A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 223: Learn to respect (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

After passing through the portal and arriving at Jimana's lair, Zuo Si thought at first glance that there was an accident with the magic, and he and others were sent to another place.

Because this place really doesn't look like a place where a lich lives.

Whether it's the bright magical light above the head, or the gorgeous, exquisite and luxurious decorations and furnishings around it like a girl's boudoir.

At first glance, it shows a nice pale yellow color with some red and pink accents.

In addition, there is a pot of blooming daffodils placed on the table.

A kitten that looked like it had just been born was currently sleeping on the table, completely unaware that it had fallen into the hands of a terrifying undead creature.

"Is this really Jimana's lair?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Lei Yin nodded without thinking: "That's right! This is the lair of Jimana, another talisman master and Shangla's closest lover before she became a lich.

She is different from other talisman masters. She may be the weakest, so she has always acted very low-key.

Moreover, Jimana misses her youth very much and always wears a magic mask to keep herself looking like a girl.

Therefore, this guy behaves very strangely, and even occasionally disguises himself as an innocent girl to seduce the handsome young men she falls in love with, and then toy them to death. "

"Having become a lich, Jimana still has this desire?"

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment.

He never dreamed that the other party would have such a good time.

And didn’t Shangla react at all and allowed a cuckold to be put on his head?

“Maybe it’s just some bad taste.

My mentor didn't seem to have a problem with it anyway.

In fact, every talisman master has more or less preferences and strong obsessions left over from his lifetime.

For example, Shangla likes to pursue excitement and adventure, Xileisha is keen on creating descendants, and Rakeisk is very interested in the interdimensional portal of the Imasca Empire. "

Lei Yin explained with a look of surprise.

"Okay. It seems that everyone in the Entangled Talisman is talented."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and immediately led the people out of the bedroom-like place, destroying all the golems, constructs, and undead guards outside.

Since Jimana, like other talisman masters, rushed to support Shangla, she herself was not in the lair at the moment.

After all threats were cleared, everyone spread out to look for places where the phylacteries might be hidden.

Finally, two tightly connected bracelets were found inside a doll that looked like Shangla's appearance before she turned into a lich.

Through magic detection, Zuo Si could easily determine that these were the phylacteries belonging to two lichs.

One of them, you know without asking, must belong to Jimana himself, and the other one is probably Shangla's.

It was unbelievable that the lovers could maintain such a close relationship even after physical death.

Even the phylacteries are made exactly the same and are connected together by powerful magical power, symbolizing the determination to live and die together.


Looking at the phylactery in his hand, Zuo Si had a playful expression on his face.

"Master, do you want me to destroy these two life boxes right now?" Lei Yin asked cautiously.

Zuo Si shook his head gently: "No, don't rush. I want to destroy these two phylacteries in front of all the talisman masters, including Lagon, and let them see Jimana's death with their own eyes. The whole process."

"Are you sure you want to do this? That means declaring war on the entire entangled talisman." Reine raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Don't worry. After I finish this job, I will leave this world temporarily. Even if the Entangling Talisman wants to cause trouble for me, it will have to wait until a few years later. There are several years of learning, accumulation and development. At that time, it’s still unclear who will cause trouble for whom.”

After saying that, Zuo Si pursed his lips and revealed a malicious smile.

Although so far, he has not figured out the true identity of Zeranora, he can be sure that the other party is definitely not the original moon elf.

Because he secretly investigated the records of Zenora's rise in the Masked Mage Guild, and found that this guy was still a low-level mage apprentice in the turbulent years, but it didn't take long to become a great mage who mastered nine-ring magic.

No normal person can advance from LV3 to LV17 or above in just two years.

What's more, from this time's confident handling of multiple talisman masters with legendary spellcasting levels, it can be basically judged that Zeranora must also be a legendary mage, and the level must be above LV30.

Otherwise, he should be defeated soon.

That's why Zuo Si chose to rope in this nominal "ally" when he decided to launch a surprise attack.

When the Tangled Talisman launches his revenge and finds that he cannot be found, he will definitely turn his attention to another participant in the raid-Zelanora.

The more fierce the fight between the two sides is, the more intelligence will be collected, and perhaps the true identity of Zeranora will be revealed.

"What about me? Should I reveal my identity, or should I continue to lurk inside the Entangled Talisman?" Lei Yin asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si replied without thinking: "Of course I will continue to lurk.

