A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 210 Return to the Mage Tower (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Under the guidance of the third-generation magic goddess Midnight, it took Zuo Si a whole week to finally read the first section of the first major chapter of the Netherese scroll, which was the first of the ten scrolls.

It has to be said that as one of the earliest intelligent creatures in the world to create civilization on land, and also the creators of all scaly creatures, such as lizard people and snake people, the Saluk witches' theoretical research on arcane magic is indeed It can be regarded as reaching the pinnacle.

Even the glorious civilization of Netheril later only extended and transformed some spells and applied technologies from the results of the former's basic theoretical research, nothing more.

As for inventions and creations, although it cannot be said that there are none at all, there are no commendable breakthroughs in basic theoretical research.

Moreover, the magic words used by the witches and demons when writing these scrolls are also original, and even their compatriots who have not studied arcana may not be able to understand them.

The most striking feature is that the meaning expressed by a magic rune is very complex, often equivalent to a dozen words or even dozens or hundreds of words in the common language of Faerûn.

Just like ancient classical Chinese, it has been simplified to the extreme.

Especially in the beginning where the most basic theories are explained, any misunderstanding will have an impact on all subsequent parts.


With the guidance of Midnight, the goddess of magic, Zuo Si finally completed the most difficult and dangerous first step without any danger.

Once you understand the theoretical basis and outline of the opening chapter, you won't have much of a problem learning the next divided knowledge.

Of course, as a reward for reading a Netherese scroll, Zuo Si's understanding of magic became deeper, and the surging arcane energy in his body was ready to come out.

You can level up any arcane spellcasting profession at any time if you wish.

However, he did not rush to use it. Instead, he planned to upgrade the [Mystic] profession to LV8 and obtain the seventh-level spell slot, and then add the rewards obtained from reading these scrolls to the [Arch Mage] profession.

After all, [Mystic] is not a pure arcane spellcasting profession, it also includes divine magic.

So you cannot enjoy the benefits of reading Netherese scrolls.

In this way, you can directly buy the five levels of Archmage profession for free.

Make money with blood!

Just when Zuo Sim was happily thinking about how to optimize the existing spell-casting professions, Midnight casually put the first golden scroll back into the box and said in a slightly approving tone: "It only took a week to read this scroll. I'm really surprised by your level of intelligence and understanding of all the content. You know, even Chosen Ones like Elminster and some other legendary mages, it might take a month or even longer."

"This is all thanks to your teachings and this pair of [eyes of knowledge]. It has given me powers of observation and speed of understanding that others cannot imagine." Zuo Si responded very modestly.

"No! This is not just my teaching, but also the credit given to you by the God of Knowledge for those eyes. If you don't mind, can you tell me the secret of your abnormal physical condition and super intelligence?" Midnight Rao Asked with interest.

Zuo Si didn't speak, just smiled and shook his head gently.

"Okay, I think I understand what's going on."

Midnight didn't get too entangled, and decisively classified it as a planeswalker's unique means and professional special abilities.

After all, in the description of Ogma, the God of Knowledge, this is a special group that can rival the gods.

You can even directly cross the gap between space and space without passing through the star realm and the etheric plane as a transit, and enter the "dark void" that even gods cannot set foot in.

So it's not surprising to master some special powers that can continuously strengthen yourself.

Compared with these, the goddess of magic is actually more interested in the energy channel connecting Zuo Si to another world.

Because through these days of observation, she can feel that the primitive magical energy is constantly surging in the body of the little guy in front of her, and at the same time, it has formed a coexistence phenomenon with the magic network within a radius of several hundred meters. .

This is why she clearly did not allow those magic systems to enter the world, but Zuo Si was still able to use them normally.

"What are you looking at?"

Zuo Si was a little frightened by the strange eyes of the goddess, and subconsciously touched his face.

Midnight smiled and shook his head: "No, it's nothing. Now I finally understand why so many gods are interested in you.

Because your existence itself is like a miracle made up of countless coincidences.

That dazzling soul is like a flawless gem, attracting every life that sees it.

Okay, now that you have successfully read the first scroll, you should be able to handle the rest by yourself, and there is no need for me to stay and waste time.

But please remember, if you experience tingling in your brain or confusion while reading other scrolls, use your Holy Symbol to call upon me for help. "

After saying these words, the incarnation of the goddess of magic opened a portal and disappeared without a trace.

