knowledge and experience.

He also encouraged Zuo Si to study hard and become a great wizard like Dumbledore who will lead the times in the future.

I have to say that compared to the extremely egotistical mages in Faerûn and the floating city towers, the professors at Hogwarts are so friendly that people feel uncomfortable.

As long as students are willing to learn, they will teach almost everything they know without any intention of holding anything back.

Through contact with Professor Sprout, Zuo Si finally understood why Voldemort was able to get along so well when he was a student.

Except for Dumbledore, who had long sensed something was wrong, all the other professors had a favorable impression of Tom Riddle and believed that he was an extremely outstanding child who would sooner or later make an amazing career in the wizarding world.

Like almost all other schools, any student who is smart, studious, and has excellent grades will receive some degree of "preferential treatment" within Hogwarts.

Professors will also teach some knowledge, spells and other professional skills beyond the textbooks.

Therefore, many elite students already have power that is not inferior to, or even surpasses that of adult wizards by the time they are in fourth to sixth grade.

When they enter the magical world after graduation, without exception, they are the talents that all walks of life are competing for.

But Zuo Si didn't know that when he left the hall on the first floor, Gryffindor students gathered together to discuss Slytherin House's strange reaction just now.

"Hey! Harry! Do you believe the nonsense Soth just said?" Ron was the first to question.

Because the Weasley family itself is also one of the pure-blood families, he knows very well the morals of the Malfoy family.

It's definitely not as simple as a "little conflict" to make Draco show that kind of fearful expression and eyes.

"Well - I think Malfoy acted more like he was under some kind of threat and intimidation."

Harry Potter obviously has a lot of "experience" in this area, and he guessed the truth at once.

After all, the "savior" would never forget that when he was in primary school in the Muggle world, Dudley would threaten him fiercely every time he bullied him, warning him not to tell the teacher.

"Threats and intimidation? Are you sure! Soth is facing not only Malfoy, but also many senior Slytherin students." Ron opened his mouth in surprise.

Just when Harry was about to say something, the twin brothers Fred and George ran over from a distance without knowing it.

One of them said excitedly: "Hey! Guys! Guess what big news we just got?"

"What?" Ron asked subconsciously.

"After the opening ceremony last night, almost half of the people in Slytherin stood outside the common room and did not go in. Later, after Professor Snape arrived, the closed entrance was opened. According to a Hufflepuff who happened to pass by According to a third-year student at the college, he heard crying, wailing, and the smell of something burning."

George pretended to be mysterious and told the news he had learned.

Fred on the side added: "Not only that! Haven't you noticed that some senior Slytherin students have large red marks on their faces, hands and necks? According to the potions book According to the description, those are the marks left after applying burn treatment ointment, and it will take about two or three days to disappear. This means that the Slytherin students, including Malfoy, must have been severely burned by the flames."

Hearing these words, Ron opened his mouth in shock and asked in an unbelievable tone: "You mean... Soth defeated half of Slytherin House alone on the first day of school? Even the seniors!"

"Hehe! That's right! This can also explain very well why Marcus Flint is so evasive about this. Believe me, that bastard is not a guy who gives in easily. Wait until you watch Slytherin House. You can understand it with the Quidditch game. To be able to scare him like this, he must have experienced something quite terrible."

When saying these words, George did not hide his gloating at all.

Fred also grinned and said in an envious tone: "This freshman is really cool, isn't he?"

"That's right! It's so cool!"

George put a hand on his brother Ron's shoulder, imitating Zuo Si's tone just now.

"Dear classmate Draco. Do you have any objections to me now? If you do, please tell me. It doesn't matter. I am a very kind person and will not retaliate against you afterwards."

"Hahahaha! The key point of this sentence is the word revenge. I feel like poor Malfoy is about to wet his pants from fear." Fred laughed unbridled.

As two typical "fun people", they are very well-informed.

No matter what happens in Hogwarts, you can always find out something as soon as possible.

"According to what you say, isn't South very dangerous? He may be punished or even expelled at any time because of this matter."

