A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 157 The Invincible ‘Twentieth Century Boy’

How lucky does one have to be to be able to defeat his opponent in this roulette-like way? !

Johnny and others were stunned.

However, now is not the time to be surprised.

After getting rid of the last assassin, everyone got on their horses and left Milwaukee at night.

Three days later, on the shores of Lake Michigan.


The iron ball was spinning rapidly on the ice, and Jero couldn't help but frown.

Meeting everyone's eyes, he shook his head, "No, the ice is too thin for the horses to pass."

Hearing this, Johnny and Poklock were a little disappointed.

Obviously, as long as we cross the strait between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, we will be less than five kilometers away from the end of "STAGE 6".

Unexpectedly, the plan to cross the lake on ice was ruined!

"Now" Jero raised his hand and tugged on his hood, "Either we go far away, or we wait here for the ice to thicken."

He took off his deerskin gloves, felt the temperature carefully, and then said: "It is almost minus fifteen degrees now, and it will take at least two days for the ice to freeze completely.

Okay, tell me what you think. "

After finishing his sentence, Johnny said without hesitation, "I choose to go around the lake."

Lucy and Luna looked at each other and said in unison: "It's better to wait here."

Poklock scratched his eyebrows and said, "I heard that the locals will lay wooden boards in the lake in advance so that they can pass smoothly when it freezes. I think we can try it."

Good guys, four people, three plans.

Jero looked at Jon with a headache.

Jon smiled and said: "I tend to go around the lake. First, the killer sent by the president may appear at any time; second, according to the 'stigma', the 'saint's remains' are hidden in Lake Michigan and Lake Superior." Somewhere, while we are on the road, we can also look for it. It can be said that we kill two birds with one stone. "

Speaking of the saint's body, the "chosen ones" such as Johnny, Lucy, and Poklock all looked solemn.

The ‘Saint’s Legs’ must not fall into the hands of the President or Diego Brando!


There is only one answer.

Braving the wind and snow, everyone rode away.

A few hours later, a sled led by the 'hound' came to the place where Jon and others had been staying for a long time.

"Good news, gentlemen." Mike O, who had a tattoo on his face, smiled slightly, "It won't be long before we can see those traitors."

"Hurry up, the cold weather is really uncomfortable." Majette. Majette was a little impatient.

He looked at the 'nail hound' leading the way and then at the 'iron horse' pulling the sled, and couldn't help but said: "Mike, I heard that something called an 'airplane' is about to be released. My It means, can’t you use a stand-in to blow out a similar tool?”

Mike O was stunned and joked: "Although the Tubular Bell can be twisted into an animal with iron, I don't know of any big bird that can be controlled by humans."

Majette. Majette was disappointed.

At this moment, Wei Kabibo, who had never spoken, suddenly said: "I advise you to be more serious. Jero Zibelin and Johnny Joestar are by no means ordinary people."

Wikabibo, the former guard officer of the Kingdom of Naples, was dedicated to guarding the king. Having come from the same place as Jero, he is well aware of the difficulty of the "Spin Ball".

Hearing this, Mike O and Majette Majette looked slightly solemn.

But then, Majette Majette waved his hand nonchalantly, "Don't worry, my substitute is 'invincible' and will definitely be able to take down Johnny Joestar and the others!"

Mike O echoed: "Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Majette."

"Leave it to me." Majette Majette looked very confident, "When we complete the task, the three of us will definitely get awards from President Valentine. Maybe we can even get one or two honors. badge."

After slightly imagining the future scene, Majette Majette raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Mike.O smiled and said nothing.

Wei Kabibo was not so optimistic and sighed silently in his heart.

It would be great if it went so smoothly.

the other side.

"Ah ha ha ha, dinner is here~"

Poklock returned to the camp carrying the two rabbits with a look of joy on his face.

Johnny wondered: "Where did you hunt the rabbit?"

"Hit?" Poklock was stunned for a moment, "These two rabbits were killed by collision."

Meeting everyone's eyes, he explained: "I wanted to make it easier, but who could have imagined that as soon as I untied my belt, the silly rabbit hit a tree pillar not far away with a bang. I didn't care and continued. Release the water, and as a result, another one comes and hits the same position.

I thought, this must be a gift from nature, so I carried them back. "

Really, wait and see.



