A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 149 The winner, Johnny Joestar!

Till death.

Lin Ke’s words are chilling!

Johnny didn't say anything, just stared at his opponent quietly with an indifferent expression.

The wind blows.

The scene was silent.

At this moment, the countdown sounded.

"Three two. One!"

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

Claw rounds and bullets are fired at the same time.

Lin Ke and Qiao Ni were almost mirror images, using their free hands to protect their respective vitals.

Ammo exhausted.

They both fell to the ground at the same time

——This time, it ended in a draw again.

Lin Ke's face was bloodless, but his eyes were frighteningly bright.

He smiled and turned the dial with difficulty.

‘Buzz. ’

"Time" flows backwards, and all injuries disappear.

"I didn't expect you to take the same action as me." Lin Ke looked at Johnny with admiration, "Get ready, the third round is about to begin."

"Yeah." Johnny nodded.

Lin Ke took a deep breath and raised his pistol, "Come on, let's continue fighting."

Three. Two. One!

The duel begins again!

Johnny fired the claw bullet immediately, and then his body fell backwards, lying flat on the horse;

After Lin Ke fired two experimental bullets, he pounced to the side without hesitation.

Their attacks failed one after another.

With no time to react, Qiongni and Lin Ke adjusted their bodies and continued to fire at each other.

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

The bullet struck Johnny in the left shoulder.

The claw bullet hit Lin Ke's flank.

The result of this duel was still a loss for both sides.

Lin Ke coughed and vomited blood.

However, he did not activate the 'Men's Domain' to reverse time.

Instead, he raised his pistol tremblingly, "Johnny Joestar, you lose."

Through observation, he discovered that although Johnny's fingernails on his left and right hands could fire, it would take some time to change his hands to aim.

In other words, as long as the opponent changes hands and shoots at the same time, you will definitely win!

'boom! ’

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Bullets fired rapidly.

Hit Johnny square in the forehead.

Johnny fell from his horse with a crash.


Jero was anxious and rushed over without thinking.

Seeing this, Jon pointed his finger and activated the 'space confinement'.

"Don't worry," he said, "let the claws fly for a while."

Jero:? ? ?

I was about to ask.

Suddenly, a faint buzzing of insects sounded in his ears.

This voice was all too familiar to him.

Jero suddenly looked towards the battlefield.

However, he saw that the claw bullet that had missed before circled in the air and flew back strangely!

Lin Ke turned around as if feeling something, but was hit in the chest by a claw bullet.

Jero suddenly realized, "The power of rotation!"


What was applied to the claw bullets was Zero's "spin" technique.

Lin Ke was on the verge of death and seriously injured.

As he lay dying, he had no choice but to turn the dial again.

Turn back time.

Jonny Joestar, resurrected!

"It seems that my plan was successful." Johnny touched his intact forehead and said solemnly: "Continue."


Lin Ke's hand holding the revolver shook even more.

The fear of death, the yearning for the realm of the ‘Holy God’, and the admiration for the enemy

Many complex emotions turned into a cup of bitter wine and was poured down the throat.

He wanted to use his other hand to stabilize his shooting action, but as soon as the idea came up, Lin Ke himself rejected it.

The action of holding a gun with one hand is a must. After several trials at the cost of death, both he and Johnny Joestar opposite him are growing rapidly.

If you hold a gun with both hands, there is no doubt that it is equivalent to surrendering and giving up your life!


Diego and Sunao watched with horror.

So cruel.

Jonny Joestar, Linko Roedegan.

Those two guys are crazy!

Jon seemed to hear the thoughts of the two of them and smiled, "Fighting each other based on your own beliefs is the most romantic thing in the world."

Diego \u0026 Sand Man:.


Romantic hammer.

What you said sounds like you have a serious illness.

Jon added: "If money, reputation, and status were the bet, Diego, you would do more ruthlessly than Jonny.

In the same way, if your family's land is a bet, Sunao, you will be more desperate than Lin Ke. "

Turning his head, he looked at the two of them, "Am I right?"

Diego and Sunao fell into silence.

Jon didn't care and turned his attention back to the duel between Jonny and Lin Ke.

Things have developed to this point, and there is no need for outsiders to count down the time.

Johnny and Lin Ke stared at each other.

They had a tacit understanding and said in unison: "Start!"

