A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 178 Naruko-chan’s exclusive skills

"shock! Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama secretly did such a thing.」

"After decades of long-distance love, lovers finally get married"

"Unnamed Miss Shizune: I saw Master and Jiraiya-sama sleeping in the same room"

"The Sixth Hokage is scheduled?" The combination of two of the ‘Three Ninjas’ will give birth to an heir with a bright future”

"Best-selling author Mr. Jiraiya's new work - 'My Violent Girlfriend', serialized! 》

After reading the newspaper sent by Jiraiya, Jon scratched his eyebrows.

He said helplessly: "Uncle, you are messing around like this and submitting articles to newspapers everywhere. Aren't you afraid that Mother-in-law Tsunade will beat you to death?"

Jiraiya waved his hand indifferently, "What are you afraid of? That old woman will give me a breath every time. Besides, I still have you, little brother, so I feel relieved."

Hearing this, Jon pursed his lips.


I'm afraid it's not an M, right?

"Okay, let's stop talking. Today I will take you to meet someone." Jiraiya blinked, "That guy is my close disciple. He just came back last night."

Closed disciple?

Isn't that the prince?

Jon immediately became interested, "Let's go."

"Ah, I really like your temper!"

Jiraiya laughed and walked out of the courtyard with Jon arm in arm.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Hey Naruto, are you home?"

I knocked on the door several times, but there was no response.

Jiraiya smacked his lips.

Meeting Jon's eyes, he said sheepishly: "That kid may be sleeping. I'll go to the window and have a look."

"It doesn't have to be that troublesome."

Jon stopped Jiraiya.

As he spoke, he summoned a substitute.

With a "squeak" sound, the wooden door opened wide.

Jiraiya touched his unshaven chin and said, "Is there a technique that can open doors? It's really new."

With that said, he pulled Jon into the house.

"Naruto, let's come in!"

No one answered.

Jiraiya didn't care and walked to the bedroom with ease.

Jon did a cursory sweep of the house.

The first impression is ‘chaos’!

To be honest, it was so messy that there was almost nowhere to stay.

He carefully walked through all kinds of garbage and debris, and followed Jiraiya to a certain bedroom.

There is only a bed and a table in the bedroom.

Lying sprawled on the bed was a young man, sixteen or seventeen years old, with blond hair.

Who is Naruto Uzumaki if not the Crown Prince of Konoha! ?

"Hey! Naruto! Get up quickly!" Jiraiya lifted Naruto's quilt very skillfully.

The next second, his eyes shrank.

However, he saw that Naruto's body was covered with many blood-stained bandages, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"A brat who doesn't make people worry."

After muttering under his breath, Jiraiya looked at Jon.

Jon, who was used to reading the air, nodded, "No problem, I'll do my best."

Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Brother Jon, I owe you another favor."

Jon didn't say anything and walked straight to Naruto's bed.

At this time, Naruto opened his eyes drowsily, "Huh? Who are you and why are you in my room?"

"do not move."

Jon pressed down with one hand and used great force to suppress Naruto who was trying to get up.

The arc flashed, and pure life energy swept across like waves.

The prince, whose mind was in a state of confusion, immediately rolled his eyes and felt so happy that he even stretched out his toes.

The treatment lasted about four or five seconds.

Jon took back his hand and said to Jiraiya: "It's done."

Jiraiya didn't doubt that he was there, and jumped up to the confused Naruto, "You rude brat, why don't you hurry up and say thank you to Brother Jon."

"Lovable Immortal." Naruto recognized his master and asked doubtfully, "Why are you here?"

"Of course I came to see you." Jiraiya pressed Naruto's head, "Okay, thank you quickly."

"Let me go, I'm a wounded person"

Halfway through the words, Naruto noticed the changes in his body and said in surprise: "I'm fine?!"


Jiraiya drew out his tone.

"Hurry up and say thank you to Brother Jon, you rude brat."


After reacting, Naruto smiled full of energy.

"Thank you, Brother Jon."

Jon is twenty this year, four years older than Naruto, so the title of 'big brother' is quite right.

"It's just a piece of cake." Jon firmly grasped the master's character and looked at Naruto calmly.

His eyes narrowed.

It was easy to spy on the nine-tailed demon fox sealed in Naruto's body.

Kyuubi, who was sleeping on his stomach, suddenly shivered and shrank up as if he had encountered a natural enemy.


So dangerous.

Who is that guy!

