A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 165 Philadelphia Shooting (False)

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

There was no stupid person present, and after a little thought, he understood the meaning of 'saint'.

Collect all the "saint's remains" and you will be the chosen one!

That said, another race is about to begin.

Eight contestants.

A winner.

Winner takes all!


There was no time to think about it, and the mysterious space collapsed.

Everyone's consciousness returned to reality.

real world.

Hurt Penz shook his head and looked into the eyes of Diego, who was also confused.

The two were stunned for a moment.

Immediately, the atmosphere suddenly darkened.

However, Diego didn't seem to want to fight anymore, and suggested: "Hurt Penz, let's make a truce for now. If we continue to fight, we will both lose."

"Both sides suffer?" Hurt Panz sneered, "Diego Brando, you think too highly of yourself."

Hearing this, Diego was so angry that his teeth itched, but he couldn't get angry.

Forcibly suppressing his dissatisfaction, he said in a deep voice, "In any case, you obtained the sacred bones by stealing information from me."


Hurt Penz asked rhetorically.

"Let's continue to join forces." Diego expressed his thoughts, "Needless to say, President Fanny Valentine, this country is his most solid backing.

Jonny Joestar is in the same group as Jon Joestar and Lucy Steele, who goes by the pseudonym ‘Luke Bandruton’.

As for Poklock and the remaining stranger (Mike.O), it is very likely that they are also companions. It would be too much of a disadvantage for the two of us to fight alone. "

Hurt Panz raised the corner of his mouth and said: "I won't talk about it for others, why do you think that Poklock and that strange face are companions?"

"Because they are all black." Diego's tone remained unchanged.

Ah this

It's reasonable and well-founded, but I'm speechless.

Hurt Panz pursed his lips.

But then I thought about it.

Continuing to team up with Diego is not a strategy at this stage.

Even if she herself has no intention of killing others and seizing the holy bones, it does not mean that others do not want to do so.

After thinking again and again, Hurt Panz nodded, "Okay, that's it."

Diego frowned upon hearing this answer.

The last time Hurt Penz said these words, it happened to be when the two of them decided to work together to discover the 'saint's body'. As a result, the damn woman turned her back and abandoned him, digging up the holy bones on her own.

Diego secretly swore that after the other "chosen ones" were dealt with, he would make this dead woman Hurt Penz pay the price!

‘I’m the only one who stabs people in the back’

‘Never allow others to backstab me’

Master Dio, the old double standard is weird.

"Ya Bai, I'm not ready to fight with other people yet!" Poklock held his head in his hands, with a nervous look on his brows.

Johnny and Lucy were silent.

Jon was carelessly stroking sister Luna's golden hair as if nothing was wrong.

Jero, who already had a rough idea of ​​what was going on, lowered the brim of his hat and said: "Now that the 'Battle of the Holy Chosen' has begun, no matter whether you like it or not, you will be involved in the general trend.

Of course, if you are willing to voluntarily give up the "saint's body", you might be able to escape. "

This was said to Poklock and Lucy.

Before Poklock could speak, Lucy took the initiative and said, "I can give up the holy bones."

After finishing her words, her eyes wandered between Jonny and Jon for a few seconds, and finally she chose to hand over the holy bones she held to Jonny, "Johnny Joestar, I can trust you, right? "

Johnny took a deep breath and said, "Okay."

Even if there is no 'Battle of Holy Election', President Fanny Valentine will not let him go. In this case, it is better to give it a try.

In an instant, one of the eight "chosen ones" was gone.

Poklock was speechless.

One's own family knows one's own affairs.

Even if he possesses extraordinary powers, in the final analysis, he is just a lucky ordinary person.

He asked himself that he could not risk his life to fight the enemy like Johnny Joestar and Jello Zeppelin.


I really want to give up the benefits I got.

I really can’t bear it.

After all, these are the remains of a ‘human saint’!

Poklock was fighting on the side, and Johnny took the sacred bones handed over by Lucy with a solemn expression.

In an instant.

Countless transparent filaments protruded from the broken 'saint's spine' and pierced into Johnny's body.

At the same time, 'Tooth ACT2' appeared inexplicably, and his figure grew dramatically.

In just a few breaths, a brand new form evolved!

