A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 200 Yoshihara Yuguo·Everyone has their own thoughts

Hello everyone, I am Kibutsuji Muzan.

Tell a joke.

I'm going to take the special instructor of the Demon Slayer Corps to find trouble for my men.

No no no.

That's not the point.

The point is, I feel like there's something seriously wrong with that damn guy.

She obviously didn't want to flirt with the charming Fallen Princess, but she just pretended to be very interested in me.


I admit.

When I transformed into a female body, there was indeed a charm that is hard to describe in words.


As the ultimate creature.

As the "king" who stands above millions of people.

I have long since lost that kind of worldly desire, let alone the ordinary love between a man and a woman.

But to save my life.

I can only sacrifice color.

For now, commit yourself to the mysterious exorcist across the sea.

After escaping, as long as I wipe out the witnesses, I will be the cold-blooded emperor hiding in the night again!

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan thought to himself while pouring wine for Jon.

Beside her, Fallen Princess couldn't help but shudder.

She secretly glanced at her master's cold eyes, and she was so frightened that her legs weakened.

Die, die, die!

Lord Wuhan must be planning to silence him.


I haven’t had enough of handsome men and beautiful women.

Fallen Princess sobbed silently in her heart, feeling aggrieved like a beautiful female ghost who was hundreds of years old.

The two ghosts each have their own thoughts.

Jon was also calculating silently in his mind.

Although it is possible to directly kill Demon Slayer Muzan, but this will not obtain the fate points of each member of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Spreading your fingers and counting, except for Onimusuji Muzan himself and the "Sixth Upper String" Fallen Princess.

Other waxing ghost moons include:

‘One of the Upper Strings’, the elder brother of Enichi Kuni, the user of the Breath of the Moon, Black Death Mou.

‘Second String’, the leader of the Eternal Bliss Sect, was born with crumbs and was a child’s grinder.

‘The fourth string’, the ghost of the clone, the half-tengu.

‘Wing Xian No. 5’, a jade pot with abnormal behavior and strange shape that makes people crazy.

In addition to the famous ghosts mentioned above, there are also ghosts like "Ningnu" and "Zhouyue" who have the strength of the upper string ghost moon, but do not have the status of the upper string ghost moon.

In Jon's eyes, these are all extremely fragrant destiny points!

Shake his head.

He waved to Fallen Princess, "Don't just sit there stupidly. Since you are the oiran, play me a little song from your hometown to cheer me up."

Fallen Princess:.

Although she doesn’t quite understand what the little song from her hometown is, shamisen is a basic skill that every wandering girl must have, and she will naturally know it.

Bowing to salute, the Fallen Princess picked up the unique musical instrument covered with cat skin under Jon's gaze, and sang acapella: "Sakura blossoms, cherry blossoms, under the blue sky in March."

Yes, this tastes so right.

Jon raised his lips.

This kind of style made Oniwu Tsuji Muzan secretly despise him.

It's so stupid to hold so much power, but not think about ruling and dominating, only listening to music and having fun.

The "capacity" is limited, far less than mine!

Onibutsuji Muzan was balanced.

The fallen girl who was singing suddenly noticed that Lord Wuhan seemed to be very happy, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath in her heart.


Could it be that the King of Ghosts has finally awakened the "female" in his heart? !

After teasing (tossing) the two ghosts for a while, Jon's evil taste was satisfied. He hooked his fingers and used a secret method to contact Yuzhuang Tianyuan's ninja beast.

It didn't take long for Uzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yoshiyuki to receive a summons from Jon.

The two of them hurried to the Kyogoku House. After meeting, they went straight to the private room without saying a word.

Push the door open.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan and Fallen Princess looked at the door at the same time.

The hair on the hairs of Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yoshiyuki suddenly stood up!

It is worth mentioning that Oniibutsuji Muzan and Fallen Princess did not manifest the true form of evil spirits.

In other words, in the eyes of Tomioka Giyu and Yuzhuang Tianyuan, those two extremely beautiful women are just ordinary people.

But their battle instincts, which have been tempered for thousands of years, allowed them to judge instantly

——The so-called ‘ordinary’ does not exist!

"Tianyuan, Yiyong, you are here."

Seeing the two 'Pillars' putting their hands on the hilts of their knives, Jon spoke first.

After hearing Jon's voice, Oniwu Tsuji Muzan and Feng Ji quickly lowered their heads.

Demon Slayer is not scary.

The Demon Slayer Captain is nothing special.

The fatal one is the exorcist!


Yu Zhuan Tianyuan was a little confused.

As he spoke, he stared at Fallen Princess and Demon Dance Tsuji Muzan, "What is going on now? This is not gorgeous at all."

Tomioka Giyu said nothing, but his expression was colder than usual.

