A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 154 There is definitely something wrong with you!

The wind and snow dissipated.

Wherever you look, everything is silvery white.

Lucy wrapped her scarf tightly around her face, but she still couldn't stop the cold wind from blowing into her neck.

Look to the left.

Jonny Joestar still wears short sleeves and riding pants.

Look to the right again.

Gerard Zebelin put on half-finger gloves to keep out the cold.


Are you really not cold?

Lucy complained under her breath.

At this time, Jon rode his horse close to Lucy and said with a smile: "Lucy-chan~"

For no reason, Lucy shuddered and looked wary, "What are you doing?"

"Your attitude is really chilling." Jon curled his lips, "Seeing that you are cold, I specially found a cotton coat. Do you want to wear it?"

Lucy blinked, wanting to reject the other party.

But in fact, what she said was, "Then I'm not welcome."

Girls are not resistant to freezing, this is a natural law.

It’s definitely not that she, Lucy Steele, is weak-willed!


Jon's lips curled up into a mischievous smile.

As if by magic, he took out a colorful thick cotton-padded jacket from his saddle bag.

Lucy was dumbfounded.


How do you stuff something like this into a saddlebag?

Also, this cotton coat is too ugly!


The wind blows.

Provoking goosebumps.

Lucy's celestial beings fought for tens of seconds.

In the end, I chose to compromise.

Wrapped in a thick cotton-padded jacket, Loli, a married woman, wept silently in her heart.

She always felt that she had lost something important

Jon's expression was extremely kind, like a peony flower.

After Diego is gone, someone else has to be chosen to take over.

At this moment, the souls of 'Rong Mi', 'Anna Sui' and 'Mista' are possessed. Lucy-chan is not alone, she is not fighting alone (broken sound)!


Catching a glimpse of Lucy's funny outfit, Jero burst out laughing, "Ah hahaha, what is this?"

Johnny was a little more reserved, but the slight trembling of his body fully showed his mood at this time.

Lucy's face suddenly turned red to her ears.

As if she couldn't hear the ridicule in her ears, she lowered her head and said to herself: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, the warmth is real, you bastards will freeze to death sooner or later!"

"As expected of a pink and tender fourteen-year-old girl, even swearing is so pleasing to the eye." Mr. Qiao touched his smooth chin and commented.


Honey, where are you? Woohoo, there are gangsters here!

Laughed for a while.

A group of four people came to the location marked by the ‘stigma’

——An ancient tree that is at least a hundred years old.

Johnny and Lucy's expressions changed slightly, and they said in unison, "The 'saint's body' is calling me!" "

Jon delayed for half a second, "Ah, yes, yes!"

Jero failed to notice anything strange about Jon, and said excitedly: "This means that we found this place before Fanny Valentine and Diego Brando!

Haha, after struggling for so long, we finally have a good time! "

The ‘Saint’s Eyes’ were taken away by Ferdinand and presented to the President;

A section of the ‘Saint’s Spine’ was stolen by Diego Brando.

Not counting the 'Saint's Left Arm' that Johnny got by accident, speaking of it, the 'Saint's Ears' and 'Saint's Right Arm' were the first time they had completely obtained the 'Saint's Remains'.

Jero turned over and dismounted, "Don't be stunned, look for him quickly."

Johnny and Lucy certainly had no objections.

As for Jon

Skillfully activated the paddling mode.

I wanted to search near the old tree.

Unexpectedly, an accident befell them first.

Perhaps because the cotton-padded jacket was too bulky, when Lucy turned over and dismounted, her foot slipped and she fell into the snow-covered spring.

Johnny and Jero were startled, with panic flashing across their faces.

Cold weather and cold moon.

If you fall into the water rashly, you will get something wrong from the cold!

The two of them quickly rushed to the place where Lucy fell into the water. They took a quick look and couldn't find even a bubble.

They secretly thought something was wrong.

The cotton-padded clothes absorb water. Is Lucy afraid it will just sink to the bottom?

"Johnny, don't move, I'm going to save people!"

Thinking that his good brother had weak legs and feet after all, Jero tossed his hat and dived into the water without thinking.

How could Jon make Jero stupid? With a snap of his fingers, "Space Confinement" was activated.

"Don't worry." He said, "LESSON 7" - Don't lose your cool judgment under any circumstances. "

Jero and Jonny know Jon's nature well.

Listen to this.

Is there a problem with the spring water?