Zuo Si felt confused and puzzled by the goddess' last inexplicable words.

But he didn't hesitate for too long. After a few minutes, he put away the box used to store the Netheril scrolls and immediately set off for the Tower of Order in Waterdeep City, intending to use the share of the adventure profits sent by the dwarf Ruger a few days ago. Go buy some materials and magic items.

Counting the time, it has been almost several months since I left Ascatella, and it is time to go back.

After showing the member badge that Kelben had applied for for him to the guard at the door, Zuo Si gained the qualification to enter the Tower of Order.

Of course, this huge building is more appropriately described as a magic fortress than a tower.

In fact, "mage tower" is essentially a very abstract concept and does not necessarily have to be in the shape of a spire.

Because as long as there is an elemental pool that can collect and store energy, the surrounding walls and ceilings are reinforced with magical energy, and some special function rooms are built, it can be collectively called a "Mage Tower".

And unlike most mage towers, which are quiet, this place is as noisy as a market.

Countless guys dressed like adventurers were bargaining fiercely with the apprentices in charge of selling magic weapons, equipment, potions, scrolls and props at various stalls.

Due to the "consignment" method, certain mages will give a "lowest price" when they hand over the things they make to the Tower of Order for sale.

The task of these apprentices is to sell them at the highest price possible.

Starting from the "base price", for every ten percent increase in sales price, the person in charge of the booth can get a portion of the commission, up to a maximum of 50 percent of the net profit after removing the base price, which is almost half.

It has to be said that the person who invented this incentive policy is definitely a "genius".

He mobilized the subjective initiative of every apprentice responsible for sales work through the bundling of interests.

Whether it is to earn the high cost of learning magic, or to please the archmages and let them give them guidance, the apprentices must give full play to their ingenuity and fool the adventurers into taking out the last gold coin in their pockets.

"It looks like a lot of fun."

Davian looked around with interest and commented.

"Yes! The managers of the Tower of Order directly transformed this place into a trading market for various magic items. However, non-guild members seem to need to pay a deposit before they can enter."

Zuo Si obviously noticed that when the adventurers came in, they would hand a bag of gold coins, at least five hundred, to a woman who looked like a cashier at the door.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it.

After all, even the cheapest items sold here cost hundreds of gold coins, which ordinary people simply cannot afford.

What's more, the group of adventurers is already quite complex.

Especially those thieves with dirty hands and feet, who often take some "souvenirs" while the shopkeeper is not paying attention when buying things.

After paying the security deposit, if they want to steal something, they have to consider whether the gain outweighs the loss.

Just when Zuo Si was about to skip the finished products and look for valuable raw materials, he suddenly heard a fierce quarrel in the distance.

After taking a closer look, it turned out that an adventurous team was selling their "trophies", two relatively well-preserved beholder corpses.

The leader of the barbarians waved his thick arms, spitting foam from his mouth crazily, and roared in a stern tone: "Only two thousand gold coins? What a joke! This is not one of those small Gaussian beholders, but one that can truly A true beholder that releases anti-magic force fields and various terrifying rays. Look at its huge main eye and the eye stalks surrounding it. This thing is worth at least five thousand gold coins."

"If they are alive, let alone five thousand gold coins, even tens of thousands are no problem. But the problem is that these are just corpses. With my authority, I can only give out two thousand gold coins at most. If you are not satisfied, you can choose to bring go back."

A young man who looked to be in his mid-twenties and was wearing a mage's robe shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

As a member of the Anmin Mage Guild, he is not afraid of a few adventurers who want to play tricks.

Not to mention a barbarian who is over two meters tall, even a hybrid of a giant and an ogre must act according to the rules.

Otherwise, all kinds of powerful control and charm magic can teach those ignorant guys how to behave with their tail between their legs in minutes.

Just when the mindless barbarian started to lose control of his emotions, Zuo Si suddenly walked closer, pointed at the two beholder corpses on the ground and said, "Sell it to me. I'm willing to pay five thousand gold coins for each corpse."

"You really!"

The strong barbarian warrior who wanted to talk about punching people one second stopped all actions the next second, with undisguised surprise in his eyes.

From the rudimentary equipment without any arcane aura and the large number of scars on his body, it is easy to tell that he and his teammates are quite poor and are most likely members of a primitive tribe around Waterdeep City.

