A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 170 The President: Bushangwan is spicy!

Before Poklock activated 'Space Shatter', President Valentine cleverly replaced his body with D4C.

Return to the original world.

He originally wanted to continue to pester Poklock, but the black boy was too evil.

Look up.

I happened to see a handsome black-haired guy standing on the roof of the building looking around.

Fannie Valentine immediately came up with a plan and pulled down the stars and stripes that were used to decorate the street.

With a flick of the lid, he can teleport a hundred meters.

Come to the roof.

Staring at the tall back, President Valentine licked his lips.

‘Jon Joestar’

For the sake of a better tomorrow for America, please die generously!

His eyes narrowed.

‘Space Collapse’ is activated!

In order to ensure that the attack hit, President Valentine also deliberately activated the time stop.

There is no hiding, no avoiding.

He seemed to have seen the enemy's broken bones and blood everywhere.


In the impression that Jon Joestar should have died tragically, he just turned around calmly.

The laws of "time" and "space" seem to have no effect on him!

President Valentine panicked and exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible." Jon looked at Fannie Valentine up and down and said calmly, "It's just that your application of the rules is too superficial."

Patriotic President:? ? ?

Sorry, I can't understand what you are talking about.

Come to your senses.

Fannie Valentine calmly took a few steps back and took out a pistol from his arms.

Jon was immediately amused.

No one knows how many people tried to shoot him with a gun.

And the results needless to say.

To be honest, he was already thinking about whether to show a classic before showing the president what it means to use bare hands. No, what it means to take bullets with your mouth.

Being stared at by the enemy, Fannie Valentine broke into a cold sweat.

clam down.

He found that the aura of Jon Joestar seemed to be even more evil than that of Poklock, who was so lucky that he exploded.

I am the only normal person who holds the sacred bone of love, right?


Jon raised his hand, "Aren't you going to continue?"

"Poor and lowly people." President Valentine gritted his teeth and said, "Who do you think you are talking to? Don't be too arrogant!"

I, Fannie Valentine, only love my country and not my people.

Everything that hinders me must be eliminated!

With his eyes widened in anger, President Valentine simultaneously activated the power of time and space.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely be blasted to pieces by the powerful power of rules.

But it's a pity.

What Mr. President encountered was the source of the rules.

Why would the sun mind if you shine a flashlight into it?

Pursing his lips, Jon said with concern, "Um, are your eyes dry?"

My fucking eyes almost popped out of my head, tell me whether I can do it or not!

President Valentine was extremely surprised.

It shouldn't be.

Is my "saint's body" fake?

In other words, the ability of the "Saint's Remains" on Jon Joestar's body is to be immune to all special abilities.

With such doubts, President Valentine directly pulled the trigger.

However, the bullet was just a feint.

The real killer move lies in D4C's fist.

It's useless to say more, just eat my rabbit fist!

Although D4C, a double-A power-speed player, has a poor record, his board ability is extremely good.

Jon wanted to take a break.

But then I thought about it.

Forget it.

Meeting D4C's fist, he reached out and grabbed the big rabbit, directly hugging the big rabbit into his arms.

Then, use both arms to exert force, and perform a move to hold the rabbit in your arms and kill it.

The president immediately vomited three liters of blood!

"you you."

I have been talking about "you" for a long time, but I still can't say a complete sentence.

Strangulate the substitute with bare hands.

Is this something a human being can fucking do?


Now is not the time to think about that.

Fannie Valentine yelled, "D4C!"

He took off his coat with a "swipe and pull" and covered himself with it. His movements were so skillful.

Jon didn't stop either.

Just looked at each other with interest.

Then, he snapped his fingers and followed Fannie Valentine to an unknown parallel world.

Mr. President, who had just changed his body and wanted to go back and fight Jon for 300 rounds, was dumbfounded.



Why don't you!

"Is it surprising?" Jon asked with a smile.

Hearing this, President Valentine's heart beat as fast as an accelerator pump.

here we go again.

This damn throb!

To be honest, President Valentine has begun to vaguely doubt his own orientation.

Look closely at that handsome face.


The heart beat faster.

Fannie Valentine put a trembling hand on his heart and gritted his teeth: "I will show no mercy to anyone who hinders me, even you!"

I am a man who wants to lead the country to eternal prosperity. Women are in the way!


Men are also in the way!

Jon didn't know why.