‘Tooth ACT3’ is a brand new product that incorporates sacred bones. It can penetrate into the ‘other world’ through bullet holes at any time. It is a life-saving skill!

Johnny's eyes flashed.

The new substitute will become the sharp blade that shreds the darkness!

Fannie Valentine, aren't you very arrogant? You want to send assassins to kill me. I will take my two brothers (Jon and Jero) to fight with you.

In Philadelphia, don't let me see you. I will pull your hair out and slap you in the face!

Johnny couldn't help but sneer.

Looking at it made Poklock shiver all over.

Jonny Joestar is a ruthless character, and with the addition of Jero Zebelin and Jon Joestar, his one hundred kilograms of dark and dark tendon meat may not be enough to fit between people's teeth.

Act urgently, late may lead to change!

Poklock gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, "Johnny! Good brother! Take my holy bones too!"


Seeing that his companions were silent, Poklock thought that his determination was not firm enough, so he said word by word: "Originally, the 'ears' and the 'right arm' belong to you, and the 'legs' were also obtained by me accidentally. , you’re welcome, take it, take them all!”

Hearing this, Johnny licked his lips and seemed to be moved.

But in the end, he still rejected Poklock, "Poklock, I understand what you mean, but there is a proverb in my hometown - don't keep your wealth in one place."

Poklock·Monthly salary is 1200. Turtle III said he didn’t understand.

Lucy explained helplessly: "What Johnny means is that you can't put the holy bones on a person, lest you be caught all at once."

"Oh~" Poklock suddenly realized.

So, can I still be happy for a while?

Jero didn't look at the giggling Poklock, but changed the topic, "I have a wonderful feeling that at the end of "STAGE 7", which is Philadelphia, we are likely to encounter an unprecedented crisis. In other words, Fannie Valentine is very likely to be waiting there! "

Poklock nodded repeatedly, "Ah, yes, yes, I feel the same way."

If it were Jero alone, Johnny and the others might still have doubts.

But since Ou Huang himself said so, it is probably the truth.

Fannie Valentine, the leader of the United States who stands above millions of people, is eagerly waiting for other "chosen ones" to fall into his palm.

No, no.

This must not be allowed to happen.

Johnny's eyes flashed, "We have to find a way! Not only can we kill Fanny Valentine in one fell swoop, we must also try our best to ensure our own safety and move the battlefield away from Philadelphia."

Easier said than done.

Everyone was wondering what to do.

Jon scratched his eyebrows and suddenly smiled, "I have an idea, but it's a bit ostentatious."


Don't be afraid of showing off, but be afraid of losing your life if you show off.

Johnny and others all looked like they were willing to hear the details.

Jon said: "Don't forget, the United States is a capitalist country. Fannie Valentine is very powerful, but the power of the plutocrats cannot be underestimated. Do you still remember our odds in the first stage? That is Numbers that can scare people to death.

Some people want us to die, and some want us to live.

So, we are like this, like this. "

Philadelphia, a residential building.

"Cough cough cough."

Mike O, who was seriously injured, couldn't help but cough.

Although he saved his life, he seemed to be suffering from a disease.

Not only was the skin ulcerated, but the lungs were also severely infected.

Mike.O realized that his time was running out and said weakly: "Wikabibo."

Wikarbibo approached silently.

Mike O tremblingly held out the 'Saint's Eyeball', "Take it."

Wei Kabibo pondered for a moment and took the eyeball with the hour hand engraved on it.

"You have to remember the secret words I'm going to say next." Mike O said with a pious look on his face: "THE WORLD', 'MADE IN HEAVEN' and 'BITE THE DUST, read the secret words and you can... Stop, speed up and reverse "time". "

Wei Kabibo nodded, "I remember."

"No matter what." Mike O grabbed Wei Kabibo's sleeve, "No matter what, we cannot let the "saint's body" fall into the hands of the president! "

"Yes." Wikabibo promised: "I will take back the sacred bones from Fannie Valentine, I swear."

Hearing this, Mike.O felt relieved and murmured: "Lord, please forgive me, forgive your loyal believers."

Wei Kabibo silently crossed himself on his chest and said, "May you rest in peace."

"Rest in peace." Mike O twitched the corner of his mouth.

He tilted his head and completely lost his vitality.

Wikabibo closed the opponent's eyes, and then pressed the 'saint's eyeball' into his own eye socket.

