A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 198 Yoshihara Yuguo·First encounter

Since you have decided to go to Yoshiwara Yuguo, sister Nezuko must not be able to accompany you.

——For children, it’s still too early to spend time in the streets!

After Ubuyashiki Yōya left, only Qiaoen and Uzuki Tengen were left in the backyard.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan hesitated for a while and said truthfully: "Teacher, to be honest, the reason why I am eager to go to Youguo actually has something to do with my three wives."

I, Yu Zhuan Tianyuan, am the winner in life.

I have three (emphasis added) wives!

It turns out that in order to explore intelligence, Yuzhuang Tianyuan's three wives, Chuhe, Mako, and Suma, had already secretly gone to Youguo.

Not long ago, the three of them broke off contact with Yuzhuan Tianyuan at the same time.

No need to think about it, there must have been an accident!

Jon thought for a moment and said, "Without further delay, we will set off immediately."

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan shook his head, "I think it's best for us to find another companion."

Three wives are lurking in Sanjia Goulan, how can two people find them?

Jon suggested: "How about asking Xingshou Lang for help?"

"Xingshou Lang's character will definitely expose his behavior." Yuzhuang Tianyuan pinched his eyebrows, "It's best to find a guy who doesn't like to talk and is very capable."

After saying that, the two looked at each other.

Suddenly happiness reaches the soul.

A name was spoken in unison.

Yoshihara Yuguo.

The city that never sleeps.

The streets and alleys are brightly lit.

Before entering, the rich fragrance of powder in the air hit your face, making you unable to open your eyes.

Tomioka Giyuu still kept his face paralyzed, turned around and asked: "So, where are we going?"

"Well, don't worry." Yu Zhuan Tianyuan, who had changed his outfit, said: "Before we start taking action, we have to decide on the place and time to meet, as well as emergency contact information."

"Isn't there a gun crow?" Tomioka Giyuu said calmly.

"I've said it all~ Don't alert the enemy." Yu Zhuan Tianyuan pointed to the surrounding environment, "No matter how you think about it, things like blunderbuss and crows don't fit in with the style here."

Tomioka Giyu:.

At this time, Jon said: "We will meet at the highest point of Yoshiwara every day at three quarters noon. Is that okay?"

Tomioka Giyu and Yuzhuang Tianyuan nodded.

"As for the contact information, Tianyuan, don't you have a Ninja Beast? Just use that one." Jon said, pointing to the ground, "No one would suspect a mere rat."

Yuzhuang Tianyuan's ninja beasts 'Muscle Rats' - a group of noble rats with a unique style of painting, can be used to carry long knives, let alone convey messages.

The corner of Yu Zhuan Tianyuan's lips raised slightly, "That's it!"

Beside him, Tomioka Giyuu still kept his face paralyzed and said nothing.

After determining the meeting time, location and contact information, a new question posed before the three of them.

"Master Tutor chooses first."

"I have no opinion."

"No, no, no, you should choose first."

".Okay, then I'll go to Tokitoya."

"I choose Ogimotoya."

In the end, the investigation task of 'Kyogoku House' naturally fell on Jon.

Jon blinked.

These two are lucky.

Perfectly avoids the correct option.

never mind.

After working for such a long time, it’s time to relax. It would be nice to let Shangxian Guiyue accompany me for a few drinks.

Wave goodbye.

The three of them walked in different directions.

Tall, well-dressed, and with an exotic appearance, Jon quickly attracted the attention of major stores.

The mamasangs waved.

Jon didn't even look at it and went straight to the 'Kyogoku House'.

As a famous gourmet attraction in Yoshiwara, Kyogokuya has long been famous among flower-seekers. Especially the oiran ‘Fern Ji’, everyone knows about her.

Jon’s target is exactly this ‘Fern Princess’!

Once inside.

He showed great generosity.

He waved his hand and scattered dozens of gold cakes.


The sound of gold falling to the ground is so sweet.

The girls in the hall were dumbfounded.

The next second.

These women with heavy makeup were like sharks that smelled blood, rushing over to them.

"My lord! My lord! I am Komachi, sir, please look at me!"

"Tonight, I would like to offer my pillow mat."

"A moment of spring is worth a thousand pieces of gold, sir."

In the Gold Sales Cave, whoever has money is a guest.

The atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic!

Surrounded by the women, Jon said nothing.

Scanning around indifferently, his expression condensed, exuding an icy aura that could almost turn into substance.

