Since the attack warning was issued, the entire New York...

No, it should be said that the entire United States is in a state of tension.

Thanks to Vought's various blame-shifting operations, the "Black Robe" terrorist organization has a very large influence among the people.

For the sake of social harmony and national stability, the American government did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to mobilize the army and actively prepare for war. In New York, one of the most prosperous metropolises in the world, there are heavy troops stationed just waiting for that day to arrive.

A week later.

"All units should be careful and report any abnormality immediately."

"Also, we must pay attention to the safety of the people, but when necessary, annihilating the enemy is the first priority. Do you understand?"




On the government army side, everyone seemed very nervous.

As a partner of the American government, the heroes sent by Vought Company were much more relaxed in comparison.


The second-tier hero Blue Eagle couldn't help but yawn.

His eyes swept around vaguely, and a look of disgust could not help but appear in his eyes.

Many people who don’t know Brother Ni think that he has traveled back to the southern states before the slave liberation movement.

Although I felt unhappy, there was nothing I could do.

The Walt Company attached great importance to this operation. Not only the top-tier idol group Super Seven were mobilized, but even second-tier heroes like them were not left behind, and they devoted themselves to the huge battlefield in New York.

However, people are here, but their thoughts are not here.

At least that's the case with the Blue Eagles.

When you are in the limelight, don't you think that second-tier characters like them will be used as cannon fodder and thrown into the battlefield once something happens?

Only a fool would do that.

And what he couldn't accept the most was that as a superhero from Watt Company, he actually had to work with a group of Ni brothers. It was simply unreasonable!

Just thinking about it.

The voices around him suddenly became quieter.

Blue Eagle glanced around curiously, only to find that it was Queen Maeve from the Seven Super Heroes, walking over with two long legs and saying hello to these second-tier heroes.

Of course, behind this charming lady, as expected, there was a team of media people carrying cameras.

Lan Ying's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to step forward, wanting to take a few shots.

Queen Maeve also noticed him very sharply and took the initiative to get out of the way.

Blue Eagle got his wish and appeared in the public eye.

"My brothers and I will protect this city!"

In front of the camera, Lan Ying has firm eyes and exudes a confident temperament all the time.

The media people with cameras were also very impressive and gave the Blue Eagle a close-up.

Queen Maeve nodded secretly.

Putting aside his strength, at least when it comes to worldliness, this unknown guy still knows the rules.

But at this moment, Steamboy, who is also a second-tier hero, suddenly burst into the scene.

He didn't notice that Lan Ying's face was uglier than eating shit. He expressed his determination in the form of rap in a unique black accent.

"Yo, Man - you know, I cover this whole area -"

How dare Brother Ni share my footage?

His heart was filled with rage, and Lan Ying's eyes instantly turned red.

Almost without thinking, he pushed the steam boy away, but when he made this move, he suddenly realized that it was now live broadcast across the United States.

So, he cleverly changed the push to a hug, forced himself to endure the disgust in his heart, pretended to be intimate and put his arms around the steam boy, showing a professional fake smile.

Queen Maeve obviously saw something, but she didn't care about Blue Eagle's little thoughts.

She still has her own tasks and doesn't have time to waste too much time here.

On the other side, the people of the motherland are also mobilizing before the war.

"The enemy is very powerful. Yes, I can tell you responsibly that the enemy is very powerful!"

"I once fought against the enemy leader Dio at close range, but unfortunately, I couldn't keep him."

"But today, God gave me another opportunity to correct my mistakes with my own hands!"

"Protect this city, protect this city for every American citizen who yearns for freedom and democracy!"

I have to say that the people of the motherland have very good speech eloquence.

At least Jon was encouraged by what he heard.

It was very honorable. He clapped his hands and shouted, ‘Okay! ’

This seemed to be a signal, and the other heroes cheered.

The people of the motherland smiled and nodded, feeling extremely satisfied.

Ever since Jon saved him on the plane last time, the relationship between him and Jon had improved significantly. Although it was still not a heart-to-heart relationship, it could still maintain a superficial peace.

Taking a deep breath, the people of the motherland raised their heads and looked at the blue sky.

He knew that his son must also be watching this live broadcast that shocked the United States.

Every father doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of his children.

So does he.

"Ryan, let me teach you what a true hero is." The people of the motherland thought to themselves.

Time flies by.

Soon it was twelve o'clock noon.

Everyone looked solemn.

Apart from……

The mastermind behind it all, Jon.

In the corner where no one was paying attention, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and lightly snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up.

Thick dark clouds obscured the sky.

"Here we come!" The motherland man looked stern.

The other heroes also assumed fighting postures.

"Hey Hey……"

"Hey Hey……"

"Hey Hey……"

A series of weird laughter suddenly came from all directions.

Everyone swallowed subconsciously. But above the completely opaque dark clouds, an elongated human face was inexplicably twisted.

"Good afternoon, New York City!"

That man looked indescribably evil, as if all the words in the world were not enough to describe the darkness in his heart.

The people of the motherland clenched their fists.

Seeing that Jon had no intention of speaking, he pondered for a moment, flew straight into the sky, and asked: "Are you the mastermind behind all this?"

"I don't like the word 'Black Hand' very much. You can call me the game mastermind. Now, I want to play a game with you."

The huge strange face began to speak.

"The content of the game is very simple. The lives of everyone present are used as bets. If you win, you will live, if you lose, you will die. When you lose the last chip, I will detonate bombs that have been buried throughout New York City and destroy this city. The city exploded to the sky.”


The people of the motherland were a little confused. This was not the same war as he had imagined.

At the same time, netizens all over the world watching this live broadcast suddenly exploded.

"Are you kidding? Is this a live-action version of "Saw"?"

