A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 241 The Rise of the J Religion·The Travelers

Thor is indeed Thor.

That familiar, or rather disgusting, wave of divine power is unmistakable.


Loki looked at his nominal brother up and down and frowned.

We haven’t seen each other for a while, why has this guy become so sloppy?

And that chubby belly.


Is this still the reckless man with a hammer who always fights first?

It’s so funny!

Thor suddenly appeared at the banquet and looked at everything in front of him with tears in his eyes.

"Homeland of Asgard" "Dignified father" "Kind mother" "Cunning brother who always has a sneer on his lips"

came back.

They're all back!

Taking a deep breath, Sol, wearing a ripped jacket and jeans, walked towards the main table regardless of the eyes of others.

When Odin saw it, his face suddenly became ugly, and he couldn't help but scolded: "As the prince of Asgard, how can you not dress appropriately!"

Hearing this, Thor chuckled like a big fat rat.

"Father, long time no see."

Odin was slightly startled.

Respected as the God King of the Nine Realms, the old man's wisdom is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

He stared intently at Sol, whose appearance had changed drastically. As if he understood something, he stood up and decisively announced that the banquet was over.

After hearing this, the guests naturally did not dare to stay any longer.

It seems that His Majesty the God King has to deal with his own family affairs, but he cannot bring trouble to his old man at this time.

Others go.

Jon won't leave.

He scratched his eyebrows and murmured to himself: "So that's it~"

Although he was curious about Jon's identity, Thor didn't care so much at this time.

After taking three steps and then two, he hugged his father and said, "Father!"

She burst into tears.

Everyone who heard it was sad.

Frigga, who also knew everything, looked at her eldest son and said heartbrokenly: "Thor, you must have suffered a lot."

Before Thor could answer, Loki said with a smile, "Eating hardship? Stop joking.

Mother, you can tell from his size that Thor must have forgotten the glory and tradition of Asgard.

There is no doubt that he has fallen! "

This makes sense.

Jon nodded in understanding.

One thing to say.


Unexpectedly, Sol was not angry.

Instead, he let go of Odin and hugged Loki like a fat bear rushing to fish, "Brother, it's so great to see you again!"

Being pushed by the big belly, Loki felt like he couldn't even breathe smoothly. He struggled and said, "Let me go, you unreasonable guy! Also, what the hell does your body smell like? It stinks like hell!"

The arrogant second prince of Asgard looked disgusted.

Thor sniffed, a trace of embarrassment flashing across his face.

Waiting to speak.

Suddenly, a little raccoon appeared out of thin air and said in confusion, "Brother, what are you doing? Have you forgotten what Stark said? You can't have any interaction with the people here!"


Isn’t this the mascot of my Great J religion?

Jon stretched out his hand, and the 'Rocket Raccoon' from another world fell into his hand uncontrollably.

Touch the fur.


Feeling slightly prickly.

It still feels the same as always.

"Let me go, do you know who I am?" Rocket Raccoon grinned and raised his pocket pistol at Jon threateningly.

The corners of Jon's mouth raised slightly.

A thought came to my mind.

The gun in the opponent's hand turned into a ridiculous toy snake.

The little raccoon was dumbfounded.

Immediately, it reacted and shouted: "Brother Thor! The 'Reality Stone' is in this guy's hands!"

"Reality Gem"! !

Thor shuddered.

Ignoring catching up with his brother, he looked at Jon, "Although this request is a bit unreasonable, can you please give me the 'Infinity Stones'? Don't worry, I'm just borrowing them for a period of time, and I will return them to you when they are used up." .”

Thor thought to himself, the ruler of Asgard.

No no no.

In this time and space, I should still be just the heir.

However, considering the face of his father, queen and queen, the other party should agree to his request.

Jon said nothing.

On the contrary, Odin glared with one eye, "Do you know what you are talking about? Thor, no matter what you have gone through, you cannot be so rude to your mother's savior!"

Three big question marks appeared above Sol's head.


Who is this guy?

According to previous intelligence, isn’t the ‘Reality Stone’ in the hands of ‘Collector’ Tanya Tivan.

