A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 189 The Eagle Team stays and the Twelve Ninjas reunite again

It turns out

——No matter how many resurrection coins you have, you still can't pass the high-level dungeon.

Danzo is dead.

Cause of death, overconfidence.

after one day.

The Country of Fire, Konoha Ninja Village.

'Hokage's Office'

"Danzo's rebellion has come to an end, Jiraiya, I have decided to let you take over the ANBU temporarily."

Crossing her fingers on the table, Tsunade spoke in a tone that could not be refused.

Hearing this, Jiraiya's expression fell, "Tsuna, you also know my temper."

Before he finished speaking, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Tsunade.

"Stop being so verbose, just go if I tell you to!"

After being scolded, Jiraiya was speechless.

Tsunade was silent for a moment, then said in a slightly slower tone: "Jiraiya, I know you are not the best candidate to take over ANBU, but you are the person I trust the most.

At least until Kakashi hands over the task of protecting Naruto, you can do me a favor by going to ANBU to sit in charge for a while, okay? "


Of course!

Being asked by his beloved woman, Jiraiya patted his chest without thinking, "Don't worry, with my 'white-haired boy' Jiraiya-sama here, the ANBU will never be in chaos!"


Men are so easy to deal with~

Tsunade raised the corners of her mouth, feeling as if she had eaten honey. It was so sweet.

But now is not the time for Nuiwai. With a solemn expression, she added: "By the way, Jiraiya, can you talk to me about Jon again?"

"Jon?" Jiraiya was a little confused, "What's wrong with Brother Jon? Is it him!"

Tsunade shook her head, "No, Jon didn't do anything bad to me or Konoha.

In fact, the success of this Five Shadows Talk depends entirely on Jon alone. "

Immediately afterwards, she truthfully told Jiraiya about Jon's glorious record.

Hearing that 'Brother Jon' had captured Madara Uchiha and crushed Danzo Shimura who wanted to rebel on the way back, even though Jiraiya was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He scratched his face and laughed dryly: "A Gang, I have told you before that Brother Qiaoen does not seem to be from our world. The Great Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain also said that it is impossible to see through Brother Qiaoen. Brother's destiny.

This sounds ridiculous, but it is most likely the truth.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why he is so powerful.

That kind of cheating strength can probably catch up with the legendary 'Ninja God' Senju Hashirama-sama. "

Tsunade thought about it carefully and shook her head, "No, although my grandfather is also very strong, Jon gives me the feeling that even though he has achieved many shocking achievements, he still has some leftover power."

The unknown is always the scariest thing.

If the threat from the Akatsuki Organization and ‘Uchiha Madara’ hadn’t been visible to the naked eye,

Tsunade took a deep breath and forced down the uneasiness in her heart.

Jiraiya patted her shoulder and said, "Tsuna, don't tire yourself too much. Don't forget that you still have me."

"Jiraiya." Tsunade showed a rare gentle expression.

Jiraiya understood and lowered his head slightly.

The lips collide, the beauty is infinite.

outside the door.

The single Shizune was crying without tears while holding a stack of documents.

I've said it so many times.

No one will object to your romance.

At least close the door!

the other side.

Single-family house.

"I said, if you don't go back to the Uchiha family, why are you joining in the fun here with me?" Jon lay on his side on the ground with a look of confusion on his face, "Don't you want to let me go?"

Sasuke was too lazy to continue and said, "I want to see Koso and Jugo."

Oh, I see.

Jon said he understood and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the door to the ‘Kamiwei Space’ opened, and Xiang Lu, Zhong Wu and Sui Yue were summoned by him.

"Sasuke, are you okay!"

"Great, I finally got out of that hellish place."

"Sasuke-sama. Ahem, I mean, Sasuke."

Returning to the real world, the three members of the 'Eagle Squad' behaved differently.

Sasuke raised his lips slightly.

Immediately, he returned to his usual cold demeanor, "Everyone, long time no see."

Suigetsu glanced at the surrounding environment, then looked at Jon who was lying on the ground looking like a salted fish, and lowered his voice: "Hey, Sasuke, where are you? Who is that guy?"

Although Xiang Lu and Zhong Wu didn't speak, the confusion in their eyes was no less than that of Sui Yue.

Think for a moment.

Sasuke said calmly, "This is Konoha.

As for that guy, his name is Jon, he is my savior."

After a pause, he added: "With half a master."

A savior?

Half a master?

What's going on!

The three people in Shuiyue were still puzzled.

Sasuke did not continue to explain, but changed the subject, "Anyway, a lot of things happened, and now I have returned to Konoha, and I have succeeded in revenge against Danzo Shimura.

