A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 203: Curse of the Black Guard (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

[Blessing Technique]!

[Faction Weapon——Kindness]!

【Bear's Tenacity】!

[The power of cattle]!

【Cat Elegance】!

【Magic Armor】!

[Advanced Demonized Weapon]!

[Death-proof Barrier]!

【Protect from evil】!

【Stoneskin Technique】!

[Acceleration Technique]!

[Sharp Edge Technique]!

[Fire Shield]!

In just a short moment, Zuo Si used the cards hidden in his sleeves with extremely skillful movements, blessing Davian with a lot of strengthening and protective arcana and divine spells that could blind people's eyes.

The latter didn't even say a word of nonsense. He strode directly from the back of the team to the front, holding a shield and a flaming sword to meet the crazy Dark Guard Warren.


The moment two people with extraordinary strength collided, there was a deafening sound like a sonic boom.

The subsequent impact caused a gust of wind, which made other people around them unable to open their eyes.

no doubt!

This is the aftermath of the battle between high-level warriors after the level reaches a certain level.

Since their physical fitness is already out-and-out "superhuman", the speed at which they swing their weapons in battle can even reach several times that of ordinary army soldiers.

The most intuitive manifestation is that blurry afterimages will appear under naked eye observation.

That's not a magic effect, it's just the visual tearing effect produced when the speed exceeds a certain threshold.

In just a few seconds, Davian fought with Warren for dozens of rounds.

The clanking sound of the weapons colliding and the flying sparks shocked Luger, who had just gotten up from the ground.

You must know that as a dwarf defender, he has always been proud of his strong protective capabilities.

But now, seeing Warren's violent attack with a two-handed sword, and Davian blocking the dragon scale shield to an airtight defense, for the first time, I felt my own weakness and powerlessness.

Because the dwarf understood that if it were him at this moment, he would be torn to pieces by an enemy with overwhelming strength in the blink of an eye.

As many famous warriors have described, when fighting hand-to-hand, strength is always the most important decisive attribute, bar none.

As for other techniques, tactics, and steps, they must all be put aside.

Without the intervention of magical power, when a person completely crushes his opponent in terms of strength, he can win victory like a torrent by waving the weapon in his hand wildly.

The person being crushed can only do his best to block, parry, dodge, and delay for a little while. The only other option left is to give up defense and die together.

"Is this the strength of Death Hunter Warren? No wonder so many famous teams died in his hands..."

Kers shivered with lingering fear.

He simply couldn't imagine what a bloody scene it would have been if the dragonborn knight hadn't stepped on him when the dwarf was knocked down.

Although the bard himself has some skills in using light weapons such as long swords, short swords, and rapiers, he can also wear light armor and use shields.

But compared with this terrifying killing machine, it will be chopped into pieces in minutes.

In the same way, the role of a thief in an adventure team is not to fight head-on, but to do things like reconnaissance, traps, sneak attacks, and poisoning. Its functional role is much higher than combat.

So asking the halfling Cora to fight Warren is basically the same as asking her to die.

"Idiot! You have time to sigh here, why not quickly cast your strongest spell to help." Ruger scolded angrily.

But Kers smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Soss has just added the strengthening and protective arcane and divine spells to Davian, so he doesn't need my help at all. And with Warren's professional level, The powerful [Dark Blessing] on him is enough to offset the effects of most control spells. To be honest, there is no way to defeat him with the spells I memorized today."

"Bah! What a waste!"

The dwarf spat at his teammates with a look of disdain, and then rushed forward without hesitation, wanting to share the defensive pressure for the Dragonborn Knight.

Unfortunately, before he could get closer, he saw a huge black shadow suddenly falling from the ceiling above his head.


Ruger, who was extremely unlucky, fell to the ground again.

But this time, he was not as lucky as before. The shield instantly flew away four or five meters away.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a "spider elf" with a humanoid upper body and a giant spider lower body.

This is a loser who failed the test of the Spider Goddess Lolth and was eventually transformed into a cursed form.

In the eyes of most dark elves, "spider elves" are creatures that are lower than slaves, always reminding them to never fail, otherwise they will end up in the same way.

The spider elf who threw the dwarf down was obviously a man. He was holding a sharp scimitar in one hand and a long sword in the other. His cruel and bloodthirsty eyes revealed naked and undisguised murderous intent.

