A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 152 The Bone Stealer

Winning first place again, Jero was in a great mood, and his magical singing could be heard in the entire public rest area.


Johnny subconsciously covered his face and pushed the wheelchair away from Jero.

Jon played the beat very cooperatively and couldn't help but cheer.

As for Diego and Sando

The expressions of the 'Muggle duo' were very stiff. They could neither leave nor stay. They were totally embarrassed.

Not far away, Hurt Panz looked at several people angrily and clenched his fists tightly.

If she hadn't been caught midway, her score would have been pushed up by at least four or five!

"Jonny Joestar, Jero Zebelin, let's see!" Hurt Penz took a deep look over there and left without looking back.

After a while of commotion, Jon and others replenished enough fresh water and food, got on their horses and started a new race.

"STAGE 5", from Kansas City to Chicago, the total journey is about 800 kilometers, and the estimated time is 8-10 days.

The horses are raising dust and the sound of hoofbeats is endless.

However, within half a day, the five men, who had been delayed for some time in the Kansas City public rest area, regained the lead.

They had planned to run all the way to the outpost.

Unexpectedly, someone blocked the way!


Lucy, who goes by the pseudonym ‘Luke Bandruton’, walks impartially in the middle of the road.

When everyone saw it, they quickly grabbed the reins.

"Who are you?" Jero said rudely, "Get out of the way quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lucy nervously replied: "I am Stephen Steele's wife, Lucy Steele."

As she spoke, she took out the cloth bag and said, "Please accept this "saint's body"! "


The Great Speechless Event happened.

The match organizer's beloved wife blocked the road and delivered her ashes. How could it sound so magical?

Jonny pursed his lips and was about to say something when Jon suddenly said: "This is not the place to talk. Come with me."

With that said, he pinched the horse's belly and left the main road.

Jonny and Jero had always regarded Jon as their backbone, so they didn't think much about it and just followed him on horseback.

Lucy was stunned for a moment, put away the cloth bag, and hurriedly chased after him.

Diego and Sunao looked at each other with complicated expressions, and both saw the deep desire in each other's eyes.

The coveted "saint's body" just appeared in front of him?

While they were ecstatic, a sense of unreality also arose in their hearts.

After a long time, Diego exhaled, "Let's go."

Sunao nodded.

Fifteen minutes later, a certain corn field.

Jon stared with interest at Lucy and the "saint's body" she held tightly in her arms, "Now, you can tell your story."

Lucy blinked and looked at Johnny questioningly.

To be precise, she came to seek refuge with Johnny Joestar

"What my cousin means is what I mean." Meeting Lucy's eyes, Johnny's expression remained unchanged, "We are in the same group."

"Okay." After weighing the pros and cons, Lucy chose to compromise.

Then she told her story.

Everyone was dumbfounded except Jon.

Eavesdropping, riding horses in the rain, killing people and seizing bones.

What the hell is he fourteen years old?

"I really have no choice, so I came to you." Lucy's eyes were red, and she pushed the cloth bag in her arms into Johnny's hand, "Please help me!"

Johnny was speechless.

He did intend to collect the remaining "saint's remains" before the president, but he didn't expect that it would be so easy.

Opening the cloth bag, two dark brown spines lay quietly.

Sandao and Diego swallowed involuntarily.

——‘Things that cause miracles’

——‘Things that bring good luck’

——‘Things that make wishes come true’

Right before their eyes!

Jon glanced at the two of them calmly and said deliberately: "Is this the saint's spine? Why does it feel a little shorter?"

Hearing this, Lucy's expression was a little unnatural.

In the story she told, she deliberately concealed the part of herself that was fused with the holy bones. Unexpectedly, Jon Joestar discovered it.

After pondering for a moment, she had no choice but to tell the truth.

Hearing that Lucy was actually chosen by the "Saint's Remains" and became a substitute messenger, Diego and Sunao couldn't help but feel jealous. If Johnny and others were not present, they would have wanted to separate these two sacred bones immediately and start on the road to transcendence!

Jon smiled to himself, picked up a piece of spine, and weighed it in his palms.

Feeling the breath of the real body, the "saint's body" suddenly burst out with dazzling light!

Johnny and others were shocked.