Hermione, who was looking down at her book, suddenly interrupted.

But George shook his head disapprovingly: "No. First of all, the Sos people are alone and must be the party being attacked, so everything he does can be interpreted as self-defense.

Secondly, the students in Slytherin House are currently tight-lipped about this. I guess it was Snape, the headmaster, who issued the hush-mouth order.

Otherwise, their points will be deducted instantly and they will not be able to compete in this year's Academy Cup.

Finally, and most importantly.

Professor Snape's protectiveness and preference for students in his own house is almost a well-known thing in Hogwarts.

That's why he would not allow such a genius from this academy to be expelled.

To sum up, Sos is not only very safe, but may also receive some special care.

Just watch, it won't be long before this new student becomes the focus of everyone's attention. "

There is no doubt that Hermione, who was born in a true Muggle family, was stunned by the twin brother's remarks.

After all, this girl has always believed that schools and teachers should treat all students equally, at least on the surface.

But George and Fred ignored her, and after sharing some school anecdotes with their stupid brother and Harry, they happily ran to their first class.

After they were completely gone, Ron swallowed his saliva and exclaimed in a low voice: "Merlin's beard! As a new freshman, he brought down half of Slytherin House? This is simply too exaggerated! It seems that Soth is here The book I read on the train was not just pretentious, but I actually learned the spells recorded in it.”

"What book?" Harry was slightly stunned.

"Of course it's "Standard Spells - Level 6"! This book is our sixth grade textbook. There are many spells that even adult wizards can't learn and master. Haven't you noticed?" Ron explained excitedly.


Hermione suddenly stood up from her chair when she heard these words, widened her eyes and asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

Ron nodded quickly: "I swear! Every word I just said is absolutely true! When we were on the train, Soth used the repair spell to repair Harry's glasses, and even more so when he was waiting for the sorting ceremony at the door. It was easy to use the stun spell to put Malfoy and his two followers. Many people have seen this with their own eyes. I bet that he is definitely the most powerful student in our class."

no doubt!

Ron's words instantly aroused Hermione's competitive spirit. She immediately looked down at the class schedule and found that the closest class she took with Slytherin House was Potions class, followed closely by flying class.

The girl plans to compete with Zuo Si in these two classes to see who is the best among the freshmen.

I have to say that children’s minds are so simple.

When it was almost nine o'clock, the first-year Gryffindor "little lions" hurried towards the Transfiguration classroom.

Since the transfiguration class was taught by Professor McGonagall, the dean of the department, no one wanted to be late.

Unfortunately, they obviously underestimated the complexity of the various stairs and passages inside Hogwarts.

As a result, after a while, I was confused by the stairs that automatically rotated and changed directions.

Suddenly, many freshmen were sweating profusely.

He was bumping around like a headless fly, and he was also trying to ask those animated portraits and sculptures.

In short, the Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers.

Compared to the panic of other freshmen, Zuo Si always remained elegant and calm, without the slightest worry of getting lost.

Because during the night tour last night, he had already figured out the direction changes of all the passages and stairs in Hogwarts, and it seemed that no matter what he did, he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

Since the first grade courses were relatively few and loose, after finishing a herbal medicine class, Zuo Si went to the library openly and started reading books that were not in the restricted area one by one along the bookshelves.

Except for taking time to return to the dormitory at noon for a hero's banquet, I didn't leave the library for almost the whole day.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, he reluctantly put the books back on the bookshelf and went straight to the Transfiguration classroom.

I don't know if it's because of the tight schedule to come to class, or because of last night's "feat", but Professor McGonagall's eyes seemed a bit strange.

After briefly explaining the principles of transformation magic and giving all the freshmen a warning, each student was given a match and asked to try to turn the match into a needle.

Obviously, this is undoubtedly very difficult for freshmen who don't even understand what magic is.

Even a young wizard from a pure-blood family like Master Malfoy was unable to do anything about it and could only wave his wand over and over again in vain.

In contrast, Zuo Si just held the match in his hand and did nothing.

