A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 205 The Rise of the Nelanser Islands (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Ioma Island is the largest island in the Nelanthel Islands and has the richest freshwater resources. It is also the most suitable island for settlement and farming.

Hundreds of years ago, this place was built with slaves plundered by pirates and became a medium-sized port town.

There is a small shipyard in the town, a blacksmith shop for making weapons and armor, a carpentry room for processing and manufacturing wooden boards, several taverns and hotels dedicated to serving pirates, and a store responsible for purchasing and storing goods and various trophies. storehouse.

The rest are small-scale plantations opened by slaves, pirates and their families, as well as strongholds built by black marketeers who had business dealings with pirates.

In short, the scale is not large, with no more than a thousand people at its busiest time.

The purpose of its existence is simply to provide a place for sailors who have been at sea for a long time to go ashore to vent and get drunk.

However, since Eric won the decisive naval battle and completely brought the Sword Sea area under his control, it became the first place to be officially included in the development plan.

In just over a month, the originally dirty, narrow and dilapidated town was completely demolished.

Instead, there are carefully planned port areas, high-end residential areas, civilian residential areas, warehouse areas, administrative areas, commercial areas, cemetery areas, workshops and handicraft areas, etc.

At present, not only has a towering lighthouse been built in the entire port area with the help of magic, but the plank roads and supporting facilities for docking ships are also basically completed.

There are also many houses scattered in the residential area, and they are even equipped with running water and sewer systems.

The streets looked exceptionally clean and tidy, which was a huge difference from the previous dirty and smelly environment.

And all of this is entirely the result of thousands of undead creatures who never tire as laborers, working day and night to construct.

All the skeletons and zombies are basically the pirates who refused to surrender, or pretended to surrender and then secretly formed a conspiracy.

Through necromancy magic, the Lich first kills them and then pulls them up to make up for the serious shortage of labor on the Nelanthel Islands.

It is foreseeable that a new seaport city will rise here soon.

In addition to building cities, some undead were sent to reclaim wasteland on a large scale and plant food and cash crops.

At present, all islands with fresh water resources basically either plant large areas of sugar cane, or plant wheat, rice, and some vegetables and fruits, depending on the climate and environment.

Looking at it from a high place, green buds are already growing in the large flat fields.

Since the location and climate of the Nelanser Islands are typical of the tropics, not only does it have sunshine and abundant rain all year round, but the temperature never drops below 16 degrees Celsius, so it is very suitable for the growth of crops.

If nothing else happens, there will be a bumper harvest in three or four months.

By then, not only will the food rations of the island residents be met, but there will also be surplus available for trade.

Anyone who is not an idiot will realize that the long-standing disorder and chaos in Nelanthel Islands is about to end after seeing this scene.

A new city-state or even country will rise in this sea area and become a force that cannot be ignored.

Standing on the balcony of the recently built castle halfway up the mountain, Eric looked down at the city that would soon be his in name. Without looking back, he asked: "How many refugees were sent to the port today?" And slaves?”

A middle-aged man who was not dressed like a pirate at all hurriedly replied: "About three hundred refugees from the Kingdom of Tessel to escape the war, and more than a hundred slaves rescued from illegal slave ships.

Among them, those who could farm and raise livestock were assigned to farms in the countryside.

The rest were left in the city's workshops to learn techniques.

I have to say, those mages are really talented.

It turns out that coarse salt that can be eaten is actually produced on Koka Island.

Now we only need to transport the coarse salt back, and then carry out a few further processes to produce the kind of high-quality white salt without any impurities and odor.

When many merchants saw such salt, they placed large orders, and it took two or three months for delivery to be completed.

In addition, the sugar workshop has also begun to produce a large amount of white sugar, rock candy and various fruity hard candies.

Even the residue left over from sugar extraction can be used for fermentation and wine making.

Currently, half of the merchant ships in the harbor come for salt, and the other half come for sugar.

They transported sugar cane, sugar beets, grain, poultry and livestock from the countries in the south around the Sea of ​​Glory and Lake Steam, and then took salt and sugar with them when they left, basically forming a stable trade route.

Coupled with the monopoly on the main route from the Sword Sea to the Northern Sword Coast, and charging protection fees from passing merchant ships, the tax alone will become quite considerable.

Based on the shares you hold in it, even if you do nothing for a month, you can get thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins.