If possible, I hope you can also become a talisman master and directly lurk inside to investigate this organization inside and out.

Then wait a few years, when I am strong enough, I will come back and kill Lagon, and you will become the new leader.

When the time comes, we will work together internally and externally to turn those lichs, dracolichs, and vampires into creature cards.

What do you think of this plan? "

"Is it like you annexing the Emerald Society?" Rein's eyes flashed with a strange light.

"Yes! It's time for Calimshan's chaos, disorder, and cruel and backward slavery to end completely. And I hate the expansion of the Church of Cyric and his chosen people in Calimport. So... I decided to wait for the opportunity. When it is ripe, uproot it and leave no one behind.”

When he said these words, Zuo Si exuded undisguised murderous intent.

As for the so-called "time is ripe", of course it refers to the fact that Cyric read the "Cyric Book" that he wrote through his priesthood and divine power, and then began to launch indiscriminate attacks like crazy, causing everyone in Faerûn to When even the gods were strongly dissatisfied with it.

And if he remembered correctly, the person who finally brought Cyric back to his senses was Malik, the merchant elector in Port Calim.

Zuo Si wanted to see if Cyric would be sealed by the gods if he killed this guy in advance.

"Understood. I obey your arrangements and orders. However, in order to become the Lord of Symbols, I need to transform into the form of an undead creature first. I'm afraid I can't do this myself." Rein warned cautiously.

"Don't worry. When this operation is over, you can find time to talk to Lagon alone, and then come to me after getting his permission. At that time, I will help you transform into a lich and increase your spellcasting level. "

Zuo Si made the promise without hesitation.

Although his own arcane spell casting level has not crossed LV21.

But when I raided Shangla's lair just now, I found not only the opponent's spell book, but also research notes recording several legendary magics.

Coupled with the Lich transformation method recorded in the Book of the Dead, it's not too much of a problem to upgrade one of these cards to "Legendary" level.

It just means paying more mana, and there are also many "props" required for advancement.

In fact, when upgrading Davian and Huntington some time ago, Zuo Si consumed a lot of valuable items.

Including various weapons and equipment, as well as the complete body of the young red dragon.

He discovered that if he upgraded according to the upgrade route originally given by Sparks, he would not need to pay anything else except mana.

But if you create your own upgrade route, you need to prepare the corresponding things in advance.

This means that there must be a lot of "inventory" in "Legacy" to ensure that there are enough weapons and equipment to replace when the cards are upgraded.

Otherwise, these biological cards were originally of very high levels, but in order to take care of himself as a "novice", the former planeswalker forcibly downgraded some of the cards before his death.

All in all, there are definitely quite a few secrets worth discovering in "Legacy."

Just when Zuo Si was thinking about which legendary spells to add to Rein when upgrading, far on the surface above Shangla's lair, a battle of legendary casters was in full swing.

Through the double deception of prophecy and conjuration magic, Shane VII easily caused slight deviations in the teleportation spells of these talisman masters.

I saw him very easily controlling six clones created with the seven-ring magic [Simulacra], and fighting back and forth with the senior officials of the Entangled Talisman present, including Lagon.

Because it has a total spellcasting level of up to LV36, even a simulacrum clone with only half the strength of the original body still has an arcane spellcasting level of LV18, nine-ring spell slots, and a large number of metamagic skills.

In addition, Xia En VII himself is standing aside. As long as there is an unfavorable situation there, he will immediately intervene and give the enemy a head-on attack.

Just look at the severe burns and scorch marks on the body of the vampire Xelesha, and you will know how powerful and terrifying the power of the Undead Emperor Shane VII is.

After all, no matter what, he is still a strong man who can fight head-on with the Dragon King Ivy Kelasaglan "Sharp Teeth" head-on.

It is simply not comparable to those "cowards" like Tangled Talisman who only dare to hide in the dark and manipulate their servants to cause trouble.

Especially the understanding of various spells, as well as the cooperation and tactical arrangements between them, stunned this group of talisman masters who usually think highly of themselves.

They couldn't understand at all, who was this young female moon elf mage in front of them?

Why can he be able to fend off so many legendary spellcasters by himself?

And why can these clones created with [Simulacra] be able to cast the most advanced nine-ring spells?

How high should the opponent's real spellcasting level be?

Especially for a guy like Lagon who was used to being "gou", the more he was beaten, the more frightened and frightened he became.

