A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 237 The Destruction of Hydra·Final Chapter

Sitwell never imagined that during the day he would have a dream to dominate SHIELD and revive Hydra.

At night, the dream was shattered.

When the woman with a sinister face grabbed him by the collar and lifted him above her head.

Sitwell knew the end was over.

"I don't want any nonsense."

Carol said with a cold face, "Where did you hide Nick Fury?"

“In a place you’d never expect.”

Sitwell pretended to be calm.

Carol liked this kind of backbone enemy best, and the hot light gradually filled her eyes.

"Very good, I'm very satisfied with your performance."

Sitwell trembled subconsciously, "No, don't scare me, I won't say a word!"

Three minutes later.

"Okay, okay, you win!" The bruised Sitwell pushed up his broken glasses, "Nick Fury is in his office."

"Don't lie to me, you know, I have very little patience."

Carol's expression remained unchanged.

"What I mean is that the office we arranged for him is at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor." Sitwell, whose psychological defense had completely collapsed, explained.

Carol snorted coldly and let the little Hydra leader go for the time being.

Come outside.

She glanced at Tony and Steve.


"Very efficient, ma'am~" Tony raised his eyebrows.

"Stark, you'd better stop your frivolous habits. Not all women will spoil you."

Carol crossed her arms.

The conversation changed and she said, "I already know the whereabouts of that one-eyed leader. Let's go and find him."

Hearing this, Steve let go of the dying 'crossbones' in his hand and nodded silently.

A group of three people shuttled through the S.H.I.E.L.D. mothership unimpeded.

With ‘Captain Marvel’ leading the charge, no one on the ship could be their combined enemy.

——This woman is really capable of beating!

Soon, they found the office where Nick Fury was being held.

Nick Fury was not surprised to see the three of them. Instead, he complained: "It's too slow. Why did you come here?"

"We had to come from Kansas because of someone." Carroll explained casually.

She then spoke to Nick Fury about the current situation.

"Hydra leader Sitwell can no longer stand up, and his 'Crossbones' and special teams have all been defeated by us.

So, what do we do now? "

Nick Fury crossed his fingers on the table and said matter-of-factly: "Of course, we have to thoroughly investigate the internal members. SHIELD has been completely penetrated. Although this is a bit unpleasant to say, we must stick to the principle of 'it is better to kill the wrong than let go'" Attitude, cleanse from the inside out!”

After a pause, he asked, "Speaking of which, why are you alone? Where did that 'visitor from another world' go?"

When they heard a certain word, the expressions of the three of them were a little strange.

Finally, Carol explained: "He went to find the spiritual scepter by himself. From a Hydra super soldier, we learned about several secret strongholds of Hydra."

Nick Fury pinched his eyebrows.

never mind.

It’s good to think about it carefully.

Isn't this what he wants to see?

‘Visitors from Another World’ and ‘Remnants of Hydra’


If conditions didn't allow it, I would really want to see such a wonderful picture.

the other side.

"Requesting fire support! Requesting fire support! We can't hold on anymore!"

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is that guy?"

"Brothers, witness me!"

"Long live Hydra!"

Fire shot into the sky and explosions occurred.

Jon strolled into Hydra's secret base with a relaxed expression, as if he was walking in his back garden.

The 'Winter Soldier' ​​who was following him was paralyzed.

Under the forcible intervention of Little D's classmates, he has been freed from Hydra's brainwashing and restored his original memory and self-awareness.

For atonement.

Bucky resolutely chose to help Jon attack the Hydra base.

Unexpectedly, when it came time to meet Zhenzhang, this super soldier was completely reduced to a soy sauce.

too exaggerated.

This person in front of me


There was no way he was human.

The being in front of him named 'Jon Joestar' single-handedly captured the secret base that Hydra had been operating for decades. It was as easy as taking out a cookie from the cookie box. .

That’s ridiculous!

Inside the base.

Baron Strucker always had an expressionless face, but if you look closely, you will find that his hands behind his back are tightly clasped together.

He asked: "With our current defense capabilities, can we effectively stop the enemy?"

