A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 213 Amn is about to enter the colonial era (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

As one of the forty-two richest families in Ascaltra, Bernard's marriage has been the focus of all parties' attention since he successfully came to power.

Not to mention other nobles and wealthy businessmen.

Even the church of Shuna, the God of Love and Beauty, has sent invitations more than once, hoping that she can attend a blind date banquet hosted by them and find a suitable marriage partner at the banquet.

After all, all women who are willing to attend Shuna Church activities are basically without exception believers of the God of Love.

In this way, the god and his church can not only expand their influence, but can even form a huge social platform through female believers to attract more powerful people to join various religious activities.

In fact, the Church of the God of Love and Beauty may have a huge influence in Amn, second only to the Goddess of Wealth, Watkin.

the reason is simple!

Those priests who dress up all day long and wear sexy clothes hold some overt and covert banquets every now and then, bringing together groups of men and women eager to seek excitement and new love.

And he often goes out in person to satisfy the various needs and fantasies of believers.

The most important thing is that more than 50% of these banquets are completely naked and candid.

As for the specific process, anyone who is not a fool can imagine it.

What's even more outrageous is that the banquet participants are not limited to one-on-one, but also enjoy multi-person sports, so it is very popular among young nobles and businessmen.

Some elderly ladies who cannot find satisfaction from their husbands are also very happy to participate in it, looking for energetic young men and teenagers and getting pleasure from them.

After all, the priesthood of Suna, the goddess of love and beauty, encompasses almost every definition of "love."

This includes not only "loyal love" but also "free love", "forbidden love", "unbridled love" and so on.

In other words, as long as both parties are willing to do so, it doesn't matter if they are "human beasts".

Some weird mages, encouraged (bewitched) by Pastor Shuna, had some indescribable things happen between them and the demons they created.

But it's a pity that the senior pastors of the Church of God of Love and Beauty obviously don't know what happened in Bernard's family.

Little did he know that it was his mother's frequent attendance at the banquets he held that led to intense family conflicts, which eventually led to the near-annihilation of the family.

Therefore, Bernard's personal opinion of Suna Church was completely negative, and in his heart he wished he could kill the pastor who abducted his mother to join.

Now, as he has entered into a marriage contract with the Nasiva family, the forces that were ready to move in the dark have finally calmed down.

After all, if something really happened, it would be tantamount to offending two of the forty-two richest families in Ascaltra at the same time.

In this way, while Zuo Si was tasting the new dish recently invented by Chef Welby, he chatted with Bernard about various things that had happened in Amn recently.

The half-orcs Rhett, Alena, and Korgan just ate with their heads down, as if they were not finished until they stretched themselves to death.


Every time a new dish is served, Zuo Si will put some on his plate first. Otherwise, if these three guys grab it, he will be completely unable to eat it.

After he was full of wine and food, he proposed to Welby the idea of ​​​​finding a trustworthy apprentice to work as a chef at the Sea's Gift Tavern.

After thinking for a while, the halfling quickly recommended a distant relative who was currently helping in the kitchen.

After examining the latter's cooking skills, the candidate was initially finalized.

Just as Zuo Si was about to get up and return to the Mage Tower, Bernard suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said: "Your Excellency! Wait!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Zuo Si stopped subconsciously, turned around and asked in a slightly doubtful tone.

"That's it. A few days ago, a guy named Cordel came to the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Golden Mercenary Group, hoping that I could fund their expedition. They planned to require at least three ships and a large amount of supplies. , and at least eighty skilled sailors, starting from the port of Shadowmoon Island and heading west to explore the Traceless Sea."

Bernard told the story exactly as it happened.

Because Zuo Si is currently the largest shareholder of the Chamber of Commerce and is also the backend he relies on, similar venture capital investments must be made clear.

"Start from Shadowmoon Island and head west to explore the Traceless Sea?!"

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment and immediately realized that this group of mercenaries was probably the same group of people who discovered the Maztec continent for Amn.

Calculating the time, if we sail now, we will be able to come back around next year, that is, around October DR1361.

After thinking about this, he immediately asked: "If we fund the expedition and ultimately succeed, what benefits can we get from it?"

Bernard answered without thinking: "According to the provisions of Amn's maritime law and development law, the first is territorial ownership.