The reason why I want to see you is to talk to you about my future plans. "

To put it bluntly, Sasuke didn't handle this matter properly.

The 'Snake Squad' was originally established to kill Itachi Uchiha.

Later, the 'Snake Squad' was renamed the 'Eagle Squad', and its purpose became to avenge Itachi and destroy Konoha.

The result was good.

The Kingdom of Iron has come full circle.

The team members were almost hammered to death by the irritable brother Raikage.

I finally spent a few days cultivating in the ‘Shenwei Space’.

As soon as they came out, Captain Zuo Er Shao suddenly told them, "Guess what? I've finished my revenge, buddy, and I'm going home to take over the family property."

It would be impossible to deal with it directly to Shuiyue and others.

The three of them couldn't help but look at each other.

For a moment, I didn't know how to speak.

Sasuke said: "If you want to leave, I will never stop you. If you want to stay, come back to the Uchiha family with me. You also know that there is plenty of room there."

Straight man.

Straight man!

He obviously felt very reluctant to part with her, but he still pretended to be indifferent.

Jon couldn't stand it any longer and interjected: "What Xiaoyou means is that you guys have nowhere to go, so why not rebuild the Uchiha family with him.

Anyway, the clan land has been taken back from the top management of Konoha. To be fair, this guy is one of the richest people now. If you want to take advantage of him, hurry up. There is no shop like this in this village. "

This is very straightforward.

Too straightforward.

Sasuke's expression was a bit unnatural, but he did not correct Jon.

Xiang Lu pushed up his glasses, trying to pretend to be indifferent.

However, her trembling hands had already revealed her mood at this time.

'Rebuilding the Uchiha family'

Does it mean that you want to have many cute babies with her?


As long as Sasuke asks, she won't refuse.

A stream of unsatisfactory saliva drooled from the corner of Xiang Ling's mouth, which was trapped in delusion.


Shuiyue covered her forehead helplessly.

Having said that, he originally left Kirigakure Village to collect seven ninja swords.

Now, not only was the sword confiscated, but the beheading sword was also lost.


The road ahead is bumpy.

Compared with Suigetsu, Jugo doesn't have any psychological barriers.

He considered Sasuke his lifelong friend.

And secretly vowed in his heart that he would protect Sasuke wholeheartedly.

Wherever Sasuke is, he is naturally there.

There was silence for a while.

Kaoru and Jugo expressed their intention to go to the Uchiha clan with Sasuke.

Shuiyue hesitated for a long time and sighed: "Swords, I still want the Ninja sword. Even if I can't collect all seven, just give me two, no, just one."

Sasuke looked at Suigetsu, took off his Kusanagi sword, and handed it over silently.

"Ah this."

Shuiyue was stunned.

Although the Seven Ninja Swords are famous, Sasuke's Kusanagi Sword is not ordinary either.

While his mind was in turmoil, Jon seemed to have thought of something, and reached into his fourth-dimensional pocket to pull out a long knife that had not been used for a long time.

It was obtained from the twenty-one skills of the sharp sword in Xi Liu's hands: Thunderstorm.

"Take it."

Shuiyue's eyes immediately straightened when he saw the 'thunderstorm'.

He unconsciously dropped the Kusanagi sword and tremblingly took the sword that shone with a strange red light. He said in disbelief: "Is it really possible? Are you willing to give me a famous sword of this level?"

The twenty-one skills of the Great Knife are indeed the top treasures in the world.

But for Jon, this thing is not usually used, and it still takes up space in the fourth-dimensional pocket. It is better to sell Sasuke a favor and build a relationship between master and disciple.

Sasuke looked at Kusanagi Sword lying on the ground, his face was so dark.

However, considering that Suigetsu was so happy that he almost collapsed into a ball of confused liquid, he pursed his lips and chose to remain silent, quietly picking up the Kusanagi sword.

Everyone is happy with the result.

All members of the 'Eagle Squad' join the Uchiha family.

Sasuke felt warm in his heart.

Just as he was about to say something, Jon clapped his hands and said, "Okay, don't look at what time it is now. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Don't disturb me when I sleep!"


Sasuke has been dealing with Jon for the longest time, and he knows that this guy cannot be speculated based on common sense.

He winked at Xiang Lu and others, and left the single-family courtyard.

Before leaving, Sasuke stood on the wall, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said: "I have recorded what happened today. I will be a guest of the Uchiha clan when I have time tomorrow, and I will entertain you well."

Jon didn't respond and waved his hand to show that he heard.