Because this matter far exceeded his expectations from the beginning, and it was still developing in an even more unpredictable direction.

"Who the hell are you?!"

After countering a spell from the other party, Lagon, the supreme leader of the Entangled Talisman, finally couldn't help but ask a question.

Shane VII glanced at the other party with a slightly contemptuous look, and replied in a meaningful tone: "You can call me Zeranora."

"Zelanora? Are you the newly promoted senior executive of the Amn Masked Mage Guild?"

The two red lights in Lagun's eyes kept flashing, showing the unrest in his master's heart.

As early as a year ago, he had heard from Shangla that a magic genius had appeared in Askatra, and he had raised his spellcasting level from LV3 to LV15 in just one year.

The name of this genius is Zenora, a moon elf with a beautiful appearance.

But Lagon never expected that after more than a year, the other party would be able to suppress several talisman masters at the same time with his own power.

And the arcane spellcasting level seems to be much higher than his own.

This kind of speed in mastering magical knowledge and power is probably compared to Karthus, the most famous genius in the Netheril era. He successfully performed his first trick at the age of two and became the Grand Arcanist at the age of twenty-two. Everyone feels inferior to themselves.

Lagun doesn't think such a "genius" really exists in the world.

He is more inclined to believe that the moon elf in front of him has been controlled by a more powerful spellcaster, or even occupied his body.

Only in this way can we explain why the other party has such rich and amazing experience in spell duels.

Especially the use of some inconspicuous low-level spells simply amazed the talisman masters present.

And such combat experience cannot be gained by staying in a tower all day studying and researching.

Quite the opposite!

It requires a lot of actual combat to accumulate bit by bit.

Although the two sides are still in the mutual testing stage, neither side is serious about it.

But Lagon still had a feeling that even if he showed his trump card, he might not be able to do anything to the other party.

"Haha, that's right, it's me. Your secret activities in the Askatra area have violated the laws of Amn and the rules set by the Masked Mage Guild. Therefore, in response to the request of Thos, the chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, Invited, I decided to join forces with him to launch a reciprocal revenge operation. Especially Shangla, as the mastermind, must pay the price for what he did, the price of death."

Xia En VII deliberately pretended to be "official".

He knew very well that in the previous battle, he had exposed his spellcasting level and rich combat experience.

In fact, from the time he agreed to help Zuo Si block these talisman masters who came for reinforcements, the undead emperor knew that some things could not be hidden.

But this does not mean that he will reveal his identity to the other party, but he intends to muddy the water and let the entangled talisman focus on Zuo Si.


The young figure who was concentrating on making [Blue Dragon Nemesis] for the organization in the mage tower suddenly appeared in Lagun's mind.

Xia En VII nodded meaningfully: "Yes, it's Soth.

Your endless surveillance and harassment annoyed him, so he decided to show off.

After all, in this world, only the strong deserve respect and are qualified to live freely and according to their own will.

Although Soth is still very young, he is indeed a strong man.

But you didn't give him enough respect.

For this reason alone, the lich named Shangla deserves death.

Don't worry, we are not here today to destroy the entire entangled talisman, just to prove one thing to you.

That means the Lord of Talisman can also be killed..."

As the last word blurted out, the talisman masters, including Lagon, were instantly stunned.

Since they were either lichs or dracolichs, they had been dead for who knows how many years, with only skeletons left in their bodies, so their expressions could not be seen at all.

But the shock and astonishment on the face of the vampire Xeleisha expresses this emotion and reaction very well.

Jimana felt as if he had been hit by an undead creature's immobilization spell. He stood motionless, and the two points of cold light in his eyes suddenly surged.

Obviously, in the understanding of these people, the word "kill" does not only mean simple killing, but also the destruction of the phylactery in which the lich preserves his soul and life essence.

A lich's phylactery is often the most important secret in his heart and will never be disclosed to others easily.

At least Lagon didn't know where Shangla hid his life box.

As for Jimana, she was so frightened that she immediately wanted to return to her lair to check whether her and Shangla's life boxes were safe.

Unfortunately, she really has no way to do this now.

Because if you do this, it is equivalent to telling everyone present that you are the keeper of the Shangla Life Box.

So the situation suddenly came to a stalemate.

Although the spell confrontation has basically stopped, both sides are still on high alert, seeming to be waiting for the outcome of the battle below.

After all, the masters of the talismans didn't know that Shangla lost his ability to cast spells because he studied the notes Zuo Si deliberately gave him. They thought this guy had a good chance of winning.