And the money will grow over time. "

"Not bad! It seems that I made the right bet, doesn't it?" Eric pursed his lips and showed a proud smile.

Although he lost the direct command of the huge pirate fleet after that decisive naval battle, he got the stable life he dreamed of.

There is no need to fight for one's life on the dangerous sea to make a living as before.

As for the betrayed fellow pirates, they had just been brutally purged not long ago, and then Vanessa sent a retired naval officer who was hired to retrain and reorganize the remaining ones.

Anyone who disobeys orders during the reorganization and training process, or who is dissatisfied and wants to stir up rebellion will, without exception, be sent to Zuo Si's mage tower to receive the "influence (brain modification)" of strange objects.

When they come back, they will become stupid, completely lose their ability to think, and become puppets who obey orders.

Especially chaotic and evil monsters like orcs, ogres, gnolls, bugbears, and tauren, basically no one slipped through the net.

In contrast, the evil and lawful hobgoblins transformed themselves into captains or first mates through their devotion to loyalty.

Coupled with the human officers recruited from the Kingdom of Tethyr, the originally chaotic pirates were transformed into a powerful and disciplined navy.

At present, the military power of the newly established regime in the Nelanthel Islands is almost entirely in the hands of the lichs of the Arcane Order.

However, the middle-aged man in a formal dress obviously didn't know this. He quickly squeezed out a flattering smile and responded: "Of course! All this prosperity and order are thanks to your wise decision. I only mean that by relying on this A merchant who makes his living along the maritime trade routes expresses his most sincere gratitude."

Eric sneered and waved his hand: "Forget the boring compliments. Have you found the person I asked you to find?"

"Yes. Based on the clues you provided, we found two targets in Darauma along the Is River, both in age and appearance. If nothing else, they should have been hidden by Hallet. Mistress and daughter." The middle-aged man reported carefully.

"Very good! Help me get them both here. It doesn't matter whether it's kidnapping or deception. Anyway, I want to see them appear in this city within two months. If you can do it, I will appoint you Be the mayor of this city. But if you can’t do it, then don’t appear in front of me again.”

When saying these words, Eric did not hide his naked desire at all.

Because he longs to use this extremely twisted and morbid way to vent all the pressure he suffered when Hallett was riding on his head and dominating him.

"As you wish!"

Knowing that as long as he accomplished this thing, he would become a powerful figure in this emerging city, the middle-aged man's eyes shone with ambition.

As a businessman with a keen sense of smell, he could already foresee that Eric, who controlled the Neransir Islands, the Racing Strait and the northern Korin Islands, would sooner or later become the unrivaled overlord of this sea, so he did not He traveled thousands of miles from the distant city of Ariwen in the south and took the initiative to join him.

If he can become the mayor, then he and his family can settle down on the island and become a member of the ruling class of this emerging force.

Obtaining a noble title in the future is just around the corner.

After watching the merchant leave the castle, Eric immediately turned around and went to the secret room on the top floor. He put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply to Vanessa, a lich.

"Master, with the magic chart you created, the fleet has basically controlled the movement of all ships on the west coast of Faerûn. So far, no merchant ship can escape our eyes. Do you think you can start? Are you taking the second step of your plan?"

"Well! It's time. Go and inform all fleets that in the future, any ships that want to dock at Baldur's Gate or sail out from Baldur's Gate will be charged three times the protection fee. As for the reason, that's it It is claimed that Baldur's Gate is an evil city-state like Luskan. We are on the side of justice and impose trade sanctions on it."

Vanessa nodded straightforwardly and made up a reason.

"Justice? Trade sanctions?"

Hearing these unheard of new terms, the corners of Eric's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

He really couldn't think of anything about him, who was born a pirate, or his peers who were also born pirates, that could be related to the word "justice".

As for the so-called "trade sanctions", although he knew every word, he couldn't understand them all together.

Looking at the pirate leader who had been very obedient recently, Vanessa said meaningfully: "No matter what you do, you must first place yourself on the side of justice, and then stand on the moral high ground and accuse your opponent of being evil. This It is the most commonly used method in political struggles. If you want to become the king of Nelanthel Islands, you'd better learn a little bit. Otherwise, it will be difficult to secure this position."

"Damn! It seems I have to hire a teacher for myself." A wry smile appeared on Eric's face.