"Soss, what are you doing? Why don't you try like other students?" Professor McGonagall asked in confusion.

"Professor, you just told us to turn the match into a needle, but you didn't tell us what kind of needle we should turn it into. Is it iron? Wood? Steel? Silver? Brass? Or some other material?"

Zuo Si deliberately pretended to show off his unique brain circuit.

After all, the character he wants to create is a "genius" who is a little different from normal people, so the differences must be reflected in all aspects.

Professor McGonagall responded somewhat speechlessly: "Any material is fine, as long as it is a needle."

Zuo Si immediately nodded thoughtfully: "That's it! Okay, I think I understand."

After that, he raised the wand he had modified by himself and pointed at the match in question.


The dazzling red light shot out from the front end and hit the front end of the match accurately.

Before others around him could realize what was happening, the entire match turned into a very weird-looking needle.

Among them, the bright white one at the front is undoubtedly made of sterling silver, while the slightly darker second half is made of steel, followed by golden brass, and finally a small black knotted ebony.

If the difficulty of turning a match into a needle is the introduction to transformation magic, then turning a match into a needle with each segment made of different materials is definitely something that can only be achieved by advanced transformation magic, and is even comparable to turning dead objects. The difficulty of turning into a living creature is comparable.

Most importantly, no wizard had ever had such an idea before.

The entire classroom fell into silence as the needle successfully transformed.

Master Malfoy's eyes widened in surprise, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Because from last night to now, Zuo Si's performance has completely overturned the knowledge and education he had received since childhood that pure-blood wizards are far more talented than half-blood and Muggle-born wizards.

If a Muggle-born wizard can do better and better than a pure-blood wizard, then where is the superiority of pure-blood?

Why should I look down on the other person?

In fact, not only Draco Malfoy, but also many new students of pure-blood families who were smart enough also realized this, with fear and confusion in their eyes.

After all, for a wizard, magic is always the most intuitive and most powerful thing.

It must have been difficult when Voldemort first entered Slytherin as a mixed-race.

But this quickly changed as he demonstrated wisdom and magical talent far beyond his years.

Otherwise, just by bragging that you are a direct bloodline of Salazar Slytherin, you will not be able to gain the recognition and followers of so many people.

"Amazing transformation! Ten points for Slytherin! It seems that you can't learn anything new in the first-year Transfiguration class."

After a brief silence, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Although she had heard some rumors last night about Hogwarts welcoming a "genius" this year, and even witnessed Zuo Si knocking down three new students including Malfoy with a sleeping spell.

But in today's Transfiguration class, I really realized its terrifying learning and understanding abilities.

After all, among the many magical disciplines, apart from prophecy, the one that most depends on talent is undoubtedly transformation.

In contrast, spells, herbs, potions, defense against the dark arts, flying and other subjects, as long as you are willing to spend time and practice repeatedly, you can always master them.

But Transfiguration is different.

This is why the number of "Animagus" is so rare.

"You mean I won't come to class anymore?"

Zuo Si casually turned the needle back into a match and kept it on the table, asking in an uncertain tone.

Professor McGonagall quickly shook her head: "No! I mean, you can consider coming to the fourth or even fifth grade Transfiguration class when there are no other classes."

"Forget it then. Rather than listening to lectures, I prefer to learn directly from books by myself. It's much faster that way."

Zuo Si rejected the other party's kindness without hesitation.

After all, he doesn't really know anything about magic, nor is he a child whose reading and comprehension skills have yet to grow. He needs a teacher to answer the questions and doubts he encounters in the learning process.

With the two cheating methods of the Eye of Knowledge and the Library of Thought, coupled with an intelligence level of up to twenty-six points, and the theoretical knowledge accumulated in the previous two worlds, it is not difficult at all to learn the heavily simplified spells of this world.


By reading the older books in the restricted area, Zuo Si discovered that wizards did not use wands in the earliest times.

The first magic wand was invented around 800 BC.

What followed was a revolution in simplifying magic and spells that continues to this day.