Their motive for venturing out was also very simple. They probably wanted to make money to buy some food, salt, and warm clothing for the tribes who were short of food and clothing for the winter.

Since the cold winter is coming, land transportation will be interrupted after it snows, so they are so impatient.

As for Zuo Sihua's purpose of buying these beholder corpses at high prices, of course it was to create powerful undead creatures - "Dead Eye Tyrant".

This is the zombie form of a beholder.

Although it has little intelligence, it can retain most of the magical abilities that the beholder had during its lifetime.

Including deadly charm rays, dissociation rays, fear rays, death rays, petrification rays, negative energy rays, sleep rays, slowness rays, telekinesis abilities, anti-gravity flight abilities...

In terms of capabilities, it is completely a super mobile energy ray turret.

And it can be used unlimitedly every day, without having to worry about spell slots like other spell casters.

If these two well-preserved corpses with main eyes are made into "Dead Eye Tyrant", they can even retain their forty-five-meter-long cone-shaped anti-magic force field.

It can even be said that in addition to having no intelligence, the "Dead Eye Tyrant" is a complete beholder wearing the characteristics of an undead creature.


Maybe even scarier than a beholder.

Because in addition to the original abilities of beholder, these guys also have a lot of immunity characteristics of undead creatures.

In the "Book of the Dead", there are very detailed and specific transformation methods for this undead creature.

When he went on an adventure to Earthline Maze City before, Zuo Si wanted to capture a few beholders or get some corpses.

It's a pity that we didn't encounter it along the way.

Now that I happened to see it, I naturally won't let it go easily.

Not to mention a mere five thousand gold coins, he would buy it without hesitation even if there was an extra zero.

Because the power and value of a "Dead Eye Tyrant" cannot be measured by just a few thousand or even tens of thousands of gold coins.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si simply waved his hand to the Dragonborn Knight: "Give him 10,000 gold coins!"

Without saying a word, Davian took out a small leather bag from his pocket, counted out ten money orders worth one thousand gold coins and handed them over.

"Here, this is a note for ten thousand gold coins. You can take it to any temple of the Goddess of Wealth to exchange for the equivalent currency, or you can directly buy what you want at any store in Waterdeep City."

"Hehe! Thanks, man. I knew there would be someone who knew the goods. Now the corpses of these two beholders belong to you."

This tall and strong barbarian warrior was obviously not entering a big city for the first time. He understood the value of these small pieces of paper with the side profile of Woking, the goddess of wealth, and grinned with a kind smile.

Due to their straightforward personality, they will always show their likes and dislikes to a person directly on their faces.

Watching this adventure team composed entirely of barbarians walk out of the Tower of Order, Davian quickly stuffed the beholder's heavy flesh ball corpse into the dimensional bag, and then walked away under the stunned gaze of the young mage.

You don't need to ask to know that this young man has no idea of ​​the value of the Beholder's corpse, let alone the specific process and craftsmanship of making the "Dead Eye Tyrant".

It is estimated that the reason why he paid two thousand gold coins was probably to use those eye stalks to make magic equipment such as eyeball robes.

Continuing to wander along the market, Zuo Si discovered that the spellcasting materials sold at the Tower of Order, both in terms of type and rarity, were more than one level higher than those in the capital of Amn, Ascatla.

On the one hand, the attitude towards magic here is more open and inclusive. Not only are there a large number of spellcasters, but the average level is also very high.

Even in the noisy hall on the first floor, you can still occasionally encounter high-level mages and warlocks passing by.

As for the other aspect, naturally Waterdeep City is located in the crisis-ridden Northland, and most of the area is still in a wild and undeveloped state.

Adventurers can often find good things in ruins, wastelands, and forests.

Moreover, there is Leyline Maze City and Skull Port, which engages in various slave sales and illegal transactions, at your feet.

Therefore, there is no shortage of "supply channels" and the price is relatively cheaper.

After shopping around for a while, Zuo Si spent almost all the cash he had.

Then he led the people directly out of the Tower of Order, opened the portal in an inconspicuous alley in Waterdeep City, and returned to the Mage Tower after a long absence.

"Are you finally willing to come back?!"

When the group of people passed through the portal, Wilmes, who was in the form of a dragon, suddenly opened his eyes with a surprised expression on his face.

