A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 220 Crazy Mouth Escape, this broken tower will be finished sooner or later!

‘I am born with divine power, and I am self-taught without a teacher. ’

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the city lord's hall was dumbfounded.

City Lord Morgan was the first to react and said displeasedly: "Dust People 4396, now is not the time to joke.

Besides, I don’t have the patience to listen to your jokes. "

have to say.

The old man's frown looked quite majestic.


He was putting pressure on the wrong people.

Who is Jon?

Can you be afraid of the leader of a small survival base?

He shrugged, "Every word I said was true."

This attitude is very unfriendly.

General Victor took a step forward, "Dust Citizen 4396, pay attention to your words and deeds, you are in front of the Lord of the City now!

If you continue to be so unscrupulous, what awaits you will be the sanction of Lighthouse Law! "

Hearing this, Jon twitched his lips.

"I'm not even afraid of the Devouring Beast. Do you think I'm afraid of the so-called law?"


Mere commoners

How dare this guy? !

That's the effect Jon wanted.

Sweeping through the crowd.

He put his hands in his pockets.

"Stop talking nonsense and take me away quickly. I really can't stay in this miserable place for a second."

Some people are like this

——The humbler you are, the less he will take you seriously;

——The more unscrupulous you are, the more he feels that there must be something hidden, and he doesn't dare to do anything to you easily.

Lord Morgan easily fell into Jon's trap.


He gestured to General Victor.

Click on the information on the electronic control screen.

While watching, he spoke softly, "Chenmin 4396, you suffered from fever in a previous mission, and then relied on self-healing to recover, right?"

"Yes, Lord City Lord."

Jon smiled and emphasized the word 'sir' specially.

"I ask you to answer truthfully, has your body undergone some unknown mutation?" City Lord Morgan tapped his temples and made a guess.

The words fall.

The eyes of everyone in the hall changed instantly.

In particular, Dr. Carrie, who was in charge of ecological research, stared at Jon's young and healthy body as if he were seeing a rare treasure.

She was greedy.

The setting of ‘mutation’ is quite consistent with the apocalyptic background.

But it's a pity that I, Qiao, am not a commoner!

Jon smiled brightly, "The city lord is joking, my body is no different from before. It's just that I figured out some things when I was dying."

"What have you figured out?" City Lord Morgan asked curiously.

"I figured out that the lighthouse is a complete failure. In the end of the world, this kind of thing cannot protect us at all.

So things like the law and the 'Three Laws' don't matter to me at all. It's up to you whether you want to kill or behead them. Anyway, you will all come down to accompany me in the near future. "

Stop pretending and just show your cards.

I'm showing off.

You can say I can't do it.

But you can’t say that the three rules I formulated don’t work!

City Lord Morgan stood up excitedly, "How outrageous!"


He looks mature and sensible, but he still gets angry when he is poked in a painful spot.

Jon raised his lips.

Smile is the best form of contempt.

"4396 What are you talking about? Apologize to the Lord of the City!"

After all, he is the benefactor of himself and the Hunter team. Mark couldn't bear to see 4396 punished by the law, so he couldn't help but remind him in a low voice.

Beside him, Ran Bing nodded again and again, with a nervous look on his face.

Jon pretended not to hear and asked: "Am I wrong? There are less than 15,000 people in the lighthouse. To be precise, there are only about 12,000 people. They were separated by some great cleverness. civil.

Well, even if the population is screened and optimized based on genetic merits.

But you must at least ensure that everyone should make the best use of everything and make the best use of them.

The results of it?

The dirty work and the hard work are all done by ordinary people.

And what is Shangmin doing?

Praying in a pretentious manner!

There are no resources to improve the living conditions of ordinary people, but there are resources to build churches, right?


My rating is, top notch! "

When talking about his Church of Light and Shadow, Charles couldn’t sit still.

"Idiot, what do you know? If it weren't for the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow, do you think the lighthouse can still operate normally?"

He looked Jon up and down with undisguised disgust in his eyes. "Even you, Dustman 4396, survived because of the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow. You should be grateful!"


After pondering for a moment, Jon pretended to be nervous and pinched the corner of his clothes.


He lowered his head and walked step by step to Charles.

Charles instinctively wanted to hide.

But in full view of everyone, he still controlled his body and stood still.

"What do you want to do?"

The leader of the Church of Light and Shadow raised his tone slightly.

"I don't want to do anything, Master Huishou. I just want to feel the glory of the Lord of Light and Shadow up close."

As he spoke, Jon got closer and closer to Charles.

"If it's convenient, please invite the Lord of Light and Shadow to come down and let me see him.