While others had to wait miserably by the tree stump, I only had to put on my pants and bend down slightly.

Luna asked curiously: "Does this happen often?"

Poklock scratched his head, "It's okay, because I started late in "STAGE 1" and accidentally left a lot of things behind. As a result, along the way, I picked up many sleeping bags, tents, etc. left by the contestants on the road. of.

Even the food I usually eat when I'm on the road is usually picked up, like the fish that jumped on the shore, the fruits that were thrown on my head when they were ripe, and the canned jerky that was discarded by the horse bandits after they were robbed. They were worthless. supplies. "

Johnny and Jero were dumbfounded.

No wonder Poklock is obviously an amateur in horse racing, but his speed has never been slow, and he can achieve good results in the top ten in almost every stage.

Daqing means traveling lightly and relying solely on ‘gifts from nature’ for supplies!


It's really annoying to compare people to each other.

Jon didn't think too much and took the initiative to take the two rabbits. Before the two girls exclaimed, "How can you eat rabbits when rabbits are so cute?", he handled the ingredients neatly.

Not long after, a pot of delicious rabbit soup was ready.

Paired with toasted bread and jerky, as well as various nuts brought from Milwaukee, it was a hearty meal.

After drinking and eating, in order to prove that what he said was true, Poklock asked Jero for a rope. Without tying a fishing hook, he casually dug a hole in the ice and put the rope into the hole.

The result of this is that after everyone has eaten and drank, they have a grilled fish to fill their teeth.

Jero and Johnny were completely speechless.

'Comparing people with others will lead to death, and comparing goods with goods will lead to throwing away'

Luck is something you can't envy.

After the second meal, everyone gathered around the campfire to chat. Because they had experienced assassin attacks together and were both "chosen ones", Johnny's attitude towards Poklock was obviously friendlier than that of the previous golden retriever.

“The next clue to the burial place of the ‘Saint’s Remains’ is ‘Wolf’. "Johnny touched his left hand in the snow and printed a clear 'stigma', "So, we have to focus on finding everything related to the 'wolf'. "

Jero said solemnly: "The 'saint's body' is not restricted to a certain place, and may also be carried by animals. "

After pondering for a moment, Poklock raised his hand weakly, "Speaking of animals, I seemed to have actually fed a wolf yesterday."

Jero and Johnny:? ? ?

No, why didn't you say this earlier?

The two of them asked anxiously, "When?"

"Where is the wolf?"

Poklock spread his hands and said, "I was not responsible for collecting firewood yesterday. I saw a lame little wolf while wandering around in the snow. I happened to have a few sticks of meat left in my pocket, so I threw it away."

"Then what?!" Jero asked quickly.

"Then it disappeared." Poklock sneered, "It should be just a coincidence."

If it were someone else.

Maybe it's a coincidence.

But you are different.

You are the European Emperor.

According to the script, the "saint's body" should be on the lame little wolf!

Then here comes the problem.

At this point, are they going to turn around and look for the 'legs of the saint', or are they going to give up and rush towards the end of "STAGE 6"?

Jero and Johnny were a little undecided.

So, they looked at Jon at the same time.

Jon looked at Poklock decisively.

Poklock scratched his head, "Actually, you don't have to worry so much. Maybe if I howl a few times, the little wolf will jump out on its own."

After saying that, he actually stood up and put his hands to his mouth, "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Johnny felt that it was not reliable and stopped him: "No matter how lucky you are,"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jero, "Wait!"

After feeling silently for a few seconds, he pointed to his ear and said, "Something is approaching."

Johnny swallowed nervously.

Wouldn't it be so evil?

Listen carefully.

His eyes widened instantly.

There actually is!

‘Swish’ ‘Swish’ ‘Swish’

The sound of trampling on the snow became increasingly clear.

Johnny's expression also changed from disbelief to ecstasy.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly raised his hand and pointed behind him, "Be careful, this movement is definitely not 'one', but a 'group'!"

Jonny is right.

With the help of the firelight, everyone quickly saw what was approaching them.

They were a group of 'dogs' that looked like balloon toys and shone with metallic luster!

Jero and Johnny, both severe PTSD patients, said in unison: "Be careful, it's a stand-in attack!"

Time has stopped!

——It's a substitute attack.

The body has become smaller!