"The strong bad taste, I can smell it even through the screen."

"Stop talking nonsense to him, fellow citizens of the motherland, hurry up!"

"Kill this son of a bitch."

Real life is not about making movies, so who has so much free time to play crappy games with you?

But the strange face in the sky seems to have been prepared. The corner of his mouth raised a very strange arc and said: "I never like to be rejected by others. In order to let you understand the current situation, I will show a little bit of my abilities."

As soon as the words fell, the government troops stationed somewhere suddenly disappeared out of thin air. Like a pebble dropped into the sea, it failed to stir up any waves.

Everyone was dumbfounded.


What happened just now?

"Okay, now I have three hundred and fifteen chips in my hand." The strange face smiled ferociously.

Facing that evil gaze, the people of the motherland couldn't help but shudder. Although he was also a naturally powerful super human, for some reason, he always felt that the strange face in the sky was a higher-dimensional creature, which gave him a trembling feeling from his soul.

It's so embarrassing...

Realizing their own gaffe, the people of the motherland became a little angry. He gritted his teeth and roared: "Stop pretending, go to hell!"

Although hearing such harsh words from the mouth of a heroic model and moral pacesetter, it slightly affects the character. But at this time, the people of the motherland can't control that much.

He turned into an arrow and flew up into the sky, shooting an unparalleled heat ray at the strange face.

However, the picture he imagined did not appear. The strange face seemed to be completely condensed by dark clouds. Even if it was scattered by the heat ray, it would return to its original appearance within a short time.

The strange face was still smiling, "Homelander, is this your answer? Then I win this round.

Next round, start. "

After that, another government army disappeared inexplicably.

Sensing something strange underneath him, the people of the motherland suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

For a moment, he thought a lot.

Look at this posture, he wants to take the death of those people just on his own head.

At the same time, major portals.

"What are the people of the motherland doing? Are they so impulsive that they kill those soldiers?"

"Why do I feel that my motherland is different from before?"

"You guys upstairs, wake up! This is Zu Bao's true state, a useless giant baby!"


"This is so true. The sun is strong, all things are revealed, the real strong people appear, and the false strong people of the motherland naturally show their flaws."

"He killed people randomly at a protest, ran to the Far East alone, and was caught. Is this enough to become the leader of superheroes?"

Homelander, reviews plummet!

At the scene, the people of the motherland seemed a little overwhelmed.

Just then, Jon flew to his side. He patted his shoulder lightly and said, "You are too nervous. Let me talk to him."

The native was immediately relieved and glanced at Jon gratefully.

Jon said nothing, just put his hands in his pockets, not far from the strange face, and said, "Before we start the game, we must at least know your name and the rules of the game."

"This is really rude... Well, I guess you can call me Apocalypse." Strange Face replied neatly.

"Is the Dio who appeared before also your companion?" Jon spoke again, frantically completing the character set.

"You can say that." Strange Face's attitude remained the same.

Jon pondered for a moment, as if talking to himself, or explaining to everyone watching the live broadcast: "If my guess is correct, what appears here now is not your body."

"Hahahahahaha, you are very smart. I like to deal with smart people. Yes, it is just a projection of my consciousness here." The strange face who was put on the Apocalypse vest admitted easily.

After a pause, he continued: "Countless epochs ago, even before human civilization developed, I was the master of this planet. But later, because of some things, I fell into an endless sleep.

Not long ago, I finally woke up and saw some annoying bugs on my planet..."

The words are not surprising.

Jon secretly controlled that weird face and told the world a shocking 'fact'.

This world view suddenly expanded countless times.


——Everyone present was in great shock and could not extricate themselves.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Jon stopped talking nonsense and spread his hands, "Okay, now I know your origins. I hope you can keep your promise as you said."

The weather laughed loudly, "Who do you think I am? Of course I will keep my promise. Not only that, if you can win this game, I will also bring blessings to people all over the world."


what is that.

Deep doubts arose in my heart.

But Jon didn't care so much. He raised his fingers and said, "Come on, I'm ready for the challenge."

As soon as Apocalypse opened his mouth, a strange bird with nine heads flew out of his mouth.

Jon stepped forward to greet him and moved his hands in a pretentious manner.

What a battle!

Although it was just an illusion, how could the vision and knowledge of everyone present be compared to Jon, the true god? In their eyes, the ferocious strange bird was completely suppressed by Jon Joestar.

In just seven or eight minutes, the battle was over.

Tianqi licked his lips, "Although I don't want to admit it, you do have the strength for me to face up to. Well, I am willing to admit defeat. You win this game."

There is no reason to lose if you beat yourself.

Jon nodded, giving full play to the professionalism that an experienced actor should have.

The Internet immediately burst into cheers.

"What did I say? What did I say? Jon Joestar is the strongest hero and will not accept refutation."

"Those who brag about the motherland can save their energy. Facts speak louder than words!"

"Homelander? Homelander! suck my D1ck!"

It is almost human instinct to praise and suppress others. Praise when you win and scold when you lose, these are all normal things. In this tense atmosphere, there is always one person who wants to be the punching bag, and the people of the motherland who took the lead but failed to get a good start became the unlucky ones.

In addition to those netizens who are watching the live broadcast, the government troops and superheroes present are also relieved that there is nothing to be afraid of, they have Jon Joestar!

But the next second, Apocalypse's words made their hearts hang again.

"Very good, you have entered the winner's zone. Let others participate in the next game."

As he spoke, his eyes roamed the field.

Finally, Apocalypse's eyes fell on a man wearing thin scale tights and a short head.

Who lives in the big pineapple in the deep sea...

No no no.

should ask.

Who is the real ‘King of Grass Boar’?

There is only one answer


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