If new unclaimed lands or islands are discovered, the Amn government will recognize us as undisputed lords and receive an additional duke or governor title.

As long as you have the ability, you can occupy as much space as you want.

Even if the six-person council wanted to build a port stronghold, they would still have to pay for the redemption.

In addition, we can enjoy at least five years of trade monopoly, twenty years of exclusive operation rights of more than eight special products, up to fifty years of taxation rights, as well as the ability to establish local cities, promulgate laws, and recruit armies. s right.

To put it simply, it is equivalent to a vassal city-state in the name of the country of Amn.

On the surface, it is protected by the Amn government and army, but in fact, it basically has to rely on itself for everything.

Of course, if the discovered land is large enough, such as a continent or a giant island with a large number of special products, the six-person council may provide some additional help.

This is how the Snowfall Harbor in the Shadowmoon Islands and the Nanzalu Harbor Colony in the Chult Jungle in the south were established.

They are still in the hands of the family that founded them.

After all, the major chambers of commerce in Ascaltra are not very keen on colonization, and are usually just important supply points that control maritime traffic.

Because whether it is reclaiming wasteland or relocating people, a lot of costs need to be invested upfront, and it is easy for unexpected circumstances to cause the money invested to be wasted.

They just want to obtain raw materials and goods through trade, and then sell them to other parts of the world to make profits. "

"It sounds like the Amn government is encouraging overseas development and colonization?"

Zuo Si touched his chin with a thoughtful expression.

In his view, what these laws provide is no longer "preferential policies" or "protecting the interests of pioneers."

Instead, they are openly and unabashedly encouraging those powerful families and chambers of commerce to use all means to seize overseas territories, and use this as a center to radiate to the surrounding areas, expanding Amn's influence in commerce and trade.

Because the overall concept of country and nation in Faerûn is relatively weak.

Except for the feudal rule like that of the Kingdom of Cormyr, which has maintained for thousands of years, there has never been a break or large-scale turmoil in the middle, so the people have a certain sense of identity with the royal family and noble lords.

Residents in most other areas are basically just outsiders. They may have regional and ethnic identities, but they rarely have national or ethnic identities.

This also means that if a family or chamber of commerce in Ascaltra controls and occupies a place, as long as it is not too violent, the civilians will basically not resist.

Anyway, it’s not who you pay taxes to.

As long as their own interests are not harmed, ordinary people don't care who becomes the lord.

The Amn government and the Council of Six did not even need to do anything. They allowed the gold coins they minted to be recognized and circulated in the region and surrounding villages and towns, and they could immediately collect invisible seigniorage.

You must know that in the continent of Faerûn, the proportion of gold and silver coins minted in most cities contains precious metals is about 60%.

The remaining 40% of other cheap metals are the implicit "seigniorage" obtained by deducting the cost of issuing currency by the city and country.

The reason why Amn's gold and silver currency is widely accepted and used is that its commerce and trade are extremely prosperous and developed. You can buy almost everything you want with these gold coins.

On the other hand, the casting process is superb, making it more delicate, durable, and less likely to wear and rust than other currencies of the same type.

But not many people know that the gold and silver currency in Amn actually only contains an insane 40% of the gold content.

In other words, for every gold coin minted and put into circulation, Amn officials can obtain a net profit of more than half a gold coin.

So while other city-states and countries were still playing with the real economy, Askatra's six-member council pioneered a series of financial policies.

Bernard obviously didn't know that Zuo Si had already guessed the real intention behind this series of laws and policies, and responded with a smile: "I guess so.

Anyway, after a few successful examples, many families and chambers of commerce became keen to fund the expedition.

But more than 90% of the expedition team failed to come back alive.

After all, the depths of the Traceless Sea are so dangerous.

If you don't know the route and stray into the territory of sea monsters and shark-turned-murlocs, the result will basically be a shipwreck and death. "

"So how are the benefits distributed between the expedition team and the sponsors?" Zuo Si continued to ask with interest.

Because of Amn's pattern, he suddenly felt like he was in the Age of Discovery in the 16th and 17th centuries on earth.

