A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 228 The gathering place for survivors on the ground·Taoyuan Township

Mark fought hard to get married!

With the resources brought back by the hunter team, the lighthouse's damaged suspended thruster was quickly repaired.

The emergency landing crisis has been resolved.

Not only that, but the high-yielding crops Jon planted two months ago also yielded a bumper harvest.

When the white rice was shipped from the sky farm one by one, Dr. Jiali, who specializes in ecological research, was so shocked that she almost dropped her glasses.

Even if they are improved, these seeds should not mature in such a short period of time!

Jon was secretly proud.

Long hair and short knowledge.

Woman, do you know the wonderful use of "ripple".

Are you kidding me about the power of the sun?

It's just a simple ripening process, no fuss.


‘Ripple Qigong’ is good, really good~

I have food in my hands and don’t panic in my heart.

Mark was not stingy either. With a wave of his hand, he distributed the food fairly to the Shangmin and Chenmin.

Shangmin will not talk about it.

He is naturally superior to others and has never had to worry about food.

It's a pity that those mortals have grown so big that for the first time they have filled their stomachs with something other than "worm cakes".

Everyone's face is filled with happy smiles.

Rice, delicious!

"What did I say! What did I say! With the advisor and City Lord Mark here, the lighthouse will not treat us badly!"

"That's right, Consultant Jon is from a mortal family and is on the same team as us!"

"Filling your stomach is only the first step. The consultant personally told me that all ordinary people should enjoy the same treatment as the superior people!"

"The era of the 'Three Laws' has passed, and now comes a new era."

"These days, I am getting more and more hopeful."

Full of life!

After the dustmen in the hanging area had eaten their fill, they were like weeds that had been weathered but refused to fall, glowing with unprecedented vitality.


The superiors were not happy.


Why should we distribute food to ordinary people who are worse than maggots!

Jon's solution to this is

——Let those people who do not work at all usually only know how to eat and wait to die to participate in labor production.

Chi Chi Wai Wai?

Go hoe the ground for me!

The effect is quite remarkable.

Having personally experienced the difficulty of growing food, those superior citizens no longer dared to complain easily.


It's also possible that they were too tired to speak.

All work is going on in an orderly manner.

Half a month later.

A new round of court meeting was held in the city main hall.

End of the meeting.

Jon drove the 'White Shark No. 13' mecha alone, passed the lifting platform, and headed to the ground again.

Look at the mountains as mountains, look at the water as water.

Looking at mountains is not mountains, looking at water is not water.

Jon's expression was extremely relaxed, as if he was on vacation.

"Finally, I don't have to be so depressed anymore."

He muttered to himself as he scanned the desolate surroundings.

I, Jon Joestar, am a half-god.

Defeat anyone who refuses to accept it!

That's right.

Been struggling for so long.

He finally found his true form.

"Sorry, I have to upgrade from the protagonist of the apocalyptic novel to the protagonist of the invincible novel!" Qiao thought to himself.

According to the "time and space authority", he easily locked the location of Bai Yuekui and others, and drove the mecha eastwards.

In the beginning, the lighthouse still had contact with him.

As the distance gets further and further away, the connection will naturally break off.

Jon didn't care either.

If he wasn't worried about being too shocking, he could have traveled tens of thousands of kilometers with a single thought to find a gathering place for survivors on the ground; or he could have summoned a large number of meteorites to completely destroy the Mana ecosystem.


Now he is confident.

Able to survive on the ground and establish a gathering place, the ground survivors are even more armed than the lighthouse.

As soon as they got close to the perimeter, Jon was spotted.

It just so happens.

The person in charge of the patrol was the beautiful archer whom she had briefly met at the resource point that day.


She drew her bow and nocked an arrow.

"Whoever comes, please tell me your name."

Jon popped open the hatch cover of White Shark 13 and greeted, "Don't be nervous, it's me."

"You?" The beautiful archer frowned, "You are not the one from the lighthouse."

"Yes, yes, it's me, we met that day." Jon smiled.

After a pause, he added: "On behalf of all the people of Lighthouse, I would like to extend my highest respect to the survivors on the ground and hope to establish friendly and mutually beneficial relations."