Luger didn't have time to think about it, and immediately raised the ax in his hand to try to parry.

But the problem is that he only has one weapon in his hand, while his opponent has two.

When the scimitar was successfully blocked, the long sword with cold light stabbed the unprotected eyes like a poisonous snake spitting a message.

At this critical moment!

A sheep's head made entirely of energy hit from a distance.


The spider elf flew six or seven meters sideways on the spot. Its belly, which was as big and round as a spider, was obviously dented, and blood spurted out from its mouth.

You don't need to ask to know that this is Zuo Si's decisive use of the Ring of the Ram.

Because if he didn't take action, the sword would probably be inserted into his eye socket and penetrate his brain.

"Damn! What bad luck! Why does it happen at this time! Be careful! The spider elves on the second level always come in groups!"

Luger got up from the ground in embarrassment. The first thing he did was to curse and shout a warning at the top of his voice. At the same time, he quickly ran over with his short legs and picked up the shield.

Just as he said, as the first spider elf was repelled, a spooky sound soon came from the surrounding passages in all directions.

Followed by countless black shadows, either from the ground, from the walls, or from the ceiling overhead, one by one emerged.

"one two three four……"

"Oh my God! There are twelve spider elves in total!"

The halfling thief Cora began to sweat nervously.

You must know that even in normal times, encountering so many spider elves on the second floor is very dangerous.

Not to mention that there was also "Death Hunter" Warren who was fighting fiercely with Davian.

Just when everyone felt helpless, they suddenly heard a sound of chanting a spell coming from behind.

I saw Zuo Si calmly starting to wave his hands and doing various complicated spell-casting movements.

When the dwarf saw this, he immediately shouted to the other two people: "Pay attention to protect the caster!"

"No! Left! They are coming!"

The poet Kers suddenly pulled out his long sword, and with his other hand held a small buckler that could barely protect half of his upper body, blocking Zuo Si's side.

Luger stood directly in front of the enemy.

As for the halfling thief Cora, she lowered her head and glanced at the long sword in her own eyes, the short sword and even the long dagger in other people's eyes. She couldn't help but sigh slightly, and took a step forward, mustering up the courage to plan to fight with those who had enough power. The spider elves several times taller fought hard.

There is no way, who knows that the height of halflings is usually only about one meter.

No matter in terms of strength, or in terms of the size of the weapon and the length of the arms, he is obviously at an absolute disadvantage.

Seeing the ferocious spider elves rushing up like crazy, the three people present were so nervous that they didn't even dare to blink.

When the spider elf rushing toward the enemy was less than three or four meters away from Zuo Si, three dazzling lights suddenly shot out from the ground beneath his feet.

Before anyone else could react to what was happening, a huge summoning circle appeared out of thin air.


Three ogre zombies of staggering size climbed out of the magic circle.

Each of them was holding a thick and long stick in his hand, and without saying a word, they smashed it at the enemy who was charging at the front.

The spider elf rushed too fast and couldn't stop it, and it couldn't block three sticks at the same time.

As a result, he barely dodged the first blow, then used the weapon in his hand to parry the second blow, and was finally hit hard on the head by the third blow.


No surprises!

The terrifying power of the ogre zombie knocked the spider elf to the ground on the spot, and his brains were ripped open immediately.

The other two ogre zombies followed closely behind and beat them to death with a few strokes of their sticks.

You must know that the strength attribute of the ogre zombie is much higher than when it was alive.

The upper body of the spider elf is still a drow that looks a bit slender, so the strength attribute has not increased significantly.

Therefore, the result of the close-to-hand combat between the two is obviously that the ogre zombies have an overwhelming advantage.

What's more, the ogre zombies have rough skin and thick flesh, and the low-level undead have little intelligence, let alone feel fear.

"No... undead?"

Kers looked at the sudden appearance of several behemoths around him, and he suddenly felt a little confused.

The sensitive and vigilant halfling Korra hurriedly retreated, fearing that she would accidentally be hit by the bloody stick.

With her small stature, she could probably go directly to meet the Halfling God of Fraud and Thieves that she believed in.

"Don't be nervous, they were all summoned by me." Zuo Si explained quickly.

These three ogre zombies were all cannon fodder briefly summoned through the [Level 5 Summoning the Undead] recorded in the Book of the Dead.

