A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 230 Epilogue (End of this volume)

There is gradually light in the sight.

Mark shook his head slightly and finally regained consciousness.

Lowering his head, he looked at his clothes

-Some kind of dress?

"Where am I?" Mark muttered to himself in confusion.

I want to remember, but find that I can't do it no matter what.


The brain is in chaos.

In the end, Mark had no choice but to give up.

Looked up.

The light was slightly bright, and it felt warm on my body.

All around is pure white.

Boundless and boundless.

"Captain, what are you waiting for? The ceremony is about to begin!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in my ears.

Go in search of reputation.

But he saw his good brother Mo Cheng running over.

He was also wearing similar clothes to himself.

Mark was puzzled, "Ritual? Mo Cheng, what do you mean?"

"What else could it mean? You won't even forget your big day!" Mo Cheng complained.

"Big Day" Marco is still puzzled.

Mo Cheng pushed him, "Okay, don't linger here, Ran Bing is still waiting for you inside."

Hearing a certain name, Mark's eyes flashed with clarity.

Even if he forgets the whole world, he will never forget the woman who is more important to him than his life.

At this time, soft music that I had never heard before sounded.

The world suddenly became clear.

Mark and Mo Cheng seemed to teleport and inexplicably arrived at a spacious place.

White flowers, white tablecloth.

red carpet.

At the end of the carpet, a beautiful woman in white gauze was looking expectantly.

This is a wedding.

This is a customary marriage ceremony for people in the old world!

Gradually, Mark understood everything.


its not right.

It always felt like there was something important that he had overlooked.

I tried my best to think back, but there was still no picture.

Mark's expression was dull, and he was stunned on the spot unconsciously.

"Captain Mark, what are you doing?"

"Come here quickly, don't just stand there."

"That's right~"

"Mark, don't keep the bride waiting too long."

"Today is a big day in your life, so be in good spirits!"

Amidst the urging and kind laughter, Mark came back to his senses and instinctively took steps toward Ran Bing.

Then, he couldn't look away anymore.

Stretch out your hand and gently hold the other person's catkin.

Feel the warmth coming from your palms.

Mark giggled.


Ran Bing rolled his eyes at him angrily.

Mark was still grinning.

Scanning the surroundings, familiar faces came into view.

Mocheng, Feixue, Erica, Penny, Corey, Jingnan, General Victor

Almost all my friends from the lighthouse are here.


Mark was stunned for a moment, and finally realized something was wrong.


In an instant, memories flooded into my mind like a tide.

Behemoth, lightning, interception, self-destruction.

Blood and fire!


Mark roared lowly and covered his head in pain.

Seeing this, Ran Bing asked with concern: "Mark, are you okay?"

Mark gasped for air, like a drowning man who has just returned to the shore.


He forced a smile.

Meeting Ran Bing's concerned eyes, the expression on Mark's face suddenly froze.

Because what he saw was not the fair face of his beloved, but a faceless skeleton.

Not only Ran Bing, but everyone present turned into bones.

At the same time, their clothes became tattered and stained with blood!

"What the hell is going on?"

Even though Mark had a strong mind, seeing such a strange scene made his palms get cold.

"What else could be going on? This is our wedding." The White Bone Beauty whispered softly.

Mark shook his head desperately.

Then, he discovered something strange about himself.

At some point, he became like the others, losing all his fur and flesh, leaving only white bones.

"It turns out I'm already dead"

Mark looked at his hands and whispered to himself.


He remembered everything.

He lost to the giant pole-devouring beast.

Along with Ran Bing, Mo Cheng, Feixue and others.

The hunting team and the city defense army go to hell together!

"So, is this hell?"

Mark sighed and for no apparent reason remembered the place described in the Light and Shadow Church's scriptures.

Infinite hell.

Suffer endlessly.

Thoughts are clear.

In an instant, the bones disappeared.

He was the only one left in the world.

But Mark was in an extremely calm mood.

It was so calm that even he was surprised.

Time passed little by little.

Maybe it's a moment, maybe it's thousands of years.

Mark's thoughts gradually withered, and his whole person was like a real skeleton in a grave, sitting motionless.

I do not know how long it has been.


A gust of wind blew into this dead place.

Marco looked up in confusion.

Found a familiar face.

"Who are you?" He asked this sentence through two rows of lipless teeth.