You must know that when he first learned to read and write Common Language, he spent almost a whole year.

But for the sake of his future power and status, this guy finally made up his mind. After returning, he sent someone to spend a lot of money to hire a court scholar to teach him how to be a qualified king.

After receiving a positive answer, Eric quickly left the castle and sent the latest instructions to the fleet captains cruising on the sea through the latest magic props and magic messages one after another.

Not only that!

He also concentrated the most combat-effective ships at the junction of the Sword Coast and the Sword Sea, ready to deal with possible counterattacks from Baldur's Gate.

After all, although this port city does not have a very powerful professional navy, it can still pull out dozens or even hundreds of merchant ships.

If those stupid dukes wanted to have a naval battle, Eric would directly sink or capture all the other party's ships.

Use practical actions to declare to all the port cities in the surrounding sea areas that you are the well-deserved king of this sea area.

Not long after the pirate leader left, a young man who looked to be in his mid-twenties also came to Vanessa's room and performed a standard mage ceremony: "Teacher, as you requested, I have completed the task of treating the feet under my feet. The formation of the city’s governing institutions and bureaucracy.”

"Well done. You are indeed the best apprentice I have ever taught in all my studies." Vanessa praised with satisfaction.

"I'm not worthy of it. I have studied magic for twelve years, but now I am only an LV7 mage. But I am a little strange, why did you and Master Jeffrey suddenly interfere in the affairs of the Nelanser Islands?" The young man asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Haha, it's very simple. Researching advanced magical knowledge and skills requires a lot of money. And controlling this place is equivalent to controlling the most important maritime trade route in the southern part of the west coast. If everything goes well, Jeffrey and I will not have to pay for research in the future. I'm worried about funds." Vanessa explained half-seriously.

Although he really wanted to tell this most beloved disciple the truth and then invite him to join the organization and become a core member.

But considering that transforming a lich requires a minimum casting level of LV11, we still have to give up temporarily.

What's more, the other party is still so young, and it is very likely that he will refuse because of his greed for worldly desires.

But that's okay.

After a few decades, when the young and strong body begins to age slowly, and the whole person gradually loses energy, then you will be able to feel the benefits of becoming a lich.

"That's it!" The young man nodded thoughtfully. "By the way, I have another news to report to you. It is said that recently, someone saw a ghost ship in the area of ​​the last great sea battle."

"Ghost ship?" Vanessa frowned subconsciously.

As a necromancer, he knew very well that most of the legends about ghost ships in the sea were just stories made up by drunken sailors to scare people.

But despite the false information, some ghost ships are real.

Some of them were captains and sailors who were unwilling to die. They were transformed into skeletons or zombies with bodies in places where negative energy gathered. Others were transformed into incorporeal undead creatures such as ghosts and wraiths.

The former is not bad, as long as a few fireballs hit it and sink it, the ghost ship will naturally disappear.

But if it's the latter, it will become very troublesome.

the reason is simple!

When the souls are attached to the hull, they will use various things to repair the damaged ship, giving it extremely terrifying destructive power.

Some powerful enough banshees can even simulate the nine-ring [Banshee's Wail].

With one voice, it can kill a large number of living creatures around it in an instant.

The young man responded with a serious expression: "Yes, it is a ghost ship. I personally went to investigate the waters and found that there is negative energy remaining. In other words, if nothing else, this ghost ship is real."

"Okay, I understand. Here, this is your reward for completing this mission."

With that said, Vanessa threw several scrolls and a book to her apprentice.

"Thank you so much!"

The young man quickly caught it and turned away happily.

Since you can get contribution points by completing the corresponding tasks, and then choose what you need from the reward list to redeem them, the apprentices who were sent here were very motivated.

After all, compared to having the instructor decide what to learn, this "clearly priced" change is obviously more in line with young people's appetites.

Similarly, the lichs have also discovered that through this simple and easy-to-understand motivation method, they only need to pay very little to improve the enthusiasm of their apprentices to work and study.

As a result, they expanded their recruitment scope, and even some "wild mages" were attracted and unknowingly became peripheral members of the organization.

However, the news of the ghost ship did not concern Vanessa too much.

His most important task at this stage is to make the Dukes of Baldur's Gate who publicly humiliated Zuo Si pay a painful price for this.

The economic blow is just the beginning, and will be followed by a whole series of combination punches.

