A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 210: The wolf is taking effect for the first time, and the Weird Association declares war

The words fall.

The atmosphere became a little weird.

Not to mention Bang Gu and the others, even the hungry wolf who was locked in a straitjacket was stunned for a moment.

Why do you feel that ‘Skywalker’ is different from what is advertised on TV?


Who is the hungry wolf?

A pure rebellious boy!

Do you think I dare not bite?

I just bite it for you to see!

Strengthen the waist.

The hungry wolf twisted in the opposite direction in a posture that was contrary to the human body structure, and like a spring, he pounced towards Jon.

Everyone present.

Except for Miss Xiangyin and Tong Di, the rest are all master figures.

The moment the hungry wolves arose, Banggu and the Atomic Warriors were on guard.

But before they could take action.

The hungry wolf was so aggressive just a second ago.

The next second, Jon was holding it in his hand like a chicken and holding it high above his head.

Bangu and Atomic Samurai blinked.

too fast.

It's like time has stood still.

With their eyesight, they could not see through Jon's movements at all.

How terrible!

Think of this.

The two of them were inexplicably happy.

Fortunately, such a dangerous guy is not an enemy.



With Jon holding his throat tightly, the hungry wolf struggled wildly.

Without any nonsense, Professor Qiao gave Hungry Wolf a wave of electrotherapy.


After electricity.

Sure enough, he is much more honest.

Jon looked at Banggu and said calmly: "Uncle Banggu, he is your apprentice.

You say, what should we do? "

Hearing this, Bang Gu sighed, "Leave him to me, and I will take him back to Qingyan Mountain."

After all.

Still can't bear it.

Otherwise, it would be better to just kill him.

Jon thought for a while and suggested: "I think, let him stay with me for a while, how about I help you educate him?"

Banggu's expression froze.

But in the end, he nodded, "This is also a good idea.

That’s all up to you, Brother Jon. "

Jon smiled and said, "Easy~"

that's all.

The hungry wolf became Jon's entourage.

Of course, Hungry Wolf himself does not recognize the title of 'follower'.

the following few days.

Whenever he gets a chance, the hungry wolf attacks Jon like crazy.

And what about Jon?

Don't care at all.

It’s time to eat, it’s time to drink, it’s time to sleep.

After a few days, the restless hungry wolf almost collapsed.

He couldn't understand.

Why are there such strong people in the world?

Even if it is his master, ahem, former master Bang Gu, he is confident to surpass him.

But face Jon.

The hungry wolf, who had always been unruly and unruly, felt uncertain.

‘Baolang’ has achieved initial results.

Jon was secretly happy.

to be honest.

He quite admired Hungry Wolf.

Don't mention anything else.

Judging from the fact that in the original destiny trajectory, the hungry wolf never killed anyone when fighting heroes, he was not a bad guy.

At least, be more upright than yourself.

A certain Mr. Joestar, who wished to remain anonymous, commented.

Back to business.

I don’t know how many times he calmly defused the hungry wolf’s attack. Jon curled his lips and said, “Are you tired?”

"Not tired!"

The hungry wolf gritted his teeth.

However, his shaky body betrayed him.

Since falling into Jon's hands, he has barely eaten or rested. He is either attacking or planning an attack.


You mean running away?

How could the mighty Hungry Wolf be afraid of heroes!

Even an S-class hero.

Nor is he worthy of letting him lower his proud head and run away like a lost dog!

"As long as you're not tired." Jon said calmly.

After a pause, he raised a finger.

“Human beings’ abilities are limited. If you want to gain power, you must surpass humans.

The Strongest Monster's First Lesson - Forgetting the Identity of Humans. "

The hungry wolf was stunned.

After coming back to his senses, he said in a daze: "Are you teaching me how to be a weirdo?"

"Yes, haven't you been clamoring for the past few days to be the strongest weirdo and defeat all the heroes?"

Jon said of course.

"But..." Hungry Wolf gestured extremely clumsily, "You are the ace of the Hero Association, how could you teach me to be a weirdo?"

Jon hooked his fingers and motioned for the hungry wolf to sit down next to him.

Hungry Wolf hesitated for a long time, but somehow he didn't refuse and sat down on the soft sofa.

"You know my identity, right? The Heroes Association should have my specific information."

Jon held the teacup and took a sip of the black tea made by Miss Xiangyin.