He opened his mouth.

In the end, he still didn't say anything.

Frigga looked at Thor, then at Jon, and said softly: "Child, you might as well tell us what you have experienced."

There was silence for a long time.

Thor spoke slowly, "Queen Mother, things start from the day Asgard was destroyed by the flame giant Surtur."

the other side.

Unnamed planet, abandoned temple.

"Are you kidding? Why are there no hairs here?"

'Complaint machine'. No, it's a 'war machine' Colonel Rhodes said with a puzzled look on his face.

Nebula lowered her head and glanced at the special watch Tony Stark gave her on her wrist, "I think there was something wrong with the timing of our arrival.

It's a little later than the set time here. "


Rhodes asked in confusion, "Which link went wrong? All the experimental data are clearly there."

Before he could finish his words, Nebula impatiently interrupted, "It's not our problem, it's the universe's problem.

In short, we will never see that fool again. "

At the same time, the spacecraft ‘Milanno’.

A certain Walkman idiot sneezed involuntarily.

Earth, Sokovia.

"This is the last time, Stark. If there is another time, I won't help you clean up your mess!" Carol Danvers, 'Captain Marvel', who rushed back to Earth from outer space, said impatiently.

Tony, who was wearing the latest model of steel armor, raised his hands in surrender, "Ms. Danvers, you know, everything I do is for the peace of the earth!"

Carol frowned, "If that's the case, then you shouldn't have privately developed robots that can destroy the existing civilization on Earth without my knowledge!"

"First of all, it's not called a robot. Ultron's full name is 'Earth's Self-Defense AI System.' Secondly, I don't need your approval for what I want to develop.

Okay, okay, Banner and I did something wrong this time, don't look at me like that. "

Deliberately turning his head, Tony fired missiles around and spoke helplessly.

"Although it's a bit inappropriate, brother, the captain seems to need help." The 'War Machine' flying in the sky as the DPS output added something in the team's voice.

"Then what are you waiting for? Rod, go and help! Leave the soldiers to me and Ms. Danvers." Tony said to 'War Machine'.

The words just fell.

Dozens of laser beams shot over.

The surrounding Ultron replica robots were immediately blown to pieces!

Tony's eyes twitched.


So fierce!

'call out! ’

But he saw a red figure flying from the distant sky, with its whole body in a graceful streamline shape.

Tony's eyes lit up.

This design completely hit his aesthetic taste.

Look carefully.

Tony was stunned.

Wait a moment.

That thing seems to be a steel armor? !

He called softly: "Friday?"

【Yes, sir. 】

"I need you to scan that guy thoroughly."

About two or three seconds later.

[The analysis results have come out. That technology seems to be some kind of nanotechnology that we have not mastered yet. 】

"Nano armor? It's interesting. It gave me a lot of ideas." Tony's eyes were fiery.

At this moment, the 'mysterious man' who controlled the nano-armor said: "Brother, it looks like you need some help."

"Brother? Wait a minute, I don't have the habit of casually calling others brothers." Not only did Tony not appreciate it, but he raised his hand vigilantly and showed the energy collector in his palm, "So, who are you?"

After pondering for a moment, the 'mysterious man' removed his visor, revealing a face that was exactly the same as Tony's, but looked a little older.

"I am you, and you are me."

At the same time, Sokovia is the main battlefield.

Ultron looked at Steve condescendingly, "Humans are as humble as ants."

Steve held his shield and said nothing.

He understood that this was a battle that had to be won.

Silent warriors often have a better chance of winning.

Turns out, he was right.


A round shield flew from a distance and hit Ultron's terrifying face.

"I've been meaning to do this for a long time, you son of a bitch."

There was no loud noise in the sky, and the bearded version of Captain America made a high-profile appearance.

"Hey, Captain, is this the thing I saw on the news?" Scott, standing on the shoulders of Captain America, asked curiously.

"Yes, that's him."

Rogers nodded slightly, "Let's finish what we need to do quickly. I have a lot of questions that I want to figure out now."