Obviously, Zuo Si is just as insidious as the Githyanki on the starport, choosing to fix the location of the portal in the dragon's lair under the tower.

"Nothing happened during my absence, right?" Zuo Si asked, looking around.

Wilmes replied casually: "Except for your dark elf slave running away, basically everything is going according to the original plan. Oh, by the way, the female dragon you captured, I will take her with the giant The mutant hounds are kept together, in the bondage room next door.”

"The drow ran away? When? How did she run away? Didn't she wear an upgraded slave collar around her neck? Didn't the little retarded person stop her?"

Zuo Si frowned subconsciously and asked a series of questions.

Because he couldn't figure out how a prisoner who was under mind control all day could escape from the heavily guarded mage tower.

"That damn drow is obviously very resistant to mind control.

She didn't know when she managed to break free but didn't show it.

Then he stole a wire saw and quietly cut off the collar around his neck.

Finally, use the meal delivery time to trick you into awakening the consciousness of the mage tower, and dive directly into the intricate waterway.

Since there was no obstacle between the lower level of the mage tower and the sewers of Ascatla some time ago, the entire escape process was extremely smooth.

After this happened, I asked the goblin servants to seal the passage, leaving only a hidden secret door. "

Wilmes didn't hide anything and told what happened openly.

From the nonchalant tone and attitude, it was easy to tell that the red dragon didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"What about the goblins? Didn't any of the goblins who dug underground in the mage tower escape?" Zuo Si continued to ask.

Although he had captured and produced several dark elf creature cards in Leyline Labyrinth, he didn't care so much about a mere prisoner.

But the problem is that this incident is not just about a prisoner escaping, but a huge loophole in the management and defense of the mage tower.

Otherwise, even if the female drow had psychic resistance and succeeded in sawing off the collar around her neck, she should not be able to escape.

Wilmes responded without thinking: "The goblins have no chance to escape. Because I have arranged a continuous sitting system for them. If one escapes, the entire team will die together. Not to mention there are a large number of undead creatures following."

After hearing this answer, Zuo Si's originally serious face finally relaxed a little and began to communicate with the tower's consciousness through spiritual connection.

After a while, he roughly knew everything that happened during his absence, as well as the current progress of excavation and construction of the underground part.

Since goblins are not natural burrowers like kobolds, many collapse accidents inevitably occurred while digging.

There are more than a thousand unlucky people who were crushed alive and suffocated to death just because of this.

Although the corpses excavated later were resurrected by necromancy magic and continued to work sleeplessly in their undead form, it still affected the overall progress.

Later, as a last resort, we had to invite a few kobold burrowing experts from the other side of the portal to provide technical guidance, and the collapse accident rate slowly dropped.

In addition, there is also bad news that in the mountains south of Zhazesibo, the goblins are almost extinct.

Because almost all the goblins in the surrounding areas were captured and turned into coolies underground in the mage tower.

If we need more labor, we may have to turn our attention to creatures such as orcs and jackals that are not easy to manage.

However, the Mage Tower Consciousness gave a suggestion, that is, kill them all first, and then bring back only the corpses to transform into low-level undead.

Zuo Si thought about it for a moment and immediately agreed.

After all, the biggest advantage of the undead is that they don't need to rest, eat or drink, and can work twenty-four hours a day.

In comparison, from the perspective of pure labor efficiency, the price-performance ratio of Goblin Werewolf is really not very high.

If some experiments did not require a large number of living subjects, they would have no value at all.

In addition, since learning that live goblins were listed for sale in Zuo Si, the Masked Mage Guild immediately sent people to purchase hundreds of them, probably either for necromancy magic experiments or as guinea pigs for testing the effects of various new medicines.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is a one-time consumable for apprentices to practice how to stay focused and cast spells in battle.

In short, they not only gave a relatively high price, but also set a long-term purchasing contract.

This amount alone would be enough to buy enough food to feed thousands of goblins for a full year or two.

You must know that the feed carefully prepared by Zuo Si for the goblins is very "scientific" and "nutritional".

This includes insanely cheap old shelled barley and beans as a staple, paired with a rich stew of various seaweeds, small fish, shrimps and crabs, plus some equally cheap raw kohlrabi, radishes, onions and mushrooms. .

Not only is it a combination of meat and vegetables, but the nutritional intake is also very comprehensive.

And there are a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs with shells and bones, so there is absolutely no shortage of calcium.

