A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 226: Technology, even a dog can't touch it!

It's over.

It's all over now!

The disconnection between Mo Cheng and the others instantly made the atmosphere in the entire lighthouse tense.

There was deathly silence in the 'Central Command Room', and you could hear a pin drop.

Mark looked at Jingnan and said decisively: "There is no other choice.

No matter public or private, I must save them! "

Jing Nan opened his mouth.

The end.

She nodded, "Okay."

At this time, General Victor interjected: "I will select fifty good soldiers from the city defense army to accompany you to the ground."

Mark did not refuse General Victor's kindness.

Just talking.

Jon walked in with his pocket in his pocket.

Scanning the expressions of everyone in the room, he blinked and asked, "What, is the resource collection not going well?"

Mark said solemnly: "The hunter team led by Mo Cheng has lost contact. I want to personally drive the 'heavy plane' to the ground to carry out rescue."

Jon: .

Mo Cheng, you are really disappointing!

I always praise you in vain, saying that you are a rare normal person in the hunter team.

At the critical moment, why did you lose control?

He pinched his eyebrows and said, "Are there no other suitable candidates?"

Hearing this, Mark couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Lighthouse can count the number of people who can skillfully pilot the 'heavy three-dimensional' to fight against the Devouring Beast on both hands. Is there any more suitable candidate?


It seems there really is!

He looked at Jon deeply.

Jon was slightly startled.

Then, he deliberately made a serious face.

You're such a thick-browed guy, I've taken great pains to prevent Bing Bingzi from becoming a widow.

Why did you come to your place and set your sights on me, Mr. Qiao?

Jon coughed lightly, "As you know, I am the city lord's advisor, a civilian position."


Mark sighed.

It's a matter of life and death, don't force it.

You still have to do it yourself!

"In that case, you stay at the lighthouse with Jingnan, General Victor and the others." Mark patted Jon on the shoulder, "Waiting for the good news of my successful return."



Three black lines appeared on Jon's forehead.

At the same time, a bad premonition arose in his heart.


Why is my right eyelid twitching?

In emergencies, lighthouses are extremely efficient.

In less than twenty minutes, fifty city defense soldiers and Mark gathered on the lift platform.

After sweeping past the fifty pale-faced city defense troops, Mark slowly said: "Our mission this time is to support the hunting team.

Let me tell you clearly, it is very dangerous.

Moreover, only success is allowed and no failure is allowed! "

very good.

The mobilization was very successful.

Morale plummeted.

After listening to Mark's words, the city defense army, which had no confidence in the first place, started to attack.

I saw them holding their heads in their hands, crying for their father and mother: "Help, I don't want to go to the ground!"

"Who will trade with me?"

"Going to the ground means dying! I don't want to die!"

"General Victor, if I have offended you before, I apologize to you."

The city defense army has always looked down upon the hunting team.

When push came to shove, they performed worse than the Hunting Team.

On the high platform, General Victor's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Shame on you.

He also swore that these were the best players in the city defense army.

Come on, all his true colors are revealed!

Mark felt a little numb.


What are these the best things in the world?

These city defense troops could not be compared with the Mo Cheng and others he was familiar with.


A sound reaches the ear.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Mark's heart skipped a beat.

Follow the sound.

But I saw Bing Bingzi.

No, it was Ran Bing, the former hunter's adjutant, who put on his old clothes and came flying forward with three steps at a time.

When she ran up to Mark, she punched Mark on the side angrily, "You bastard, you actually want to leave me secretly!"

Without waiting for Mark to answer.

Ran Bing put his hands on his hips and said, "Can you do it without me?"

Mark scratched his head.

There was a warm current in my heart.

Take a deep breath.

He hugged Ran Bing affectionately and said, "We will get married when we come back."

Ran Bing was so happy that she almost flew into the sky. She nodded vigorously and said, "Well, we will get married when we come back!"

Jon: .

Say no more.


I bet you are all veteran generals on the stage?

It feels uncomfortable not to plant the flag, right?

He crossed his arms and calmed down a little.


It must all be an illusion.

There is no such thing as a coincidence.

It's because I'm too sensitive.

"Mark, don't forget what you said, we are waiting for you to come back!"

"I know your kid's abilities. You have never failed, and this time will definitely be no exception."

Good guy.

Young lovers don’t put up flags anymore.

Are you starting again?