The beautiful archer thought for a moment and put away her bow and arrows, "I didn't expect that before we had time to find you, you came to the door yourself. Now wait here while I go inside to inform the boss.

Remember, no tricks. "

Jon raised his hands in surrender, "I promise to be honest."

The beautiful archer said nothing, dodged a few times, and quickly disappeared.

After more than ten minutes, Bai Yuekui and her teammates came out.

Jon stepped forward to greet him, "Long time no see, Boss Bai."

Bai Yuekui looked at Jon up and down with a look of surprise in his eyes, "You"

"Boss, is there something wrong with this kid?!"

Seeing Bai Yuekui's expression was different, several of her teammates looked wary.

Bai Yuekui quickly stopped them, "Don't be rude."

As she said this, she looked at Jon and said, "The "source" of life in you has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although I can't see clearly, I can feel that you are completely different from the person you were half a month ago. "


My intuition is quite accurate.

Jon said half-truthfully: "Some things went wrong before, but I finally got things right recently."

No more pretending.

I show my cards.

I changed to a larger size.

Bai Yuekui nodded slowly, not sure whether he really understood or was pretending to understand.

She extended her hand to invite, "In that case, please."

It's like a scroll slowly unfolding.

The gathering of survivors on the ground revealed a mysterious corner in front of Jon.

Unlike a lighthouse.

In order to avoid the pole-devouring beast, the surface survivors built their homes underground.

Although it is underground, the environment here is much better than on the ground.

Walked all the way.

Jon saw rows of houses, endless blue crystal mines, and hundreds of transparent solution pools.

Dozens of figures, old or young, were sitting beside each solution pool. They were wearing helmets that could cover half of their heads. The helmet is connected to a pipe as thick as a thumb. The pipe goes deep into the pool and reflects blue ripples like arcs.

"Is this the unique technology you developed?" Jon asked curiously.

Hearing this, Bai Yuekui nodded and said: "Yes, most of the people here have lost the most important things, but despair and fear have not overwhelmed our will, and we have found our own way of survival.

A cruel environment forces people to evolve.

In order to cope with severe challenges, our strength must be sublimated. "

She stared at Jon, "Whether it's physical or mental."

mental strength?

I'm familiar with this.

Jon glanced around.

Finally, my eyes fell on the solution pools.

Think about it.

He said: "This is just my personal guess. The so-called 'Mana Ecology' will not have a public spiritual network, right?"

The words fall.

Bai Yuekui's teammates all looked at Jon as if they had seen a ghost.

Be good.

There's something about this guy.

I guessed it right right away!

Jon spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me like that, the hint is obvious enough, isn't it.

The reason why you survivors on the ground have not been wiped out by the Devouring Beast is that, in addition to developing technology that can control the "source" of life, you must also have a method to hide yourself.

Apart from 'mixing in with the pole-devouring beast', I really can't think of anything else that would allow you to multiply to this day. "

Bai Yuekui's lips curved into a smile, "Very good reasoning.

However, the actual situation is not that simple.

Okay, come with me to see ‘Master Lai’ first. "

"Master Lai"?

It sounds very much like the elder in charge here.

Go deeper.

Jon came to a tree house under the escort of Bai Yuekui's team.

In front of the tree house, a strange-looking old man leaned on a cane and said with drooped eyelids: "Compatriots from the sky, please come in, I have prepared crude tea."

Jon blinked.

This old man looks like a beast.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, he cupped his fists and said, "Hello, Master Lai. I am a citizen of Lighthouse. My name is Jon."

Master Lai chuckled, "Okay, no need to be so polite, come in and talk."

Although the old man looks quite curious, he has a good temper.

If the people in Bai Yuokui's team heard Jon's inner voice, their jaws would be shocked.

‘Master Lai’, ‘good tempered’

No matter how you think about it, these two words are not related together.

Enter the treehouse.

Jon discovered many old world items, including but not limited to televisions, refrigerators, coffee machines, and fully automatic kettles.

It seems that Master Lai is also a person who enjoys himself.

As soon as he sat down, Master Lai took the initiative and said: "To be honest, I didn't expect you to be the first person to come to the gathering place for survivors on the ground. I thought it was Mark."