But not long after, as a portal opened out of thin air, Zuo Si slowly walked out from the other side, and the talisman masters were completely dumbfounded.

Especially Jimana, he saw at a glance that the two bracelets connected together were the life boxes of himself and Shangla.

The next second...

She looked like she was going crazy. She cast short-distance teleportation magic in an instant and came closer. She wanted to release the Nine Rings [Confinement Technique], intending to lock Zuo Si up permanently, and then take back the pair of connected bracelets. .

Unfortunately, Jimana didn't know that any spell caster who came within thirty meters of Zuo Si was basically no different from committing suicide.

As a result, less than half of the spell was chanted, and more than 70% of the energy needed to maintain the stability of the spell structure was drained away by the ability to create a profession.

In the end, the entire spell failed as expected.

Before the weakest talisman master could react to what happened, he saw a small hand pressing on his head.

In the blink of an eye, all the protective spells on his body collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, a scepter flashing with dazzling magic light crashed down on his face.


The Lich's hardest skull was shattered, and a large number of bone fragments flew around.

Just one blow!

Jimana's skull head was completely cut open, leaving only a spine extending from the mage's robe, and then he fell straight to the ground motionless.

At the same time, a ball of flames containing divine energy quickly spewed out from the body of the remains, covering her whole body from head to toe and slowly burning her away.

Obviously, this blow triggers a 20% chance of [disintegration into ashes].

This is a divine spell with a level up to the seventh level. The higher the level of the priest, the more amazing the damage it causes.

Just like its name, when the target is hit, if its physical attributes and vitality are not strong enough (low Fortitude saving throw), it will be swallowed up by holy or unclean energy flames in minutes (the moment of spell release is determined by the caster). Not even a bit of residue will be left behind.

As we all know, the physical attributes and vitality of most arcane casters are scum to begin with, and they lose these attributes after they are transformed into undead lichs.

Therefore, for any spell that requires a Fortitude save, don't expect to be able to withstand it like those strong warriors or barbarians.

The six-ring magic spell [Return without Death] and the seven-ring spell [Ashes to Ashes] are simply more deadly to undead creatures than the powerful nine-ring arcane and divine spells.

Such a quick and clean kill obviously caught everyone else present by surprise.

Even Xia En VII, who was an "ally", couldn't help showing a look of shock and vigilance.

Because he clearly felt the divine power and blessings from the gods that spewed out from the scepter at the moment of the hit.

"Hey! Long time no see, all of you who have been entangled with Fu Ji. It's been so long since I left Calim Port, have you missed me?" Zuo Si greeted me warmly like an old friend.

"You know us?"

Lagon probed in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si sneered and replied: "Of course I know. Ever since I worked with Aisha and took out the energy storage device that can absorb lightning damage, you have been eyeing me, haven't you?

Later, including commissioning me to make [Blue Dragon Nemesis], deliberately letting desert bandits attack me, and then playing a game with me, it was all your arrangement.

Even this [Dragon Transformation Glove] had evil intentions and wanted to make my physical condition worse and worse, and eventually I had to transform myself into a lich to survive.

Although I was unaware of it for a long time, I eventually learned the truth through other means. "

"So what you did today was for revenge?" Lagon continued to ask calmly.

Because the leader of the Lord of Talisman needs to confirm what Zuo Si's motivation is before he can decide how to deal with it next.

"Yes, and no. If it were just what happened in Calimshan, I wouldn't have done what I did now. But the problem is, after I arrived in Ascatla, Shangla was still entangled. Since he is looking for death, why don't I help him? All I want is your respect, that's all."

As he spoke, Zuo Si raised the scepter in his hand high, aimed it at the two phylacteries, and smashed them down hard.

"NO!!!!!! Wait!"

Upon seeing this, Lagon suddenly became extremely nervous and tried to cast a spell to prevent Zuo Si from destroying the phylacteries of the two talisman masters.

Unfortunately, his movements were too slow.

When the scepter in Zuo Si's hand fell, less than a fifth of the spell had been chanted.

Immediately afterwards, a loud bang almost deafened people's ears.

The violent energy explosion and impact directly swept away everything within a few meters of the surrounding area.

Wait until the dust and gravel fill the sky. Lagon saw that the talisman master he had trained with his own hands disappeared forever.

Their phylacteries were smashed to pieces by the scepter, and there was no possibility of repair.