The only drawback is that the taste is definitely not very good. Since there are no condiments in the soup, it is inevitably full of fishy smell.

The steamed rice of aged hulled barley and beans tastes a little chewy and hard to swallow.

If you eat it for a long time, your teeth will wear out very quickly.


Zuo Si had no intention of letting these goblins live for more than five years, and successfully avoided the tragedy of those old goblins having difficulty eating due to bad teeth.

You are so attentive and kind, aren't you?

He couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up as a "good person".

From birth to burial to becoming a never-tiring undead, the life of a werewolf and goblin was clearly arranged in this way.

After roughly checking the current number and fertility status of goblins, Zuo Si showed a satisfied expression on his face: "Not bad! It seems that this attempt to raise goblins has achieved initial success.

The period from birth to adulthood can be shortened to two months and fifteen days under the influence of magic and hormones.

Although the price is that their lifespan is absolutely impossible to exceed fifteen years, it doesn't matter anymore.

The next thing to do is to strictly control the quantity to ensure that the total number remains in a relatively balanced state. "

"I think so too.

The artificial intervention plan you proposed before seems to have achieved good results.

The new generation of goblins indeed has better obedience than their parents.

I think it's time to castrate the original ones, and then select the more obedient ones from the new generation to breed the second generation.

If this continues, within a few years we will have a group of goblin subspecies that are completely domesticated and obedient.

I have to admit that you are indeed a genius in this regard.

You must know that before this, no one had ever thought that useless goblins could generate such high economic benefits. "

When saying these words, Wilmes did not hide his jealousy for this "business" at all.

Because in her opinion, those ones were not goblins at all, but gold coins that made a jingling sound.

Except for a little money to buy food, there are basically no other upfront investments and operating costs.

In fact, this greedy red dragon has begun to consider whether the completely domesticated goblins can be used as laborers, rented to merchants, manor owners, and mine contractors to do some dangerous and heavy manual labor.

If this business is successful, then she can really lie on the pile of gold coins and count money all day long.

Zuo Si had already had a very deep understanding of Wilmes' greedy nature, so he immediately saw through the other person's thoughts and said with a sneer: "Don't think about how to get more wealth all day long.

In this world full of dangers, if you don't have matching power, no matter how much wealth you have, you are just fat in the eyes of others.

Instead of wasting time on this, it's better to take the time to develop your magic talents. "

"You mean...let me learn magic?"

Wilmes asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, no, no, with your IQ and reckless personality, becoming a mage is almost impossible." Zuo Si raised his right index finger and shook it gently. "I mean, you can try to become a warlock who relies on blood to cast spells. And I recently figured out an interesting magic ritual that allows you to draw life and magical energy from other dragons and their dragon eggs to strengthen yourself. .”

"Swallowing dragon eggs! Isn't that what Klaus, the ancient red dragon of the North, did?" Wilmes opened his mouth in shock.

"Yes! I just read some interesting knowledge recently, so I have a deeper and more thorough understanding of the vicious magic contained in this glove.

Now, I can do something similar.

How about it, do you want to try it?

Right now we happen to have a half-hatched red dragon egg on hand. "

Zuo Si seduced meaningfully.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the result of his knowledge and understanding of magic after reading the Netheril scrolls.

Wilmes was obviously moved, and he nodded vigorously: "Of course! Please use this method to make me stronger."

"Very good, then I will grant your wish. Now, you go and get the dragon egg. I will spend some time drawing a permanent magic circle."

With that said, Zuo Si quickly contacted the consciousness of the tower, asked the magic bats and undead creatures to fetch some materials from the warehouse, leaned down and began to draw complex and precise arcane runes.

Different from the currently popular magic runes in Faerûn, these runes are the ancient runes used by Saluk witches, which are the magic words used to write Netheril scrolls.

Only this original magic hair text can, to some extent, replace the magical power used by the dragons.

With the powerful ability of the creator profession, Zuo Si completed the drawing of a giant magic circle with a radius of more than fifteen meters in less than an hour and a half.

Next, he spent another two or three hours checking repeatedly to confirm that there were no mistakes, and then he signaled Wilmes to place the dragon egg in the central container.

After completing this step, the red dragon immediately asked impatiently: "What should I do next? Swallow that egg?"

"You don't need to do anything, just stand where you are."