"We haven't seen each other for just a little while, and you've forgotten me? Qiao Qiao, I'm very sad."

The man smiled and stretched out his hand, sticking out a finger. .

Mark was stunned for a few seconds, standing there stupidly without making any movement.

The man pursed his lips.

"Don't stand there stupidly. It's not over yet. There is still hope for everything."


Mark repeated the word silently.

A gleam suddenly flashed through his empty eyes.

He stretched out his bony fingers in a strange way.

Two fingers touch together.

The light shines brightly!

Indescribable vitality returned to Mark's body, and the lost flesh and blood gradually grew back.

But in the blink of an eye, he turned into the majestic hunting team commander again.

"That makes sense." The man nodded slightly.

The words fall.

'Snapped. ’

The illusion is shattered.

Mark's consciousness returned to reality.

real world.

When he opened his eyes, the first person Mark saw was the lover he thought about day and night.

"Ran Bing."

He spoke tremblingly, fearing that everything in front of him was an illusion.

Ran Bing was so excited that tears filled her eyes.

"Yes, it's me, I'm Ran Bing!"

"I, I, this is..." Mark struggled to hold himself up, his face full of confusion.

"I don't know exactly what happened. But there is no doubt that we are safe."

While Ran Bing was talking, he hugged Mark gently, like a piece of fragile porcelain.

She was so afraid of losing the person in front of her.

Mark was silent and covered his forehead with his hands.

Then, he seemed to suddenly remember something and asked: "By the way, the lighthouse! How is the lighthouse?"

Ran Bing said nothing.

At this moment, a tall, white-haired woman walked over. It was Bai Yuekui, an elderly and beautiful girl who was a survivor on the ground and had lived for more than eighty years.

Looking at Mark, she said calmly: "In the future, there will be no lighthouse."

No more lighthouse?

How can this be!

Mark couldn't sit still.

Bai Yuekui said: "Let's take a look at the surrounding situation first, City Lord Mark."

After hearing this, Mark looked around belatedly.

Devastated everywhere.

There were burning flames everywhere.

far away.

The lighthouse lay across the ground like a whale beached on the beach.

Some familiar faces were busy carrying supplies and rescuing as many useful things as possible.


Still made an emergency landing.

Mark looked gloomy.

Immediately afterwards, he asked: "My memory is very vague. Excuse me, was it you who saved me?"

"Me? I don't have the ability to save people from the mouth of the 'Emperor Level Devouring Beast'."

Bai Yuekui smiled slightly.

"To be honest, I don't know the specific situation, but what is certain is that there is a mysterious force that saved the lighthouse and your lives."

Mark looked a little dazed.

He thought of the mysterious man he had seen in that lonely place.

Bai Yuekui crossed his arms and said, "In short, the lighthouse is a thing of the past."

After a pause, she continued: "Fortunately, the 'Devouring Beast' that suddenly appeared later not only swallowed the first 'Emperor Level Devouring Beast', but also leveled the surrounding area and cleared the surrounding area. A swarm of spinegu covering dozens of kilometers.

All in all, we have some time to recuperate.

Join ‘Taoyuan Township’, it will be your new home. "

With that said, Bai Yuekui stretched out his hand to Mark.

Mark hesitated for a few seconds and held the hand tightly.

At the same time, the ‘Xingxuan Passage’.

[After killing the pole-eater with Godzilla, you erased the memory of you in this world. Is this really good? 】

"What's wrong?"

[Even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about clone number 10086. After all, they have become the city lord's adviser. It would be a pity to throw away the vest. 】

"My pleasure."

[Okay, okay, you are the boss anyway. 】


[Hey, you said you are fat and you are still out of breath. There are so many worlds and so many clones. Only the clone in this world persists until your true body comes. What a great opportunity, have you missed it in vain? 】

"What do you know? What I care about is this world? What I care about is the entire Mana ecosystem."

[I think you are soft-hearted! Where is the Jon Joestar who kidnapped the felons to escape from prison in Impel Down? 】

"Everyone can grow, and I am now leading good people."

[Bah, the crumbs of the world! Disgraceful! 】

"Ah, yes, yes."

Known as the fishy swirling tunnel that only the 'Devouring Beast' can pass through, Jon was as casual as if he were in his own back garden.


He was not idle either and started an endless bickering with the substitute.

‘Hiss. ’


'Oooo! ’

All kinds of strange screams came into his ears, but he pretended not to hear them.