Just as Faerûn's magic network lowered the threshold for becoming a mage, the wand also lowered the threshold for becoming a wizard.

Until then, wandless spellcasting was an essential skill for all wizards.

Before the wand was introduced to North America and Africa, wizards there never relied on the wand.

But now, this skill has gradually become the exclusive symbol of powerful wizards.

Especially among European wizards who have long relied on wands, few are willing to waste a lot of time and energy learning complex and difficult-to-master wandless spellcasting techniques.

Spells have also changed from the original cumbersome and complicated magic rituals to simple spells that can be released with just a wave of a wand.

Of course, the price is that the wand has become an indispensable and important weapon and life tool in the hands of every wizard.

Without the wand, it would be like a wizard losing his spell book in Faerûn, and the result would naturally be that he becomes a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Okay, I respect your choice. However, transformation magic is more dangerous than other magics. I hope you will at least notify me when you make a dangerous attempt, and I will be by your side to ensure that no accidents occur."

Professor McGonagall was not angry at Zuo Si's rejection of his proposal.

Because if you can master the Transformation Curse to this extent just by relying on the contents recorded in books, then you can certainly reach a higher level through self-study.

The only thing she was worried about was Zuo Si's age and personality, for fear that he would try dangerous magic like Animagus too early, which would lead to a terrible tragedy.

"No problem, I'll pay attention."

Zuo Si agreed straightforwardly and spent the entire class in a daze of boredom, but in fact he was sorting out the books and knowledge recorded in his mind and completely transforming it into his own unique understanding.

After class, he immediately picked up his books and went straight to the library without stopping at all.

Professor McGonagall went straight to the principal's office and said to Dumbledore, who was eating candy secretly: "Albus! Today I finally saw how amazing the new student named Soth's magical talent is."

"Oh? What did he do again?" Dumbledore raised his head and asked with interest.

"In the first Transfiguration class, he turned a match into a needle made of four materials: silver, steel, brass, and ebony. You have also taught Transfiguration classes, and you should know that this is very difficult for a student. How difficult is it?”

When saying this, Professor McGonagall rarely showed a hint of excitement.

Dumbledore put a piece of honey candy into his mouth and tasted the sweet taste with his tongue. After more than ten seconds, he nodded slightly: "Of course. Transforming one material into other forms of multiple materials, although it is still It is not a living thing, but its difficulty is not much different from that of becoming a living creature. Are you sure that this is really a Muggle born, who has never been exposed to any magic before, and has no one to teach him. He only relies on books to learn magic in a world. Is it as high as one can achieve by self-study within a month?”

"Yes, I'm very sure. According to the information provided by Severus, Soth's parents were ordinary police officers, equivalent to Aurors in the Muggle world. Later, he died in the line of duty while performing his mission, so he became An orphan, helped to take care of by a friend and colleague of his parents as a guardian. Therefore, he did not have any opportunity to come into contact with magic, and it was impossible for him to be taught."

Professor McGonagall definitely gave her own opinion.

After all, Zuo Si was very meticulous when it came to forging identities.

Not only did he specifically choose an Asian mother when selecting his parents, but he also forged all the details from kindergarten to elementary school, and even used magic to slightly modify the memories of hundreds of people.

To ensure that when someone investigates, they will tell you some interesting things that the fictional character "Soth" did when he was a child.

"Interesting! It seems that I have to find time to talk to this young man. You must know that even that person did not show such a talent when he first entered school." Dumbledore touched the thick white hair on his chin. Bearded muttered to himself.

"Do you think he will be the second one..."

Professor McGonagall suddenly became nervous and wanted to say the name that made the entire British wizarding world fearful several times, but held back at the last moment.

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head: "No, of course not. The reason why Tom became that kind of person is closely related to his unfortunate and twisted childhood.

I simply wanted to confirm whether Soth was really a Muggle, or a descendant of some unknown wizard.

Don't forget, when the entire British magical world was shrouded in darkness more than ten years ago, many wizards chose to hide incognito, or simply integrated into Muggle society.

