Late at night, Ascaltra is still as lively as it was during the day.

Especially as the largest market on the entire west coast of Ferenc, Woking Mall is open 24 hours a day almost all year round, with no so-called "rest" at all.

Its oval-shaped wall is fifteen meters high, covering an area more than twice the size of Waterdeep City Market. It is still brightly lit even at night.

There is a constant flow of guests from all over the world or from other dimensions, and the flow of people shows no signs of decreasing at all.

Just the opposite!

Because many businesses secretly sell contraband at night in order to pursue profits, there are more customers than during the day.

In those unknown corners, there are many shop stalls selling magic scrolls, staffs, wands, books and various spell-casting materials.

The merchants of Amn fully embody the saying "money talks".

As long as the profit is sufficient, there is nothing they dare not buy or sell.

You must know that the sale of these things is strictly prohibited by law.

Once caught by the masked mage, he would have to pay several times the fine, or he would be put in jail for a period of time.

In addition to serious merchants, various black market merchants also suddenly appear in the streets or hidden alleys as night falls, selling stolen goods they have obtained through various channels.

However, unlike Calimport, all criminal forces in Amn are managed by the Shadow Thieves Guild.

Therefore, fierce conflicts and vendettas will not break out between large and small gangs. Even if there are conflicts between them, certain rules must be followed.

Therefore, in the capital of gold coins, even if you go out in the middle of the night, as long as you are careful to avoid a few of the most dangerous areas, it is still very safe in theory.

At least Zuo Si didn't encounter any trouble on his way to the crooked-necked crane in the city gate area.

Even if I occasionally see adventurers passing by, they are not as aggressive as their counterparts in Calimport. They either nod to indicate, or turn a blind eye and walk away.

This overly friendly attitude made the half-orc Rhett, who was used to sinister people, a little uncomfortable. He asked in an uncertain tone in a low voice: "Are all the adventurers in Northern Amn so friendly?"

"Friendly? What gave you this illusion?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows and asked.

"But those people who passed by just now obviously didn't show any aggression. This is almost impossible to happen in Calimshan." Rhett gave his reason.

After all, in Calimport, it was common to wake up every morning and find blood and bodies on the streets.

It would be amazing if there was not a single murder or violent conflict that occurred throughout the night.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head and explained: "No, you misunderstood.

It's not that Amn's adventurers are more friendly, it's just that they don't want to do anything inside the city.

After all, in this city, there are not only guards who maintain order on the surface, but also shadow thieves who secretly maintain order in the underground world, and masked mages who specialize in managing arcane casters.

It is not as chaotic and disorderly as Port Calim. Once it is on the wanted list, it will mean that you can't step into Ascaltra again, let alone accept those high-paying commissions.

Most adventure teams are unwilling to bear such serious consequences. "

"That's it. Damn it! I thought I met a good guy."

Rhett couldn't help but rant under his breath.

Although in the continent of Faerûn, "nameless adventurers" have solved huge crises more than once.

But in fact, more than 90% of adventurers are motivated by profit. Their basic behavior patterns are very similar to those of players in the game. They have no stance or morals at all. They work for whomever gives them more money.

Many times, he even doesn't mind appearing as a bandit, robbing merchants and his peers.

Occasionally, it happens that employers are fired because they are not satisfied with the pay.

After all, adventure is the industry with the lowest threshold for obtaining wealth, power, knowledge and status in the magical world, and there are all kinds of people.

Even the "Witch Queen" Igvir once joined a quite famous team to go on adventures.

While the two were talking, the team had arrived at the gate of the Crooked-Necked Crane Hotel.

This is a slightly dilapidated two-story masonry building. There is a shed used to park carriages and livestock next to the main entrance. There are several guest room windows on the second floor, and a balcony that is so simple that it looks shabby.

Just from the appearance, you can tell that the previous feature of this place should be its focus on cheapness and cheapness.

Not far in front of the hotel, there are huge city gates and tall and solid walls.

Since the sign saying it was closed for business had been put up, the entire hotel was deserted inside and outside, with not even a soul in sight.

Zuo Si took out the key and opened the locked door, and took the lead in walking in first.

With the creaking sound of their feet stepping on the rotten floor, everyone finally arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

As a heavy drinker, Alena rushed to the bar without saying a word, picked up a bottle filled with amber liquid, unscrewed it and poured it into her mouth.

