A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 183 I am the craziest in the middle school world, and I am the king in the Uchiha world

who I am?

Where am I?

Why am I flying?

Obito, who was knocked unconscious by the 'Super Rasengan', couldn't help asking three questions about his soul in his heart.

With a 'bang', he fell heavily to the ground, rolling and slipping, leaving a very obvious mark.

Naruko swallowed while maintaining her shooting movements and stared at her hands in disbelief.

Be good.

He actually broke the invincible golden body of 'Uchiha Madara'?

Simply incredible!


Akai and Yamato shouted and hurried behind Naruto.

At this time, Obito got up, his eyes exposed outside the mask were filled with fear!

"Hey" he resisted the urge to vomit blood, "What was that technique just now?!"

Naruko snorted, "It's 'Super Rasengan'. Remember it, you bastard!"

"Super Rasengan?" Obito clenched his fist unconsciously, "Who taught you that move? Kakashi?"

After saying that, without waiting for Naruto to answer, he shook his head and said, "No, Kakashi doesn't have that ability."

"It's none of your business! Watch your moves!"

Naruko stamped her foot and made another 'Super Rasengan'.

But this time, the golden halo of 'Super Rasengan' was extremely weak.

Obito doesn't believe in evil and sees the opportunity to activate his 'divine power'.


Naruto went right through his body and plunged into the snow.

Obito felt comfortable now.

Sure enough, it was just an accident.

I am still invincible!


Naruto was confused.

Immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Brother Jon said that "whirlwind" can be roughly divided into three different levels:

The first level, ordinary "whirlwind";

Level 2, "Golden Spin";

The third level, "flawless cavalry maneuver".

Thinking back carefully, the Chao Rasengan that hit 'Uchiha Madara' seemed to be used more smoothly than usual. I am afraid that in the excitement, I accidentally reached the second level of "Golden Spin".

In other words, ordinary "spin" is still restrained by 'Uchiha Madara's invincible golden body. Only "golden spin" or a higher level "flawless cavalry spin" can break through the barrier and attack 'Uchiha' Madara' himself!

So the question is, what are the prerequisites for performing "Golden Spin"?

Naruko's eyes narrowed and she took a deep breath.

On the opposite side, Obito, who had regained his confidence, was not in a hurry to take action.

He wanted to find out the secret of the 'Super Rasengan'.

Akai and Yamato took a look.

How come you guys have developed a tacit understanding despite all the fighting?

Look at each other.

The two of them attacked Obito from the left and right.

Obito sneered, "You guys want to dance in front of me, Madara Uchiha?"

I'm super happy wearing someone else's vest to show off.

Raising his hand, "Fire Escape·Explosive Wind Dance."

First use the distorted space of 'Kamui' to create a storm, and then use the fire escape that the Uchiha family is good at to carry out chain attacks.

In Obito's hands, this B-level ninjutsu displayed extremely amazing power!

Akai and Yamato had to avoid its edge temporarily.

At this moment, Naruko, who had been motionless, suddenly moved!

"Super Rasengan!"

Spin, Chakra!

Naruko's almond-shaped eyes widened.

For some reason, Obito suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Without any time to think, he quickly activated his 'divine power' to transfer his body.

Naruko's attack failed again.

He was angry.

No, she was so angry that she stamped her foot fiercely, "Don't hide if you can!"

Obito returned to reality from the 'Kamui Space' and his whole body was in bad shape.

Confirmed eyes.

Someone who can hit me.

Although I don’t know why Uzumaki Naruto’s ninjutsu works sometimes and sometimes not, the feeling is definitely that the ‘Super Rasengan’ can indeed threaten the invincible ‘Kamiwei’!

Thinking of this, he coughed lightly, "It's really an interesting technique. How about you tell me the origin of this technique, and I will share some information about Uchiha Sasuke with you?"


Naruko's eyes widened when she heard the name.

Akai and Yamato frowned.

"Naruto, don't let the enemy lead you."

"That's right, leave this place to us. Go to the meeting building and seek shelter from Hokage-sama!"

Naruko bit her lip, "Captain Yamato, Mr. Thick Eyebrow, me"

Seeing this, Obito's heart moved, and he pretended not to care and said: "Uchiha Sasuke, a man whose hatred and abhorrence in the ninja world has invaded his bones.

Of course, if you want to mention Sasuke, you have to talk about Uchiha Itachi's past.

I'm in a good mood today, so I will tell you the truth about Itachi out of mercy. "

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere condensed.

the other side.