And I don’t know why, but I always feel an inexplicable sense of closeness when I see him. "

"Clearness? Are you saying that he might be the descendant of an acquaintance?" Professor McGonagall tried in an uncertain tone.

"I don't know. That's why I wanted to make sure."

Dumbledore's eyes sparkled with wisdom accumulated and accumulated over a long period of time.

Obviously, he did not express his truest thoughts.

However, Professor McGonagall had obviously long been accustomed to this old friend's tendency to hide everything. Instead of continuing to explore, he turned around and left the principal's office.

On the other side, Zuo Si, who was in the library on the first floor, didn't know that he had entered Dumbledore's observation range, and was still reading books related to magic and spells with gusto.

In just a few hours, he cleared out six bookshelves with hundreds of books.

Most of them are roughly read and memorized through the touch of a scholar. Only when you encounter those parts that interest you, you will read them and understand them word for word.

When the library announced it was closed and started chasing people away, Zuo Si was surprised to find that Hermione was sitting on the opposite table with an angry look on her face, staring at him.

Out of curiosity, he immediately asked: "Is something wrong?"

"Were you really studying just now?" Hermione asked through gritted teeth.

"Of course. If I don't study, what would I be doing in the library?"

Zuo Si answered as he put the books in his hands back on the bookshelf, then picked up the textbooks and prepared to return to the dormitory to have something to eat before returning at midnight to continue his night tour of the restricted book area.

"But you picked up a book and just flipped through it. It took less than three to five minutes in total. Can this be called reading?"

Hermione finally couldn't hold back and told her why she was angry.

She originally planned to compete to see who could read more books in the same amount of time.

But what's the result?

It took Zuo Si a few hours to clear out six bookshelves, and he usually opened them and then put them back, which made the girl's mentality explode and she was unable to calm down and read as seriously as usual.

"Isn't the purpose of reading a book just to remember and understand the content? As long as I can do this, it doesn't matter what method I use, right?" Zuo Si smiled and spread his hands.

But Hermione, who had a more serious personality, didn't intend to let him go just like that, and immediately questioned: "Do you really remember it? The book I have happened to be the one you have read. How about you let me test you?" "

Zuo Si nodded without hesitation: "No problem. Actually, it doesn't have to be too much trouble. You just need to tell me the page number, and I can memorize the entire page from beginning to end."

"Are you sure? You only read this book for less than three minutes."

Hermione's eyes widened subconsciously, not understanding where the guy in front of her got his confidence.

You must know that this is a book describing the theory of magic and spells. It took her an hour to barely read the first forty pages.

"Stop talking nonsense and start quickly. You know it's getting late." Zuo Si urged casually.

"Page seventeen!"

"The length of the spell is directly proportional to the development of wands. In ancient times, wand-making craftsmanship was poor, so longer spells were needed to ensure that the magic was effective. But with the advancement of wand-making technology, wizards began to simplify spells. Until it developed into what it is now..."

"Sixty-three pages!"

"Time, month, weather, and even tidal changes will all affect the power of magic. By adjusting the optimal casting time, the spell can often be more powerful than usual..."

"Two hundred and thirty pages!"

"Wandless spellcasting can only be mastered by powerful wizards who know enough about spells and can freely control magical energy. They will use slight swings of their fingers, arms and shoulders instead of waving their wands to cast the spells they are best at. The key to wandless spellcasting is concentration and concentration..."

As she recited paragraph after paragraph accurately, Hermione's little face finally changed from anger at the beginning to shock, and finally to fear and despair.

She finally realized that the guy in front of her had really used that casual flipping method to read a book on magic and spell theory that might take her several days or even half a month to completely read.

Because she grew up in an ordinary family, the girl occasionally saw many stories about gifted children on TV, newspapers, and books.

So knowing that there are such a handful of monsters and perverts in this world, one can easily learn and understand extremely complex knowledge, and one can easily read a book quickly within a few minutes.