Even Lucy, who had experienced the fusion of holy bones, opened her eyes in disbelief.

What's going on? !

Johnny was the first to react and said in surprise: "Cousin, the 'Saint's Remains' chose you! "

"Really." Jon smiled and deliberately said in front of Sunao and Diego, "Then let me give it a try?"

"Of course! Hurry up!" Johnny said urgently.

Beside him, Jero was also full of excitement and urged: "Jon, don't be polite, GO! GO! GO!"

Jon smiled slightly.

This smile fell in the eyes of Sand Man and Diego, making them feel the urge to vomit blood.

Take away the "saint's body" or something like that in front of me.

Don’t do that kind of thing!

Especially Diego, who stared at the sacred bones in Jon's hand. Because he used too much force, his not-so-long nails actually penetrated into his palm, dripping with bright red blood.

"Restraint! Restraint! Restraint!" Diego shouted crazily in his heart.

Now that he is alone and weak, even if Sand Man is included, he is no match for Johnny, Jero and Jon.

A small leak will sink a great ship.


At this time, you must hold back!

"In that case, I'll be disrespectful." Jon, who was full of bad taste, grinned.

His thoughts moved slightly, and the spine in his hand suddenly disappeared.

The wind blows.

The atmosphere was dead silent.

"That's it?" Jero approached Jon, looked to the left and then to the right, speechless, "Even if a stone is thrown into the water, there will be movement. What do you think this is?"

Johnny echoed: "Yes, the 'Saint's Left Arm' gave me a lot of trouble back then. How did I end up here?"

Although Lucy didn't speak, it seemed from her expression that she had the same doubts as Johnny.

"The remains of the saint" Hey, those are the sacred bones left by the saint in the world! The fusion process should not be said to be earth-shattering, but it must also show all kinds of miracles.

Jon spread his hands and said, "People's physiques cannot be generalized. I once shoveled a tiger, threw a brown bear on my back, and caught bullets with my bare hands when I was extremely angry.

It seems very reasonable to me to quietly fuse the "saint's remains" now. "

If you want to say so.

That's really reasonable. Bullshit!

When we are three-year-old children, right?

"In short, this is what happened, and this is what the situation is." Jon lifted up his shirt, revealing his lower back without a trace of fat, "The 'saint's remains' have been fused with me, and the 'stigma' is the best proof. "

Everyone took a look.


On Jon's lower back, the same 'stigma' as Jonny's left arm appeared.


Diego's heart suddenly broke in two.

Jon, who claimed to be a pure warrior, but drifted away on the path of the tauren, glanced at Dio and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Diego shuddered.

His eyes became increasingly sharp.


It hurts so much.

Jon Joestar, why are you!

Why are you doing this to me?

Lowering his head, with dark flames burning in his chest, Diego made a decision.

No matter what, he must get the final "saint's body"!

Long nights and many dreams.

Why not, take action tonight!

The moon and stars are sparse.

Night dew and frost.

With the addition of Lucy Steele in the team, the traveling speed naturally slowed down a lot.

As a last resort, a group of six people had to camp in the wilderness.

Making fires and setting up tents, Jero was already very skilled at these things.

The newly joined Lucy took the initiative to cook for everyone in order to show that she would not hold back.

With the help of Diego, she cooked a pot of fragrant broth.

To be honest, it's not a delicacy.

But being able to drink such soup in the wild is a rare treat.

Johnny and Jello were greatly satisfied.

Had a meal and drank soup.

Through the bonfire, the six people talked about the "saint's body" and President Fanny Valentine.

In order to conceal his true purpose, Diego kept a sullen face, repeatedly emphasizing that things like the "saint's body" had nothing to do with him. He only wanted money and would leave once the danger exceeded expectations.

Johnny and Jello had no doubts about him.

I don’t blame the two of them for being too young, I can only say that Diego’s acting skills are very real.

Sunao remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Diego counted the time and quietly observed the expressions on the faces of Johnny and others.

Counting a thousand breaths silently, Johnny was the first to be unable to hold on and fell asleep, followed by Jero, Lucy, and Jon who seemed to be the most difficult to handle.

"It's done!" Diego was overjoyed.

While giving Lucy a hand, he deliberately put some tranquilizer into the soup.