Normally, [Five Rings Summon Undead] can summon a level five undead creature, such as a mummy, vampire spawn, corpse demon, etc.

You can also summon two level four undead creatures, such as pterosaur zombies and resentful souls.

Or summon three level three undead creatures, like the ogre zombies you see now, as well as giant skeletons and ghouls.

Considering the narrowness of the surrounding passages and the current lack of human shields to resist the attacks of the spider elves, Zuo Si decisively chose the most cost-effective ogre zombie.

Realizing that these large undead creatures were "human shields" summoned by their companions to attract firepower, the dwarves immediately understood and hid directly behind the ogre zombies.

When the next spider elf warrior rushed up to attack, he saw the opportunity to get out from between the legs of the ogre zombie, swung his ax and chopped off one of the latter's slender spider legs.


Under the severe pain, the spider elf warrior screamed, and at the same time, his body lost balance and slipped sideways.

The ogre zombie seized the opportunity, went up and broke the opponent's spine with a stick.

Luger followed closely and completed the "last strike" neatly, cutting off the enemy's head from the neck.

The poets and halflings next to them were also very experienced in fighting. They used the huge size of the ogre zombies as cover while looking for weaknesses to fight back.

As a thief, Korra takes advantage of her small size to often go around the spider elf's visual blind spot, and then sneaks up to suddenly launch fatal sneak attacks.

Almost every attack will inevitably cut into the joints of the opponent's spider's lower body.

When the target loses balance and falls to the ground, she will cooperate with the ogre zombie to kill it mercilessly.

Seeing that these three teammates were relatively reliable, Zuo Si felt relieved and continued to concentrate on entering the spell-casting state.

After a while, a huge fireball exploded with a bang directly under the stunned gaze of the dwarf, and both Davian and Warren were involved in the fierce battle.

The aftermath of the terrifying high-temperature flames burned several spider elves who were hiding behind and did not take action easily.

When the flames subsided, everyone discovered that not only was the Dragonborn Knight uninjured, but not even a single hair or beard was lost.

On the contrary, Death Stalker Warren was burned badly.

The exposed face was almost burnt by the flames and became charred on the outside and tender on the inside, almost cooked.

Obviously, this sudden fireball angered the dark guard who fell into madness, and his red eyes were full of strong and direct malice.

He suddenly raised the sword in his hand, pointed the skull mark at everyone, and then activated some astonishingly powerful evil magic.

Just less than a second!

The spider elves closest to Warren began to let out heart-rending wails, and then their bodies exploded one after another. Blood poured into the body of this powerful dark warrior as if controlled by invisible forces.

Fortunately, Davian was protected by [Protection from Evil] and [Anti-Death Barrier], so he was not too seriously affected.

After realizing that something was wrong, he immediately began to retreat.

After a while, all the spider elves who came over smelling the smell of blood and the sound of fighting were dead.

Warren looked like he was soaked in blood, with a strange black-red color all over his body.

Not only that!

His size also seemed to have doubled from before, and the skull pattern on the sword hilt was spewing out terrifying negative energy that was numbing the scalp.

"Blasphemer! I will sacrifice your soul to Bane, the great god of tyranny!"

The Dark Guard's voice seemed to always contain monstrous rage.

"If these words were spoken by Manson or Fuzoul Chambery, they might be a little more intimidating. A weakling like you, who will collapse and fall into madness when he hears that he died serving the gods, is not worthy of talking nonsense in front of me. .”

Although when he said these words, Zuo Si always kept a faint smile on his face.

But everyone around him can feel a condescending attitude, as well as contempt and disdain for this "death hunter".


A chilling light flashed in Warren's eyes.

"Isn't it?" Zuo Si asked with a meaningful smile. "Look what Manson and Fozor Chamberre were doing after Bane died, and what this loser was doing. They were trying to protect Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim from being captured by Cyric's church. Let the god of tyranny return by asking believers to continue praying. But what about you? You are here senselessly hunting low-level adventurers like a lunatic. Is it so interesting and fascinating to bully the weak who have no power to resist? ?"

These words suddenly pierced Warren's heart like a sharp dagger.

He was in a daze for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that your game of killing the weak ends here."

Zuo Si raised his hand and shot a bright and dazzling beam of light from his fingers.