With Vanessa's character of taking revenge, this revenge will not be complete if the development potential of Baldur's Gate cannot be completely destroyed.

At the same time, far away in the underground of the Ashkatra Mage Tower in the capital of Amn.

Thousands of goblins who have transformed into werewolves are wielding picks, shovels, and hoes to dig out caves and tunnels in places that have been dug by ground diggers.

Three hobgoblins who also transformed into werewolves kept taking turns whipping those who tried to be lazy and slippery.

After a long period of excavation, an intricate maze structure has been formed underground in Zuo Si's mage tower.

In some relatively large areas, a large number of mushrooms and moss have been planted.

Torches with everlasting flames hanging from the ceiling above their heads can provide the latter with a small amount of light necessary for growth.

In addition, they also raise some special creatures from the underdark region - Los beasts, which are actually a kind of cattle that can survive in dark environments.

How can the milk of this creature be made into cheese? The meat can be eaten. The bones, leather and hair also have their own uses. They are the most commonly raised domestic animals by various intelligent races in the Underdark.

Through the secret channels provided by the shadow thieves, Mage Tower spent money to purchase a batch of milk, and used the milk they produced as one of the means to supplement nutrition and calcium for the goblins.

Especially those goblins who have been manually selected for high obedience and their descendants can get a cup of fresh milk every day.

After a period of time, it can be clearly seen that the latter's height and body shape have become much larger than those of the same kind.

They no longer engage in heavy manual labor with a very high casualty rate. Instead, they are trained to become warriors and assist the hobgoblins in strictly managing this large goblin community.

Every day, almost a dozen goblins with the lowest work efficiency are selected, and their brains are eaten by strange objects first, and then the bodies are thrown into the deep pits dug by ground diggers in public, so that other goblins can watch them being killed alive. of torn into pieces.

As for those who die from overwork or accidents, they will be directly resurrected as zombies, controlled through the [Scroll of Control of the Undead], and continue to engage in tasks they did not complete during their lifetimes.

Currently, the number of goblin zombies is almost the same as that of goblins.

So there is no need to worry that the latter will riot because they can't stand it.

If they dare to do so, the result will only be a brutal massacre.

More dead goblins will be transformed into low-level zombies, and that's it.

Seeing the busy scene of these little monsters, Wilmes couldn't help but smile and commented: "I have to admit that when it comes to ruling and squeezing slaves, Soth does have talents that others cannot match. He always knows how to maximize their use. The resources on hand can continue to create value even after the slave dies."

"No, you are wrong. In the eyes of the owner, creatures such as goblins, orcs and kobolds are not human beings at all, so they are treated with another standard. Strictly speaking, goblins cannot be classified as human beings. Instead of being classified as slaves, they should be classified as domestic animals and tools." Qiwu corrected through the spiritual connection.


Wilmes had a surprised expression on his face.

The strange thing responded without thinking: "That's right. It's a tool. A living tool.

The owner will not intentionally abuse or torture them, but he will also not have any affection for them.

The workload of each goblin is arranged according to the upper limit that his physical strength can support as a standard.

This is a precise calculation in a state of absolute sanity.

As for those who failed to hold on, it is like tools that will wear out after being used for a long time, and eventually break down. "

"What if there are priests or shamans among them? Goblins have their own gods." Wilmes asked with interest.

You must know that in Faerûn, enslaving a certain race in large quantities for a long time will have certain risks.

Because their desperate prayers will be heard by God.

God will grant those with priest qualifications magical powers and encourage them to take the lead in resistance.

But the strange thing said in a tone full of contempt: "Goblin gods? The precautions and suspicions among them are exactly the same as those of the chaotic goblins. Moreover, the incarnation of the main god Magnubiya has been attacked by adventurers more than once. He has been killed before, and he is afraid of leaving his territory from the bottom of his heart. I don’t think he dares to provoke his master for a mere group of goblins.”

"Hahahaha! That's right! Their god is timid and cowardly, and there is nothing to fear." Wilmes laughed and made naked mockery.

Although the level of divine power is one of the important criteria to measure whether a god is powerful or not.

But the battle between gods is very complicated.

The combat effectiveness of many gods with weak divine powers is no less than that of those with powerful divine powers.

The most typical example is Tiamat and Bahamut, the pair of dragon gods who oppose good and evil.