I want to be more handsome and, of course, physically stronger. Please help me realize these small wishes. "

Ah this

Charles was speechless.

Although he is the leader of the Church of Light and Shadow, his devotion to the Lord of Light and Shadow has never changed.

But do you think the Lord of Light and Shadow is a good neighbor next door?

See you soon!

"I don't know what I mean!"

He flicked his sleeves and quickly distanced himself from Jon.

Jon had a look of shock on his face.

"The Lord of Light and Shadow is a fake?

It can neither make me taller nor handsome. What is the use of believing in such a useless god? "

One thing to say.

Even if Jon himself wanted to gain followers, he would have to appear in front of others and personally change the trajectory of his destiny.

Why does the Lord of Light and Shadow not have to do anything?

How can there be such a reason in the world~

"Presumptuous! Presumptuous! Presumptuous!" Charles' expression clearly showed a trace of panic, and he could only cover up his mood at this time with incompetent rage.

Jon smiled.

No matter how gorgeous the disguise is, it can't cover up the fact that there aren't many normal people on the lighthouse.

He turned around and looked directly at Lord Morgan.

"Based on my observations these days, I think there is a problem with the management of the lighthouse."

The atmosphere was dead silent.

Everyone, including Lord Morgan, was dumbfounded.

What did they hear?

The dust people actually questioned the management of the lighthouse!

General Victor suggested coldly: "Lord City Lord, please allow me to capture this arrogant person."

City Lord Morgan thought again and again, "Slow down!"

He stood up and met Jon's eyes.

"You said there is a problem with the management of the lighthouse. I want to hear it. What can you tell me?"

“Too simple~”

Jon pointed at Lord Morgan extremely impolitely.

"First of all, I want to question the 'three rules' you set!"

If the words are not surprising, then I will die.

Lord Morgan was so angry that the veins on his forehead jumped.

But he still endured and put his hands behind his back, "Go on, I'm listening."

"Since you want to hear it, I will reluctantly say it. It is wrong to divide classes based on genetic merit.

Like I just said.

The total population of Lighthouse is only 15,000. With such a small number of people, you are still trying to improve the quality of the population and continue the fire of civilization through eugenic birth control?

It seems like child's play to me.

It's just nonsense. "

Lord Morgan narrowed his eyes, "What do you know? Lighthouse resources are limited. If we don't use this method, how can we feed so many people!"

“Resources are limited, so go find them!

If you don’t have enough food, step up the cultivation!

And what did I see?

The only farm, the only land in the lighthouse, was completely unkempt, not even guarded. "

City Lord Morgan was stunned for a moment, then said with a strange expression: "Have you been to the Sky Farm?"

"Been there."

Jon nodded matter-of-factly.

Then, he spread his hands and said, "To be honest, I really can't understand such an important land resource. Why aren't strict soldiers sent to guard it?

Even me.

Ahem, even a mortal like me can come and go at will.

Aren't you afraid that some innate bad seed, oh, the kind of psychopath who likes to watch others struggle in pain, will set fire to your crops? "


It seems reasonable.


I can't admit it.

Lord Morgan frowned, "Human resources are limited, and we are all citizens of the Lighthouse, so we should be the Lighthouse."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop!"

In the middle of what City Lord Morgan was saying, Jon interrupted him impatiently.

"They are all the people of Lighthouse? Only the Shangmin are the people of Lighthouse, right?

I have roughly calculated that it is not a problem to feed 30,000 people on the scale of the sky farm.

So why is it that when there are only about 12,000 people in the lighthouse, there are ordinary people who have no food to eat and can only eat "worm cakes" to satisfy their hunger?

It’s not like there are people who just eat and don’t work! "

As he spoke, he glanced at the people in the hall.

"Here, I would like to focus on the members of the Church of Light and Shadow."

Damn it, why is it me again?

Three black lines appeared on Charles's forehead.

“Light conceives all living beings, and all living beings follow their shadow;

The light washes away my soul, the shadow shelters my body;

Control desires with the Tao, be happy but not lustful;

I would rather leave my skin behind than abandon my light and shadow;

It sounds lofty, but what’s the actual meaning?

Rather than giving the people illusory spiritual sustenance, it is better to expand the scale of production, liberate productivity, and let your believers who have nothing to do but talk behind their backs participate in glorious labor. "

Don't ask, just ask, it's mass production!

Those high-ranking citizens were eating and drinking all day long, and their bodies were getting sick.

Jon looked at Lord Morgan, "Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Without waiting for City Lord Morgan to answer, Jon continued speaking on his own, "What I said must make sense!

However, it is such a simple truth, but none of you can propose it!