When people are tired and horses are exhausted, even the substitute messenger cannot withstand the physiological reaction.

Dio-chan’s big victory~

"I finally got a chance!"

Diego was excited and nervous.

Stepping over the sleeping people, he ducked into Johnny's tent, rummaged around, and successfully found the last 'saint's spine'.

However, before he could get excited, a faint voice suddenly came from behind him, "What are you doing?"

Diego suddenly broke into a cold sweat and was so frightened that he almost threw away the "saint's body" in his hand.

He turned his head stiffly and swallowed, just in time to meet Sandao's wolf-like eyes.

"It's you." Diego laughed dryly, "I thought you were asleep."

"Do you think I didn't see you put medicine in the soup?" Sand Man stared at Diego, "Johnny Joestar and the others don't know anything about you, but I know everything about you."

"It's just some tranquilizers." Diego's expression remained unchanged, "Don't I think you are working too hard, and I want you to have a good sleep."

Naturally, Sand Man would not believe Diego's words, and said concisely: "Here, give me the "saint's body"! "

"Keep your voice down!" Diego lowered his voice, "Be careful to wake up Johnny Joestar and the others!"

Rolling his eyes, he changed the subject, "Do you still remember our agreement to help each other find the holy bones? However, there is only one holy bone now, which is not enough for us to share. Why not leave here now and form a team to go to the next location. ?”

Sunao nodded, "Okay, give me the "Saint's Remains", and then I will help you get the other parts. "

How can the duck be given away? Diego refuses without thinking.

At this moment, a warm current came from his palm.

Diego reacted instantly and changed his words: "Yes, I will give you these holy bones, but not now. When I leave here, I will hand over the "saint's body" to you with my own hands. "

Although he was extremely reluctant, Sunao knew that if things got serious, neither Diego nor he would be able to reap the benefits, so he had to temporarily agree to Diego's request.

The two quietly took away their luggage and horses, and plunged into the endless night.

However, Diego and Sando, who were nervous and afraid that Jonigello would wake up, did not realize that there was always a pair of smiling eyes watching their every move.

Running fast and running wildly.

Diego and Sand Man finally left the camp where Johnny and others were.

They came to a small river and stopped at the same time.

Sunao, who was covered in sweat, said: "Now, you can hand over the "Saint's Remains" to me. "

When Diego heard this, he laughed first, then laughed, and in the end, he laughed wildly!

A hint of ferocity flashed across his handsome face, "You despicable poor man, are you worthy of talking to me, Lord Dio, on an equal footing?!"

Sunao had already anticipated this, so he used his legs and rushed towards Diego like an arrow from a string.

I can't beat Jonny Joestar and Jello Zeppelin, but I can't beat you?

Staring at the sand man who was getting closer and closer to him, Diego suppressed a smile.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Sunao jumped up and hit Diego in the face with his powerful fist.

'boom! ’

There was a muffled sound.

A pained expression flashed across Sunao's face.

Immediately, his pupils shrank.

"That's all you have?" Diego, whose face was covered with blue scales, grinned with a big mouth full of fangs and sneered: "I don't want to go too far, but your attack is really painless. .”

"You!" Sunao was shocked, "You got a substitute?!"

"Hahahaha!" Longhua Diego laughed wildly, and his blond hair was suddenly stained with thick ink.

In Sunao's horrified eyes, his body continued to expand, but in the blink of an eye he exceeded three meters.

Diego's beloved horse 'Silver Bullet' felt the pressure of the blue dragon, and his limbs softened and he knelt on the ground. Diego the Dragonman suddenly flew into the sky and spat out a scorching ray at Sand Man!

'call out! ’

The power of the green dragon is far beyond what humans can stop.

As expected, Sand Man's body was penetrated by the dragon's breath, and he fell on his back helplessly, dying with his eyes open.

And Diego was like swatting an insect to death, and touched the long dragon horns on his head with an expressionless face, "This kind of invincible power is really awesome."

Somehow, he suddenly remembered Dr. Ferdinand and his substitute who could turn people into dinosaurs.

Diego murmured: "Since you are dead, this name belongs to me, Lord Dio.

From now on, my stand-in will be the ‘Scary Monsters’! "

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