"Damn it, are you going to tell me or not!" Raikage locked Bai Zetsu's neck tightly, "You'd better tell me where that Sharingan brat is before my patience runs out? Otherwise, I'll strangle you to death!"

"There is really no way. Then I will give you some additional information," Bai Jue said intermittently.

The Raikage guard and Kumogakure Jōnin Nozomi saw the opportunity, formed a seal and used a secret technique to invade Bai Zetsu's brain with mental power.

After a moment, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Lord Raikage, the whereabouts of Uchiha Sasuke have been discovered."


Raikage was overjoyed.

In a moment of excitement, he immediately broke Bai Jue's neck.

Terumi Mei frowned, "No matter what, there is no need to kill him. Control him and then interrogate him. Maybe we can get other useful information."

After saying that, Gaara shook his head, "Mizukage-sama, you should give up this idea. Members of the Akatsuki organization are all hard-line elements, and no one will confess."

Lei Ying was too lazy to talk nonsense with the woman and waved, "Darui, Xi, come with me!"

When Tsunade saw it, her heart moved slightly, "Kakashi!"

It was pitiful to say the least. The other shadows all had two guards, but when it came to her, there was only one left.

But what Tsunade didn't expect was that Jon, who had always been fishing, also came out from behind the curtain.

Meeting Tsunade's slightly surprised look, he smiled and said, "Enough rest, let's do some exercise."

"That's fine." Tsunade nodded, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Jon smiled and said nothing.

A group of three people flashed out of the conference room, following the trio of Kumo ninjas headed by Raikage.

Because of the "betrayal" of the inner ghost Bai Zetsu, they easily found Sasuke, Karin and others who were hiding in the building.

"Hey, hey, it's fake! Why are we exposed?"

Gui Deng Shui Yue, who was carrying a beheading sword, looked horrified.

Jugo and Kaoru remained silent, protecting Sasuke who was at the rear in a tacit understanding.

Sasuke's face turned pale.

Before they could attack the Five Shadows, their position had already been exposed.

What a bad start.

"Sharingan brat! I finally caught you!" Raikage clenched his fist bigger than a casserole, "Today, I will settle the debt between you and my brother Kirabi. Do the math."


Under the dim light, thunder swayed from Boss Ai's body, like a resurrected ancient beast!

Shuiyue was immediately frightened.


It literally means ‘soft’.

I saw drops of water dripping from his body, and he said tremblingly: "Sasa. Sasuke, what should we do now?"

what to do?


Sasuke glanced around.

Except for the Raikage and his guards.

And Konoha's new Hokage, Tsunade and Kakashi.


Who is that guy with black hair?

never mind.


It’s better to ignore the insignificant minor characters.

Suppressing the turmoil in his heart, Sasuke said solemnly: "What a huge battle.

But, if you just want to capture me, Uchiha Sasuke, is it too childish? "




Sasuke, who got the 'Mangekyo Sharingan', didn't take anyone seriously at all.

Although he was almost overturned by Yao Mang last time.

But in the end, it was not thanks to ‘Amaterasu’ that we won it back.

A mere Raikage, a mere Hokage, a mere Kakashi, a mere bastard.

Not worth mentioning!

Lei Ying laughed angrily and tore off his clothes, revealing his dark and strong muscles, "Yes, I hope you can still maintain this toughness later on."

Hearing this, Sasuke's pupils shrank.

Thunder Release Chidori Sharp Spear!

The harsh thunder suddenly sounded.

The dark blue thunder turned into an enemy-breaking spear.

Facing the threat from Raikage, Sasuke actually chose to strike first!

The Raikage and his two guards were dumbfounded.

Thunder escapes and hits Raikage.

Easy to understand.

The aspect of attribute restraint is considered to be clear for you to play.

Raikage didn't even want to hide, letting the 'Thunder Release Chidori Sharp Spear' pierce his body.


Sasuke clicked his tongue.

Form seals quickly.

Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!

Since we have already defeated the Raikage with Thunder Style, it is very reasonable to use Fire Style to defeat Naruto.

Tsunade, who looked weird, punched.

The fire in the sky was dispersed with the wind of fists.

Behind her, Kakashi quietly lowered his head.

I didn't teach him. I really didn't teach him. No matter how you think about it, it's all Orochimaru's fault.

"As expected of the 'Shadow', these little tricks are indeed ineffective on you." Sasuke, who failed to show off and tried to regain his respect, smiled evilly, "Then, I won't hold back any more."

Everyone:? ? ?

Not to mention Tsunade and Raikage, even Suigetsu and Jugo could not stand it anymore.

Sasuke, he is more or less mentally ill.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Sasuke attacked again.

One to six.

I'm super brave!