They are all weak gods, and their influence on the material world is also very weak, but no god with medium or strong power dares to boast that he can defeat two dragon gods in a one-on-one duel.

In the same way, although the Goblin Lord Magnubier is a powerful god, the power and ability of his incarnation are really not worth mentioning.

In Faerûn alone, the number of recorded kills exceeds hundreds.

Even many high-level spellcasters and warriors have killed the incarnation of this god.

Many adventurers who defeated or even killed the incarnation of Magnubiel may not have known that they had inadvertently destroyed the incarnation of a god, but mistakenly thought it was a mutated and powerful goblin-like creature.

It's like losing "God" all over the place.

Therefore, Magnubiya rarely chooses to incarnate in the material world.

Otherwise, with the current defense power and remaining personnel of the Mage Tower, his incarnation could be killed more than a dozen times every minute.

It can even be said that among the many incarnations of gods that have come, none are weaker than the goblin gods.

Just when the strange object was about to say something through the spiritual connection, a wind magic bat suddenly swooped down from the passage leading to the upper level and said in a very fast tone: "No! It's not good! The dark elf is gone. !”

"What? Missing? How is that possible! She is wearing a reinforced slave collar!"

Wilmes raised his head suddenly, exuding a chilling aura.

"Not only did that drow use a wire saw he got from who knows where, he secretly broke the slave collar around his neck. He also pretended to be delivering food and deceived the Mage Tower surveillance, and rushed directly into the road leading to Ascart. Pulled into the sewer."

Wind Demon Bat hurriedly told everything he knew.

It didn't want to be sprayed to death by the flaming breath of the terrifying red dragon in front of it.

"That guy must have gotten rid of the control of the slave collar by relying on willpower and the magic resistance of his skin, and then pretended to be still under control and looked for opportunities to escape."

Qi Wu quickly analyzed the entire incident.

Because whether it was the wire saw that could cut through the slave collar, the meal delivery time, or the escape route, it was obvious that everything had been planned in detail and carefully.

Coupled with the complicated sewers of Askatra and full of monsters, it is basically impossible to chase now.

"What do we do now?"

Wilmes asked in an uncertain tone.

She likes to be clean, but doesn't want to go into a smelly tunnel.

Qi Wu thought for a moment and quickly responded: "First send a notice to the Shadow Thieves and ask them to help keep an eye on it. Let's wait for the master to come back and talk about the rest. Anyway, he is just an insignificant prisoner, and he doesn't know what he is doing. secret."

However, what the red dragon and the strange object didn't know was that the escaped dark elves panicked and fled directly from the mage tower underground to the area near the cemetery.

As a result, he happened to be caught by two recently transformed vampires, and as expected, he was delivered to their queen.

"A drow from the Underdark? Interesting!"

The corners of Badi's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a teasing smile.

Ever since she occupied the underground area of ​​the cemetery area as a secret base, she has been quietly replenishing the number of vampires under her command.

Although the more than forty people who had been transformed before had all died under Zuo Si's sword, now they are slowly being replenished.

"Let me go! I order you to let me go!"

The female dark elf yelled loudly in the language unique to her race.

If it were other surface races, it would really not be easy to understand these words.

But Badi himself was born as an elf, and he was also a very knowledgeable mage before becoming a vampire. Not only did he understand what the other party was saying, but he also asked in the same language: "Tell me your name, from the underground world." Evil distant relative.”

"What! You...can you understand Dark Elf?"

A look of shock and surprise appeared on the female drow's face.

You must know that this is the first time she has met someone who understands what she is saying after being on the surface for so long.

"Of course! Your language is not that difficult to learn. What's more, ten thousand years ago, we used the same language."

Badi started to circle around the other party with elegant steps, his two glowing eyes never leaving the aorta on his neck.

Unlike the calm and rational Irenekas, she quickly became obsessed with the pleasure of bloodthirsty and indulgence after becoming a vampire.

Now Badi has long forgotten that he is a spell caster. When fighting, he prefers to use his extremely strong body and spell-like abilities to crush the enemy, and then bites on the neck to suck all the blood from the target's body.

The dark elf, who grew up in a very dangerous environment, was undoubtedly aware of the hunger and thirst released by the vampire queen unintentionally. The nerves and muscles in his body immediately tensed up, and he cautiously tried: "What are you going to do before you are willing to let me go? "

"Let you go? Hahahaha! Sorry, that's impossible. I have long wanted to taste the blood of dark elves. How is the taste different from that of surface elves. But don't worry, I won't kill you. Just the opposite. I will transform you into my servant."