The warning was to no avail, and the pole-devouring beasts and sub-species of pole-devouring beasts lurking in the 'Fishy Whirlpool Channel' showed no mercy and bared their fangs and claws at Jon.

But, there is no exception.

The attacks of those pole-devouring beasts were like mud oxen entering the sea, without even a trace of waves.

Not only that.

Trapped by those transparent filaments invisible to outsiders, the poleeaters and subspecies of poleeaters showed enthusiastic expressions towards Jon, as if they had seen the legendary gods.

For a moment, the roar was loud.

Countless poleeaters and subspecies of poleeaters paid homage to Jon.

"Although I'm not a human being, the beliefs I provide are no different from those of humans. Got it, let's go find some aliens and monsters and let them worship me as a god."

Jon touched his smooth chin and murmured to himself.

【good idea. 】Little D responded very cooperatively.

The effort of speaking.

Some tentacle-like stamens stretched out, like flexible poisonous snakes.

Jon's eyes narrowed.

Well done!

Summoning a substitute, countless transparent filaments sank into the tops of those stamens.

You suck me, I suck you.

The most fair thing.


The Flower of Mana bred by the Mana Ecology was no match for Little D. In less than a breath, its authority was completely taken away.

Countless information flooded into my mind instantly.

Jon finally understood the truth about Mana's ecology.

This is the earth in a certain time and space.

In the old world, human technology developed rapidly.

At the same time, the environment has also been severely damaged.

Just like the stress mechanism, a creature called 'Earth Vine' appeared on the earth.

‘Earth vines’ began to attack humans unscrupulously, destroying the homes that humans depended on for survival.

This phenomenon is called "divine enlightenment" by those who are interested.

And ‘Mana Ecology’ appeared after ‘Divine Inspiration’.

It can be said that the 'Mana Ecology' was entirely created by humans. Because of the "divine revelation" that heralded the end of mankind, scientists began to conduct "immortality experiments" in an attempt to find a way to save mankind.

Later, a man named Dr. Jones stole the 'Angel Potion' and injected it into the experimental subjects, triggering a series of mutations. The 'Flower of Mana' grew from the experimental subjects and gave birth to the Extreme Devouring Beast.

Like the Earth’s biosphere, ‘Mana Ecology’ is also a complete system.

It has its own living and non-living things, such as the Devouring Beast, the Flower of Mana, the Spiny Gu, and the Living Soil. In order to maintain its own stability, the Mana ecology needs a constant input of energy, and its energy source is the "origin" of human beings.

The various subspecies of pole-devouring beasts, as well as the 'monarch level' and 'emperor level' pole-devouring beasts, are the products of the evolution of the 'Mana Ecology'.

It was different from what Jon had guessed.

‘Mana Ecology’ does not have a public spiritual network, but follows instinct to self-regulate.

For example, this ‘Emperor Level Devouring Beast’ attack is exactly ‘Mana Ecology’’s response to the reduced pressure on the lighthouse to survive.


That is to say.

Jon, who advocates reclamation, will take the blame.

"It's the Earth's defense mechanism again. It's so boring. What's the 'Vaccine Man PLUS'?" Jon twitched his lips.

Those who destroy the environment are rich people.

And those rich people took spaceships to immigrate to other planets long before the beasts ravaged the earth.

A group of old, weak, sick and disabled were left, sucked to death by the Devouring Beast.

Who can I talk to about this matter?

never mind.

It was too philosophical a question for him to think about.

Rather than complaining to the humans in this world, it would be more reliable to seize the authority of the entire 'Mana Ecology' as soon as possible.

Just do it.

All the thin threads on Little D’s back were pierced into the ‘Flower of Mana’.

‘Gate·Quiet AT2·Beyond Heaven’ is activated!

[Ding, we are seizing permissions. The current progress is 5%.]

[The current progress is 100%. Congratulations, partner, you have gained a ‘fully automatic faith contribution pipeline’]

The so-called 'fully-automatic belief contribution assembly line' naturally refers to the fact that from now on, the pole-devouring beasts born from the 'Mana Ecology' will automatically become Jon's followers, saving him the trouble of running around.

But here's the thing.

He does not have that much life "source" for the "mana ecology" to swallow.


It doesn’t have to be a human life.

If he remembered correctly, something seemed to work.

What are those things called?


Infinity stones.

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