A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 185 So, why not farm?

‘Do you want Yuanye Lin to be resurrected? ’

Upon hearing this, Obito was silent at first.

Then, he laughed wantonly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Laughter continued to echo in the ‘Divine Power Space’.

Jon nodded secretly.

He is worthy of being one of the ‘Four Laughing Uchiha Heroes’, he is indeed quite magical!

After laughing enough, Obito took off the mask on his face, revealing his hideous face covered with scars, "Although I don't know your background, are you looking down on me?

Resurrection Lin?

that kind of thing

I can do it too! "

The moment he finished speaking, Obito launched the attack without hesitation.

His hands quickly formed seals.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Jon did not dodge, a touch of gold quietly appeared between his eyebrows,

Facing the scorching flames, he put his hands in his pockets and blew out a simple breath.


Under the blessing of "Sage Mode", ordinary breathing actually exerts the effect of A-level ninjutsu.

Obito's pupils narrowed.

Immediately, the ‘divine power’ was activated.

He appeared strangely behind Jon, his palms raised like swords.

"We succeeded!" A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Obito could almost imagine the tragic scene of his enemy being penetrated through the back of his heart.


Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Countless transparent threads protruded from Jon's back, wrapping Obito tightly like a rice dumpling.

Obito was shocked.

What kind of technique is this?

Jon turned back and looked at Obito with a gloomy expression, "Give up, you are no match for me."

After a pause, he added: "Also, I'm not here to fight you, so there's no need to be hostile to me.

If you want, we can sit down and talk about life and ideals. "

Who can't talk about it?

A smile appeared on Jon's lips, "What do you think?"

To be fair, given the current situation, do I have any room to refuse?

In order to get out of trouble, Obito reluctantly said: "Okay."

Jon listened and really let go of the other party.

He casually took out some snacks and drinks from 'Jorah A's fourth-dimensional pocket', and extended his hand to invite them, "Sit down."


Perform 'time and space ninjutsu' in the 'divine space'.

This guy's strength is probably more terrifying than he imagined!

The worried Obito sat down cross-legged but did not reach for the food.

He stared at Jon, "Speak, I'm listening."

Jon didn't care, he opened a bottle of Coke and said, "Then let me tell you straight, the 'Eye of the Moon' plan cannot succeed, you have been deceived."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Obito, who had just sat down, suddenly stood up.

"What did you say?!"

Jon pressed his hands and said, "Don't get excited, sit down, sit down."

Obito's chest heaved violently.

After a few seconds, he sat down without saying a word.

Jon cleared his throat and continued: "Using the 'Reincarnation Eye' to hypnotize everyone is too unreliable. The peace you get is false, just like dripping ice tea. "

"Iced black tea?" Obito frowned.

Jon coughed lightly: "That's not the point. The point is the previous sentence."

Obito pondered for a moment and said calmly: "It doesn't matter if it's false or true, I just want to create a world where everyone can be happy."

Jon curled his lips disdainfully, "This is what people who haven't read books do."

Obito:? ? ?

We agreed to talk about life and ideals.

Why did you start the personal attack?

Also, did I go to a ninja school?

Jon raised a finger, "The reason why you despair of the ninja world is because you have seen too many conspiracies and intrigues.

The world is dark and cruel.

Therefore, we must create a world where everyone can realize their wishes and let everyone "daydream" for a lifetime.


My evaluation is that the starting point is quite good, but the process is a bit too animalistic. "

Obito was silent.

Those who understand do not need to explain, and those who do not understand should not explain.

He kills people and collects tailed beasts not only to reunite with Lin, but also to completely subvert the system of the ninja world!

Jon took a leisurely sip of Coke.

Just wanted to speak.

He suddenly turned his head to look at a certain location and said, "Since you're awake, stop pretending to be asleep and come here to listen to the class."

No one responded.

Jon said angrily: "Uchiha Sasuke, I'm talking about you, stop pretending."

The disguise was seen through, and the second young master with a cold expression stood up in an orderly manner. He ducked to Jon's side and asked, "Where is this? Who are you?"


Jon didn't bother to pay attention to him and ordered directly.

Strange to say.

Following his words, Sasuke's body sat down naturally without any thought of resistance.

The Second Young Master was stunned for a moment, and then his expression suddenly changed.