Suddenly, sweet shouts rang in everyone's ears.

Looking for the sound, he saw the head of a black-haired girl sticking out of the tree, "I have an extra guest in my house. Is she your friend?"

Jonny \u0026 Jello:

So weird.

Never talk to someone easily!

The two looked at each other and secretly prepared for battle.

Unexpectedly, Jon showed great interest and jumped up the tree trunk, "I'll take a look first!"

Are Johnny and Jero stupid?

I promised not to lose my cool judgment at any time!

Without any choice.

The two had to follow Jon.

Inside the tree hole.

Sugar Mountain faced the three visiting guests and bowed respectfully, "This is the first time we meet. I am Sugar Mountain. Please give me your advice."

"Hello, little sister." Jon reached out and ruffled the legal lolita's hair.

The eyes of Johnny and Jero suddenly became strange.

Hugo Manden showed an extremely shy expression, like a frightened rabbit, "What are you doing, this guest?"

Jon smiled and said nothing.

After a pause, he asked: "By the way, you just said that there is an extra guest at home, where is she?"

Huge Manden came back to his senses and coughed lightly, "Excuse me, was the blond girl you fell into the spring just now a blond girl with a dark personality, or a blond girl with a gentle personality and a proud figure?"

In the blink of an eye, two lolita with their eyes closed appeared in front of Jon's eyes.

They look the same, even the Eastern Baihua cotton-padded jackets they wear are exactly the same.

Johnny and Jello's eyes widened as if they had seen a ghost.

Wild. Wild's stand-in messenger appears!

Jon, who was well aware of Hugo Manden's ability, did not hesitate and said directly: "The one I lost is a scheming girl, the kind who dares to ride a horse, shoot, and chop off people's heads."

Hearing this, Huge Manden showed an expression of surprise, "Well, it's so honest. In that case, I'll give you both of these two girls!"

As soon as the words fell, the two Lucys opened their eyes at the same time.

Johnny and Jello's scalps felt numb at the sight.

What's going on! ?

"What's wrong with me?" Lucy covered her head, her eyes blurred.

Turning her head, she saw a replica of herself.

The air suddenly became silent.

Three seconds later, a piercing scream echoed through the tree hole.


Lucy subconsciously took out her revolver and aimed at Lucy No. 2.

Lucy No. 2 was so frightened that she hid behind Jon, and Lihua said with rain: "Brother Jon, help me!"

Hearing this, Jon's eyes flashed, "Stop, don't hurt my sister!"


Jonny \u0026 Jello:

We can't say what's wrong.

But there is definitely something wrong with you!

Lucy Two timidly tugged on the corner of Jon's clothes and sobbed softly.

This look made Lucy's body burst into flames.

Don't do such shameless things in front of me, you bastard!

"Hey, Jero, what's going on?" Johnny whispered.

Jero swallowed, "Although I'm not sure, I think the enemy's substitute ability should be..."

Just as he was about to say something, Hugo Manden suddenly interrupted as if he was electrocuted: "Guest over there, did you fall into the spring an old cowboy hat or the latest Stetson hat?"

Jero was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered the hat he left under the tree.

Was it blown into the water by the wind?

He looked at Jon.

Jon nodded slightly.

Jero felt certain in his heart and said solemnly: "What I lost was a worn-out cowboy hat."

"Well, you are so honest. In that case, I will give you both hats." Huge Manden smiled and handed Jero a new hat and an old one.

At this point, Johnny also understood.

The girl's substitute ability should be to manifest something more advanced than the lost object that fell into the spring. As long as she answers honestly, she can get everything.

What an incredible ability!

Johnny, who was quick-witted, quickly came up with many ways to earn money.

At this moment, Mandon Hugo added: "By the way, the things you get must be used up before dark, otherwise, you will become like this sister and my parents yesterday. Part of the tree.”

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere darkened.

Jero hurried to the tree hole and looked up.

He happened to be looking into dozens of ferocious faces!

In an instant, a chill ran down his spine and into the back of his head, and he swallowed nervously.

Although Johnny didn't see the scene outside with his own eyes, he could imagine that it must not be very harmonious.

Thinking of the "saint's body", he asked: "How can it be considered used up? If it is eaten or burned, does it count as used up?"

Huge Manden shook his head, "If it is food, eating it can be regarded as 'used up', but if it is an item, it must be 'sold'." "

Jon suddenly smiled and added, "Where is that person?"