When this beam of light hit the dark guard, all the protective magic that had blessed him was instantly stripped away.

Chosen ability [Advanced Dispel Magic].

Because the dispersion ability of this spell is calculated based on a LV20 priest.

Therefore, even if Warren has the [Dark Blessing] ability to be immune to spells, he cannot withstand it.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Si threw the spell-casting materials (mercury, phosphorus, diamond and opal powder) prepared in advance into the air, and instantly drew a rune containing energy at Warren's feet through the power of divine magic.

The latter subconsciously took a step back, and the rune was triggered directly.

The astonishing explosion rushed all this energy into the body of the Dark Guard, instantly causing intense pain that could not be described in words.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!"

The heart-rending scream could be heard clearly even from hundreds of meters away.

Warren couldn't even stay standing and fell to his knees with a plop, his whole body twitching uncontrollably.

Chosen ability [Sign of Pain].

This spell can cause all creatures within a radius of 18 meters to endure terrible pain that cannot be described in words.

Even if you leave the area, the effect will last for more than an hour.

Many people who do not have strong willpower will even faint from the pain.

However, the willpower of the Dark Guards is obviously much stronger than more than 99% of people.

And it's hard to say whether he can be considered a "person" now.

After just a few seconds, Warren struggled to stand up despite the severe pain.

At the same time, the blood-red light of the sword in his hand also became brighter.

The next second...

This guy suddenly raised the sword high above his head, and roared like a beast as if he had completely lost his mind and fallen into madness.

"No matter who you are! Go to hell now!"

As the last word blurted out, dazzling scarlet blood suddenly spurted out from the sword blade.

Immediately afterwards, the plasma was ignited by some force during the splashing process, forming the "Hell Flame Breath" from the deepest part of Baator Hell.

This is an incredibly powerful and destructive fire.

Anyone who is hit by it will not only have to withstand ultra-high temperatures exceeding one or two thousand degrees Celsius, but will also suffer terrible evil damage.

no doubt!

The souls of this mad Dark Guard who had killed innocent people in the past two years were all sent to Baator Hell without exception, instead of being sacrificed to the dead god of tyranny, Bane.

In other words, he, like the poor deceived people, is just a pawn played by the devil.

But chess pieces are chess pieces, and the power of "Hell Flame Breath" is definitely no joke.

Even Davian, who was wearing red dragon armor and had a certain degree of fire resistance, his body quickly decayed, aged and withered the moment he was sprayed, and his flesh began to fester at an unimaginable speed.

But even so, he still didn't flinch at all, holding his shield firmly in front of his master, with no fear of pain and death in his eyes.

In contrast, the original three members of the adventure team were completely frightened and wanted to pull Zuo Si back together like crazy.

They didn't think they could survive the burning flames of death.

Because a few seconds ago, those strong ogre zombies didn't even hold on for a second, and were burned without leaving even a trace of ashes.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si had no intention of retreating and pushed Korra away directly to signal the other party to leave him alone.

In the end, the dwarf defender, human poet, and halfling thief just rolled and crawled down the stairs to escape to the first floor.

After these temporary teammates were completely gone, Zuo Si said meaningfully: "Strong strength, excellent swordsmanship, amazing physical defense and magic resistance, large-scale group blood-sucking ability, and the ability to use hell's breath, it's really This is a good idea for making a summoning card."

Obviously, the crazy dark guard in front of him is definitely the strongest warrior he has ever encountered so far, bar none.

If Davian hadn't been blessed with a lot of strengthening and protective spells before the war, it would have been impossible for him to persist for such a long time.

"Kill! Blood! Death! I will dig out your heart! Eat it one bite at a time! As long as enough souls can be collected, the great god of tyranny Bane will be resurrected."

Warren obviously fell into a state of losing his mind again, and rushed over brandishing the magic sword wrapped in "Hell's Breath".

With only one breath left, Davian tried to stop him, but his almost completely collapsed body could not support him in this action, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

The Dark Guard completely ignored the Dragonborn Knight and stepped directly over him, his two glowing red eyes filled with monstrous rage.

But the next second, he realized how reckless, reckless and stupid it was to approach a spellcaster who was wearing a lot of magic equipment, especially several magic storage rings.