On the side, Dr. Lister glanced at the tablet and shook his head regretfully, "I'm sorry, Lord Baron, the enemy's capabilities have exceeded the upper limit of the base's defense system."

Pursing his lips, the old man tentatively suggested, "How about we let the brother and sister give it a try?"

Baron Strucker turned back sharply, "Are you crazy? They have just accepted the experiment and are not yet fully familiar with their abilities. If you do this, the organization will lose precious experimental samples!"

Dr. Lister smiled bitterly, "Baron, is it still meaningful to preserve experimental samples now?"

Baron Strucker was suddenly speechless.

The enemy is very cunning.

It turned out to be from the emergency escape equipment!

This resulted in Baron Strucker's backhand becoming a joke.

It will take some time to re-prepare the escape aircraft.

And Hydra's elite warriors could not stop the enemy.


I'm afraid the only two siblings I can rely on.

"Okay doctor, you convinced me, but the loyalty of the brother and sister."

"You don't have to worry about this. We just need to say that the enemies outside are killers sent by Stark."

Baron Strucker nodded, "Then do it."

Dr. Lister turned and left.

Three minutes later, underground laboratory.

"Pietro Maximov, Wanda Maximov." Dr. Lister said in a deep voice.

Hearing the noise, the Maximov brothers and sisters raised their heads at the same time.

Dr. List coughed lightly, "Unfortunately, Stark has discovered your whereabouts.

Moreover, he knows that you participated in the secret experiment.

He was afraid of revenge, so he sent two very powerful killers to silence him. "

"What did you say?"

Pietro Maximov, codenamed ‘Quicksilver’, became excited, “Where are those bastards?”

Because he couldn't control his newly acquired abilities, his body even pulled out several afterimages.

Wanda said nothing and quietly fiddled with the Rubik's Cube in her hand.

Waves of crimson energy overflowed from her body, distorting the surrounding space.

Dr. Lister took a calm step back.

"It's right outside, they're about to come in."

"Oh shit!"

Pietro cursed and said, "Doctor, let me go. I bet you that he can't even touch the hem of my clothes."

Wanda then said, "I'm going too."

"After all, he is just a teenager of fifteen or sixteen years old. He is really easy to deceive." Dr. Lister smiled secretly in his heart.

While he was talking, there were bursts of explosions outside the laboratory.

Pietro couldn't hold back his temper anymore, and disappeared into the laboratory in a flash.

Wanda quickly followed.

When she passed Dr. Lister, she did not forget to nod in greeting.

Come outside.

Pietro happened to see a tall, tall, black-haired young man.

Judging from his face, he was four or five years older than him.

"This guy is definitely a killer!" Pietro's heart moved.

In an instant, the scene in his eyes suddenly slowed down countless times.

This is the superpower that the secret experiment gave him - super speed.

"Let you see how powerful I am!"

The young boy "Quicksilver" rushed towards Jon and punched that handsome face hard.

Unexpectedly, before his fist touched the opponent's face, he himself was kicked first for no reason.


Pietro flew backwards and was directly embedded in the wall behind him. His eyes rolled up and he lost consciousness.

Bucky didn't even realize what happened. He raised his rifle vigilantly, "What's wrong? What just happened!"

Jon smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, a little mosquito flew over."


You lied to me.

How could there be mosquitoes in such a secret laboratory?

Three black lines appeared on Bucky's forehead.

At this moment, a crimson magic light wave flew straight over, hitting Bucky in the chest, and pushed him away.

Wanda rushed to the battlefield and said with clear eyes: "Don't hurt my brother!"

Bucky:? ? ?

No, sister, please see clearly.

It's not me who hit your brother just now. Why are you venting your anger on me?

Jon glanced at Wanda.

In this timeline, the famous Scarlet Witch is just a little girl.

The people of Hydra are such beasts, they even deceive children.

Jon waved to her, "If you have something to say, talk it over. Don't fight or kill anyone."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Wanda looked at Wen Jing, but she actually had a bad temper.

Of course, this could also be due to adolescent restlessness.

The crimson energy poured out, but it was not painful at all when it hit Jon.

Wanda was dumbfounded.

It shouldn't be.

So, try this again!

In addition to 'mind control', Wanda also has a unique skill, which is 'telepathy'.