Scott gestured.

After saying that, he jumped off Rogers' shoulders.

With a flash of his body, he suddenly turned into a giant tens of meters tall.

Steve was dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Rogers took advantage of the moment when Ant-Man and Ultron were fighting and reached out to Steve, "The situation is complicated. Let's wait until we solve the problem here."

After a pause, he added: "By the way, we are not the only ones here.

Banner, Natasha, Stark and Clint are also here, and they should be evacuating the refugees now. "

Steve:? ? ?

With the addition of the time-travelers, "Avengers 2" ended a little hastily.

No matter how powerful Ultron is, he can only fight alone and cannot withstand the indiscriminate attacks of those heroes.

Until its consciousness died, it didn't understand how two 'Iron Man', two 'Captain America' and two 'Hulk' appeared.

However, it has no chance to understand again.

Sokovia landed safely.

Everyone was not in a hurry to celebrate, and carefully avoided the government's eyes and ears. They quietly followed Tony to an absolutely safe place.

——The secret laboratory located beneath the Stark Building.

"Okay, let me explain the current situation."

After scanning the people in the room, Tony finally focused his attention on the two 'Captain Americas', "That is to say, in your time and space, Thanos successfully collected six."

"Infinity Stones," Rogers reminded.

"All right, he gathered the six 'Infinity Stones' and then, with a snap of his fingers, destroyed half of the population in the universe, including the people closest to us."


Stark interjected: "Tony, we've lost a lot of family and friends."

Having said this, he pushed up his shading glasses and said, "Honestly, according to the rules of quantum channel travel, we shouldn't meet you, because this will cause the creation of countless parallel time and spaces, making it impossible for us to return to the original world.

But for some reason, the previously set time was disrupted, and we were forced to come to this point in time, and the quantum channel was also affected by some unknown factors and was permanently closed. "

At this point, Carol was thoughtful.

'Black Widow' Romanoff from another world keenly noticed the strangeness of 'Captain Marvel' and asked: "Captain Danvers, do you know something?"

Catching the other person's eyes, Carol said: "Perhaps all the strange events are related to that person."

"that person"?

Rogers and Stark looked puzzled.

On the other hand, Steve, Tony and others looked strange.

Natasha, the ‘Black Widow’ of this world, asked: “Are you talking about Jon Joestar?”

"Yes, it's him!"

Carol sighed, "You may not know it if you have been on Earth for a long time, but that man has now gathered six 'Infinity Stones' and established the J Cult that has swept most of the universe. His followers respectfully call him 'Supreme'" Lord of God'."

Stark, Rogers and others who heard Jon Joestar's name for the first time suddenly looked wary.

Jon Joestar is the Thanos of this world! ?

Carol seemed to see through everyone's thoughts and shook her head, "You are overthinking, Thanos is indeed a person. Jon is Jon, and Thanos is Thanos."

"I probably understand."

Tony touched the slightly gray beard on his chin, "Maybe it's because Jon Joestar has collected all the 'Infinity Stones', which makes all kinds of abstract concepts in this universe extremely stable, making it impossible for us to easily change time or reverse it. cause and effect."

All the time travelers were silent.

At this time, 'Ant-Man' Scott raised his hand weakly, "If Jon Joestar and Thanos are two different people, why doesn't Thanos in this world snatch the gems?"

"Because Jon Joestar's power is beyond your imagination. I have seen with my own eyes that he has incredible magical abilities such as reversing time and bringing back the dead. Let alone Thanos, I am afraid there is no opponent for him in this universe. Yeah." Carol explained.

Hearing this, Scott slapped his hands, "If that's the case, why don't we invite this Jon Joestar to come to our world and resurrect everyone with the snap of his fingers?"

As the words fell, the atmosphere became silent for a moment.

All eyes were focused on Scott.

What this guy said seems to make some sense.


Ideals are ideals.

Reality is reality.

Just like Thanos.

He collected the Infinity Stones to give birth control to the universe.

What about Jon Joestar?

That guy can't collect these cosmic treasures just because of his interest, right?

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