The words fall.

Claw rounds and bullets collided in the air.

In the fourth duel, Qiao Ni and Lin Ke adopted the same strategy

——Defense instead of attack!

In the blink of an eye, five bullets and five claw rounds shattered simultaneously.

Lin Ke's eyes flashed.

The sixth bullet is the bullet that establishes victory.

In this position, Jonny Joestar had no time to change hands!

Johnny gritted his teeth, and a weak arc of electricity rippled across his body.

The arc of electricity went down his unconscious legs to the soles of his feet.

"it's over!"

Lin Ke shot the last bullet.

His prediction was good, Johnny really didn't have time to change hands.


In Lin Ke's horrified eyes, a rotating claw bullet flew out from Johnny's left foot in the stirrup.

'boom! ''boom! ’

Lin Ke, who thought he had a chance to win, was shot immediately.

On the other side, Johnny, who had no time to dodge, was also accurately hit by his opponent's fatal shot.

In the fourth duel, there was still no winner between the two sides.

"Hmm." Jero swallowed nervously.

The next second.

The two people in the field returned to their intact appearance.

Lin Ke said in a complicated tone: "Johnny Joestar, I have never underestimated you, but you still bring me too many surprises."

He took a deep breath, "I guess I have to say thank you."

Johnny raised the corners of his mouth, "It's me who should thank you. If it weren't for you, my spirit and consciousness wouldn't have grown so fast."

As he spoke, he looked at Jon outside the court.

Only now did he finally understand why Jon insisted that he duel with Lin Ke.

Closing his eyes, Johnny murmured to himself: "'LESSON 3' - The stronger the mental power, the stronger the substitute's ability. In short, just believe in the substitute."

Cousin Jon, this is what you want to tell me. "

Opening his eyes suddenly, Johnny's aura suddenly rose.

In the eyes of stand-ins like Jero and Lin Ke, Johnny's body was strangely ignited with beating golden flames at this moment!

"Believe in the substitute and believe in yourself."

After experiencing four lives and deaths, Johnny's spirit has been perfectly transformed.

The pink 'teeth' lay on the left shoulder of the main body, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the body.

In the span of more than ten breaths, 'Ya''s image has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only is his body much larger, but his face is not as cute as before.

"Lin Ke Rod Egan." Johnny said sincerely, "Thank you."

“You’re welcome, it’s nice to see you on the road to becoming a real man. "Lin Ke nodded slightly.

Diego and Sandao didn't know what was happening and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? What happened?!"

Jon took good care of the two 'Muggles' and patiently explained: "Johnny's spirit has been transformed, and the substitute has evolved accordingly."



Can the double evolve?

Diego and Sando seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Jero waved his fist, "GO! Johnny! GO! GO!"

Johnny did not respond to his friend, but just stared at Lin Ke quietly, "You will die in the fifth duel."

"Well, I know." Lin Ke showed Johnny his trembling hands, "Whenever I encounter a strong enemy, I can't help but tremble."

After pondering for a moment, he added: "Fear is an innate instinct of human beings. Johnny Joestar, you are a respectable opponent and a terrible enemy."

'Honourable opponent, formidable enemy'

This is Lin Ke's evaluation of Johnny.

Johnny twitched his lips, "I just want to change from a negative number to zero."

"That's it." Lin Ke expressed understanding, "I wish you success."

Johnny nodded.

Then, they didn't speak anymore and waited silently for a certain time.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

Familiar expressions, familiar voices.

Claw bullets and bullets were shot at Johnny's forehead and Lin Ke's heart respectively!

Johnny seemed to have seen through the enemy's strategy and raised his hands to protect his cheeks.

Lin Ke moved quickly, trying to avoid the spinning claw bullet.

Unexpectedly, the 'bullet hole' punched by Johnny suddenly moved quickly and climbed up Lin Ke's calf.


As soon as this idea came to his mind, Johnny's spinning claw bullets arrived.

Lin Ke's left foot was severed by a claw bullet and he immediately lost his ability to move!

"It's not over yet!" Lin Ke yelled.

The paler his face became, the brighter his eyes became.

These difficulties are the steps on the road to "manhood".


The last bullet went straight to Johnny's throat.

It turns out that the previous attacks were all feints, and the last shot was the real killing move!