What does "I will show no mercy even to you"?

Let’s talk about it, we haven’t met each other a few times.

President Valentine, who had regained full health, unleashed astonishing destructive power.

It's not his own world anyway, so he doesn't need to be secretive.




Houses collapsed.

Fannie Valentine looks like a madman.

Jon frowned slightly.

Although he never cared about the lives of others, he couldn't bear to see people killing wantonly in front of him.

With a wave of his hand, he wrapped Fanny Valentine with thin threads.

The patriotic president was so frightened that he jumped up.

In a daze, he saw a black face with a mean smile.

Damn it, my ability is not going to be stolen again!

But it's okay.

Jon Joestar didn't steal his abilities, he just brought him back to his original world.

Fani Valentine:

Travel around the world.

It seems that he is the same type of substitute as me.

No, no.

Now is not the time to think about this!

President Valentine was calm and controlled the DC4 to tear apart the transparent filaments, rolling and crawling away from the enemy. .

Jon didn't care either.


Mr. President's luck is really bad.

After a round of choices, I was finally chosen.

"Don't be too proud, I will come back sooner or later!"

He was obviously very scared, but he refused to give in.

He picked up the stars and stripes and covered himself with it, and President Valentine disappeared under Jon's eyes.

Jon thought for a moment.

Decided to let the other party go for the time being.

It's not time yet.

the other side.

"Oh la!"

Jero threw the iron ball hard.

Diego smiled slightly and used the time-stopping mechanism to easily dodge.

Five seconds.

These five seconds are an insurmountable chasm for humans!


He was also very distressed.

Although Jero and Johnny's attacks did not threaten him.

However, his 'world' is also unable to defeat Jero and Johnny.

Jero stopped talking.

This guy has a spinning iron ball on his body at all times, hardening the skin all over his body to an unimaginable degree.

Johnny, on the other hand, punched a bullet hole in himself.

Make use of the special chicken ability of 'Ya ACT3' to put yourself in a wonderful state that seems real but not real, and seems virtual but not virtual.

Very difficult!

Two against one.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

At this moment, a Star-Spangled Banner fell from the sky and fell onto the battlefield impartially.

But he saw Fannie Valentine crawling out from under the stars and stripes, scanning both sides vigilantly.

Johnny, Jero and Diego stopped what they were doing in a tacit understanding and turned their attention to President Valentine who unexpectedly participated in the war.

After experiencing two failures in succession, the president felt a little scared, but he still raised his chin and said solemnly: "Despicable servants, the 'saint's body' is definitely not something you can get your hands on, hand it over to me!" "

Turning his head, he looked at Johnny and Jello, "Jero Zibelin, you are not a citizen of this country, why should you be so obsessed with Johnny Joestar.

Johnny Joestar, if you think you are still an American citizen, give me your body! This is a presidential order! "

What a.


Johnny and Gerald laughed angrily.

"Johnny, did you hear that?"

"Hear it clearly."

"This guy is so arrogant that he makes us kneel down and beg for mercy."

"That's what he said."

"So, what are we going to do? Kneel down for him obediently?"

"I think it's better to beat him until he kneels."

The ADC brothers are equivalent to Guo Degang and Yu Qian in the S.B.R world. They tease each other and their cross talk is so neat.

Diego, on the other hand, was confused.

"The Remains of the Saint".

What is it?

He couldn't help but said: "What are you talking about? Aren't we competing for the "Rare Diamond"? "

There are thousands of parallel worlds.

There is only one copy of the "saint's body".

In the world of 'Diego', the purpose of holding the S.B.R Competition is to collect nine unique and precious diamonds living in the United States.

President Valentine sneered, but did not explain anything.

The reason why Diego from the parallel world was brought here was to create trouble for Johnny Joestar and Gerald Zeppelin.

It now appears that the plan was only half successful.

Think of this.

Fannie Valentine thought for a moment, then started and stopped without warning.

Immediately afterwards, he gave up the unreliable 'space collapse' and simply shot Johnny!

A second flies by.

The bullet went straight through Johnny's body.

President Valentine is numb.

Unwilling to give up, he started to stop again.

This time, he changed the target and pointed the gun at Jero Zeppelin.


There was another gunshot.

The bullet bounced off Zero's twisted hardened skin, splattering golden arcs.

President Valentine:.

Can't hit one.