Moreover, the soul and life essence sealed inside also completely disappeared without a trace.

The only thing that is certain is that Zuo Si now has the terrifying ability to find and destroy the life box of a talisman master.

This made the other talisman masters present nervous and scared to death.

And that scepter - [Talona's Favor], at first glance, looks like a terrifyingly powerful artifact, with power and blessings bestowed upon it by the god himself.

Even Lagon didn't dare to guarantee that he would survive the attack.

Unless he blessed himself with [Spell Reversal], or [Energy Immunity] and [Energy Absorption] in advance.

After destroying the life boxes of Shangla and Jimana in front of all the talisman masters, Zuo Si casually threw the two completely scrapped bracelets at the other's feet, and said with a dangerous smile on his face: "I think now , you should learn to respect me, right?"


Terrible silence!

Not even the dracolich, Saphurakta, felt the slightest bit happy about Jimana's death.

Since the latter's sphere of influence and intelligence network overlapped with his, he had been planning to destroy it.

But because he was afraid of Shangla's power, he never dared to take practical action.

But what Sapuhurakta never expected was that Jimana, whom he regarded as a competitor and enemy, would die in this way on an originally unknown "little man".


In the eyes of this arrogant and vain dracolich, Zuo Si has always been just an insignificant "little person", even if he attracted special attention from the leader of the entangled talisman, Lagon.

However, with the complete death of Shangla and Jimana, Sapuhurakta began to realize that he had made a mistake, a huge mistake, that is, he ignored the meaning of the word "chosen".

Similarly, Zuo Si also noticed that the maker of the [Dragon Transformation Gloves] activated the ability to transform into a half-dragon in front of the Dracolich, and frantically activated sparks and divine power to transform the sealed old blue dragon from Draw magical power and vitality from your body.

In just a few seconds, dazzling arcane light spurted out from the gloves.

Soon, his body began to change and expand rapidly.

In about a few minutes, in front of everyone, he transformed from an ordinary half-dragon into an old man with a body length of more than sixteen meters including the tail, a neck that reaches nearly five meters when standing upright, and a wingspan that reaches an astonishing more than twenty meters. comollon.

You don't need to ask to know that just now, Zuo Si personally killed the injured old dragon sealed in the gloves, absorbed all its power into his own body, and gained a permanent and unlimited transformation ability. Or it can be called the second form.

Because this is not a simple transformation, but a complete devouring of a blue dragon.

The most obvious feature is his strength attribute, which has soared from seventeen points to thirty-one points, which is the same as that of a dragon. His charm attribute has also increased from thirteen points to eighteen points, directly in line with the standards of an elderly blue dragon.

As for those untouched attributes, they originally exceeded the maximum limit for blue dragons of this age group.

In addition, it also includes innate spell-like abilities and lightning breath.

Anyway, everything this old dragon owned now became Zuo Si's property.

From now on, he can even become a sorcerer by exercising the magical power flowing in the dragon's blood.

no doubt!

Compared with mortals, dragons have great advantages.

Whether it is a long lifespan of thousands of years, or innate hard scales and magic resistance, or sharp claws comparable to magic weapons, and breathtakingly powerful breath, they are all beyond the reach of mortals.

Especially the powerful magic talent is enough to make many mages and warlocks who call themselves "geniuses" feel envious and jealous.

If most dragons were not very lazy and would hardly develop their magical talents seriously, they would usually just wait for their age to gradually awaken some spell-casting abilities. Otherwise, there would be so many dragon-slaying warriors.

I guess it would be quite a blessing not to be slaughtered by a dragon.

Feeling the powerful power possessed by the giant dragon, Zuo Si couldn't help but slightly pursed his lips, and said to the Dracolich not far away: "When you were making the [Dragon Gloves], I'm afraid you didn't think that I could turn this into a dragon." Cursed items completely become part of your own power, right?"

"how did you do it?"

Sapuhurakta's tone was filled with shock and disbelief that could not be concealed.

Because according to his design, even if Zuo Si is lucky enough to be able to fight with his will every time and successfully steal the life force from the sealed injured old dragon, at best it will only increase some basic attributes of the body, such as strength, physique and charm, which is simply impossible. Make yourself a real blue dragon.

"It's very simple! It's the divine power that Talona gave me, as well as some of my own little tricks."

As Zuo Si spoke, he checked whether the magic items on his body were damaged or fallen off due to the transformation.