After saying that, Badi suddenly stretched out his right hand at a speed that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye and directly grabbed the opponent's neck.

Suppressed by the powerful power of the Vampire Queen, this poor dark elf had no room for resistance.

He was easily pressed against the wall and watched helplessly as the two fangs dug deeply into the aorta in his neck.

Not long after, she completely lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

After Badi drank the blood, he quickly showed an extremely satisfied smile, pointed at the dry corpse on the ground and said: "Go, throw this guy into the blood pool, let her draw strength and rebirth with a new attitude."

"As you wish, Queen."

A new-born vampire hurriedly bent down and bowed, then dragged the body of the dark elf towards the base deep in the tomb.

After he was completely gone, another servant asked in a low voice: "Master, why do you want to keep this drow? Her race and skin color are too conspicuous in the surface world, and she is not suitable to be one of us. .”

"Didn't you notice where she escaped from?" Badi asked meaningfully.

The vampire servant lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then immediately exclaimed: "It's the mage tower! She escaped from the mage tower!"

"That's right! I think this dark elf must know a lot of secrets about the mage tower and its owner. Even if he doesn't know, it doesn't matter. It can also be used as a bargaining chip in the transaction. Irenikas is interested in the tower of the goddess of poison and disease. Lorna voters are very interested."

Badi stuck out his tongue and licked the remaining blood on his lips, then turned around and disappeared into the darkness deep in the tomb.

On the other side, far away in the huge maze underground in Waterdeep City.

Zuo Si took advantage of the fact that the other three members of the adventure team were asleep and secretly led the Dragonborn Knight to the green dragon's lair on the fifth floor.

Looking at the deep pool formed by the impact of the waterfall in front of him, he immediately said without looking back: "It should be here."

"Here? You mean... the green dragon's lair is underwater!" Davian opened his mouth in surprise.

"It's quite unexpected, isn't it? According to the reconnaissance of the Shadow Legion, there is a very large cave hidden down here. The green dragon usually lives in the cave and only emerges from the water when it goes out to look for food. Let’s go, we don’t have much time, if we get rid of this dragon as soon as possible, we can finish our work and go back as soon as possible.”

Zuo Si jumped directly into the pool and began to dive.

Davian took a deep breath and jumped after him.

The two dived into the deep pool for more than fifty meters, and finally saw the entrance directly below the waterfall.

After swimming for a distance along the dark waters where they couldn't see anything, they finally surfaced and entered a huge underground cave.

Through the [Dark Vision] blessed in advance, Zuo Si saw the huge figure lying in the open space dozens of meters away at a glance.

Although in terms of size, the green dragon is not as big and strong as the red dragon, full of power and beauty.

But their bodies show a slender streamlined shape, with a single horn standing up above their noses, which looks extremely sharp.

Since he was sleeping, the green dragon seemed to have no defense, so it was a good time to carry out a sneak attack.

But Zuo Si knew that the green dragon could almost be said to be the most insidious and cunning among the five-color evil dragons, so he very carefully used the [True Seeing Technique] to observe his surroundings.

The result is not clear even if you look at it, and you will be shocked when you look at it.

There were as many as six traps around the open space where the green dragon rested.

In addition, there are two magic alarms that will be triggered whenever they get close, and a large number of vines that can be turned into ropes to entangle enemies with a little manipulation.

Obviously, even in the hidden cave under the waterfall, the green dragon in front of him has not forgotten to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

But unfortunately, all these arrangements are of no use to Zuo Si now.

From the body length of nearly fourteen meters, it can be roughly judged that the green dragon in front of him should be in his prime, one of the more unlucky ones to be captured by the "mad mage" Halaster Blackrobe and forcibly imprisoned in the Lost City of Earth.

In other words, none of the dragons in Earthline Maze, good or evil, are willing at all.

No hesitation!

After confirming that there was no second threat in the cave besides the green dragon, Zuo Si took out four "Powerful Spells - Fireball" cards and aimed them at the opponent's wings to activate them instantly.

The next second...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The dazzling white firelight instantly illuminated the dark cave as if it were daylight.