Suddenly, the world became different.

Wikarbibo rubbed his eyes, as if trying his best to adapt to the discomfort.

After a long time, he finally adapted to the power and held his orange iron ball tightly.

"Mike.O, although you and I don't have a close relationship, I will do my best to complete the matter of seizing the holy bones."

After a pause, he continued: "I will never die before returning to my hometown. Likewise, I will not stop before I obtain the sacred bones from Fannie Valentine!"

Two days later, "STAGE 7" ends.

"Philadelphia, the hometown of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin, is also the oldest former capital of the United States, plus the latest road paved by the 1876 World's Exposition. Closer to home, the first person to cross the finish line is It’s Hurt Penz!”

"Diego Brando is close behind!"

"Incredible, there is no trace of fatigue on their faces!"

"Then...Higashi Kensuke! The rider from Japan showed off his sophisticated skills!"

"Fourth place, Gerard Zeppelin! After a period of silence, the top player's condition is still improving. In the standings, Zeppelin is far ahead!"

"Fifth place, our old friend, Jonny Joestar. As the schedule progresses, we also have a certain understanding of Jonny's past. This talented young man on the racecourse finally broke out again. The light!”

"Sixth place, Poklock, ha, everyone loves 'Lucky Boy'!"

As the S.B.R competition comes to an end, the audience's enthusiasm has reached its peak!

"STAGE 7" is a long-distance stage, and the remaining two stages are both short-distance.

In other words, arriving in Philadelphia smoothly will almost guarantee the victory of the competition.

Especially Jero.

Because of the huge advantage in the previous stages, he has the most "time bonus". If nothing happens, he can run the remaining two short-distance stages and rely on the "time bonus" to get first place!

This made the big chaebols and big capitalists who originally placed heavy bets on Jero extremely crazy.

OK, Gerard Zebelin, you did a great job!

Riding on the tall horse, Jero seemed very happy.

Only a few people discovered that Jon Joestar, who had been teaming up with Jello Zeppelin and Jonny Joestar, was missing.

But what the hell.

Jon Joestar's odds were indeed very high in the first few stages, but as the race progressed, everyone with a discerning eye discovered that the vicious rider, known as the "Blood Butcher" by the outside world, seemed not interested in winning, so the odds remained Plunge.

If you disappear, just disappear, as long as Gerald Zeppelin is still there.

Everyone is partying.

Only President Fanny Valentine remained silent.

Of course, he didn't show any abnormal expression as he was among the conglomerates in the House of Representatives. He just applauded reservedly and elegantly.

"Mr. President, are you also optimistic about Gerard Zebelin?" A certain oil tycoon spoke with interest.

President Valentine looked down on this kind of local leopard who fell in the eyes of money, but he had to force out a smile and said, "He is a very capable player."

Isn't it powerful?

If it was just a useless snack, how could it be possible to repel the killers he sent one after another.

President Valentine picked up the wine glass and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jello Zeppelin, Jonny Joestar, the only time you can be proud of is now.

When you leave everyone's sight, you will die!

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard from the crowd!

'boom. ’

Logically speaking, the sound of a pistol firing should not be that loud. But for some reason, everyone heard the gunshot clearly.

In sight, the favorite Gerald Zeppelin fell off his horse.

The atmosphere was quiet at first.

Immediately, the scene was in an uproar!


Johnny almost broke out his strongest acting skills in his life.

He was seen riding his horse towards Jero, then fell off the horse with a 'clunk' and climbed to Jero's side.

"Jero! Jero, wake up! You can't die! Didn't we agree to arrive in New York together and jointly win the top two in the competition!"

Tears burst into tears.

Everyone who sees it is moved.

Jero suppressed his laughter until it was painful.

When Johnny saw it, he pinched the flesh of Jero's waist in a subtle way and cried, "Jero! My brother!"


Damn, it hurts.

Poklock turned his head, as if he couldn't bear to see such a scene.

But if you look closely, you will find that the black boy is shaking violently, obviously trying to suppress his smile.

The onlookers gradually came to their senses and their expressions changed suddenly.

Johnny calculated the opportunity, turned his head suddenly, and looked somewhere in the audience.

"Fanny Valentine! Just because our brothers are unwilling to fake matches, are you going to kill us!"

Patriotic President: ∑(△`)? !

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