In just one second, she squirted out all the wine she had drank, and while squirting back, she cursed: "Shit! What the hell is this? Is it really alcohol? It tastes so bad." !”

Zuo Si suppressed a smile and pretended to be kind and reminded: "None of the wines in this store cost more than two silver coins. And the boss Grokana will also add water inside. Except for those who only have Poor people with a few copper coins, otherwise no one with a normal sense of taste would pour those messy bad wines into their mouths."

"Huh? Then you didn't remind me earlier!"

Alaina threw the wine in her hand angrily and rolled her eyes.

"This is to give you some memory, so that you don't have to pour it into your mouth every time you see a liquid that looks like wine. Look at Rhett, he also likes to drink, but he never loses his mind because of it."

After saying this, Zuo Si quickly chanted a spell and released a [Secret Detection Door].


A patch of floor next to the wall took on an unusual color.

You know without asking that this is the entrance to the Lich's chamber.

Without any hesitation, he added another [Knocking Technique] and directly opened the secret door sealed by magic.

Davian smashed open the rotten floor with his shield and pulled hard on the heavy stone door hidden underneath, finally revealing a staircase leading deep underground.

Maybe it's because no one has been there for a long time, so the wind blowing inside exudes a strong stench and decay.

The astonishing negative energy doesn't even need to be detected, it can be clearly felt by just the body.

"It's unbelievable! There are actually lichs making their home in a place with such a large flow of people in the Ascaltra City Gate area."

Vanessa opened her mouth in shock and said she couldn't understand.

As a necromancer, he is very aware of the attitude of people in most countries and cities towards undead creatures.

So since becoming a lich, Vanessa has been extra cautious even when summoning her apprentices. She hides in the mage tower all day long and never goes out unless necessary, for fear of being noticed by those around her.

But this "senior" is better off, settling directly underground in the downtown area, and doesn't seem to worry about the consequences of being exposed at all.

You must know that apart from hiding and sealing it with magic, the secret door did not have any protective features at all.

Not even the most basic traps to ward off intruders and sound an alarm were missing.

"Perhaps when he settled here, Ascaltra was not as prosperous as it is now, and it is not even certain whether there is this city. Come on, let's finish this matter quickly and go back to sleep."

After that, Zuo Si took out four [Fireball Technique], four [Higher Strike Undead], four [Scorching Glory], one [Silence Technique], and one [Eliminate Invisibility].

You don't need to ask to know that this is definitely a plan to give the lich a "harsh job" directly.

Immediately afterwards, he began to chant incantations again, and quickly blessed the combatants present with various protective and beneficial spells. At the same time, he distributed the holy water he made to the warriors to apply on their armor and weapons.

Not long after, everyone began to shine with amazing magical auras.

Since gaining five priest levels, the protection and buff magics blessed by Zuo Sineng are no longer pure arcane spells, but also include a large number of divine spells.

Especially the first-level [Blessing Technique] is not only very effective, but also effective within a group.

One shot before the battle begins, the team's morale will be directly boosted, and it can have a very good effect whether it is attacking or resisting the Lich's [Fear Aura].

After all the preparations were completed, everyone walked down the steps in a mighty manner.

In about a few minutes, a basement of at least two hundred square meters below the city gate area appeared in front of them.

With the illumination provided by [Light Technique], one can vaguely see a Calishan-style sarcophagus placed in the center of the basement.

There are more than twenty human-shaped coffins erected on the four walls.

Due to the age, part of the wood has decayed, revealing the dry mummies inside.

The four stone pillars that serve as supporting structures are densely carved with exquisite reliefs.

Two huge statues stood beside the sarcophagus, motionless like guards.

There is no doubt that this is a typical tomb from the Shaon Dynasty of Calishite.

Because only the cold and cruel Calishite nobles like to mummify slaves for burial with them.

At that time, the Amn region happened to be the border of the huge empire.

The city of Ascatla was not founded until shortly before the collapse of the Shahn dynasty.

Just when Vanessa tried to get close to the sarcophagus to see what was going on inside, the human face mask hanging on a pillar nearby suddenly flashed with a dazzling light.

The next second!

A lich wearing shabby robes appeared out of thin air.