I saw a flash of light suddenly flashing from one of the rings on Zuo Si's hand.

Immediately afterwards, three fireballs hit Warren head-on in the face.

boom! boom! boom!

Although he himself has a certain degree of fire resistance under the influence of "Hell's Breath", he is not completely immune like the devil after all.

Before the guy could step out of the flames, three bolts of lightning struck the metal armor, making a crisp snapping sound.

Under the influence of the violent electric shock, Warren's body was completely out of control and he could only keep retreating.

But Zuo Si did not let the opponent go easily. He raised his hand and released the five-ring magic [Flame Strike] stored in the magic storage ring.


A sacred flame containing positive energy fell from the sky and immediately bathed the evil dark guard from head to toe.

Before Warren could recover from the continuous arcane and divine attacks, magic missiles all over the sky drew graceful arcs in the air, hitting him like a violent storm.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

There are both one-ring magic missiles and three-ring missile storms, which are released all at once through the magic storage ring.

Although the biggest disadvantage of magic missiles is that they can all be blocked with just one level of magic [Shield].

But after all, like the Ring of the Ram, it is also a "noble" force field damage, and it has the ability to automatically track, and it is almost impossible to offset it through various resistances.

In the end, after a heavy meal of magic bombing, even Warren couldn't bear it any longer, half-kneeling on the ground and panting violently.

The full-body plate armor he wore, which had been blessed by Bann, the god of tyranny, had long been battered and tattered, full of dents and scorch marks.

The "Hell Flame Breath" in the magic sword in his hand has also weakened a lot, and it is far less ferocious than it looked just now.

You don't need to ask to know that this ability must be closely related to his own health or vitality.

"You...who are you?"

Warren seemed to regain some sense and asked the question again.

"My name is Soth, and I will be your master from now on."

While speaking, Zuo Si took advantage of the opponent's weak state to activate [Poison Attack], one of the elect's abilities.

When the spell was completed, the little devil who had always remained invisible immediately appeared behind the dark guard under his command and completed the prerequisite for the spell to take effect - close touch.

The terrible violent toxin broke out on the spot!

Warren, who was seriously injured and under the influence of [Pain Emblem], could no longer hold on and fell headfirst to the ground.

[Poison Attack] directly caused damage to the physical attributes, which was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, making his vision, consciousness and thinking become extremely slow and blurred.

Several times I tried to grab the two-handed sword that fell beside me, but I couldn't lift it up.

Vaguely, the dark guard seemed to see Zuo Si walking directly in front of him, then taking out a strange card and spitting two words from his mouth.



An extremely powerful barrier enveloped him from head to toe, even the fallen two-handed giant sword was no exception.

Although he tried to mount a final resistance, he failed without exception.

Gradually, Warren's entire body turned into a ball of light, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

At the same time, a large amount of text and explanations appeared on the card in Zuo Si's hand.

[Creature card: Human (eroded by the power of hell) - Cursed Black Guard]

[LV6 multi-color cards (can be upgraded)]

[Card quality: rare]

[Effect: Summon a cursed dark guard named Warren to serve the planeswalker.

He has the professional level of LV7 Fallen Paladin/LV10 Dark Guard.

However, due to his descent into madness, he slaughtered innocents and devoured the hearts of his victims, causing his soul to receive an extremely terrible curse, and both his thinking and sanity fell into madness.

Please note that when using this card, Warren may suddenly lose his mind during the battle and no longer obey orders, but instead launch an uncontrolled and indiscriminate massacre like crazy.

With the exception of planeswalkers, all living things may become his target.

If you want to lift the curse, you need to permanently consume a magic card with a level of no less than LV3 and with purification properties.

In addition, Warren also masters many advanced combat skills, such as "Powerful Attack", "Cleave", "Powerful Cleave", "Combat Reflexes", "Mastery of Heavy Attack", "Mastery of Initiative", "Weapon Specializes in two-handed swords" and so on, and wears a lot of magic equipment.

Including "Tyrant's Armor", a +3 full-body plate armor mixed with a little adamantine, with built-in permanent protection from good, and an additional five points of strength attribute and twelve points of magic resistance.

The "Helm of Iron Will" makes the wearer immune to all charm and mind control spells.

"Dragon Boots", immune to knockdown, immune to fear, plus ten spell resistance.