Also, I would like to make some suggestions to the Institute of Ecology and the Ministry of Scientific Research.

I believe that ecological research is not meaningless. On the contrary, studying Mana ecology plays a vital role in the subsequent development of mankind.

However, given the priorities, people can hardly live anymore, so what’s the use of studying ecology?

Don’t you really think that if the Mana ecology is cracked, people will be able to move back to the ground in a snap and live a happy life from now on?

What is the main contradiction of the lighthouse today?

Not enough to eat!

So, how can you have a full meal?

Who can answer me?

How can we keep everyone fed?


My Lords, my Lords.

Seize the time to farm and put your limited scientific research power into agriculture!

What can the hunters do with just the few resources they bring back? "

Jon spoke in a tone that said he hated iron.

Dr. Jiali, the head of the Institute of Ecology, sneered, "How can you, a mortal, come up with so many ideas? If you are really knowledgeable, tell me, what is your academic qualifications? What kind of education have you received?"

Jon talked to the old woman.

He turned his head and looked at Jing Nan, the head of the scientific research department.

I have to say, Sister Kuronaga Naomi is really beautiful.

However, it is also true that there is no ability.

"Well, let me ask a little question first.

After so many actual combat tests, it is clear that the existing rifles and pistols cannot effectively kill the pole beast, why do they still carry such useless weapons?

After the last resource collection mission, I even thought that if the hunters did not carry guns, they could even run faster and suffer fewer casualties. "


"Then it's the armed transport truck. I'm really grateful. What if I add an additional compartment? What can I do!

Does it have to be designed to be open-air?

I feel that every time before eating a meal, the Extreme Devourer must say silently in its heart, "Thank you for the gift of nature."

What about the indispensable instruments such as optical camouflage, shielding equipment, and electronic jamming?

I haven't seen any of them.

May I ask what your scientific research department usually does?

Fishing, right?

Finally, there's the mecha.

The start-up speed of the individual combat mecha is too slow, which is too fatal in ground battles.


Mark nodded involuntarily, rarely agreeing with Jon's words.

Seeing the look on his silly boss's face, the adjutant Ran Bing quickly and quietly kicked his calf.

Mark reacted and suppressed his expression.

"Without resources, I have no choice," Jing Nan said while holding back his grievance.

"You see, the problem comes back to not having resources."

Jon felt helpless.

“If you don’t farm, where will you get the resources?

If you don’t promote education, where will you get the talent?

With only the technology of the old world, this lighthouse will have no hope of flying for hundreds of years and can only survive! "

Every sentence is quite harsh, but there is no way to refute it.

City Lord Morgan was said to be upset and couldn't help but lose his composure, "So according to your idea, how can the lighthouse operate stably?"

“Of course it’s about liberating productivity!

Those superior people

No, you superiors eat too much and do too little.

Also, cut unnecessary budgets.

Don't look at others, I'm talking about you, the woman from the Institute of Ecology!

Move more valuable resources to weapons development and agricultural research.

You can't even defeat the Devouring Beast, you can't even get enough to eat, and you still want to develop stably?

Go ahead and dream! "

In fact, surviving the doomsday is very simple.

There are people, land, and guns!

It can be said that City Lord Morgan played a good deck of cards to pieces.

The old man was silent.

The actual situation is more complicated than it appears on the surface, and some problems cannot be dealt with simply and ideally.

a long time.

He waved his hand and had no idea of ​​continuing the meeting.

"That's it for today. I'm a little tired. If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Some people look indifferent, but in fact they have broken through.

Jon was very sorry.

He has yet to express some of his opinions.


never mind.

Enough acting.

Next, it’s time to see the real chapter!

Thinking of this, he glanced around with a stern look, "Come on, I'm ready."

"Quite a tough guy."

Such an aboveboard performance attracted the attention of many people.

Charles smiled while stroking his hands, "Come here, take this mortal man down to me and imprison him in the court of justice!"


A good old man also has his uses.

Mark could no longer remain silent and pleaded for Jon: "Although Dustman 4396 has offended you, City Lord, in his words, I believe that the fundamental purpose of every word he said is for the sake of the lighthouse!"

City Lord Morgan was very tired.

But he's not a mean person.

Quite the opposite.

Some of Jon's claims deeply shook his beliefs.

"For the time being, 4396 will be admitted to the correctional facility, but no torture can be applied. Food and clothing will be provided." The old man thought for a while, "Just follow the standards of the superior people."

Good guy, you are trying to win over me.

Jon had a slight change in his view of Lord Morgan.

If this is the case.

It’s okay to change the plan a little~

Charles was extremely disappointed.

He sighed, bowed and said, "I obey, Lord City Lord."

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