But what she never expected was that this kind of thing would happen to her after she entered the magical world.

Feeling the strong sense of frustration, weakness, helplessness, depression and other emotions welling up in her heart, Hermione's eye circles quickly turned red, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.


Countless question marks and exclamation points suddenly appeared on Zuo Si's head.

I couldn't understand why the other party was still crying, as if he had bullied a little girl.

The two were in a stalemate like this for several minutes, until the librarian Mrs. Pingsi noticed it and quickly came over and stared at Zuo Si with a scrutinizing gaze: "What happened?"

"I'm not sure either." Zuo Si shrugged innocently.

Conscience of heaven and earth!

Although he knew that he was not a good person, he would not degenerate to bully an eleven or twelve year old girl.

"I didn't ask you."

Mrs. Pince obviously had some preconceived ideas and subconsciously thought that the boy made the girl cry.

This feeling of being wronged made Zuo Si very speechless, but he still decisively shut his mouth and stopped talking.


Hermione quickly stopped crying, wiped the tears on her face and forced a smile to explain: "It has nothing to do with him, it's my own problem. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."


Mrs. Pince's eyes flashed with suspicion.

"Of course it's true. My self-esteem just took a slight hit, it's nothing."

After saying that, Hermione bent down and bowed, and then quickly put the book in her hand back on the shelf.

In this way, under Pingsi's gaze, the two walked out of the library side by side and walked through the intricate corridors and stairs.

When they were about to reach the fork in the Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms, Hermione, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked: "Studying must be easy for you, right?"

"Easy? What gave you such an illusion?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

"Because you have a photographic memory, it only takes a few minutes to read a book that takes others days or even a month."

Hermione gave the reason without thinking.

Obviously, in her eyes, the gap between herself and the other person is this powerful talent that makes people feel envious, jealous, and hateful.

Zuo Si, who realized what the girl was thinking, could not help but sigh slightly and took the initiative to explain: "Memory does not mean understanding. Especially for extremely abstract things like magic and spells, the benefits of rote memorization are far less than you There are so many as you can imagine. Let’s take the simplest example. You should know the repair spell, right?”

Hermione nodded quickly: "This is one of the few spells I have learned at home. It can fix almost all non-technical things in an instant."

"Then do you know what its principle is? What is the limit of what can be achieved?" Zuo Si continued to guide the topic.

"Uh... I don't know."

A look of confusion appeared on Hermione's face.

Because these contents are not recorded in the school textbooks at all.

"The Restoration Charm was invented in 1754 by Orabella Nutley, a former clerk in the Office for the Prohibition of Misuse of Magic at the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, in theory it can be used to repair anything, including technological items that you think are irreparable, complex magic items like wands, and even wounds on the body of living things.

Of course, the premise is that you must know enough about these things and understand their manufacturing processes and operating principles.

The reason wizards think they can't fix technology is because they don't know anything about it.

Take a television for example. Whether it is the picture tube, circuit board, fluorescent screen, or signal receiving and converting device, they are all beyond the comprehension of wizards.

Not to mention wizards, even most ordinary people probably only have a partial understanding of this.

Just imagine, your parents are Muggles, do they know how televisions are produced?

Do you know the industrial raw materials that make up picture tubes?

What steps are needed?

What is the wavelength of electromagnetic waves used by television signals?

What method was used to transform it into pictures?

Because you don't understand, the repair spell you cast on technological products will fail.

The same goes for repairing powerful magic items.

Moreover, the repair process requires a large amount of magic power, so unless you are a very powerful wizard, the effect is often minimal.

As for repairing living bodies, it is more complicated.

Because it involves a series of complex biological systems such as cells, genes, and nervous systems.

But if you can understand it from both a scientific and magical perspective, then even the most common spells can often exert unimaginable power.

After all, it's always easier to destroy than to repair.

Just imagine, when you understand all of this, can you turn the repairing spell into a destroying spell?

For example, a spell can directly smash the opponent's wand, or cause the opponent's wrist and fingers to break and fracture instantly.