Raising his hands to protect his face, Johnny's sight must have been obstructed. It can be said that Lin Ke bet everything on this one shot!


Johnny seemed to have expected this.

"Ripple sprint!"

At the critical moment of life and death, Johnny's ripple power also improved significantly. The blood dripping from the arm rippled, forming a thin film on the body surface.

The bullet hit successfully, but failed to kill Johnny. Instead, it embedded itself in his throat.

Johnny struggled to raise his bullet-riddled hand and fired the claw bullets with trembling.

Claw round.

It reflected Lin Ke's calm face.

it's over.

This ‘shot’ is called Good Night.

'boom! ’

The claw bullet hit Lin Ke squarely between the eyebrows.

The duel came to an end.


——Jonny Joestar!


Johnny won the final victory.

However, he was not very happy. Instead, a trace of imperceptible sadness flashed in his eyes.

When Jon saw it, he shook Hurt Penz in his hand and said, "How long are you going to pretend? My cousin is injured. If you help him heal, I will let you go."

"Asshole." Hurt Panz opened his eyes and said in a bad tone: "Don't even think about it!"

"Are you sure?" Jon smiled, his smile meaningful.

Hurt Panz suddenly shuddered, "I'm warning you not to mess around!"

"I don't want to mess around, so you'd better be obedient." Johnny put Hurt Panz down, "Go and do what you should do."

Hurt Penz's face turned blue and red.

In the end, he had no choice but to walk up to Johnny and reluctantly summoned the substitute 'Frost Traveler'.

The conversation between Jon and Hurt Penz was not a betrayal. Jonny knew what the other party wanted.

'laugh. ’

Flesh-colored spray filled the air, and Johnny's injuries quickly improved.

After doing all this, Hurt Panz covered his slightly atrophied right arm and left without looking back.

Jonny didn't care and drove his horse back to Jon and Zero.

"Well done!" Jero gave Johnny a thumbs up, "You are indeed a man I recognize!"

Johnny pursed his lips in disinterest and turned to look at Jon, "Cousin, your substitute can also reverse time, right?"

When these words came out, Diego and Sunao involuntarily pricked up their ears.

Jon pretended not to see it and responded: "Yes."

"Then can you save that guy?" Johnny pointed to Lin Ke lying over there, "People like him shouldn't die in my hands."

Jon shook his head, "Johnny, he is a true "man" who fights with others with the determination to die. Five duels, five life and death fights. You use your lives as a bet and fight for your own beliefs. This is the best ending.

Resurrecting Linko Rod Egen was not a redemption for him, but an insult, an insult to the "man". "

Jon felt that if Lin Ke was resurrected by going back in time without authorization, he would probably, after figuring out the situation, solemnly thank himself and Johnny, and then continue to commit suicide by shooting himself.

Hearing this, Johnny was silent for a few seconds and gently closed his eyes.

He wanted to keep this respectable opponent in his heart.

Hundreds of kilometers away, Kansas City.

Lucy Steele held up the telescope and quietly observed every move in the Provisional Presidential Palace across the street.

In the room by the window, President Fannie Valentine was talking to his secretary.

Relying on her newly learned lip reading, Lucy translated sentence by sentence.

President: Dr. Ferdinand and Sand Man still haven’t replied, something must have happened.

Secretary: Be patient, Mr. President, maybe there was just a little accident. I believe in Dr. Ferdinand’s ability.

President: There is no doubt about the doctor’s loyalty and ability, but you have to know that the enemy he has to face is Johnny Joestar who is carrying the “saint’s body”!

"Saint's remains"? !

Lucy's heart moved.

Secretary: If you are worried, you can ask Blackmore to go and investigate.

President: I don’t want to move Blackmore right now. He is still discovering the ‘Saint’s Spine’ outside Kansas City.

Alas, in the final analysis, it is the old guy Stephen Steele who is so useless that makes it so difficult to recover the remains.

Secretary: Anyway, he is just a chess piece. If he does not serve us obediently, there are people who can replace him. Mr. President, please be patient.

Lucy:! ! !

My husband, Stephen Steele, is actually just a dispensable pawn in the heart of the president?

Lucy subconsciously felt angry.

But then, a chill filled her heart.

The couple has no power to fight against the government.


She doesn't want to sit still and wait for death!

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