"It is generally divided into two models. One is the entrustment model, that is, we pay and the expedition team contributes. After completing the task, the latter takes a large commission and leaves without participating in subsequent matters. The other is cooperation and sharing. , the expedition team does not receive any compensation, but can take away 15 to 30 percent of the above policy benefits for a duration of thirty years."

Bernard quickly told everything he knew.

Since he had previously funded expeditions, he was very familiar with these legal terms and contracts.

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought for a moment, then quickly said with a smile: "In that case, let's adopt a commission model and fund this group of mercenaries with a ship and the things they need. As for the commission, it can be increased appropriately. Remember to take it to the city hall for notarization after signing the contract. I have a hunch that this cooperation is likely to be very unpleasant for both parties."

"Do you think they can succeed?" Bernard asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, it's not that I think it, but that they will definitely succeed. To be precise, they will find a continent opposite the Traceless Sea." Zuo Si gave the answer straightforwardly.

"What? Really! There is a continent across the Traceless Sea?"

Bernard instantly became excited.

There is no way not to be excited!

Because whether a continent is inhabited or uninhabited, it means a large amount of land, unknown animals, plants, and minerals.

If managed properly, the Chamber of Commerce will quickly rise and grow in less than three generations, becoming one of the richest and most powerful families in all of Amn.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. Across the Traceless Sea, there is a continent called Maztec.

There are human civilizations, countries, beliefs and gods that are completely different from Faerûn, and there are also huge wealth and interests hidden there.

To be honest, if I were a six-person council, I would definitely not sit back and watch you monopolize the wealth of a continent.

So compromise is almost inevitable in the end.

I suggest you use this time to think carefully about what you would ask for in exchange for a private deal with the Council of Six.

Okay, I have told you everything I can tell you now. The rest is your own judgment and choice.

Don't worry, as long as I'm alive no one will dare to use methods beyond the rules to deal with you.

Otherwise, I guarantee that no matter who started this, he and his family will disappear forever from body to soul.

So there is no need to be afraid and go ahead and fight for the benefits that we deserve. "

After saying this, Zuo Si gently patted the businessman on the shoulder, and then led the man back to the mage tower.

Compared to his casualness and ease, Bernard completely lost sleep that night.

In other words, the businessmen were shocked by the huge benefits that could be obtained from this expedition. They were both ecstatic from the bottom of their hearts and worried about competing for benefits with many top Amn families in the future.

As a result, early the next morning, Bernard, with two dark circles under his eyes, went to the Nasiva family who was about to marry him, or to be precise, Sir Kelvin, the father of his friend Babette, to discuss countermeasures.

They discussed in secret for more than two hours in the study room of the Nasiva family's Askatra mansion.

In the end, the two families decided to join forces to form a new chamber of commerce and began preparations to support Cordell and his "Golden Company" in their expedition across the Traceless Sea.

At the moment, the major families and chambers of commerce in Amn have not realized what a huge impact this expedition will have on this country, and even the entire continent of Faerûn.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Zuo Si.

Because he used to be very interested in the Age of Discovery in Earth's history, and he was obsessed with the feeling of controlling a sailing battleship in a game.

But as soon as I thought about the real sailing life, how bad the hygiene, food and accommodation conditions were, and how boring it was to be floating at sea for a long time, I immediately gave up the idea of ​​joining it.

Being crowded together with a bunch of stinky sailors who haven't showered in months, and then eating moldy, maggot-infested biscuits, slices of bread, and salty bacon?

What a joke!

Zuo Si, who has a mysophobia, can't stand this kind of environment.

He would go straight crazy.

After returning to the mage tower, the first thing Zuo Si did was to absorb energy like crazy, and upgraded his [Mystic] profession from LV6 to LV8 in one go, gaining the coveted seventh-level spell slot and divine spell slot.

At the same time, due to the upgrade, the intelligence attribute has been improved again.

Taking into account the permanent magic effects of various equipment and the planeswalker profession, it reaches an astonishing twenty-six points.

Under such a terrifying intelligence bonus, his thinking, learning ability and memory have been unprecedentedly strengthened.

In the past, it might take several hours to learn an advanced spell, but now it only takes less than thirty to forty minutes with the Eye of Knowledge.

From this moment on, Zuo Si finally crossed the threshold and officially became a high-level mage and high-level priest.