He first stared at the two dim lights in his eyes and thought about his surroundings, and then spoke in an extremely low and hoarse voice: "For a long time, I have been sleeping here, guarding this sacred tomb, and I have never been awakened. Now, you stupid intruders will pay the price for your stupidity, greed, recklessness, and disturbing my sleep. On behalf of death..."

Before the Lich could finish speaking, Zuo Si instantly sent out the gift package he had prepared in advance.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Following the violent explosion of [Fireball], the deadly positive energy rays of [Advanced Strike Undead] and [Scorching Glory] immediately surrounded the opponent.

The dazzling white light was so blinding that even living people couldn't open their eyes, let alone undead creatures.

Vanessa, who is also a lich, was even more frightened and kept retreating, for fear of being accidentally affected.

Before everyone could recover from Zuo Si's "no martial ethics" sneak attack, he also threw out [Silence Technique] and [Eliminate Invisibility].


The place where the lich was was became silent, as if the mute button had been pressed.

No matter how I opened my mouth, I couldn't make any sound, let alone chanting a spell to release a spell.

The most terrifying thing is that the Lich activated [Invisibility Ring] and wanted to hide first to avoid the sharp edge, but was immediately cracked by [Eliminate Invisibility].

Vanessa, who hid behind, also completed the [Dimensional Anchor], raised her hand and shot a beam of light that accurately hit the opponent.

As a result, all teleportation magic will be unusable.

It can be said that in just a few seconds, the poor lich was targeted and stood there at a loss.

His whole body was severely injured by the first round of saturation blows, with broken and scorched marks everywhere.

The skull was half shattered by positive energy rays, and it looked extremely desolate and miserable from a distance.

"Ahhh! Go to hell! Monster!"

Upon seeing this, the half-orc Rhett immediately activated his violent ability and rushed forward, leaping forward with a jumping chop.

Dragonborn Knight Davian charged from the side, wielding a flaming sword reinforced with [Advanced Demonic Weapon] and stabbed him hard.

Archer Huntington aimed at the opponent's eye socket and shot an enchanted arrow that was also strengthened with [Advanced Demonized Weapon] and coated with [Holy Water].

Three people hit the poor lich almost at the same time.

Alena didn't even have time to take action, and the opponent was torn into a pile of broken bones on the spot.

From beginning to end, the Lich didn't even cast a single spell, and only used the [Invisibility Ring] on his hand once.

Let alone releasing the spell, there was not even a chance to chant a single syllable of the spell during the whole process.

" it over?"

Vanessa opened her mouth slightly, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Because he could feel that the lich in front of him who was smashed to pieces was definitely not weak. Maybe he had mastered the nine-ring magic and was preparing to listen to the spell, carefully observe the opponent's spell-casting actions, and then perform a "counterattack" spell. ".

But in the end, the preparations made before were of no use at all, and the enemy was taken away directly.

The way of death was so frustrating that it was simply not like a high-level mage.

Moreover, the large number of spells that Zuo Si poured out in an instant reminded the new lich of a name that resounded throughout the continent of Faerûn.

She is one of the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, the nightmare and mortal enemy of the red-robed mage Thel, the Seven Sisters of the North, and has an unclear relationship with Elminster, the great sage of Shadow Valley.

Her name is Elaslan Silverhand, but more people prefer to call her "Storm Queen" Xinbu.

Just like the nickname "Storm Queen", this powerful arcane spellcaster invented the terrifying "Spell Chain" and was once known for being able to pour out a large number of destructive spells on opponents in a very short time.

It is said that in order to deal with this difficult enemy, the red-robed mage Serge sent out a large number of high-level mages at once, hoping to use their numerical advantage to eradicate it once and for all.

But in the end, he was defeated after just one encounter.

In that battle, a dozen "Tour Masters" were blown to pieces on the spot, and the rest were like lost dogs, and they no longer dared to take any chances with Xin Bu.

Obviously, Planeswalker's completely instant card system gave Vanessa many unnecessary associations.

It is even mistakenly believed that this may be a special ability bestowed by the goddess of poison and disease on her chosen ones.

"Otherwise? I'm afraid this lich has been sleeping for too long and has forgotten how a mage should fight. When it found an intruder, it didn't immediately apply protective magic to itself. Instead, it told a series of nonsense."