"Oh? You know Mark." Jon blinked and asked, "Is this an "enlightenment" given by the Mana Public Spirit Network? "

"Roughly the same."

Master Lai seems to have no intention of discussing this issue in depth.

He stared at Jon and spoke slowly, “Mark is destiny, the destined person.

But I can't see through you.

At least in the revelation, I don't see any part about you. "

Following his words, several of Bai Yuekui's teammates started talking quietly.

"It starts again~"

"This old man is so confused that he doesn't know which words are true and which words are false."

"Shhh, keep your voice down."


Master Lai glanced at it with his eyes seemingly unconcerned, and those miscellaneous discussions disappeared immediately.

Jon said: “Whether it’s fate or destiny, Mark is now the Lord of Lighthouse City.

He has given me full authority to contact the survivors on the ground, that is, you, and find a way out for the future. "

As he spoke, he pointed to the top of his head, "You also know that in order to maintain such a behemoth, the energy consumed is simply astronomical. The lighthouse cannot always fly in the sky. Sooner or later it will land."

"So, you just set your sights on us?"

The fat man muttered softly.

Jon smiled and said, "This is not a robbery.

Although our lighthouse has a small population, there are about 15,000 people at full capacity. In addition to all kinds of resources, weapons and equipment, clothing and food, it is not empty-handed.

We are all human beings.

In the last days, we should help each other and coexist for mutual benefit, right? "

Master Lai glanced at the fat man angrily, "Shan Da, you have no place to speak here."

The man known as Shanda scratched his head, "I, I, this is not... forget it, I shut up."

Master Lai returned his attention to Jon, "If this is what Mark means, then 'Taoyuan' can accept you, and can even personally teach you how to hide your aura and avoid the Extreme Devouring Beast.

But before that, I want to ask you, how much do you know about ‘Mana Ecology’? "

Jon thought for a while and said truthfully: "Almost zero."

Master Lai said: “So far, we know very little about the ecology of Mana.

However, we have important information that can destroy Mana's ecology! "

Hearing this, Jon became interested and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Master Lai said word by word: "The fishy whirlpool passage."

Jon: .

There was silence for a long time.

He asked weakly, "Mark's so-called destiny is not to blow up the 'Xingyuan Passage', right?"

Master Lai didn’t hide it either, “Anyway, that’s what the “revelation” says. "

Jon was suddenly speechless.

Good guy, such a sense of sight made him unable to tell whether this was a doomsday lighthouse or a PPDC.

Just blow up the channel and everything will be fine.

It's really "Pacific Rim", right?

"Is there any conspiracy here? Tsk, it would be nice if we knew the general plot of this world in advance."

Qiao thought to himself.

At this time, Master Lai then spoke, "Now it seems that Mark is not the destined person. But you gave me some unexpected surprises."

Jon twitched his lips and directly predicted the other party's prediction.

"Tell me, where is the 'Xingyuan Passage'? Why don't I go blow it up!"


No, this horoscope hasn't even been revealed yet, why are you going to blow up the passage?

Bai Yuekui interjected: "Although the location of the 'Xingxuan Passage' is fixed, not everyone can enter it.

Even if it’s you”

She looked at Jon, "Even you, I'm afraid, can't withstand the erosion of scarlet pigment."

If it were the previous Jon, he would have been obedient.

But now, he has successfully landed in the tuba.

To put it bluntly, there is no existence in this world that can harm him.


It must be fried.

It won’t work without exploding!

Qiaoen said righteously: "For the survival of mankind and the continuation of civilization, please don't pay attention to me."

What a great spirit this is!

Shanda and others, who had no special feelings for Jon at first, suddenly became serious.

The immature ones, like the little lolita who likes to control the Devouring Beast, were moved to tears and said, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you are such a good person."

[Ding! Good guy card +1]

Classmate Little D showed a sense of presence unwilling to be left alone.

Master Lai looked at Jon, “Although you are not Mark.

However, I feel an inexplicable trust in you.

Maybe you are the destined one."

Before he finished speaking, the ground shook violently.

Including Master Lai, all the survivors on the ground turned pale.

Immediately, they reacted quickly.

"The Devouring Beast!"

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