She stared at Jon, trying to invade his brain.

Then, the little girl saw the most unforgettable horrific scene in her life

——A slender and tall figure with no facial features but three dove egg-sized gems serving as ‘eyes’. In its palm, there are two strange eyeballs rotating around, one with an hour hand and the other with a Möbius strip; behind it, there are countless transparent thin lines, like a tightly bound puppet.

Wanda screamed, shed two tears of blood, and fainted.

Jon scratched his brow in surprise.

Has the mental pollution of Little D’s classmate reached this level now?

It has really evolved towards something indescribable.

After a little sensing, Jon found that Wanda and Pietro's lives were not in danger.

Therefore, I will ignore these two brothers and sisters for the time being.

He did not forget the purpose of his trip.

Keep moving forward.

At a secret landing pad, Jon met Baron Strucker and Dr. Lister who wanted to escape.

Baron Strucker was carrying a metal box.

There is no doubt that that is the spiritual scepter Jon is looking for.

"Bring it here."

He said without any politeness.

Baron Trak held the box tightly in his arms and ordered his men to fire decisively.

However, these ordinary weapons pose a limited threat to the Winter Soldier, let alone Jon, a demigod.

After easily dealing with those Hydra elites, Jon repeated again: "Bring them."

The situation has reached an irreversible point. Baron Strucker, who has long been awakened, yells "Long live Hydra" and rushes towards Jon madly.

Jon slapped the other person without thinking.

Long live Hydra?

Do you think you are asking God to come over to you?

The grinding and chirping makes people unhappy.

Ignoring the stiff Dr. Lister, Jon roughly opened the metal box and saw the spiritual scepter that he had longed for.

Little classmate D was very happy.

Without waiting for the main body to say anything, he used a transparent filament to pull out the mind gem from the scepter.

In this way, four of the six Infinity Stones have been obtained.

Only the 'Power Stone' and 'Soul Stone' are still floating in outer space.

Jon looked back at the Hydra base that was in flames behind him.

With a wave of his hand, a 'portal' was drawn.

"Let's go, the matter is settled."

Bucky stared at him blankly.

Take a deep breath.

He said: "Wait for me."

After saying that, under Jon's watch, the 'Winter Soldier' ​​neatly tied up Baron Strucker and Dr. Lister.

Yeah, I almost forgot.

Jon seemed to have thought of something, and asked classmate D to bring the unconscious Maximov brother and sister and put them on the "Love Train" that no one else could see.

After repeatedly confirming that there was nothing of value in this base, he and Bucky walked into the 'portal' and returned to the SHIELD mothership.

Although there is a crazy purge going on within S.H.I.E.L.D.

But Jon still got top billing.

Waking up from the spacious bed, Jon yawned.

Although with his current physique, eating, sleeping and bathing are meaningless.

However, after living as a human for so many years, some habits cannot be changed.

After washing up, he came outside.

The atmosphere was depressing, with solemn-looking S.H.I.E.L.D. agents everywhere.

Jon understood.

After all, the basic base is almost empty. Whether it is the deeply lurking Hydra members or the agents loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D., they all have distrust of their colleagues around them.

All this has nothing to do with Jon.

In fact, he came to see Nick Fury say goodbye.

Upon hearing the news, Nick Fury, who was originally frowning, almost turned into a peony with laughter.

No matter how peaceful it is.

This Sangmenxing is finally leaving!

Of course, such emotions cannot remain on his face.

Nick Fury said: "Anyway, you helped SHIELD a big favor this time, and I will remember this."

"Just remembering isn't enough, you have to find a way to repay it." Jon smiled.

Nick Fury:.

After successfully defeating Ma Lafa Ke Xia, Qiao's evil taste was greatly satisfied.

He asked: "Where is Ms. Carroll? I have something to tell her."

"If there's anything, maybe I can tell you something," Nick Fury said calmly.

"It's nothing. I just thought that she often travels back and forth between the stars and may be familiar with the locations of various planets, so I want her to act as a tour guide."

Hearing this, Nick Fury twitched his lips.

I hear what you mean.

Instead of harming the earth, you plan to harm other planets, right?

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