A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 174 Extra story continues

The grass is still so green.

The flowers are still so red.

Poklock led the yellow gelding and returned to the farm where he once worked with a happy face.

Seeing him, the farmer was stunned for a moment, and then he ran over with joy, "Poklock! You are Poklock, who won the fourth place in the S.B.R competition!"

Poklock chuckled, showing his white teeth, "Yes, it's me."

"Awesome!" the farmer cheered, like a fan girl who saw her idol, "Everyone, come out and see! Poklock is here! That Poklock has come to our farm!"


Look at this posture.

I'm sorry, you don't know that I was once your employee?

Shaking his head, Poklock didn't pay too much attention, and smiled and greeted some acquaintances.

"Uncle Peter, long time no see."

"Aunt Nancy, I'm back."

"Little Jack, have you grown taller?"

Wealth and honor do not return to their hometown, just like walking in brocade at night.

Poklock was in high spirits after winning a large sum of money.

Witnessed by many old acquaintances, he bought the farm where he once worked directly from the farmer at a price that was 30% higher than the market price.

As the saying goes

——Stand up and sing today.

Poklock, who had reached the pinnacle of his life, laughed heartily and silently made a cross in his heart.

Praise the "Son".

Praise for Fannie Valentine!

Stroll along the beach.

Lucy rested happily in Stephen Steele's arms.

Stephen Steele looked extremely unnatural, and his old face turned red.

"Don't move." Lucy said, "We are husband and wife, and this level of intimacy is normal."

If you say it's normal, then it's normal.

Stephen Steele sighed as if he was admitting defeat.

As soon as the eyes are closed, the heart is relaxed.

He took the initiative to hug his little wife.

Lucy was secretly happy and said softly: "That's right, we are a legal couple. We were, are, and will be in the future."


Stephen Steele swallowed.


Lucy looked up and met her husband's eyes.

"Have you really thought about it?" Stephen Steele asked very formally.

"Think about it. I have thought about it clearly a long time ago." Lucy took her husband's hand and pressed it to her heart, "I am yours."

One sentence.

Stephen Steele surrendered directly.

After groaning for a long time, he turned his head.

"Have two children, a boy and a girl."

Lucy hooked her husband's neck and kissed him sweetly.

"It's all up to you."

Standing at the door of the manor, Johnny thought for a long time, but still didn't have the courage to open the door.

But just when he wanted to turn around and leave.

A gray-haired man suddenly stopped him, "Johnny?"

Johnny stiffened.

"Johnny? You are really Johnny!" George Joestar chased him out tremblingly, "Kid, don't go!"

There was a dull pain in his heart, but his face remained calm. Johnny turned around and said coldly: "Long time no see, father."

Such an attitude made George Joestar feel like he was falling into a hole in the ice.

The old man stood blankly, as if he had lost all his strength in an instant.

Johnny took a deep breath and then spoke, "As you can see, I have healed my leg. Also, in the SBR competition held not long ago, I made some achievements by winning third place."

"I know." George Joestar suddenly became excited, "I know everything! I've been paying attention to you!"

After saying that, he was afraid that Johnny would turn around and leave, so he hurriedly opened the iron door and grabbed his son's wrist.

"follow me!"

The old man is not strong.

Compared with Johnny, he can even be said to be very thin.

But Johnny was like a puppet, letting his old father lead him into his long-lost ‘home’.


Strange yet familiar.

Suppressing his inner feelings, Johnny and his father came to the 'Honor Showroom' on the second floor.

Look around.

The walls are covered with my own newspaper clippings!

Johnny was stunned.

George Joestar covered his face with his hands and confessed: "Johnny, I'm sorry, I... I am a failed father."

‘Failed father’?

Hearing this, Johnny felt inexplicably relaxed.

Jon's face flashed in his mind. He imitated his cousin's tone and smiled carelessly: "Isn't it obvious, George Joestar, you are such a failure. From the moment you abandoned me, you were a failure. of."

George Joestar cried even harder.

Johnny wanted to pat the other person's shoulder, but after thinking about it carefully, he finally gave up the idea.

"Well, tears are the cheapest thing." He said, "I will no longer hate you, and of course, I will no longer love you.

You are my father, and you are also the one who pushed me into the abyss when I was at the lowest point in my life.


So be it. "

After adjusting his clothes, Johnny pondered for a moment, took off his hat and gave it to George Joestar, "Father, I plan to go to the Vatican for an appointment first, and then go to Japan for a walk. I don't know if I will come back.

Take good care of yourself. "

George Joestar rubbed the shoe on his bonnet and knelt down weakly on the ground.

Johnny didn't even look at it, and left his nominal 'home' with relaxed steps.

Walking outside, he looked up.

No wind or cloud.

"What a beautiful day."

"Great, you can finally be reunited with your sister!"

Jero laughed, showing his shining golden teeth.

Wei Kabibo looked at Jello with great gratitude and said solemnly: "Thank you, Jello Zebelin."

Jero won the S.B.R competition, and the ruler of the 'Kingdom of Naples' kept his promise and granted amnesty to the world.

Not only the innocent little boy Marco, but also the exiled Wiccabibo was exonerated and became a legal citizen of the Kingdom of Naples.

"Don't thank me, thank Saint Valentine who endured all the "sufferings" and "misfortunes" for us. "Jero suppressed a smile and pretended to take out a cross from his pocket.

On the cross, a man with long hair was tied with transparent filaments.

It's Fanny Valentine!

Since the "Holy Son" came to the world and suffered for the world, all scriptures and statues have been affected by strange powers and turned into the appearance of Fannie Valentine.

Wei Kabibo was speechless for a moment.

Jero couldn't hold himself any longer and waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm just joking.

One thing to say, I'm not a fanatical believer, but this thing, you can believe it or not, and it doesn't cost anything anyway. "

Wikabibo was speechless.

Looking up and down Jero, an idea flashed in his mind, and he clapped his hands, "I must repay your kindness anyway, so be it, I still have a sister, even though I'm divorced."


Brother, you don’t want to say this nonsense!

Jero pulled the reins.

"Huh? What did you say! I can't hear you!"

Without waiting for Wikabibo to reply, he grabbed the horse's belly.

‘Valkyrie’ raised its four hooves and rushed out like the wind.

Just like described in a story book

——The story of ‘Legendary Rider’ Gerard Zeppelin continues.

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