With that said, Zuo Si walked straight to the dragon egg, used the energy stored in the mage tower to get some magma from the fire elemental plane, and covered the entire dragon egg.

Because the red dragon's eggs are originally meant to be hatched in a high-temperature environment.

Therefore, after the embryo feels the temperature of the magma, it immediately becomes unprecedentedly active.

Unfortunately, before the little life in the dragon egg could be happy, a terrifying magical energy completely enveloped it.

Along with the low sound of chanting the spell, a scarlet thread connected Wilmes to the dragon egg.

Before the former could figure out what was going on, a surge of vitality and magical energy poured into his body.

In just a few seconds, her body had grown a full circle.

Not only that!

His innate spell-like abilities have also been strengthened, and he even learned several new spells such as [Acceleration], [Dispel Magic], [See Through Invisibility], and [Resist Energy Damage] in one go.

Just when Wilmes was extremely excited about this, he suddenly discovered that the dragon egg in the center of the circle had completely shriveled up and had no signs of life at all. It even emitted a rotten smell. smell.

Out of curiosity, she immediately walked closer to observe carefully, and at the same time took the initiative to test: "What on earth did you just do?"

"It's very simple. I transformed everything in this dragon egg, including the soul, into energy and transported it into your body.

Since you are all red dragons, there is no waste in the process of energy transformation.

If it were other types of dragon eggs, the effect would be greatly reduced.

In addition, according to the unique age group of dragons, you are almost entering your prime now.

But don't worry, this process will not affect your lifespan.

Just the opposite!

It will add extra years to your life.

In other words, as long as you keep devouring it like this, you will never die due to aging.

How about some fun, yet vicious magic, isn't it? "

Zuo Si gave a simple explanation with a half-smile.

He now finally realized why this magic was called taboo even among the evil chromatic dragons.

Putting aside the attitude of the evil dragon god Tiamat, the gods and major forces will never allow an evil dragon that is immortal and can become infinitely stronger to exist.

That's why Saphurakta was forced to become a dracolich. It is estimated that Klaus, the ancient red dragon in the North who has caused public outrage, will not live long.

However, it was obviously impossible for Wilmes to understand this with his mind. Instead, he asked with wide eyes and an excited tone: "So, we can completely make the imprisoned Ashtelanse pregnant and lay eggs. , and then hatch these eggs until they are about to break out of their shells, and then let me devour them all, so that I can finally gain power as powerful as those Dragon Kings?"

"Theoretically, this is correct. But are you sure you want to do this? Or, have you thought about the serious consequences that may come from doing this?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

"Consequences? What consequences will there be?" Wilmes curled his lips dismissively.

In her mind, only power and wealth are everything.

As for other things, they are all on the sidelines.

Even belief in Tiamat.

Unlike most evil dragons who at least maintain respect for the evil dragon god, Wilmes has no faith at all. He even thinks that Tiamat is a greedy, insidious, cunning and powerful evil who only snoops on his own treasures. dragon.

"In that case, I will fulfill your request. Here, here is a little bit of Bertorgas' life essence. If you use it sparingly, I think it should be enough to make Ashteranthe pregnant dozens of times."

After that, Zuo Si threw a small bottle of viscous liquid prepared in advance to the red dragon.

Wilmes instantly used the hand of the mage to catch the small bottle firmly, grinning with a cold and cruel smile: "Awesome! With this guy Ashtelance as the mother body, I am equivalent to having a source. Dragon eggs that can be devoured constantly.

It won't take long for my power to grow through devouring to the point where I can compete with those dragon kings.

At that time, you and I can join forces to kill them and seize their huge wealth that they have accumulated for centuries or even thousands of years. "

"as long as you are happy."

Zuo Si did not break the naive delusion of the guy in front of him.


If those ancient dragons with the title of "Dragon King" were really so easy to kill, they would have died countless times.

For example, a certain red-robed wizard once successfully administered a deadly alchemical toxin to Ivicola Sagram's "Sharp Tooth" that was enough to poison ten adult dragons.

But what's the result?

The former just felt a little uncomfortable, and returned to normal after a few hours.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the gap between ordinary adult dragons and dragon kings is probably even more terrifying than the gap between ordinary people and legendary figures.

At least most poisons that can poison ordinary people can also have a considerable impact on some legendary figures.

