A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 623: Sneaking into the Church of the God of War

All warriors must follow the ‘Great God of War’?

Oh, luckily I’m not——

Klein remained calm, with an expression that said, "You continue, I'm listening."

When Bishop Rommel saw this, he felt enlightened and his smile became more and more obvious.

Clearing his throat, he continued: "War is a tribulation, but it is also an opportunity. To put it bluntly, no one likes war more than us 'soldiers' and those 'hunters' of the Fusac royal family."

"The Church of Night is coming fiercely, and the powerful ships and cannons of the Kingdom of Loen are even more powerful, but have we lost? No! Because we can grow in the war!"

"Brother, listen to my advice. Now is the best opportunity to join the 'Great God of War'. It's too late, but it won't be that easy."

Hearing this, Klein twitched his lips and said, "If you ask me, you are more suitable to go to the Southern Continent to engage in pyramid schemes."

"Oh, I'm not one of those liars who tell lies." Bishop Rommel took a sip of wine, "Everything I tell you is from the bottom of my heart."

"Okay, okay." Klein spread his hands, "Even if what you say is true, there is no reason why I must join the Church of the God of War, right?"

He looked at Bishop Rommel and said, "I am used to freedom and I don't want to be bound by the canon."

"There are only two articles in the canon, 'Who to fight' and 'When to fight'." Bishop Rommel took out a booklet not much thicker than a menu from his pocket, "Look, compared to other churches, we are simply It’s so freeing.”

Klein: ...

Should we say they are worthy of being ‘warriors’?

The style is really simple and direct.

However, he himself wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak into the Church of God of War, so always putting on airs would be self-defeating.

So, a trace of unnoticeable heartbeat appeared on Mr. Ke's face very appropriately, "Is it really that free?"

"Of course, you see, as a hunting bishop, I don't need to meditate in the morning or pray every day. I just need to praise the 'Great God of War' before the battle."

Bishop Rommel patted Klein on the shoulder, "You saved my life. I call you brother sincerely. Don't worry, brother, I won't repay you with kindness."

In order to trick White Wolf into joining the religion, Rommel was willing to go all out.

Fortunately, the 'Great God of War' is open-minded by nature and will not take any disrespect at all.

Seeing the hesitant look on the 'White Wolf''s face, Bishop Rommel struck while the iron was hot and said, "If for no other reason than that, you have to think about the subsequent formula for the potion."

The magic potion formula and extraordinary characteristics are obstacles that every extraordinary person cannot bypass.

Unless you are sure that you will never be promoted again and stay in a certain realm for the rest of your life, you won’t have so many worries...

However, from Rommel's perspective, he did not think that the 'White Wolf' would be someone who would be content with the status quo.

"In other words, the God of War Church can give me the demigod's potion formulas and materials." Klein asked pretending to be cautious.

"As long as you contribute enough." Bishop Rommel said with confidence, "Let alone demigods, even saints or angels...well, there should be some."

I wanted to brag, but I almost couldn't stop the car.

He himself is just a Sequence 5 hunting bishop, and he has not yet come into contact with things at the level of saints and angels.

Klein thought for a long time, and finally shook his head slightly, "Sorry, I collected the deposit, and I have to kill Sherlock Moriarty first before I can think about anything else."

"No conflict, no conflict at all!" Bishop Rommel waved his hand, "The Aurora Society is also a target we want to eradicate. With the help of the church, it will be a lot easier for you."


If nothing else, the Church of God of War is down-to-earth.

They have a cold, decisive, and ruthless side.

But in private, I would call myself brothers and exchange cups with my close friends.

To be honest, Klein doesn't resist this atmosphere.

Just remembering his position, he could only say 'sorry' to the hunting bishop in his heart.

"When the goddess takes back the power of the God of War, it won't be too late for us to be brothers again." Klein thought to himself.

But on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief and deliberately cursed: "Damn it, I was actually persuaded by you."

"Haha!" Bishop Rommel laughed.

With that said, he called to the bartender, "Hey, serve the wine!"

A powerful warrior like White Wolf must go to the headquarters of the God of War Church of Saint Milon, the Dusk Hall, to hold an initiation ceremony.

In addition to this, Rommel also needed to personally deliver Wilster's body to His Majesty the Saint Roland Tran.

Galloping all the way.

