A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 696 Southern Continent War Storm and Sun

The electric light dancing on your fingertips is my unchanging faith in this life...

Sorry, I got off topic.


The ancient coin shot through Sharon's hand pierced the air, and with an indomitable momentum, it hit the red scorpion's compound eye hard and penetrated deep into its body!

The red scorpion was severely injured, and its roar became more and more shrill.

Sharon remained expressionless, quietly observing the changes in the Red Scorpion.

But he saw countless dark green vines growing strangely from the wound and spreading continuously. In just a few breaths, most of the Red Scorpion's body was covered in ghost vines.

"Disperse!" Seeing this, Maric ordered directly.

Those members of the Rose School did not dare to neglect. They had no time to restrain the corpses and extraordinary characteristics of their companions, and left the central battlefield by various means.

The outcome is decided!

The blood in the red scorpion's body drained rapidly, and the strength of its struggle became smaller and smaller. Accompanied by miserable roars, many human faces turned into fruits, growing on vines and swaying, looking extremely terrifying.

If anyone who knows the inside story is present, they will definitely recognize that these people are members of the 'Artificial Death Sect' who were previously subjected to blood sacrifices and soul sacrifices.

At this moment, the souls of these people were swallowed by the vines and turned into another extraordinary creature.

Sharon looked quietly at the human face fruits swaying in the wind.

After pondering for a moment, he whispered softly: "In this way, Emlyn's commission can be completed."

At this moment, the Red Scorpion finally stopped struggling.

The huge body collapsed, creating a deep hole in the ground.

However, those crimson poisonous gases also accompanied the death of the host and spread without any scruples, even affecting many Human Face Fruits.

"This won't work..." Sharon frowned slightly.

Turning over my hands, I found an ugly straw doll out of nowhere.

She gently pulled off a piece of her pale golden hair and patiently put it into the straw doll. Immediately afterwards, the straw doll seemed to suddenly come to life. It stumbled away from Sharon's hand and rushed towards the Red Scorpion with a strange smile.

Sharon turned around.

Don't even look at the scene behind you.

She silently took out the party's internal machine from the lining pocket of her palace skirt, and typed unskilledly with her slender fingers: "Mission accomplished, how should I hand over the living sample to you?"


There was a loud bang.

A huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose behind him.

The poisonous gas was like fuel, burning all over the red scorpion's body in an instant, turning the vines into ashes!

But those human-faced fruits seemed to be resistant to high temperatures, and they fell to the ground unharmed.

Real men never look back at the explosion, and neither do real women.

Sharon turned her back to the fire and gently raised her hand.

With a whoosh, an ancient coin fell between her index and middle fingers. The surface of the coin was stained with a hint of crimson miasma, but Sharon had a special constitution and was not affected by these negative effects at all. She just gently told the other members of the Rose School: "Move quickly, take precautions, and submit the living sample of this monster." , we are about to stay away from the large army and head to the ruins of the ancient Highland Kingdom."

After hearing this, Maric and others nodded and began to collect the Human Face Fruit and the corpses of their companions in an orderly manner, as well as the extraordinary characteristics extracted from them.


The Crimson Scorpion, which had brought a lot of trouble to the church, was finally dead.

And they are well-deserved heroes!

"Resolved? Ah, as expected of Miss Sharon."

Audrey scanned the content of the group chat on her mobile phone and sighed sincerely.

What does it mean to be ruthless and not talk much?

This is why people are ruthless and don’t talk much.

Miss Sharon is usually silent.

It is really reliable at the critical moment!

Well, ‘Mr. World’ is also very powerful.

Just bad luck...

Forget it, don’t talk about this.

Audrey gathered her thoughts and focused on the moving map in front of her - this was an extraordinary item made by Bonova, which could clearly and accurately observe the military strength of both sides.

The blue side represents the Church of Fools and the ‘Royal Faction’ of the Spiritual Religion.

On the red side are the Witch Sect and the Spiritual Sect, the Artificial Death Sect.

The red and blue sides were entangled at the border of West Balam and had a stalemate for a while.

But as time went by, the blue side's advantage expanded and soon overwhelmed the red side.

Especially after getting rid of the Skeleton Artificial Death God and the Crimson Scorpion, the red side has almost no trump cards and can only be beaten passively.