Hungry Wolf swallowed and said slowly: "The 'Skywalker' who travels through various worlds, with a body index of MAX and a superpower index of MAX, is as powerful as KING and is one of the association's ultimate trump cards."

"Actually, my status in other worlds is not always that of a decent person, I often act as a villain."

If the words are not surprising, then I will die.

As soon as Jon spoke, the hungry wolf stood up in shock.

"You, the villain?"

Jon chuckled and said: "For example, in a world full of pirates, I am known as the pirate emperor above the sea. I use my strength to separate one side and occupy important places. Even the world government and nobles want to look at me. Do things with your face.”

Hungry Wolf: (°°)

Although he has no interest in ceding territory and becoming emperor.

But it feels

So handsome!

Hungry Wolf's eyes gleamed, "Is there more?"

Jon crossed his legs and leaned comfortably on the sofa, "It's too much.

For example, he took his nephew to beat up ordinary office workers.

Another example is that while on vacation, we eradicated a law-abiding gang that had been in the local area for more than ten years.

As for helping his juniors escape from prison, plotting against Father Chunliang, etc., they are all trivial matters and there is no need to talk about them. "

Hungry Wolf:! ! !


Such a wanton life.


Is such a wanton life really what I want?


The hungry wolf fell into deep thought.

Jon looked at the silent hungry wolf and suddenly smiled, "Okay, I'm all lying to you. I didn't expect you to really believe it?"

It stands to reason.

The hungry wolf should be angry.

Even furious!

However, he stood there extremely abnormally, with an extremely calm expression.

A long time passed.

Hungry Wolf took a long breath and said word by word: "What I pursue is equality and an end to the hypocrisy of heroes. This hypocrisy is the source of injustice in today's society!

So, I’m going to be the weirdo. "

to be honest.

A rebellious kid doesn't want to be a weirdo.

But I want to be an anti-hero.

It's just that he doesn't know it.

Or, in this world dominated by professional heroes, there are no anti-heroes at all.

Jon's expression was calm, "Keep working hard, I will be your goal. As long as you defeat me, you will be one of the most invincible beings in the world."

Why do we need to add 'one' after the invincible existence?

The hungry wolf frowned.

But one thing is certain.

That is.

Only by defeating the Skywalker in front of you can you regain your freedom!

This freedom.

Not physical freedom.

But spiritual freedom!

In order to become the strongest weirdo who can crush injustice.

I'm going to knock you down!

Jon Joestar.


Thoughts are clear.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

Hungry Wolf entered a mysterious and mysterious state of selflessness.

It is worth mentioning that.

‘One Punch World’ is a very heart-centered world.

The stronger the belief.

The stronger the power, the greater the chance of unlocking the "limiter".


Even if the "limiter" is unlocked, Hungry Wolf will not be a match for Qiao Laoyao.

Dodge and stagger.

The hungry wolf was defeated again.

Jon yawned.

"Keep practicing, I'm going to sleep."



The hungry wolf's eyes turned red, and his whole body burned with scarlet aura.

‘Human power is limited. If you want to gain power, you must surpass humans’?

He closed his eyes.

Then suddenly open it.

Inexplicably, his silver hair was dyed with a hint of gold.

If only transcendence could defeat you.


I’m no longer a human being, JOJO!

at the same time.

Heroes Association, combat conference room.

"Yours sincerely, everyone from the Hero Association."

In the picture, the fleshy, white and soft big eyes are holding two short hands, and the tone is calm: "As the general staff of the Weird Association, on behalf of all the members of the Weird Association, I would like to formally declare war on you."

As the words fell, the atmosphere in the conference room became quiet.

The person in charge, Kawaki, clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

Da Jiongyan continued: "We have had enough of human hypocrisy for a long time. The era of weirdos is coming. Please forgive my wording. I am just telling the most common fact.

some days ago.

The alien invasion incident made me see the weakness and incompetence of the Heroes Association. Even the S-class heroes who turned the tide were nothing more than that in the eyes of me, the strong member of the Weird Association.

So, let’s start the war.

Use the simplest and most direct way to determine the ownership of the ground. "

Da Jiongyan was still talking.

A dazzling red light suddenly flashed in the war conference room.

A cold system prompt rang out.

'warn! warn! A large number of weirdos appear in the north of city A! ’

'warn! warn! A large number of weirdos appear on the coast of C City! ’

'warn! warn! A large number of weirdos appear in the southwest of Q city! ’.

“When you see this, members of our association must have already started taking action.