"Dexterity Belt", adds four points of agility attribute.

"+3 Protection Ring" provides additional armor value and physical defense.

"Weapon Expert Gloves" make the wearer more proficient in using various weapons (increases attack speed, damage and hit rate).

"Gift Talisman" can cast the four-ring divine spell "Divine Power" once a day.

"Purgatory Demon Sword (Cursed)" is a +4 two-handed giant sword. It not only has the characteristics of large-scale group blood-sucking, but also can restore the holder's vitality through killing, and temporarily improve the strength and physical attributes.

Moreover, they can also capture the victim's soul and sacrifice it, in exchange for the right to use the "Hell Flame Breath" like the devil.

This weapon will act as a +6 magic weapon against good-aligned creatures.

This sword is exclusive to Warren and cannot be used by anyone else.

[Using this card requires paying five red mana points and ten black mana points at the same time, or fifteen general mana points]

[When the summoned Cursed Black Guard is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth for ten days]

After reading all the instructions, Zuo Si immediately pursed his lips and commented with a smile: "Except for the shortcomings of easily losing control, everything else is perfect. It seems that this card is very suitable for use when there are many enemies."

Putting away the cards in his hand, he immediately walked to Davian's side and started chanting spells without saying a word, throwing [Cure Fatal Wounds], [Cure Serious Wounds] and other powerful magical spells one after another as if they were free. .

It only took about half a minute, and the Dragonborn Knight got up from the ground with only half a breath left.

Although he still looked a little weak, it was obviously nothing serious.

The severely burned, aging, withered, and rotten bodies are also restored to life with the help of positive energy.

It has to be said that the magic of Faerun is really effective.

No matter how serious the injury is, even if the head is smashed by a hammer, as long as the brains, eyeballs and other things are stuffed back and put together to make sure there are no missing "parts", a five-ring [Resurrection of the Dead] can pull it up. Keep up the adventure.

As for the healing spell, it doesn't matter what kind of internal or external injuries it is, just throw it directly on the body and it's done.

"How do you feel now?" Zuo Si asked, staring into Davian's eyes.

The latter smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's terrible. My body feels like it's about to fall apart. Master, I don't understand why the flames released by Warren can hurt me? Shouldn't I be completely immune to fire damage? ?”

"No, what Warren uses is not a flame in the ordinary sense, but [Hell Flame Breath]. This kind of demonic fire from the deepest form of Baator Hell, in addition to possessing the high temperature of the flame, it also comes with the same The evil damage. Your body is constantly aging, withering and rotting under the influence of evil damage." Zuo Si explained patiently.

This incident also reminded him that he should never take any kind of energy attack lightly.

Because it is difficult to tell with the naked eye whether the flames released by the enemy are ordinary flames, the "Hell Flame Breath" from Baator Hell, or the "Holy Flame" carrying positive energy.

"Evil harm? That's it!"

A look of realization appeared on Davian's face.

He had previously wondered why the flames spurting from Warren's sword could hurt him, but now he finally figured it out.

While the two were talking, the dwarf Luger who had just run to the first floor came back bravely.

When he saw the walls and ground in the passage that had been melted by the "breath of hell flames", his eyes widened in shock. While he patrolled the surroundings vigilantly, he asked in an uncertain tone: "What just happened? Why is the Death Stalker missing?”

"Stop looking for him, I've already killed him." Zuo Si gave the answer straightforwardly.

"What! Did you kill Warren? Where is the body? This guy's head is worth thirty thousand gold coins!"

The thief Cora, who was originally lurking in the shadows, couldn't help but jump out immediately.

Looking at this halfling who was less than one meter tall and had twin ponytails, who always gave people a very cute, playful and cheerful look, Zuo Si smiled and handed over the Holy Emblem of Bane, the God of Tyranny: " The body was destroyed by magic. But I think this is enough proof."

"Oh my God! This...this is the holy emblem that Warren wears on his chest! With it, we can collect the reward of 30,000 gold coins!" Kers danced excitedly.

Like all bards, he also had a tendency to brag and spend money indiscriminately.

And she really likes to seduce married women.

So the overhead has been quite high.

If you can get a share of several thousand gold coins at once, you can get all those difficult targets that you have been eyeing for a long time.