Jon spread his hands and said, "What else could it be like? I found the ghost hiding in Yoshiwara."

Hearing this, Tomioka Giyu and Uzhuan Tianyuan decisively drew their swords.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan and Fallen Princess looked at the two of them expressionlessly.

The atmosphere was solemn.

Suddenly, Jon scolded: "Hey! What are you two looking at? Be honest!"

Uzuki Tengen \u0026 Tomioka Giyu:? ? ?

Waiting for reply.

Onimusuji Muzan and Feng Ji quickly calmed down the hostility in their eyes.

Uzuki Tengen \u0026 Tomioka Giyu:! ! !

I bet ‘you two’ refers to two ghosts?

Jon patted the floor beside him, "Come, sit down next to me, and I will tell you about the next steps."

Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yiyong looked at each other and approached with caution.

After clearing his throat, Jon introduced the Fallen Princess and Oni Tsuji Muzan to the two of them, "As you can see, they are the ghosts hidden in Yoshiwara Yuguo.

This one is Jiro, and that one is Fallen Princess. "


Fallen Princess?

Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yoshiyuki said one after another without letting down their guard at all.

"Mentor, these two guys are very dangerous and need to be killed as soon as possible."

"My meaning is consistent with Tianyuan."

Jon waved his hand, "There's no rush."

He looked at the two ghosts and said, "Go outside and call some good-looking people to come drink with my brother."

Hearing this, Oniwu Tsuji Muzan and Takumi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they also knew that Jon was deliberately trying to scare them away, they were satisfied as long as they could stay away from this man who exuded a dangerous aura, even if it was just for a while.

The two ghosts stood up without saying a word.

Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yiyong looked at each other with stern eyes, "The mission of eradicating evil is over!"

"Teacher, let me make a gorgeous decision here!"

Jon seemed to see what the two of them were thinking, and said: "It doesn't matter, I made special marks on them. No matter where they are in the world, as long as I think about it, I can search for their location and teleport them back to where they came from." There is no need to worry about them running away."

Hearing this, Oniitsuji Muzan and Feng Ji looked extremely ugly.

Jon pretended that he couldn't see him, and said with a faint smile: "In three quarters of an hour, I want to see you again, as well as some of the best courtesans in Yoshiwara. Is that okay?"

Damn the exorcist, he treated me like a servant?

I swear to God, Muzan Kibutsuji really wants to give it a go and defend his dignity as a "king" with his life!

But in fact, what he said was——

"No problem, you will definitely be satisfied."

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan and Fallen Princess left.

Gently, without taking away a single cloud.

Jon waved his hand to block out all exploration.


He turned sideways and said very seriously: "Don't ask, just listen to me first."

Tomioka Yoshiyong and Yuzhuang Tianyuan, who were full of doubts, immediately stopped talking.

After thinking about his wording, Jon deliberately lowered his voice and said: "The ghost who poured me wine just now is Muzan Onibatsuji."

ghost! dance! Tsuji! none! awful!

Hearing this name, even a man like Tomioka Giyuu changed his expression.

Yuzhuang Tianyuan tensed up even more, stretching all the muscles in his body, "Teacher, are you talking about that Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan?"


The ultimate goal of the Demon Slayer Corps for hundreds of years.

King of Ghosts

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai.

Were you in the same room as me just now?

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan was both excited and scared.

"That's right, the ghost with the alias 'Jiro', if nothing else, is the ghost Wu Tsuji Muzai our Demon Slayer Team has been looking for." Jon nodded, "As for the Fallen Princess, it should be a certain Uegeki Tsuji. .”

Ghost King!

Waxing ghost moon!

Who would have thought that such a dangerous thing could be hidden in Yoshiwara Yuguo!

Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yoshiyong looked solemn and said, "If that's the case, why didn't you take action just now?"

"Master Mentor, I am ready to fight to the death."

Jon shook his head, "I don't doubt your determination, but have you ever thought about what will happen to the ordinary wandering girls in Yoshiwara once a war breaks out here?

To put it bluntly, even if you don’t have to worry about others, are you two sure that you can defeat Muzan Kibutsuji?"

Ah this

Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yoshiyuki were speechless.

That was the legendary ghost king who poisoned the world.

No matter how confident they were in their own strength, they did not dare to pat their chests and guarantee that Muzan Kibutsuji would not be their opponent.

Scanning the expressions of the two people, Jon sighed lightly, "To be honest, I am very confident that I can get rid of Muzan Kibutsuji, but Yoshiwara Yuguo may not be spared, and this place is not the best place for a decisive battle.

The right time, right place and right people are indispensable.

That’s why I pretended not to recognize their roots, just so I wouldn’t alert them. "

As he spoke, he raised his head slightly and said, "In other words, you two must cooperate with me and act like you don't know what to do.