Feysac's capital city, St. Miron, is right in front of you.

The faces of the soldiers in the hunting team showed a look of peace from the bottom of their hearts.

Kleinlema looked at the majestic church on top of the giant peak from a distance, as if bathed in the light of dusk, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

‘Twilight Palace’, as long as you blend in...

"You've seen it, too." Bishop Rommel came over, "Isn't it spectacular?"

Klein said calmly: "A miracle is nothing more than this."

"Ha, I think so too. When I first saw the Dusk Palace, I was shocked." Bishop Rommel recalled the scenes in the past with a sigh, "So many years have passed in the blink of an eye. ah."

"When a person starts to recall the past, it means he is old." Klein was particularly disrespectful.

Bishop Rommel shrugged noncommittally.

Driving horses into the city.

Because of his status as an extraordinary member of the God of War Church, it was naturally extremely smooth.

Klein looked at this city that was as famous as Backlund and sighed slightly in his heart.

People's livelihood is difficult.

Even the capital of a country cannot escape the sad scene of desolation and decay.

But then I thought about it.

If it weren't for the operation of our Fool's Church, such a scene would have happened in Tingen, East County, and Backlund.

The girl queuing up to receive relief over there might become his sister.

The young man who was forced into the car over there might be his brother.

People are not saints, and they are separated from each other.

If anyone must suffer.


It's better to be Fusak.

Klein suppressed his emotion and his eyes gradually returned to firmness.

Sorry Ares.

For the sake of peace, please die as soon as possible.

"White Wolf, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that Klein was a little distracted, Bishop Rommel asked.

Klein twitched his lips, "It's nothing, it's just my first time coming to Saint Milon, so I'm a little dazzled."

"It's a big city, I understand." Bishop Rommel showed an empathic expression and remembered something from the past.

After scanning the surroundings, he changed the topic, "However, you may have come at the wrong time. Before the war started, the scenery here was much better than it is now."

"It's all the same." Klein responded casually, "Okay, let's get down to business quickly."

Bishop Rommel smiled and said: "You were reluctant in every possible way before, but now you are anxious."

After saying this, he didn't waste any time and rode straight towards the 'Twilight Palace'.

Horses galloping.

Ordinary people gave way.

Although the Church of the God of War does not go so far as to bully the weak, it has always believed that 'strength is supreme'.

They are all ordinary people. If they accidentally block the way of these big shots, they will be hit and there will be no excuse.


Klein arrived at the headquarters of the Church of God of War under the leadership of Bishop Rommel.

The dim light fell.

It made him feel as if he might turn into dust at any time.

"Hold on and experience this sacred charm. It will be good for your future promotion." Bishop Rommel reminded in a low voice.

Sequence 0 of the 'Warrior' path is called the Twilight Giant, which can cause matter, will, and even the void to decay, collapse, and die. It exudes the aura of the fall of dusk and the decay of all things. The mere existence itself caused the surrounding matter and void to bend, making everything begin to decay uncontrollably.

Its power is so powerful that it cannot be described in words.

As the headquarters of the Church of the God of War, the ‘Twilight Palace’ is naturally contaminated with the aura of decline from the God of War.

After all, Klein is no ordinary extraordinary person.

After getting used to it, I felt that my physical fitness had improved a little.

From his understanding, the ubiquitous decaying brilliance is like the Heavenly Thunder Tempering Body. As long as you get used to it and can endure it, you can get rewards from heaven.

Compared with the quiet atmosphere of the 'Tranquility Church', the special force field here is obviously more suitable for cultivating extraordinary people.

"No wonder there are so many more high-sequence Beyonders in the Church of God of War than there are in the Church of Night. It turns out that the source lies here." Klein thought to himself.

Immediately, he straightened his expression.

The most critical stage was about to come, and he couldn't afford to let things slip.

Bishop Rommel said: "White Wolf, you are not yet a member of the Church of the God of War, and you cannot enter the Twilight Palace for the time being... In this case, you and I will go to find your adoptive father first, and he will introduce you to the church, and then we will talk about other things."

Adopted father and adopted son are the unique inheritance system of the Church of God of War.

This habit was passed down in the ancient giant royal court.

Klein nodded, "Who is your adoptive father?"

Rommel said proudly: "My adoptive father, who is also my master, is named Terema Gran. He is currently the Archbishop and is a glorious Silver Knight (Sequence 3)."