Zuo Si's tone was full of disdain and contempt.

Although spellcasting level is very important in spell duels, there are many examples of low-level wizards defeating high-level wizards.

Just now, he originally thought that the lich dared to boast, that he had magic protection that could bounce back low-level spells, or that he was wearing a [Mirror Cloak] that could deflect magic damage, so he observed it carefully for a while.

But in the end, it was discovered that the other party had no protection at all.

If he had known that the result would be like this, Zuo Si would never waste time and use prophecy magic to detect and prepare so many backup plans.

It's as if a dragon-slaying warrior put on the best weapons and equipment, drank a potion that could resist the dragon's breath, and finally discovered that the dragon had actually slept like a fool for hundreds of years, and was easily killed by him. Cut off the head.

No sense of accomplishment at all!

"Master, this guy carries a cane, three wands, and a magic ring."

Davian quickly found five items from the Lich's remains that had not been destroyed by the fireballs and positive energy rays.

"let me see."

Zuo Si took it and roughly identified it.

"Well - a four-ring magic [Ice Storm] wand, a [Fireball] wand, a [Lightning] wand, and an [Invisibility Ring] that can make the wearer invisible for up to twelve hours after use. , a cane that is equivalent to a +3 magic weapon and has a certain chance of making the opponent fearful when it hits. Huh? What is this? Damn it! This thing also has a curse effect..."

After discovering that the unknown cane would cause the user's external image to be distorted and even disfigured by evil forces, Zuo Si immediately activated the creator's ability to directly transform the magic item and remove the cursed part.

After finishing all this, he turned his attention to the sarcophagus not far away.

The loyal dragonborn knight Davian was keenly aware of his master's eyes, and immediately strode over and pushed open the lid of the sarcophagus.


A completely decomposed corpse with only bones remaining appeared in front of him.

Due to the age, the deceased inside could not be identified at all.

But a long sword placed next to him attracted everyone's attention.

Because this sword exudes a dazzling golden light like the sun, its powerful sacred power is even enough to suppress the astonishing negative energy contained in the entire tomb.

"This is……"

Orc Rhett's eyes widened.

Even he, a magical idiot and pure illiterate, could see how extraordinary this sword was.

"[Sun Blade: Day Star], a +2 magic sword.

A powerful magical weapon against the undead once wielded by paladins loyal to Torm, the god of courage.

Whether it is a lich or a vampire, they are as fragile as a thin layer of paper in front of this sword.

Moreover, it can also allow the holder to release a spell-like ability like the eight-ring evocation magic [Sun Flame Explosion] once a day, instantly destroying all undead creatures within a radius of five meters, and at the same time, it can also cause astonishing damage to living people. .

When fighting evil creatures, the day star is equivalent to a +4 magic weapon, and it also deals double damage to undead creatures.

With it, it will become quite easy to deal with lichs, dracolichs, vampires, or other undead creatures in the future..."

Zuo Si said as he took out the sword from the coffin.

Although this is a weapon with sacred attributes, there are no camp or occupation restrictions.

Anyone, as long as they are not undead, even those from the evil camp can use it.

In fact, Zuo Sichu deliberately wanted to kill the lich just to get this amazingly powerful magic weapon.

As for everything else, it's secondary.

"Do you know there is a Day Star hidden here?" Vanessa asked in an uncertain tone.

Because Zuo Si's hand didn't touch the sword at all and he didn't release the [Identification Technique] just now, he suddenly felt that tonight's operation was not that simple.

Zuo Si did not deny it, but nodded meaningfully: "Yes. The main purpose of coming tonight is to get it. With this powerful weapon, I have made up for my last shortcoming."

[Sun Blade: Day Star]'s restraint against undead creatures perfectly makes up for Zuo Si's lack of means to deal with undead creatures at this stage, especially the high-level undead with intelligence.

After all, his powerful elect abilities are all aimed at living creatures. Apart from suddenly killing the opponent with a sudden burst when they are defenseless like just now, there is no good way to deal with high-level undead creatures.

But now with the Day Star, coupled with the card [War God Possession], even if it is besieged by several lichs and vampires, it has the ability to make a comeback.