It turned out that when I transformed, they also changed.

After all, with the continuous upgrading and elimination, most of the low-level magic items on his body have been replaced and replaced by high-level magic items.

High-level magic items usually have additional magic that targets the change of the wearer's form.

Of course, this is not absolute.

However, Zuo Si did not remain in the dragon form for too long, and he changed back to his human form within a few seconds.

Without rigorous training, his dragon form does not have any actual combat capabilities. At best, it can be used to scare people or "torture people."

"Divine power..."

The two red lights in Sapuhurakta's eyes flashed violently.

As one of the few who has mastered the forbidden spell of strengthening himself by plundering the life force of his kind, he knows what this means better than other talisman masters.

This means that the other party has also mastered this forbidden spell.

And since Zuo Si himself is still alive, he can continue to hunt other dragons to strengthen himself.

When he thought that he personally gave the other person such a huge gift package, Dracolich felt as painful and uncomfortable as being eaten by thousands of ants.

Because that was exactly what he longed for, that is, to become a powerful dragon king recognized by all races and forces in Faerûn.

"Dear Soth, your hidden methods are really surprising." Shane VII said meaningfully.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders with a helpless look: "I can't help it. This world is really too dangerous, and there are so many people who have ill intentions towards me. If I don't prepare a few more trump cards, how will I even die by then?" Do not know at all."

Xia En VII nodded with deep understanding: "I completely agree. I believe that the death of the two talisman masters is enough for them to learn to respect you. Now, can we go back? After all, if we continue to fight, Some guys might be tempted to use legendary magic."

"Since you said so, let's call it a day. Goodbye, everyone who is entangled in the talisman. Please remember not to bother me in the future. Otherwise, I guarantee that you will soon end up like Shangla and Jimana. End."

After saying these words full of threats and intimidation, Zuo Si nodded directly to Xia En VII beside him.

The two of them cast teleportation magic at almost the same time and disappeared.

The talisman masters could only watch the entire spell-casting process, not daring to make any move at all.

You must know that the clones created using [Simulacra] are still staring at them.

As for the people Zuo Si brought, they had all returned to the Mage Tower through the portal.

After watching the two most dangerous enemies he had encountered since the establishment of Entangled Talisman completely leave, Lagon breathed a sigh of relief and asked without looking back: "What do you think is the true identity of the woman named Zenora?" Who is it?"

"Is it possible that they are the old monsters left over from the Netheril era?" Rakeisk said with strong fear in his tone.

In his opinion, the only legendary spellcasters in Faerûn with such high spellcasting levels and rich combat experience are the great arcanists who have lived for thousands of years.

But Sapuhurakta shook his head and denied: "No, that's not right. There is absolutely no way that the moon elf is the great arcanist left over from the Netheril era. Because his method of casting spells is completely different from that of the arcanist, and even more so Close to the same magic network mages as us."

"Damn it! Are there any legendary spellcasters in this world that we don't know about?" Xelesha asked through gritted teeth.

Because she is too young, she does not know as much about various secrets as other talisman masters.

"Of course! And there are a lot of them! This is why I have always asked the entire organization to operate in a low-key manner. The death of Shangla and Jimana is a lesson for all of us, a lesson that must be remembered .Don’t ever think that you can do whatever you want after becoming a legendary spellcaster." Lagon reprimanded in a very stern tone.

Because in his opinion, the attack caused this time was the serious consequence of Shangla's unauthorized actions.

After all, after the news came that Zuo Si had become the chosen one of the gods, he ordered all contact to be stopped.

Xelesha quickly lowered her head and responded: "Please rest assured, I am not a lich, I only have one life. Even for my own safety, I will act carefully and never violate the organization's taboos."

"What are we going to do with these two people who know the secrets of the organization?" Rakeisk probed cautiously.

"In short... let's collect intelligence first. Especially Zelanora, we Jedi cannot act rashly until we know her true identity." Ragon lowered his head and thought for a moment before giving instructions immediately.

Although the death of the two talisman masters made him feel extremely angry and annoyed, in the end his instinct of "gou" prevailed.

Never fight an uncertain battle, and never fight an enemy that is too powerful.

This is Lich Lagon's principles and style of life, and it is also the reason why he can live for so long without being killed.

"Understood. After a while, I will establish a new stronghold in Amn to collect information on the woman named Zeranora."