Jon looked at Jingnan and Victor speechlessly.

I'm really afraid that they won't die.

This FLAG, one after another.


I'm convinced.

I admit it.

Seeing Mark and Ran Bing about to go to the ground through the lift, Jon suddenly raised his hand, "Stop!"

In the blink of an eye, he jumped off the high platform with great agility, rushed to where Mark and Ran Bing were like the wind, and said expressionlessly: "You, come out."

Mark didn't know why.

But the tacit understanding cultivated over more than sixty days still made him choose to trust the other party.

After Mark left the individual combat mecha, Jon got in unceremoniously, "Take your white hair and these passers-by out of my sight."

Mark's breath hitched.

"You want it"

"Stop talking nonsense." Jon said angrily.

I still have to change my soft-hearted nature.

Qiao shook his head secretly.


At this time, the lift platform has begun to slowly descend.

Mark didn't have much time to think, so he had to take Ran Bing and the city defense troops away first.

Although he was acting alone, Jon didn't feel too nervous.

Because he has experienced too many big scenes.

Compared with restarting the world, is carrying out a rescue operation alone a big deal?

"Counsellor Jon, this is the lighthouse, can you hear me?"

"Jon! Jon! Please reply when you receive it!"

"Could it be that the communication equipment is broken? Why doesn't Advisor Jon speak?"

"It's impossible. All the equipment of the 'Re-Stereo' are debugged by the staff of the Scientific Research Department. There will be no problems."

"Is there a possibility that Advisor Jon is in some inconvenience right now?"

In the cockpit, Jon curled his lips and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it, I can hear you."

There was silence for three or four seconds.

Mark's voice came from the headphones.

"Jon, this 'White Shark No. 11' is my exclusive mecha. It is equipped with a chain sword and a shield. You may not be used to driving it.

However, compared with the ‘White Shark No. 13’ you once drove, it is more superior in terms of power, and for this rescue operation, I deliberately prepared two more energy sources.”

The words were not finished.

Jingnan took over.

"Advisor Jon, Mocheng and the others are located about thirteen kilometers southwest of you. I have transmitted the specific coordinates to the database of 'White Shark 11'."

Jon did as he was told, and sure enough he found a red dot on the map.

"I will try my best to support Mocheng and the others, but there is no guarantee that they will succeed."

When others raise their flags, I fold them.

As soon as these words were spoken, Jon immediately felt that this operation was stable.

Skillfully drive the 'heavy plane' through the desert.

Very smoothly, he found the resource point marked on the map.


Because of the pole-devouring beasts and the swarm of spinegu, Jon didn't dare to enter rashly.

After wandering outside the resource point for a long time, he finally found a relatively safe passage.

Enter the resource point carefully.

As far as the eye can see, everything is filled with ferocious-looking ‘flesh and soil’

——Those are the accompanying lighthouse dustmen.

Jon was silent.

Go deeper.

Gradually, he discovered the figure of the hunter.

Like those ordinary people, they were also drained of the "source" of life and turned into a body of nothingness.

"Central command room, I have successfully entered the resource point, and now I am looking for the whereabouts of Mocheng and the others, over."

After speaking softly, Jon looked around carefully.

In his impression, the pole-devouring beast is a creature that is difficult to kill and has certain intelligence. So far, no weaknesses.

Therefore, even he does not dare to be careless.


At this moment, a strange voice attracted Jon's attention.

He looked stern.

Some kind of machine.


arms? !

After thinking for a few seconds, Jon took the initiative to leave the 'heavy plane'.

With his current strength, he can protect himself as long as he doesn't encounter a group of pole-devouring beasts. Wearing a mecha to move around can easily expose you.

What Jon didn't know was that this move frightened Mark and others at the lighthouse.

But I can’t care about that much at this time.

Hold your breath and slow down the fluctuations of life.

Jon moved like a silent shadow against the wall.

Looking in the direction of the sound, he found five humans in strange clothes on a certain beam.

Tall, short, fat and thin, men and women, young and old, everything you want.

One of them, a little girl who looked young, was controlling a special device similar to a game controller with both hands. She shouted while operating: "Ah da da da da da, see how powerful this aunt is!"

Jon looked down very keenly.

But I saw a subspecies of pole-devouring beast that was obviously different from other pole-devouring beasts, running rampant among the beasts!