In the real world, Naruto said a strange "Eh" and touched his belly.

Why do you feel that the cheater at Kyuubi is a lot more honest?

Jiraiya failed to notice the 'secret confrontation' between Jon and Kyuubi.

He pushed Naruto, "Okay, wash your face quickly and tidy up. I'll take you to dinner."

"Sexy Sento, you want to treat me? That's great!" Naruto, who was in a low mood because of the unsatisfactory mission, suddenly became happy, "I want to eat Ichiraku Ramen."

In Konoha's commercial street, let's find out who the father is.

Ichiraku Ramen will always be delicious!

In order to be able to eat ramen earlier, Naruto's body skills even pulled out the afterimage.

While the unlucky disciple was washing and changing clothes, Jiraiya hooked his arm around Jon's shoulder and begged: "Brother, to speak from the bottom of my heart, Naruto is my most valued disciple, and he is the savior predicted by the Great Toad Sage.

Well, if you don't mind, could you teach him a few tricks?

Of course, I won’t let you teach me for nothing. I’ve traveled all over the world over the years and I’ve acquired a lot of good stuff. If it catches your eye, feel free to take it. "

Whose disciple feels sorry for him?

After experiencing life and death, Jiraiya's state of mind inevitably changed.

To put it simply, this bohemian man has decided to live a good life and seriously cultivate successors.

Jon was indifferent to this request.

He doesn't know how to hold back.

Fist skills, sword skills, even ripples and spins are all things Naruto can learn.

Especially the pirouettes.

Especially suitable for ninjas like the prince who love to make meatballs.

"I will consider it." Jon said calmly.

Jiraiya was overjoyed.

He knew exactly how strong Brother Jon was.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Naruto could really learn one and a half moves from Brother Qiaoen, that would be an incredible opportunity!

As he was talking, Naruto came back and put on his orange and black suit that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Jiraiya waved his hand, and the three of them attacked the 'Ichiraku Ramen'.

It's a coincidence.

At ‘Ichiraku Ramen’, they met Kakashi who was also out looking for food.


Kakashi still respected his master (Minato Namikaze) and quickly stood up to say hello.

"Yo, Kakashi." Jiraiya responded enthusiastically.

Pushing Jon forward, "Let me introduce to you, this is Brother Jon, my savior, and the honorary Jonin of Konoha who was personally designated by Tsunade."


After finishing his sentence, before Kakashi could say anything, Naruto screamed strangely.

Brother Jon is Konoha's honorary Jonin?

No, no.

What the hell is a ‘savior’!

As an elite Jonin of Konoha, Kakashi knew some inside stories, so he was not too surprised. He just said calmly: "I have long heard of Sir Jon's reputation for being able to single-handedly destroy the Akatsuki organization in the crisis-ridden Rain Ninja Village."

Jon smiled slightly, "It's just a trivial matter, nothing worth mentioning."

Everyone get out of the way, I, Qiao, am going to show off.

Such a calm attitude aroused Naruto's admiration like the Yellow River flooding, out of control, he couldn't help but say: "It's amazing!"

Jiraiya took the opportunity to speak, "Kid, behave well. Brother Jon is already considering whether to teach you a few tricks for my sake."

When Naruto heard this, he jumped up excitedly, "That's great!"

He was able to save the lecherous immortal and was named an honorary Jonin by Granny Tsunade. If he learned ninjutsu from such a strong man, he might be able to defeat Sasuke and bring that guy back to the village.

When things became clear, Naruto pressed his whole body against Jon and kept asking, 'Do you want to see his self-created seduction technique?'

Jon was helpless and funny.

Of course, curious.

Naruto was a quick-thinking person, and before the ramen was served, he directly shot the ramen in front of everyone (seduction technique).


White smoke scattered.

Naruko, with red skin and blond hair in twin tails, makes a gorgeous appearance.

Kakashi and Jiraiya, the two perverts, couldn't bear this. Their faces turned red and they cheered loudly.

But Jon, who has met various teachers both at home and abroad, said - this is it?

Naruto was shocked.

You must know that neither the late Grandpa Sandaime, nor the lustful immortal nor Kakashi-sensei are the combined enemies of this move!

Brother Jon is so terrifying!

"Naruto. Please don't use weird ninjutsu in the store."

Ichiraku Ramen's poster girl Ayame reminded her with a blushing face.