Just when Kers began to imagine the wonderful scene of "being slept together", the dwarf Luger immediately interrupted his fantasy: "We can't ask for this money! Because the three of us did not make any contribution at all in the battle. , you are not qualified to share the bounty at all.”

"No! No! We helped! At least we helped kill some spider elves!" the poet retorted with reason.

"Are you sure you killed the spider elf yourself instead of following the ogre zombies to take advantage? Come on! Don't embarrass me! You haven't forgotten our rules, right?" The dwarf glared at Kers. eyes questioned.

The poet was stared at and felt a little guilty. He lowered his head and responded: "Of course I remember. You can't take a copper less than you deserve, and you can't take a copper more than you should."

"Very good! It seems you still remember." A satisfied expression appeared on Luger's face.

Unlike those of his kind who gradually became cunning when taking risks and regarded wealth as life, he never gave up his bottom line and principles as a dwarf.

"Oh - it seems that those lovely young women will have to wait for me for a while." Kelsi sighed helplessly.

Cora took the opportunity to joke: "I bet! If things continue like this, you may die from the pursuit of those cheating women's husbands before you die in the Lost City. If I remember correctly, The last time you were caught raping, you jumped from a three-story building and almost broke your leg."

"Pfft hahaha!"

The dwarf laughed wildly when he heard this.

"Damn it! How many times have I told you! That thing was just an accident!" the poet roared angrily.

Seeing the three of them noisy and having a good relationship, Zuo Si finally gave Bane's Holy Emblem to the halfling thief, and proactively suggested: "I think I should take the bounty by myself or not." That's too appropriate. How about this, I'll take 25,000 of the 30,000 bounty, and the remaining 5,000 will be divided between the three of you. Besides, I've just arrived in Waterdeep City not long ago, and I have no idea where to go to collect the bounty."

"Are you sure? We didn't help at all just now, and we even escaped at the most dangerous moment." A hint of surprise flashed in Luger's eyes.

Because he has seen countless adventurers fighting against their companions for wealth and treasures, but he has never seen anyone take the initiative to give away money.

Zuo Si nodded seriously: "I'm very sure. What's more, turning around and running away just now was strictly speaking a correct choice. Because what Warren used was not ordinary flames, but [Hell's Breath], a kind of evil-containing The terrifying flames of power. If you hadn’t run away, you would all be reduced to ashes by now.”

Zuo Si was not angry at all about the three people's escape behavior just now.

After all, fear of death is human.

When you find that your enemy is too powerful to defeat, it is absolutely normal to run away.

And when the halfling Korra was escaping, she didn't forget to drag him along.

What's more, the dwarf finally took great risks and led the team back to have a look. It can be said that he has done the utmost in benevolence and justice.

Teammates like this are definitely good people among the adventurers from all walks of life.

"Damn it! I'm so embarrassed to hear you say that." Old Lu Ge blushed slightly.

"We are teammates. Mutual understanding is the minimum thing we must do. By the way, my guard was seriously injured just now. Although he has improved a lot after treatment, he no longer has the strength to continue fighting. He urgently needs to be found. A safe place to rest.”

Zuo Si took the opportunity to make a request to camp.

Because after treating the Dragonborn Knight, his healing magic was basically used up.

Although there is still a healing wand that can be used at critical moments, resting to restore spell slots and divine spell slots is the most ideal choice.

"No problem! We happen to know a dwarf temple on the second floor, which can provide us with a relatively safe place to rest."

Luger agreed without even thinking.

Because it's not just Zuo Si and Davian who need a rest.

There is also the bard who used a lot of illusion magic in the battle just now.

no way!

Although the power of arcane and divine spells is astonishing, a single spell can often turn the tide of victory or defeat at critical moments.

But once it is used up, it can only be restored through up to eight hours of sleep.

In this way, the group of five people sat there and rested for a few minutes, then quickly got up and continued on the road, walking along the intricate maze on the second floor, inevitably encountering some hunting parties of hobgoblins and dark elves along the way.

These guys have no intention of communicating at all, so a fight is almost inevitable.

The fighting lasted for more than two hours before finally reaching a secret door hidden in a crack in the wall.

Because it was too narrow, the larger dwarf and Davian could only move forward bit by bit sideways.

After passing through the narrow passage, an ancient and mysterious dwarf temple appeared in front of everyone.

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