Is that subspecies of pole-devouring beast controlled by this girl?

As soon as the thought occurred, Bai Mao among the five people.

Yes, it’s white hair again.

The white-haired woman with short hair turned around and immediately spotted Jon hiding in the darkness.

Eyes facing each other.

A special feeling arose in both of their hearts at the same time.

The companion of the short-haired woman noticed the strangeness of the short-haired woman and asked in unison: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"There's someone there."

She raised her hand and pointed to where Jon was.

Everyone:! ! !

Seeing that his whereabouts had been exposed, Jon no longer wanted to hide, so he walked out openly.

He smiled and said, "We meet again."

"Have we met?"

The short-haired woman frowned slightly.

"We met once two months ago. At that time, you helped the hunting team escape the attack of the Sovereign Level Devouring Beast." Jon said truthfully.

"That's right."

The short-haired woman nodded.

Then, she stared at Jon with interest, "So, you should be a person from the lighthouse. In that case, why aren't you surprised to see us?"

"What's so surprising? Since the last time we met, I've known that there must be survivors on the ground. Moreover, you must have mastered a powerful method that is different from "science". "

Jon glanced at the five people.

In them, you can feel the powerful life essence.

Similar to "ripple", but completely different.


At this time, the subspecies of the Devouring Beast controlled by the little girl was brutally killed.

Because of her spiritual connection, she couldn't help but scream.

The short-haired goddess had a look on her face and said: "Now is not the time to talk. Let's rescue the people in your lighthouse first and then communicate."

The words fall.

She unexpectedly jumped down from a distance of more than ten meters and fell directly into the group of pole-devouring beasts.

Jon: Σ(゜ロ゜;)


Putting aside everything else, this physical quality alone makes him no longer a normal human being.

It’s not over yet.

Her teammates also showed their talents.

Except for the girl who can control the Devouring Beast in the first place.

How many are left

——An expert in archery, with a 100% hit rate. Not only that, her arrows can also be switched at will, comparable to the gender-changing 'Hanzo'.

——The other one is extremely powerful, holding up a tower shield that is taller than a man, and wielding a sledgehammer that looks very heavy. Like an unstoppable heavy tank, it is rampaging through the pack of polar beasts, as if it is invincible. The realm of man.

Well, like ‘Sledgehammer’.

——The guy wearing the mask is the firepower output of the team. He can wield a heavy machine gun like a tiger, and he also has a skateboard that can fly, making his identity extremely flexible.

Needless to say, ‘Junkrat’.

The only obscene man who didn't take action stared directly at Jon.

Jon blinked, "Don't you need help?"

All right.

You are all talented people.

Jon shrugged his shoulders and decisively chose to fish and swim.

The actual situation is just as the wretched man said. With the short-haired woman's extraordinary performance, which is comparable to that of an unparalleled mower, those extreme-devouring beasts and subspecies of extreme-devouring beasts have no power to fight back.

In just over ten minutes, the battle was over.

Jon couldn't help but applaud, "Wonderful, really wonderful. I didn't expect that when the lighthouse was still dedicated to researching science and technology, all of you survivors on the ground began to cultivate immortality."


Tech tree?

The dogs don’t even order!

Look at other people's homes, and then look at the lighthouse.

The gap is not that big.

‘Cultivation of immortality’?

This is an interesting statement.

The wretched man chuckled, "We just discovered a way to mine and process the "Essence", don't you do the same? "

He looked Jon up and down.

"Although the total number of life "sources" in the body is too low, it can be considered an entry point. Little brother, you are very good. I am optimistic about you. "

Jon smiled slightly, but did not explain the difference between "ripple" and "source matter".

Looking down, he waved and said, "My, uh, partners are still trapped there. I'll go find them first."

The wretched man nodded.

Jon's physical fitness is not as strong as the short-haired girl.

So, he chose a safer way to jump from a high place.

When he passed by the short-haired woman, he happened to see her sheathing her sword.

Jon paused.

"Can you tell me your name?"

The short-haired woman thought for a moment, "Bai Yuekui."

"Bai Yuekui? What a good name. My name is Jon." Jon smiled.

After saying that, he ran directly to the place where Mo Cheng and others were trapped.

Looking at the retreating figure, Bai Yuekui's eyes were thoughtful.

Think about it.

She said loudly: "Hey, when this matter is over, you can come with us."

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