Leaving the underground of the mage tower, Zuo Si quickly returned to his private room on the upper floor and counter-summoned the Dragon Knight and the Archer, intending to use the safe period of staying in the mage tower to upgrade these two cards.

In addition, he also re-planned the spaces inside the mage tower that were not effectively used, intending to sort out the various knowledge and spells collected so far and create a comprehensive library comparable to Candlekeep. pavilion.

And he also plans to build a special interdimensional portal room so that he can travel between different worlds at will in the future.

Anyway, there are a large number of free goblin and undead workers now, so don’t use them in vain.

Upon learning that the supreme leader of the organization had returned, the lichs put down what they were busy doing and gathered together again to hold a core member meeting.

As the person in charge of the expansion plan of the coastal islands, Vanessa used rigorous reports to explain the changes that have taken place in the Nelanthel Islands in recent times, as well as the progress of the integration of the forces that are imposing trade sanctions on Baldur's Gate. .

When Zuo Si learned that Baldur's Gate's maritime trade had shrunk by almost one-third in just over a month, he was immediately shocked and speechless.

He originally thought that a result would be good within a year and a half.

But never in my wildest dreams did I expect that the lich in front of me would move so fast, and it would only take a few months for everything to be on track.

Not only that!

Vanessa has not fallen behind in learning magical knowledge.

Not only did he successfully obtain the LV1 [Archmage] professional level, but he also learned [Counter Spell Control], a powerful skill that can counteract a spell on the enemy after successfully countering it.

He took full advantage of the fact that the lich did not need to rest. During the day, he dealt with various trivial matters on the Nelanthel Islands, and at night he returned to the mage tower alone to conduct his own research and study.

There was no time for rest, relaxation and entertainment at all.

It can be called a model of the "King of Scrolls" in the magical world.

Several other lichs were not idle either.

Three of them teamed up and successfully hunted four dragons in a row.

Among them are a black dragon, a green dragon, and two blue dragons.

Not only did he obtain a large amount of wealth and some magic items, he also obtained four relatively complete dragon corpses.

Jeffrey reported two core members who passed the test and were willing to join the organization.

Zuo Si readily agreed after reading his specific information and spellcasting level.

Because he has realized that since the establishment of the [Arcane Secret Society], although he has basically done nothing, the entire organization has been running quite well.

Not only did it not cause any big trouble, but it also continued to provide a variety of resources.

Especially after becoming lich, most of the core members have undergone very big changes in their concepts of knowledge and wealth.

They are no longer obsessed with hoarding property and hiding precious and rare knowledge and spells from anyone.

Instead, start learning to take it out and share it with others, and speed up the progress of learning and research by studying and discussing it together.

Obviously, the atmosphere deliberately created by Zuo Si has gradually begun to take effect.

Although all the lichs who joined in handed over their phylacteries without exception, no one felt that they were slaves or under control.

On the contrary, they have a growing sense of identification and belonging to the organization.

After all, they really gained huge benefits from it.

However, out of caution, Zuo Si did not reveal to these lich that he had ten Netherese scrolls with a complete chapter in his hand.

But in other ways, he demonstrated part of his knowledge through notes.

For a moment, the eyes of the seven lichs present revealed naked and undisguised greed and desire.

Because even a little bit of knowledge on the Netherese scrolls is of value to them that cannot be measured in money.

After circulating it around, Vanessa immediately asked impatiently: "Sir, where did you get this notebook? Its explanation of the basic principles of magic is simply breathtaking. If you study it thoroughly, , perhaps we can break away from the magic network and directly control and shape those primitive and violent magical energies."

"Calm down, don't be so anxious. In fact, I already have a clue about the research in this area, and I will teach you the rest one after another. But there is one thing to note, that is, this knowledge must not be passed on to others, even if it is Your most trusted apprentice is no exception."

Zuo Si issued a warning seriously.

"Of course! Only the most core members who have made great contributions to the organization are eligible to learn such a priceless treasure. I think a contribution system similar to that of peripheral members should be established for core members." Vanessa said seriously suggested.


"I agree!"

"Knowledge that is too precious should not be easily obtained."

"That's right!"

The seven lichs unexpectedly unanimously passed this rule that was very unfavorable to them.

Zuo Si was dumbfounded and amazed by the supreme level of his consciousness.

This self-management awareness and enthusiasm are simply incredible!

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