A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 233: Obtaining the ‘Reality Gem’, the God King comes to earth

Jon didn't want to stay on Earth.

Unexpectedly, the US government refused to let him go easily.

Armored vehicles, tanks, and armed helicopters surrounded Stark's private airport inside and out.

Jon scratched his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "Didn't you report the specific situation to your superiors? Do I look so harmless?"

Tony twitched his lips.

People in the army were still as stupid as ever, he was almost used to it.

Downplaying the horror of crushing an entire alien fleet, you scare people with tanks and helicopters?

What a fuss!

"Don't move, you are surrounded."

"Hands up! High above your head!"

"If you don't cooperate, we will open fire decisively!"

"You only have ten seconds to think about it, nineteen, eight, seven."

A warning sound reached my ears.

Tony, Steve and others looked livid.

Jon, on the other hand, raised his hands as if nothing happened, "Don't shoot, I surrender."

The words fall.

Everyone's eyes were dazzled.

The tanks and armored vehicles surrounding them inexplicably turned into extremely regular 'iron blocks'!

The wind blows.

The scene was silent.

"I've said it all, I surrender, please don't hurt me."

Jon still held his hands up.


Time stops again.

When the 'time stop is over', those armed helicopters hovering in the sky have also turned into regular 'iron blocks'.

Except Tony Stark, everyone was dumbfounded.

Including the 'Supreme Mage' Ancient One who has been hiding in the dark and has never shown his face.

"The power of "time""

She glared and murmured in a voice that could only be heard by herself.

Because he is wearing the 'Eye of Agamotto', Ancient One himself is not affected by 'Time Stop'.

Moreover, she also clearly saw the spiritual embodiment of ‘Jon Joestar’.



The slender black figure with countless transparent filaments on its back brought pressure to her that was even similar to that of Dormammu, the "ruler of the dark dimension"!


Gu Yi took a deep breath and quietly clenched his fists.

Let’s not mention the worried ‘Supreme Mage’ for now.

On Jon's side, the scene was still dead silent.

It took a long time for the army personnel to react and raise their rifles and pistols.

"What did you do! Answer me, what did you do?"

Jon: .

"Put the gun down!"

Steve got excited and shouted angrily: "Put down your guns!"

The face of 'Steve Rogers' is very recognizable in this land. Many people in the army grew up listening to the stories of 'Captain America'.

The spiritual leader spoke, and there was a hint of hesitation on their expressions.

At this time, Tony clapped his hands and said, "Okay, great. Since you want to die, let's all die together."

Glancing over the panic-stricken soldiers, he sarcastically said: "You have the time to raise your guns, why not look back at the frightened pilots and call some psychiatrists over by the way."

After briefly observing the situation, Tony was keenly aware that Jon's actions were not a killing act, but a simple display of force.

As a result, the wink was given to the blind man.

Even though these idiots in the army knew they were outnumbered, they still chose the strategy with the most barrages.


To put it bluntly.

If Jon Joestar is offended, the people present may not be enough to put a gap in his teeth.

After being reminded by 'Iron Man', the people in the army reacted.

Yeah, what the hell are we doing?

They are not even afraid of tanks and armored vehicles, just rifles

Jon smiled and said, "I will definitely cooperate with your work. Come on, cuff me and take me to your base."

Take you to the base?

I'm afraid it's not a tiger swarming the sheep, and we will start the 'all-you-can-eat buffet party' directly!

The soldiers took a few steps back.

Suddenly, Natasha pressed the headset.

After pondering for a moment, she interrupted: "If you don't mind, you can come with us."


SHIELD still has the guts.

Jon shrugged, "Okay, I don't care."

The 'Infinity Stones' can't run away anyway, so it doesn't matter to me whether it's one day earlier or one day later.

With a slight movement in his mind, he locked onto SHIELD's location.

Jon snapped his fingers.

Everyone in the Avengers was instantly teleported back to the deck of SHIELD's flying mothership.

‘Leap a thousand miles with one breath’

Such an incredible ability shocked Steve and others who experienced phase movement for the first time.

Tony smiled to himself.

However, he quickly calmed down his expression.

With such people as imaginary enemies, the development of ‘Mark8’ has a long way to go.

The reaction within S.H.I.E.L.D. was swift.

In just two or three minutes, Director Nick Fury led his elite operators to the deck.

Seeing Tony, Nick Fury's dark face rarely showed a trace of relief.

