A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 180 I, Jon, am good at teaching others

Except Jon.

In fact, there is a special envoy from Kumogakure in Konoha Ninja Village.

On this day, Samyi and the other three went to visit the Hokage as usual.

As soon as I entered the central building, I happened to bump into Team 7.

Kakashi, who was leading the team, had a dead look in his eyes and nodded slightly as a greeting. Naruto, Sakura and Sai were not familiar with the outer village ninjas and had no intention of talking.

Samyi nodded lightly and said, "I didn't expect to meet the famous 'Copy Ninja' here. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Kakashi scratched his head, "It's just a false name."

A few casual greetings.

The two groups walked towards the Hokage's office one after the other.

Ms. Shizune, the secretary who has been single for thirty years and has been waiting for a long time, said enthusiastically: "Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama and Jon-sama are inside, please come in."

The people in Class 7 were okay and not too surprised.

Samyi and the other three were a little confused.

Tsunade and Jiraiya knew each other, the legendary 'Sannin of Konoha'.

Who is this ‘Jon’?

With doubts, Samyi, Omoyi and Karui walked into the room.

In the office, the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade, was in the center, and the 'white-haired boy' Jiraiya stood quietly behind Tsunade.

As for the only stranger, he put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the window very casually.

Karui's eyes suddenly straightened

——What a tall, handsome black-haired handsome guy!

"You're here." Tsunade raised the corners of her mouth and spoke with great enthusiasm.


Regardless of whether it was Kumo Ninja or Kakashi and others, they all greeted him with the utmost respect.

Tsunade nodded, "Okay, no need to be polite."

After a pause, she continued, "Kumogakure's envoy, I have decided to keep the appointment and go to the Kingdom of Iron to attend the Five Shadows Conference."

Hearing this, Samyi responded: "I understand, and I will personally convey your meaning to Lord Raikage later."

Tsunade crossed her fingers in front of her, "That's good."

Turning his head, "Shizune, please entertain Kumogakure's guests today."

Give an ‘expulsion order’.

Sam thought they couldn't force him to stay, so he had no choice but to follow Shizune and leave the office honestly.

After the outsiders were gone, Tsunade looked solemn and said, "Kakashi, you also heard what I just said.

Tomorrow at noon, I will leave for the Kingdom of Iron. This meeting of the Five Shadows will be escorted by your seventh squad and Akai's third squad. "

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi bowed his head in response.

Naruto, Sakura and Sai followed suit.

At this time, Jon interrupted: "Naruto, have you made the preparations I asked you to make?"


Sakura and Sai looked at Naruto curiously.

Naruto rarely blushed, scratched his head and said, "I did ask the uncle at the ninja shop to help me make a special vest, but Brother Jon, is it really necessary to make the vest into the shape of a turtle shell?"

Upon hearing this, Sakura burst into laughter.

But she soon realized that this was rude, and she quickly suppressed her smile and trembled.

Jon's expression remained unchanged and he said: "Don't feel embarrassed, this style of vest has its origin."

Clear your throat.

Under the gaze of everyone, he began to talk nonsense seriously.

“A long time ago, far away overseas, there was a powerful physical master named Teacher Wu Tian.

Teacher Wu Tian's cultivation is astonishing. He can break mountains with his fists and split the sea with his physical strength alone. When he gets excited, he often gathers energy to shoot at the moon.

Otherwise, why do you think there are so many craters on the moon? "


Crush mountains with fists, split seas with split palms, gather energy and shoot at the moon.

That’s ridiculous!

Naruto has a simple and straightforward personality, and coupled with his interactions with Jon these days, he almost believes this rhetoric without reservation.

I saw him blinking his eyes full of little stars, and said excitedly: "It's so awesome!"

Sakura held her forehead helplessly.

This fool.

"Oh? Pink Hair over there, it looks like you don't believe what I said?"

Jon said with a half-smile.

Sakura didn't expect that she could eat a melon, so she waved her hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, Sir Jon, I have no other intentions."

Who is 'Jon'? Sakura's ears are almost ringing these days.

The reason was, of course, that Naruto kept nagging in her ear, talking about 'Brother Jon'.

all in all.

It was an existence she couldn't afford to offend.

Unexpectedly, Jon refused to let her go and said with a smile: "Pink-haired girl, do you want to become stronger?"

Sakura didn't reply yet, but Tsunade's heart moved.

"Sakura." She said in a deep voice, "You must answer Sir Jon's question seriously."