If you want, you can even add the title of "Arch Mage" or "Priest" to yourself in an upright manner.

But he won't do such boring things.

Because whether it is divine magic or arcane magic, the level from level zero to level three is called low-level spells, the level from level four to level six is ​​called intermediate level spells, and the level from level seven to level nine is high-level magic. Spells.

Each time it reaches a level, its spellcasting level and spell power will increase exponentially.

Just when Zuo Si was considering whether to use the reward from reading Netheril scrolls directly to upgrade the Archmage profession by one level, the consciousness of the tower suddenly reminded him through the spiritual connection: "Master, the distance is according to the schedule you have set. It is time to set off for the castle in the country and attend the banquet hosted by Sir Crispian.”

"Damn it! Time flies so fast. I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me."

Zuo Si suddenly woke up from the joy of the upgrade and couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

Since he had never been to the manor and castle given to him by Bernard before, he did not dare to use teleportation magic easily for fear of any accidents during the teleportation process.

But taking a car or walking is too slow, and it will take at least a few hours.

After much hesitation, Zuo Si finally decided to ride the dragon.

However, considering that there is currently an adult red dragon and a mutated hound that is prone to going berserk imprisoned in the mage tower and need to be suppressed, Wilmes will definitely not be able to leave.

In desperation, he could only reluctantly summon the green dragon that was captured and sealed in Leyline Maze City as a means of transportation.

As for Bailong...

Sorry, Zuo Si didn't take this group of "real dragon shame" into his consideration at all.

Moreover, the scales and body temperature of the white dragon are too low. If you don't add protective magic, riding on it is just looking for trouble for yourself.

In comparison, Green Dragon's situation is much better.

Their bodies even exude a refreshing scent of vegetation.

In order not to cause panic to the residents in the city, Zuo Si walked through the city gate alone and went to the outskirts, several kilometers away from the city wall, before summoning the green dragon, then riding on it and flying into the sky.

Since this was not his first time riding a creature like a dragon, he did not choose the neck position near the head, but sat near the two wings.

In this way, the dragon's huge body and neck can block most of the airflow, so that it will not be too uncomfortable by the strong wind.

As the creature at the top of the food chain in Faerûn, the flying speed of dragons is undoubtedly quite fast.

In particular, the adult green dragon's body is beautifully streamlined, which can minimize air resistance.

It took just over an hour to reach the destination safely.

The only problem was that when he swooped down and landed, he scared the hell out of the guards and servants in the castle.

Some cattle, horses, sheep, dogs, chickens, ducks and geese and other poultry and livestock were so frightened by the dragon's power that they collapsed on the ground and urinated.

Fortunately, the guard captain had better eyesight and saw Zuo Si sitting on the dragon's back.

Otherwise, an extremely nervous soldier almost turned the city's giant crossbow and shot it.

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Zuo Si couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly, and immediately drove the green dragon outside to the woods to rest.

You don't need to ask to know that he underestimated how terrifying an adult evil dragon is in the eyes of most ordinary people.

Seeing the green dragon flapping its wings and disappearing into the forest in the distance, the old housekeeper was almost frightened and had a heart attack. Then he straightened his clothes and walked straight up. He politely put one hand on his chest and bowed: "Soss My lord, you are welcome to come and inspect your territory. My name is Ibby Palen, and I am the steward of this castle and its attached estates. It is a great honor to serve you."

"It's nice to meet you, Ibby. Also, I'm very sorry that my horse scared you just now."

An embarrassed expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

Ibi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It doesn't matter. There is no loss anyway.

Let the kitchen cook something delicious for them later, and everything will be fine soon.

Although Master Bernard emphasized that you are a powerful spellcaster and chosen god, I never expected that the vehicle you used when you first appeared was a giant dragon.

It seems that I will consider building a dragon's nest specifically on the castle in the future. "

"Hehe! I think this way of appearing is really cool. And after this matter spreads, we shouldn't have to worry about the threat of monsters and bandits for a long time."

The sturdy guard captain couldn't help but crack a joke.

In his opinion, the master he was loyal to was so powerful that he could even enslave an evil green dragon as a mount. Those bandits and monsters would simply be impatient if they didn't open their eyes and dared to cause trouble.