Three black lines appeared on Sasuke's forehead.

This guy.

Sure enough, it was still as unpleasant as ever.

the next day.

Anyway, it was idle time. After breakfast, Jon wandered to the Uchiha clan land far away from the center of Konoha.

Since the Uchiha clan was wiped out, the property and land here have actually been taken over by Konoha's top brass. Before Sasuke defected, out of the spirit of humanity, he only left him a small amount of wealth.

Now, Sasuke is back.

And he came back with the support of the 'Mangekyō Sharingan' and Tsunade.

Coupled with the invisible threat of Jon, the 'named master'.

The top management of Konoha did not dare to continue to withhold the property belonging to the Uchiha family, and handed over the land and mansion to Sasuke again.

In this regard, Jon's evaluation is that if you are not good at fighting and developing, you will be the first to adapt to the situation.

Mito Menitis, Koharu moved to bed.

The old wall is full of grass.

Of course, this was an internal matter of the Konoha Ninja Village, and it was hard for him as an outsider to say anything.

Back to business.

Entering the Uchiha clan, Jon was surprised to find that in addition to Sasuke and the 'Eagle Squad', there were many familiar people here.

Team 7, headed by Naruto.

Team 5, headed by Neji.

Team 8, led by Kiba Inuzuka.

Even Busy Man Shikamaru and Team 10 came.

Seeing Jon, Naruto said excitedly: "Hey! Brother Jon, here, here!"

Jon approached the group with his hands in his pockets.

Along the way, Xiao Li, Neji and others who had received more or less guidance from Jon all said hello.

"Teacher Jon! Good morning!"

"Sir Jon."

"Brother Qiaoen, here, here."

Jon smiled and nodded in response.

At this time, Sakura, who was wrapped in a triangle towel, came out of a certain room and said unexpectedly: "Teacher Jon, are you here to help clean up too?"


Jon blinked and looked at Sasuke, who had a cold expression on his face.

Sasuke snorted, "I didn't invite them here."

Opening the dictionary named 'Uchiha Sasuke', between the lines, there are two words written on every page - 'Tsundere'.

Jon was unimpressed.

Tsundere, one more pillar is not too much, and one few pillar is too few.

Sakura came over mysteriously and gently pulled Jon's sleeve, "Teacher Jon, I want to ask you something."

"Huh?" Jon thought something was wrong, and his expression was slightly grim.

Sakura bit her lip and said, "Who is the woman with red hair and glasses? Why does Sasuke seem to have a good relationship with her?"

Hearing this, Jon's lips curved into a smirk, "Who else could it be? Your love rival. She plans to give birth to a baby for Sasuke."

Sakura:! ! ! ! !

First of all, let me make it clear that I am not a romantic person. I am happier than anyone else that Sasuke can return to Konoha.

Secondly, I would like to emphasize again that I am not a love brain. The reason why I have been obsessed with Sasuke all these years is entirely because I don’t want to torture Naruto with promises anymore.

at last.

A damn woman dares to steal a man from me?


Oh no.

Brother Ying, you are angry!

Sasuke, who was talking to Suigetsu, felt a chill for no reason, as if he was being targeted by some wild beast.

He turned back warily, his Sharingan moving wildly, but he didn't detect any clues.

Shuiyue asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Sasuke, who was trapped in the 'Shura Field' without realizing it, shook his head, "It's nothing."

The topic continued, "The dust problem in each house is left to you."

Shuiyue, who was carrying 'Thunderstorm', slapped his chest and said, "Don't worry, I learned Water Release just for now!"


Ninjas are not all wooden heads.

At least there are normal people who know how to use ninjutsu to bring convenience to their lives.

Jon secretly gave Shuiyue a thumbs up.

Not far away, Shikamaru and Neji were gathered together.

"Really, if it weren't for Naruto's sake, I wouldn't bother to come here."

"Well, they are partners at the same time after all, and Sasuke actually protected the Hokage during the terrible incident of Danzo's rebellion. This is an undoubted fact, isn't it?"

"When did you start looking at that guy like this?"

"No, I just feel that a war is about to begin. Every additional strength Konoha has, the more likely it is to win against the Akatsuki organization. I have personally seen the power of the 'Mangekyo Sharingan', it is very strong!"

The two chatted endlessly.

At this moment, a beautiful blue-haired woman approached quietly.

Jon turned his head as if feeling something, just in time to look at the woman.

First he was stunned.

Then, he asked rather gentlemanly: "Sister, who are you looking for?"

The woman spoke expressionlessly.

"Looking for you."

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