It was originally a casual chat atmosphere, but when the master said this, Sakura stiffened subconsciously.

After pondering for a moment, she affirmed: "Yes, I want to become stronger."

Jon smiled brightly, "OK, as long as you wear Naruto's same training vest, I will teach you a secret technique that can not only strengthen your body, but also cure diseases and save people. How about it?"

Sakura: ( ̄ー ̄)

Even if I, Haruno Sakura, starved to death today, even if I jumped from Hokage Rock, I would never be able to pass through a turtle shell!

Hehe, "Ripple" smells so good~

Konoha Ninja Village, back mountain.

"Drink, ripples run fast!"

Haruno Sakura, who was wearing a turtle shell, punched suddenly, and a small golden arc flashed past.


With a loud noise, a certain lucky tree fell down.


After testing the power of the ripple for the first time, Sakura clenched her fists and cheered wildly.

On the side, Naruto couldn't help swallowing.

Brother Jon, what have you done? ?

"Well, not bad, not bad." Jon commented very pertinently.

With a background in medical ninjutsu, Sakura mastered the power of "ripples" much faster than Naruto.

"It's incredible!" Sakura came to Jon's side excitedly and bowed, "Thank you, Teacher Jon!"

Ali has a lot of ducks, Jon has three!

Jon waved his hand, "This is what we have agreed on a long time ago, isn't it?"

Sakura blushed.

Although wearing a turtle shell is shameful.

But the power of "ripple" is really useful~

A handful of love.

Naruto was inexplicably disgusted.

Brother Jon's attitude towards Sakura is so good, much better than himself.

For no reason, he had the urge to transform into Naruko and come forward to compete.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the arrival of several "uninvited guests" successfully saved the prince's remaining "hero".

"Naruto-kun! Sakura-chan!"

Thick-browed, tight-fitting, and Rock Lee ducked in front of everyone.

After greeting an acquaintance, he looked at Jon and said respectfully: "Sir Jon, I have heard from Teacher Kai that you studied under the overseas physical skills master 'Teacher Wu Tian'.

First time meeting me, I am Rock Lee from Konoha Ninja Village. I am a man who wants to prove that he can become an excellent ninja with only physical skills. Please give me your advice! "

A rough person who likes to speak directly.

In a few words, Xiao Li explained his purpose.

Three black lines appeared on Jon's forehead.

‘Learn from Teacher Wu Tian’?

What is this?

Shaking his head, he said in a deep voice: "You are too weak. You won't learn anything from fighting me."



That’s why you have to challenge your limits!

Xiao Li's eyes ignited with blazing fire, "It doesn't matter, I just want to see the gap between myself and the top physical skills masters!"

Jon took a look.

have to.

You can't reason with such a hot-blooded idiot.

A wave.

"Naruto, come and fight him."

The prince was stunned for a moment, then touched his nose and said, "Oh!"

"Naruto-kun? Okay, please allow me to show you my strength." Xiao Li clenched his fists, "After that, please don't hesitate to teach me."

Jon didn't say anything, and just said to Naruto: "Don't hold back, I can save him even if he dies, so you can fight boldly."

Naruto nodded, "Brother Jon, look at me!"

The battle is about to break out.

Figures intertwined, fists and winds danced wildly!

Xiao Li is indeed a ruthless person who can brutally torture Gaara in the early stage. Naruto in his normal state is no match for him. But when Naruko-chan joins the fight, the situation suddenly reverses.

Xiao Li, who had opened three doors, was defeated miserably by the ‘Super Rasengan’.

Sakura was numb while watching the battle.

This. What kind of tactic is this?

Feminized combat power doubled?

"How about it? Xiao Li, you can't even beat me, but you still want to challenge Brother Qiaoen?" Naruko looked condescendingly at the defeated dog Xiao Li, "Let's go back and practice some more."


Xiao Li, who had all the bones in his body broken by the force of the "whirlwind", had a look of reluctance.

Unknowingly, Naruto had become so strong.

Xiao Ying looked at the seriously injured Xiao Li and asked the people around her: "Teacher Jon, please heal Xiao Li. It's actually not easy for him."

Jon is not some devil after all.

Hearing this, he raised his hand.


Back in time.

Xiao Li's injuries have recovered visibly.


Weird things happen every year, especially this year.

Who the hell can tell me what kind of ninjutsu this is?

Jon, who had succeeded in pretending, smiled slightly and said: "Li, I already understand your attitude. There is no need to mention the teachings. If you want to become stronger, just like Naruto and Sakura, wear my special training A vest.”