Hugo Manden:.

To be honest, this question touched on her knowledge blind spot.

Ever since the day she assumed the role of the guardian of the 'Shuge Manden Fountain', she had never encountered such a situation.

Johnny had some guesses in his mind and asked Jero for the latest Stetson hat, saying, "Little sister, can I exchange this hat for your doll?"

Hugo Manden:.

Good guy, are you stuck here?

The black-haired loli refused decisively: "No, as a guardian."

Before he finished speaking, Jon hooked his fingers, and the doll leaning in the corner flew into his hand.

Johnny gave his cousin a thumbs up.

Good job, brother!

Jon smiled back.

It’s not a big deal, brother!

Hugo Manden looked at Johnny thoughtfully, "My doll!"

Johnny didn't seem to hear anything. He pulled off the doll's right arm and threw it to Jero beside the tree hole.

Jero understood and used the "spin" technique to throw the doll's right arm straight into the water.

The power of rules takes effect.

The aggrieved Huge Manden spoke reluctantly: "You, the arm that fell into the spring just now, was the arm of the doll, or the arm left by the saint?"

Jero was overjoyed, "What I lost was a doll's arm!"

Mandon Hugo pursed his lips, "You're so honest. In that case, I'll give you both the doll's arms and the 'saint's arms'!"

"Yah!" Jero cheered.

I didn't expect this to work.

Johnny also looked happy and pulled off the two ears of the doll and threw them to Jero.

Scored twice~

Mandon Hugo was about to cry, "Did you just fall into the spring with a doll's ear or a 'saint's ear'?"

"It's a doll's ears!" Jero replied hurriedly.

"You're so honest. In that case, I'll give you both the doll's ears and the 'saint's ears'."

After saying that, ‘Guardian’ Hugo Manden shed tears of sadness.

Mom and Dad, look, they bully people!

They never expected that the saint's ears and right arm could be obtained so easily. Johnny, Lucy and Jero were overjoyed.

Jon didn't speak and quietly communicated with his substitute via voice in the team.

"The heart has inherited the 'Dimension Travel', the left arm has inherited the 'Finger Gun', the eyes have inherited the 'Power of Time and Space', the spine has inherited the 'Gate', 'Blue Dragon Form', and 'Control Element', and the ears should be 'Seeing and hearing color domineering', what is the right arm?"

[According to the experiment just now, it should be a weakened version of 'seizing authority'. This tree is like my filament, piercing into the earth and seizing the authority of this world, so it can create things out of nothing, pinch people out of thin air, and manifest all kinds of miracles. . 】

"'Seize authority', then this ability cannot be given away casually."

[Actually, it doesn’t matter. After all, it’s just the ability of the clone and cannot be put on the stage. 】

".Well, I have an idea."

【tell me the story. 】

"So and so, so and so (three hundred words are omitted here)."

[Diaozhu, to be honest, I have begun to feel sorry for Fannie Valentine. 】

The conversation ends.

Jon's consciousness returned to reality.

After pondering for a few seconds, he recalled the fate of the genuine SBR world - Jonny and Jero saw through the rules of the 'Sugar Manden Fountain' and successfully obtained the 'Saint's Remains'. The result was also because of the rules. In the end, Jonny He had to give up the "saint's body" in exchange for half a bottle of cheap wine and Gerald's life.

In the wind and snow, the two drank together, and the plot came to an end.


Very wonderful.

But it's not the tone that Jon likes.

He looked at the unhappy blind lolita 'Hugh Manden', suddenly raised his hand and stretched out countless thin threads from behind.

Although Mandon Hugo is the "Guardian" in name, in fact, he is just a sixty-six-year-old legal lolita. How can he be Jon's opponent?

The thin thread penetrated the black-haired loli's body, and Little D took over everything in an instant.

After a little probing, it found the problem and directly modified Sugar Manden's eye nerves, allowing the blind girl to regain her sight.

After finishing all this, he took back the filament and turned around gracefully, "Johnny, Jero, Lucy, let's go."

Hugo Manden stared blankly at everything in front of him, unable to regain his senses for a long time.


She actually saw the world!

With a 'pop', Hugo Manden fell to the ground, then crawled and ran towards Jon, hugging his thigh.

Lucy Two seemed a little nervous and seemed reluctant to let others come into contact with her brother Jon.

Lucy, Johnny, and Jero, look at me and I look at you.

They all fell into silence.

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