A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 133 People who know too much usually don’t live long (please subscribe)

It must be said that Rhett's almost brutal and rough interrogation method against the orcs was indeed quite effective.

After vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, the orc leader quickly confessed all the information he knew honestly, not daring to hide anything.

When he learned that the name of the red dragon who controlled the entire monster army was Wilmes, the expression on Zuo Si's face was as wonderful as it could be.

He could not believe in his dreams that Wilmes, who had been separated due to the exhaustion of the portal's energy, would reunite in such a "dramatic" way.

"Why did Wilmes attack Mailatma and the surrounding villages and towns?" Zuo Si continued to ask with some confusion.

Although red dragons are generally greedy and cruel by nature, they are not mindless.

Leading an army of tens of thousands of monsters to besiege a city, and being so crazy as to directly cut off the trade routes and loot all visible caravans and travelers along the way would 100% lead to an encirclement and suppression by the forces of the good camp.

Even if the Kingdom of Tethyr fights internally and the lords conquer each other, it is still one country.

And it is one of the kingdoms with the largest land area.

It's definitely not a big problem to gather one or two adventure teams with dragon-slaying abilities.

What's more, for the five-color evil dragon, the biggest enemy is always the same kind from the good camp-the metal dragon.

Those silver dragons and golden dragons will be very happy to unite with their human, dwarf and elf friends to eradicate the evil red dragon that poses a huge threat to surrounding towns once and for all.

The orc leader shook his head slightly: "I don't know.

Master Wilmes has become particularly irritable and irritable for some unknown reason since he returned.

She had killed several chiefs before because of their incompetence in doing things.

Moreover, the appearance of death was very miserable, with the entire upper part of his head crushed.

There is no trace of the brains and brain matter inside..."

"Wait! You said the brain and brain matter are missing?"

Zuo Si's expression changed slightly and he grasped the most crucial part.

"Yes. Many people are saying that after the master came back, he seemed to have developed a habit of eating the brains of living people.

Every few days, there is an unlucky victim like this.

Not only that, she doesn't seem to like treasures as much as before.

Instead, let us find a human cub about ten years old with black hair and black eyes.


You...you have black hair and black eyes! "

The orc leader suddenly raised his head and stared at Zuo Si with his eyes wide open, his face full of excitement and surprise.

"That's right! I am the target that the red dragon master is looking for. But unfortunately, you know too much, and people who know too much usually don't live long."

After saying that, Zuo Si winked at the orc beside him.

Rhett didn't waste any time, he picked up the heavy double-edged ax and swept across the owl's head.


The head of the orc leader was cut off on the spot, and he flew ten meters away and rolled down the hillside.

The headless corpse spat out a large amount of blood and fell to the ground with a plop.

As the last enemy fell, there were no more living monsters on the battlefield littered with corpses.

Regardless of the cannon fodder goblins who rushed at the front, or the orcs and gnolls who were the main force, they were all overtaken and killed by the Shadow Legion, soldiers and Alena without exception.

Only a few fast wargs escaped with their lives.

At the same time, the magical energy and life energy generated after death were quickly absorbed by Zuo Si.

As the planeswalker's level continues to increase, the area he covers when absorbing energy becomes wider and wider.

It is no longer necessary to touch at a close distance as before in order to absorb all the magic energy and life energy to the maximum extent.

When a large amount of mana was invested in the planeswalker profession, the profession level was finally raised from LV4 to LV5.

Not only that!

As a "by-product", life energy also exceeded the critical point, making Zuo Si feel that several basic attributes of the body had been greatly improved.

In order to confirm this, he quickly summoned "Legacy" to check his attribute panel.

[Name: Zuo Si (Sos)]

[Race: Human]

[Basic attributes:]

[Strength: 8+3 (11)]

[Agility: 11+5 (16)]

[Physique: 10+6 (16)]

[Perception: 14+3 (17)]

[Intelligence: 17+5 (22)]

[Charm: 11]

[Mana pool: 173/250]

[Current effective land card: 1]

[Spark Level: 5]


[Planeswalker - LV5 (promoting to the next level requires 10,000 points of general magic power, or double the magic power of other attributes)]

[Creator (mimicry effect) - LV9 (promoting to the next level requires 9000 points of general magic power or double other types of magic power, the upper limit is LV15)]

[Mage (mimicry effect) - LV5 (promoting to the next level requires 5000 points of general magic power or double other types of magic power, the upper limit is LV17)]

"Huh? My basic strength, physique, and perception attributes actually increased by 2 points at once? What's going on?"

Zuo Si was completely taken aback by this sudden "surprise".

Because the basic attributes represent the most realistic physical condition before all magic equipment is removed, and the planeswalker profession is strengthened by absorbing life energy.

The poor strength and physical attributes indicate that his body has not grown up yet.

But now, suddenly it has risen to the average level of adults, which is a bit incredible.

In contrast, if the strength, physique and perception in the brackets are slightly improved, it is completely within the reasonable range.

After all, including entering the desert until now, Zuo Si has experienced a lot of battles and killings.

Especially those who can cast divine magic, generally speaking, the perception attribute is not too low, and it should be improved a bit after accumulation.

As for the two extra points of intelligence, they are provided by the Io stones floating above the head.


Too strange!

Just when Zuo Sibai was puzzled, the half-orc Rhett on the side finally couldn't help but cautiously asked: "Master, do you know the red dragon called Wilmes?"

"It's more than just acquaintance. She and I are the closest allies."

Zuo Si raised his head and gave the other party a meaningful expression.

From what I heard, the red dragon seemed to be eating the brains of intelligent creatures, while still trying its best to find itself.

He then realized that the terrible strange thing awakened by the [Creator] profession must have gone out of control.

You must know that without the constraints of the creator, the awakened strange objects will only act according to their instincts.

This also means that strange objects, like the Mind Flayer, will satisfy their own nutritional needs by devouring the consciousness in the gray matter of the brains of intelligent creatures, and at the same time continue to enhance their psychic power.

"Ally?! You mean...that red dragon is one of our own?" Rhett opened his mouth in shock.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!"

Zuo Si put his right index finger on his lips and made a silent gesture.

"Remember, keep this matter secret first and don't mention it to anyone. Next, I have to think carefully about how to sort out the big mess caused by Wilmes."

"Understood! I swear, I will never mention it to anyone."

The half-orc barbarian warrior nodded vigorously and suppressed his strong curiosity.

He really wanted to know how Zuo Si turned a powerful adult red dragon into an ally, and what happened between one person and one dragon.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si had no intention of explaining, so he had no choice but to give up.

Rhett didn't want to be silenced like the corpse lying on the ground because he knew too many secrets he shouldn't know.

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