Everyone in the Hero Association, come on, please try your best to make this game more interesting.

That's it, goodbye. "


The screen turns dark.

The figure with bright eyes disappeared.

Kawaki took a deep breath.

Then his eyes flashed, "It seems that the impact of the alien invasion is far greater than we imagined. Immediately notify the heroes in each city and ask them to intercept those weirdos who harm ordinary residents as soon as possible.

Also, contact all S-class heroes.

Although I don't want to admit it.

But, the war has already begun! "

"The war has begun"

This sentence was like a sledgehammer, hitting the hearts of all the staff hard.

Perhaps because the atmosphere was too heavy, Kawaki pretended to smile casually, "Okay, don't be so grim, don't forget, we have two trump cards, J and K!"

JK, of course, does not refer to female high school students.

But Jon and KING.

Thinking of those two god-like heroes, the staff felt a lot more at ease.


No matter how strong the Weird Association is.

Can it still be better than Mr. Joestar and Mr. KING?

this war.

We will definitely win!

five minutes later.

Z city, residential area.

"Well, I understand. But I still have unfinished work here, so I may not rush back to the association as soon as possible."

KING whispered into the phone.

Finally, he pressed the hang up button.

For a moment.

'Bang bang bang'

King's heart beat suddenly.

In the living room, Saitama, holding up the game controller, wondered: "What's wrong? Oh, by the way, why did your Emperor Engine start inexplicably again?"

"Listen to me, Mr. Saitama!" KING had nothing to show off in front of Mr. Saitama, and said with snot and tears, "There's something going on with the association, let me rush over and join the fight!"

Saitama touched his bald head and said, "Speaking of which, you should confess to the association. It's always like this. Sooner or later, you will die at the hands of a weirdo."

King looked embarrassed, "But... I have already bought beautiful girl figurines and the latest games with the reward from the association."

He looked at Saitama, "No matter what, you must help me this time!"

"Help you?" Saitama blinked, "How?"

"Of course you are protecting me. I will give you all the rewards for defeating the weirdo!" King said eagerly.

Saitama looked calm and said, "Not interested."

I, the bald devil, have no worldly desires.

King gritted his teeth, "Then, how about I save the game that I have played for more than 200 hours so that you can enjoy it!"


This can be done.

Saitama has been coveting King's god-level save files for a long time.

He nodded and said: "Okay, I will try my best to protect you, but I can't guarantee anything."

King is very familiar with Saitama's strength.

When he heard the other party relent, his first reaction was that the situation was stable.


Saitama seemed to suddenly think of something and said: "Actually, you don't have to be so afraid. That guy, the one named Jon Joestar, isn't he still in the Hero Association?

As long as he's here, there shouldn't be any trouble. "

Jon Joestar.

Hear the name.

Some embarrassing memories came to mind.

King sneered and said: "That guy is indeed awesome, but I still believe in you, Saitama. Look behind you!"

From compliments, to horror.

King's face turned pale.

Saitama turned around.

I happened to see a strange bird that was as big as an airplane flying towards here with its big mouth open!

"Really, don't cause trouble to ordinary residents."

Muttered something to himself.

He got up.

Hold your fist at your waist, then punch hard.

A slightly serious ordinary punch!

The reason why I chose to be "slightly more serious" is because such a big bird monster will definitely cause trouble to everyone in the same apartment building.

So, just annihilate this ignorant guy completely.

One punch.

Open the sky!

The floor-to-ceiling windows of King's house, along with the weirdos outside, disappeared from the world on a physical level.


One of the aces of the Association slumped to the ground.

No matter how many times I’ve seen it.

Saitama's strength.

It will still make your heart tremble.


Now is not the time to think about this.

The bird-shaped monster was obviously coming for him.

In other words, the location of your home is exposed.

The key is to connect.

King broke out in cold sweat.

Saitama retracted his fist and scratched his face in embarrassment, "That...window money, I will pay you back when I have the chance."

Chance = no chance.

This is a philosophical question.

However, King couldn't care less about the window now.

He quickly ran to Saitama, grabbed the cloak of his strongest summoned beast, and cried: "Go! Take me out of here, I want to go to the Heroes Association!"

Saitama pondered for a moment. "Well, it just so happens that I am also somewhat interested in the guy who is in charge of the association.

Maybe, we can have a little fight this time. "

Just wait, Jon Joestar.

I'm coming to find you!

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