A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 495 Putting pen to paper

Knotweed Hisahito felt like he had forgotten something.

"The severed finger of Shunuo on both sides"

He always felt inexplicably familiar with this thing, as if he had heard of it somewhere.

But unfortunately, the mind has never been something that Knotweed Yuhito is good at. After much thought, he couldn't come up with a result. In the end, he had to let it go.

The old man's funeral was very simple, even crude.

But Knotweed Hisahito didn’t care.

It’s just a ritual, so what if it’s simple and complicated?

Compared with this, he cared more about his grandfather's last words before his death, about "let him help and save more people, and then die surrounded by flowers."

Fushiguro Megumi told him that this was a different kind of curse, so the weak spell power appeared in his body.

After a night of hard work, Hisuhito managed to understand the basic concepts of a spellcaster and the combat system he was good at.

The basic power of a spellcaster is the power of the spell, which comes from the negative emotions of the caster. The stronger the negative emotions, the stronger the power of the spell.

The technique is an innate ability, a native skill and cannot be acquired.

Generally speaking, each conjurer can only master one spell.

Spells can be inherited.

However, there is no magic technique in the body of Knotweed Hisahito.

According to the mysterious teacher Gojo Satoru, Knotweed Hisahito's body is very clean, like a flawless piece of white paper, like a scabbard missing the blade, more like a packaging bag without snacks...

never mind.

"If there is no magic technique, then there is no magic technique. My body is very strong, and I can remove the cursed spirit with my fists." Hisuhito Hiroyuki felt a mysterious confidence in his heart.

This confidence comes from his strong physique and nearly endless energy and endurance that are rare in a thousand years.

Because the whereabouts of the 'Ryomen Suno's severed finger' are still unknown, and it is likely to be obtained by students of this school, Hisato Kozune cannot immediately go to Tokyo to formally study the magician course, but stays behind to investigate the severed finger with Megumi Fushiguro. whereabouts.

"The man was very tall, a little taller than the teacher. He was tall and tall, wearing a student uniform. He had black hair and black eyes, and he looked hateful."

Megumi Fushiguro told Hisahito Kozune about the fight with the 'mysterious spellcaster' that night, "He is very powerful and uses a sealing type of spell. I can hardly fight back."

Hearing this, Hirohito couldn't help but feel happy, "What, you've been doing this for a long time and you're just as much a rookie as me."

Fushiguro Megumi did not explain.

If you lose, you lose.

But it seems normal that a being who can survive in the hands of Gojo Satoru cannot be beaten by himself?

Shaking his head and suppressing the thoughts in his mind, he asked Hisashi Hiroyuki: "How are you doing? Have you identified any suspicious objects?"

Knotweed Hisahito shrugged, "Please, he's very tall, has black hair, and has a tall body. Can you catch a lot of these people?"

After a pause, he touched his smooth chin and suggested: "How about we go to the sports club to try our luck. There are all muscle sticks there, which match the characteristics you mentioned."

Fushiguro Megumi didn't have any good ideas for a while, so she had to agree and agreed to see him after school.

As the sun set, the two met again.

I went around various major sports clubs several times, but could not find the suspected target.

On the other hand, Hisato Hisato was warmly welcomed by the presidents of major clubs. It took a lot of effort for Hishito to get rid of those annoying spirits and escape with Megumi Fushiguro.

"I didn't expect that a guy with strong limbs like you didn't join a sports club." Fushiguro Megumi made a rare complaint.

Hisuhito laughed, "Someone once told me the same thing, to become an athlete and become a neon idol."

As he finished speaking, a flash of light flashed through his mind.

He suddenly remembered that his good friend Qiaoqiao seemed to be very tall and had black hair.


No way?

That guy is just a bookworm. He never likes to deal with others. He has the demeanor of a handsome iceberg guy. How could he sneak into the school in the middle of the night and snatch the severed finger of "Liang Miansu Nuo".

Seeing the strange expression on the face of Knotweed Hisahito, Fushiguro Kei's heart moved and she quickly asked: "What's wrong? Did you remember something?"

Knotweed Hisahito pondered for a moment and shook his head, "No, I was just thinking...what are we going to eat tonight?"

Megumi Fushiguro sighed, "The special curse is still in the hands of unknown persons, so how can I be in the mood to eat."

"People are like iron, and rice is like steel." Hisahito Kizunei thought very openly, not as preoccupied as Fushiguro Megumi.

You should try your best to help others, but you should not be too paranoid and lose your true heart.

All in all, it’s almost the same——

Pushing Fushiguro Megumi, he walked into a roadside ramen restaurant.

To be honest, Fushiguro Megumi doesn't like eating ramen very much, because some ramen contains ground ginger, and he hates ginger.