Although those wandering girls are limited in appearance, they are used to paying attention to their words and expressions. When they saw Jon's expression, they knew that this was a master who was not easy to serve.

At this moment, the landlady approached with a smile, pretending to be angry and said: "What are you doing, scaring away the distinguished guests? Can you afford it?"

After looking at the other party, Jon firmly grasped the character and said concisely, "Let Fern Princess come and accompany me."


It's because of the fame.

The landlady was overjoyed at first.

Then, he showed a troubled expression and said, "Excuse me, distinguished guest, Fern Princess has a guest today."

Jon raised the corners of his mouth, and like magic, scattered dozens more gold cakes.


The proprietress and all the traveling ladies were overjoyed.

However, no one dared to bend down to pick it up.

"I'm not trying to offend you, but Fern Ji does have a guest today." The landlady rubbed her hands, "How about you come back tomorrow?"

Jon was silent for a second, then raised his head, wanting to see who was behind the scenes.

Unexpectedly, when he looked out, he saw a 'familiar' figure.


Jon laughed.

"Distinguished guest."

Seeing Jon smiling, the landlady thought he had agreed to his request to come back tomorrow.

Before he finished speaking, Jon's face turned cold and he said word by word: "Tonight, I must see Fern Princess, and I will pay you any amount of gold."




Young Master Qiao has a lot of money! Tactical fallback.jpg

‘I will give you as much gold as you want’

Hearing this, the boss lady's throat visibly moved.

What a great guy.

If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Gritting his teeth.

Stomp your feet.

She tentatively said: "How about I go ask Fern Ji?"

Jon raised his chin slightly, "Go and come back quickly."


The landlady immediately beamed with joy.

Saying that, he was about to trot upstairs.

"Wait!" Jon suddenly said.

The landlady turned back at a loss, "Dear guest?"

"Pick up the gold, don't touch my feet." Jon said calmly when he met the other person's eyes.

On showing off.

He is professional~

‘Kyogoku House’, elegant room.

"Well done, Fallen Princess." Kibutsuji Muzan chuckled, "I'm very satisfied with your performance."

Fallen Princess, who went by the pseudonym ‘Fern Princess’, showed a happy expression, “I am so happy to be able to work for Master Wuhan.”


Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan nodded.

Fallen Princess was about to say something.

The ghost king with blood-red eyes turned pale inexplicably.

Although it was only for a short second, Fallen Princess still saw it.

She was shocked and said: "Master Wuhan?!"

Tsuji Muzan waved his hand, "It's okay, it's just recently."

He originally wanted to say, ‘I feel the wind and cold’.

But then I thought about it, ghosts can't get sick, let alone catch a cold, so I had to tell the truth: "I should be... cursed."


Some kind of vampirism?

Fallen Ji gritted her teeth and said: "Whoever betrayed you, I will cut him into pieces!"

Hearing this, Onibutsuji Muzan couldn't help but laugh, "Douji, I feel your loyalty, but you should also know that no ghost can betray me."

Not wanting to continue the conversation on this topic, he put on the majesty of a ghost king and said, "It's just some inferior spells, nothing to do with me!"


With Muzan Kibutsuji's physique, even if he cannot be called the "Ultimate Creature", he can still be regarded as the "Ultimate Creature Youth Version".

The "misfortune" that was transferred from time to time would at best give him a chill of confusion.

Fallen Princess shut her mouth honestly.


The two ghosts looked at the door at the same time.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but guest, there is a distinguished guest outside who said that he wants to see Fernhime tonight no matter what, you see"

There is a saying that it is against the rules for the boss lady to do this.

But making money is not shabby.

Onibatsuji Muzan sneered and joked to Fallen Princess: "It seems you are really popular."

Sometimes, the Ghost King's smile is more terrifying than his angry gaze.

Fallen Ji immediately knelt down and touched her head to the ground, "Master Wuhan, please calm down, I will go and get rid of that guy who doesn't know how to live or die."

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan shook his head slightly, "Forget it, I just stopped by to check on you."

who I am?

Ghost King!

How can you be like a mere ant?

He stood up and said: "Since someone is willing to spend a lot of money for you, then you should go and meet him."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Next time you come, tell me how it tastes."

Said he didn't care.

In fact, I still care about it.

The boss is as good as his name.

He thought well.

Some people just refused to let him get what he wanted.

Just about to leave.

There was a conversation outside the door.

"Dear guest, how could you go upstairs without permission?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Don't dare, it's just Fern Princess"

"Get out of the way and get out of the way."

With a 'bang', the door was opened with great force.