Finally, let me tell you some information for free.

The first half of the content I mentioned just now, that is, the process and principles of the invention and creation of the repair spell, is recorded in an ancient book called "The Book of Spells".

It was written by Miranda Gorshak.

It is currently placed on the second bookshelf on the right side near the door, in the third row from the top.

This book not only contains many advanced spells, but also contains the inventor's experience and the principles of the corresponding spells.

If it were Harry and Ron, I certainly wouldn't advise them to read it.

but you……

Dear Miss Hermione Granger.

You should be talented and capable enough to learn the material in this book.

Remember, at Hogwarts, completing your professors' classes is just the foundation of the foundation.

If you want to become an outstanding or even powerful wizard, then the library is definitely one of the best places to go. "

After saying these words, Zuo Si smiled and nodded, then turned and disappeared at the end of the steps leading to the Slytherin common room underground in the castle.

As for Hermione, she was stunned for a long time, and finally came to her senses. Suddenly she felt her heart beating faster and her face felt a little hot. She hurried to the bathroom next to her, washed her face, and took several deep breaths in one breath.

After calming down completely, he returned to the Gryffindor common room with his school bag.

As soon as she entered the door, the first thing she saw was that Harry and Ron were worrying about the homework assigned by the Transfiguration class, trying to find a written copy from other students as a "reference".

Of course, it is said to be a reference, but in fact it is just a copy.

But it's a pity that after asking around, no one has finished their homework.

Soon, the two of them gave up the idea of ​​doing homework in despair.

After all, today is only Monday, and the next Transfiguration class will not be until Thursday afternoon, so there are still several days left.

For most children of this age, homework can basically be put off for a whole day, and they will never take the initiative to write it until the last moment.

"Hey! Hermione! Over here! We noticed that you didn't go to the lobby on the first floor for dinner today, so we brought you some pie." Harry shouted enthusiastically.

Because the Gryffindor common room has always been very noisy, everyone has to speak loudly to be heard.


The girl happened to be a little hungry, so she thanked her very politely, sat down, picked up one and stuffed it into her mouth.

Although it was a little cold, the smell of flour and meat filling still made her feel very delicious.

Unknowingly, I filled my stomach with the entire pie.

At this moment, Ron, who had a very low emotional intelligence, suddenly asked: "Where did you go after the afternoon class? You didn't even come for dinner?"


Hermione gave a straightforward answer.

"Library? Going to a place like that on the first day of school?"

"Stupid scumbag" Ron showed an expression of shock and disbelief.

Hermione rolled her eyes angrily: "Don't imagine that everyone is the same as you. At least Soth is the same as me. He rushed to the library as soon as possible after class. You know? I am here today. Found out a little secret of his.”

"Oh? What's the secret!" Harry sat up curiously.

"This guy has a super photographic memory. For such a thick book, he can completely memorize and recite it in just a few minutes by simply flipping through it." Hermione lowered her voice and told what she saw with her own eyes. .

"What?! You must be joking, right?" Ron obviously didn't believe it.

Hermione shook her head seriously: "No, it's not a joke, but I personally did a test with a book he just finished reading in a few minutes. That guy's brain is like a monster! I suspect he has I have learned almost all standard spells, as well as many advanced spells."

"So, Soth is one of those super geniuses that is occasionally reported on TV and newspapers?" Harry said with a look of sudden realization.

After all, he has lived in a Muggle family for so many years, and he knows that there is a small probability that one or two monsters will be born in this world whose intellectual development far exceeds that of their peers.

After all, the differences between people are huge. Since there are idiots like Dudley who are as stupid as pigs, there should naturally be geniuses who are far smarter than themselves.

Harry was quite open-minded about this kind of thing.

"That's right! So we must work harder to make up for this talent gap."

After saying that, Hermione took out her textbook and notes from her schoolbag, planning to review today's lessons before curfew time.

However, Ron and Harry looked at each other and quietly stood up and returned to the boys' dormitory.

They don't want to waste their good time on boring study...

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