"Are there monsters and robbers near the castle and manor under my name?" Zuo Si asked with interest.

The guard captain replied with a look of disgust: "How could it be possible?

Although every once in a while, I will lead people to patrol between several manors and clean up those guys who are ready to move.

But they are like weeds on the roadside and pests in the fields. No matter how clean they are, they will reappear inexplicably after a while.

Especially goblins, orcs and trolls, they are like nightmares plaguing all the territories. "

"Oh? Can you roughly mark the lairs and activity areas of these monsters on the map?"

When he heard that there were a large number of monsters around his territory, Zuo Si not only did not feel troubled, but his eyes flashed with a chilling light.

For him, this is not a monster, it is simply a good source of labor.

Among them, powerful monsters such as trolls and ogres can be considered to be made into group summoning cards.

The orcs and goblins were pulled back and directly infected with lycanthropy.

Then kill all the orcs, and then use necromancy magic to pull them up and send them to work in the gem mines of Nelanthel Islands and K'zula City.

The goblins stayed in the huge maze beneath the mage, and together with their compatriots, contributed everything they had to the construction of the dungeon.

"Of course, no problem! Are you planning to take action yourself?"

The guard captain's tone revealed anticipation and excitement.

"No, of course not. But I will set up a portal in the castle later and send some hobgoblin servants to deal with them. All you have to do is help escort the prisoners to my mage tower."

Zuo Si bluntly stated his plan.


The guard captain agreed without hesitation.

Although he didn't quite understand why there were prisoners, shouldn't monsters such as goblins, orcs, and trolls be killed on the spot?

But considering that he is loyal to a mage and a chosen one of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, there may be some special means to train monsters into obedient servants.

In fact, due to the long-term monopoly and suppression of arcane magic by the Masked Mage Guild, the people of Amn do not know much about magic.

A large number of them even regard them as ferocious beasts, showing extreme disgust and rejection.

But Bernard obviously couldn't consider this situation when hiring people, so he found a warrior who was not so averse to magic to serve as the captain of the castle guard.

Soon, under the leadership of the housekeeper and the guard captain, Zuo Si visited this small castle that was part of his property.

It occupies an area approximately the size of two football fields and is divided into one underground floor and three above ground floors.

The wall is about ten meters high and six meters thick. There are five raised towers that can be used to shoot and throw stones at intruders from a high position.

In addition, a moat more than ten meters wide and four meters deep was dug, and the river was intercepted from the nearby river, so that the river water would circle around here before continuing to flow downstream.

There are one hundred well-trained professional soldiers stationed in the castle, and rigorous training is conducted almost every day.

When necessary, militiamen and young men from surrounding manors can also be recruited.

There are also two deep wells inside the castle, as well as a large amount of food, weapons, equipment, arrows, kerosene and other supplies stored in the warehouse.

Even if you are besieged for a year and a half, you don't have to worry about running out of ammunition and food.

Without the participation of magic power, even thousands of monsters cannot be easily defeated.

However, the shortcoming is also very obvious, that is, it has no ability to resist magic at all.

Whether it is a shapeshifter spy or an earth elemental creature that can sneak in the earth, such as an earth giant, it can easily capture this seemingly impregnable castle from the inside.

After visiting the castle, Zuo Si took some time to check the accounts and warehouse with the housekeeper.

After confirming that there were no problems, he immediately closed the account book and handed it back to the other party, and praised without hesitation: "You did a great job. Now I can rest assured that I can leave the castle and its affiliated estates to you to take care of it." If something happens or you encounter a crisis, just contact the mage tower in Askatra through this device. Someone will come to help you solve the problem."

After that, Zuo Si handed the old housekeeper a magic ring that could send an alarm.

The latter hurriedly took it and promised with a serious face: "I swear that I will protect this territory for you and never let anyone destroy its prosperity and wealth. By the way, since the summer grain harvest, our The warehouse is basically full. Do you think we should sell some to make room for the upcoming autumn grain harvest?"

Zuo Si smiled and waved his hand: "No. In two days, I will send someone to take away the food. To be precise, from now on, all agricultural output of food, vegetables, meat, eggs, dairy products, etc. will not be required." Sell ​​it and keep it all for other purposes. If you are short of money, just tell me and I will have someone give you some money."