The violent explosion and heat wave enveloped the green dragon in an instant.


The terrifying damage caused by the high-temperature flames directly awakened the green dragon from its sleep, and screamed in agony.

Then like crazy he rushed into the water trying to cool his charred body and scales.

Unfortunately, he ran into the [Power Wall Technique] just halfway through the rush.



Without any buffer, the green dragon's head directly collided violently with the invisible wall of force. The slender neck instantly folded at 90 degrees, and then fell straight to the ground and twitched non-stop.

You don't need to ask to know that this time it was probably because you rushed too hard and broke your neck.

The shadows that had been ambushing the surroundings immediately swarmed up and quickly drained the green dragon's power by touching it, causing its eyes to blacken and it fainted, completely turning into a lamb without the ability to resist.

Without saying a word, Zuo Si extracted mana and made it into a LV6 creature card, and then said with a smile: "It's much easier than I thought.

It seems that it is not difficult for me to defeat and capture ordinary adult or even mature dragons.

No wonder some people always say that in this multifarious universe filled with endless planes and crystal walls, only the truly strong can be unrestrained.

It is rumored that some legendary strong men who are even afraid of the abyss lords can even treat the territory of the Succubus Queen Mecantheat on the 570th floor of the bottomless abyss, "Sendilaville", as an ordinary brothel. Go and solve the physical problem, then just pick up your pants and leave after solving it. "

"Treating the Succubus Queen's territory as a brothel?" Davian opened his mouth in disbelief.

"That's right! This is the privilege of the strong. One day, we can reach that level. Don't worry, when that day comes, I will definitely choose to take you with me." Zuo Si teased in a half-joking tone.

The dragonborn knight nodded dumbfounded: "Thank you very much. I really want to see what this place that is said to be able to satisfy all desires is really like."

"Not only you, I am also quite curious. Whether it is hell, abyss, heaven mountain, mechanical realm, paradise, wasteland of destruction and despair, etheric plane, star realm, or the world that claims to connect the entire multiverse. Sooner or later we have to visit the City of Ten Thousand Gates - Sigil City." Zuo Si said ambitiously.

He is quite interested in these outer planes with all kinds of interesting rules.

But it's too early to talk about this now.

After all, the outer plane is much more dangerous than the material plane.

"By the way, Master. Where is the black dragon that you put back to carry the treasure before? He seems to have never flown back." Davian suddenly remembered this matter and asked casually.

"Don't worry, he has stored the treasure in the secret base of the Emerald Society. He is currently lurking near the swamp, inquiring about the lair locations of other black dragons around him. Let's find a time later, and we will rob all the black dragons living nearby. ”

While talking, Zuo Si found the treasure hidden by the green dragon in the most inconspicuous corner of the dragon's nest.

To be precise, just a bunch of motley gems that didn't look very valuable, and a few magic items.

After a simple appraisal, it was found that there was a +3 scimitar - [Forest Blade], which could release [Entangle] when it hit an enemy, making it entangled with strong grass and vines all over its body and unable to move.

A pair of Druid-specific wristbands can not only increase two points of perception attributes, but also release [Charm Animal] three times a day and [Level 3 Natural Ally Summoning] once a day.

A small box that can produce ten [Magic Berries] every day.

The fruit created by this natural magic can not only provide the eater with sufficient nutrition and a sense of satiety, but can also restore a little vitality and accelerate wound healing, which is quite good.

As for gold and silver currency, there is basically none.

After all, adventurers are not fools. How could they enter the Lost City with a lot of money?

Generally speaking, before they come down, they will either squander all the wealth they have on hand or leave the money to their families.

After thoroughly knocking the green dragon to its bones and sucking out its marrow, Zuo Si and Davian returned to the camp along the original route.

Since it only took an hour and a half, the other three were still asleep and hadn't woken up.

After simply using magic to clean up the water stains on their bodies, they soon lay down, closed their eyes, and began to rest.

After sleeping for eight hours, Zuo Si opened his eyes again, pretending that nothing happened and continued to follow the team deeper.

He could feel that as he continued to enter deeper levels, the energy emitted by the magic network nodes became more amazing.

If you can reach an area close to the center, you can 100% create a more powerful land card.

As for the dwarf who was in charge of leading the team, he didn't notice that the other two people in the team had quietly taken care of the green dragon on the fifth floor while he was sleeping.

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