Carefully inserting the shining golden sword into the prepared sheath and fixing it on his belt, Zuo Si then took out the hammer that destroyed Asta's life box and handed it to Davian, pointing to the pillar. The mask on it said: "This thing is the lich's phylactery. Destroy it now."


The dragon-born knight with extremely high obedience said nothing, picked up the hammer and hit it hard.

boom! boom! boom! boom!


Along with the violent impact of negative energy, the mask was smashed to pieces.

At the same time, the lich soul stored inside also let out a desperate scream and quickly dissipated in the air.

On the other side, Rhett and Alena, who like to search for treasures and trophies, have already carried the empty dimensional bags and began to sweep all valuable things in the tomb.

Although it is unclear who the owner of the tomb is, the number of grave goods is indeed considerable.

Although the number of gold and silver coins is not very large, there are an astonishing number of various arts and crafts.

These things can often be sold for thousands of gold coins each in Amn, a country with an exaggerated social atmosphere and a tendency to show off.

Whether they are nobles or wealthy businessmen, they desperately collect these things and display them in their family collection rooms.

"Lord Soth, what should we do with the unawakened mummies in the coffins around us?"

Vanessa obviously had no interest in the funerary objects. Instead, she was very interested in these well-made ancient mummies that had accumulated negative energy for at least a thousand years.

"It's very simple. For this kind of undead with little intelligence, you only need to use this magic item to control it."

With that said, Zuo Si took out the [Scroll of Control of the Undead] that he had collected from the remains of his mentor from the scroll box, and pointed it at the mummies in the coffins to activate it.


An astonishing energy swept through the entire basement.

All living people swept away by this cold energy would shiver involuntarily.

After a while, the sleeping mummies woke up one by one and came to Zuo Si with slow steps. There were twenty-four in number.

As a powerful necromancer, Vanessa noticed the powerful necromancy magic emanating from the [Scroll of Controlling the Undead] almost at a glance, and immediately asked: "What is that scroll?"

“Its name is [Scroll of Dominance of the Undead].

It was a prop made by my teacher who scalped hundreds of slaves and repeatedly strengthened them through necromancy magic.

The biggest function is that it can control undead creatures without intelligence without restriction.

As for the intelligent high-level undead, you only need to force them to write their names on the scroll, and they can be controlled a little.

However, this control ability is not strong, so its practical value is not high. "

Zuo Si straightforwardly stated the function of the [Scroll of Controlling the Undead].

Because when Asta originally designed and manufactured this thing, he didn't consider high-level undead with intelligence.

Therefore, advanced undead creatures that are smart enough can use various methods to escape control.

Not to mention the lich with powerful spellcasting abilities.

"Can you show me?" Vanessa's eyes shone slightly.

Zuo Si handed it over without even a second's hesitation: "Here, take it, remember to study it and return it to me. I will use it to control more undead creatures as coolies and laborers in the future."

"Thank you very much! Don't worry, I will study it for a week or two at most and return it to you."

Vanessa quickly took the [Scroll of Control of the Undead] with both hands and gently stroked the surface of the scroll to feel the incredible material. Her whole body was immersed in a strong sense of happiness and joy and could not extricate herself.

Just when he was about to cast some identification spells to get more information, Alena suddenly held up a slightly thick book and shouted: "Master, look what I found!"

"Is that the lich's spell book?!"

Undisguised surprise immediately appeared on Zuo Si's face.

You must know that the spell book of a high-level mage is an out-and-out "treasure".

As long as there are one or two eighth- and ninth-level spells recorded in it, their value far exceeds the sum of all other funerary objects put together.

"You guessed it right! But there are a lot of protective magics on it. It will probably take a lot of effort to open it." As she said that, Alena threw the book in her hand over.

Fortunately, Davian had quick hands and quick eyes, and took the initiative to step forward and catch it steadily.

Otherwise, with Zuo Si's small body, he might have been smashed and sat on the ground.

After briefly detecting the protective spells blessed on the surface of the book, he impatiently used the [Spell and Barrier Destruction] ability of the creator profession to forcefully drain away all the energy to maintain these spells, and then opened it to deal with those spells. Identify mysterious symbols, words and patterns.

As a result, after identification, it was discovered that this lich was really a mage who mastered nine-ring spells.

After Vanessa's preliminary judgment, there are three nine-ring spells: [Time Stop], [Meteor Explosion], and [Wish Spell].