You must know that Zuo Si has a large group of werewolves and goblins, as well as a rapidly expanding kobold tribe that needs to be fed.

In the future, not only will they not be able to sell food, but they may also have to buy agricultural products from other surrounding farmers and manors.

What's more, he doesn't like the "little money" he can make from selling agricultural products.

"As you wish." Butler Ibi put one hand on his chest and saluted.

Although he couldn't understand Zuo Si's ban on selling agricultural products, he didn't ask for the reason.

Because this greatly reduces his workload, and at the same time he does not have to deal with those treacherous traders selling agricultural products.

Why not do it?

Moreover, Bernard had specifically told him not to ask any questions, no matter what kind of orders the new master gave, just obey them.

After finishing all the trivial matters in the castle, Zuo Si quickly became free.

Since there are no yeoman farmers at all in his castle and attached manor, they are all hired tenant farmers, so there are not so many messy things and neighbor disputes.

Even if there was, it would have been successfully resolved with the coordination of the housekeeper.

Out of curiosity about the overall agricultural technology level of Amn and Faerûn, Zuo Si rode a horse to observe the nearby fields, and asked the working farmers about their income, family and physical condition.

They even provided free treatment to some people with illnesses.

As a result, in less than an hour or two, news about his "affableness", "kindness and kindness" began to spread throughout the territory.

After all, the price of magical healing skills is not something that ordinary tenant farmers can afford.

Therefore, as long as they are willing to treat themselves for free, the people at the bottom who don't even know how to read simply think that this is a "good person".

A peasant girl with braided braids and a few freckles on her face even ran over with a blushing face and presented a bouquet of wild flowers she picked on the roadside as a thank you to the Lord for curing his bedridden mother who was seriously ill at home.

When the guard captain who was following him saw this scene, he immediately whistled very roguely, and then joked in a half-joking tone: "Sir, if you had been a little more proactive just now, that lovely girl would be willing to come back to you. Overnight stay at the castle.

Although she may not be as good as those fair-skinned and beautiful aristocratic ladies, she definitely has a different taste.

And for that girl, this is also a rare opportunity.

If something did happen, she could stay in the castle and be a maid.

It's better than working in the fields all day long, being tanned bit by bit by the harsh sun, and having your skin become rougher and rougher. "

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "Let's forget it. I don't have much free time to waste on such boring things. What's more, even if I have such thoughts, my body won't allow it yet."

"Not physically able? Please forgive me for asking, how old are you this year?"

The guard captain looked his allegiance up and down.

"Physically speaking, about ten years old."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

He no longer cares about age.

"What? About ten years old! God of Guards, Heim! Your head grows too fast!" The guard captain's eyes widened in surprise.

Perhaps due to long-term malnutrition, ten-year-old boys in Faerûn are generally short and thin. Generally speaking, a height of about 1.2 to 1.3 meters is considered good.

But Zuo Si has now grown to nearly 1.5 meters.

Coupled with the amazing physical and strength attribute bonuses, the mage's robe is basically a body of tendons, and he is the kind of ruthless person who can strangle a wolf to death with his bare hands.

What's more, his speech and behavior are also extremely mature and stable, without the slightest bit of childishness.

The guard captain thought that the other party was simply shorter and had a baby face.

"Hahahaha! My daily diet is more meat, eggs and seafood, so I grow faster than my peers. Okay, that's enough for wandering, let's go back. You know, I have to rush there after dark A banquet at Sir Crispian’s estate.”

After that, Zuo Si laughed and turned the horse's head and ran towards the location of the castle.

Through this observation, he could basically determine that the agricultural level in the Amn region had reached the level of the earth around the eighteenth century.

Both the types of farm tools and the use of livestock are quite mature.

The only difference is how the fertilizer is applied.

Unlike the original farmyard manure made by fermentation on Earth.

Fertilizer in Faerûn is generally produced by priests of Shantia, the "Mother of the Earth", through divine magic, and then distributed to nearby farmers.

Those liquids containing natural energy are more suitable to be said to be a magical power that accelerates the growth of plants than fertilizers.

And after fertilizing once a year, there is no need to spread any more fertilizer into the soil throughout the year.