But then, he returned to his usual appearance and looked at Jon seriously.

Two eyes, one nose.


No matter how you look at it, this is a standard earthling appearance.


Having dealt with aliens and all kinds of superpowers for a long time, Nick Fury doesn't judge people by their appearance.

He said solemnly: "Hello Mr. Joestar, I am Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD."

"I know you."

Jon smiled.

The famous ‘Maja Fake Man’.

Who doesn’t know, who doesn’t know?

"You know me?"

Nick Fury frowned slightly.

"Of course, I not only know you, I also know most of the people here." Jon pointed to his eyes and said eloquently: "These eyes can see through "destiny." "

Ah this

Three black lines appeared on Nick Fury's forehead.

Cough slightly.

He neither asked deeply nor questioned, and said calmly: "The 'Cosmic Cube' is no longer on Earth. It was sent back to a place called Asgard."


Jon asked, "So, you deliberately ordered your men to bring me here just to say this to me in person?"

Nick Fury shook his head slightly, "No, I just want to tell you that although the 'Cosmic Cube' is no longer on the earth, there are strange phenomena that we cannot understand somewhere on the earth.

The overflowing energy is very similar to the 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube', and even surpasses the 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube'. "

"That's it~"

Jon pinched his eyebrows and carefully recalled the timeline of the Marvel world in his mind.

After the 'Battle of New York', there should be a plot of 'Aether Particles' appearing in the world. If he guessed correctly, Nick Fury, the old scumbag, should be trying to 'borrow a knife to kill someone'.

never mind.

I, Qiao, am not as knowledgeable as a bald guy.

"Shall I help you investigate?" Jon said with a half-smile.

"That's not necessary."

Nick Fury is very honest.

When dealing with such a ruthless character who can destroy an entire alien fleet at every turn, being overly scheming will only make him a laughing stock.

If you offend the other party, the entire earth will be in danger!

Jon smiled and said: "Very good, I like your 'frank' attitude very much.

I think we should be able to get along very well during this time. "

Nick Fury keenly captured the key points in the other party's words.

‘This period of time’?

I mean, you’re not going to leave, right?

If he could, he wanted Jon to get out of here.

But unfortunately, the current SHIELD does not have this confidence

"Maybe it's time to call that person back." Nick Fury sighed silently.

As if he couldn't see the expressions on the faces of the people around him, Jon summoned a substitute and asked Little D to lock the position of the 'ether particle' with "time and space authority".

The earth is only a small place in total, and little student D easily discovered the anomalies in a certain place.

Jon felt certain in his mind and waved his hands around, "Don't miss me, I'll be right back."

This should be some alien cave.

I can't see my fingers.

However, such a harsh environment could not help Jon.

Following the mysterious induction, he walked around in the cave and finally came to the source of the energy fluctuations.

——A woman with her eyes closed.

"What is this woman's name? She seems to have something to do with Thor, the God of Thunder."

[Partner, it doesn’t matter what her name is. The problem is that this woman is fused with the 'Reality Stone', and it will take a certain amount of time to get away. 】

Jon touched his smooth chin, "How long will it take?"

[It should take ten minutes anyway. Of course, this is on the premise of not harming the other party's life. If you want to do something simple and rough, you can get it done in the blink of an eye. 】

Jon understood.

He could still afford to wait ten minutes.

"Then let's do it, collect it early, and go home early. Speaking of which, I seem to owe Aqiang an aquarium."

[As soon as I opened my mouth, I knew that you, an old pancake master, felt sorry for Jotaro for half a second. 】

The two of them were chatting endlessly.

Space trembles!

Jon frowned.

He knew that this was the effect of the convergence of celestial bodies.

When the nine realms are connected in a straight line, the boundaries of "space" will begin to blur.

Just thinking about it.

He and the blond woman lying on the ground were teleported directly back to Earth.


To be honest, other planets are no different from Earth.

Jon pointed to Jane Foster, who was still unconscious, and said, "Continue."


Classmate Little D responded happily.

Just when those transparent filaments had just penetrated Jane Foster's body, a colorful light beam fell from the sky.

Then, a hammer flew over!

Jon reached out and grabbed Mjolnir without missing a beat.

However, because of the forbidden magic on the hammer, he suffered a small loss.

His eyes narrowed.

Back in time.

Mjolnir is back in Thor's hands.

How has the reckless Saul ever experienced this?

He gritted his teeth and said, "Mage?"