No one breaks the defense.

Are you having fun?

His eyes flashed.

I still don't believe it.

Time, stop it!

Even if it is only one second, as long as it is continuous without interruption, the effect of pseudo-permanent time-stop can be achieved.

President Valentine's face looks a little older.

Being backlashed by the "time" rule, his lifespan was greatly shortened.

But it doesn’t matter.

As long as D4C is still around, he will be immortal.

Go ahead.

My bunny.

Kill those bad guys!

D4C flew out obediently and punched Jero and Johnny randomly.





The shame of 5A is the shame of 5A. Not to mention the 'Terrible Evil Beast' who couldn't defeat Double B in the original destiny path. Even if it evolved into 'D4C·Train of Love', it would still be defeated by Speed ​​B's 'Tooth ACT4' 'Hit.

After hammering for a long time, Johnny and Jero didn't lose much blood, but President Valentine himself was almost dying of old age.

Diego, who had been silent, couldn't stand it anymore and said, "You can't do this."

President Valentine, who was belatedly aware of this, suddenly jumped up and said hoarsely: "You can"

He met a total of six people today.

Two people are not affected by the time stop.

That’s outrageous!

Diego brought The World close to President Valentine and said with great interest: "So, Mr. President, can you tell me what exactly the 'remains of the saint' are?" "

President Valentine pointed hard, "D4C!"

The 'honest man' D4C had no choice but to change his target and fight against the 'world'.


It was pinned to the ground and beaten by this yellowed substitute.

The body is deflated.

The substitute was also defeated.

Bu Xiang Wan is spicy!

Seeing that he is about to die of old age.

President Valentine had no choice but to stretch out his quilt and cover himself with the stars and stripes.

Good night, Makabaka~

Disappear from time to time.

Johnny and Jello regain consciousness.

Apart from a slight pain in my body, it seemed to have no effect at all.

The two of them felt relieved.

Diego looked around but couldn't find Fannie Valentine and asked, "Hey, where did that guy go!?"

You ask me, who am I asking?

Johnny and Jero couldn't answer this question.

He stared for a long time with big eyes and small eyes.


The three of them took action at the same time.

The battle begins again!

President Valentine quietly changed his body and returned to this world, lost in thought.


It seemed different from what he imagined.

His original plan was to let 'Diego Brando' in the parallel world consume the physical strength of Jonny Joestar and Gerald Zeppelin as much as possible.

Then he will first defeat the other "chosen ones" one by one, and finally get a "fisherman's profit".


Fight Poklock and let others steal his abilities.

Playing Jon Joestar, he was suppressed from beginning to end.

Let's put aside the two people who are obviously wrong and interfere with the battle between Johnny and Diego.

After working for a long time, not only did he not see a drop of blood, but he also lost his life.

Could it be that the "saint's body" did not favor me, Fannie Valentine?

In some unknown corner, the president fell into isolation.

On the battlefield.

Diego tried many methods, but failed to kill Johnny and Jero.

Seeing that the situation is about to reach a stalemate again.

Jero had an idea, and his mouth was full of shining gold teeth, "Johnny, maybe I'll stop when I have a way to crack it!"

Nani? !

Johnny was shocked when he heard this.

You must know that they have exhausted their energy by remaining undefeated in the time stop!

Stop if it can be cracked.

Without any time to explain, Jero turned around and ran away.

While running, he shouted, "Johnny, please stop that guy, I'll be right back."


Jonny responded positively.

‘Buzz! ’ ‘Buzz! ’ ‘Buzz! ’

Claw rounds.

Diego frowned deeply.

Gerard Zeppelin's words did not go behind his back.

He heard clearly the remarks about 'stop when cracking'.

However, even he himself could not imagine how he could crack the 'world'.

"Maybe he just took the opportunity to run away."

An idea emerged in his heart, and Diego sneered.


"the world!"

Time stops!

The trajectory of the claw bullet was easily seen by Diego.

Five seconds passed.

Time flow returns to normal.

Diego crossed his arms and was about to taunt Johnny.

At this time, Zero came back riding the Valkyrie.

He was holding the reins with one hand, and holding a spinning iron ball with the other hand.

"If "Spin" can continue during the time stop, then there is only one way to defeat you. Take the move, the legendary "Cavalry Spin"! "

Thank you veterans for your votes, comments and rewards. Thank you for sharing the same joy!

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