The eight-ring spells include: [Law: Shock], [Soul Imprisonment Technique], [Death Emblem], and [Death Technique].

The seven-level spells include: [Spell Reversal], [Law: Blindness], [Delayed Burst Fireball], [Simulacra], [Finger of Death], and [Undead Wisdom].

As for those below the seventh ring, there are even more.

Moreover, the entire book has hundreds of pages, which is not comparable to ordinary spell books.

"Lord Soth, we made a lot of money this time." Vanessa said in an extremely excited tone.

Especially the three nine-ring magic can 100% benefit all members of the organization.

"Hurry up and clean up. We'll go back to the Mage Tower right away."

Zuo Si gave the order straightforwardly.

Because he saw many very rare and rare three-ring magic in the spell book.

You must know that the magic system of Faerun has been changing from ancient times to the present, and has gone through several version iterations and rule changes.

In addition to those classic and common spells, there are also many less well-known magics, which were eventually lost because fewer and fewer people knew them.

This spell book from at least a thousand years ago contains many such magics.

Zuo Si couldn't wait to learn it and make it into a magic card.

Similarly, Vanessa couldn't help but want to copy all the magic of the seventh, eighth, and ninth rings into her spell book.

Just when a group of people came back to the door of the mage tower with full load, a slightly thin figure suddenly jumped out of the darkness.

Davian, who was always very vigilant, immediately raised his shield in front of his master and asked sternly: "Who is it?"

"Hey! Relax! Don't be so nervous! I don't mean any harm!"

The woman in a black cloak took off her hood and raised her hands to show she was not a threat.

Through the faint light, you can vaguely see that this is not a human, but an elf with pointed ears.

But what is different from ordinary elves is that her hair is bright red, exotic black patterns can be vaguely seen on her face, neck and arms, and there is a slender and sharp tail swaying from side to side behind her butt.

Demon elf?

Zuo Si recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

After all, as early as the Crown War almost 10,000 years ago, some elven families had combined with succubi to give birth to hybrid offspring to gain more power, and then trained them and put them into the war.

Currently, the most famous demon-born elf family in Faerûn is "Dragajes" from the ancient elf city of Cormanthor.

"Good evening, distinguished elector. My name is Feder, and I would like to formally extend an invitation to you on behalf of Alan Linville."

The demon elf put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully, expressing his intention at the same time.

You don't need to ask to know that "Feed" is definitely a fake name.

It can be seen that she is very cautious and always stands closest to the shadow.

If attacked, it only takes a moment to escape into the shadows and disappear without a trace.

"Ellen Linville? Shadow thief!" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

Because this was not the first time the other party had invited him to meet. It had been mentioned once before through Bernard, but was rejected without mercy.

The reason is very simple!

Zuo Si's most hated god, Cyric, is currently rapidly expanding his faith among the shadow thieves.

Although more senior executives still believe in Musk, the god of thieves, it is only a matter of time before the former takes over.

At that time, based on the grievances between him and the Cyric Church, it is difficult to say whether the Shadow Thief will become an enemy or a friend.

The demon elf smiled and nodded: "That's right. You decide the time and place. After all, my boss is very sincere."

"What does he want from me?" Zuo Si touched his chin and asked tentatively.

"I'm sorry, I'm just an insignificant person. How can I possibly know what the boss above is thinking. The only thing I can be sure of is that this is definitely not a bad thing for you." Feide promised confidently.

"In that case, let's set it at eight o'clock tomorrow night. The location will be my mage tower, if Ellen Linville dares to come."

After saying these words, Zuo Si ignored the other party, turned around and walked into the tower without looking back.

The demon elf stood there until the door closed, then took a long breath and quickly returned to the Shadow Thieves Guild headquarters in the dock area with the help of the cover of shadow.

After layers of inspections and rigorous body searches, she quickly arrived at the deepest room underground and reported to the man sitting on the sofa: "I talked to the elector. He said that we can go back tomorrow night. I’ll meet you in my own mage tower.”

"Mage Tower?"

Hearing the news, Ellen Linville's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Because meeting the voters of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, alone requires taking considerable risks.

It is very likely that the other party can be poisoned or contract a terrible disease that cannot be treated by ordinary magic with just one look or movement.