Hearing that he didn't have to fight a powerful enemy, Rakeisk instantly relaxed a lot.

Just when Lagon was about to announce that the Lords of Symbols would be disbanded, a portal suddenly opened out of thin air.

The next second...

Lei Yin, who was covered in blood, stumbled out from the other side and shouted in panic: "No...it's not good! I...my teacher Shangela was killed by Soth and his men."

"Leyin? You're actually still alive!"

Xelesha's eyes widened in disbelief.

As a powerful vampire, she could easily identify the countless fatal wounds on the opponent's body, as well as the amount of bleeding.

If the [Life Guard] spell hadn't taken effect, he would have been dead long ago.

Unfortunately, the few present were all undead creatures and had no habit of carrying healing potions with them.

Because those potions rich in positive energy are all deadly poisons to them.

Just when Rakeisk was about to cast the Seventh Ring [Limited Wish Spell] to recover his injuries, Lagon raised his hand to stop this move, and stared into Rein's eyes and asked: "Tell me, the secret in Shangla What happened in the base? How did the other party find it and get in?"

"Sorry, I don't know anything.

Recently, I have been controlling the Emerald Society in Amn, and following my mentor's orders, I have been approaching Soth, trying to find ways to obtain the magical knowledge of other worlds from him.

When they rushed over after receiving the call for help, all the guards in the base had been wiped out, and even the mentor had his skull smashed by the artifact scepter.

When the enemies discovered me, they immediately launched an attack.

Fortunately, the trigger spell I memorized today was Any Door, so I barely escaped. "

Lei Yin told the story she had made up in advance.

Knowing that she has become a summoned creature of the planeswalker, she has no fear of death.

Even if he is discovered, he will most likely be killed and returned to the card graveyard to wait for rebirth.

"Reynn has indeed secretly controlled the Emerald Society in Amn recently. I can prove this."

Xie Leisha took the initiative to stand up and vouch for this archmage with whom she had always had a good relationship.

As the youngest talisman master among the Tangled Talisman, she is always looking for a reliable ally.

And Lei Yin, who is only one step away from the Master of Talisman, is naturally the most ideal partner for alliance.

"Then did you get anything useful from Soth?" Lagun continued to ask in an emotionless tone.

"Yes! I got a notebook from him through exchange."

Lei Yin repeated her old trick and took out the notebook recording how to become a creator and handed it to the leader of the Lord of Talisman.

Anyway, everyone who knows the truth is dead, so she can take the risk and give it a try.

Lagun subconsciously took it and flipped through it quickly. The red light in his eyes suddenly surged. It was obvious that like Shangela, he was also attracted by the creator's powerful creation ability, and his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

I saw him closing the note, stretching out his right hand with only bones left, patting Lei Yin's shoulder and praising: "You did a good job on this matter. Although it violated the rules of the organization, considering that it was Shangla who gave the order order, I will not hold you responsible. In addition, your mentor and his lover are now dead. The Entangling Talisman is short of manpower right now. I think it is time for you to take that step, Become a true talisman master."

"You mean...let me transform into a lich?"

Lei Yin deliberately pretended to be excited and surprised.

"That's right. I'll give you a month. After one month, I hope you can appear in front of me with a new attitude."

After saying this, Lagon nodded to the other talisman masters present, and then used teleportation magic to disappear.

You must know that the death of the two talisman masters is not a trivial matter.

Next, he will need to spend a lot of time to bring the chambers of commerce, families, mercenaries, thieves guilds and other forces controlled by Shangla and Jimana into his control bit by bit, or divide them and hand them over to other symbols. The Lord is responsible.

With such a huge workload and the need to operate in secrecy, I'm afraid it won't take a few months or even a year or two to resume operations.

This is one of the reasons why Lagon is eager to promote Rein to become the Master of Talisman.

On the one hand, Lei Yin has been with the Fu Ji for a long enough time, and there is basically no problem with her identity. She has proven her loyalty to the organization more than once.

On the other hand, Lei Yin is Shangla's most outstanding and trusted disciple, and knows many of the latter's secrets.

If she takes over, she can theoretically control the entire area in the shortest time, even seamlessly.

But Lagon didn't know that Rein was actually the only "conspirator" in this raid.

If she hadn't handed the note to Shangela, informed her immediately after the opponent lost the ability to cast spells, and explained all the arrangements in the lair clearly, Zuo Si would never have been able to obtain the killing talisman so easily. The Lord's achievements.

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