"You bastard! What on earth did you do to me?!"

Jon still ignored him and snapped his fingers, "Shut up."

Sasuke was suddenly speechless.

Beside him, Obito's eyelids jumped.


Or some kind of mind control secret method?

Jon Joestar.

This guy is really dangerous!

Facing Sasuke's almost cannibalistic look, Jon explained: "Most people's "destiny" is predetermined. I resurrected you who was accidentally killed by the Raikage. In a sense, your "destiny" "It already belongs to me. "

It wasn't just Sasuke.

The same goes for Jiraiya.

However, Jon never gave any mandatory orders to Jiraiya.

Back to business.

Realizing that he was being controlled, Sasuke's face turned as dark as the ashes of a pot.

Jon raised his eyebrows and said, "It's so ugly. Give me a smile."

When he finished speaking, even though Sasuke himself was extremely reluctant, the corners of his mouth still curled up uncontrollably.

The second young master's mentality collapsed.

Directly fell into autistic state.

"Where did I just talk? Oh, yes, your starting point is quite good, but the process is too animalistic."

Looking back, Jon repeated what he just said.


If I can't beat you, I will beat you to death.

“Believing that human beings cannot be completely peaceful, so we deprive people of their autonomy and let everyone get what they want in their dreams. This is in itself an outdated concept of ‘preserving the laws of nature and destroying human desires’.

Moreover, ‘Infinite Tsukuyomi’ was just a lie, and both you and Madara were deceived by Black Zetsu. "

If the words are not surprising, then I will die.

Obito suddenly became excited, "Impossible! 'Infinite Tsukuyomi' is perfect! You are talking nonsense!"

"You are a typical fool who counts money after being sold by others."

Jon raised his hand and easily suppressed Obito, "You will believe whatever Black Zetsu says, so let me ask you, do you know that it is actually the incarnation of Kaguya Otsutsuki's will?

I don’t know.

Let me ask you again, do you know that people who are immersed in the "Infinite Tsukuyomi" will not gain everything in their dreams, but will be transformed into White Zetsu?

I don’t know.

Look, you don’t know anything, but you still have the nerve to yell at me here? "

It is not the three questions of the soul, but it is better than the three questions of the soul.

Obito looked at Jon blankly, his eyes unfocused.

The incarnation of Kaguya Otsutsuki's will?

Will you be turned into a puppet if you fall into the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi'?


These secrets

He steeled himself and gritted his teeth: "I don't believe it, you are lying!"

Jon spread his hands and said, "Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right.

If you think I'm fooling you, then I am.

What a black man in love with a second disease in his brain says is equivalent to what a terminal cancer patient says. You have already embarked on an idiotic plan to hypnotize the whole world, so why don't I obey you? "

Hearing this, Obito opened his mouth in confusion, wanting to refute something.

For a moment, I didn't know how to speak, so I could only stay there blankly.

"So, everything you did was in vain. The teacher and master-mother who loved you were killed in vain; the Uchiha blood relatives died in vain.

Hiding behind the Akatsuki organization with the intention of destroying the ninja world is a joke within a joke. "

Jon asked seriously: "Why don't you live in another world? Seriously, are you interested in going to Gotham City and facing Batman?"

Obito raised his head stiffly.

Although he doesn’t understand what ‘line’ is, let alone where ‘Gotham City’ is? But he knew that the guy opposite must not have said anything nice.


Hearing some sensitive content, Sasuke couldn't sit still, "What did you just say?"

Jon looked at Sasuke and explained his confusion: "There are many main reasons for the demise of the Uchiha clan, and the long-term accumulated resentment and dissatisfaction is the biggest reason for the coup.

Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, Konoha's top brass chose a policy of iron-blooded suppression.

However, the main culprits of the demise of the Uchiha clan were two members of the Uchiha clan.

One is your Onii-chan, Uchiha Itachi, but he is just a 'sword' in a dilemma. On one side is his family and on the other is his beloved Ninja Village. No matter how talented he is, there is nothing he can do.

The second is the spokesperson of ‘Uchiha Madara’ in front of you, Uchiha Obito.

He was the instigator of everything. If this guy had not released the nine-tailed demon fox, the Uchiha clan would not have been suspected of rebellion by Konoha senior officials, and there would not have been a series of subsequent tragedies.