Naruto unlocked the 'Sex Seduction Technique' and bowed in a very formal manner, "Brother Jon, in you, I see what true strength is.

Please, please teach me how to become stronger! "

Jon pondered for a moment and sighed.

"Since it's Uncle Jiraiya's request, and you said that again, Naruto, then I'll teach you a little bit."

Upon hearing this, Naruto smiled like a peony flower.

Jiraiya was grinning from ear to ear, "Boss, the ramen you gave us has been upgraded to the super invincible deluxe version. I want to celebrate!"


Otsutsuki Ichiraku.

Oh no.

The hand-beating uncle responded angrily.

Kakashi blinked.

The 'us' that Jiraiya-sama talks about should include him, right?

Full of wine and food.

A group of people came to the back mountain of Konoha Ninja Village.

It is worth mentioning that Kakashi also came with him.

Jon estimated that he was trying to steal his master or something.


It doesn't matter.

One duck is also being chased, and two ducks are also being chased.

He often steals from others, and letting others steal from him once in a while is no big deal.

Kakashi was like a spirit, and when Jon didn't say anything to chase him away, he knew that the other party acquiesced to his behavior.

He took a deep breath and bowed to Jon, who was obviously younger than him.

Jiraiya sat on a tree branch and laughed.

Naruto is his apprentice, and Kakashi is Namikaze Minato's apprentice.

They are all from the same origin.

Jon didn't waste any time, and took out a green iron ball like magic, "Naruto, what I want to teach you today is the "swing" technique passed down from generation to generation in the Zeppelin family. "


Naruto's heart moved as he keenly caught a certain word.

It sounds similar to the principle of his 'Rasengan'.

Jon turned the iron ball, "What needs to be emphasized in particular is that 'spin' has many magical effects. It can not only control and change mobility on the human body, but can even strengthen the skin and change the structure of the human body."

In addition, it also has functions such as raising dust or changing the air temperature to create mirages.

To maximize the power of "Revolution", it must be thrown through the "golden rectangle" that exists in everything in nature. "

After saying that, he threw the iron ball.

'boom! ’

'boom! ’

'boom! ’.

Countless trees fell down in response!

Including Jiraiya, several people's eyes were opened.

Without chakra wrapping, it is wrong to simply use brute force. It is not brute force, but "skills". "Skills" alone can exert the power of A-level ninjutsu.

It’s incredible!

Kakashi swallowed, pulled up his forehead protector, and opened his hidden Sharingan.

Next, he must perfectly COPY every move of Lord Jon!

Naruto's mouth dropped open.

After coming back to his senses, he hugged Jon's arm excitedly, "Brother Jon, please teach me how to do this "roundabout"? "

If it's a cute girl.

Jon might be moved.

Replace it with a man.


How can I, Qiao, be HOMO!

Withdrawing his arm calmly, Jon pushed Naruto away, "First of all, don't let your skin notice the existence of the spin."

Regarding "Swing", he almost copied Jero's course.

Naruto seemed to understand.

However, Kakashi easily got started with the help of his super understanding and Sharingan.

I saw a shuriken spinning rapidly in his palm.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

The shuriken flew out.

It actually penetrated three or four trees one after another.

Although it is not as good as Jon's "Golden Spin", it is far superior to ordinary shuriken throwing techniques.

"That's amazing. As expected of Kakashi-sensei." Naruto said enviously.

Then another attempt began.

From dawn to dusk.

Kakashi's "spin" skills are already impressive. As long as he practices diligently, he will reach the threshold of "golden spin" over time.

Naruto was miserable.

Even with the training foundation of 'Rasengan', he still failed to master the 'Spin' technique.

Jon thought for a moment and suggested, "How about you try becoming Naruko? Girls' skin is generally much smoother than that of boys."

Naruto:? ? ?

But in the end, Naruto, who was struggling to get started, still gave it a try with hesitation.

Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded!

Naruto wanted to cry but had no tears left.

In the early years, to defeat the Rasengan, you had to use the shadow clone technique.

The "swing" technique that I have mastered now requires me to become a girl first.

Who can withstand this?

He smiled miserably, and couldn't help but imagine that when facing the enemy, he suddenly turned into a red girl in front of the enemy, and then used the power of "Spin" in a coquettish way.


The focus is not on other enemies.

But Sasuke!

If that guy sees how miserable he is

Then, life is completely over.

Holding the spinning iron ball in her hand, Naruko's eyes gradually lost their luster.

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