When the time is right, they will try to contact the Demon Slayer Headquarters, gather the troops, and finally complete the battle.

All in all, the advantage is mine! "

Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yiyong suddenly became enlightened.

Best regards, instructor!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Oni Wu Tsuji Mumei didn't speak, so Naoki naturally didn't dare to speak.

The two walked in silence.

Suddenly, Oniitsuji Muzan ordered: "Douji, you should leave Yoshihara immediately."


Fallen Princess was stunned.

But when she met her master's eyes, she had no choice but to respond: "As commanded."

As soon as he finished speaking, he returned to his true appearance as an evil ghost, and disappeared at the end of the street.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan silently calculated the time in his heart.

When the count reached one hundred, the figure of Fallen Princess suddenly appeared, with a look of horror on her face: "Master Wuhan, what are you doing?"

Kibutsuji Mumei was not surprised and said calmly, "It should be some kind of space spell, nothing unusual."

Fallen Princess lowered her head timidly.

She can also put people into her belt, so she is no stranger to space-related abilities.

It seems the exorcist wasn't lying.

As long as the mark is still there, even if you run away to the ends of the earth, you can't escape the opponent's grasp.

At this time, Oniwu Tsuji smiled suddenly.

"Falling Princess, release your brother."

Fallen Princess blinked her eyes and obeyed obediently.

All of a sudden.

The scrawny and stooped prostitute Taro appeared in the shadows holding two blood sickles.

Onimbutsuji Muzan said to the prostitute Taro: "Leave Yoshiwara, go find my personal maid, and ask her to gather all the Onizuki except Hantengu and Tamado in my name."

The prostitute Taro seemed very hesitant and spoke in a hoarse voice, "Master Wuhan, you are my sister."

"Are you going to disobey my order?" Oniwu Tsuji Muzan's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

The suppression of blood made Taro the prostitute swallow the rest of his words.

He looked at Fallen Girl reluctantly.

Fallen Princess pursed her lips, "Brother, you have also seen about the exorcist. Lord Wuhan and I were marked by his spell and could not escape.

Now, you are our only hope. "

Onimusuji Muzan then said: "When you escape successfully, whether it is you or the fallen princess, I will give you blood without hesitation, so that you can gain more power."

The prostitute Taro thought for a moment and said respectfully: "I understand, Lord Wuhan."

After saying that, he looked deeply at his sister and said, "Falling Princess, take good care of yourself."

"It's really annoying. If you don't die, I won't die." Fallen Girl pretended to be impatient.

The prostitute Taro didn't know how to respond, so he scratched his face with his claws.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai felt tired for a while, but he had to endure it.

Finally, the prostitute Taro quietly left Yoshihara Yuguo without alerting anyone.

Boss Zuan finally felt relieved.

That way, there's nothing to be afraid of.

As for Yuhu and Hantengu who were pushed out as scapegoats.

who cares?

Feeling great.

Kibutsuji Muzan and Feng Ji used some shady means to finally summon all the high-ranking courtesans in Yoshiwara.

Yingying Yanyan, it can be called a desperate situation.

Return to the private room.

Jon's eyes lit up, he put his hands on his hands and smiled, "In this case, this trip will be worthwhile."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki is calm and collected.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan is serious about words and expressions.

The two of them knelt and sat next to Jon in a very formal manner, as if they were personal guards.

Onimbutsuji Mumei deliberately let down the vigilance of Jon and the two demon slayer captains, and deliberately let the fallen princess take care of him personally.

Even though she was unwilling in her heart, she had no choice but to force a smile and said, "Sir, drink."

Jon glanced at her and grabbed the other party's belt, "Don't rush to drink. Why don't we do something else."

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of Tomioka Yoshiyuki and Yuzhuan Tianyuan instantly became very subtle.

Master Tutor, you don’t want to


Ning Caichen's behavior is undesirable.

It is impossible for Jon, the ultimate creature who rides his horse and whips on the road to becoming a god, to have any lust for a man-eating evil ghost.

He was seen stroking Fallen Princess's belt and wrote lightly: "You still have a lot of people hiding in here, do you want to keep them as snacks?

Fallen Princess, you are very naughty. "

Words are gentle.

His actions showed no mercy.

Countless golden arcs shone and poured into Fallen Girl's body.

This 'Sixth Winding' didn't have time to quibble, he was electrocuted by the ripples and fell forward and back, and was about to die before his eyes.

‘Pa’ ‘Pa’ ‘Pa’

Unable to maintain the vampire magic, amidst the screams of the oirans, a rain of people began to fall in the room.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan's sharp eyes saw his three wives at once.

"Hinazuru, Makio, Suma!"

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