——It's a substitute attack.

The car is flying!

——It's a substitute attack.

A group of metal balloon dogs appeared late at night.

——Stand-in attack!

No matter what weird things happened.

It's right to leave the blame entirely to the substitute attack.

Jon narrowed his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, this stand-in ability belonged to Fanny Valentine's personal guard 'Mike.O', whose stand-in 'Tube Bell' had the ability to blow up metal and turn it into various animals.

Just as he was thinking about it, the hounds launched an attack.

The targets of the attack are none other than Johnny and Jello!

How can the ADC brothers sit still and wait for death, shooting claw bullets/throwing iron balls almost at the same time.

'Ding! ''Ding! ''Ding! ’

The sound of gold and iron buzzes, sputtering sparks.

At the same time, an orange iron ball flew silently in the cold darkness.

Jero's eyes were sharp and he didn't have time to think too much. The 'Iron Ball Destroyer' took action boldly.

'boom! ’

The orange iron ball collided with the 'Iron Ball Destroyer', causing people's eardrums to heat up.

'call out! ''call out! ''call out! ’

At this time, a number of metal projectiles suddenly bounced off the orange iron ball, exploding like a fragmentation grenade!

Jero and Johnny were unfortunately attacked.

Sister Lucy and Ou Huang in the rear were fine.

Jon took a closer look.

The three people arrived slowly.

One of them rides a sleigh and the other two ride a horse.

He became interested and stopped paddling in a hurry. He turned to Poklock and said, "You take Lucy and Luna away first. You can come back when the battle here is over."

Although Poklock's character is a bit off-kilter, he is still quite loyal. When I heard this, I became unhappy on the spot, "I also have a substitute, and I can also fight!"

"You?" Jon looked Poklock up and down, "I don't want to be too rude, but you'd better train your avatar to strength A before joining the battle."

Poklock:? ? ?

I didn't understand it, but I felt offended.

But I think of ‘HEY YA! ’ Apart from being able to chat with him, he really didn’t have any magical abilities, so Pocklock had no choice but to take on the role of nanny and run away with Lucy and Luna.

Majette. Majette, Wikabibo, Mike.O


Jon Joestar, Jello Zeppelin, Jonny Joestar

Three against three.

Seems pretty fair.

"Hello." Majette. Majette relied on being 'invincible' and was not nervous at all about the imminent war. "Time is money, my friends. Please skip the boring self-introduction. I'm here to kill you." , who took away the holy bones.”

Jon put his hands in his pockets and stared at Majette Majette with interest.

As we all know, Araki has portrayed three characters who gave up thinking.

There is a poem that says, "Kazi in the sky doesn't speak, Brother Dao in the water misses his mother."

The last one is Majette in front of me. Majette.

His stand-in, 20th Century Boy, has the ability to direct attacks into the ground in the official setting.

But in fact, even though Majette was hit in the air, Majette was still not harmed in any way while wearing a double.

So to be precise, the real ability of the 'Twentieth Century Boy' is 'invincible when turned on'.

‘Boys of the 20th Century’ (×)

‘Zhongya’s Hourglass’ (√)

Jon looked at Majette Majette with extremely gentle eyes.

This was the first time since Operation Planet that he was so interested in other people's abilities.

Majette. Majette was stunned by the sight of Jon, and scolded: "You dare to be so arrogant when you are about to die!"

After speaking, he picked up the double-barreled shotgun.

Jon said excitedly: "Johnny, Jero, leave this guy to me, and you can divide the remaining two among yourself!"

Although Jero and Johnny felt a little uncomfortable with Jon being so proactive, the situation was urgent and they didn't think much about it.

Each took away an opponent and quickly left the battlefield between Majette, Majette and Jon.

Majette. Majette ignored Johnny and Jero, pulled the trigger, and fired two shots.

Jon didn't even try to hide and let the projectiles hit him.




Majette. Majette is numb.


Could it be

The enemy has a substitute of the same type as himself!

Not to be disrespectful, Jon deliberately slowed down his movements, raised his hand and fired a finger gun.

Seeing this, Majette. Majette quickly put on the 'Twentieth Century Boy'.

In his panic, he didn't realize that a slender black and purple substitute had teleported behind him, silently admiring Majette Majette's back like a juicy steak.

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