Rather than laboring over all these bells and whistles, you might as well kneel down and pray to the Earth Goddess, and let this kind deity in charge of agriculture, farmers, gardeners, summer and artificially cultivated plants grant you a good harvest.

Generally speaking, as long as the land is not invaded by strong negative energy or otherwise polluted, farmers can obtain enough food to fill their stomachs.

The real threat to farmers' survival has never been insufficient land output, but the endless monsters and beasts in the wilderness.

This is why they are often attached to noble lords.

If this is not possible, they will gather together to form a relatively large village, and then organize young adults and train them into militiamen.

Without adequate protection by force, there is no way to farm well in this crisis-ridden world.

Back at the castle, Butler Ibi immediately brought up a carefully prepared meal.

Looking at the four dishes and one soup placed in front of him, Zuo Si immediately asked in a slightly doubtful tone: "You should know that I am going to a banquet tonight, right?"

The butler smiled and replied: "Of course, sir. These foods are specially prepared for you to attend the banquet.

Because at this kind of high-end banquet with a more social nature, there won't be many things that suit your taste.

Many of the dishes are simply expensive and for show, and would be an absolute disaster if put in your mouth.

Therefore, eating something to pad your stomach before attending a dinner party is something that almost all nobles must do.

Otherwise, it would be rude to make a grunting sound at the banquet. "

"I see! Then is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

Zuo Si continued to ask with interest.

“In Amn, there are many etiquette and rules for attending high-end banquets.

However, considering your special status, aspects such as clothing and dressing can be completely ignored.

And generally speaking, both male and female guests will bring at least one opposite-sex partner.

They can be wives, husbands, lovers, parents, or children.

Many nobles will use such occasions to make more friends, expand their connections, and find suitable marriage partners.

Finally, and the most critical point.

Never make any promises easily at a party, that means you must fulfill them no matter what.

Otherwise, the reputation will be greatly damaged, and even be collectively despised, excluded and suppressed by the entire Amn noble family..."

The old butler Ibi obviously knows a lot about banquets, a form of communication between nobles.

While Zuo Si was having a meal, he stood aside and gave a very detailed explanation. At the same time, he explained the meanings of many words and actions.

For example, asking about age often means that you want to get married.

If the person being asked has the intention to do so, they will give their true age. If they do not want to, they will quickly change the subject.

In addition, there are toasts, handshakes, hugs, invitations to dance from the opposite sex, etc.

At a noble banquet, every behavior has a completely different meaning than usual.

If you accidentally make a mistake, you will inevitably be laughed at by others around you.

no doubt!

Amn is indeed a country that has inherited part of the culture of the Shaan Dynasty of Calimshan. They all like to do some messy things in social situations to show their identity and social status.

However, Zuo Si quickly memorized all the precautions with his strong photographic memory.

After all, even if all the guests attending the banquet tonight spent a lot of money to buy tickets, he would still play his role well.

He still has this bit of professional ethics.

After dinner, Zuo Si stayed in the castle and studied the seven-ring magic with his spell book in his arms for a while.

When the time came to around eight o'clock, he mounted the green dragon and took off into the sky.

After a while, we passed through a large stretch of fields and finally landed around a sea of ​​golden flowers.

Since the daisy was the emblem on the coat of arms of Sir Crispian's family, the plant was planted around his estate.

When the green dragon landed, a woman who happened to be waiting at the door to receive guests was immediately frightened and screamed.

The nearby guards immediately drew their weapons and stood in front of her with trembling legs.

People in the house heard the screams and looked out the window.

With the help of the light provided by the [Eternal Flame] torch inserted at the door, they could clearly see Zuo Si's foot on the top of the green dragon's head, walking down the dragon's back.

As we all know, dragons are very proud creatures.

No matter whether you are kind, neutral, or evil, you will never allow a mortal to step on your head and get off the dragon's back in such an insulting way.

But now, Zuo Si not only did it, but the face of the adult green dragon crawling on the ground did not show any anger, unwillingness or resentment, just like a dog that had been completely tamed by its owner.

It took a full minute for Sir Crispian, the organizer of the banquet, to come to his senses. He hurriedly ran out to stop his daughter's embarrassing act, and drove back the guards who were so nervous that they were about to pee their pants. position.

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