Carry my turtle shell on your back and enter the courtyard of my Qiao family.

Xiao Li stood up from the ground with a sudden jerk, his eyes filled with excitement, "Teacher Qiaoen! Do you mean, do you approve of me?"

Jon did not answer the question directly. He spread his hands and said, "First of all, I am a wandering wanderer. I am just teaching you on a whim. As for how much you learn, it all depends on your understanding."

I, Jon, love to be a teacher (×)

I, Jon, am a life-changing expert (√)

The more you tamper with the established destiny, the stronger your power becomes.

Of course Jon would do this kind of favor.

Besides, even without this premise, he still has a favorable impression of the 'Twelve Little Strong', especially tragic characters like Neji, so he should save his life if possible.

Thinking of this, Jon said again: "Anyway, teaching one is teaching, and teaching a group is teaching. If you have any familiar friends, you can also bring them with you. I like them."

Before he finished speaking, Naruto, Sakura and Xiao Li ran away in a whoosh.

Jon scratched his brow.


My charm has nowhere to go!

Jon thought he would see the complete 'Twelve Little Strongmen of Konoha'.

Unexpectedly, including Naruto, Sakura and Xiao Li, only six people came

The three newcomers are Hyuga Neji, Tenten, and Nara Shikamaru.

"Ah, it's really troublesome." Shikamaru exuded a lazy temperament from the inside out, scratching his head and said: "If nothing happens, can I go back?"

As the only jounin among the 'Twelve Little Strong', Shikamaru's usual workload is not too much, but it is definitely not too little.

How could Naruto let Shikamaru let go of this good opportunity and locked him up, "Hey, what are you talking about? Brother Jon is finally in a good mood and wants to teach you some secret techniques!"

Secret skill?

Shikamaru was a little unimpressed.

He has the ninjutsu passed down from his family, so there is no need to learn anything else.

Although Neji didn't speak, his meaning was similar to Shikamaru's.

He looked at Jon up and down, and said respectfully but distantly: "I have already heard what happened from Xiao Li. Thank you for your kindness, but my qualifications are dull. It is enough to have the 'Rou Fist Technique' by my side."

What is called rushing is not business.

Jon didn't push, "I don't care."

Hearing this, Shikamaru and Neji, who were forcibly dragged over, left.

Tiantian only scratched his face gently and said sheepishly: "I'll stay and take a look first, okay?"

Jon said cheerfully: "No problem, anyway, we are going to the Kingdom of Iron together tomorrow, so let's get to know each other in advance."

Tiantian didn't know how to respond, so he could only smile.

On the other side, Konoha Anbu

"Danzo-sama, there are more apprentices at Jon Joestar's place." Sai knelt down on one knee and said in a respectful tone.

Danzo, half of his body wrapped in white cloth, opened his eyes slightly, "Another increase?"

"Yes, according to Uzumaki Naruto, Jon Joestar just wanted to teach his secret skills on a whim." Sai's tone remained unchanged.

Hearing this, Danzo snorted, "That's ridiculous! Does that woman Tsunade have any brains to let such a dangerous person into the village?"

And Jiraiya, who succeeds more than fails! "

His knuckles turned white with excitement.

Saoi pretended not to hear and asked patiently: "Danzo-sama, at noon tomorrow, Jon Joestar and Hokage will leave the village for the Kingdom of Iron.

As a bodyguard, my subordinates will also go with me. Please give me your instructions. "

Danzo thought for a few seconds, "You are an important chess piece buried next to the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. You cannot be exposed easily unless it is absolutely necessary."

Sai said softly.

When the conversation changed, Danzo stood up and said, "I have always believed that only when the roots are strong can trees grow smoothly.

But we who are hiding in the darkness will eventually come to the stage. "

Sai raised his head slightly.

Danzo took a deep breath, "This meeting of the Five Shadows will be our opportunity."


what chance?

There was a rare turmoil in Sai's calm heart.

"Go and do what you have to do. When you and Tsunade come back, you may have to change your name for me." Danzo chuckled.

Memory flashes back.

A familiar face appeared before his eyes.

"Monkey, although this day comes a little late, he will come eventually."

The Hokage went out.

The inner guard is empty.

This is my chance, Danzo Shimura, to ascend to the throne!

Women are women after all.

Under the leadership of Tsunade, how could Konoha become prosperous and powerful.


I'd better sit on the Hokage's throne in person.

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