Jon shook his finger, "Replacement Messenger."

What the hell is a 'substitute messenger'?

Saul's veins throbbed, "Stay away from Jane!"

Jon was stunned.

Then react.

The pure love warrior finally turns into a tauren.

To be fair, you don't think I'm interested in this blond woman, do you?

"you misunderstood."

Jon explained: “There’s something inside this woman that doesn’t belong to her, and I’m going to pull it out.

Otherwise, as time goes by, her mortal body will be destined to die without rebirth. "

Sol's brain capacity is not very big, so he can't understand these complex things.

After a long silence, he said: "Leave Jane to me, I will take her back to the fairy palace."

Return to the fairy palace?

This is not okay.

Seize the sky above, seize the ground below, and steal the air in the middle.

There is no reason to hand over the things that are in my hands.

Classmate Little D shook his head at Jon and expressed his attitude through his own actions.

Jon raised a finger and said, "Ten minutes, just give me ten minutes."

Which man can tolerate his beloved woman being arbitrarily fucked by a bastard who comes out of nowhere for ten minutes!

Thor, the reckless man, stared.

No nonsense, just swing the hammer.

Jon didn't have a good temper. He was willing to stand still and let others hit him. He didn't use any special rules and only relied on his physical strength to punch Thor's hammer.

Now, Thor was afraid.

What he was afraid of was not that he would lose to Jon in terms of strength, but that this was not a battlefield, and the aftermath of the attack might kill his girlfriend.

After a dazed moment, Jon's fist arrived.

One punch hit Thor right in the face.

With a bang, this famous fierce man in the nine realms was directly hammered several kilometers away by Jon.

He rolled and turned for three or four minutes before he stopped.

Jon shook his hand.

"Okay, the troublesome guy has disappeared, you can continue."

Hearing this, Little D’s classmate tied Jane Foster into a rice dumpling.

The "Plunder" talent is activated.

A little bit of dazzling energy gathered in the air and gradually turned into a translucent gem.

Just like the 'Space Stone' was transformed into the 'Cosmic Cube', the 'Reality Stone' was also made into 'ether particles' by the dark elves.

But now, this pure energy has returned to its true form.

Everything you want will come true and the rules will be abolished. This is the power of the ‘Reality Stone’!

Jon nodded with satisfaction.

Although the improvement brought by a single 'reality gem' is not as good as that of an 'insect arrow', mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

How much is too much, and what kind of bicycle do you want?


At this moment, Thor, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, came running back.

That punch only disfigured him and did not damage his muscles or bones.

Jon turned around and said, "Do you want to fight again? You are no match for me."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

With a roar, Thor wielded the hammer just like before.

He's obviously the God of Thunder. He doesn't use magic attacks to kill him, but uses physical output. You might as well change his name to the God of Hammers.

This time, Jon didn't bother to take action at all, and directly used the power of "space" to imprison the opponent.

"Asshole! Let me go! If you have the guts, confront me head-on!" Thor roared angrily.

Jon ignored him, put his hands in his pockets, and watched Little D's classmate extracting energy from Jane Foster's body.


Is this a different kind of husband’s current crime?

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

After suppressing the messy thoughts in his mind, Jon's face straightened.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the complete 'Reality Stone' was extracted from Jane Foster's body.

The younger classmate unceremoniously inserted the 'reality gem' into the face without facial features.

In an instant, its entire body expanded violently.

Then, it quickly returned to its original state.

[It’s boring, I’m not even half full yet. 】Little D student complained in the team voice.

"Don't worry, there are five left. If it doesn't work out, there are still so many parallel universes. I can fill you up one day." Jon smiled.

[Forget it about parallel universes. I suspect that this thing is just like ordinary 'arrows'. If you hit it once or twice, it still has an effect. Once the number is too large, it will have no effect at all. 】

Hearing this, Jon was noncommittal.

Turning back, he looked at Thor and lifted the restriction on him.

The moment he regained his freedom, Thor ran towards Jane Foster like flying.

Jon pouted secretly.

Despite the fact that these two people are so close to death now, if he remembers correctly, they will break up soon.

There is a difference between immortals and mortals.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl only meet once a year, and you, the prince of Asgard, are no exception.

Just thinking about it.


Another beam of light fell from the sky and landed right in front of Jon.

When the light dissipated, a one-eyed old man wearing an eyepatch and holding a scepter walked out slowly.

The God-King has arrived.

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