Now coupled with a mage tower, the nominal leader of the shadow thieves is basically no different from a fish on the chopping board.

As long as Zuo Si is willing, he can easily take his life at any time.

"Yes, Mage Tower. And I noticed that he doesn't seem to be very interested in cooperating with us."

The demon elf told everyone what he had observed.

Ellen Linville couldn't help but complained in a low voice: "Damn it! The above really gave me a big problem this time. Through your observations these days, do you know the preferences of this elector?"

"Like? I think it's something related to magic..." The Descendant Elf answered with some uncertainty while touching his chin.

"Something related to magic? Then it seems that I have to prepare a slightly expensive meeting gift." Ellen Linville sighed helplessly.

He originally thought the contact would go smoothly.

After all, no one in Amn would not want to cooperate with the Shadow Thief.

Even those powerful families and chambers of commerce will buy information from shadow thieves and hire thieves and assassins to fight against competitors from other countries and city-states.

But Zuo Si's performance surprised Ellen Linville.

The former not only rejected his first invitation, but also clearly wanted to turn it down even the second time.

"Um...boss, why do you have to meet with the other party? If it's just cooperation, wouldn't it be enough to just find someone to carry the message?" the demon elf asked very puzzledly.

Alan Linville touched his chin and explained patiently: "This Lord Soth is not an ordinary little character. We must show enough sincerity."

At the same time, far away in a private room at the headquarters of the Masked Mage Guild.

Zeranora had just been promoted to a level and officially became the top leader of this monopolistic Amn spellcasting organization.

Looking at the mark on the robe that symbolized identity and status, she immediately pursed her lips and sarcastically said in a mocking tone: "A group of profit-seeking idiots actually want to use me as a pawn in an internal faction fight?

I really don’t know whether to admire their courage or laugh at their ignorance.

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, now I've climbed to where I want to be.

The next thing to do is to slowly penetrate and develop until the entire Masked Mage Guild is in its hands.

But before that, I have to win over this interesting little guy Soth.

If the Entangled Talisman can use him, why can't I? "

Thinking of this, Zeranora waved directly to another mage standing not far away.

The latter didn't even say a word of nonsense. He walked straight up and said in an extremely enthusiastic tone: "Great master, what are your orders?"

"Have all the things Soth ordered from us made?"

Zeranora asked bluntly.

"Of course! According to your instructions, they are all made according to the highest quality and have been stored in the warehouse." The mage quickly responded in the affirmative.

Zeranora nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. I will send all these things over tomorrow, and give some extra magical creatures as a gift. If I read correctly, he seems to be trying to cultivate a new population of magical creatures. "

"As you wish, Master."

The mage knelt down on one knee and performed a prostration in accordance with the ancient etiquette of the court of the Calim Shan Dynasty.

Generally speaking, only the emperor, who is the supreme ruler of the country, is qualified to accept such worship.

But Zeranora calmly accepted the gift from the other party, picked up a book on the modern history of Faerûn from the nearby bookshelf, and read it with relish.

At this moment, the powerful aura she exuded unintentionally was obviously completely different from her usual self.

The whole person is full of confidence, pride and majesty.

And her behavior is not like an elegant female moon elf at all, but like a human male who has been in a high position for a long time.

Unfortunately, except for the mage who just left, no one else saw this scene.

Otherwise, those young mages who pursue Zeranora as the lover of their dreams may be heartbroken in an instant.

But Zeranora herself obviously doesn't care about this.

After reading a history book for a while, he soon started chanting spells in the room and constantly casting various powerful summoning magics.

Whether they are demons from Baator Hell, demons from the bottomless abyss, or powerful monsters from other planes, they are all as obedient and obedient as puppies under her control.

This move alone is enough to put the so-called "great wizards" in the organization to shame.

You must know that two years ago, Zeranora was just a low-level mage at LV3.

But now, she can actually cast powerful nine-ring spells with ease.

Soon, these summoned creatures were under her control, quickly sneaking into the rooms of those young mages to kill them, and then replacing them by disguising themselves as the dead through spell-like abilities.

The whole process went so smoothly that no one even noticed.

After all, the only ones who died were some inconspicuous low-level mages and apprentices.

The higher-ups of the Masked Mage are too lazy to care about their life and death...

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