Jon stepped into the house.

Once inside.

He then saw the beautiful Fallen Princess and the frost-faced Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan's forehead veins twitched violently.

Merely human.

How dare you be rude in front of the Ghost King?

Fallen Princess also has a similar expression.

A faint flower-shaped inscription was faintly visible on her cheek, and her eyes were extremely cold.

"Dignified guest!"

The landlady also didn't expect that Jon, who seemed to have an extraordinary status, could do such a rude thing.

Mr. Joestar, the senior social cow, didn't bother to pay attention to the opinions of others.

He was like the most ordinary flower hunter, staring at Fallen Princess lustfully, as if he wanted to carve out a piece of her flesh.

Fallen Ji subconsciously twitched the corners of her mouth.

Feeling the emotions of his men, Kibutsuji Muzan pondered for a moment and said proactively: "Ah, I was really shocked. I didn't expect anyone to come in."

The conversation changed.

"But Your Excellency, are you being too rude? I am the guest of Mrs. Warabihime, right?"


No misfortunes sama.

It would be a shame not to win a statuette for your acting skills!

Jon stared at Wuhan arrogantly, "Where did the wild dog come from, barking in front of me!"

Popular translation: What are you barking at?

It's like Dragon Turtle opening E.

Taunt + Armor Break

Wuhan was charged on the spot.

"Interesting," he said, "no one has dared to speak like that in front of me for many years."

Jon was afraid that the other party would not take action, so he repeated three times in a row, "Wild dogs, wild dogs, wild dogs."

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan:

Can I bear this injustice? I just practiced grappling.

Taking a step forward, he came to Jon.


All right.

Because of his height, Oniitsuji Muzan was at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Jon stretched out his hand and pressed it on Kibutsuji Muzan's hat, "If you're short, don't wander around. Go home and farm."

As long as you don't die.

Just go to death!

Wu Kai's face twisted in anger.

At this moment, no identity or hiding matter anymore!

Go to hell you ant!

Jon is like a spirit.

As soon as he saw Kibutsuji Muzan's expression, he knew that the other party couldn't help but want to take action.

So, he took out a flower hairpin first and said with a smile: "Fern Girl, don't pay attention to this boring man anymore. Come and see the gift I gave you. This blue flower is made of precious stones. Do you like it?"

"Blue Higanhua"!

In an instant, all the anger of Oniwu Tsuji Mukai dissipated.

He turned his head, stared at the flower hairpin in Jon's hand feverishly, and asked, "Where did you know this kind of flower?"

With a thought, mental control is activated.

Jon was not affected at all and waved his hand: "Can you care? Get out of here."

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan:? ? ?

It shouldn't be.

Why do my spells fail on mortals?

Calm down.

He looked at Jon carefully.

Meeting Kibutsuji Muzan's eyes, Jon smiled and said, "Have you seen enough?"

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan was silent for a while and said, "Are you a foreigner?"

Could it be that my spell is only effective on domestic people and not on foreigners?

The Ghost King fell into deep self-doubt.

Jon was very cooperative with him and instantly switched to the role of 'foreign master', "Humph, you just know."

In this way, "Blue Higanbana" is very precious in neon, and it is not uncommon abroad.

Oniitsuji Muzan vaguely felt that he had discovered the truth of the matter.


There was a surge of ecstasy in his heart.

I told you earlier.

If I had known that this was the case, why would I bother living in this small country? If I had gone to sea earlier, everything would have been settled?

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Jon deliberately said: "Country bumpkin, I'm not afraid to tell you that this kind of flower is everywhere in my plantation."

The other party said something after that, but Kibutsuji Mumei didn't hear it.

All he heard was, 'everywhere'.

God is pitiful.

Searching for hundreds of years.

He, Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan, was finally freed from the restrictions of ghosts and returned to the sun in an upright manner.

Fallen Princess was completely dumbfounded.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to do.

Fortunately, Wumei City is quite deep, and he used his eyes to signal Duo Ji not to act rashly.

Fallen Princess understood and pretended to greet her: "It's so beautiful. Guest, can you please bring it for me?"

"Of course." Jon walked towards Fallen Princess with a smirk as if there was no such thing as Wuhan.

The Fallen Girl resisted the urge to kill and looked at Jon's face pretending to be shy.

So handsome~

Such a person must taste delicious.

In the blind spot of Jon's sight, Fallen Girl quietly licked her lips.

I really want to take a bite.

(Tomorrow is May Day. The author wishes everyone a happy holiday and asks for a day off, okay?)

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