"Arrogant brat!"

The grumpy Raikage doesn't care about all the bells and whistles.

Dare to come?

I dare to fight!

Feel the strong man's iron arm and the hot knife of the thunder plow!

If he was hit by this move, Sasuke's small body would definitely GG on the spot.

Tsunade's expression moved slightly, and she took a step forward.

Unexpectedly, Jon stopped her, "Wait, it's not time yet."


Tsunade turned around in surprise.

At the same time, figures intertwined in the center of the battlefield.

Sasuke used his seventeen-year-old's extremely good waist to deflect the Raikage's killing blow, and then drew his knife in a slash.


Unable to break enemy armor.


Raikage was furious.

The violent thunder attribute chakra was scattered out as if it was free of charge.

Sasuke was numb.

Go back quickly.

Darui took the opportunity to form a seal and spit out a jet of water.

When the water flowed over Sasuke's feet, the ninja seal suddenly changed.

Thunder Release·Grateful Wave!

Water + thunder.

Classic ninjutsu combination.

Sasuke added hemp.

This time it's not a psychological numbness, but a physical numbness.

How could an honest man, Jugo, just watch Sasuke lose his temper, break the curse seal, and rush into the battlefield without saying a word.


Unfortunately, he was facing the Raikage who was in a violent state.

Once you wear the thunder armor, no matter who you are, you will die for me!

One punch.

Chongwu flew out upside down.

He fell right next to Shuiyue.

Shuiyue swallowed and turned to look at Xiang Lu, "I said, I can run away. In this situation, I should be able to run away!"

"Stop being so verbose!" Xiang Liao said angrily.

"Hang Phosphorus, Suigetsu, you go quickly!" Sasuke, who recovered from the electromagnetic state, said coldly, "You are here, you are in the way."

I'm deflated.

I was beaten.

But I have a strong character.

Shuiyue was almost moved to tears.

Sasuke, always a good brother.

Xiang Ling was very reluctant, but she knew that she could not help in a frontal battle, so she had no choice but to turn around and run away with Shui Yue.

Raikage took a look.


You really don't take me seriously.

If any of you bastards can escape today, I'll write the character for Raikage's 'Thunder' backwards!

There was a flash of lightning!

The thunder shadow disappeared directly on the spot.

Sasuke didn't react at all, and the strong figure like an iron tower stood across the path that Xianglan and Suigetsu must pass.


In society, I, Brother Ai, are ruthless and don't talk much.

A fist as big as a casserole hit his head!


At the critical moment of life and death, Sasuke finally stopped playing with his character and used the exclusive ability of the 'Mangekyō Sharingan'.

In an instant, the gloomy and gloomy chakra condensed into a big bone hand, which forcefully supported the Raikage's killing punch.

The Raikage frowned.

What a weird power!

"You guys should feel honored to be able to see the true power of the Sharingan." Sasuke stared at his bleeding eyes and chuckled, "Its name is, 'Susanohu'."

I am the craziest in the Chuuniu world, and I am the king in the Uchiha world!

Jon didn't know what others were thinking, but he was almost hurt internally from suppressing his laughter.

Kakashi failed to notice the strangeness of the people around him.

Konoha Gogokai subconsciously covered the transplanted Sharingan, thinking deeply in his heart.

"Susanohu?" Raikage got excited and said with disdain: "Bullshit!"

You can't insult me.

Don't even insult the pupil technique of our Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Sasuke is angry!

Following his thoughts, Susanoo quickly rose up.

But in the blink of an eye, it changed from a skeleton to a blurry black figure.

The Raikage was thinking about having a moment with the so-called 'Susanoh'.

Suddenly, Jugo, who had no idea what was going on, woke up at some point.

His whole body changed completely, and he rushed towards Raikage strangely, "Hey hahahaha! Die!"

Blackening is twice as strong, whitewashing is three points weaker.

In front of everyone, the natural curse seal bearer, the berserker, who was usually harmless to humans and animals, turned mad and disowned his relatives, Jugo directly pulled the Raikage and blew himself up!

boom! ! ! ! !

The violent air waves spread out in all directions.

Darui and Xi were shocked and shouted in unison: "Lord Raikage!"

Jon nodded secretly.

Lowering his voice, he said to Tsunade: "Now, we can go on stage."

Tsunade:? ? ?

Although doubtful in my heart.

But as Hokage, as the leader of Konoha Ninja Village, Tsunade understands that she must not be timid at this time!

She took a step forward and faced Uchiha Sasuke, the rebellious ninja of Konoha, and said angrily: "Sasuke, don't be stubborn anymore, come back with me!"

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