But now that he has been pushed in by Knotweed Hisahito, it's hard for him to say anything.

Sighing, he picked a clean chair and sat down.

Place your order.

Not long after, two steaming bowls of ramen were placed in front of Kizuna Hisahito and Fushiguro Megumi.

The two chatted while eating.

Of course, the main thing is that Hisato Knotweed asked Fushiguro Megumi various questions about the magician.

Megumi Fushiguro answered sternly.

Various proper nouns, such as 'curse', 'spell', 'reversal', 'sequel reversal', 'spell reversal', etc., made Hisuhito's head spin.

At this moment, a diner in the corner suddenly lifted his bowl and yelled: "How many times have I told you, I don't eat seafood, but I still put fish slabs in it, don't you want to open this store?" "

This rude guy made a lot of noise and easily attracted the attention of Fushiguro Megumi and Kozune Hisuhito.

The boss with a towel wrapped around his head hurriedly ran out to apologize. When passing by Fushiguro Megumi and Kozune Hisuhito, their expressions changed at the same time.

Because they clearly saw that there was a cursed spirit that looked like a six-eyed catfish lying on the noodle shop owner’s shoulder.

Fushiguro Megumi lowered her voice and explained to Heruhito: "The curse is formed by the negative emotions of human beings. Almost everyone is stressed and has negative emotions... The prototype of this kind of curse spirit is an unpopular existence, but since it has been We discovered it and we can’t let it go.”

The wave of spell power swept away.

In the blink of an eye, the six-eyed catfish was shattered into pieces.

Seeing this, Hirohito's eyes were shining and he gave Fushiguro Megumi a thumbs up, "Awesome!"

Three black lines appeared on Fushiguro Megumi's forehead, "It's just an inferior prototype of a curse spirit. You can easily deal with it."

"Me? But I don't have any fixed spells, and I don't know any spells." Japanese knotweed Hisahito scratched the back of his head.

Fushiguro Megumi said: "If you can see the curse spirit, it means that you have the power of the curse. A curse master is not a profession that only relies on curses. Punching to the flesh is also a way of fighting."

Every mage has a dream of close combat, and summoning mage Megumi Fushiguro is no exception.

Melee fighting is the romance of men!

As soon as he heard this, Hirohito Knotweed knew what he was talking about.

In terms of physical fitness and flexibility alone, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

If you encounter a curse spirit, just fight it and that's it.

After dinner, the two left the noodle shop.

Got nothing today.

The search will continue tomorrow.

Fushiguro Megumi and Kozune Hisahito underestimated the difficulty of this task.

For three days, they still couldn't find the tall, black-haired mysterious conjurer.

This made Hirohito the knotweed couldn't help but wonder, "Is there a possibility that the person who snatched the severed finger of Liangmian Sunuo was not a student of our school at all, but deliberately wore our school uniform to confuse the public."

Megumi Fushiguro didn't think so.

Because Teacher Gojo Satoru once clearly told him that the guy said, 'There will be classes tomorrow morning.'

There is nothing that can be done about Japanese knotweed Hisahito.

He visited all the sports clubs, not even sparing the bad boys who wandered around the streets as soon as school was over.

Because he and Fushiguro Megumi have been looking for someone these days, he didn't even go to the paranormal phenomenon hobby meeting, and the number of times he met his good friends was less...

Fushiguro Megumi also felt helpless.

What was originally a simple mission turned into a long-term mission after being interfered by by Hishito the Tiger Sticker and the mysterious magician.

His energy should obviously be used on more meaningful things instead of wasted on a county school!

Glancing at the sky, Hirohito asked tentatively, "How about we stop here today?"

Fushiguro Megumi nodded, "That's it for today, we will continue tomorrow."

Hirohito the knotweed scratched the back of his head and said, "According to what you said, special-grade curses should attract nearby curse spirits, but in the past few days, it seems that the number of nearby curse spirits has decreased."

After pondering for a moment, Fushiguro Megumi replied: "There are two possibilities. One is that Sunuo's severed finger has been sealed again, and the other is that the conjurer has obtained the power of Sunuo's severed finger."

The knotweed Hishito twitched the corners of his lips, "It's all this guy's fault... Cholera has plagued the world since ancient times, and it won't stop even after death..."

As he spoke, his expression suddenly changed.


The keyword appeared, and he finally remembered from whom he heard the name "Liang Mian Su Nuo".

"Liang Mian Su Nuo... Hisuhito, have you heard of it?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"I was browsing ancient documents recently and came across this name. I thought it was quite interesting."

"Qiao Qiao!" Youren Hoshino's eyes were complicated.