Having said that, if it were not for fighting in a different place, how could a secret organization like the Witch Sect be compared with the Church of the Fool, which has become the Church of the Righteous God?

When she thought of this, 'Holy Lady' Audrey Hall couldn't help but puff up her chest and felt proud.

However, before she could be happy for long, the situation on the map suddenly changed.

However, the red side, which was already on its last legs, counterattacked quickly and violently, forcibly reversing the unfavorable situation and bringing the balance of the war back to the same starting line.

"What's going on?" Audrey was shocked.

But sitting at the rear, she could not get the news from the front line immediately, so she had to ask questions in the group, hoping to get an accurate response.

Time passed little by little.

Audrey's mood became heavier and heavier.

After almost four or five minutes, the president of a rescue association nicknamed 'Handsome Vampire' gave a brief response.

"got windy."

got windy?

Audrey couldn't understand it for a moment.

But when her hair was slightly raised, she turned her head and looked out of the window of the tent.

‘Miss Justice’ understands everything,

Dark clouds over the city.

Fierce winds ravaged East and West Balam.

The entire sky was under the pressure of thunder, lightning and storm.

Audrey was so shocked that she lost consciousness for a moment.

Then, she subconsciously thought of a possibility...

"A new enemy of the church has emerged."

"Lord of the Storm, can't you bear it after all?"

Like the weather, Klein's heart was also depressed.

He had long known that this war was not that simple, and he also knew that behind the "Original Witch" stood the "Lord of Storms", "The God of Knowledge and Wisdom" and many other old villains.

But he didn't expect that at this juncture, the "Storm Lord" would dare to end openly.

what is this?

Make sure you have a relationship with the Fool’s Church and the “Fool”…

All right.

He doesn't seem to have any deterrent power.

But we have thighs behind us.

And there’s more than one!

The "Storm Lord" made it clear that he wanted to break up with the "Night Goddess" and Jon, right?


"Isn't this adding chaos?" Klein felt a little disgusted.

It was not that he could not understand the thoughts of the Storm Lord, but he did not expect that the one with the title of 'tyrant' would be so timid.

Wasn't it just to help Adam kill the "Eternal Blazing Sun", Leodro, who was also a traitor, was afraid.

As for a backstab at a critical moment?

After all, we were all allies before...

Of course, Klein's thoughts couldn't change anything.

Until now, he could only accept this cruel fact, and he had to be on guard against the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" who might take action at any time.

Concentrating his breath and checking his own condition, Klein raised a wry smile on his lips.

The time was too short, and he could only ensure that insects would not fall from his body...

"There is no other way but to shake people." With a thought in his mind, Klein ordered Lynn to hide in the button, and then called his good brother.

"Meng Ge Meng Ge, are you there?"

"Meng Ge Meng Ge, I won't lend money."

"Meng Ge Meng Ge has something urgent to do with you."

Amon should be waiting somewhere in the southern continent. Upon hearing Klein's call, Amon's projection soon appeared.

He still looked so careless and sarcastic.


It fits the temperament of a ‘hunter’ very well.

"What's wrong? My brother, what do you want from me?" Amon looked at Klein up and down, and chuckled: "What's wrong? You've been miserable."

Do you still have the nerve to say this?

Klein took a deep breath and pointed to the sky.

Amon didn't take it seriously: "I saw it... Speaking of which, Leodro was like this before. He looked big and rough, but in fact he was more sensitive than anyone else, and his courage was even less pitiful. The slightest disturbance could scare him. It’s not easy.”

Klein quickly waved his hand to interrupt, "Okay, okay, I don't want to explore this. An unexpected situation happened. Should you..."

"Wait, wait." Before he could finish his words, Amon took the lead and said, "I've said it several times, brothers will settle accounts. The previous transactions between you and me were not like this. I was just helping you to guard against little Zaratul That’s all, and you have to give me Chike’s extraordinary characteristics afterwards, remember?”

When he mentioned this, Klein immediately stopped feeling sleepy and sneered: "Help me guard against little Zaratul? It sounds nice, but have you done it!"

Amon was confused, "What's going on?"

Klein told the story of how he was chasing the Red Scorpion, but was maliciously guided by others, and unexpectedly met Shanel Zelaya.

Amon suddenly tilted his head and blinked: "Is there such a thing?"