Of course, I believe that when Itachi first learned about Konoha's plan to exterminate the Uchiha clan, he was tormented in his heart.

But he also knew that this was the only way to break away from his past self.

So, he and your brother teamed up to kill all the Uchiha people one by one except you.

Every time the blood on his hands increases, the guilt in his heart increases. Likewise, his determination to break the old system and build a new world increases until he is completely numb. "

Like a professional psychoanalyst, Jon revealed Obito's mental journey to the fullest.

The more Sasuke listened, the more anger grew in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and spoke word by word to Obito: "Hey, this is completely different from the 'truth' you told me. Do you have anything to explain?"

Obito's numb face twitched unnaturally for a few times, and then returned to normal. He nodded calmly, "There is nothing to explain. I will not escape what I have done."

Release the Kyuubi, kill his mentor and master's wife, and massacre his clan members


I have been really busy these past few years.

Seeing that Obito did not deny Jon's words, Sasuke rushed towards Obito like a mad tiger.

Susanoo, open!

The gloomy and obscure chakra gathered into a big bone-white hand and slapped Obito hard.

Obito sighed, unable to think of dodge or counterattack.


Completely numb.

No matter who it is, let him be freed from this boundless pain as soon as possible.

Closing his eyes gently, Obito gave up resistance.

Unexpectedly, Jon held Sasuke's Susanoo and said, "What's the rush? Just sit down."


Sasuke's Mangekyou Sharingan was almost spinning and smoking, and he couldn't get rid of the opponent's 'word spirit'.

'Susanoh' dispersed.

The second young master sat back down on the ground unwillingly.

Jon waved his hand and warned: "If you don't stop, I will turn you into a girl."


What's weird about XP?

This guy is really a dangerous pervert!

"Are Madara and I wrong? Is it destined that the ninja world will never achieve peace? It hurts, it hurts too much! Kakashi, Lin, what on earth have I been doing these years?"

Sasuke's killing move was blocked by Jon, and Obito looked down at his hands, falling into deep self-doubt.

Hearing this, Jon shook his head and said: "You are still not convinced if you say you haven't read the book. Let me ask you, why are ninjas destined to be unable to achieve true peace and always attack each other?"

Obito blinked, "I don't know."

Jon looked at Sasuke again, "Two pillars, what do you think?"

Three black lines appeared on Sasuke's forehead.

Who the hell is the second pillar?

However, he really couldn't answer this question, so he could only remain silent like a piece of oak.

Jon was a little disappointed and said seriously: "Because productivity is insufficient."

"productive forces"?


Obito and Sasuke were completely confused.

Jon said: “We must respect the subjective initiative of things under the premise of objective laws.

All checks and balances, false illusions, and individual threat theories are all evil ways.

If you want peace, just one word is to develop productivity honestly! "

‘Develop productivity honestly’ is not a word

Obito and Sasuke complained inwardly at the same time.

"Why do wars always happen between the five major nations? It's not because of poverty! The first Kazekage was besieged by the four major nations, and he was still demanding compensation from Konoha.

The essence of war is to obtain profits. Except for the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, the remaining countries are very poor and have difficulty engaging in production. If they don't fight, more people will die.

Constant war?

Can't afford to eat!

If you can't even afford food, you won't solve the problem of food and clothing through war.

The economic base determines the superstructure. Only when you live and work in peace and contentment can you be tired of war.

No one will happily go to the battlefield to fight each other after getting used to the hot bed with his wife and children. "

Jon's voice was like a big yellow bell, ringing continuously in Obito's heart.

He had never considered these issues before.

In other words, limited by his time and knowledge, he was unable to consider these issues at all.

So does Sasuke.

At this moment, Jon's figure stood out infinitely in the eyes of the two of them!

"I'm not telling you, you ninjas obviously have so many convenient conditions, why can't you think of using ninjutsu to farm the land? Taking on tasks all day long, working hard and not making much money is both dangerous and thankless. .”

Jon hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

"If you collectively engage in production and use fire to open up wasteland, soil to plow the ground, and water to use rainfall, the harvest will not only make you rich, but at least no one will starve to death."

After thinking about it carefully, Obito and Sasuke swallowed at the same time.

these words

It seems to make sense.

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