Hearing this, Klein immediately stood in awe.

Rommel was very satisfied when he saw it, and said to Klein: "With your qualifications, my adoptive father may accept you. When the time comes, you must seize the opportunity."

Klein looked a little embarrassed, "This..."

"This is tradition. If you travel around the world, you should understand the benefits of connections and background. To be honest, where there are people, there will be factions and disputes. It is not shameful to find a backer before you are strong." Bishop Rommel Be patient and exhort.

Klein hesitated for a moment and said in a strange tone: "We'll talk about it then."

Bishop Rommel smiled and said, "I'm just warning you in advance. It's not certain what will happen."

It really complied with the saying, ‘There are people in the DPRK who are easy to do things’.

Rommel took Klein with him. No one dared to question him along the way, and he easily found Archbishop Terema Gran.

Tyrima Gran looks like an old man who is dying, with a hunched body and a weak breath. It seems that he may fall asleep at any time.

But Klein was not fooled by the other party.

Because all the spiritual beings in his body were warning him about what kind of power that could destroy the world and destroy the world contained in the little old man in front of him!

"Rommel, long time no see, who is this?" Archbishop Terema Gran is very kind, like a neighbor who likes to plant flowers and grass.

Moreover, although he is an adopted father and adopted son, he is actually his direct master and disciple, and his attitude is quite gentle.

"Lord Tyrima, we are out on a hunting trip this time..." Bishop Rommel recounted everything that had happened in the past few days, focusing on the fall of Wilster Dale and the White Wolf's battle with Sherlock Moriah. He also pointed out that he was also rescued by the white wolf, so he wanted to introduce him to the religion.

Archbishop Tyrima Gran couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, "Death in battle is the fate of all warriors, Wilster, what a pity."

He told Rommel: "Go and deliver the remains of Wilster to Archbishop Luo Lan, and I will have a chat with Mr. White Wolf."

Bishop Rommel responded repeatedly.

Before leaving, he gave Klein an encouraging look.

When only the Archbishop of the Church of Mars and the sneaky pretender were left in the room, the old man's face became solemn, "Who are you? Why are you plotting against Rommel!"

People become better with age.

Again, not all 'warriors' are brainless idiots.

Klein was unmoved.

He believed that the goddess's extraordinary items would not be detected by mere saints, and responded in a deep voice: "I can't understand what His Majesty Terema said. What do you mean that I plotted against Bishop Rommel? Please understand, it was me who saved him." His life.”

"Still quibbling!"

Silent as an ancient well, moving as thunder.

Archbishop Tyrima condensed the Sword of Dawn out of thin air in his hand. His whole body was still stooped, but his momentum increased thousands of times.

The evil aura coming out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the corpse mountain almost made Klein, a Sequence 5, unbearable and revealed his true colors.

Fortunately, Ke's daily contact with eight angels is not ten, and his psychological quality is not generally good. He gritted his teeth, and also put on the Dawn Armor on his body, and said: "Does the Archbishop mean to repay kindness with hatred?"

"There are no such coincidences in the world. You clearly have ulterior motives." Tyrima said in a cold tone.

In fact, he wasn't sure what was wrong with White Wolf.

However, there is always a lingering feeling of disharmony.

At his level, intuition is the most accurate.

It was a troubled time, and he didn't want anything to go wrong.

Archbishop Tyrima snorted coldly, "Let me see your true face!"

As he spoke, the power belonging to the 'Twilight Palace' was aroused by him.

Under the majesty of the God of War, no evil spirit can escape!

However, there was no change in Klein.

Archbishop Tyrima was stunned for a moment and said in shock: "How is that possible!"

From what he thought, this white wolf was either a marionette or a charmed puppet.

In short, he cannot be a normal person.

Klein laughed secretly in his heart.

If he really uses the ability of the Faceless Man to pretend to be someone else, maybe his true colors will be exposed when his mind is lost.

However, he still has a secret weapon in his hand.

‘Krum God Disk’ - a special prop that can change your height, appearance, weight and even body odor at will.

No matter how powerful Archbishop Tyrima is, he cannot detect this extraordinary item on his body that originated from the Evil God of the Starry Sky.

in other words.

The White Wolf is real.

The main body is also a controlled marionette.

This wave.

This wave is called perfect! (End of chapter)

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