He laughed dryly: "If you put it that way, it was indeed my mistake."

After a moment, he spread his hands and said, "I can't help it. Who told you to lose the uniqueness of your error? You know how useful that thing is. You can only be a thief for a thousand days, so how can you guard against a thief for a thousand days?" All I can say is that I will try my best to help you with your defense, but I can’t guarantee success every time.”

The blame is not mine and I will not bear it.

Amon's attitude is obvious.

Klein spoke patiently: "There is no need for a 100% success rate, but as the price for your mistake, I need you to solve the thing above your head."

"Hey, hey, please spare me." Hearing this, Amon looked reluctant, "Although I said bad things about Leodro, I am obviously no match for him now. Brother, you are You know me, I won’t do anything I’m not sure about.”

"I don't care!" Klein's attitude suddenly cooled down, "In the worst case, we will break up. Don't even think about the extraordinary characteristics of the "Original Witch". After I die, you can do whatever you want with me. "

"Hey, are you threatening me?" Amon was angry and funny.

After pondering for a moment, his expression suddenly relaxed and he said relaxedly: "Look at you, you are easily impulsive as you talk, and I didn't say I won't help you. Well, let me find a way to disperse this cloud, and you... …”

Klein continued: "I have to recover from my injuries here before I can say anything else."

Amon nodded: "Indeed, you are a bit miserable now."

As he spoke, something suddenly occurred to him, "By the way, that guy Adam asked me to bring you a message, saying that if you can accept a favor as a price, he can help you replenish the spiritual energy consumed in that cross."

What? !

Klein suddenly became energetic.

How much impact the non-use of the 'iron cross' had on him was difficult. Only he, as the person involved, could understand the difficulty.

That cross has been bound to him in a sense.

Although a favor is very precious.

However, if we don’t get through the immediate crisis, we won’t even have a chance to return the favor!

Klein agreed to the proposal without hesitation.

Amon stretched out his hand and said, "Then bring it. What are you waiting for?"

The Eastern Continent, the land abandoned by gods.

Adam stared at the western coastline quietly, as if waiting for something.

After a while, Amon appeared with a burst of flames, holding a cross necklace in his hand.

"Here, I brought it to you." Amon threw the black iron cross to Adam.

Adam caught it safely and stared at the figure with closed eyes on the cross.

After all, they are just similar flowers...

A look of compassion appeared on His face.

When Amon saw it, he was extremely disgusted and said: "Your iceberg face used to make people very uncomfortable, but now you are so girly and chirping, it is even more annoying!"

"Haha, I'm glad you regard yourself as a 'human being.'" Adam did not add spirituality to the black iron cross immediately, but said to Amon with a smile.

"It's just language habits. Do you understand language habits?" Amon retorted.

Adam pondered for a moment, and then directly released the decisive blow: "After becoming pregnant, you become more humane."

"Get out!" Amon broke his guard.

The body can be modified with extraordinary abilities.

Internally, it cannot.

Unless he accommodates the extraordinary characteristics of the "Original Witch" and is promoted to the Quasi-Old One. Otherwise, the damn ‘anchor’ will follow him forever!

Thinking of this, Amon didn't want to stay by Adam's side any longer, so he left a word and left in a hurry.

Adam chuckled.

Feeling happy, He then began to repair the black iron cross.

This cross is His holy object.

It was easy to repair.

The person of the dual-sequence true god can inject vitality into an angel with a simple effort.

After a while, Sherlock Moriarty appeared in front of Adam.

He opened his eyes and saw the 'bearded priest' with black hair and golden eyes not far away.

"I really wanted to call you Sasril, but unfortunately... you are Sherlock Moriarty." Adam said lightly, his tone a little sad.

Sherlock Moriarty was genuinely afraid of the Adam in front of him. He lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Adam took a deep look at Sherlock Moriarty and said, "I am very happy to see the birth of another dark angel. Sherlock, be loyal to the one you choose to serve."

"I...will." Sherlock Moriarty finally responded.

In a daze, Adam's eyes seemed to have traveled through countless years, and he saw the guards who had always been by his side.


His left hand, His Vicar, is the Vice-President of Heaven.


Thinking of this, Adam's eyes narrowed slightly.

Dark clouds cover the earth?

Storm raging?

He said: "Let there be light!" (End of Chapter)

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