Fushiguro Megumi's heart moved, "What did you say? Qiaoqiao, who is Qiaoqiao?"

Hishito Kizuna took a deep breath and said, "He is a good friend I met after I was in high school. It is said that he is a foreigner..."

Fushiguro Megumi quickly grabbed Kizune Hisuhito's shoulders, "Quick, take me to find him!"

Knotweed Youren struggled for a while, but finally agreed.

He was thinking that maybe everything was just a coincidence.

A certain independent courtyard, the gate.

"Hihito, why are you hanging out with this guy?" Looking at the Japanese knotweed Hishito and Fushiguro Megumi at the door, Jon pinched his brows helplessly.

It can only be said that the inertia of fate cannot be changed in the slightest. He has obviously obtained the severed finger of Liangmian Sunuo, and did not let Hishito the Polygonum cuspidatum become a "container". Unexpectedly, Hirohito and Fushiguro Megumi became a group.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Fushiguro Megumi was extremely nervous, but her face showed no fear.

I saw him clasping his hands together, and he was about to cast a spell.

Jon rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "I told you last time that fighting me would not end well. It seems you didn't listen at all."

He stared at Fushiguro Megumi and suddenly gave a bad laugh, "Xiao Megumi, I told you that this is a secret between the two of us. It seems that you didn't listen to what I said. You are very rude."

Fushiguro Megumi was unmoved and said in a cold voice: "Give me the severed finger of Su Nuo!"

"Gojo Satoru can do nothing to me, but you still want to snatch the severed finger from me?" Jon said with a smile.

At this time, Higurashi Hiroyuki said with a complicated face: "Qiao Qiao, have you always been a spellcaster?"

"It's not always, I just read a few books and learned a few unattractive spells." Jon waved his hand.

The conversation changed, "It's you. I haven't seen you for a few days, and the magic power on your body has increased very quickly."

Knotweed Hisahito smiled bitterly.

He does not have a clear understanding of his own changes, but Qiaoqiao can figure out the key point almost at a glance. What does this mean?

It shows that Qiaoqiao's strength and vision far exceed his own.

He couldn't see through this familiar friend...

However, he trusts his instincts!

Sighing, Knotweed Hisahito asked: "What's the use of a special-grade curse? That thing will cause disaster."

Jon said naturally, "What kind of trouble dares to find me? I am the biggest trouble."

Hisuhito Polygonum cuspidatum:...

Megumi Fushiguro: Indeed.

The situation seems to be at an impasse.

However, Jon welcomed Knotweed Hishito into his home as if nothing was wrong.

Of course, Fushiguro Megumi also walked in with a sullen expression on his face, as if he was advancing and retreating together with Kozune Hisuhito.

Jon's house is large and upscale.

After all, it is an easy thing for Mr. Qiao to make some money. There is no need to wrong himself materially.

After serving tea and snacks to the two of them, he sat down cross-legged and placed his severed fingers on the coffee table like magic.

"Originally I didn't want to say it, but since Hisuhito is here, I'll give you some face." He looked at Fushiguro Megumi, "It's safer to leave this thing here with me. You don't have to worry about being used by bad people."

"Bad guy? Aren't you the biggest bad guy?" Fushiguro Megumi has a deep prejudice against Jon.

However, Knotweed Hisahito trusted his friend so much that he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, then he remembered something again, "I heard that Liangmian Sunuo has twenty severed fingers, and each severed finger is a special curse. Qiaoqiao, are you sure you have the ability to take good care of this thing?"

Jon said: "If Gojo Satoru is capable, I am capable. In short, don't worry about this matter for now. If you have any comments or questions, let that white hair come and talk to me in person."

After finishing his words, he clicked his tongue and said, "Originally, I didn't want to get involved in your affairs. I'm just a good young man who works hard and wants to get into Dongda University..."

Fushiguro Megumi was speechless.

He didn't believe that a top magician like Jon had an ambition to be admitted to an ordinary university.

Hirohito has a blind trust in his friend, and he actually no longer cares about the severed finger of Liang Miansu Nuo. Instead, he talks about the knowledge he has gained these days, as well as his longing and yearning for the future.

Jon was a little helpless when he heard that Hisato Hirohito insisted on becoming a spellcaster even though he didn't have a fixed spell.

But for the sake of friendship over the years, he decided to give Hishito the knotweed a gift.

“From now on, every door you open will be filled with uncertainty.”

Three big question marks appeared above the head of Knotweed Hisahito.

What the hell?

Beside, Fushiguro Megumi's expression changed.

This guy actually cursed in front of him? !

Power that cannot be described in words is generated in the body of Japanese knotweed Yuhito.

The blank paper was filled with the first strokes.

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